Just a quick reminder. I will be speaking with Jay Ackroyd tonight on Virtually Speaking at 9:00pm Eastern time.
We are looking forward to talking about the following:
- Status report on the enrollment stituation (preview — it’s good and things are working well)
- Shopping for health insurance — why is it complex and what can be done to simplify things
- Cost curves
- What’s next for health insurance — see my post yesterday on how not being stupid is brilliant policy
I enjoyed speaking with Jay last year, and I am looking forward to speaking with him tonight. You should listen in.
Good luck. All good topics.
ETA: maybe we could do a liveblog during your appearance? Would be cool for those who can’t listen in real time …
richard mayhew
@Elizabelle: I’ll try to keep a liveblog thread open, but I am limited in my multi-tasking abilities.
Maybe just put up a blogpost and your loyal listeners can type and comment away as you speak? Does not have to be “liveblog” per se … normal thread will be fine. You know it will have some music links and maybe a pet anecdote in it. Per usual.
My oldest is performing tonight at 7:00 so I don’t know if we will be back in time for me to hear your interview. Will it be recorded?
And Peter Pan live is on at 8!!!!!
Good luck. Spread that information.
With Christopher Walken as Hook. Genius.
@MomSense: We’ll see if he can outdo Cyril Ritchard.
@MomSense: Here’s the whole original, it will always be black and white to me.
@MomSense: Oh Christopher Walken. Now my niece will love this (years from now). Heck I know every word to Frozen. Singing it right with her. All six of her.
I can’t wait until she is older. Hey here is some Pulp Fiction kid what do you think of that?
@Tommy: Those commie rats.
@raven: Oh and my favorite thing, True Romance:
That was great. I will have to remember to watch it with my youngest.
I did like the Robin Williams as Pan, too.
From previous thread: Mashable has a screen capture of the St Louis County police Facebook page and tweet concerning the death of 12 year old Tamir Rice. Here’s the tweet:
The FB link is a longer read complete with pictures. Of course, the popo (as my daughter calls them) are claiming that someone hacked both their FB page and twitter account. They are “investigating”.
Richard, I know politics is not your thing but wonder if you’ve seen the op-ed at the NYTimes by Thomas B. Edsall titled: “Is Obamacare Destroying the Democratic Party?” I swear that ‘s the exact title. I didn’t use one of my 10 free clicks at the Times to see if the piece lived up to its title. Plus I’m not really a fan of Mr. Edsall.
Ooops, I just checked his bio on google and he is truly a conservative. I shuda known.