The non-indictments of the cops responsible for killing Mike Brown and Eric Garner have continued to spark unrest around the country and Berkeley, California, has been no different. A huge protest on Saturday and continuing protests the last couple of days have resulted in arrests, broken store windows, images of more police violence, and the shutting down of the Freeway and BART:
As hundreds of protesters began marching through downtown Berkeley, the unrest that marked protests Saturday night was touched off again as someone smashed the window of a Radio Shack. When a protester tried to stop growing vandalism, he was hit with a hammer, Officer Jennifer Coats said.
Team Blackness discussed the imagery and co-option of this protest and how it compares to what is going on in Ferguson and New York. The show also covered racism within the Secret Service, resisting arrest rates within the NYPD, and Walmart taking a stand on the violence in Grand Theft Auto–but only in Australia.
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Despite all the awful events, there is some good news from South Carolina (of all places): South Carolina indicted three white cops in four months, and it’s probably not a coincidence
I swear this post did not appear on BJ’s front page for me when I first saw Zandar’s post above. Odd.
I wonder how the movement will survive the rain..
Can you set up a stream to use the cell phones to do a massive distributed voice?
I don’t believe a word they say. If it’s a police spokesman, it’s arguably a lie by omission if nothing else. Confirmation from a 20-something bearded guy in skinny jeans and a wool hoodie carrying a wet bandana is required as they are much more reliably honest.