Ben Carson has a new ad out:
Like Donald J. Trump, Ben Carson, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate, has defied the pundits and establishment prognosticators by unapologetically running as a political outsider.
A new television ad by the Carson campaign aims to capitalize on his unusual experience and style of campaigning.
The 30-second spot, which is airing in the Greenville, S.C., market, features Mr. Carson, in a suit, standing next to an empty cardboard box that says “Washington political class” on one side and a sketch of the Capitol on another.
“I’m Ben Carson and I’m running for president,” he says. “The political class and their pundit buddies say: ‘Impossible. He’s too outside the box.’ Well, they do know impossible. Impossible to balance the budget, impossible to get border security, impossible to put aside partisanship.”
He continues: “I’m Ben Carson, I’m running for president, and I’m very much outside the box.”
Then, turning to the box, Mr. Carson concludes, “There must be a good idea in there somewhere.”
We’ll know how bad things are for the GOP when Nooners and the like start publicly writing columns trying to convince themselves and us that a Carson presidency won’t be too bad.
Needed more demon sheep.
schrodinger's cat
Please put Carson in a box and send him away. Kthx bai. He makes everyone else in the clown car seem sane.
I like using that phrasing: Schrodinger’s ________
For example, Schrodinger’s Choice: Whatever choice you make, the choice you didn’t make was the better option.
OT, but too good to wait:
Fort Wayne, Indiana: Dog Named Trigger Shoots Owner While Hunting via DKos:
(Apologies if this has already been posted in a previous thread.)
Tom Levenson
Meanwhile, as I sit waiting for some help at the Apple Store, without time to write out the full rant, holy sweet baby Jeebus’s favorite uncle has Maureen Dowd defecated the bed again. While I take second place to no one in my loathing for, and sense of the damage done by David Brooks, Maureen Dowd is her own special genus of wasted space — and the most valuable real estate in American media at that.
Why oh why can’t we have even a merely horrible press/pundit corps?
The scary thing is that should he win the nomination, Ben Carson is guaranteed to win the votes of almost half of all Americans. We are surrounded by crazy people.
Chauncey Neurosurgeon.
Awesome title, John.
@beltane: Alan Keyes would still get like 42%-44% of the vote.
@Tom Levenson: Can you give a summary of your issue?
that sounds like a good ad that will appeal to people who hate politics; hopefully the visual look of it is bad.
Carson’s opinions as circulated in the media make me wonder about his ability to size things up.
This could lead to real strange outcomes if given a complex problem outside his training.
@redshirt: I miss Alan Keyes in the Republican debates. He was very…lively.
The punchline: “Reached for comment, the Carson campaign said the spot had aired mistakenly a few times, and was not officially scheduled to hit the airwaves for another week or two.”
Mike J
@Tom Levenson: Somebody needs to get her some more brownies.
Thank goodness it was the nitwit herself and not somebody nearby, e.g., a kid being shown how to hunt “the right way.”
In other unrelated news hey moms, you know how you inherit insanity from your kids? Chin up, it looks like you also inherit better health!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tom Levenson: @redshirt: The Biden story? Given how long it dragged on, I kind of doubt that Dowd’s column came out of the blue. If Dowd wanted to burn her source, I’d bet fifty bucks it was Dick Harpootlian
ETA: not that I want to defend MoDo, who long ago jumped the shark and is now swimming with Peggy Noonan’s Magic Dolphins
@Tom Levenson: Please elaborate, the suspense is killing me.
I will never forget reading Dowd’s first column in the NYT, right after she took over from Anna Quindlen whose work I used to read religiously. I was more ashamed than disgusted, feeling that MoDo was making all women look bad, like petty-minded nitwits. Now I am older and I just ignore her completely.
Omnes Omnibus
I call bullshit. I am the elder child. So there.
@trollhattan: this does not increase any maternal instincts I have.
I think the political class is thinking “he’s black, so one party won’t vote for him, he’s a right wing lunatic, so the other party won’t vote for him, so what are we scared of?” I suspect the political class is right for once.
There is not a single fucking thing about your politics that sets you apart from the rest of the dirty dozen.
@trollhattan: Mommy’s little parasite.
@beltane: Big problem with Dowd is that all too often she seems like emotionally she’s still stuck in high school. Her blatant bias against Hillary is so petty that at times it seems like she’s one of the Plastics sniping back at an old friend who stole her boyfriend way back when.
It was very nice to see Biden say the whole “Beau begged me to run from his deathbed” story she peddled was full of crap.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
On topic:
Do bipartisanship-fetishists realize that the two most bipartisan achievements of the last twenty years (as far as I can recall) were the repeal of Glass-Stegal and the Iraq War?
@gf120581: Dowd is a JV Heather who never got the call up to the big time.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Soon to add “the shredding of the social safety net” and spying on everyone.
@Renie: Hopefully it might those people to pay attention to what he actually says. Nothing says “put aside partisanship” like comparing Obamacare to slavery, or proposing cutting off funding to universities where faculty say things the Carson administration doesn’t approve of.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gimlet: Oh ffs.
It’s not safe to let some people think outside of the box; they are liable to do crazy things like run around naked in traffic. Ben Carson is one of those people.
@JGabriel: My SIL is from there!
Roger Moore
Sponge Ben Crazypants.
Patricia Kayden
“impossible to put aside partisanship.”
But doesn’t the red meat base among Republicans love partisanship? Don’t they punish their politicians who commit the great sin of compromise?
@gussie: So the ad itself is prematurely out of the box. Alrighty then.
@Tom Levenson:
To save the rest of you from having to lay eyeballs on Dowd’s Oct 24th Column where she shat the bed, the opening two sentences of Dowd’s column tells you all you need to know about it:
Mark B.
Well, it’s not the worst political commercial I’ve ever seen, but it’s not bad enough to be entertaining like Fiorina’s demon sheep ad was. Yeah, there’s a box. Carson’s not inside it. He speaks softly with a slight lisp about the box and how he’s not in it. That’s it. I know it’s only a 30 second ad, but I was bored halfway through it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Patricia Kayden:
Which is odd itself, since they were keeping it in a gift bag.
@cmorenc: Maureen Dowd must have been a very unpleasant person in high school. She is like a more intelligent version of Sarah Palin.
Is it an open thread yet?
AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott hinted Monday he plans to ramp up the fight against so-called “sanctuary cities,” telling the Dallas County sheriff that the state “must pass laws” to prohibit them.
The sheriff, Lupe Valdez, announced this month that her deputies no longer will comply with federal requests to detain immigrants in the country illegally if her office does not find them to be a significant public safety risk. In a letter to Valdez, Abbott decried the policy, saying it “poses a serious danger to Texans” and may necessitate state action.
“Your refusal to fully participate in a federal law enforcement program intended to keep dangerous criminals off the streets leaves the state no choice but to take whatever actions are necessary to protect our fellow Texans,” Abbott wrote.
Potential actions, he wrote, include passing laws to prohibit any policy that promotes sanctuary to people in the country illegally or to require sheriff’s departments to honor federal immigration detainer requests; amending the Tort Claims Act to ensure counties are responsible for actions of immigrants in the country illegally who are released; and “evaluating the extent to which local taxpayers should foot the bill for local decisions that increase costs for Texas’ health and education systems.”
Mark B.
@beltane: To be fair, I could put glasses on my housecat and have a more intelligent version of Sarah Palin.
Didn’t Bill Clinton balance the budget?
Omnes Omnibus
@Mark B.: Why are the glasses necessary?
@Mark B.: Even a housecat cannot aspire to be as catty as Palin or Dowd.
Mark B.
@Omnes Omnibus: To make her look like Sarah. And I think the cat is a little nearsighted.
Iowa Old Lady
@Ol’Froth: Ran a surplus. Pundits were fretting about what eliminating the debt would do to the economy.
I can’t wait to hear David Brooks promoting Ben Carson.
@Iowa Old Lady: I stand corrected!
“impossible to put aside partisanship”
If anyone thinks Ben Carson will somehow magically transcend partisanship, they are more deluded/more foolish than he is.
Ben Carson is the GOTea’s Black Friend. They’ll vote for him to prove how “not racist” they are even while they continue to shit on every other black person in America.
@beltane: @beltane: I think St. MoDo, Patron Saint of Perpetual Petulance, was stood up by Bill Clinton on prom night.
Schrödinger’s Cab Ride: you can’t know if you made it or not, since you never took the trip.
Schrödinger’s Pity Party: you’ll never know if you felt better afterward, because you never told anyone about it.
Mark B.
@Iowa Old Lady: Yep, that was one of the rationales that Bush used for his ruinous tax cuts directed at rich people. To solve the dangerous issue of the government paying off its debt. What’s good or bad depends on who’s in office at the time.
@gussie: Lots of “mistakes” going on with the Carson campaign…like calling me who has never been registered as anything but a Democrat. Who did they pay to call people who would never in a million years vote for their candidate?
Iowa Old Lady
@Bex: They call me too. But then I live in Iowa. Everyone calls me. It’s possible John McCain is still calling me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bex: You voted for a black guy before….
Putting aside partisanship? Is that what Carson really says he is all about?
Given how partisan Carson is, and given how he wants to do things like criminalizing abortion and weaponize the Department of Education to go after political correctness in the classroom … what does Carson really mean?
Maybe he means making all domestic dissent go away, by crushing political force, and essentially “putting aside partisanship” at police gunpoint?
Don’t treat this guy as a joke. He isn’t.
Steeplejack (phone)
And here’s the link to Dowd’s column. It’s way, way out there, even for Dowd.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): I clicked on it. I am going to read it now. I believe I am making a grave error. Someone stop me.
ETA: You’re a a buncha bastards – except for Tom Levenson who is good people.
Tom Levenson
@redshirt: My phone: the mic didn’t work on the warranty replacement phone I got on Saturday.
Dowd: I can’t even…
Tom Levenson
@Omnes Omnibus: Stop. Let me take this one for the team.
Mike J
@Bex: That’s why he’s spending 54 cents per dollar raised to bring in money.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tom Levenson: Too late.
@Tom Levenson: Can’t help you with that one.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mark B.: @Ol’Froth: Yeah, that’s all just been dumped in the memory hole, so politicians and pundits can talk about how we haven’t balanced the budget since some long ago time.
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
I play Schrodinger’s Fantasy Football (whichever player you choose will stink and any player going against you will have their game of the season) and let me tell you: I wish I chose otherwise.
WRT the ad: Did anyone else flashback to The American President and Richard Dreyfus saying “I’m ??? and I’m running for president.” And then have wish we had someone who could repeat Michael Douglas saying “I’m [Andrew Shepard] and I am the president.” ETA: Too bad Obama is term limited.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I’d love to know what Carson, and people in Carson’s campaign, have told each other at times when nobody else was around. At the beginning, I bet it was, “Yeah, well, we all know I can’t win anything, but after a run I can make even more money giving speeches and writing for shit outlets like World Nut Daily. Anybody who signs onto this pointless (as far as practical politics go) campaign can hop aboard the train to Wingnut City with me, and get rich!”
As this undertaking has worn on, I’m wondering if some of these people aren’t seriously thinking that they might have a shot at winning the nomination by now, though. “Shit! Could we really win this thing? I don’t know why not. Let’s just keep going with it and see how far we can ride it! Either we win, or we fall by the wayside sooner or later, but it’s looking a lot more like later than sooner, if at all, and the longer this thing lasts, the better set we’re all going to be when it ends! Sweet!”
@gogol’s wife: We need to have a top ten worst pundit competition, with voting.
sm*t cl*de
“We have to start thinking, have groupthink in this country,” Carson said in response to a question from the crowd about unfunded entitlement liabilities.
“We need to maximize the potential of all our people if we’re going to be able to compete in the future. So we have to start thinking corporately as an entity.”
Mark B.
@Gimlet: Texas politics is fucked. It’s now essentially a one-party state, but since the economy is going to hell with declining oil prices, the only prosperous places are places like Austin, which are decidedly liberal, but who have very little influence because of gerrymandering. In order to keep people riled up and distracted from their mismanagement of state government, Texas Republican politicians have decided to keep coming up with weird attacks against the U.S. government to have something to show to their constituents. Actually governing is hard work, and is pretty much not something they’re suited to do, they’d rather tell the citizens that government is bad and a failure, and when they make it fail, they are vindicated by their own failure.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Normally I wouldn’t be an enabler, but this column was one for the record books. That that was what she took away from Hillary’s Benghazi committee marathon.
@RaflW: I think people are missing out on what Carson means by “putting aside partisanship.” He means the nasty Republican leadership and the virtuous Tea Party coming together to do what the Tea Party demands. He’ll get the GOP elites to put aside partisanship and do what they’re told.
What? You think he’s talking about Democrats? Ha!
@Steeplejack (phone):
The problem is that there is no such thing as Peak Dowd.
Mark B.
@NonyNony: Maybe’s got in mind a final solution for the problem of partisan rancor.
Shaun King ✔ @ShaunKing
The full video of the Spring Valley High School Police Officer brutally assaulting a peaceful student.
Shaun King ✔ @ShaunKing
Yep. The Sheriff’s Office just told me that this was because the student was being “verbally disruptive” in class & “resisted arrest”.
4:30 PM – 26 Oct 2015
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
This is where I mention once again that at the age of 12, I successfully completed a hunter education course and outscored all of the adult men in the class, which my dad bragged about until the end of his life.
As I remember it, it was mostly “How Not To Die Of Stupidity In The Woods.”
@Steeplejack (phone): yep. I can’t…where? Yes. What? Is she in Denver again?
Bill Gates goes Commie:
Cries of “KILL THE HERETIC!!!” will waft from the WSJ in …. 4 …. 3 …. 2 ….
I haven’t watched Caron’s ad, but from the above description of it, it doesn’t sound awful — it could actually be effective and conveys a simple but powerful idea. That said, Carson is not just outside the box, but is rummaging around in the trash for ideas that others discarded because they were terrible.
Listen to Nate Silver on this one.
Ben Carson is an incompetent neurosurgeon who left surgical sponges in his patients’ brains. Carson has never been elected to any political office. Carson’s polls are meaningless, because at this early point in a presidential campaign, polls are proxies for name recognition.
Ben Carson is going nowhere. Ignore him.
The more you listen to the horserace pundit commentary and look at the polls at this point, 12 months away from the actual election day, the more you will confuse and mislead yourself.
Omnes Omnibus
@BR: Leslie Caron has an ad?
Couldn’t help myself, sorry.
Chris Hayes is going to talk about the video after the commercial break.
Nelly B @psddluva4evah
WATCH: S. Carolina cop brutally throws high school girl to the ground for ‘not leaving class’ …
5:02 PM – 26 Oct 2015
@Omnes Omnibus: so you have the cells of your younger siblings in you!
oh, wait…..
@Bex: Same here. I’ve gotten robo class from his campaign multiple times.
After several commercial breaks.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oops. Too late to edit.
Omnes Omnibus
@BR: We’ve all done it and at least you brought up visions of something far more attractive than Carson’s candidacy.
Southern Beale
OT but anyone know of any good animal rescue groups in Georgia? Friend is dealing with a cat hoarding case in her community.
Keith G
Funny writing on the script.
Good for him as humor might be the only way that he can improve his chances of being president from very microscopic to mostly microscopic.
Great Ad, please take time to put up his beltway insider running the show.
Hungry Joe
GOP House members want to “end partisanship” while at the same time all but declaring that compromise is treason.
Actually, there’s a solution: The Democrats just have to go along with everything the GOP wants. See? No more partisanship. And if the Dems don’t get with this program, they’re being obstructionist.
This politics stuff is easy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
zellie @zellieimani 47m47 minutes ago
Currently, #BenFields is facing a lawsuit in federal court accusing him of violating the civil rights of a student at #SpringValleyHigh
zellie @zellieimani 47m47 minutes ago
The lawsuit claim #BenFields, “recklessly targets African-American students with allegations of gang membership and criminal gang activity.”
zellie @zellieimani 44m44 minutes ago
Just to be clear, #Benfields is facing a lawsuit from a student for a previous incident. A trial is scheduled to begin on January 27, 2016.
There probably isn’t much that Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama have in common except for making Maureen Dowd a persona non grata during their administrations. And I can’t say I blame any of them. Her Clinton rants were unhinged. The W. pop psychology stuff was embarrassing, and her Obambi schtick is and was creepy. As a women, she makes me cringe and wonder how such a mean girl teenybopper is allowed to occupy such a high perch in American journalism.
Omnes Omnibus
Ivy League degrees?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
So are they coming up with any kind of excuse for this, or are we all supposed to nod and say, Well, of course you have to beat a teenage girl up if she won’t get up from her desk!
Woo-hoo! Let’s all work up an outside the box platform!
1) Anyone named Fred or Phyllis is exempt from taxes for 5 years.
2) Jobs will be created (and propriety enforced) by manufacturing and installing a giant condom for the Washington Monument.
3) As their owners must spend time and money exercising Constitutional rights, firearms will now be classified as dependents.
4) More jobs! Making and dropping a huge dome of asbestos and Kevlar over ISIS in Syria solves that problem.
5) Former Confederate states get double electoral votes to make up for that election they “sat out.”
6) Medicare and Medicaid will be free but only one doctor – in Barrow, Alaska – will be licensed to accept their recipients.
Keith G
But Abbott is still a pus-filled polyp.
@Bex: I’ve had two calls from his campaign too. His consultants and campaign people are just spending his money to make themselves seem like they’re doing important work. I think I’ve also heard that the campaign is paying half of their funding on fundraising. Think about that one, half of what is raised is being paid to raise more money.
Got a robocall about two months or so ago.
In Hawaii, a state he couldn’t win if his was the only name on the ballot.
@Roger Moore: He is the walking, talking embodiment of “None of the above”
@Omnes Omnibus: (shhhhh….we aren’t to question the uninterrupted 28!year run of Ivy League schools. It’s been amazingly good for the average joe to have that Ivy wisdom calling the shots)
Omnes Omnibus
@Peale: OTOH, the last non-Ivy Leaguer was Reagan. And Nixon was not-Ivy as well. Not necessarily great counter-examples.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
This school story made me think about my own career. I taught high school for 35 years, and probably sent a student out of the room fewer than a dozen times. In each case I decided to remove the student because I found myself getting angry which never ends well. Never had a student refuse to leave, but if he/she did, I think I’d simply take the rest of the class out of situation and finnish the lesson in the hallway if necessary. Bringing in administrators let alone cops serves only to escalate these types of situations.
@Southern Beale: Not in Georgia but in northern Alabama — AFK, Life Interrupted for Rescue, and Kendra Kampf. They have a FaceBook page. Kendra Kampf has worked with a rescuer I know in Connecticut (Cassie Packard, Cassie’s Kitten Kastle). Kendra may know of rescuers in Georgia. (I know, sort of long way around but it’s the best I can do.)
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Just got off the phone with a poll from Ted Cruz.
I thought it was interesting that his questions led off with defending Confederate monuments from the media.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: The media are attacking Confederate monuments?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Southern Beale: Like PurpleGirl, I don’t know anyone in Georgia, but the Goathouse is plugged into a network of rescues that might lead you to someone.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Omnes Omnibus: The media has been busily shaming states into hiding or talking about removing the monuments!
@efgoldman: That’s why I stuck with it, wanting to see if it was a push poll from one of the PACs. No, it was paid for by the Cruz campaign, asking if five policy stances would make me more or less likely to vote for him in the primary. First was defending the Confederate monuments, second was vetoing any legislation that gives Members of Congress exemptions or loopholes, third was making the sale of human embryos illegal, fourth was a Constitutional Amendment instituting term limits, fifth was not allowing Syrian refugees into the US.
I’ve kind of been gafiating, but they all sounded like they would be well within his base’s interests and positions.
@Roger Moore: Roger wins :)
Villago Delenda Est
“Outside the box”.
He should be in a padded cell. He’s a danger to himself and others. He is not sane.
I loved Anna Quindlen’s NYT columns. Had completely forgotten (repressed) that MoDo took over her slot.
You think you’re being funny. But this may actually be Carson’s platform.
(Sigh.) Maureen Dowd’s latest vowel movement involves accusing Hillary Clinton of playing the `victim’ card:
I could go on, but why bother? This is the kind of fact-free empty-headed mean-girl sadism the rest of us left behind in junior high school.
If there’s any justice, Maureen Dowd will be selected for a pain tolerance trial by the National Institute of Standards and forced to watch the entire run of The Dukes of Hazzard while coked to the gills with LSD.
To quote the Principal in Billy Madison:
Another Holocene Human
@Mark B.: Santorum’s “mud-flinging” (spoiler: it looked like santorum) ad I believe was right up there with demon sheep. WTH were they thinking?
It won’t be, in the same sense that a Palin Presidency wouldn’t be too bad. That is, the President-elect would immediately be surrounded by Cheney-Rumsfeld type operatives, for the obvious reason that Ben Carson/Sarah Palin in genuine command is too terrifying to contemplate, and those other folks would be in charge. Now, please note, that “wouldn’t be too bad” in the limited sense that our republic would keep functioning in status quo fashion for the vast bulk of the citizenry, with all that entails, though the rest of humanity outside our borders would have a great deal to worry about. Just saying, I can’t imagine someone as obviously febrile as Carson being allowed to exercise genuine power.
Please remember; we survived several years with a President who was very obviously suffering from Alzheimer’s, and almost two whole terms of a President who suffered some level of stroke after choking on a pretzel. Our Masters will figure out some way to get President Carson/Trump/Fiorina through it all. But woe betide the rest of the world.
Another Holocene Human
@Anoniminous: govt code was better than Outlook server, also, too.
Let’s summarize:
Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, has no idea what a budget deficit is. This neurosurgeon does not believe in evolution. This neurosurgeon believes the earth is 6000 years old.
As I’ve pointed out repeatedly, doctors in America have created a mythology that they’re smart. That is not even remotely true. The typical doctor in America is an average student with absolutely typical IQ of 100. Doctors almost never flunk out once they’re accepted into medical school, and the acceptance rate of the typical medical school in the U.S. is 48%.
Doctors are nothing more than glorified plumbers who learn lots of rules of thumb, but who do not learn the scientific method or skeptical critical thinking or the methodology of scientific research.
As a result, doctors in America typically persist in believing in and prescribing treatments even though the evidence overwhelmingly shows those treatments don’t work.
Source: “Believing in Treatments That Don’t Work,” The New York Times, 2 April, 2009.
These are not the behaviors of of smart people. This is the kind of stupid ignorant automaton-like behavior you get when mediocre minds get regimented and trained and drilled with rote rules of thumb, then given a god complex by an overawed public.
John Revolta
Outside the box. Holy God, I hope he’s not PAYING anyone to write this drivel. I can hardly wait for the next one, with Dr. Brain pushing the edge of an envelope down the street.
Omnes Omnibus
I think y’all forgot
7) Tire rims and anthrax in every pot!
Meanwhile, while we’re all gabbing about Carson, guess who’s still out there, racking up big donors and trying to tie the Establishment, Tea Party, fundies, and neocons together?
Seriously, read the quotes from the GOP big donors in the article. They think Ted will be the guy who can unite the party. And if you think about it, he’s really only alienated Senate Repubs…the Freedumb Caucus takes direction from him, and so does the Tea Party and Evangelicals. All he has to do is get enough Establishment folks and donors on his side, and the scales will tip.
Rubio/Cruz is bad, but Cruz/Rubio?? Cruz/Fiorina? Ugh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
welp, looks like Jeb?!$’s a lock, after all
Seems to me mclaren often does — more than most others.
Links by themselves prove nothing, of course.
As for the above assertions about doctors’ IQs, I find them … questionable.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I am fascinated how THE Base(tm) proposes to do this – They actually believe they weasel him in that the rest of the faction will just unconditionally surrender?
Omnes Omnibus
Hence my request for links. I would also note that, in my experience, mclaren often provides links, those links don’t necessarily support his points.*
*It is a personal observation, and I am not going to spend time looking for support for it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Since you’re obviously too ignorant and too incompetent to use google, here you go — bear in mind that the next time you demand “Links?” for these kinds of obvious well-documented statistics, I’ll slam you as too stupid to type a simple search into google and write you off.
Source: wikipedia article for medical school acceptance rate. Okay. slightly different from the 48% I cited. It depends how you average the numbers — breaking down by race, asians and caucasians had lower acceptance rates and blacks had higher acceptance rates, so the exact number depends on the precise racial mix of the med school graduating class. (Duh.)
“On average what is the IQ of a doctor?”
100-110, that’s the standard answer. Nothing special about doctor’s IQ scores. FYI: beware of reverse estimates in which “IQ is estimated from median income.” That’s bullshit junk science, where instead of verifying actual Stanford-Binet scores, the stats guesstimate IQ from the highly unreliable “more income = smarter” heuristic.
Also see this article in the Daily Mail from 14 August 2009, “Why doctors are not as clever as they used to be,” 14 August 2009.
The average doctor was found to have an IQ of 111, slightly higher in Britain than in the U.S. Incidentally, the entire article is easily explained by the Flynn Effect, but the reporter was too ignorant to be aware of the Flynn Effect, or the dramatic impact the periodic renormalization of IQ scores have on test-takers due to the Flynn Effect.
I don’t have the time or patient to educate you in this kind of trivial elementary stuff, so further demands for proof and links will result in lethal verbal response.
Use google. Learn to type.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah, yes…the speciality of the astroturfing troll. [Insert smear here] “It is a personal observation, and I am not going tospend time looking for support for it.”
Turnabout is fair play, troll. Provide at least 10 (ten) detailed citations showing “mclaren often provides links, those links don’t necessarily support his points” or stand revealed as a compulsive pathological liar.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: I am actually rather worried now that you will have a stroke. Try some deep breathing.
Standard answers are quite often incorrect.
In any event, the numbers I’ve seen range from 105 to 135. (You won’t ask me for a link, I presume!)
And all this is assuming IQ scores tell us anything useful in the first place.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: Nah, I noted that it was a personal observation, basically my opinion. It can stand or fall on the readers’ judgment of my opinion.
I find your doubts…questionable. Since you provided no evidence for your doubts, no logic to back up your vague assertion, and nothing but an unsubstantiated claim as proof.
Reminicent of the wingers’ favorite line: “As for the above assertions about Iraq’s lack of WMDs, I find them … questionable.”
Get back to me when you’ve examined the links I provided to hard evidence and specific numbers. You can then troll me about why the 45,266 people who applied to medical schools in the United States through the American Medical College Application Service weren’t actually 45,266 people, and why the 19,517 of them matriculated into a medical school weren’t actually 19,517 people.
You also need to get busy writing long letters to the researchers at Bristol University who authored that study in Britain explaining to ’em that the average IQ of a doctor is not 111, but much higher. I’m sure if you provide overwhelming evidence like “I find it … questionable” they’ll listen to you and revise their statistics.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Lame effort at deflecting the question.
Provide links, or stand revealed as a liar.
According to the astroturfing troll Omnes Omnibus, all assertions must be followed up with detailed citations, so please provide a list of references proving your claim.
Boy, this is fun. It’s so easy to grind the entire conversation to a halt by yammering “Links? Links?”
And by the way, don’t try to claim that humans breathe oxygen, or that Barack Obama is president of the united states — we’ll demand links!
According to the astroturfing troll Omnes Omnibus, all assertions must be followed up with detailed citations, so please provide a list of references proving your claim.
Boy, this is fun. It’s so easy to grind the entire conversation to a halt by yammering “Links? Links?”
And by the way, don’t try to claim that humans breathe oxygen, or that Barack Obama is president of the united states — we’ll demand links!
As a person with a super high IQ on the internet I find all those with merely “above average” IQ’s stupid as heck.
And don’t get me started with the truly dumb. Of which like 50% of any population can safely be counted as.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: Follow the link back to my comment. And as far as your request for links goes, I already told you that I offered my opinion of you and your links. You are free, as is everyone else, to make whatever judgment you like about my opinion. Since I think you are a rage addicted, autodidact who does not actually know the limits of his own known knowledge, and has contempt for anyone with academic credentials, I don’t worry too much about your opinion.
It’s late. I’m off.
If your requests (especially the ones you make twice) still seem relevant in the morning, say so at that time and I’ll address them as necessary.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: W’vevs.
ETA: As in, it makes no real difference.
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re a real joy to chat with bro.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Was I talking to you?
@Omnes Omnibus: W’vevs.
J R in WV
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
For one thing, the actual sale of human embryos is currently illegal. The sale of any human tissue is illegal, I’m thinking. That’s why rich dude couldn’t just buy a liver from some guy down on his luck.
You have to get in line with the nationwide transplant group.
So that’s as stupid as it gets right there. Are you more willing to vote for me if I get a law passed making murder illegal?
How about making child porn illegal? No, How about selling meth to grade school kids? What would it take to make you vote for me?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@J R in WV: For one thing, the actual sale of human embryos is currently illegal.
Not if Planned Parenthood does it!
I actually laughed out loud at that one. And the unvetted Syrian refugee resettlement was expected. I assume the loophole is a reaction to something else going around the wingnut-o-sphere. Have they been keeping the stocks loophole microscandal alive?
Paul in KY
@efgoldman: I thought that was funny too!
Paul in KY
@efgoldman: I think ANY poll from ANY candidate is a push poll, to one extent or the other.
Paul in KY
@mclaren: Generally (and this has been true for 1,000 years), it is best to stay away from doctors, if at all possible.
Even worse than that … I think that Carson has the idea that the Democrats are silent because they are all in jail. Or in those “camps” that some right wing talk radio hosts like to talk about (like Michael Savage). Think Chilean legislature under Pinochet, after the coup.