From commentor Tony S:
My wife is multiracial.
When we moved to Peekskill about 16 years ago and started searching about the history of the city, we found images of a girl named Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence. She looks very much like my wife, Celine, did, when she was five.
Since then, we’ve discovered that Fannie was one of the most photographed children of the entire Civil War era. At a time when even children of wealth only had a few photos taken their entire childhoods, there are 22 different images of Fannie — and almost 30 if you count different versions of the same pictures.
Fannie was “redeemed” from slavery by a woman named Catherine Lawrence. She went from being property to being a person. Luckily, Lawrence wrote an autobiography, which is available as an e-book.
Here’s an image we did of Fannie to celebrate the holiday…
Tony included a copy of the e-book, and of a video his wife Celine made, but I haven’t been able to open them on my server, unfortunately.
David *Rafael* Koch
Two big games goin on right now:
Golden State vs Cleveland on TNT
Tennessee vs Notre Dame on ESPN 2
A big thank you to Tony and Celine for this.
There was a big event in NYC today called “MLK Now” with a ton of stars, including Octavia Spencer, Anika Noni Rose and, of course, my dude Lin-Manuel Miranda.
For people seeking a movie to watch, Selma is the top choice, but I can also recommend Boycott, an HBO movie that starred Jeffrey Wright as a young Dr. King. Director Clark Spencer made it in a semi-documentary style that works really well for the story.
The best movie about Dr King’s story and one that has been probably watched the most by Black folk, is the tv mini-series “King”
Nominated for 9 Emmy awards, but not surpisingly winning none!
OT, but really…really…Chris Christie wants to go there…
Chris Christie starts beef with Michelle Obama’s healthy eating initiative
Much deserved…Idris is a beast at playing Luther!
@lamh36: Chris Christie is just ‘big boned’.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I’ll toss these in here again for the evening crowd.
Yesterday’s Ham4Ham was a tribute to both MLK and LMM’s high school music teacher.
The teacher was kept in the dark about the project. Her daughter recorded her reaction.
I couldn’t watch MLKNow. I’m hoping a vid of LMM reading Beyond Vietnam will surface soon.
Much deserved…Idris is a beast at playing Luther!
@efgoldman: right…is this seriously the fight Chris Christie wants…so he wants to call President Obama a “petulant child” all the time…and now he wants to go after FLOTUS for trying to make children school meals more healthy…
@lamh36: I clicked your link (of course I did!!!) but didn’t see anything about that at the link.
Roger Moore
Chris Christie just wants to pick a fight in the hopes it will get him some free media attention. He’s flailing and figures any publicity is good publicity at this point.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: @BillinGlendaleCA: @lamh36: I’m big boned. I also squat over 300 lbs and bench press my body weight. My father was grossly to morbidly obese his entire adult life and struggled with it his whole life too. It contributed to his early death at age 63. So I’m not a big fan of making fun of people’s weight, but Governor Christie is somewhere in the same range as my Dad was. Picking silly political fights over proper diet, especially when its clear that one is struggling with obesity, is just stupid. Its not going to get Governor Christie any new supporters. Just go read the comments at conservative websites and blogs that reference him. All of them make fun of his weight, as well as his positions and politics.
@WaterGirl: A list of the winners…
Should turn Sherman loose on them, maybe it would stick this time
@lamh36: Come to the conclusion that theres no pandering so craven or so desperate that Christie won’t attempt.
Not as boned as we would be if Krust Krusty were elected President. Remember about a year ago when people assumed the fat tube(sic) of shit would be the nominee & we should all be very frightened?
@Adam L Silverman: I am not “big boned”…I am just overweight so I don’t fat shame…but whoever the hell figured it’s a good idea for Christie to pick this fight is just downright stupid, IMHO…and lends itself to exactly the type of fat shaming we are thinking of and for no real reason…besides…are they STILL having this fight over FLOTUS wanting healthy food choices in children’s schools?
It’s complete pandering…besides which…it’s not even a policy that either HRC or Bernie or even the other GOP candidates even discuss.
I guess he’s going for that 0.00000001% who still cares…smh
Patricia Kayden
@BillinGlendaleCA: LOL. Very very big boned. And big headed.
Patricia Kayden
@efgoldman: Because you and your sidekicks shut down a bridge for politically partisan reasons. New Jersey-ites better vote him out the next time they get a chance to do so.
@Adam L Silverman:
How would you like to be the official White House bouncer?
@Patricia Kayden:
Aw, shoulda gone for boneheaded. Missed it by that much.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman:
Human Tunch? Are you also floofy and cute?
Every MLK Day I find myself listening to King’s “kitchen experience”: Taking the Jesus talk metaphorically, it really is a powerfully humanizing story about finding resolve in the face of overwhelming self-doubt.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore: That’s pretty much it. He’s about to capsize and create tsunamis that will hit Portugal.
@lamh36: thank you!!
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I was pretty sure you were not trying to fat shame. And I agree that whoever recommended this was a moron. While its true that a lot of comments on conservative websites make bizarre references to Mrs. Obama’s weight and so does Rush Limbaugh, who hasn’t seen his own toes, let alone other things in 30 years, but this is still a stupid line of attack.
Unless he can find a sugar daddy sponsor, I agree that he’s soon to be history in terms of the GOP primary.
Old photographs are always so haunting. Thanks for sharing this story.
I shouldn’t be the least bit surprised at anything Trump says or does at this point, but I must say it takes some gold-plated balls (yoodge and klassy) to give a speech on Martin Luther King Day and basically not mention Martin Luther King.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Sure, have your people call my people. I was one of the lead bouncers for three years at the largest nightclub in Scotland: the St. Andrew’s University Student Union. I have plenty of experience. I also have a close quarter combat certification I picked up while I was over there.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m not floofy and cute is rarely used in my vicinity. I’d love to get rid of this last 15 lbs that went on when I got back from Iraq and had some serious GI issues I came home with that screwed up my system for several years.
Amen, Reverend, amen.
@Adam L Silverman:
My brother use to do a comedy routine (I’m sure the one-liners were swiped from other stand-up comics) that included:
I went to the doctor. He said I have “dick-do” disease.
I said, “Doctor, doctor, what is dick-do disease?”
He said, “It means your belly sticks out farther than your dick do.”
I said, “Doctor, doctor, is there any cure?”
He said, “Yes. You need to diet.”
I said, “What color?”
Prescott Cactus
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Thank you for sharing. If I could give you the internet I would.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman:The late great kitteh Tunch was referred to as big boned on this esteemed blog, followed by the obligatory, he is not fat, he is floofy disclaimer. Your big boned comment reminded me of that.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I still miss him.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: oy vey…
Just Some Fuckhead
Thanks for the thread. It’s a good reminder that Bernie Sanders marched with MLKJR in 1963, a year before Hillary Clinton campaigned for Barry Goldwater, who promised to overturn civil rights legislation if elected.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m tracking. But Tunch was one of a kind and should be remembered that way.
@SiubhanDuinne: Groan-inducing, but I couldn’t help laughing anyway.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m big boned too but only the bone in my stomach the rest are all pretty normal. Although as I get older the bones in my chest seem to be growing too.
Lordy…I despair for some white folks…
ICYMI: Protesters block Bay Bridge in MLK day protest
nothing to do with nothing, but I just saw DougJ in the wild over at the Great Orange Satan. He’s not feelin the Bern.
Mike J
Somebody ping Cole. Show about the 761st, first black tank battalion is on H2 right now.
Think of it as muscle in repose.
I’ve been thin and I’ve been fat. Much, much prefer the latter. Feel a quantum leap better all around with the added weight on. And happier, too.
But not jollier. Homey don’t do jolly.
Watching old SVU episodes, I mean did Detective Stabler’s (Chris Meloni) shirts get tighter and tighter EVERY season…lol
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@magurakurin: we’re not good enough for him anymore?
@magurakurin: Don’t they still ban people over there?
@Just Some Fuckhead:
That really is a stupid comparison. She was 16, he was 22. I don’t know about you but I went through a lot of changes in those six years between 16 and 22. What was clinton doing when she was 22? I wonder
David Koch
@magurakurin: what name(nym) is he using?
David *Rafael* Koch
@Baud: They only ban if you say something positive about Obummer
@Adam L Silverman:
My brother is one of those people who can (and does!) tell the stupidest jokes in the world, but his delivery is so great that you can’t help cracking up. Over the years I’ve listened to him do the same routines probably 50-60 times, and I’m on the floor weeping with laughter every time.
No, kids don’t get to eat whatever they want. This has to do with the big at companies that want to get their school contracts back.
Or Gabrielle’s jerkin on Xena, magically losing the next fastener down each season.
Also too, Kirstin Chenoweth’s character’s waitress uniform in Pushing Daisies, the front zipper of which seemingly notched down a tooth or two each episode.
@Baud: Yes, people get banned. I few have been recently. But they were out of control. I’ve been over there every day this cycle. I imagine though that once the nominee is chosen, there are more than a handful over there who are going to see the Kos Banhammer come down on them pretty hard. These days it’s the Bern all the way, but I actually detect a tiny yet noticeable shift. Sanders half-assed “plan” has changed some people’s thinking, I believe. But still wall to wall Clinton hate over there for the most part.
Just Some Fuckhead
@magurakurin: Bernie Sanders didn’t support far right wing candidates when he was 16. Maybe we should support candidates who don’t have to do all the wrong things before eventually getting it right? I mean, I’m with you if she’s the choice against Republicans. Better support a Democrat who might eventually do the right thing. But that’s not our only choice here, is it?
@David Koch: DougJ has always been Dengre. I mean, he was Dengre before he was DougJ. He ran away to here. Soonergrunt, too. When those two wandered over here is about the time I started reading posts here. At least that is how I remember it. I could be wrong.
I only follow the front pagers there, and only half-assedly. I haven’t noticed much bias one way or the other with them.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Jesus, are you fucking for real? Maybe Sanders is the child of an immaculate birth, too? Maybe he had no original sin, hence no need of baptism as well. Whatever, chief.
Really? I remember that nym from my time there. Funny.
@Baud: This is indeed true. The front page is a whole nother animal. Quite reasonable actually, and yes, no real bias. You have to wander down into the fever swamps of the Rec List to really see the madness. Yeah, I know, I need a life…got an extra one?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@magurakurin: Bernie is the Boy Who Lived. JK Rowling stole his life story to join the Billionaire Class!
Just Some Fuckhead
@magurakurin: He’s been amazingly consistent. He certainly didn’t help form the DLC and ride that monstrosity to prominence. Maybe he once forgot to wash his hands after taking a piss. Would that make him a better candidate in your eyes?
Just Some Fuckhead
Dengre is not DougJ.
David *Rafael* Koch
@magurakurin: I didn’t know that. I like Dengre. I haven’t been there in a while. I used to go over to see what my friend Trix was posting but it turned into a sewer of stupidity the last six months so I stopped all together. It’s like a left version of Fixxed News.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: This is similar to Donald Trump’s remarks today that he will protect Christianity (in the US). I’m not sure what it needs protecting from, other than itself as its always done a good job of consuming itself when it feels like. And since 70% of Americans are Christians of one type or another, they’ve certainly got the numerical advantage…
@Just Some Fuckhead: see, I told you I might be wrong. I always thought it was though, and I still kind of think it is. His profile over there says
Like I said, that’s how I remembered it, but it was long time ago. I’m sure about soonergrunt, though. I always really liked his posts at KOS.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s actually much lower than I would have expected.
@NotMax: on SVU he was even shown with his shirt sleeves pushed up to showcase his forearms…
I mean…folks love Stabler, so they were just giving the people what they wanted…but since I downgraded to local basic cable I’ve only got like 10+ channels…and no upper channels.
So I’m watching alot of syndicated networks and SVU is ALWAYS on.
Never have “gotten” DougJ, whose raison d’etre seems to be to intentionally rile things up for the sake of fomenting chaos by promoting the indefensible, an act which gets old real quick.
Maybe it’s a generational thing.
Just Some Fuckhead
@magurakurin: Dengre is Dennis Green and he used to post over here. Hell, everyone used to post here and not all of them were DougJ. In fact, only DougJ was.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: There’s walking around weight and there’s cut down for competition weight. Since I don’t do competitions, I look to maintain a healthy weight. I made a promise to myself that while I might not be able to do anything about the genetic predispositions I inherited from my Dad, I could control my diet, exercise, and fitness. So I’m in the gym four days a week doing strength and core work on the TRX followed by high intensity cardio. And I combine that with martial arts. I would, though, like to get rid of this last 15 lbs or so…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Here is the prodigal DougJ.
Just Some Fuckhead
@NotMax: I’m with you on that. I always looked at him as a bit of a tragic figure. Smart, capable, given a public forum with a modicum of cachet and he.. clowned.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s a good talent to have.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I would think, that from the way I speak about Sanders as a candidate, that it is obvious that pretty much nothing is gonna make him a better candidate in my eyes. The guys just isn’t all that. Your vote is your own, as is mine. We all do what we think is best.But, I personally am not going to put much weight into what either of them did when they were in high school.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: It wasn’t just losing a button, it was that the whole jerkin got smaller season by season. Not that I’m complaining or anything.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Yeah, now I remember that. You are correct. I told you I might be wrong. And I might be wrong about Sanders as well…so, there’s that.
Just Some Fuckhead
@magurakurin: Yeah, you’re probably right but HRC has a very long history of doing the wrong thing first.
ETA: One of the admirable traits for me about Obama is his ability to “get it right” the first time.
Adam L Silverman
@magurakurin: He’s nominally Jewish. Jews don’t believe in original sin.
@Just Some Fuckhead: His name is not Green.
David *Rafael* Koch
@NotMax: ?? U must mean a different DougJ. What “indefensible” did he ever promote?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: neither does Elvis Costello
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Those were the numbers I saw the other day. The biggest increase has been in self identified agnostics and atheists. Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Hindu Americans, Buddhist Americans, Sikh Americans, and anyone I’m leaving out because I’m not going to keep making a list are all pretty constant at their numbers year over year.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Adam L Silverman: Hell, I forgot he’s Jewish. Maybe he can’t win a general election. Maybe Cacti is right.
@Adam L. Silverman
You are absolutely correct. Forgot that the bottom of it rose noticeably higher each season as well.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: HAs anyone ever seen Elvis Costello in a synagogue?
@Adam L Silverman: @NotMax:
Surprisingly enough, SVU never tried to “sexualize” Mariska Hargitay’s character Olivia Benson. IDK if it was planned or not or something the actress fought for, but she’s barely been “sexual” at all and has been shown in an out of a relationships, but NEVER focused on the relationships like with the Stabler character
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Elvis Costello believes there is no such thing as an original sin.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Not quite right.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: I once saw him in the pattern of marmite on my toast.
@Adam L Silverman: I saw him with David Hidalgo on lead guitar.
Corner Stone
Stabler was married with kids. And there was more than one arc where Benson put herself out there as an emotional outlet for her partner Stabler.
Unfamiliar with the show or the actress but if it is the same Hargitay clan, then Jayne Mansfield overfilled the family quota for sexualization enough to cover generations.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: @raven: I’ve seen him with Emmylou Harris and Allen Toussaint (different occasions, of course).
Edited for spelling (Thanks CS).
Mike J
@raven: I saw him with the Cowboy Outfit backing on a tour where Nick Lowe opened.
Just Some Fuckhead
@efgoldman: Your own math disproves your point.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Not that that’s a bad thing. Also her skirt got shorter too. Not that that’s a bad thing either.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus:
Running back for the Stillers?
@Mike J: Is that a band?
@Omnes Omnibus: The Sweetheart of the Rodeo.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: It was a weird show.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I think it had to do with the character’s back story as being the child of rape, which motivated her to not only be a cop, but to also work with victims of sexual assault. I do think the story arc where she is involved with the ADA played by Harry Connick, Jr. were some of the most fleshed out of her character.
ThresherK (GPad)
@NotMax: It is the same clan. Mariska is Mansfield’s daughter.
I remember when the character got to have a relationship with Harry Connick Jr’s character in some part of the DA’s office, and that had to end because of fraternization rules.
Gin & Tonic
@Just Some Fuckhead: That’s pretty funny, coming from you.
@Adam L. Silverman
Yuppers. Had the program continued on much more she would have been wearing knit pasties and a sporran.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: Marmite is disgusting.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: It’s no vegemite, I’ll give you that.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: I am agnostic in my beliefs, went to a Catholic school and though my parents weren’t particularly religious they followed many Hindu traditions and celebrated Hindu festivals, especially those from western India.
This fall I went to a south Indian Hindu temple near Boston and it felt as alien as any megachurch. I wonder what that makes me.
@Baud: The 2014 GSS (12 page .pdf) says 74% (with 21% having “no religion” – an all-time high).
Mike J
@raven: Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit was an album, and he called his backing band the Cowboy Outfit. Paul Carrack played with them.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks. I didn’t realize “no religion” had gotten so high.
@NotMax: Mariska is Jayne Mansfield’s daughter.
ETA: The GPad is faster than I.
Mike J
@Gin & Tonic: Regardless of your patriotic name, you’re going to join Donald Trump in being banned from the UK.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Gin & Tonic:
I’ve never been given a public forum like that. And I never clowned. What little exposure I have, I’ve used it to teach. I’m always teaching.
Just Some Fuckhead
Add your 50%’s up. We are all not dead or in jail.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I seem to detect a theme to my responses about the costuming on Xena Warrior Princess. I still think the best costume was Corey Everson’s as Atalanta.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: It makes you you. Everyone has their own relationship with the Deity or Deities or the Universe. As long as you’re comfortable with yours that’s all that matters.
@Corner Stone: they never really focud on HER relationships outside the Stabler dynamic….but yes they did do complete arcs on Stabler’s family…which is what I meant
Dad was no slouch in the made for tight shirts department either.
Mickey and Jayne.
@Adam L Silverman: Right…that was the rare occasion where they did do an entire arc on her relationship.
Once Meloni left, they actually have focused entire arcs on Olivia outside of work…so even though I miss Stabler the character, I do like that they flesh our non-cop life for Olivia more
Corner Stone
@lamh36: The episode where they cut Stabler’s wife out of the car wreck when she was on her way to deliver their baby. What did you think that was about?
As I recall, Benson had a number of intimate (sexual) relationships that she was unable to continue, for a number of reasons I am sure.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I never ever do.
The Golux
@Adam L S@Adam L Silverman: ilverman:
Here’s a thought: Try to come down with Type I Diabetes. Six months before I was diagnosed (at 54), I was a pudgy 185. After a year of scrutinizing what went on my plate (no second helpings, almost no desserts), I was at 145. Once I went on insulin, about half the weight came back, and it has held steady since.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I didn’t support any conservative candidates when I was 16 either. I didn’t support the Vietnam war and still joined the military during it. I’ve also had a beard for over 40 yrs. And all of this gets a so fucking what. As @magurakurin: showed she didn’t support them not all that much later.
You want to dislike her, fine. You want to hate her fine. You want to think she’s the wicked witch of the north, that’s your prerogative as well. But at least get your talking points straight and in order. Otherwise your name is one of the most appropriate on this blog.
Steeplejack (phone)
Hell, he quit wearing them. Lots of shots of him getting dressed for work in the morning. Kept hoping for similar from Benson, but no luck.
Just Some Fuckhead
@efgoldman: But that was the crux of your argument, that NO ONE can make good decisions at 16. And that is not true. Bernie didn’t campaign for Nixon.
@Adam L. Silverman
Bizarre. Michael Hurst still doing the widow Twanky at conventions.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Ruckus: Why do you think that tone is going to work with me? Are you stupid? Look in the thread below. I specifically said I’d vote for if she gets the nom. I don’t dislike her. I just think she’s not particularly good at decision making.
Now, you can settle the fuck down or we can escalate.
Adam L Silverman
@The Golux: I think I’m going to go with eating clean and portion control, but thanks anyway.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
My tone is your problem?
Annnnnd I’m right again.
Enjoy the bakery fuckhead.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: There’s such a thing as being too much in character. Though he did do a good job as Twanky.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: Not kitteh? Oh wait, kittehs think they are god!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Ruckus: I want to like you. In my mind’s eye, I picture you as a gentle Grizzly Adams, frolicking with bears, pausing occasionally to suck the dew off a leaf, eyes fixated on an impossible dream seemingly a mile away.
But in real life, Grizzly Adams was roving around the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, drunk and naked, trying to stick his dick in anything that moved.
Don’t let me down.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and his beard was on fire
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: I like the food and the music, the orthodoxy and the misogyny not so much.
@Steeplejack (phone): lol..right there was an entire episode where Stabler wanted to see what it was like to be a prisoner in solitary confinement…so he spent at least 1/2 the episode in a undershirt doing sit up and push ups…lol
I mean…it’s like Jason Statham in the Transporter movie…did they REALLY need an entire fight scene with Statham in an undershirt in oil…really
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Wow, what a powerful little bully in the BJ schoolyard you are.
Exactly what the fuck do Bernie’s and Hillary’s 1960s history have to do with the life and death issues at stake in this election?
Just Some Fuckhead
@eemom: Right? Wasn’t that an awesome tour de force? It really is just like riding a bike.
Just Some Fuckhead
@eemom: Don’t be ashamed to admit you swooned a little.
@lamh36: My woman friend would say “Yes!!!!!”. In her opinion, any movie with him in it where he doesn’t take off his shirt isn’t as good as the movies in which he does.
Steeplejack (phone)
Again, kept hoping for that with Benson, but no luck. Now all my hopes are on Rollins. She crazy.