The phrase alone encapsulates the failure of the Baud!2016! campaign. May it Rest In Peace.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
We’ve come a long way for this front seat to history, baby. This is what being a liberal Democrat means – the first black president followed by the first woman president. The Obama coalition is back together, and we’re taking it on the road, with Obama’s guidance. He’s going to bring it now. Thanks Obama! #ImWithHer
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve been sick of that for at least the last week. They’ve been using that as a go-to argument for a while now, pretty much because it was the only one they had.
scott (the other one)
Jesus F. Christ, I decided to tune into MSNBC and it’s just a shitshow. What the fuck are they doing? Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt, Ben Ginsberg…felching hell, it’s horrific.
Interesting that with 40ish percent of the vote in for both states, Bernie is up big in North Dakota but Hillary has a respectable 8 point lead in South Dakota. Lends credence to the “she only wins Southern states” theory…
Patricia Kayden
The crowd at the Clinton rally is going wild!
Keith P.
Trump’s status as kingmaker is in doubt, as Renee Ellmers dropped her primary.
@Major Major Major Major: My vice is cruising the Recommended List over at Daily Kos. Believe me, it’s been a common argument for a while, maybe as long as a month now.
Ramping Up
The Clintons are cowering after Trump’s powerful speech, if that was the flamethrower, next Monday is the FIREBOMB!!!!! in which Trump will attack the Clintons as a corporation out to line their own pockets at the expense of the public.
@Baud: Did you take the phone call from Obama yet? What did he say?
Nicole Wallace earlier was darn near breaking down over Trump and his racism prior to the polls closing and Trump’s speech….betting someone gave her a call to get with the program… now she’s all good…
Really, after all this is over, there needs to be a real examination of what happens in these caucuses. Something very funky. I will never again participate in one of these….
Does this mean Bernie’s finger wagging and wild hair can go bye bye from my TV screen. Bernie please take fellow New Yorker with a crow’s nest for hair with you too.
Dude, give it up. When Hugh Hewitt thinks you suck, you really, really suck.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@scott (the other one): I just flipped it on to see Brian Williams thanking Hugh Hewitt.
I’m a political junkie, but the one thing that will make me change the channel is listening to Brian Williams draw the simplest statement/question/banality out a couple of dozen words in his desperate quest to find a witticism. He is literally the worst That and Nicole Williams happily trying to interrupt pretty much everyone to spew out some loyalist banality. Maybe she is literally the worst. Nah, it’s Hewitt
@Elie: They helped Obama in 2008. They appeal particularly to the hard core who can/would commit a lot of time. Most Primary voters are not like that, let alone regular voters.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: This is the woman who purportedly couldn’t even vote for her own VP candidate in 2008. Cannot stand her.
@dmsilev: Yes, but the ND vote total is around 200, while the SD vote is around 20000, both with half the precincts reporting.
ETA: I see, ND is caucuses.
Bobby Thomson
I’ve been thinking lately that losing in 2008 probably turned out very well for Clinton in the long run. Obama greased the rails both by moving the country to the left and by making Republicans lose their shit so badly that they chose the most racist, misogynistic carbuncle they could find. She might have had to pull her punches against McCain but will be under no restrictions against Trump. After everything he’s done, no one will feel sorry for him or think she’s gone too far.
@Patricia Kayden: Thanks. Me too. Still mostly talking heads.
Sanders wins ND.
@Ramping Up:
Trump’s hair is coated with a thick layer of highly flammable product. Firebombing is definitely somethings he should avoid.
He was very low energy tonight. Sad.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Nicole Wallace was trying but Maddow pushed back.
Wallace had the nerve, to get upset when Rachel said the speech was not only lame, but boring as hell and said nothing and that Trump is boring and not “electric” when trying to read from a script…
@Bobby Thomson: It’s true. She’s a better politician now than in 2008. I assume she’ll be a better President in 2016 then she would have been in 2008 too.
From the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, 1934-29:
No person shall
by abduction, duress
or any forcible or fraudulent devise or contrivance whatever,
impede, prevent or otherwise interfere
with the free exercise of the elective franchise by any voter;
or compel, induce or prevail upon any voter
either to vote or to refrain from voting at any election,
or to vote or refrain from voting for
any particular person or persons at any election.
Ghod, I love that sentence.
Was ambling thru the dollar store Monday, found in their book section a hardcover copy of John Thorne’s _Pot on the Fire: Further Exploits of a Renegade Cook_, for a buck. Unfortunately only one copy, if they had a half-dozen, would have gotten to gift my friends with.
Any American who likes cooking, eating, or food in general, and who is not familiar with the works of John Thorne, should rectify that immediately, and then join the campaign to get him a MacArthur Fellowship and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
If you are a voter and you realize that you have Registered In The Wrong Party, please try to come to that realization before you step thru the voting machine curtains, before the poll worker has frozen the Monarchist levers and opened the Whig ballot for you.
Had I asked beforehand how to reset the machine in that case, the day would have gone more smoothly.
If you were curious, the precinct where I was working went 50 for Hillary, 32 for Bernie, and all the Republicans who showed up voted for Trump
I can see Trump turning this thing all the way around by talking about jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs, and on the other hand attacking the Clinton Foundation.
Matt McIrvin
@divF: Caucuses, and, I think, reporting some kind of delegate-equivalent thing instead of actual votes, which is why the numbers are so tiny.
Trump’s hair is coated with a thick layer of highly flammable product. Firebombing is definitely somethings he should avoid.
That’s crazy talk! We _need_ to see Trump running around with his hair literally on fire.
Patricia Kayden
@Renie: I would assume CNN has a live stream or C-Span.
His appeal to the frack vote is herewith saluted. Now, back north for the next syrup season.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Hugh Hewitt claimed that that phrase made him cringe. He thought it was very problematic which says a lot since he’s a douche.
Speaking as someone who just came from the (a) North Dakota Democratic Caucus…
It’s much like a lot of meetings. Only with really bad coffee.
I think I should add that North Dakota is still the only state in the Union in which all elections require no registration. You just show up with an appropriately legal ID on the day of the election, we check your address versus the one we’ve printed off, and then you vote.
Likewise, the Democratic Caucus was basically open to any Nodak Democrat (or likewise interested quasi-liberal sapient) who felt like wandering by.
Interesting that with 40ish percent of the vote in for both states, Bernie is up big in North Dakota but Hillary has a respectable 8 point lead in South Dakota. Lends credence to the “she only wins Southern states” theory…
The Guardian has a live stream at Hillary’s HQ, where they’re waiting for her to make a speech.
Tried to link to it, but no luck. Just go to the Guardian live blog.
@Major Major Major Major:
Chuck Todd was actually useful in pointing out that none of the delegates vote till then, hence the term ‘pledged delegates’
@Major Major Major Major: The BS talking point is that most of the super delegates were pledged to Clinton before the race even began and that’s not fair! Of course, most of the super delegates were “pledged” to Clinton in 2008 before the primaries began, but changed their vote in favor of Obama when it became clear that he was the party’s choice. Wonder why it isn’t happening for Bernie?!
@hovercraft: It’s a dumb argument. They call her a presumptive nominee because no one has officially voted yet.
Bernie is getting walloped in NJ. 64-36 with 2/3 of the precincts reporting.
Patricia Kayden
Mike Murphy feels that Trump is a disaster and that Clinton will win. He’s one of those Republicans who will not be voting for Trump in November.
@Iowa Old Lady: Start battening down your hatches now; you’ve got plenty of time to plan your defenses against the candidate swarm.
Man, we didn’t even get Power Point presentations when we were canvassing for Obama in 2012. They did manage to find a bunch of old Princess-style rotary dial phones behind one of the old banks or hotels downtown and plugged those into the phone banks, though (true story).
The elite and slick post-college grads who were leading the canvassing had their iPhones and tablets, and then the phone bankers had a 1960s-era phone, a pen, and a stack of numbers to call.
@Mike J: Yep. Symbolic of the race, really. If it weren’t for caucuses, Sanders would have been buried long ago. Funny how his “revolution” depends on the fewest people showing up.
Speaking on Trump, anyone think he looked miserable tonight? He hates reading from a script. Which is why he won’t stay this way for long. He can’t.
@scott (the other one): In the interests of journalistic objectivity and neutrality the decision makers at MSNBC have decided to deed more than 50% of their pundit seats to the OTHER, may I say, DARK side!!!. Result, I watch MSNBC about 80% less than I did back when it was somewhat of a liberal bulwark. What does that say about the political inclination of the decision makers there? It isn’t all about the bottom line.
Heard through the Grapevine that Trump is even going to reference the new book CRISIS OF CHARACTER, a shocking new book by a former Secret Service Agent that details the depravity of the Clintons! Wait UNFIT FOR COMMAND was to Kerry, CRISIS OF CHARACTER will be to Hillary!
@Iowa Old Lady: At least he didn’t twist the knife by pointing out that the proto-candidates will start making appearances at every hog auction and church picnic a full year before the caucus date.
@dmsilev: Bernie is up YuugeIn North Dakota caucus! 70% Reporting and Bernie has over a 2 to 1 lead. So far the votes counted add up to 183 Bernie, 76 Hillary, Take that, Killary!
Ooh, all caps, bold and italics. With 5 exclamation points*.
How can anyone possibly stand up to that?
What a maroon.
(Thank you, BJ and FYWP, for not allowing blinking text.)
*IIRC, Jeb “dropping the hammer” merited only 2 exclamations from you and no italics. Maybe you can still get a partial refund on your crystal ball.
Mark B
@Corner Stone: Did anyone else hear Rick Astley influence in his speech? Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you cry etc ….
@Iowa Old Lady: Except pumping your own gas. Which is awesome in winter when you can crack the window, push the twenty through, and tell the poor soul out in the cold what grade of gas you want.
Adam L Silverman
I’ve just put up a live feed to Secretary Clinton’s address so no one has to 1) look for it, 2) watch it on cable news (ewww…), and/or 3) not be able to watch it as they don’t have cable or satellite or a TV.
OMG you guys! Tough afternoon of canvassing after a tough morning getting long-postponed routine medical care. On the last block, I bagged 3 votes: One who wasn’t going to vote today because she thought she had more time (downside of early voting for 3 weeks) and two who thought they had to vote at the polling place shown on their voter reg card.
But the fun part wasn’t correcting those misapprehensions (which seem driven by decades of Republican narratives about how *hard* it is to vote and how people whose lives aren’t so stable that they still live near that one elementary school just don’t really have time to educate themselves about the issues so it’s probably fine to make it hard for them to vote).
The fun part was the 11ish year old girl cousins, who were making themselves ‘braces’ out of the foil from their gum when I walked up to the porch because it’s too hot to trampoline today. They saw that I had a flyer with a picture of Hillary and started wheedling with their moms (who are sisters, who are sharing the care of an elder at her home so she can remain there for the rest of her life…girls told me all this, natch).
“We can go there right now! It’s behind the palatas (ice cream) shop! You know, the President place we go for day camp!”
They had attended an event at the community center at which Bill C came and talked, 3 weeks ago. So. GOTV. It’s hard, and it’s also sometimes rewarding.
@dmsilev: Will Bernie Sanders be campaigning on any of those days? No? Then I think I might be able to make it that long.
Sorry that I’m late to the party–how was Trump’s speech?
Sorry, the comma store had a sale on commas, and I used them up in that previous comment.
As for Bernie winning my state caucuses…
I’m not that surprised. The caucuses here are immensely low-key and pretty much self-selecting for people who are already enthusiastic about something, and Mr. Sanders’ message (albeit not that of his supporters) did get a lot more traction up here with the college students who make up 15% of this town’s population.
I was just content to push back the narrative that Hillary is the single greatest criminal mastermind since Moriarty, which was the competing view tonight.
You mean all those H-2B jobs he has that are all temporary, low-skill, nonfarm worker jobs. Yeah that will really help…
@Ramping Up: To quote the great and much missed Sir Terry Pratchett:
“Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.”
Nate Silver @NateSilver538 11 minutes ago
Clinton needs only ~20% of the vote in California to clinch a pledged delegate majority.
Hey, I didn’t say I agreed with the college students.
That being said, the main employment of any larger North Dakota city (except for Fargo, our biggest), beyond agriculture and higher education, is people working at Target to shop at Wal-Mart, and vice versa. Not exactly a thrilling economy. Plus the best burrito place in town just closed, so I’m a bit more upset than usual.
Is that like a remake of the mashed potato scene from Close Encounters?
Clinton Foundation:
–Clinton Development Initiative staff in Africa train rural farmers and help them get access to seeds, equipment and markets for their crops.
–Clinton Climate Initiative staff help governments in Africa and the Caribbean region with reforestation efforts, and in island nations to help develop renewable energy projects.
–Staff at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, an independent, affiliated entity, work in dozens of nations to lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine, scale up pediatric AIDS treatment and promote treatment of diarrhea through life-saving Zinc/ORS treatment.
Trump had to be shamed into give up money raised for veterans.
What’s interesting is seeing Hillary winning or doing well in the Primary states – while the Caucus one(s) are showing very low turnout and barely for Bernie.
I hope California goes 55 percent for Hillary.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. I actually turned on my tv so I can see history in the making on a big screen!!!!
Hey, quick question: aren’t there some Congressional primaries happening tonight?
Mark B
@Major Major Major Major: All this time, he was just setting us up for a major RickRoll. Worst practical joke ever.
@PaulWartenberg2016: In CA we now have jungle primaries. 34 US Senate candidates from all parties, from which there will be two Dems (Harris and Sanchez) likely on the November ballot. OTOH, I’m in Barbara Lee’s Congressional District, and she was the only candidate on the ballot.
@bmoak: I’ll guess that the caucus is the one with total statewide turnout smaller than my high school class size.
Yes there are, aplenty, including Iowa and North Carolina (which already held prez votes), plus a special election in Ohio for Boehner’s former seat..
scott (the other one)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That’s exactly it—Nicole Wallace refusing to either Rachel Maddow or Eugene Robinson finish their sentences so she could hop in and refute their facts using official RNC talking points was just galling. I can’t even imagine how unpleasant it must be for those two to put up with it. Meanwhile, Brian Williams just sat there, saying absolutely nothing. (Which was preferable, I suppose.) Then they threw it to Steve Schmidt who, I swear, seemed to be reading off a teleprompter…and then they went to Ben fucking Ginsberg.
Yeah, I used to watch at least a dozen hours a week of MSNBC just a year or two ago, and had for nearly a decade. I’m not sure I’m even watching an hour a month now.
All because she actually VOTED on a few things rather than block/obstruct every vote in Congress?
This is how far the Republicans have fallen. They fail to respect even their hard-line Conservatives… all because those same Conservatives actually work to earn their paychecks. It’s disgusting.
I hope to God there’s a Democrat running in that district for the General.
@PaulWartenberg2016: I’d like to answer that question, but the downside is that I’d have to go to North Dakota to find out. (Apologies to North Dakotans for that cheap joke.)
North Dakota is a fine state — at least better than South Dakota, which is either strangely empty (no state capital is more terrifying than South Dakota’s), or just plain strange (Corn Palace, Mt. Rushmore, etc.).
For all our jackhole conservatives, this is still the only state with a strong prairie populist background from the old Great Depression — we have a (socialist) State Bank and a (socialist) State Mill, and state funding of all of our universities is written directly into our constitution, so frequently strong university presidents have more power than the governor.
Come on up and don’t let the Medora Musical ads scare you. Or the giant concrete buffalo.
Miss Bianca
Yes, thanks for posting this. It’s going to be long time before I get thru’ it all.
(no state capital is more terrifying than South Dakota’s)
Never been to Harrisburg, PA I take it? A scab on a nodule on a boil on an armpit.
Or Trenton, NJ? Capital is such a pit that the governor’s mansion is someplace else – in tony Princeton.
Some people are shocked to discover how much vast emptiness there is up around there. The eastern 1/3 of Montana, for example.
I’ve been to both Harrisburg and Trenton, actually — didn’t mind Trenton, to be honest, but perhaps I lucked into an area where there were some decent sandwich shops.
I still hold that Pierre is the most terrifying state capital, because it’s so damn *empty*. Even North Dakota, hardly the bustling heart of the world’s commerce, manages to find over 50,000 people to pack around our capital. Pierre is, like, twelve streets (and this is barely an exaggeration). You feel like a band of angry tumbleweeds will come and maul you for intruding upon forbidden land.
As for Montana, that’s a third world nation that happens to be appended to the United States. Buddy of mine worked as a forecloser lawyer for East Coast banks there back in the 1980s. He lived in Billings, one of the largest cities there. The Interstates were still gravel, there was no city plumbing, and for winter, an actual coal wagon dumped coal down your coal shute for you to burn in your ancient coal stove in your living room to survive the cold.
At least North Dakota inspired the legacy of PDQ Bach.
That being said, I welcome to hear the true horror of Harrisburg and Trenton, which I know only a little of. At least I found people there, albeit of a scabrous and dubious quality.
Was supposed to do some short-term coursework at the Pine Ridge reservation, but that was cancelled as a major blizzard made travel from St. Paul impossible and there was no possible way to reschedule for a variety of reasons.
St. Paul! A noble city. I miss going to Mickey’s. :( And then if we were still hungry, we’d just wander down the street and eat sushi at that sushi place, assuming it’s still around.
South Dakota overall is probably more conservative than North Dakota, but it’s probably just different strains. The state’s farming isn’t as strong — it’s really just Sioux Falls and its predatory credit card companies, and then the rest of the state. Mt. Rushmore, for all Hollywood adores it, is kind of a strange, lonely, and sad thing to see in person — much like a lot of the weird-ass icons in South Dakota (the Corn Palace, for instance).
South Dakota’s Badlands, and cave systems around it, are gorgeous (and much better use of your tourism dollar than Mt. Rushmore, IMO). And if you’re over by the Badlands, you’re not too far from Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower, which is also awesome to see.
Wyoming is worse than Montana. At least Montana has pretty scenery.
I can’t argue too much with dissing Wyoming (although I remain a fan of their ghost towns and Devil’s Tower).
Note that Ms. Ellmers is not the first Congressperson to lose a primary race this year – Rep Chaka Fattah of Philadelphia got indicted in a ‘campaign fnds for personal use’ scandal, and voted out.
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Hopefully she’ll give it back.
And she’s over the line!
Corner Stone
Anyone who thinks that speech by Trump “unfreaked out” republican establishment people is fucking stupid.
Went to my polling place to drop off my absentee ballot. They were out of “I’ve voted” stickers, so I took one in Chinese.
@Tokyokie: Why? It’s New Jersey.
There’s a primary tonight?
Is it over yet?
Wow. This is a BFD.
Major Major Major Major
It’s been one day and I’m already sick of the stupid “the delegates don’t vote until July 25th” BS I’m seeing from team BS.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
tomorrow’s NY Daily News shreds Paul Ryan
Not according to ‘Bernie Math’, which states that she has to win a majority of delegates by pledged delegates alone.
Any news on when she’s giving her speech?
@Luthe: Take heart; there’s only 1200 days to go until the next Iowa caucuses.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The only member of Congress explicitly endorsed by Trump just became the 1st GOPer to lose her seat
The phrase alone encapsulates the failure of the Baud!2016! campaign. May it Rest In Peace.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
We’ve come a long way for this front seat to history, baby. This is what being a liberal Democrat means – the first black president followed by the first woman president. The Obama coalition is back together, and we’re taking it on the road, with Obama’s guidance. He’s going to bring it now. Thanks Obama! #ImWithHer
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: OUCH
So on point.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Sigh.
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve been sick of that for at least the last week. They’ve been using that as a go-to argument for a while now, pretty much because it was the only one they had.
scott (the other one)
Jesus F. Christ, I decided to tune into MSNBC and it’s just a shitshow. What the fuck are they doing? Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt, Ben Ginsberg…felching hell, it’s horrific.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Yep!
@BillinGlendaleCA: I haven’t conceded yet. DC still has to vote. It gets no respect.
@scott (the other one): Yep.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: It must have only hit my particular fever swamp after the AP call.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
OMG, that’s hilarious!0
Patricia Kayden
Hugh Hewitt just panned Trump’s speech. He found some parts cringeworthy. If Trump can’t win over Hewitt, …
@scott (the other one): You mean THE LIBERAL MSNBC?
Interesting that with 40ish percent of the vote in for both states, Bernie is up big in North Dakota but Hillary has a respectable 8 point lead in South Dakota. Lends credence to the “she only wins Southern states” theory…
Patricia Kayden
The crowd at the Clinton rally is going wild!
Keith P.
Trump’s status as kingmaker is in doubt, as Renee Ellmers dropped her primary.
@Major Major Major Major: My vice is cruising the Recommended List over at Daily Kos. Believe me, it’s been a common argument for a while, maybe as long as a month now.
Ramping Up
The Clintons are cowering after Trump’s powerful speech, if that was the flamethrower, next Monday is the FIREBOMB!!!!! in which Trump will attack the Clintons as a corporation out to line their own pockets at the expense of the public.
Be forewarned: the FIREBOMB!!!!! is coming!
@Patricia Kayden: What channel are you watching?
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Nice! More please.
@Baud: Did you take the phone call from Obama yet? What did he say?
Nicole Wallace earlier was darn near breaking down over Trump and his racism prior to the polls closing and Trump’s speech….betting someone gave her a call to get with the program… now she’s all good…
Gurl Bye
Somebody not too far away from where you are right now is not yet registered to vote in this November’s election. You can help.
If we all do our little bit we can win the whole kit and caboodle.
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I see no lies.
@Ramping Up: So, “fire” is the metaphor of the night/week? Did that come from Trump HQ or did you just freestyle?
North Dakota — another caucus.
Really, after all this is over, there needs to be a real examination of what happens in these caucuses. Something very funky. I will never again participate in one of these….
schrodinger's cat
Does this mean Bernie’s finger wagging and wild hair can go bye bye from my TV screen. Bernie please take fellow New Yorker with a crow’s nest for hair with you too.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Yes we can!
@Ramping Up:
Dude, give it up. When Hugh Hewitt thinks you suck, you really, really suck.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@scott (the other one): I just flipped it on to see Brian Williams thanking Hugh Hewitt.
I’m a political junkie, but the one thing that will make me change the channel is listening to Brian Williams draw the simplest statement/question/banality out a couple of dozen words in his desperate quest to find a witticism. He is literally the worst That and Nicole Williams happily trying to interrupt pretty much everyone to spew out some loyalist banality. Maybe she is literally the worst. Nah, it’s Hewitt
@Elie: They helped Obama in 2008. They appeal particularly to the hard core who can/would commit a lot of time. Most Primary voters are not like that, let alone regular voters.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: This is the woman who purportedly couldn’t even vote for her own VP candidate in 2008. Cannot stand her.
schrodinger's cat
The R-troll is bot, keeps repeating the same thing again and again.
@Renie: He asked me to stop blaming him for stuff.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: MSNBC
What’s the best website to watch for her speech?
@dmsilev: Yes, but the ND vote total is around 200, while the SD vote is around 20000, both with half the precincts reporting.
ETA: I see, ND is caucuses.
Bobby Thomson
I’ve been thinking lately that losing in 2008 probably turned out very well for Clinton in the long run. Obama greased the rails both by moving the country to the left and by making Republicans lose their shit so badly that they chose the most racist, misogynistic carbuncle they could find. She might have had to pull her punches against McCain but will be under no restrictions against Trump. After everything he’s done, no one will feel sorry for him or think she’s gone too far.
@Patricia Kayden: Thanks. Me too. Still mostly talking heads.
Sanders wins ND.
@Ramping Up:
Trump’s hair is coated with a thick layer of highly flammable product. Firebombing is definitely somethings he should avoid.
He was very low energy tonight. Sad.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Nicole Wallace was trying but Maddow pushed back.
Wallace had the nerve, to get upset when Rachel said the speech was not only lame, but boring as hell and said nothing and that Trump is boring and not “electric” when trying to read from a script…
Ramping Up
Hewitt? Don’t know what channel you’re on but Hewitt is butthurt because Trump said his radio show sucked to his face at one of the debates.
@Bobby Thomson: It’s true. She’s a better politician now than in 2008. I assume she’ll be a better President in 2016 then she would have been in 2008 too.
From the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, 1934-29:
No person shall
by abduction, duress
or any forcible or fraudulent devise or contrivance whatever,
impede, prevent or otherwise interfere
with the free exercise of the elective franchise by any voter;
or compel, induce or prevail upon any voter
either to vote or to refrain from voting at any election,
or to vote or refrain from voting for
any particular person or persons at any election.
Ghod, I love that sentence.
Was ambling thru the dollar store Monday, found in their book section a hardcover copy of John Thorne’s _Pot on the Fire: Further Exploits of a Renegade Cook_, for a buck. Unfortunately only one copy, if they had a half-dozen, would have gotten to gift my friends with.
Any American who likes cooking, eating, or food in general, and who is not familiar with the works of John Thorne, should rectify that immediately, and then join the campaign to get him a MacArthur Fellowship and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
For those interested in seeing some of the waterways of New Jersey:
(same boat, different pier)
If you are a voter and you realize that you have Registered In The Wrong Party, please try to come to that realization before you step thru the voting machine curtains, before the poll worker has frozen the Monarchist levers and opened the Whig ballot for you.
Had I asked beforehand how to reset the machine in that case, the day would have gone more smoothly.
If you were curious, the precinct where I was working went 50 for Hillary, 32 for Bernie, and all the Republicans who showed up voted for Trump
Happy Wednesday!
@redshirt: Agree.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Why haven’t you been called on to share your insightful political commentary? You’d be a big improvement from Ms. Wallace.
@lamh36: Ha! I noticed her switch it up too. SMDH
So none of the folks at MSNBC could see maybe a problem with this line?
“our” African Amerans, as opposed to who’s?
Major Major Major Major
I wonder how all those North Dakotans who didn’t make it to the caucus feel about Bernie’s fracking ban
Bobby Thomson
@BillinGlendaleCA: Everything is legal in New Jersey.
@Patricia Kayden: I wouldn’t treat Democrats unfairly enough.
@divF: Caucuses. Ah. That explains.
Ramping Up
I can see Trump turning this thing all the way around by talking about jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs, and on the other hand attacking the Clinton Foundation.
Matt McIrvin
@divF: Caucuses, and, I think, reporting some kind of delegate-equivalent thing instead of actual votes, which is why the numbers are so tiny.
That’s crazy talk! We _need_ to see Trump running around with his hair literally on fire.
Patricia Kayden
@Renie: I would assume CNN has a live stream or C-Span.
His appeal to the frack vote is herewith saluted. Now, back north for the next syrup season.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Hugh Hewitt claimed that that phrase made him cringe. He thought it was very problematic which says a lot since he’s a douche.
Speaking as someone who just came from the (a) North Dakota Democratic Caucus…
It’s much like a lot of meetings. Only with really bad coffee.
I think I should add that North Dakota is still the only state in the Union in which all elections require no registration. You just show up with an appropriately legal ID on the day of the election, we check your address versus the one we’ve printed off, and then you vote.
Likewise, the Democratic Caucus was basically open to any Nodak Democrat (or likewise interested quasi-liberal sapient) who felt like wandering by.
Ramping Up
Blah blah blah “problematic”, more PC.
Trumpster fire! Trumpster fire! Trumpster fire!
Mike J
@dmsilev: `
NDak=caucus, SDak,=primary
Iowa Old Lady
@BillinGlendaleCA: Everything is legal in New Jersey.
@Gaffa: Are there PowerPoints?
Iowa Old Lady
@dmsilev: I hate you.
Just your description cracks me up ?
@redshirt: Trumpster fire.
Edit: Momsense beat me to it.
@Ramping Up:
No son, that’s understatement.
The Guardian has a live stream at Hillary’s HQ, where they’re waiting for her to make a speech.
Tried to link to it, but no luck. Just go to the Guardian live blog.
@Major Major Major Major:
Chuck Todd was actually useful in pointing out that none of the delegates vote till then, hence the term ‘pledged delegates’
@Major Major Major Major: The BS talking point is that most of the super delegates were pledged to Clinton before the race even began and that’s not fair! Of course, most of the super delegates were “pledged” to Clinton in 2008 before the primaries began, but changed their vote in favor of Obama when it became clear that he was the party’s choice. Wonder why it isn’t happening for Bernie?!
@hovercraft: It’s a dumb argument. They call her a presumptive nominee because no one has officially voted yet.
Bernie is getting walloped in NJ. 64-36 with 2/3 of the precincts reporting.
Patricia Kayden
Mike Murphy feels that Trump is a disaster and that Clinton will win. He’s one of those Republicans who will not be voting for Trump in November.
@Iowa Old Lady: Start battening down your hatches now; you’ve got plenty of time to plan your defenses against the candidate swarm.
Man, we didn’t even get Power Point presentations when we were canvassing for Obama in 2012. They did manage to find a bunch of old Princess-style rotary dial phones behind one of the old banks or hotels downtown and plugged those into the phone banks, though (true story).
The elite and slick post-college grads who were leading the canvassing had their iPhones and tablets, and then the phone bankers had a 1960s-era phone, a pen, and a stack of numbers to call.
@Mike J: Yep. Symbolic of the race, really. If it weren’t for caucuses, Sanders would have been buried long ago. Funny how his “revolution” depends on the fewest people showing up.
Speaking on Trump, anyone think he looked miserable tonight? He hates reading from a script. Which is why he won’t stay this way for long. He can’t.
@scott (the other one): In the interests of journalistic objectivity and neutrality the decision makers at MSNBC have decided to deed more than 50% of their pundit seats to the OTHER, may I say, DARK side!!!. Result, I watch MSNBC about 80% less than I did back when it was somewhat of a liberal bulwark. What does that say about the political inclination of the decision makers there? It isn’t all about the bottom line.
@Patricia Kayden: I feel like there’s a nice niche market for this – Republicans who talk/vote against Republicans.
May Trump make it so.
Iowa Old Lady
I know the troll is really annoying, but you have to admit that tonight it’s consistently bringing the funny.
@CaseyL: This might work to link to the post with the video embed.
Ramping Up
Wait until the FIREBOMB!!!!! on Monday.
Heard through the Grapevine that Trump is even going to reference the new book CRISIS OF CHARACTER, a shocking new book by a former Secret Service Agent that details the depravity of the Clintons! Wait UNFIT FOR COMMAND was to Kerry, CRISIS OF CHARACTER will be to Hillary!
@Iowa Old Lady: At least he didn’t twist the knife by pointing out that the proto-candidates will start making appearances at every hog auction and church picnic a full year before the caucus date.
@dmsilev: Bernie is up YuugeIn North Dakota caucus! 70% Reporting and Bernie has over a 2 to 1 lead. So far the votes counted add up to 183 Bernie, 76 Hillary, Take that, Killary!
@Ramping Up
Ooh, all caps, bold and italics. With 5 exclamation points*.
How can anyone possibly stand up to that?
What a maroon.
(Thank you, BJ and FYWP, for not allowing blinking text.)
*IIRC, Jeb “dropping the hammer” merited only 2 exclamations from you and no italics. Maybe you can still get a partial refund on your crystal ball.
Mark B
@Corner Stone: Did anyone else hear Rick Astley influence in his speech? Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you cry etc ….
@Iowa Old Lady: Except pumping your own gas. Which is awesome in winter when you can crack the window, push the twenty through, and tell the poor soul out in the cold what grade of gas you want.
Adam L Silverman
I’ve just put up a live feed to Secretary Clinton’s address so no one has to 1) look for it, 2) watch it on cable news (ewww…), and/or 3) not be able to watch it as they don’t have cable or satellite or a TV.
OMG you guys! Tough afternoon of canvassing after a tough morning getting long-postponed routine medical care. On the last block, I bagged 3 votes: One who wasn’t going to vote today because she thought she had more time (downside of early voting for 3 weeks) and two who thought they had to vote at the polling place shown on their voter reg card.
But the fun part wasn’t correcting those misapprehensions (which seem driven by decades of Republican narratives about how *hard* it is to vote and how people whose lives aren’t so stable that they still live near that one elementary school just don’t really have time to educate themselves about the issues so it’s probably fine to make it hard for them to vote).
The fun part was the 11ish year old girl cousins, who were making themselves ‘braces’ out of the foil from their gum when I walked up to the porch because it’s too hot to trampoline today. They saw that I had a flyer with a picture of Hillary and started wheedling with their moms (who are sisters, who are sharing the care of an elder at her home so she can remain there for the rest of her life…girls told me all this, natch).
“We can go there right now! It’s behind the palatas (ice cream) shop! You know, the President place we go for day camp!”
They had attended an event at the community center at which Bill C came and talked, 3 weeks ago. So. GOTV. It’s hard, and it’s also sometimes rewarding.
@dmsilev: Will Bernie Sanders be campaigning on any of those days? No? Then I think I might be able to make it that long.
Yeah — pretty much WA state also — just need to declare that you are a Democrat that day….
Bullshit method. We are building the Dems — not the independents or “whatever”
Major Major Major Major
@Mark B: I did :)
The Thin Black Duke
Sorry that I’m late to the party–how was Trump’s speech?
Sorry, the comma store had a sale on commas, and I used them up in that previous comment.
As for Bernie winning my state caucuses…
I’m not that surprised. The caucuses here are immensely low-key and pretty much self-selecting for people who are already enthusiastic about something, and Mr. Sanders’ message (albeit not that of his supporters) did get a lot more traction up here with the college students who make up 15% of this town’s population.
I was just content to push back the narrative that Hillary is the single greatest criminal mastermind since Moriarty, which was the competing view tonight.
You mean all those H-2B jobs he has that are all temporary, low-skill, nonfarm worker jobs. Yeah that will really help…
@Ramping Up: To quote the great and much missed Sir Terry Pratchett:
“Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.”
One of those states is a caucus and the other is a primary. I’ll let you guess which is which.
Mike J
Hey, I didn’t say I agreed with the college students.
That being said, the main employment of any larger North Dakota city (except for Fargo, our biggest), beyond agriculture and higher education, is people working at Target to shop at Wal-Mart, and vice versa. Not exactly a thrilling economy. Plus the best burrito place in town just closed, so I’m a bit more upset than usual.
@The Thin Black Duke:
It was amazing. That’s what the voices in his head told him.
@dmsilev: I think they split in 2008 too, it could be the Native American vote which at times bloc votes.
Uncle Cosmo
@Cramping Up: See? You can’t see any further than the polyps in your colon. Consider yourself cordially invited to STFU>FO.
That’s why Hugh Hewitt was flipping out “our African Americans”. Gah
@Ramping Up:
Don’t the Clinton’s know that only Trump is allowed to line his pockets at the expense of the public.
Mike J
@The Thin Black Duke
How was it?
Picture building a tower out of tapioca.
Is that like a remake of the mashed potato scene from Close Encounters?
Clinton Foundation:
–Clinton Development Initiative staff in Africa train rural farmers and help them get access to seeds, equipment and markets for their crops.
–Clinton Climate Initiative staff help governments in Africa and the Caribbean region with reforestation efforts, and in island nations to help develop renewable energy projects.
–Staff at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, an independent, affiliated entity, work in dozens of nations to lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine, scale up pediatric AIDS treatment and promote treatment of diarrhea through life-saving Zinc/ORS treatment.
Trump had to be shamed into give up money raised for veterans.
Please proceed.
Jersey? She can have it! /rimshot
What’s interesting is seeing Hillary winning or doing well in the Primary states – while the Caucus one(s) are showing very low turnout and barely for Bernie.
I hope California goes 55 percent for Hillary.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. I actually turned on my tv so I can see history in the making on a big screen!!!!
Hey, quick question: aren’t there some Congressional primaries happening tonight?
Mark B
@Major Major Major Major: All this time, he was just setting us up for a major RickRoll. Worst practical joke ever.
@PaulWartenberg2016: In CA we now have jungle primaries. 34 US Senate candidates from all parties, from which there will be two Dems (Harris and Sanchez) likely on the November ballot. OTOH, I’m in Barbara Lee’s Congressional District, and she was the only candidate on the ballot.
@bmoak: I’ll guess that the caucus is the one with total statewide turnout smaller than my high school class size.
Yes there are, aplenty, including Iowa and North Carolina (which already held prez votes), plus a special election in Ohio for Boehner’s former seat..
scott (the other one)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That’s exactly it—Nicole Wallace refusing to either Rachel Maddow or Eugene Robinson finish their sentences so she could hop in and refute their facts using official RNC talking points was just galling. I can’t even imagine how unpleasant it must be for those two to put up with it. Meanwhile, Brian Williams just sat there, saying absolutely nothing. (Which was preferable, I suppose.) Then they threw it to Steve Schmidt who, I swear, seemed to be reading off a teleprompter…and then they went to Ben fucking Ginsberg.
Yeah, I used to watch at least a dozen hours a week of MSNBC just a year or two ago, and had for nearly a decade. I’m not sure I’m even watching an hour a month now.
Oh, I heard about her.
She lost?
All because she actually VOTED on a few things rather than block/obstruct every vote in Congress?
This is how far the Republicans have fallen. They fail to respect even their hard-line Conservatives… all because those same Conservatives actually work to earn their paychecks. It’s disgusting.
I hope to God there’s a Democrat running in that district for the General.
we’re talking under 400 people in a state out of 740,000 residents. where the hell is the turnout?
Those are all the Dems in the state. :)
Chances of a D winning there in November slightly less than a blizzard in Tahiti in August.
@efgoldman: so would an enema tube.
@PaulWartenberg2016: I’d like to answer that question, but the downside is that I’d have to go to North Dakota to find out. (Apologies to North Dakotans for that cheap joke.)
North Dakota is a fine state — at least better than South Dakota, which is either strangely empty (no state capital is more terrifying than South Dakota’s), or just plain strange (Corn Palace, Mt. Rushmore, etc.).
For all our jackhole conservatives, this is still the only state with a strong prairie populist background from the old Great Depression — we have a (socialist) State Bank and a (socialist) State Mill, and state funding of all of our universities is written directly into our constitution, so frequently strong university presidents have more power than the governor.
Come on up and don’t let the Medora Musical ads scare you. Or the giant concrete buffalo.
Miss Bianca
Yes, thanks for posting this. It’s going to be long time before I get thru’ it all.
Never been to Harrisburg, PA I take it? A scab on a nodule on a boil on an armpit.
Or Trenton, NJ? Capital is such a pit that the governor’s mansion is someplace else – in tony Princeton.
Some people are shocked to discover how much vast emptiness there is up around there. The eastern 1/3 of Montana, for example.
I’ve been to both Harrisburg and Trenton, actually — didn’t mind Trenton, to be honest, but perhaps I lucked into an area where there were some decent sandwich shops.
I still hold that Pierre is the most terrifying state capital, because it’s so damn *empty*. Even North Dakota, hardly the bustling heart of the world’s commerce, manages to find over 50,000 people to pack around our capital. Pierre is, like, twelve streets (and this is barely an exaggeration). You feel like a band of angry tumbleweeds will come and maul you for intruding upon forbidden land.
As for Montana, that’s a third world nation that happens to be appended to the United States. Buddy of mine worked as a forecloser lawyer for East Coast banks there back in the 1980s. He lived in Billings, one of the largest cities there. The Interstates were still gravel, there was no city plumbing, and for winter, an actual coal wagon dumped coal down your coal shute for you to burn in your ancient coal stove in your living room to survive the cold.
At least North Dakota inspired the legacy of PDQ Bach.
That being said, I welcome to hear the true horror of Harrisburg and Trenton, which I know only a little of. At least I found people there, albeit of a scabrous and dubious quality.
Have been to N. Dakota, but never S. Dakota.
Was supposed to do some short-term coursework at the Pine Ridge reservation, but that was cancelled as a major blizzard made travel from St. Paul impossible and there was no possible way to reschedule for a variety of reasons.
St. Paul! A noble city. I miss going to Mickey’s. :( And then if we were still hungry, we’d just wander down the street and eat sushi at that sushi place, assuming it’s still around.
South Dakota overall is probably more conservative than North Dakota, but it’s probably just different strains. The state’s farming isn’t as strong — it’s really just Sioux Falls and its predatory credit card companies, and then the rest of the state. Mt. Rushmore, for all Hollywood adores it, is kind of a strange, lonely, and sad thing to see in person — much like a lot of the weird-ass icons in South Dakota (the Corn Palace, for instance).
South Dakota’s Badlands, and cave systems around it, are gorgeous (and much better use of your tourism dollar than Mt. Rushmore, IMO). And if you’re over by the Badlands, you’re not too far from Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower, which is also awesome to see.
Wyoming is worse than Montana. At least Montana has pretty scenery.
I can’t argue too much with dissing Wyoming (although I remain a fan of their ghost towns and Devil’s Tower).
Note that Ms. Ellmers is not the first Congressperson to lose a primary race this year – Rep Chaka Fattah of Philadelphia got indicted in a ‘campaign fnds for personal use’ scandal, and voted out.