I find the whole convention nauseating and awful.
Here’s a nice story. I was going through my iPhone looking for a number and came across the number of the guy I met in rehab two years ago (we’re coming up on the two year anniversary I discovered today). I only talked about him briefly- he was the heroin junkie who had been a mess for like eight years and was lucky to be still alive, and after we got sprung I took him to the store and bought him some clothes and a backpack and some sundries because he was going to move into the homeless shelter, and had no money or family whatsoever. At any rate, I kept touch with him for a while, and he was working construction the last I checked about a year and a half ago. At any rate, I called him up on a lark, and he’s doing great. He’s now manages a bunch of guys at the same firm, and they send him out on projects alone with a crew, he bought a house, and he met a girl and got married and he says she keeps his act in gear.
That made me really happy.
Ok, back to the RNC and the suck.
Best good news.
A bit late.
Go America!
Marc McKenzie
John, thanks for posting this (your story, I mean). It’s one hell of an inspirational tale, and honestly, it’s most welcome, especially today.
That is a nice story, Cole. Has nothing to do with the RNC, but still great.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
-Melania Trump
mike in dc
Yertle the Turtle just basically admitted holding up the SCOTUS pick was 100% political.
That beats the crap out of any other story I expect to hear today.
Fuck, the air in my office suddenly got dusty.
Aren’t you glad you got out of the GOP when you did?
@Cacti: “Vini. Vidi. Vici.”
– Melanoma Trump
@mike in dc:
Good of him to tell the truth for once in his miserable existence.
That’s WHY it’s nice!
Wonderful story! Just to round it out, I hope they rescue a dog or three.
“Let there be light.”
— Melania Trump.
Iowa Old Lady
What a great thing to unexpectedly find. Good for him, and good for you too, John.
“I’m so proud of my beautiful black children, Sasha and Malia.”
— Melania Trump
Mike in NC
Good to hear a successful rehab story.
@shortribs: Not really. As much gruff as I give Cole – and I do, and I enjoy it – he’s obviously a really nice guy and helping out a heroin addict is just one example.
But as usual, he’s got zero blog management sense.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
So what’s the the schedule tonight at the celebration of hate bukakke, America being the recipient?
Patricia Kayden
@Cacti: Lol! Y’all are mean. Stop picking on Melania. Think of how much she suffers being married to a man with a Possum head!
thank you for the positive story John. Puppy and cat pictures?
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
@redshirt: Yet here we are, day after day…
Some Republican operative, after pooh-poohing the plagiarism charge, started crowing about how the dress Melania wore had sold out at all of the stores. Doubt this is true, but still enjoying the thought of ammosexuelles dragging those flouncy cuffs through the sausage gravy.
Patricia Kayden
@mike in dc: As if we all hadn’t figured that out.
Omnes Omnibus
“Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee.”
– Melania Trump
@Patricia Kayden:
She’s already a very polished liar.
I mean she has to tell that gross, orange-skinned pig that he’s desirable.
@Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter: Maybe it works through some Gump principle mixed with a lot of other smart, insightful FPers.
So Donald gets security briefings starting now right?
That’s a wonderful story. I’m sure your kindness made a difference.
About to drive 3 hours home after a mini reunion with some friends I haven’t seen in 25 years. Turns out 4 out of 7 of us are now wingnuts. I tried to counter some of it respectfully but mostly stuck with dog and kid photos. Fear and anger of the Trump variety is even worse in person. At least they all love animals.
So Tweety and Chuckles say Hillary has no positive message, just like trump. Why di I watch these assholes.
They can begin tomorrow, or they can wait till both conventions are done.
Hey y’all! Came out of YEARS of lurking to say:
“Jesus wept”
——Melania Trump
So this entire convention is NOT about talking about Trump…but about attacking HRC…got it…not even his wife said good things about him
@debbie: LOL! Wonderful imagery. Thank you!
“War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.” — Melania Tecumseh Trump
Iowa Old Lady
@MomSense: Holy moly. If you’re still sane, you’re much tougher than I am.
@lamh36: Just like 2012. That was all about “You didn’t build that.”
Keith P.
Melania really showed us what a big heart Michelle Obama has and did a good job of softening Barack’s edges.
@lamh36: Since the Senate Republicans have decided to ignore their responsibilities in regards the SC, why should Obama follow a recent tradition?
At this point, he should only brief Clinton. Fuck Trump, and Fuck the Republican Party.
Man, Ryan is such an irritating prick.
“I like my oatmeal lumpy.”
— Melania Trump
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: The oddest part of that theme is that it was a rhetorical move in a transitory political argument. It wasn’t a reflection of deep ideology or policy. It more or less a way to say nyah, nyah.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Betty Tamposi: My Turn: Clinton is the only choice for Republicans
Shawn in Showme
“I invented Post-Its.”
– Melania Trump
Too many believe what they hear – the GOP knows there is nothing of value to say about Trump so they just attack his opposition. And the media helps them out with all the airtime that the dems never get.
@redshirt: Or give two very different briefings to Trump and for Clinton.
Good lord, Paul Ryan is a knave.
Ryan is saying the word “Trump” as little as possible.
Oh, and Mr. Ryan, Democrats talk about ethnicity and such in part because your party and your nominee runs on the principle of “rich white men get everything”. Just FYI.
A self righteous irritating prick.
Omnes Omnibus
@hueyplong: Awesome.
@redshirt: Trump’s should be more like a geography lesson.
Patricia Kayden
Ryan must not have heard Rep King’s comments about sub groups or Trump’s anti-Mexican comments.
Congratulations on your two year anniversary, Cole. Thanks for sharing your story!
“Let’s take our fight to our opponents with better ideas”
Step one: Get some better ideas.
mike in dc
Tweety is long past his sell-by date. Has a man-crush on Trump and Rudy. Dislikes Hillary. Has no original insights into anything. MSNBC, please let his contract expire without renewal. Replace him with someone not white, not male, not over 50.
schrodinger's cat
So when does Trump speak? I saw about 15 min of the convention on PBS Snooze Hour. It was enough.
A conservative from California. Hope you’re enjoying the shit-bacteria at your hotel. And the fact that your party is doing so poorly here that the state is thinking of putting them on the endangered species list and radio-collar-tagging breeding pairs.
I’m not sure how much longer I can last, this shit is boring as hell. For Ryan to be the most exciting guy so far tonight tells you how bad this is.
Chuckles is self deluding himself into believing that Ryan is the only one who truly could have stopped Trump. Bullshit
ThresherK (GPad)
“I was born a poor black child.”
-Melania Navin Johnson Trump
@schrodinger’s cat: You missed it; it was about a half an hour ago. It was pretty blah; just “woo, aren’t I great. See you on Thursday.” He’ll probably call in tomorrow with something similar.
Omnes Omnibus
“Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium!
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, Dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng geteilt,
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo Dein sanfter Flügel weilt”
– Melania Trump
Hillary Clinton has about a 76% chance of winning the presidency
gogol's wife
Красота спасёт мир.
— Melania Trump
@Patricia Kayden:
schrodinger's cat
@dmsilev: As a child of the 80s I remember Trump and his garish Taj Mahal. Even in my wildest dreams (nightmares) I did not envisage him as the nominee of a major party.
High time for the Trump and his campaign to clear Melania’s name and explain she was raised in the same family as Michelle.
@mike in dc:
The only reason he fell for Obama was his admiration for his writing ability, he’s always dissatisfied with Obama himself, but loves the speeches.
Tough guys are his true love, because at heart having been raised in a republican household he’s all about the alpha male. Bush, Rudy, Trump, Christie.
Chris Christie. This could go off the rails in all sorts of amusing ways.
“Call me Ishmael.”
— Melania Moby Dick Trump
— Melania Trump
Cue “Baby Elephant Walk.”
Christie: “Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”
The Other Chuck
Orange looks good on you, Christie. BTW, aren’t you still under criminal investigation?
@Patricia Kayden:
As bizarre as it is, Trump’s hair is the least offensive part of him. His ego, his personality, virtually EVERYTHING else about him is worse, by orders of magnitude.
@schrodinger’s cat: Spy Magazine. 1980’s. “Short fingered vulgarian”. This fool has been a mockery for close to 40 years. And yet, here we are.
Crowd chanting “Lock her up”. What was it we were talking about earlier about incipient fascism?
Donald Trump is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being ..
M trump
Gin & Tonic
@gogol’s wife: See, you *can* do Cyrillic.
mike in dc
Yeah, that’s why he’d be insufferable covering an HRC presidency.
Just saw your post. Thanks John. Some good news is always welcome. What with all the suck on the teevee.
Good on all ya’ll for watching the bullshit that is the #RNCinCLE
I can’t seem to bring myself to watch that bull
@dmsilev: ha. Bastage
A reminder: Tonight’s theme is Make America Work Again.
Christie is now talking about Libya. Again.
G.E. Smith (remember him?) is leading the house band at the RNC. Doing execrable covers of classic rock songs.
Keith P.
Jeez, the Chris Christie is getting the crowd to start chanting “LOCK HER UP!” This is some really sick shit from the party that used to bitch about criminalizing politics while W was in charge
@hovercraft: Thanks for watching so I don’t have to. Last night I tuned in for a few minutes and Chris Matthews was just enraptured with Rudy Giuliani and his speech. He said something about how he didn’t know how Giuliani could do it, give a speech like that and not sound hawkish.
Matthews is absolutely ridiculous, so in love with a person whose done nothing for the country, but enrich himself and rip off thousands of people through his scams. Yes, Hilary Clinton is the real monster for pointing out his lies and rude boorish behavior. It’s obvious they both (he and Todd) suck at their jobs. They never heard of her college plan or plans to improve the ACA or infrastructure spending?
Thank God for Jarret Hill, those two are buffoons, an embarrassment.
The Other Chuck
Christie giving us a preview of how the trial process would work under the Trump administration.
Holy shit! Whipping the audience up into a frenzy!
ETA: so when do the lions come out?
ETA 2: or do we see if she floats?
@eclare: The Two Minutes Hate.
The Other Chuck
“We want Barrabas! Crucify her!”
Actually, I think it has everything to do with the RNC.
The RNC simply think these kind of stories are impossible. Once a drug user, always a drug user. Once scum, always scum. And there’s no use in having social programs because it’s all in the course of an impossible dream. So why waste money?
The very existence of this man is a thumb in the eye of the modern Republican party.
gogol's wife
Я вас любил. Любовь ещё, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем.
Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит.
Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
— Melania Trump
So no one notices, that barely any of the speakers at #RNCinCLE is even mentioning the name of the nominee…
@The Other Chuck: “She turned me into a newt!”
“I got better…”
Fuck you Chris Christie. You and your entire authoritarian party, who are taking a close fucking look at mid-1920s Weimar Germany and saying “hey, good example”. Fuck you.
gogol's wife
@Gin & Tonic:
Yeah, only if I include some English in the comment.
The Republican National Anthem
(by a funny guy Andy Prieboy) is an antidote to the poison.
“I’ll give you all I’ve got to give if you say you love me too. I may not have a lot to give but what I’ve got I’ll give to you. I don’t care too much for money for money can’t buy me love.”
-Melania Trump (an hour before The Donald left Trophy Wife #2)
Should Christie really be attacking Putin, given all the ties his new lord and master has with Putin?
gogol's wife
Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей.
— Donald Trump
Did Uday speak yet?
“When Slovenia sends its people here, they’re not sending us their best. They send plagiarists, gold diggers, and some, I assume, are good people.”
I kind of hope they double Clinton’s Secret Service protection.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: Pushkin?
ETA: I had to use Google Trans to get the English.
They are now singing the Sweethaven National Anthem:
gogol's wife
Лес рубят — щепки летят.
— Donald Trump
The Other Chuck
I need to get my passport renewed. If anything happens to Hillary, I am bugging the fuck out of this country.
Oh perfect a kangaroo court.
@Omnes Omnibus: “Float like a butterfly, stings when I pee!” – Donald Trump
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
Amit Joshi
I recognize there are privacy issues for your rehab buddy, but that is such an inspiring story that I’d love to read more, maybe see a picture or two even. And with such a happy ending, maybe he (and his wife) wouldn’t mind!
Christie is flat-out lying here.
Pretty minor compared to the “kill the bitch” approach that we’re leading up to, but still needs to be said.
Open thread! Goody.
So I flew to El Paso with a summer cold, and now I’m in the hotel hacking up a lung, everything hurts, all my clothes are made of sandpaper and I am pretty sure I have a fever. Meeting tomorrow should be easy, then fly home Thurs all day, and it’s back on the road Monday with a trip to Dallas and then Louisville in the same week.
Chicago the week following.
Do I wear gloves? A mask? I’m careful about coughing etc but what’s the modern etiquette here?
@gogol’s wife: Ok, we get it. You are smart.
@dmsilev: It’s Christie’s way of getting a sly dig at those who denied him the vp spot. He’s his own man, and will attempt a 2020 run. He will again lose the nomination.
Does this whole Christie segment, not reminds folks of an ole skool Klan rally? Soon to be followed by a public lynching?
Just waiting on someone to say “hang em”
This Christie stuff is straight out of the Vyshinsky/Freisler playbook
@germy: any prediction in July is going to be heavily regressed.
Apparently they’re saving burning an effigy until the last night.
Christie dissecting foreign policy is like listening to Norm Crosby give a talk on linguistics, only infinitely less humorous.
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
— Melania Trump
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Go, Vikes!
We’re about two short steps away from the RNC burning a cross on the stage.
Ernest Pikeman
Holy fnck.
Iowa Old Lady
@Elmo: That sounds miserable. Drink hot tea and get some sleep.
Is Christie trying to get the crowd to yell crucify her?
Yeah. That was not funny at all. Not one bit.
Major Major Major Major
Oh no, I’m about to enter the subway and all I have to amuse me is a book of Emerson essays. Y’all enjoy your dumpster fire.
@Elmo: It’s not really an Open Thread.
That said, follow the Japanese lead: Yes to the mask. And carry some hand sanitizer and use it.
So how many times did he say Trump vs the amount of times he said Hillary. They got nothing on why they should elect Trump; it’s all anti-Hillary
gogol's wife
I don’t know how you can watch it. I’m too much of a wimp.
@hovercraft: The irony of it is that none of those wimps are true alpha males. All they do is posture and talk big. President Obama is the only alpha male I have seen in the presidency in a long time.
Matt McIrvin
@lamh36: At this point, they may be calculating that Trump is near his ceiling of the electorate–but if they can spread enough FUD about Hillary Clinton, they can make a lot of undecideds and even Democratic leaners vote third-party or just stay home in disgust at what this election has become. And if enough do it, Trump wins.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: “Workers of the world unite – you have nothing to lose but your chains. And chains are so 90s.” – M. Trump
@Iowa Old Lady: I am drinking alcohol. Should I warm it up?
@catatonia: And they’ll be saying the DNC is straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
mike in dc
Marla Maples: “Say nice things about your Dad, Tiff, or he’ll cut us off!”
Corner Stone
The best virgin of myself?
@Matt McIrvin: I’d imagine this display also has the effect of unifying Dems around Hillary, however.
I bet there are quite a few bloggers checking to see if trump’s daughter is plagarizing anyone’s words
You put your left foot in, you take your left foot out, you put your left foot in and you shake it all about…
Melania Trump
OT: Red Sox shut out Giants at Fenway.
“Amazeballs” to quote a noted commentator.
@gogol’s wife: It’s not fun. Not at all, not anymore. But we do need to watch it, so we know what we’re facing.
Iowa Old Lady
@Elmo: That is a bad idea. Alcohol slows your immune system.
@redshirt: Oh forgive. I here am new.
Thanks for the tip, that was my inclination.
Corner Stone
This woman is so fucking sugary. It’s icky.
As god is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again!
Melania Trump
Funny how she’s responsible for things that happened after she left state. Tomorrow when he goes on the talk shows someone should ask how many of her staffers or associates have been indicted, and how many of his. Fat piece of hateful corrupt shit. STFU. She will be our next president, while you rot in Trenton with a state full of people who hate you. I should know you lying sack of shit you’re my governor .
@gogol’s wife: I’ve watched none of it and will watch none of it. Why bother? You already know what it’s like, what it’s about. I’ve only seen Trump the politician speak on TV once, and even then just for a few minutes. I saw enough. What more is there to see?
Tiffany does not seem nervous at all. And meow, did she roll her hair on frozen OJ cans? BTW, her mom, Marla, seemed genuine and nice on Dancing with the Stars.
@Iowa Old Lady: Alcohol is NEVER a bad idea. I am employing its cough suppressant qualities, strictly medicinal you understand. Strictly.
@hovercraft: That speech wasn’t about actually laying out a case against Secretary Clinton, it was about inciting a lynch mob.
RawStory headline:
Ann Coulter: ‘Every woman’ who’s worked at Fox News has dirt on Roger Ailes
Omnes Omnibus
@Elmo: Clear or brown?
There is a folk remedy that I have heard of but never tried. If you have whisk[e]y or brandy, fill a bath with the hootest water you can stand, pour yourself some booze, climb in, sip steadily at the booze until the water is body temperature, then go to bed. Supposedly, you will feel much better in the morning.
Sweet baby Jeebus, this makes the 1992 convention look like a love-in.
@Elmo: Don’t shake hands, take and use hand sanitizer, and beg for sympathy.
I hope you feel better soon!
Patricia Kayden
@mike in dc: Lol! Pretty much.
Trump Winery?
i can’t even
ThresherK (GPad)
Leave Trump alone, he’s a (three-) family man.
Splitting Image
Since Trump is now the official nominee, it seems as good a time as any to quote H.L. Mencken:
Halfway there, folks.
Turned around for a moment and inadvertently saw the younger Trump daughter on the screen.
Why in FSM’s name does anyone that young feel an urgency for Botox injections?
Iowa Old Lady
@Elmo: Well, if it’s medicinal, then ok. Really, I hope you feel better in the morning.
Patricia Kayden
@dmsilev: And that was definitely a lynch mob. Very ugly to watch. Christie is nothing but a bully. He should be under indictment for Bridge-gate. The nerve of him.
That’s all Rethugs are usually chickenhawks and bullies, they talk tough but cry as soon as you hit back.
Schlemazel Khan
@Cacti: I am so gonna Melamine that line!
That entire Chris Christie segment is a nutshell…but NOT played for laughs..wow
Burn the witch
“Louie Louie. Oh yeah. She got mfft, Ay yai yai yai.”
-Melania Trump
I’m not listening to cable; how are the talking heads reacting to Christie’s exhortations against
Emmanuel GoldsteinHillary Clinton?rikyrah
I remember seeing Goldwater’s “extremism is no vice” speech as a kid, and G Wallace in 60s.
2016 is ugliest convent rhetoric I can remember
@Omnes Omnibus: Clear or grape – I have never developed a taste for brown, other than flavored vodka. And thanks for the folk remedy!
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: @Elmo: Champagne. Real champagne, y’all. Or so my ex’s ma maintained – might be one of those Grandpa Jones scenarios, tho’: “Does it cure your cold, Grandpa?”/”No, but it makes being sick a whole lot more interesting.”
Ernest Pikeman
I’m getting whiplash. From hate-bullshit to love-bullshit to winery management. This is utterly demented.
Does the Man from U.N.C.L.E. Run from #RNCinCLE?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Elmo: Who else wants to throw a planter at Baby Leroy, after “hearing” your quote in WC Fields’ voice?
@dmsilev: Josh Barro on twitter things it’ll work because Hillary is unpopular.
Umm not being catty here but someone should have told Tiffany to tone the makeup down, it’s terrible.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Where are you staying here in the People’s Democratic Soc!alist Republic of Louisville? I’ll give you restaurant picks!
Patricia Kayden
@gogol’s wife: It’s awful so I’m watching it through a Leftwinger podcast for their commentary and mockery. So far, so good — the podcast, not the Convention.
Miss Bianca
@germy: Oh, boy…*there’s* a headline that falls with a “splat” like a splash of red wine on a tablecloth.
pseudonymous in nc
If Cole had any smidge of respect left for Christie (and I honestly doubt he did by now) then that kill-the-witch speech will have erased it.
Oh, it was a ‘stemwinder’ according to Brian Williams. No, it was fucking frothing.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Boom!
Not quite. The RNC version just includes some Jesus along with the social programs.
Major Major Major Major
@lamh36: ha!
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
-Melania Trump
Omnes Omnibus
@Elmo: I keep trying to talk people into trying it, but no one ever does it.
@Miss Bianca: Well, that’s one reason to keep champers around.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: He will be saying that after she gets re-elected in 2020.
The Kangaroo Anti-Defamation League is on line one, and they are pissed.
@Miss Bianca: LOVE IT
@Patricia Kayden: I know.
What’s the point of telling people not to get overconfident (which is what Barro said about Dems)? I can understand saying don’t get complacent. But what’s wrong with being overconfident?
mike in dc
Trump’s oldest son Qusay speaking now. Uday up later.
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: The Marriott downtown! Where are we going?
These are the same people who keep telling us that she is a liar and deeply unpopular and will lose to drump, yet she consistently leads him in the polls. I know Barro is one of the more sensible ones but he’s still a republican.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Sounds like a way to get alcohol poisoning.
@Omnes Omnibus: I believe it. Knowing Finns, they’d add “go to sauna” and I bet that definitely helps.
Sweating and staying warm and even better, hot, you’re simulating a fever and cooking any virus that is adapted to normal body temp.
My top secret, never get sick formula, in part — When you first feel yourself getting sick – scratch at the back of the throat, sudden cough or sneeze, stomach rumbling and stumbling – do the following:
1. Exercise in some way. Sweat.
2. Gargle mouthwash, inhale your exhale
3. Sauna. If not available, then hottest shower you can take, interspersed with bursts of super cold shower.
4. Take a shot of some alcohol you like. Straight up.
5. Sleep deeply.
J R in WV
Doesn’t matter. The alcohol will kill bacteria in your throat, which may help. Plus you will be drunk and fall asleep, and sleep helps you heal.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the good news update! Your rehab buddy seems to have taken off on his own, which is great.
Keep in touch,
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: Interleague play is an abomination.
@hovercraft: He also still needs to eat, so he needs to keep his employer happy.
I started up with Twitter again after a long hiatus. John Harwood has gone off the deep end.
schrodinger's cat
@hovercraft: Barro’s father is a big deficit hawk economist.
It seems his family members are the only ones who have said positive things about him. Most of the others were anti-Hillary.
Patricia Kayden
If I recall correctly the Trump kids couldn’t even vote for their father because they were too inept to register to vote correctly in NY. Funny that.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: What is Harwood saying? Kind of surprised.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Brilliant! LOL, truly!
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Like, you *need* a reason?
@Patricia Kayden: He seems to be impressed with this convention.
Mary G
You’re a good man, Charlie Brown. Happy second anniversary and good to hear about your rehab mate.
Of course Hugh Hewitt thinks tonight has been brilliant and that the “lock her up chants” he’s sure are playing very well at home. Everything has been very very effective.
@Patricia Kayden:
“If you take this convention as a focus group for the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton is getting wiped out”
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
My wife’s grandma had a cure called the two-hats cure.
You put a hat on the footpost of your bedstead, and go to bed with a bottle of brown liquor (mostly Bourbon around here, but Irish or Scotch will do). You drink until you see two hats, stop then and go to sleep. You will be healthy in the morning. [Or dead. My snark addition.]
There is really only one valid answer, and that is: If you are truly sick, especially if you are contagious (or think you may be), stay at home and avoid proximity to people as much as possible.
There’s a reason that “get some rest” is a standard part of treatment – it allows the body to focus that much more energy into healing. Plus your resistance is impaired and you leave yourself open to others’ contagions.
Flying while in the throes of a cold or flu is not solely creating added risk for the sufferer, it is being downright ill-mannered and antagonistic to everyone else in the enclosed and poorly ventilated space of the cabin.
As someone coming up on 21 years sober, I say “Good on you”, John. I’m watching Donald Trump Jr. blather away about shit he has no fucking idea about and thinking this dingus would be the manager of the local Hardee’s, if he wasn’t the son of a millionaire. Worthless waste of good oxygen.
I mean, really, Trump’s kids are telling us how to live? What our country is? Who we are? JesusfuckingChrist.
Is this the Trump son who likes to kill endangered animals in Africa? Nice self tanner asshole.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: If you take a dog park as a focus group you’ll find that assholes smell good, so what? What a maroon.
@debbie: So he was admitting that Melania buys off the rack? Seems like something that would go over well with the rank and file, but I doubt Donald approves.
Felonius Monk
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. ”
—- Melania Abraham Trump
Oh, for fucks sake. Back to Benghazi AGAIN?
@Gin & Tonic: As is the DH, and yet, here we are. Living in abomination. What is a good fan to do?
Good God jr has his fathers hand gestures and that same squishy mouth, it’s frightening.
Exclusive: Trump could seek new law to purge government of Obama appointees
If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.
Christie, who is governor of New Jersey and leads Trump’s White House transition team, said the campaign was drawing up a list of federal government employees to fire if Trump defeats Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 presidential election.
Donald Sr. “poured sheet rock” and Donald Jr. grew up driving Caterpillars. Real men of the people.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: My punching fist is getting really hangry.
The Other Chuck
Hey Qusay, you gave the punchline (“The Aristocrats”), you can stop the joke now.
gogol's wife
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, that statement makes no sense to me at all.
is this the guy was behind tweeting all that vile racist bullshit to Leslie Jones?
BREAKING: Twitter has permanently banned Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos (@nero) for repeated violations:
Does he know that the US basically doesn’t import much oil any more?
gogol's wife
I guess they’ve been talking to Erdogan.
@Corner Stone: I’ll fight you for sport points if you’re game. THIS IS A CHALLENGE.
Corner Stone
God dammit. I am so fucking tired of FYWP eating a normal fucking comment.
@khead: Yeah, right. What a smarmy asshole this Jr. prick is!
@Baud: wow. deep end indeed.
mike in dc
They are really giving Strawman Democrat a thorough going over.
Is it possible to hate Qusay more than the father? He might actually be more dangerous. Never heard him give a speech before.
Ari Ratner
@AliABCNews ivanka is Michael. Brilliant but she’d kill for her godfather. The two sons are Fredo and sonny. The other daughter is Connie.
The mauve tie is nice.
If you’re a concierge. Or a florist.
The Other Chuck
Gotta hand it to Qusay, the convention just sounded fascist til now, but he’s really giving it his all to provide the look.
Hah! A president who won’t use the office as a path to personal enrichment. Holy shit. Go, Junior. You fucking asshole.
@khead: Sid he really say “poured?”
? Martin
@lamh36: Probably a leader of it. It’s right up his alley. Doubt it was all of it though.
That it took Twitter 2 years is outrageous.
Corner Stone
I hated his speech but he executed it very, very well.
J R in WV
Keep up the good work rikyrah!
These back-lot Nazis need people keeping an eye on them. There’s a reason we have Civil Service for government employees. It’s to keep assholes like Trump from firing everyone who knows what they’re doing in the government, and replacing them with Republicans who can’t even spell government, much less do it!
And of course, if Trump pulled this stunt off, he would be hiring people according to how big a kick-back they would be giving him. We’ve had governors like that here, and it doesn’t work very well.
On what planet is the hall full of rabid republican base delegates a focus group? I guess he’s been watching too many Frank Luntz focus groups if he thinks that room is representative of the general electorate.
@dexwood: War is Peace, brah.
@rikyrah: is Trump trying to be Erdogan Junior?
– –☺Matt Murphy
Don Jr is a 38 year old punk living in daddy’s pockets.
Don Jr has no idea what Dodd-Frank actually does
Don Jr has no idea what he’s talking about
Central Planning
“That’s a big twinkie”
-Melania Winston Trump
Good to know that authoritarianism runs in the family.
Yeah, I need a lecture from Trump’s spoiled rich kids about what this country needs. Go fuck yourself, Junior.
I left the TV on to see what tonight’s offerings from the RNC would be. Surprise! More piles of lies from a greasy-haired rich kid. Honestly, hate for Hillary, we get it. It’s coming out of every mouth at the microphone, fer pete’s sake. No policy plans, just noise.
The commenters on TV are the worst. Even PBS sucks. David Brooks? gah!
I’ll be turning this off now. It’s making me crazy.
Steeplejack (phone)
She’s a commie!
Gelfling 545
@redshirt: I suspect they’d be quite different in any case, with HRC likely already being more aware of what is going on due to her experience. With Trump they’ll have to start by pointing to countries on a map.
Obama’s approval rating is 56% in last week’s Post/ABC poll. GOP sounding off on a “third Obama term” likely helps Hillary Clinton.
“How many roads must a man walk down? Before you can call him a man? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.”
-Melania Trump
@? Martin: yeah…I see he has a history, and the Leslie Jones stuff may have been the last straw.
He caught himself. Meant to say “poured concrete and hung sheet rock”. But he said “poured sheet rock” first. I laughed through the whole sequence from the sheet rock – to the kid saying that Donald listened to the construction workers instead of folks from Harvard – to the driving CATS.
Everything old is new again, again.
“Virgil Payne is the name and I worked on the Danville train.”
-Melania Trump
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: Why doesn’t the RNC promise to abolish the DH? It’d be less nonsensical than some of their planks and speeches.
The Other Chuck
Capito has convinced me that we need to open a new coal mine.
In her fucking back yard.
Mary G
Hillary’s Twitter team is doing a a great job responding to each speaker in real time.
This convention so far has been about 80% anti-Clinton and maybe 20% pro-Trump. They’ve got nothing except hatred.
OT…Dang…sad non-political news
Exclusive: Sources confirm Garry Marshall has passed away. #Developing
@ThresherK (GPad): The DH is more likely to be added to the NL than be eliminated from the AL.
Don’t you understand, what I’m trying to say?
And Can’t you feel the fear that I’m feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there’s no running away
There’ll be no one to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you, boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy
But you tell me over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction
– M . Trump
“I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas without you. I’ll be so blue blue thinking about you. ”
-Melania Trump
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: Chuck Todd just told me that I shouldn’t be surprised if the DNC has the same level of anti-Trump stuff.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Good location, about 5 blocks from my office.
Doc Crow’s is within a few blocks, great bar, great raw bar, super fresh (we have a UPS transshipment fish house here, so we get the freshest stuff from both coasts). If you’re aiming high end for steak, there’s Jeff Ruby’s and Eddie Merlot’s within a 4 block walk. Also, there’s a really decent Brazilian steakhouse in the same blocks as Eddie Merlot’s. There’s a Morton’s in my block. Also in my block is a great concept joint with a beautiful bar called Mussels and Burgers. Across the street from that is one of the truly great new hotels, 21C – it has a great contemporary museum, an American fusion restaurant and funky bar.
@Central Planning: I LOL’ed very hard. Thank you!
@Major Major Major Major: Chuck Todd is a moron. But you knew that.
@Baud: wow. Just wow. They really don’t think Democrat voters count. I wonder why that is.
“Say hey, where are all the white women?
–Melania Trump
That dress was hideous. Looked like bargain basement polyester dreck. Cheap looking, which fits her profile perfectly. Claims to have been a supermodel, but she wasn’t even close. Said she has a degree in architecture but never made it to the second year in college. Plagiarizes the script for her most important moment in the spotlight. She’s no better than he is.
@rikyrah: Wow. They are modelling their plans on Turkey. Purges of Judges and teachers.
So will the media have the same low expectations for DNC speakers as they seemingly have for Trump/RNC speakers…
who a I kidding
“This land is your land. This land is my land.
from California, to the New York Islands
from the Redwood forests, to the Gulf Stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.”
-Melania Trump
OK, now _shit will get weird_.
Attention insomniacs! Help is on the way. Ben Carson blather coming up.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Unifying Dems might be the direct effect if they see the actual convention, but if it just gets filtered through a lot of media talking heads talking about how forcefully the Republicans raised lingering questions about Hillary’s honesty and trustworthiness (rather than OH MY GOD THEY’RE BATSHIT), it could lead to more of that “I just don’t trust her and I can’t put my finger on why.”
I don’t know. I think my political instincts might have gotten damaged by living through the Reagan years in a conservative area, and then living through 9/11 and the aftermath. But I always find it hard to believe that hate and fear won’t win. They are powerful drugs.
@geg6: A lying immigrant… gosh, I feel like I know what Trump’s policy is for that group.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Lots of bars closeby, too. O’Shea’s (run by a high school classmate) is next door to Doc Crow’s. There are several nice bars and clubs within stumbling distance.
Also, you got a lot of stuff a short uber ride away in the Nulu district.
Oh, and Edward Lee (a celebrity chef) has something closeby with a neat menu including gourmet ramen and a funky bar.
MSNBC is reporting that Tommen Trump hit his speech out of the park.
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, but in fairness to Chuck Todd, he is a moron.
@NotMax: Dr. Carson is quite soothing. Too bad it’s smooth poison.
Dear ‘Merica,
If you can seriously stomach the thought of being Presidented this punk-ass little bitch who was born on third base and thinks he hit a homer, I just can’t. I just can’t do you no more if you vote for this, ‘Merica.
And don’t even get me started on his fuck-hole idiot son blathering on and on tonight. I think I know which one keeps feeding the hate-group tweets to Pops.
I have rarely hated, truly despised anyone in my life, but the Trump family is an exception.
Your pal,
I think I’m almost counting on that.
Is anybody getting a picture of the seats? is the arena packed? I’ve seen some photos of the upper deck seats being empty, but they may be from earlier events in the day…
Smiling Mortician
This is an awesome misplaced modifier. My apologies if I’m late pointing this out.
@PaulWartenberg2016: Certain camera angles are blocked in the name of Freedom.
Central Planning
@redshirt: You’re welcome. I saw the new Ghostbusters last night. I liked it.
Woohoo! Saul Alinsky mention!
Everyone drink!
Saul Alinsky! Lucifer!
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Yes, that’s the fucking guy. Milo.
So how does the Breitbart advertising platform work? I’m inclined to boycott.
gogol's wife
@Matt McIrvin:
You missed Obama getting elected twice?
So, Hillary Clinton is linked to Saul Alinksy is linked to Kevin Bacon?
mike in dc
Hillary Clinton, communist, Satanist. Ben Carson, “Brain surgeon”.
Orban, Kaczynski, Erdogan, Trump. Not a damn bit of difference.
“And who are you, the proud Lord said
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat
that’s all the truth I know
In a coat of gold or a coat of red
a lion still has claws
and mine are long and sharp, my lord
as long and sharp are yours
And so he spoke and so he spoke
the Lord of Castamere
but now the rains weep o’er his hall
with no one there to hear
Yes, now the rains weep o’er his hall
and not a soul to hear
-Melania Trump
Saw that, I nearly choked on my tea.
Just visit the Star Ledger’s archives for an indictment of his record.
What fraction of the audience in the convention hall can define “metastasize”?
You left out Huma Abedin and Vlad the Impaler.
@Matt McIrvin:
Obviously, fear has won in your case. Election is not some coin toss.
@Burnspbesq: yep. I was going to go with Orban. Make sure that it will take Democrats 30 years to take back icontrol. In the meantime, start looting the country.
OK, the RNC feed just showed a protestor, I guess, holding up a sign about racism and being swarmed by some Trumpistas who literally swathed her with an American flag.
What is the “secular progressive agenda”? Another magic phrase like “radical islamic terrorism”?
Yes they all loved it, speech of the convention. Wondering if dada campaign has all been a set up for Udays run in the future, now that he’s earned himself some stripes by giving a speech.
The Other Chuck
@PaulWartenberg2016: The place was pretty much full when Der Drumpfenführer himself came out. Other times it’s ebbed and flowed. The enthusiasm level in general has not exactly been astronomical — lots of stony faces even during applause lines. Compare to the DNC where they’re likely to raise the roof.
And whoah … is Carson actually calling liberals devil worshipers? This convention is going to make 1992, maybe even 1964 look tame.
And the C-SPAN camera shows another code pink infiltrator, booya! (That’s 3 so far I’ve seen)
Steeplejack (phone)
I think PBS has now used all eight black people in the audience in its cutaways from the speakers. I guess they start recycling now.
[skips to end of thread without reading comments]
Well, Cole didn’t mention Bernie or Greenwald, so either someone else mentioned Bernie or it’s the return of a troll.
[goes back to read comments]
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: I don’t know, if I had to answer, I’d say yes. Not that I want it there, but if it happens I can live with it.
(Speaking of irrational hope, I’m more interested in Montreal getting back in the NL.)
Patricia Kayden
Good on that “No Racism, No Hate” protester! Made my night. That’s a wrap for me and the RNC Convention for tonight.
It’s got “meta” and “size” in it, so obviously an erection pill, silly.
Oh, how nice! They’ve accepted her as an American!
Well Carson said she wrote a thesis on him, so obviously she worships him, and he worshiped satan, so she will remove god, from America and from our money, unlike drump who believes in god and the second amendment.
@ThresherK (GPad): Heh. I’m high on Montreal’s return as well, but I’m not sure it will happen due to TV.
More likely a Mexico team. Maybe Monterrey?
@Matt McIrvin: I dunno if you’re aware of this, but the Red Sox have won three World Series in the 21st century.
@ThresherK (GPad):
Montreal should worry more about getting back into Stanley Cup playoff contention.
Omnes Omnibus
@Renie: Gotta stay in the will, just in case there is actually something left.
Thank you for sharing that great news about his recovery. And yours! I’m very happy for you both.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: There are people who get judgey.
ANOTHER soap opera actor…does the Trump folk just sit around looking for GOP soap opera actors…
what da…
@different-church-lady: Bern…
Heh. Camera caught Gingrich picking his nose and quickly panned away.
@Major Major Major Major:
Nah, it’ll be more like 50/50 or 60/40 at worst. Even better, it’ll have the benefit of being true, as in like backed up by the facts and everything.
As I told my dad earlier tonight, once (he/they/anyone) begins to understand that for whatever flaws HRC may have, she’s not History’s Greatest Monster, any rationale at all for voting Trump crumbles. Post Dem convention, I suspect HRC will ‘bounce’ up into the 51-53% range and stay there for the next four months. Not exactly genius insight there either, but reassuring.
For those of you who are thinking of flushing your brains, may I suggest the BBC Proms? Unfortunately there’s almost no video permitted outside the UK but BBC Radio 3 broadcasts them both live and in replay. This afternoon at work I listened to this and tomorrow I will be treating myself to Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis.
Hugh Hewitt with the freudian slip of the night Donald Reagan jr. had the speech of the night, and the Clinton’s can’t compete with the family up on the stage. Posits a skewed polls theory, this election may be a black swan event like brexit, and the polls are just not capturing the country’s true sentiments. The Clinton’s are reeling after the prosecution they’ve endured tonight. I wasn’t aware that this was a trial.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Judge-y about…champagne?
Here’s info on its provenance (so to speak).
Check the photo in the link. The back of the dress is doubly hideous.
And look how well that’s turning out!
? Martin
@lamh36: There were thousands of straws that should have been his last before this.
~M. Trump
@debbie: That’s interesting because Ilincic is a very good designer. Both Mrs. Obama and the Duchess of Cambridge wear her clothes. She does have a tendency for flamboyant sleeves, but that’s not it. I think the problem is the fabric. It doesn’t look right under the convention hall lights.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I haven’t seen any reports on ratings. I don’t know what kind of internet afterlife these kinds of things are going to have. If Usay or Quday gave as good a speech as twitter wants me to think, I still have a hard time imagining someone who isn’t watching saying to a friend, “I saw it on line, you’ve got to look it up…”
(this dancing would actually be less sad if those people were drunk)
— Melania Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Too posh. Not a workingman’s drink. Etc.
Alright…RIP Gary Marshall.
81/82…is a good long life nowadays. I know some folk live to 100, but 81 ain’t nothing to sneeze at.
Mary G
Delegates dancing badly again. Nothing says hip as much as doing the foxtrot to “Love Train.”
@hovercraft: the fact that every day she’s president will be emotionally painful for him makes me want to vote for her three or four times.
gogol's wife
Trump’s son gave a good speech? Is that really true? Or is this like Sarah Palin?
Whichever person’s idea it was to make the main color of the stage and backdrop nuclear bunker gray was off his or her meds.
Ferd ofthe Nort
Andrew Sullivan is reduced to gibbering.
basically ABDAH! ABDAH! Whaaaaah?
Worth the review as he progressively goes round the bend. Out and out augering around the bends.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
people are talking about an actress who is now an avocado farmer giving a speech. I seem to remember Sandra Bullock owns an avocado farm. Apparently, it’s someone less prominent
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Tom Selleck has an avocado farm. Maybe he transitioned.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: All that they had money for was primer.
Felonius Monk
Hugh Hewitt is a fucking idiot.
mike in dc
Still nobody outside the Trump clan has made a truly pro-Trump speech. McConnell and Ryan’s argument was basically “he’ll sign whatever we pass”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: Chachi broke his heart.
Too soon?
@gogol’s wife
He gave a boilerplate standard speech praising the candidate in broad and not too vapid terms and didn’t muff it much.
Really… Muslims for Trump is a real thing?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: soap actress…
@crampell 5m5 minutes ago
Trump campaign officially throwing Melania under the bus.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No. And not bad. IIRC the Marshalls, brother and sister, were/are good Dems and liberals.
@gogol’s wife:
Pedestrian run of the mill country club Republican speech. Why it is receiving accolades, escapes me.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: You listen to people like this? Just curious, mind.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Last night was 23 million across all the networks during the 10 pm hour, which includes the networks.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: I know people like this. A response that is more polite than “Fuck off” is sometimes needed in social situations.
Of course he is…smh
Why, oh why cannot Tweety be blessed with a bout of laryngitis?
And Brian Williams is proof positive of what results from pouring salt water taffy into a tailored suit.
Omnes Omnibus
It is a very nice suit, though.
@NotMax: Why do you watch them? Why do you torture yourself?
Can we talk about Bernie here anymore?
Remember Bernie?
Sounds like if they get through the whole convention without calling for extrajudicial assassinations of Hillary, or any other Dems (or John Roberts!?), the MSM meme will be ‘Repubs pivot to center’.
@p.a.: So reasonable, really@!
I just got home from seeing Helen Mirren in The Audience (Had already seen it three times in three years, but it is so well crafted and acted that it doesn’t get old). Anyhow, it looks like it’ll take me a couple of hours to make my way through all the RNC threads. Was there a “moment” I should know about?
Between Tweety and Ron Fournier are both such hacks. Ron says that the DCN will be just as bad as this hatefest because the dems need to drive up his negatives because she is so unpopular. I guess the fact that she’s already ahead won’t influence the tone. We must make sure to say both sides do it. Nevermind that there’s been no policy here except lock her up, and purge the federal government, only Hillary Obama hate.
No way…
@JamesFallows James Fallows Retweeted The Daily Show
Did Don Jr forget to cite a direct quote from an article?
Uncle Cosmo
@Peale: Um…because they’re going to do their damnedest to make sure as few Democrats vote as possible?
And FTR, Choke Toad aka The Goatee Of Incomprehension is still a moron…
@p.a.: I’m not sure they’ll manage to clear that low bar. Today, Christie essentially called for a lynch mob to drag Clinton away, and at this rate it wouldn’t surprise me for Thursday’s crowd chant to be “kill the bitch”.
And I’m sure there would _still_ be some in the media who would try to excuse that.
Felonius Monk
Bernie? I don’t know no Bernie. Bernie who?
Adam had posited that that will come during drumps speech, by then they will be fully primed and ready with the pitchforks.
Felonius Monk
None of them.
@debbie: Well, I liked it. I wouldn’t wear it because I hate anything around my wrists like that but I thought she looked smashing. Visible zippers up the back have been a “thing” ever since Alber Elbaz began doing it for Lanvin.
@Felonius Monk: All of them, Katie.
@lamh36: Well, I guess that’s one way to distract people from the racism, sexism, and incipient fascism contained in the rest of the speeches.
NO! Oh hell no.
Omnes Omnibus
Why was I not informed that The Man with No Name trilogy was on TCM tonight?
@Barbara: My only problem with the dress is the color. White glares under the combination of convention hall and camera lights. But in person it might have been completely different.
Coming up on twitter that Trump Jr plagiarized part of his speech from The American Conservative. The Daily Show has it on twitter. Jesus.
Welp..come on
Here is the American Conservative article that Trump Jr. lifted from – this is not made up. They did it again:
and the shitshow continues.
what the wife can do, the ugly stepson can do one better.
The pivot to the center is when they call for a military tribunal before Hillary is drawn and quartered.
So reasonable.
@celticdragonchick: Holy Mother of God. For real?
ETA: never mind. Saw other posts. Is anyone starting to get the feeling that the Mother of Dragons is rooting for Hillary?
Omnes Omnibus
@celticdragonchick: You have got to be shitting me.
I got home from work late, because Mr. Suzanne’s grandfather passed away this afternoon and we are flying out tomorrow for the funeral, so I was trying to get stuff done. I came home to recaps of Uday (or is it Qusay?) and the daughter who isn’t Ivanka who has the weirdest hair I have ever seen. Bar goal.
Oh, and Ben Carson thinks Hillary hangs out with Lucifer.
Ben Carson went off script and called Hillary Clinton a devil worshipper who will take God out of public life and as a result lead to the downfall of the country.
I wish I was making any of this up.
they forgot to cite, I”m sure…but after last night…you would think they’d gov over EVERY speech with a fine tooth comb@Omnes Omnibus: i posted the link to the article
karen marie
@eclare: I tuned in to Christie briefly while he was shrieking that HRC was close friends with someone who killed 400,000 people, and the crowd was shrieking back “guilty!” It makes me worry about party registration records one day being used by Republicans to hunt down Democrats. They are some scary people with no grip on reality.
@hovercraft: dude needs to lay off the acid.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The Guardian reporting it now.
Original Lee
@schrodinger’s cat: Heaven help me, I stayed in the Taj for a week to attend a conference. The conference was in a completely different hotel, but the rates to stay at that hotel were over the company’s per diem, so … It was sort of like staying at a La Quinta that Dr. Seuss had decorated.
Ferd ofthe Nort
Original policy, Hell they can’t even do original speeches. After last night your would think the speeches would be checked with a fine-tooth comb.
Melania and now UDAY
A 2nd plagiarism story?!
and apparently, rachel maddows, the librul teevee icon, was swooning over the son’s ‘speech’.
@Elmo: @Omnes Omnibus: The Best Cold Remedy: Shot of Peppermint Schnapps, followed by chamomile tea chaser. Repeat until no longer needed. Best utilized at home, within falling distance of bed or sofa.
@lamh36: Yes, he was. Apparently it wasn’t so much what he and his cohorts said to her, vile as it was, it was because they targeted a specific person. Now he’s bragging that “censoring” him will get him more followers than ever, but — sorry, bro, you’re no longer on Twitter. If people want to follow you, they’ll have to go to Breitbart and read real articles full of long words and you know they aren’t going to do that. I hope Leslie comes back to Twitter. Good for her for fighting back.
Best exchange of the night on MSNBC (about yet another soap opera actor speaking at the convention):
That phrase in his speech: “The upper class is stalled on the ground floor”
Here is what you get on google…
@karen marie: You can bet they’ll use it one day if they get the chance.
Will they get the chance?
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Yep, I saw it. Holee Fuck.
Apparently, the conservative writer who wrote the article is saying it was not lifted apparently he wrote the speech..but without citing it
Mary G
@Suzanne: I said that Tiffany’s hair didn’t fall far from the tree. No way that grew out of her head. She did a pretty good job on the speech, though. I wouldn’t be able to do it.
Also, Muslims for Trump? There are more than one?
And I’m so honored to be here at 400 posts and to help us get to a TBOGG.
God bless.
It’s 500 posts. Do you want to make it?
Donate 10$ to Hillary.
Omnes Omnibus
@Feathers: I’ve done that with brandy in mint tea. It is helpful.
My comments with links are languishing in moderation.
Take my word for it and go google that phrase from vampire Jr’s speech “Elevator to the upper class is stalled on the ground floor”.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: That’s bullshit. It is possible to plagiarize oneself.
@lamh36: *headdesk* Shouldn’t he have realized after yesterday that he should vet that speech to the nth degree?
@redshirt: Our front-pagers have apparently deserted us.
@Felonius Monk:
Bernie Mac, I loved Bernie Mac! R.I.P.Bernie.
karen marie
@rikyrah: Who the fuck will replace all these people? I am starting to think Trump is thinking events in Turkey are something he can replicate here.
@Emma: Do you think Trump’s campaign organization is up to that task? Available evidence suggests not.
Tonight’s plagiarism story is up at TPM.
@redshirt: Am I crazy, Even if Buckley wrote the speech…using his ALREADY printed words without citing it is plagarism…
Seriously, it can’t be ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
As I may or may not have said last week, life is a carnival, two bits a shot. I just kanna remember.
Was joking a while back predicting Trump would bring along steaks and literally throw red meat to the crowd.
Now am not so sure it is a joke anymore.
@dmsilev: I’m telling you and telling you. This isn’t mere incompetence. They’ve pissed off the Morrigan and she’s come out swinging for Hillary. Chreeeist.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yep. If the material was published and you do not own the rights (IE your own book) you MUST CITE!
Did Trump give a yoooge, classy building to Penn in order to get his kid in?
@lamh36: Yes, right?
Having conjured then come to control the internet magic for hotel bookings and such.
Sunshine to you all!
@karen marie: Reminds me of how the civil service was run in the 19th century: Pure patronage, often direct exchange of cash for appointments.
@lamh36: Yes. Unless it is from his own book that he owns rights to.
Since he is presumably writing for somebody else (he is not actually giving the speech) then it is certainly mandatory that sources are mentioned unless you want to make the guy on stage look like an ass.
@Suzanne: Deepest sympathy to the Suzanne family.
@lamh36: msm will normalize everything including lies, fraud, thievery.
@lamh36: why, yes, yes he did.
whatever the case after last night, you would think they’d err on the side of caution.@celticdragonchick:
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: Condolences.
She disagreed with the content but thought it was delivered well and hit the mark for those who are receptive to the message. He was by far and away the best speaker of the convention so far, even if most of what he said was bullshit. Much like la palin’s speech was impressive.
Once again, IOKIYAR
If the Donald Trump Jr. lines weren’t plagiarism because the author gave permission, neither was the Obama riff from Deval, who also did.
mrs. greenspan thought that Christie stole the night with his prosecution of Hillary.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oops, my bad!
@hovercraft: yeah, style over substance. and sure enough, the librul icon fell for it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): ::side eye::
Anne Laurie
New post up top, in case anyone needs one.
(Don’t worry, this’ll be a TBogg unit by morning regardless.)
apparently author wrote little drumpfs speech for him…
Anne Laurie
@Suzanne: Condolences to Mr. Suzanne.
(Not to you for watching the convention, though.)
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: To go straight to Godwin. Acknowledging that Hitler was good at giving speeches does not mean that one supports the content of the speeches. Reagan was good at it too. Do you want to tell me I bought into Reaganism?
karen marie
@lamh36: The guy whose lines were used was one of the people who wrote the speech. Seems like a poor choice given that the lines were published previously and there was no attribution in the speech.
Steve in the ATL
karen marie
@@Original Lee:
You win the thread.
@sukabi: Yeah, looks the media is letting this one slide.
The author wrote that stuff for another publication that paid him and he did own that work anymore. It was unethical to reuse it with attribution. It was still plagiarism.
@Omnes Omnibus: and look how well that turned out. go lecture someone else, omnes.
@karen marie: I’d be pissed if I was the Trump camp to have paid this fool to write an original work and instead he possibly recycled shit..smh
Matt McIrvin
For a man, particularly. We break easily.
sheldon vogt
@Aleta: I was born a poor black child —
Melania Trump
Steeplejack (phone)
Naked hyperlinks! Dress ’em up.
Original Lee
So since the Rethugs have brought up the whole Duvall Patrick thing again, what Qusay did was closer to that. What Melania did was flat out theft.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Oh, go blow bubbles. Saying someone did a good job with a speech is not the same as saying one agrees with or was convicne by the speech. Do you want reporters to report accurately? I do. And capitalize the first letter of my nym in the future. I doubt you are e.e. cummings.
Nothing to say really. Just trying to crank us up to a TBogg.
Glad you guys are commenting on the shitshow.
I tried but I just couldn’t…
I relay on BJ comments.
@p.a.: Best one yet.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Corrective action taken.
“I like them French-fried potaters, mmm-hmmmm….”
– Melania Trump
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): I do so love Archer.
Original Lee
A work in progress:
For the Party that’s lost common sense,
Donald Trump has selected Mike Pence.
An asshole so pure
Searched through mucho manure
To find a wingnut really quite dense.
Anne Laurie
You’re assuming the speechwriter expected to be paid by Trump.
Lord Short Thumbs showed up looking for me to write him sum gud werds, I’d pull some old phrases I was fond of from the archives my own self. It’s not the Trumpkins care about originality (or the rule of law) — if they did, they wouldn’t be voting for Trump!
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: .To do any work for Trump, I would need a cashiers check in advance. And even then, I would worry about the suit for not adequately making Trump Huuuge and Klasssssy!
One day at a time, John. I’m so happy about the success of you and your rehab buddy.
@Anne Laurie:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Do we really need to trot out intellectual property in order to make justified attacks? Legally, yes, of course you’re right, but this line of attack is downright silly, particularly after Melania Trump’s outright plagiarism. Apples and oranges, yo.
I mean, come on, feculence abounds! So many targets! Jumping on one-liners (particularly those used in similar contexts, or those with sufficient rhetorical history to be legitimately considered fair use) strikes me as lazy.
Please note that the previous comments, while both sincere, may have been phrased in full recognition that we are nearing a Tbogg unit.
I felt a duty, what can I say.
So, just watched a clip of Melania’s RickRoll juxtaposed to the Astley song. She nailed the cadence. So I’m going going with intentional steal, with a 95% probability that it’s an intentional effort by Melania to stick a fork in this campaign, with 5% trolling the rubes just for fun.
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don’t know where we are
Although I know, we’ve drifted far.
We all have sorrow.
But if we are wise
We know that there’s always tomorrow.
You can get it if you really want
But you must try, try and try, try and try
You’ll succeed at last.
Every single day
Every word you say
Every breath you take
It’s easy if you try.
No hell below us.
Above us only sky.
This land was made for you and me.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends.
In this great future
we can’t forget the past.
Everything’s gonna be alright.
And if I don’t make it,
You know my baby will.
So long, it’s been good to know you.
@Anne Laurie: Thanks, y’all. It was not unexpected and he was in pain, so we’re relieved that he’s no longer suffering. This has been a crappy year for our family, tho.
@Suzanne: My condolences. Even when it is “time”, it still hurts. Peace to you and yours.
@NotMax: Or Cliff Clavan (Cheers) on pretty much anything.
Paul in KY
“It doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” – Melania Trump
J R in WV
Did cummings even use periods after the e’s?
e.e. cummings = id diesn’t look right to me.
e e cummings – no caps, no punctuation.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: Stayed at Aloft for Forecastle. Ate at that raw bar & it is very good. Bring money, though. Have ate at Eddie Merlot’s & it is really good too.
Paul in KY
@lamh36: He cribbed that from Mrs. Trump.
Yes, great news from John. Good for his friend that he was able to get clean and get back on his feet.
My brother, his wife, and 5-yo son just left after a long visit. We don’t see each other in person enough. He loved Boise, but it’s nowhere near big enough a big city for his NYC born & bred wife (their current Bay Area residence seems to be acceptable). My house is more organized than ever and it was a great visit. Plus he may be able to join our D&D group via Skype. My nephew had a great time with our young dogs. This has little to do with John’s post other than sometimes things are good.
Thank you John! Wonderful story
Theodore Wirth
You are the man, John Cole.
No One You Know
I dunno If Trump has all the best words, Melania (and why isn’t good old ‘Melanie’ good enough?) could have done without other people’s, amirite?