Several folks have told me they’ve emailed me at, or asked how and been directed to, the email on the contact dropdown on the right side of the page. I haven’t received any of them. I had Alain check it for me today and he found a typo in the logic string for my name (whatever that means) and has fixed it. So if you’ve tried to email me, using the contact dropdown, please resend it and I’ll get back to you. Have a nice night.
If you feel like it you can use this as an open thread.
Omnes Omnibus
We have conversed.
The Trump foreign policy interview in tomorrow’s NYT is a fucking train wreck.
Trump says he wouldn’t automatically defend a Baltic state if Russia invaded, that our defense would depend on how that Baltic state had treated us. Fucking NATO, how does it work?
Hillary should hold an unprecedented press conference tomorrow morning to spotlight this.
Talk about making the world more dangerous…Christ almighty.
I blame Obama.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I have a Balloon Juice specific email set up for the drop down list. One of the people that asked, doesn’t have a proper email for posting here so I have no way of getting ahold of her without an announcement like this.
Adam L Silverman
@Trentrunner: As I put in a comment in the previous post:
Villago Delenda Est
I was wondering about that, as I sent an email some time back (like late Aprilish) and got no response at all.
I’ll try again.
Josh Marshall: In all seriousness, only a relative confidence that Trump will be defeated prevents NYT article from triggering a genuine int’l crisis.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: I was not ignoring you. I do get spam, so I know the address is active, but I had two commenters within 24 hours mention it, so I pinged Alain.
Just a reminder, San Diego Juicer meet up is Karl Strauss in Costa Mesa on Friday at 7p.m. so far we have RonnieRoo, Grumpy Code Monkey, Glaupkis(?), the clan Glidwith (?) & myself. Directions will be forthcoming on the morrow because I am sleepy now. If thou art interested in juician shenanigans, please let me know via nym @
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: I figured it was some glitch! Anyway, I sent it again
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Just got it.
I was assured by several of the speakers tonight Obama and Hillary are making the world more dangerous.
Mike J
Ask Alain to fix the naked link problem.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: I’ve mentioned it and will remind him again tomorrow. Or, you know, you could email him and ask directly.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Imagine the firestorm if a Democrat did this – denounce the country on the eve of his acceptance speech.
I don’t get it still — was the Cruz thing intentional on the Trump campaign’s part? I get the sense that yes, they knew Cruz was going to be a problem and were ready for him to stir things up, but they didn’t know quite how it was going to go. I feel like Trump is fine with it, in the sense that Cruz has clarified loyalties even more — even within the party you’re with Trump or you’re with the betrayer Cruz, etc.
While that might strengthen Trump’s hand with his base, I don’t see how it helps him expand it.
Adam L Silverman
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: I don’t have to, we’ve heard all week that this is, in fact, what the Democrats are doing.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: outbound link tracking in the yoast plugin is what kills it. And add a please and thank you to both of you for looking into it.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: I always do.
@Mike J: He should use the yeast plugin instead, things grow better and cover the nakid links.
,,,aaaand there’s been another completely ridiculous police shooting after some autistic guy brought a toy truck to a gunfight.
At least the victim survived this time.
Villago Delenda Est
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Or perhaps the toast plugin?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: That’s going to cost Trump quite a few votes. Eastern Europeans might lean Republican because of their communist past, but they are significantly more anti-Russian.
Maybe — only if we tell them about it. Most folks don’t pay attention to foreign policy interviews in the NYT. So it’s up to us as volunteers to reach out and make sure people know.
The way I understand it, mostly via TPM, is that, yes, they saw the speech and knew what he was going to say. They let him do it, with the idea he was going to be booed by the crowd, and, in fact, they were whipping up the crowd to boo him. WHY this was a strategy is beyond me.
I mean, I can see it as a pissing contest — Cruz is going to dis Lil’ Donnie publicly and then Lil’ Donnie is going to feel all superior when the crowd boos him. But what would be normal for two drunken rednecks a beer before last call is not what you expect as a freaking PLAN. At this point, it’s just like Trump is chaotic evil. (Yes, I played D&D in my formative years.)
Trump and his people just seem to have no ability to game out consequences. They do whatever the fuck pops into their heads at the moment. They’re venal and stupid and so used to just having things eventually turn out their way via manipulation or subterfuge or out-and-out bullying, that they never make any real-world, workable decisions.
The thing that makes me doubt the we knew what Cruz was going to say story is that someone else has photos of the TelePrompTer showing the speech Cruz was *supposed* to make. If those pictures are real, then the we knew what Cruz was going to say claim becomes a Pee Wee Herman-like “I meant to do that!”
Chaotic evil — nice. I think you need to spread the word — that might be the simplest description (that only a small number of people will get, but still).
But yeah, that’s what I’m thinking — they both think they got something out of it by pissing on each other, and both are ego-focused so they don’t really care what else comes of it.
What do you mean by photos of the teleprompter — as in someone snapped photos showing Cruz stopped reading from the prompter and was going from memory?
That’s what someone said in one of the previous threads. I think it was in one of the tweets that lamh36 posted, but I don’t want to have to scroll through 300 comments on my iPad.
Adam L Silverman
@Timurid: Saw that earlier. The victim was actually the care taker. Fortunately there’s video and the chain of command has taken action. And the victim is going to be okay. I am more convinced than ever that we are seeing a combination of command climate, hiring and retention standards, and training problems all combining with actual events to create the conditions for these events.
From the link
“According to police, officers were dispatched to the scene of the shooting on Monday after getting a 911 call about a man with a gun threatening suicide. ”
Lot of folks call 911 cause they mistake a toy truck for a gun.
@Adam up top: At some point maybe 2 months ago I know i sent you a mildly frothy email because you were Wrong On The Internet; but since I can’t find that email or remember what specifically you were wrong about, I think i’ll have the bury that particular hatchet. Assume you were thoroughly rebuked about an unspecified thing and have a nice very early morning ;-)
Adam L Silverman
@TheMightyTrowel: Okay. You know you can just put it in the comments. My guess is you got upset because I did the “oh, you’ve got a doctorate from Oxford? How big a check did you write?” in regards to Rachel Maddow’s DPhil. Pseudonymous in NC took me to task.
@Adam L Silverman: wow your memory is better than mine. Incidentally: proof that Oxford doctorates have an impact – mine ate my short term memory and replaced it with a really impressive ability to be a human EndNote library
Dog Dawg Damn
So question: watching the Trump surrogate on Wirh All Due Resprct and noticed he’s wearing that weird triangle pin that Lewandowski and other Trumpettes wear. WTF is that and why won’t the media ask?
That’s classic! As a developer for over 20 years I’ve screwed the pooch many times but never thought of using the “logic string” line! Normally I blame it on an ID10T interface issue. But I’ll definitely use that next time.
did ted bundy attack hillary at all today?
@Dog Dawg Damn:
Supposedly these are for the Secret Service to identify campaign officials
This means if some petty functionary in Latvia makes a joke about his hair, well too bad for his country.
The idea of Trump expanding his innumerable and endless petty feuds to a global scale is positively frightening
Adam L Silverman
@TheMightyTrowel: No worries. I am happy to sit corrected when necessary. Even if it takes a few comments for me to accept it.
@Adam L Silverman: And that’s how i can tell you left academia! If you were still an academic you would have published 2 short papers, a long review paper and a guest blog on an academic blogger’s site denouncing all and sundry who dared disagree ;-)
Dog Dawg Damn
@lgerard: ah I see that now. See Ben Carsons aide wearing one a while back. Okay. That makes sense.
of course the show is being filmed in Cleveland so he came right from his Campaign role.
Pastor Darrell Scott says that the reason for black people being killed is Barack Obama. And it’s his fault because he won’t go out and tell black people to stop killing people ( each other and the police), because he hasn’t done that.He has only reacted to police being killed after the fact, not proactively, he should travel the country telling black people to stop killing people. All he’s done so far is talk about the problem, he hasn’t done anything, asked about the policing task force he asked what it’s accomplished. He doesn’t need to know what Trump’s plan will be because this is about Obama. He doesn’t know what Trump’s plan is, we’ll find out when he becomes president. Scott is concerned about police killings, so he thinks that if the police feel the situation requires lethal force they should aim to wound, when it was pointed out that that doesn’t make sense he accused the questioner of wanting the police kill black people. Then he repeated that when lethal force is deemed necessary they should aim to wound. That ladies and gents is this evenings most prominent black surrogate on national tv making his case for Trump.
AA outreach at it’s finest.
Why I’m watching cnn at 3am I have no idea, other than the fact that I can’t sleep.
Have we talked about Trump’s spawns’ sociopathic dedication to killing wild things yet? (Beware: tragic dead cat picture)
Don’t know if anyone’s still up, but Michelle Obama is doing Car Pool Karaoke with James Cordon. She’s so freaking cool.
Cordon asked her what will be hardest about leaving the White House, and she said leaving all the people working there, that you get to know them & their families & it will just be difficult to walk away. Just an amazing human; our country’s been lucky to have her there.
marilynD Southern Oregon
@cckids: Saw it and loved it! Am going to be crying my eyes out on 01/20/20017!
@cckids: Yes! We are lucky. I was so depressed from watching cable news and then I watched Michelle with James Cordon and I was completely uplifted. Just filled with joy.
I guess shooting first is one way to prevent suicide.
Best FLOTUS ever.