And I’m not just saying that because he’s a Clinton supporter (though that doesn’t hurt). In light of his first Emmy nomination, NYMag‘s E. Alex Jung interviewed RuPaul:
… What do you think about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats?
[Laughs.] I fucking love them. I have always loved them. And let me just say this: If you’re a politician — not just in Washington but in business and industry, you have to be a politician — there are a lot of things that you have to do that you’re not proud of. There are a lot of compromises you have to make because it means that you can get this other thing over here. And if you think that you can go to fucking Washington and be rainbows and butterflies the whole time, you’re living in a fucking fantasy world. So now, having said that, think about what a female has to do with that: All of those compromises, all of that shit, double it by ten. And you get to understand who this woman is and how powerful, persuasive, brilliant, and resilient she is. Any female executive, anybody who has been put to the side — women, blacks, gays — for them to succeed in a white-male-dominated culture is an act of brilliance. Of resilience, of grit, of everything you can imagine. So, what do I think of Hillary? I think she’s fucking awesome. Is she in bed with Wall Street? Goddammit, I should hope so! You’ve got to dance with the devil. So which of the horrible people do you want? That’s more of the question. Do you want a pompous braggart who doesn’t know anything about diplomacy? Or do you want a badass bitch who knows how to get shit done? That’s really the question…I wanted to talk about the shooting at Pulse in Orlando. You made a statement at the Trailblazer Awards, and I wanted to hear about when you first heard the news and how it impacted you.
I have a long, long relationship with Pulse nightclub for years and years. It’s a safe space. It’s a safe haven — a place where people can meet our tribe. It always has been. To have it encroached by such an evil force hurts very deeply. I’m 55. I’ve witnessed so many assaults — emotional assaults, physical assaults, all of that. I was assaulted after the first attack, assaulted again just by how the media handled that stuff. So, it was a hurtful situation, and even more hurtful that I don’t believe that we as a people, as a culture, have really learned from it and how to deal with it.What do you think needs to happen?
We need to talk about the subconscious mind. We need to talk about the hateful darkness that lives in each of us. We don’t all have it to that extent, but we definitely need to shed light on that area of us. All of us have been sold this idea that we deserve the whole world, and that everybody’s going to get the big house, the big cars, the two and a half children, and all of this stuff that the media sells us. And then people who don’t get it get angry. And they say, “Dammit, if I’m not going to get mine, no one’s going to get it!” So we get angry, and from the anonymity of a keyboard online, we troll people, we put them down. Some people go to the extent of killing people or being horrible in that way. And that’s obviously the extreme. But we all have that element. I think the way we approach this is we need to acknowledge that area of our consciousness that lives in all of us, and we need to start that dialogue. We need to recognize it when it pops up.It’s all throughout the whole Trump thing: Ego wants to divide us up. Ego wants to believe that we’re separate from one another, but the truth is there’s only one of us here. So for us to move forward, we have to acknowledge that element in us, and then when it comes up, say, “Thank you for sharing, but I’m going do this, because I’m not going to act on my fragile ego.”…
Great stuff. Reminds me of a quote I love, from Solzhenitsyn:
When you’ve lost RuPaul…
I love Drag Race. It’s so much fun, with a group of people with artistic and creative ideas and expressions you don’t get to see everyday. Plus some great one liners. And Rupaul is full of great advice.
Mike E
Oh. Maya. God.
Stunning. Truly a wise soul, and a no-nonsense one.
One of RuPaul’s great inspirations just passed.
My boyfriend Michael Phelps up next. Number 23 gold, number 27 overall. Everyone watch.
TWO!!!!! Three way for the silver.
@SiubhanDuinne: Notes From the New Wave Queer Underground
Mike E
Ledecky Churner Overdrive!
@Mike E: She is stupid ahead. She will be in the showers when everyone else finishes. YAY!!!
@Helen: Seriously. She’s gonna lap them. 2 seconds ahead of the World Record.
Mary G
LMN narrated a Hamilton episode of Drunk History. link
Major Major Major Major
“Double that by ten” is the best phrase I’ve read all day.
Mike E
Dirado ends her Olympics career with the complete set of medals + an extra gold
Smokin they ass up in the pool!
I have never been much impressed with RuPaul, I not a flash over substance kind of guy. But I may have been underestimating him, that is a pretty fucking accurate description of the situation.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Schlemazel: And why is RuPaul “flash over substance”?
I’m getting rain and laughing at the latest salvo from Jim Wright on FB.
Mike E
@raven: that 50m is some crazy shit
@Mike E: No kiddin!
schrodinger's cat
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan does romance, Bol Na Halke Halke ( speak softly) beautiful shot in old Delhi and Agra.
ThresherK (GPad)
Saw this on Vintascope and thought of Ted Cruz. Certainly brightened up my Friday.
I’m bummed the American womens’ soccer team lost in the quarterfinals.
Apparently Putin’s pet hacker team just released a whole slew of personal documents of Democratic Representatives and staffers. Not emails, but stuff like home addresses and cell numbers. And this:
While the personal doc stuff is pretty nasty, if the worst bit of “dirt” that can be dug up is that the DCCC thinks Glenn Beck is a nutbag, well I’m not sure there’s much that will impact the elections.
Major Major Major Major
@Schlemazel: have you seen Drag Race?
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: The young man he lost to has an interesting story. When he was 14, the US team, including Phelps, were training in Singapore and Joseph Schooling got a picture with Phelps.
RuPaul speaks much truth. No scales over those (fabulous) eyes.
I want Hillary to leave Trump’s dessicated husk on the killing floor come November, sprinkled with his enablers skulls.
@schrodinger’s cat:
He also does TSA. He was flying into the US and was detained at LAX. This is the third time in 3 arrivals that it has happened. Apparently nobody in TSA knows who he is.
@Adam L Silverman: I saw that on one of the NBC stories. Schooling’s dad asked Bob Bowman (Michael Phelps coach) for a recommendation for a US swimming school. He recommended the Bolles School in Jacksonville, FL. “And the rest is history”
Rupaul identified as female, non?
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: Ah, the ethical purity of the supplier of Wikileaks’ “scoops”. Gotta love them.
? Martin
Need moar Simones!
schrodinger's cat
@Schlemazel: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, the singer? I know that Shahrukh Khan had some problems with airport security when he was here to promote his 2010 movie, My name is Khan. BTW, did you end up streaming it?
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: Also too (FYWP for not allowing me to edit my previous comment to include this) I am shocked, SHOCKED that DCCC staffers might impugn the mental stability of a great American patriot like Glenn Beck.
(Note to one DJT: this is sarcasm, asshole.)
Villago Delenda Est
FYWP just ate one of my comments. I am not pleased.
? Martin
@Joel: No. RuPaul is sort of on the other end of the spectrum in the sense that transgendered tend to identify strongly with gender while drag is more about rejecting that strong identity, sometimes mocking people who strongly identify. Typically a very different viewpoint on gender.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: They were in for well over a year, but it was kept quiet/compartmentalized because the cyber guys had an ongoing investigation:–2
The initial stuff was spearfishing attacks. Because of the duration of the incursion, its depth, and breadth, there’s no way to no if they got silly stuff like this or something else. The are three big issues here. 1) What kind of and how much personal identifying information do they have? 2) Do they have anything that is compromising? For instance, evidence of infidelity or evidence that someone is closeted -things like that. Either of the first two could be used to try to turn someone or that would put someone’s clearance eligibility at risk through no fault of their own. And 3) are they going to doctor what they have before they release it? So they didn’t get anything that would be an issue if released (though Alex Jones, Jim Hoft, and Matt Drudge would still scream bloody murder because that’s their schtick), so they alter it to make it appear that there’s an issue.
@Mary G:
I heard him say that it involves James Madison so I know EXACTLY which story he’s going to tell. I won’t ruin it, but people who read the Chernow book know which one it is and who the other player is that drops the mic on Madison.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: Yep. For all its size, its a small world.
Major Major Major Major
@Joel: RuPaul is a dude who dresses up as something that could be said to resemble a lady, for art, fun, and profit.
Cross dressers and drag performers are (generally) not trans. Most cross dressers are straight actually
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: I found it! It is free.
The Lodger
Forget Ron and Rand. This Paul should be president.
RuPaul is a national treasure. And one very very smart person. Hillary has never been defended with such vigor!
Oddly, I feel like RuPaul and John Lewis must have very similar senses of having been participants in history and watching the entire world change around them at a rapid pace. When RuPaul first became famous 20+ years ago, almost no one thought that same-sex marriage would happen in our lifetimes.
Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now …
Major Major Major Major
@The Lodger: he would make a way better senator than Kamala Harris. He should have run!
I am going to a cook out tomorrow at my friend Grace’s house in New Jersey. I know nothing about NJ except that if I get on a bus at the Port Authority I will end up there. Anyway, it’s gonna be 100 degrees tomorrow and I said to Grace “It’s gonna be in the house, right?” Because Grace is from the Islands she said “What?”
Well at least the food will be good.
I always misunderestimate how popular the Olympics really are. Evening threads are dead because everyone else is off watching the Games!
Credenzal Jocularity
@Mike E: Katie Ledecky is clearly a Zoran. Do they test for that?
@Mnemosyne: No, the last thread was the one where Hamilton-talk was allowed. Not here!
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m shocked that there might be meetings and planning sessions. That aren’t public. N contested elections! Where there’s competition.
Next up. There’s more to football coaching than just giving inspirational speeches before the game.
If you admit to recognizing the line, it’s too late — you’ve already been assimilated. ?
deleted by author
@Peale: To be fair, all evidence suggests that there aren’t any meetings or planning sessions over on Planet Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: Yep, you can’t leave out the pregame prayer.
@Adam L Silverman: so what is Russia up to? I don’t get it. Revenge for their idea that any time anyone is disassatisfied with A dictator that the CIA must be behind it? So they’re mucking up our elections?
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: On the 5:05-ish All Things Considered blab with David Brooks et al., they were reporting, as news, that Trump made it 24 hours (in a row!) without saying something insane this week. Like, with that framing.
@Major Major Major Major: what day was that? Cause it wasn’t today, yesterday or the day before. And his tax plan is as insane as any other republican tax plan.
Matt McIrvin
@Peale: I think Putin genuinely wants Trump in the White House, because the United States will cease to be an effective check on his power.
Prescott Cactus
I took my father to the DMV. He received a renewal. 84 and all they do is an eye check. His license is good for 5 more years. Thankfully he doesn’t drive, not even a golf cart. He’s tried the grocery cart scooter once and thankfully he scared himself (and others) with recklessness.
It’s was about empowering him to have choices. He won a gold medal in his own mind today.
Major Major Major Major
@Peale: I think Monday? It was their weekly wrap.
@Peale: @Matt McIrvin: Never forget that it is entirely possible that Russia just kind of sucks at meddling in foreign elections, just like we do.
@Major Major Major Major: One imagines that there’s a sign hanging on the wall in Trump headquarters: “35 hours since our last insane statement!”
The sign only has room for two digits; it’s never needed more.
@Matt McIrvin: yeah. I guess. But it’s so sloppy and obvious at this point that I’m baffled. It’s more brazen than Netanyahu in 2012. So I’m baffled. It’s like a wile e coyote scheme. We’re eating the birdseed now, so where is the anvil that we’re not supposed to see?
Major Major Major Major
@Peale: See above. It’s entirely possible they’re just bad at this.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: Putin appears to be working from the old KGB apparatchiks manual that detailed how to destabilize NATO, the EU, and the US. The KGB wasn’t good at it/able to do it because of the higher level of vigilance during the cold war. Putin has been funding, overtly and covertly, all the neo-Nationalist/far right/neo-fascist parties and movements across the EU. He’s tied into the biggest of the Texas secessionist parties on the far right fringe of the Texas GOP. He has a presidential nominee/candidate who is mirroring his positions on NATO, the EU, other multinational and bilateral alliances, US foreign, defense, and trade policy. He has at least three people that are within two links/connection of him and Trump working for/advising Trump. One of whom is a former senior intelligence official and retired three star general. This connection is, perhaps, the most worrisome as LTG Flynn had access to all of the highest intel and information the US has. So having his intel agencies conduct this type of cyber warfare to destabilize the party that isn’t the one of his preferred candidate, to impugn his preferred candidate’s opponent, and to further the erroneous belief that US elections are rigged, there’s widespread deception and fraud, and everything is fixed so that the US is no better than a banana republic is just part of his maskirovka to further his goal of destabilizing the US.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: @Major Major Major Major:
Here you go:
glory b
@Mary G: Drunk History is the best!!
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: I was reading through the… army field survival manual? some years back and got to the summary of how to forage section, and I remember that the part for “mushrooms” just said “do not eat mushrooms” and then they moved onto the next thing.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Pretty much. I updated those links with better stuff.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m curious as to how well those kind of tactics work in a society that’s currently divided the way ours is. (Obviously, I’m leaving aside the whole “suborning retired generals” part.) He’s basically trying to rile up a minority of the population while pissing off the majority.
@Adam L Silverman: unfortunately it means the crazy is well funded and will continue. But I wouldn’t mind some inkling that there was some plan to start thwarting the plan. Relying on voters to elect Non-Putin backed candidates may work this time, but it’s hardly a solution.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I never said the KGB was any good at this stuff back in the day…
Honestly I have no idea. If you can enhance the cleavage lines and inflame the grievances you can do a lot of damage.
glory b
@Peale: Speaking of Netanyahu, wonder what he’s thinking about this race?
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: @Adam L Silverman: I want to add something. We’ve already got a significant portion – albeit a minority – of the citizenry, on both the left and the right that believe that government at every level, though for different reasons, is illegitimate. We also have a significant portion – albeit a minority – of the citizenry, on both the left and the right that feel left out of how the country has developed over the past 40 years or so. And there’s overlap in these groups. At the same time you have one of the two political parties we allow ourselves/the structure of our system allows to exist that has, for partisan advantage, chosen to break government at the Federal level. When you put these dynamics together, then a destabilization strategy can achieve a lot of results that can’t otherwise be achieved.
At this point all of our allies and partners are now in fear of one of our two political parties. And they have to be wondering just how much popular support there is for this ultra, neo-nationalist and protectionist position. That’s now baked into the strategic environment the US has to exist within, and good, bad, or otherwise, lead in.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yup. This is where we are now.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oooh, good stuff.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: I have no idea what counterintelligence and countercyber operations are being done, but I have no doubt they are being undertaken. In terms of countering this in the campaigns, I’m sure the Clinton campaign is on it.
? Martin
Rick Hasan thinks that Trump may have broken the law with the comments on voting and election observers, violating a consent decree against the RNC going back decades when the DNC sued them over voter intimidation and won.
Trump would have difficulty arguing that he wasn’t working on behalf of the RNC given that he’s the nominee of the party, and he was introduced by Reince.
Adam L Silverman
@? Martin: Almost no one actually knows about that agreement. And even the Republicans that do continually break it and get hauled back into court and smacked over it. The issue is going to be how to put the wine back into the bottle. He’s planted the idea that his supporters need to go, observe, and be vigilant because there will be fraud at the elections; especially in urban areas. So he’s just confirmed to almost exclusively white, older voters, most of whom are suburban to rural that the people of color within the cities are going to try to steal America from them. The damage is done. Even if the Federal court in NJ is asked to weigh in, it can’t stop the signal.
Adam L Silverman
@? Martin: @BR: Now they’re into problem territory.
Chris T.
@Major Major Major Major:
Hah, I was going to ask if that meant “multiply by 1024”. I think it does.
@Adam L Silverman:
I keep thinking how much more nuts can he and his campaign get, and they keep finding creative ways to get more nuts. Even right-wing GOP political operatives (who aren’t Trump fans, but still) are now aghast at this, like:
Chris T.
@JanieM:[Solzhenitsyn quote]
All the Republicans for Voldemort, of course.
Major Major Major Major
@Chris T.: a kibi-it!
Though this is also true:
Is this some sort of amplifying see-saw between manic episodes and depressed episodes, where each extreme gets more intense?
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m kind of assuming that Putin isn’t interested in getting Trump elected anymore (assuming he was ever truly interested in it in the first place) and is just going to try and cause maximum damage and/or mayhem.
Adam L Silverman
@BR: Well the Fall shows don’t premiere till late September to mid-October, so…
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I do not know. I’ve never been a Kremlinologist or Russia hand, I just had to get real smart on him, his ideology, the ideology/ideologists behind his ideology, for some work I was doing in 2014.
@schrodinger’s cat: I love these. Thank you for posting them.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m just working on a basic assumption that Putin is neither stupid nor insane. But, hey, that’s what our allies tried to do with George W Bush when he was president and that didn’t exactly work out.
Lizzy L
@dmsilev: From CNN:
That’s a huge Clinton lead. At this point, Trump saying he “should” win Pennsylvania is like Trump saying he should win New York. It’s total bullshit.
Adam L Silverman
Overnight open thread is up.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That was a lovely video.
? Martin
@Adam L Silverman: Well, they break it at the state level, but the RNC has generally stayed out of it (as best as we can tell). The decree was due to the DNC suing them, so I think we can trust the DNC will be on this, especially with WI, TX, NC, and whatever other states getting killed in the courts over their voter ID laws.
RuPaul for the win
I am with the badass bitch who knows how to get shit done
Thank you for highlighting the article.
@Adam L Silverman:
A thousand times, THIS!
Great explanation of what politicians have to do.
But, you know, sometimes that compromise you are asked to make over here really isn’t worth it to get that thing over there. It’s going to end up costing you a lot more than that thing over there will be worth to you. You really, really shouldn’t do it. So I can live with Hillary being in bed with Wall Street and even with Big Pharma and Big Energy, but I’m really, really worried about her embrace of Bibi Netanyahu and pledge of allegiance to Israel and Likud, and her seeking out endorsements from Kissinger and Negroponte and Oliver North and all the neocons who got us into Iraq and have been working so hard to provoke a shooting war with Russia because apparently they think we can win a nuclear war. It scares the hell out of me. Because I think they could co-opt Trump in a heartbeat, so it looks like they’re going to win this election whichever candidate wins.
@Procopius: calm yourself about Hillary and Oliver North et al. Get a grip. You think Bibi is her favorite? Really?