2nd amendment Twitter is very quiet about Philando Castile.
We really are all we got.
— Aminatou Sow (@aminatou) June 16, 2017
The @nra was strikingly reticent when it came to defending Philando Castile's right to carry a weapon https://t.co/rKPQhQ9rpT https://t.co/yLRdeS9G2Z
— Alex Yablon (@AlexYablon) June 16, 2017
NRA exists not to defend gun rights but to help gun industry sell ever-expanding arsenals to racist gun fetishists https://t.co/bKx0vkH7Km
— Salacious Materiel (@ZeddRebel) June 16, 2017
So they sell fear, paranoia, ethnonationalism, militia fantasies with only ever a thin gloss of concern for the rights of people of color.
— Salacious Materiel (@ZeddRebel) June 16, 2017
the silence of guys who say the 2nd Amendment is for protecting people from a tyrannical state isn't surprising but it sure is telling
— slackbot (@pareene) June 16, 2017
Hannity used congressional shooting to shill for @USCCA , say listeners can "become a marksman" like Capitol Police https://t.co/SSeZ4HHTsi pic.twitter.com/mVELzLJDmZ
— Brendan Karet (@bad_takes) June 16, 2017
when you realize there's more money in pandering to overt fascists than there is in the false flag scene https://t.co/4zNs2PWb7a
— sick transit, gloria (@samknight1) June 14, 2017
Took two days but the WH went there. https://t.co/i9nicGWco3
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) June 16, 2017
Notice how happy KellyAnne is!…
.@KellyannePolls: You can't attack people personally, rather than on policy, and think tragedies like the Virginia shooting won't happen pic.twitter.com/bKG56n6S1H
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) June 16, 2017
A nation of lonesome, scared, well-armed weirdos who cannot figure out how to turn their fucking TVs off….is good. https://t.co/FFINZFVpVy
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) June 15, 2017
The politics of Washington DC are personal to the people who feel their consequences all over the world
— derek davison (@dwdavison9318) June 15, 2017
Robin G.
In Saint Paul tonight. It’s got a very ozone-in-the-air feeling.
This is not going to end well.
Omnes Omnibus
Thank you for the really fun late night thread that that this will produce.
ETA: Sometimes we like to decompress.
Some folks in the other threads were saying that the Castile verdict may throw at least some of the less overtly racist CCW fans into a tizzy, because Castile did exactly what CCW proponents tell you do do if you get pulled over, and he still got killed by the police. Almost like the problem is with the police and not with what people are doing when they encounter the police … ?
Mike in NC
So Kellyanne Crackwhore has resurfaced.
I just spent five minutes going through the Fox and Friends twitter feed and I have to say I have never seen so many perky white people stuck in the ’80’s.
Kind of amazing to me – being a guy who grew up in southern WV who still keeps up with the home folks on FB.
Johnny rosin up your bow.
I like how in Republican-world they are somehow ENTIRELY INNOCENT of personal demonization and violent ideation. Never heard of it! @_@
James Powell
Are the less overtly racist CCW fans completely notional – like the reasonable Republican congresspersons – or do such people actually exist in numbers that would matter to anyone but themselves?
How much do you want to bet that the mythmaking is going to blame the fact that he reached for his wallet as the reason why the cop was justified to shoot him?
No it won’t change the CCW folks. Castile should’ve turned white after the cops pulled him over.
@Mike in NC:
Insult to crackwhores. They can’t help it, they’re addicts.
In all fairness to them, the 80s did have the best cartoons. And cheesy movies.
@Mnemosyne: “less overtly racist CCW fans”….Haha! I can show you some less sublime unicorns and partially imperfect jackalopes, too.
Adam L Silverman
Let’s see what the Armed Intelligentsia has to say?
Here’s a couple of choice comments, but click across and read them all for yourselves:
Here’s the previous coverage:
And here’s some of the previous coverage of the 2nd Amendment and African Americans:
@Adam L Silverman:
Truly we are dealing with sages of wisdom here. //
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Hmm interesting, my take on that shooter was it was cop assisted suicide but it sounds like it’s made the conservatives crap their pants in terror from all the bluster.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Nope. They’re arguing that he was stoned. Therefore he should have been prohibited from having a CCW and from owning a gun because he used controlled substances.
Zombie Chuck Jones would like to have a word with you regarding the cartoons. On the other hand, I did just have Brewster’s Millions and Red Dawn on the TEEVEE in the background while working Thursday. WOLVERINES!
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: They’re an interesting bunch.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
Exactly. I assume Cryptkeeper Conway said to not take politics personally. Vulnerable and responsible people Can’t afford not to
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: this is inaccurate, as Animaniacs was the best cartoon.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks, Adam, that’s pretty much what I expected from the gun crowd: a whole lot of justification for the cop with one or two lonely voices of (relative) reason.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I read a couple of week’s ago that they’re planning on bringing Animaniacs back.
@Adam L Silverman:
Just out of curiosity, has it ever been confirmed that Mr. Castile was smoking out that particular night, or is it one of those internet rumors? I know that the cop who shot him claimed he smelled pot smoke, but he would.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: What evidence Is there that he was high? And even if he was, how does that necessarily justify the shooting of Castile?
These 2nd Amendment absolutists are hypocritical racist assholes. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them smoked MJ or did Heroin
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: I guess that would make about as much sense as anything else.
Jesus H Christ on a fire truck. Between this bullshit and McMegan Arglebargle opining on the free market and whether it should have provided sprinklers for the London fire (no, she is not parodying herself, even though it reads like The Onion) I don’t know if there’s enough outrage to go around.
Somehow H Bosch discovered time travel and has moved to our century.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: As I’ve written here many times, you’ll see a lot of superficial support a long the lines of “if more African Americans were armed they’d not only be better able to protect themselves from crime, but also be less susceptible to racism”. I honestly am not sure how deep or shallow these feelings are, but I’m relatively sure that two things will happen if several African Americans, or LatinX/Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans (especially if they’re of Indian, Pakistani, Indonesia, and Sinhalese descent, and, especially Sikh Americans), LGBTQ Americans, Iranian Americans, Afghan Americans, Muslim Americans (regardless of descent) and/or Native Americans who conceal carry decide they need to stand their ground against white supremacists (whether alt-right, neo-NAZI, what have you).
1) You will immediately see a violent backlash against vulnerable segments of these communities, in some cases even if the incidents didn’t involve members from specific ethnic and/or religious minority communities. My understanding is that part of the reason that Dr. King called for non violent resistance and activism was because he was convinced that it wouldn’t just be African Americans who had mobilized for the Civil Rights movement and fight that would be targeted for reprisal, but that African Americans who were not mobilizing, for whatever reason, and their communities would be targeted
2) You will immediately see a call to restrict firearms ownership and carry to exclude these groups. Just as we did in California in the 1960s and in other parts of the US.
As we learned during WW I in regard to German Americans and WW II in regard to Japanese Americans, the 2nd Amendment provides no protection from a government that has decided to ignore democratic norms, standards, traditions, and processes. When white Americans really finally learn that “G-d made man, Samuel Colt made men equal” doesn’t just apply to white people, things are going to get ugly really fast.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I have no idea.
A TV world crammed with pro-police shit from “Dragnet” to “CSI-Keokuk” and we accept it unless a nipple appears.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@khead: The quality of Looney Toons would never really return until the 80s or 90s, in my opinion, not counting feature length films. Hanna-Barbera dominated Saturday morning cartoons for about 10-15 years. As much fun as Scooby Doo and the like could be, the art and animation was cheap. Once they found a good concept, they usually made clones of it of until it was ran into the ground. See The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo
The animation for tv cartoons didn’t improve until Japanese studios took over in the 80s
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Other than the officer claiming he smelled it on Castile? I do not know.
White gun nuts are racist? The gun lobby are racists? Who could have known?
And the gun lobby trying to get white people as heavily armed as possible maybe some veiled threat to some other folks, like say a bunch of white folks open carrying and waiving a Confederate flag around, and not just a principled stance on gun rights.
I am shocked.I say…shocked and a bit covfefe…
Adam L Silverman
Looks like Junior is calling for the President to establish an armed lesbian paramilitary force in response to something Anna Marie Cox tweeted:
@Adam L Silverman:
At least the sumbitch got fired
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Oatler.: Ever watched Chicago PD? It’s one of the most pro-police brutality shows I’ve ever seen. Complete with a tough talking gravely voiced manly-man Precinct Captain
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: Fair enough. I put up another post up top, just for you!
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Isn’t the same Trump that said Democrats aren’t even People? “Free society” my lily white ass
@Adam L Silverman:
If only!
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@Adam L Silverman: My husband (a Latin dude who gets mistaken for someone from the Middle East from time to time) has a CC license. Don’t think I don’t have a photocopy of it in a safe, because I do NOT trust rural, racist Ohio cops not to try and destroy it should the unthinkable happen. POCs with CC licenses are not safe, even from cops of color, sadly.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Nope that was Odo.
Adam L Silverman
@Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire: Ugh. For all the progress we’ve made, we’ve still got a long way to go.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@efgoldman: I was happy to see that video of May running away like a coward from an angry crowd. What leadership! Wonder if Fournier will tweet about it?
@efgoldman: H. Bosch has a 3 season series on Netflix.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Right-wingers are the most emotional pieces of shit around. They take everything personally.
The Obamacare mandate is a personal assault on their liberty.
Michelle Obama encouraging kids to exercise and eat better was a terrible assault on our freedom.
Obama declaring Mt. McKinley to be officially referred to as Denali, which was its original name, was a personal shot across the bow by political correctness run amok.
Most folks don’t take shit as personally as right-wingers. There’s always going to be a generally well intentioned politician on our side, who says something a bit tone deaf.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
They are remarkably brave behind other people
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: And all 3 have been excellent. I’m waiting for season 4.
I KNEW somebody would go there.
I just didn’t feel like looking up how to spell the painter’s first name.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Can you say Marissa Alexander ?
Always remember that Saint Ronaldus Raygun signed the Mulford Act a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms.
So you see restrictions are just fine on scary black people.
ETA: as usual Adam beat me to it.
Adam L Silverman
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: They’re big fans of driving over protestors on the street. Just to be on the safe side.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Season 3 plays off of that namesake issue. I will say no more because spoilers!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Somebody needs to study the keyboard kommandos the way E.O. Wilson studied ants.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@gene108: One can’t but question the sincerity of their near constant outrage. I mean, why would anybody outside of Alaska really care about what a mountain is called? So much for states’ rights. McKinley died over a century ago. What, besides starting the Mexican-American War, did he do that was so historically important?
And who could possibly be against getting kids to have healthier habits? “Kids eating healthier and exercising more is liberal tyranny!” I mean what kind of whacko thinks like that?
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: @gene108: @hovercraft: Give these a read, especially the comments. The larger context is the owner/publisher of the site is the son of Holocaust survivors and at least 1/2 the front pagers are also Jewish Americans.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Is Megan McArdle brain damaged in some fashion?
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Question answers itself, doesn’t it?
QFT. Right-wingers don’t just get angry about stuff, they get personally insulted and demand that their honor be soothed.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I think that’s the *charitable* interpretation.
A half million dollar’s worth of education (really!!) can’t buy her two pennies worth of common sense.
As I always say when I encounter shit like this: Hey, lady, YOU go live in an apartment tower with only one way out, no sprinklers, and not in compliance with basic fire codes!
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: I had a friend just after the election complain about protesters blocking traffic on freeways, saying that they should be run over. I was absolutely disgusted. Guy isn’t registered to vote and did the both sides congo on Facebook. On the plus side, he was deeply bothered by the Trumpcare bill
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
She’s a Republican who used to go by the pseudonym “Jane Galt,” so I think we can easily identify her specific type of brain damage.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Ment Spanish-American War. ?
Adam L Silverman
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: @efgoldman: @Mnemosyne: Megan McCardle has never read about either the great London fire or the Philadelphia one that led to the creation of publicly run fire departments/companies in both England and the US. Those fires are a direct result of the market being unable to adequately respond to this kind of problem. It is one thing to be ideologically driven. It is another thing to be historically illiterate, incurious, and poorly educated.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@efgoldman: Well when one someone seriously tries a modified Conservation of Ninjutsu argument over fire sprinklers it suggests long term damage from some serious hallucinogenic drugs.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks, not tonight, this is as much as I can engage.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I haven’t read it, I’ve seen several comments about it, but since it’s by Argle Bargle I refuse to read it, but I can answer your question. Yes she’s brain damaged.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: I was very, very pleased to make it through my time in Iraq without ever having to draw my firearm except to load it when leaving base or unload it when returning. It is one thing to recognize the need to use specific tools, including whatever is at hand, for self defense, including of oneself and others (and in a war zone). It is another thing to glorify the idea of indiscriminately killing people because their exercise of their rights has inconvenienced you for a bit.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Do it! Do it!
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: right in image above] . . .
Gee Ted, aren’t you wealthy enough to hire private security? And anyway, the best you could hope for with weapons available to civilians against a tyrannical federal government is to harass the authorities with hit-and-run style guerilla tactics
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Adam L Silverman:
So a libertarian pining for the good old days of mob enforced private fire companies. But I think it’s even worse that than, Fire sprinklers are a private solution to the issue, but she is claiming to there are only so many sprinklers in the world so some people will have to burn for the sake of a free market or something.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Did you see my comments a the first link? And that solely based on explaining that the parties have reracked and stacked since the Civil Rights era, and that the National Election Survey and the General Social Survey are the gold standards for data in the US, some commenter called me a JINO. Which I take to mean Jew in name only. I still read over there. Some of the articles are interesting. But the real goodness is reading through the comments if you want to get an idea of what a certain portion of the political spectrum is thinking.
Adam L Silverman
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I read the firearms blogs/sites and the comments so you all don’t have to. McArdle is some other front pager’s responsibility.
I went over to the Capitol in St Paul this evening for the protest, which at times was like an elegy, and more often a powerful expression of black anger and betrayal to an amazingly large and largely white group.
We left as things were wrapping from the steps, but before the group went on the move. Still up, watching unicorn riot live stream along with 4.4K other viewers.
The system, tragically, confirmed what the system always does: it exists to privilege and protect whiteness. Until we deal with all that underlies that, black people are incredibly unsafe in this country. And as things (potentially) devolve, more folk will be at risk.
Seriously f*ked up.
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s always interesting to see the battles between the TAG commenters who have half a brain cell and at least attempt to come up with a coherent philosophy, and the majority who just seem to grunt, My tribe good! Their tribe bad!
In the thread I looked at, there was a commenter who was bashing someone for having the temerity to say that the Viet Cong were fighting to expel the American invaders from their country. This seemed self-evident to me, but is apparently not true in TAG land because Commies.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: I know. It’s sick. I mean agreed with him that it was dangerous for both the protestors and the motorists. But come on. Same guy also complained about “feminists forming safespaces” after the election. My response was why shouldn’t they? Trump is such a awful piece of shit that it would be upsetting
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I think she’s arguing that sprinklers cost money that would be better spent on tax breaks for wealthy developers. Because, really, aren’t lowered taxes for the super-rich worth the lives of 100 or so people who weren’t very successful anyway, or they wouldn’t have lived in public housing?
@Adam L Silverman:
Did you think I’d gone? HA, I’m going now, but shame on you trying to make me waste brain cells on her, I will not!!!
Good night :)
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
And yet those exact same dudes are arguing that nobody should criticize Trump because it makes Trump’s supporters feel bad. The Trump subreddit went private because the Broflakes needed a safe space away from all of the cucks and SJWs criticizing them all the time.
@Major Major Major Major: Heretic, Visionaries Knights of the Magical Light was obviously superior.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: My favorite is the guy who wrote his own manifesto, quotes from it all the time, and no one has any idea what he’s on about because the only one who has ever read his manifesto is him.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Honestly, I didn’t read everything in the links. The name “The Truth About Guns” is enough to kill braincells. And the concept of American Jews being gun nuts blows my mind
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Catch you on the flip. I’m racking out soon myself.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Amen! Preach my brother!
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Everyone needs a hobby!
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Mnemosyne: You wouldn’t happen to be talking about r/the_donald would you? r/ETS sometimes monitors them and did so all the time during the election. Nobody can see their subbredit unless subscribed right?
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@TenguPhule: Seriously. It was so fluid compaired to the earlier American stuff, aside from movies. Tbf, they had a smaller budget and more primitive tech
Don’t have glass kill jars big enough, sorry.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
I think so? They were nutty even before the election, and they just keep getting worse and worse. They went subscription-only a few months ago, the better to prevent non-cultists from trying to deprogram them.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: It was also all hand drawn, which is damn impressive for the quality they achieved at the time.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Six words that sum up Republican mentality.
“You’re not the boss of me!”
@Adam L Silverman:
The worst case isn’t AQ/ISIS types killing white people because they are infidels or Crusaders or whatever.
The worst case happens when nonwhite terrorists (whatever clique they run with and whatever their ideological excuse) kill white people because they are white.
If/when that happens, welcome to Wasfstan.
(Back in a more innocent time, after Dallas and Baton Rouge, I thought that a racially motivated mass casualty terror attack against white civilians was the only swan black enough to get Trump elected. I was wrong, but the consequences of such an event would be far worse now than in 2016.)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Can we crowdfund her stake and kindling?
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: You’ve described the typical libertarian to a tee.
@Adam L Silverman:
Corrected for accuracy. Cole has a quota for hits here, doesn’t he?
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Alright, I have to step in with my film degree here:
The reason the classic Looney Toons look better than the stuff Hanna-Barbera produced for TV is that Looney Toons were created to be shown in movie theaters and projected at 24 frames per second.
What Hanna and Barbera figured out was that they could draw 12 frames of animation, repeat each frame twice, and get something that kids would be willing to watch. Look up “limited animation.”
The Japanese and Korean companies that took over starting in the 1980s came up with better techniques for saving time on the process without cutting out frames of animation.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Megan McArdle has heard of this thing called empathy, but really does not understand why the rabble keep trying to explain to her what the word means.
Dallas and Baton Rouge did help get Trump elected. Were you not paying attention to all of the white people whining about Black Lives Matter and Collin Kaepernick?
Right now, “I Support the Police” signs is how Trump supporters and other racists signal to each other.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@TenguPhule: Yup@Mnemosyne:
They’ve resorted to eliminationist rhetoric at times. They really should be banned, but I have suspicions that keeping an alt-rightist hotbed around is in the interests of Reddit’s investors
They also benefited from more coherent stories, characters and general awesomeness of the special effects. Everything I ever wanted to see about lasers came from cartoons and Star Wars.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@TenguPhule: I think the more coherent stories were from Americans, not that the Japanese or Koreans couldn’t. More recently, French cartoons are pretty good too. I remember back in the early 2000s a show called “Code Lyoko” that I greatly enjoyed. It was about a group of kids that fought an evil AI in a cyberworld from wreaking havoc in the real one.
What was cool about it was the “real world” segments were traditionally animated, while the scenes in “Lyoko” were CGI
@efgoldman: Heironymus. I didn’t even look, I’m that good. :-)
@Adam L Silverman: Me too.
I’ve read all of the Bosch books as well as the ones about his half-brother, the Lincoln Lawyer. Waiting for several authors to drop their next books, including Louise Penny’s Inspector Gamache , Peter Robinson’s DCI Banks, Craig Johnson’s Longmire as well as Michael Connolly’s next Harry Bosch. There are two or three others that I’m forgetting. OH! John Scalzi!
@Adam L Silverman: That’s our McMahan to a T.
@Adam L Silverman: So… just… pants-pissers, is what they are, then?
Fred Fnord
@James Powell: In other words: “What, both of them?”
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman:
Truth, that’s how crackers roll. In Derry Catholic kids threw rocks over the wall separating them from the protestants trying to hit the Orangeman parade. The prods response was to burn down the Cath neighborhood. There is no separation between Ian Paisley and Trumpanzees/Palinites. Irrational bigoted fuckers all.
The above tweet by derek davison about sums it up for me on most issues. Rep. Barton should look at the absolute glee on his confederates faces and the zealous reaction of his base whenever they pass a bill that will only be destructive to people that are powerless and vulnerable, and tell us that “it’s not personal”.
“It’s not personal” but you happen to have the wrong skin colour, are the wrong gender, live in the wrong neighbourhood, don’t make enough money, worship the wrong way [or not worship at all], and in general care about things [peace, the environment, human rights, justice] that we feel the exact opposite on.
@opiejeanne: Because I can’t resist an opportunity to be pedantic, I must note that the series is actually on Amazon Prime. Fantastic series, though. I need to watch season three.
Also, his name is spelt Hieronymus. I had to look it up to make sure, though.
@(((CassandraLeo))): I don’t always support pedantry, but in this case I am grateful for it, even though you did just dash my hopes. I read Netflix and thought “yay!!!” and had visions of watching. So at least you saved me the disappointment of getting to Netflix and not finding it.
So, thank you?