To our Muslim readers: My timing may be shaky, but my best wishes are sincere!
Eid al-Fitr: Saudi Arabia declares Sunday first day
When is Eid al-Fitr, and why do Muslims celebrate it?
ETA: Apologies for the earlier draft posting — too much IRL stuff going on!
ETAA: Happy birthday-approximation, Red Dirt Girl!
AL, you have more class in one molecule of your pinky fingernail than all of the alleged “president”.
I share your good wishes.
Someone in an earlier thread noted that this is the first time in DECADES that the WH has not taken note. Inclusive and classy, as always.
Anne, thank you. That was a beautiful sentiment. I pass on my best wishes too.
@efgoldman: I read earlier that you are ailing, though I’m glad you are able to get treatment at home.
I’m so sorry.
Eid Mubarak, Amir.
If I knew I had some Muslims in my neighborhood, I’d probably offer some rice pudding, Baklava or even an Umm Ali (which is entirely Egyptian, but is REALLY tasty).
ETA: Also Tamir. Date treats used to be a staple in my household because of my allergies to milk. Coconut filling or goat cheese with a little honey. DAMN they’re good.
Major Major Major Major
Heya Juicers,
Apologies for self-promotion, but I wanted to let y’all know that I’m officially launching my new webcomic this weekend. There are three posts up so far, and it updates on Mondays. Against Stupidity – the Webcomic. Feel free to give it a look-see!
I echo the sentiment.
So we just got back from driving to Anna Maria Island, FL and back, a 2,000 mile trip. We took the dogs. It was interesting. Koda lov s a car ride and was a champ. Lovey hates car rides but became a champ. Both were bothered by the strangeness and heat but were pretty much the best dogs ever. The only exception was when Lovey pooped in John’s deck shoes. Which we all felt badly about but excused due to stress. The new granddaughter is moving out of preemie weight and now weighs in at 7 lbs. (she was 4.5 at birth). She’s a very good baby and we have decided we love her dad, who we also met for the first time. Mom is fine. Dad is a charter fishing captain with his own business. We are looking forward to regular shipments of fresh fish. Happy news all around.
@Major Major Major Major:
I love this premise. Truly. I’m not a comic fan, but I’ll give it a shot. Sounds like a good novel, too.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t know – the cartoon looks too Neo-Liberal to enjoy. Plus, there’s no DudeBro hentai.
Iowa Old Lady
@Major Major Major Major: I linked on my FB page. Great title!
@Major Major Major Major: I have never been a comic book girl, but I clicked your link and it looks fun and interesting. I am impressed!
Major Major Major Major
Aw thanks everybody!
@Iowa Old Lady: hehe, the inspiration came from one of the morning threads here where somebody quoted it and I thought, “that would be a brilliant name for this idea I have!”
@Major Major Major Major: Looks cool. Good luck!
An early Eid Mubarak to Amir and others! And best of luck to Major^4.
I’m on the verge of crashing, been up since 4am.
@satby: how did the market go?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: lol.. If he did what you suggest, he’d have to change the title. I hope he keeps it Trump free, because I need a break.
Major Major Major Major
AL, at least on mobile this post is mostly just two bare links, FYI.
@JPL: how are you with vampires?
@WaterGirl: I hope that you are you enjoying your free time?
This may be a good place to put this story that I stumbled across yesterday and had a good, heartwarming cry over: this man is a foster father for terminally ill children here in Los Angeles. He and his wife did it together until she died of cancer a few years ago, and now he does it alone.
And it also fits here because he’s an immigrant from Libya and a devout Muslim who feels that God has called him to do this.
@efgoldman: Well, they also “All Lives Matter”ed the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Is anyone really surprised at this point?
I second what JPL said, and also reiterate the good wishes in the OP. And also, good luck to Major^4.
@efgoldman: Saw on the overnight threads that you have some medical issues to confront…I’m so sorry, and I want you to dance. Pulling for you.”
ETA: fuckem
Welp, I’m watching Inside Out again. I’m no realizing that I never had seen the very beginning of the movie. Somehow I always managed to catch it after the first 30min…don’t know why.
Anyway, How great was the vocal casting for #InsideOut
Phyllis Smith as Sadness and Lewis Black as Anger…PERFECT…lol
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Major Major Major Major:
Great job! Congrats!! So much fun to watch the denizens here push their projects to completion, like Mustang Bobby’s plays and TissueThinPseudonym’s Phoebe book. Inspirational!
joel hanes
geg, I remember when your life was the pits, and I’m glad that you’re currently in a happy chapter.
May it continue so.
Major Major Major Major
@lamh36: that movie is so freaking good. Probably my favorite Pixar.
No, nothing they do, by omission or commission, surprises me. Scorpions gotta’ be scorpions.
I’m not even surprised any more by how absolutely stupid they are, individually and collectively.
I guess Apricot Asshole always made himself better and feel successful because he kept the really stupid people closest.
Not that I think there was ever anything we’d recognize as a thought process involved.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: I must have missed that you’re having problems, by the way, sorry to hear.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Can I just say that Man Bun Ken memes are the best thing on the internet? They’re literally like Kryptonite to alt-left dudebroism.
@JPL: Not too much actually, until yesterday when I received 1,400.00 of the 1,550.00 I was still owed by the nonprofit. Distressing that she was playing games with my money, so I wasn’t feeling all that free. I had sent a message on Wednesday outlining in detail the dates and times she had promised me I would be paid and then she kept changing the rules. She hadn’t responded to my messages, but on Friday I received the pay in the mail.
It’s a lot less distressing now that I’m just waiting for the 150.00 in reimbursements i am owed. It’s never fun when someone is screwing with you. :-) Feeling much better today, thanks for asking!
@Major Major Major Major:
The Incredibles is still my favorite, but I loved Inside Out. A testament to the skill of the animators and voice actor is that you know based on the animation and his voice what Bing Bong has decided to do only a few seconds before he does it.
(Trying not to spoil things, just in case.)
@lamh36: At first I thought you meant In & Out, which was a fun movie. Had never heard of Inside Out until now.
@Major Major Major Major:
Also, I can send you a picture of me and my nieces posing with Joy and Sadness at Epcot. Sadness particularly liked my hair and glasses.
@Major Major Major Major: I just can’t chose, but Inside Out is def top tier…
I love when Pixar movies have a message along with fun and laughs….Inside Out is one of the BEST…but man…there’s Up, and Toy Story…and Finding Nemo…
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: Bing Bong ? Yeah.
@Major Major Major Major: Definitely, the best pixar that I’ve seen. I saw it all the theater, and had no idea crocodile tears were falling from my eyes. I bought the dvd for watching after the Thanksgiving feast that year, and my adult son left the room at the ending. It affected young and old alike.
@WaterGirl: OMG…. you have GOT to watch Inside Out….it is soo good
do yourself a favor and def check that one out
Oh and I love me some In & Out…what’s not to love Kevin Kline, Debbie Reynolds, Joan Cusack…I could have done without the mustache-less Tom Selleck…ugh…but even still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it
@WaterGirl: You should watch it, if you can. It’s about a girl moving to a new location, because her father had a new job. My sons did that, because my ex worked for IBM. At the end there are cats and dogs, so don’t miss that.
Eid Mubarak, to all who celebrate.
Went to the water park today. Man, I hate people.
@WaterGirl: Really busy! I did pretty well, but had to be at the door to register for the drawing at 6am.
Didn’t get done until 3, got home at 3:45 to a few gift deposits from the herd because that’s too long of a day for them if they haven’t gone out 2x in the morning. They have a routine I messed with, dammit!I
Hell, I’m only staying up now so that we can all go out one more time tonight before bed. Talk about creatures of habit.
@JPL: OMG yes…it’s funny, if you’d ask Godbaby Maddie if she like Inside Out, she’d probably be like “meh”…she like it enough.
But to a person, any adult I’ve talked to who has seen it, has had the same reaction…LOVE, LOVE, LOVE
@Major Major Major Major:
Woo hoo!!!
@WaterGirl: Oh, glad you got the majority of the money owed! Great news!
I love this post. Thank you so very much.?
@Major Major Major Major:
Admit it — you got a little choked up again just from the reference, didn’t you? ?
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: I sure did.
I know the excellent and erudite Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station has a lot of fans here. His latest long post The Right Question is worth reading and sharing far and wide. He’s having a fundraiser, so chip in if you can.
Multiple edits: damn you autocorrect!
Another Scott
@efgoldman: Tillerson’s State Department, also too.
I suppose next they’ll cancel Thanksgiving because it was made official by that tyrant Lincoln….
@Major Major Major Major: Bookmarked, looks like fun. Well done, sir
Id Mubarak to AK and everyone who celebrates.
Allah hi Reham (Allah is mercy) from My name is Khan, sung by the great Rashid Khan, set to music by Shankar*-Ehsay-Loy and penned by Niranjan Iyengar*.
* Shankar and Niranjan are both Tamil Hindus. Tamil and Hindi are about as related as say Russian and English are.
At Sunny’s bar in Brooklyn with Red Dirt Girl. I know her in real life from this bluegrass/folk jam, which is always hopping
Come on down!
Major Major Major Major
@Another Scott: they are who we said they were. Who THEY said they were.
Steeplejack (phone)
Good news on the trip! I’m glad Lovey rose to the occasion. Did you have to use the drugs much?
@Another Scott: …who was a Republican. A lot of people don’t know that. /trump
Love your videos!
Major Major Major Major
@chris: thanks! Tell your friends ?
@Kjsbrooklyn: Happy Birthday, and I am with you in spirit.
Ok, so – I can never remember my parents’ zip code, so I googled their address and as I scrolled down I started finding all these people-search websites with their names, address, phone number – one even had my mother’s birthday!!! W?T?F?!?!? Now, these are senior citizens who don’t have any social media presence (my mother, in particular, is a complete technophobe) and hardly use the internet for anything.
Has this happened to anyone else? Have you googled yourself and found your personal info online for all to see? If so, what did you do about it?? I’m furious at the invasion of privacy, but all my google research tells me that it’s almost impossible to opt-out of all these websites…
Another Scott
@Kjsbrooklyn: HBD to RDG! Hope you both have a great time!
Gelfling 545
@Major Major Major Major: This looks like something I’ll enjoy, though comics are not generally my genre. Looking forward to see how matters develop.
Iowa Old Lady
@spudgun: Oh yeah. I’ve found my birthdate displayed.
Eid Mubarak! and Eid Saeed! as well, the latter which amuses me as I sooooo hope it would be legal in Scrabble.
Thoughtful David
@Mnemosyne: The Incredibles is great. I’m a huge fan of Edna Mode.
Major Major Major Major
@spudgun: @Iowa Old Lady: it’s funny, I always see lots of old addresses but never the right birthday.
@Kjsbrooklyn: have fun and wish her a Happy Birthday from me!
@MomSense: Thanks!
From the movie. Its about the struggles of an autistic Muslim man married to a Hindu woman in the immediate aftermath of September 11.
Shahrukh Khan plays the Rizwan Khan, a man with Asperger’s and Kajol plays his wife. Here is the link to the trailer.
Its on my list of movies to watch.
@Iowa Old Lady: May I ask, did you try to remove your info from any of these sites? I know some of them have outrageous opt-out procedures, like you can only fax your opt-out and you have to fax them a copy of your ID to prove who you are, crazy stuff like that…
I’m afraid to tell my parents what I found because I know they will freak out, but I don’t want their info out there either.
Another Scott
@spudgun: There’s lots of stuff that’s public records that you can’t do much about. E.g. real estate records. It’s always been out there, it’s just much easier to find with some keystrokes now. It’s probably best not to get too riled up about it – I don’t think there’s much of anything you can do, and we’re all in the same boat. Unless you want to change your name to James Smith or something (and try to blend in with the crowd)…
You can request that Google remove personal information, but that won’t apply to other private companies that have “scraped” public sites – you’d have to request that they delete the stuff too.
I figure I’m a boring needle in a haystack and don’t worry about it (but I’m not on FB and try to be careful about what I post).
Hang in there.
(“Who figures that all his info is already on a server in Shanghai or Moscow or Baku or Pyongyang already…”)
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@WaterGirl: Inside Out has girls’ hockey, so, yeah, I liked it.
I’m guessing you’ve never visited
Keith P.
So it looks like Jared’s Middle East peace plan entails taking Netanyahu’s demands to the Palestinians and hoping that the Palestinians will be so enamored with the boy genius that they accept.
Iowa Old Lady
@spudgun: I’ve never tried to remove it. I just ignore it.
@Another Scott: Thanks Scott – I think this is the best answer, but it still really bothers me.
@debbie: Nope – but surely they don’t display that kind of info unless you have an account…?
Ugh, it’s a bit distressing (I’m kind of a worry-wort).
Fair Economist
@Major Major Major Major: Bookmarked! I love webcomics. Sounds like an interesting setup.
@Major Major Major Major: I like it! Good job.
ETA: You has a talent.
No. It’s all public records. LDS also has a site that’s totally open, but I’ve forgotten the name of it.
Old Broad in California
@Major Major Major Major: I bookmarked your page. Not super familiar with web comics but yours looks really interesting.
@schrodingers_cat: I have a serious crush on Sharukh Khan. I will check out that movie.
Sending you positive thoughts during this difficult time.
@Major Major Major Major:
Thanks for the link.
Sounds like a great trip had by all ?
Another Scott
Major Major Major Major
@Fair Economist: @schrodingers_cat: @Old Broad in California: thanks!
They’re just comics that go on the web, although they have other common characteristics too I guess.
Eid Mubarak to all.?
Has Maddie seen it.
Peanut did, when it came out, and it upset her a great deal. She was 7 at the time, and it upset her a lot. I don’t think that she could process the themes.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: Ditto. :-) I hope it’s a good one for all of the Ummah and all of their friends around this world we all share.
zhena gogolia
OT, so wow is Tina Fey a better “Essentials” partner for Alec Baldwin than Letterman was.
@Major Major Major Major: I hope you feature a kitteh in the upcoming episodes..
@joel hanes:
Thank you so much. Yes, it’s true, you never know how wonderful life can turn out.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: There’s one in the Introduction section, I don’t know if you saw…
@lamh36: @JPL: Sounds like I need to put it on my list! Maybe it will be on Netflix.
We’re talking animation? Allow me to random, stream-of-unconsciousness blather…
On The Incredibles: Brad Bird for the win. I’ve loved his work since The Family Dog short on Amazing Stories. I still have an Iron Giant doll around here someplace.
Pixar: The first 8..10 minutes of Up (the Carl and Ellie story) is nothing less than magic.
Pixar: The shorts. Oh, lord, the shorts. I saw at least one of them at a SigGraph conference in the 80s. “Red’s Dream” is perhaps my favorite.
Looney Tunes – back when I was a kid one of our neighbors had a relative who worked at Termite Terrace … and had a drawer full of cells. :::sigh::: I’d love to go back in time and look at them again.
That’s enough. Carry on.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Of course you did! :-)
@Steeplejack (phone):
Not at all! She was amazing! ?
@Major Major Major Major: I saw it just now. I approve.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: Glad to hear it :)
Amir Khalid
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. I’ll be spending the day with family, and hopefully not bringing any adverse effects on my gastrointestinal system with all that rich food.
Eid Mubarak! [picture platters of dates and other yummy things]
@Amir Khalid
Beware the starch of Eids.
JR in WV
Do take care, Amir, and be happy!! So many of us are with you in spirit…