We have a time. We have a place. What we need is you!
Denver Meet-up info:
SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! 5 p.m. Rosita’s in Westminster
See you there!
Here’s the info and thanks to Scamp Dog for taking over setup duties. From him:
Hello Juicers, how about Denver area get-together at Rosita’s (8050 N Federal Blvd, Westminster, CO) on Sunday, October 22nd? I will make reservations the day before, and try to scare up some green balloons to mark our table.
We are planning on 5 pm since some of you have a drive. Now that I’m not in charge, I’m very excited to me all of you. Lurkers and introverts more than welcome! Bring your spouses, bring your friends, bring your relatives!
If you don’t have green balloons, you can find the lurkers and introverts in the corner, trying not to be noticed.
Scamp Dog
Don’t forget, the Metro Denver meetup is tonight. The list I have is Orchid Moon, spouse, Bondo, John Freemont, String on a Stick, me, and TaMara. Miss Bianca, maybe? If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know and I’ll adjust. So I’ll make a reservation for 8 in a few minutes, and I’ve already found the green balloons, so we are all set. Looking forward to meeting all of you!
Have a good one, you lucky Coloradans.
Scamp Dog
Emergency notice about the Denver meetup tonight at 5:00–it turns out that Rosita’s closes at 3:00 on Sundays. I will scout out other restaurants nearby, get there early to make sure everyone knows there’s a plan, and then when we head out (a bit after 5:00, exact time TBD) put up a sign for any latecomers.
This is also posted on a couple of other threads, to increase the chances it gets to everyone.
Scamp Dog
Oh by the way, that 4:11 time tag on my post is Eastern Time, Denver is on Mountain time, so 2:41 locally.
I’m coming from Colorado Springs and hope to find you all! I’m a lurker, but not an introvert. See you soon.
hedgehog mobile
The mr. and I just got back from Iowa so we will not make it. Have fun! (waves at the Colorado jackals)
Looking forward to the Westminster gathering (wherever it turns out to be)! I’m a big guy wearing a dark-purple shirt, so not easy to miss. See you there!
Miss Bianca
So sorry i won’t be able to make it, fellow jackals! Exhaustion and bizzyness just caught up with me. But in honor of TaMara et al. I will decant some mead and roast up a bunch of the root vegetables i got at farmer’s market today! Till next time!
Any further clarity on location?
Me too. Is the meetup happening today? If it’s in Westminster, it’ll take me a 1/2 hour to get there.
11187 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80020
United States
Li’s chinese. North on federal, left on 112th, left on Sheridan, left at first drive.
Catch you guys another time … it’s a long drive from here. But thanks for the notification, and I’ll see the CO Juicers another time!
Dang it, I cut the crap out of my hand on a home repair project today so I won’t be there tonight. Next time!