Donald Trump walking with Putin looks like a giant toddler walking with his daddy. #saturdaymorning #APEC2017
— Steve Bannon (@mudrat500) November 11, 2017
I'd kind of believe that Trump thinks he can be friends with the world's worst dictators, despots and strong men. He wants to be in that club.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 12, 2017
It’s hard to keep up with the nonstop tsunami of Trump-shit, but let’s not forget how the Repubs’ (and Putin’s) hand-picked Leader managed to further disgrace us all in front of the watching world. Mr. Pierce, at Esquire:
Well, the president* seems finally to have run out of goons and despots who will buy him with a parade and a silly shirt—American presidents used to command a higher price than those—and is returning to his own country, where 30 percent of the people are happy to see him again, or at least not prone to refuse delivery.
He reported to an anxious nation that he had a very nice time indeed…
Trump pleased with the opulent welcome treatment he's been given on this trip. "It was a red carpet like nobody, I think, has probably ever seen."
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) November 13, 2017
Red carpet like nobody's ever seen before.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 13, 2017
“The Chinese delivered a masterful display of pure spectacle, ego flattery, and diplomatic theatre to one of the most conceited, self-obsessed people on the planet.”
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 12, 2017
Diplomats know well that no one can do the theatre of a grand visit quite like the Chinese. And for a president who has been accused of being all about spectacle over substance, this was the ultimate dream visit. Large parts of the city of over 10 million people remained closed down as he moved around it. Xi Jinping, ranked the most powerful man in the world by The Economist only last month, spent a whole day of precious time usually allotted to running a country of 1.4 billion people showing the visiting dignitary and his wife around the Forbidden Palace, watching a Beijing Opera with him, and observing Mr Trump’s granddaughter on an iPad singing a song in Chinese.
Spectacle and symbolism do matter in politics at this level. No one denies that. There is a good argument to say that, in fact, spectacle and symbolism are all that matter. So one immediate assessment of the whole visit was that if it did no major good, it certainly did no harm. And there were plenty who feared that such an insensitive, narcissistic figure as Trump, exposed to a culture with its own pride and sensitivities, had the capacity to cause real damage and give real offence.
In no small part due to the very accurate Chinese reading of the US President and his character, this didn’t happen. On the contrary, he looked most of the time overwhelmed by the spectacle laid out before him, and the heavy clues it gave him that he and the country he represents still matter. Trump repaid this by not once mentioning human rights, and largely emitting paeans of praise of this hosts. Remarkably, he even refrained from blaming China for one of his main criticisms when he was a presidential candidate, instead shifting the blame for bilateral trade imbalances onto his predecessors. No wonder Xi Jinping’s face was broad with smiles during the stay. Even on complex issues like North Korea, Trump was largely amenable…
China’s diplomats can sit back, well happy that, whatever it may mean for Making America Great Again, the November 2017 visit contributed handsomely to their priority: Making China even greater. Game, set and, quite possibly match, to Beijing.
Specifically, while we were all being rightfully aghast at Roy Moore, Trump’s Happy Fun Times in the Philippines may’ve slipped under the radar…
Trump and Duterte having a laugh about how journalists are *spies" "Hah, hah, hah"
— Gabriel Snyder (@gabrielsnyder) November 13, 2017
My dad was a journalist, not a spy, but after he was kidnapped, he was repeatedly tortured while his captors tried to get him to admit he was. Hilarious.
— Sulome Anderson (@SulomeAnderson) November 13, 2017
177 journalists have been killed in the Philippines since 1986, making it among the deadliest countries to be a journalist.
Hah, hah, hah.
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) November 13, 2017
Eugene Robinson, in the Washington Post, “What happens when you replace the president with a clown?”:
… There was a time when the world looked to the U.S. president to speak clearly in defense of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. I refer to the entirety of modern U.S. history before January, when Trump assumed the high office he now dishonors.
His Asia tour has been at times a disaster, at times a farce. What was the most shameful moment? Perhaps when he announced that he has a “great relationship” with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has encouraged police and vigilantes to fight the trade in illegal drugs by assassinating suspected traffickers without the bother of arrests or trials. At least 7,000 and perhaps as many as 13,000 people have been slain…
Meanwhile, as Trump incomprehensibly pursues a policy of “America first” neo-isolationism — refusing even to adequately staff the U.S. diplomatic corps — China moves globally to fill the vacuum. Japan and South Korea wonder whether the U.S. nuclear umbrella still protects them. And the nations Trump abandoned when he nixed the Trans-Pacific Partnership have moved forward to form a trade pact of their own — without us.
This is what happens when a very big nation is led by a very small man.
Duterte is ordered to sing a love song to Trump: "You are the light in my world."
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 13, 2017
I can't even laugh at this. He's hamming it the fuck up with a mass murderer whom he admires specifically BECAUSE he's a mass murderer.
— Zeddy (@ZeddRebel) November 13, 2017
This was like a two-day story, but a leaked transcript showed Trump called up Duterte specifically to compliment his murderous extrajudicial war on drug dealers and users.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 13, 2017
Hannity turning on Judge Roy!
Me? I’m opening a Keurig repair shop. Gonna be rich!
Another Scott
And, of course, Donnie added to the mountain of evidence that he’s brain damaged tonight by tweeting about the wrong mass shooting today…
So before Netanyahu goes to court for graft he gets to see Trump cede Syria to the Russians who’ll allow Iranians get to camp out next door.
@Another Scott: Hey, cut the brain-damaged Mango Mugabe some slack! There’ve been so many mass shootings, it’s hard to keep ’em straight.
Wanna bet the swag bags somehow mysteriously don’t find their way to the National Archives as regulations demand?
Semi-related: Eight of the Weirdest Gifts Foreign Dignitaries Gave the President
I’d missed this. Well, the American president certainly isn’t the most powerful man in the world.
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard will direct ICE agents to shoot alleged illegal aliens on sight, inspired by his BFF scumbag Filipino dictator.
No Drought No More
Don’t forget, we stand to regain our own pride, and incidentally some of our standing around the world, when Trump is forced from office as he soon will be. We’re going to make Putin wish he’d never heard of Donald Fucking Trump before we declare the war he started in 2016 to be over. Remember, it is literally true: we have yet begun to fight. Russia egregiously fucked up, they just don’t how badly yet, but they will soon enough. So there’s that to look forward too, as well.
Speaking of Mugabe, his plate is kind of full at the moment.
Major Major Major Major
Trump got to show off Ivanka’s kid and how she is learning Chinese. Well played, Xi.
well, he did run on the promise to kill 100,000 drug users, and won. Almost 40% through his first term and he’s not living up to his promises. That 7,000 number is surprisingly resilient to challenge.
Hmmm…rumors seem to be that Flynn, Jr. is the next indictment. By the end of the week. I could use a little indictment action to top off the week.
I called my Reps today. Well, yesterday depending on what time zone you’re in. Need to get people calling again.
@Yarrow: Indictments will improve my mood.
Trump looks better in a barong. He should wear one all the time when he gets back. Would also clarify our situation here.
Edit: My comment was insulting to barongs. Sorry.
@Suzanne: Me too. Would be a nice way to start the weekend.
@Suzanne: I replied to your comment at the bottom of the last thread. Best wishes to you and spawn.
Has anyone else noticed how Trump’s hair is getting weirder by the day? He appears to be letting the bits on the side go gray but the bottle blonde quaff stay the same. It’s almost like he is trying to say “look I am so engaged I am going gray” while having the front bit scream “20 year old with a bad dye job”.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Yes, it looks very odd. I also noticed it looks wet at times. I avoid looking at him as much as possible so long periods can go by before I see a video of him. It was kind of shocking when I saw one recently because his hair looked so weird. Well, weirder than usual.
The Dangerman
@Another Scott:
Phillipines to DC is a long damn flight; we are lucky he didn’t blurt orders to nuke North Korea as opposed to his usual demands for two scoops. He tired.
I figure the fucker has The Big One after some lengthy foreign trip someday soon and it’s welcome President Pence.
@The Dangerman: I thought he was supposed to be stopping in Hawaii again. Didn’t one of our Hawaii residents say they were told that? Was there a change?
@Yarrow: It really astonishes me that someone so self-absorbed can look so bad.
Major Major Major Major
OT: I’m watching season 1 of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (2016) and it’s very fun! Whoever failed to recommend this to me over the last year, booooo.
@Suzanne: It’s really weird, isn’t it? His hair is awful, his plastic surgery looks bad, his clothes don’t fit well. It’s bizarre for someone who is so obsessed with image.
Major Major Major Major
@Suzanne: He doesn’t have a lot to work with…
The Dangerman
Only for fuel:
No idea how long it takes to top off AF1 but only adds to the length of the flight.
@Yarrow: Hostage?
@Major Major Major Major: There’s lots of not-genetically-blessed people who nonetheless dress well and take care of themselves and look good.
Major Major Major Major
@Suzanne: True.
I do imagine he actually thinks he looks good though.
@Suzanne: Exactly. He could at least afford someone to tailor his suits properly. They always look bad on him.
@Yarrow: et al.: He looks bad because he has no taste, and no one can tell him he has no taste. Just like no one can tell him he’s fat, or that his hair looks ridiculous.
A couple of decades ago, when he was married to Marla, there was an item in People or a gossip column (can’t remember) that made me laugh. They were walking to their car after an event, and she said something about good posture being important. He immediately said, Well, I have terrific posture. She said, No, you have horrible posture. He went into a big ol’ sulk, didn’t talk to her the whole ride home.
@NotMax: Sucker’s bet.
@Suzanne: I’d wait for convictions.
@Yarrow: He did. It was only a refueling stop.
@Major Major Major Major: Mandarin or Cantonese?
Because.. it matters!
@Major Major Major Major: Don’t blame me. I didn’t know your taste in entertainment.
@Davebo: Pretty sure it’s Mandarin.
Major Major Major Major
@Davebo: @Yarrow: 99.9% sure it’s Mandarin, but I’ve been 0.1% wrong before!
@TenguPhule: I guess you haven’t been around on the threads where I ask for TV recs.
@Major Major Major Major:
Mandarin would be the wise choice. Which makes my max 75 word Cantonese vocabulary fairly useless. Then again, I don’t care much for Hong Kong but it’s much better than Beijing!
Looks like Mugabe has been ousted. The Guardian is blogging it live.
Since it’s an open thread and I can’t sleep…
If anyone enjoys reading brutal movies reviews, The Vanity Fair review of Justice League is up.
Some prime samples:
And my favorite:
There was a special election in Oklahoma on Tuesday for a state Senate district near Tulsa. Last year the Republicans won it by 15 percentage points. This year the Democrat, a 37-year old lesbian, won it by 31 votes. Tulsa World article.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I think the word you want is “coif”. A “quaff” is a drink.
@Major Major Major Major: Season 2 has bad guy Alan Tudyk in it. Of course I’m watching it.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike in NC: I was thinking he’d direct our police to expand their extra judicial killings to drug addicts. That would eliminate our opioid problem quite quickly.
Patricia Kayden
@Origuy: Yay!! More good election news.
sm*t cl*de
The judges will also accept “quiff”.
@sm*t cl*de: which actually is a perfect word for what’s on top of Trump’s head, although it’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen.
Amir Khalid
Mandarin. That’s what they speak in Beijing and Taipei, and that’s what you learn for work/business in most of China and in Taiwan. Cantonese is for Hong Kong.
Did he bring his dinosaurs? If not, then it’s hardly worth watching.
@Amir Khalid:
Does one need to learn Shanghainese to do business in Shanghai?
No, not a serious question.
Sounds like they really liked it.
Having her sing in Cantonese would be a major diplomatic faux pas, probably on the scale of, oh, say, accepting a phone call from the President of Taiwan. Mandarin is the only official language of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China (where it is called “guóyǔ” or “national language” rather than “pǔtōnghuà” or “common speech”, but it’s essentially the same thing, basically a cleaned-up version of Beijing dialect).
The PRC would very much like people in Hong Kong to stop speaking English and Cantonese and speak Mandarin instead. Note also that in Taiwan, 70% of the people actually speak Taiwanese, which is not mutually intelligible with Mandarin, but it has no official status and was actively repressed up until the restoration of democracy…