Enjoy the moment ?? pic.twitter.com/44PcdveapO
— Baby Animals (@BabyAnimalPics) December 9, 2017
Despite the 22F temperature, the biting wind, the unexpectedly heavy light pollution from passing traffic, and the clouds scudding in at great speed, Spousal Unit & I saw at least half a dozen bright Geminid meteors flash across the sky, so we’re satisfied with our expedition.
Apart from resolutely staying positive, what’s on the agenda for the day?
No more savage tropes that uphold colonialism and imperialism. #goredhawks #notyourmascot pic.twitter.com/j6Lll95vYW
— Dani (@xodanix3) December 13, 2017
Strong contender (in a year full of them) for Best Internet Protest of the Year, as reported by David Roth at Deadspin
… On Wednesday, a number of prominent Native American activists began tweeting a statement purporting to announce that Washington’s NFL team would, next season, be changing its name to the Washington RedHawks…
If you were scrolling through Twitter with your mind in energy-saver mode, which is really the only safe way to do it, this looked like more than just an attempt to hustle a hashtag. It looked for all the world like news, albeit of the unlikeliest kind. Not just in the sense that it was good news, although there’s obviously that, but in the sense that it was being covered everywhere.
Or, more accurately, it was being “covered” “everywhere.” There were what appeared to be links to what appeared to be stories from what appeared to be major sports publications—the Washington Post, Bleacher Report, ESPN, and Sports Illustrated—that reported, in a rough simulacrum of those venues’ house styles, various angles on the story. The team issued no such statement, and the stories were all fakes that appeared on rather shockingly artful spoofs of each of those publications’ pages. Each of the hoax pages had been registered last month, through the French web registrar Gandi SAS by a registrant named Mark Jones. There is a field for “registrant organization” on Gandi’s form, but Jones left it blank…
The ghoulish bile-baiting tone of most Fake Sports News was nowhere to be found in these stories, each of which told the story of a team belatedly doing the right thing at the end of another lost season and of Native American activists belatedly seeing their advocacy turn into a hard-won reality. More than that, these stories told the story well, with quotes from all the appropriate corners…
It is so easy to admire the technical deftness and general craftsmanship behind the RedHawks hoax that it’s worth taking a moment to consider how slashing the satirical intent is, here. It emerges gradually as you click across the various spoof sites, as the realization builds that all this decency and equanimity just sounds wrong coming from the people it’s coming from. There is no more devastating assessment of how Daniel Snyder has handled his team’s shameful name than imagining him saying, as he’s “quoted” in the Sports Illustrated spoof: “[The RedHawks] is a symbol of everything we stand for: strength, courage, pride, and respect—the same values we know guide Native Americans and which are embedded throughout their rich history as the original Americans.” It’s all the more so when you realize that this is an exact quote from an actual statement that Snyder made in 2013, in defense of continuing to call his team the Redskins…
So one Washington will have the Redhawks while the other Washington has the Seahawks.
Works for me.
Cloudy with a high of 36 and of course, I’m working outside. At least the winds will be light.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
What I don’t get is, how can you be woke enough to think something needs to be done about the Redskins name (whether or not you’re a football fan), and not think the whole thing’s irrelevant on account of CTE?
Excluding Native Americans, of course.
One battle at a time
@opiejeanne: There are two “Bulldogs” in the SEC.
@lowtechcyclist: CTE?
Oh, never mind. I found it.
@Raven: The Securities Exchange Commission?
Fuck it
@Raven: And there’s two or three Tigers in the SEC also. Take that CFL!
Amir Khalid
Alas, the change of name to Washington Redhawks is a hoax. Nonetheless, I suggest that everyone start calling the Redskins by this far more respectable name.
ETA: I should always read to the end of a post before I comment. But my suggestion stands.
Moore’s refusal to concede speaks volumes about the current crisis of Christian evangelicalism in America.
To be clear: For a candidate to say he is “waiting for God to speak” viz election results is to say he is waiting for God to anoint him…
…the rightful victor. It is to say that there is no world in which God would will for a Democrat to win.
All of which is to say, of course, that none of this, as with so much of (largely white) Christian evangelicalism these days…
…is really about God. It is about men/women consumed by a hubris and tribal derangement that God reflects their politics…
..when moments like these should actually encourage good faith evangelical Christians to question whether their politics are reflecting God.
-Elaine Plott.
Hello All. Doug Jone is still gonna be a Senator even if the Redskins*ns have not changed their name.
@Amir Khalid:
Hard lesson to learn…
@OzarkHillbilly: I agree. But “waiting for God to speak” also sounds like a call to assassinate Jones.
Amir Khalid
There is a kind of entitled “devout” person who believes God is their errand boy. (You find this sort among Muslims too.)
J R in WV
A Kentucky man has committed suicide after being accused of sexual harassment and insurance fraud. He was a pastor and a state legislator. The report of sexual harassment was based upon a police report. This story appears on NPR, who did not apparently break the news itself.
Kind of a sad way to plead guilty to all charges if you ask me.
Amir Khalid
If God were to smite Jones, would that mean the US Senate seat goes to Moore?
@Amir Khalid: I believe it does if the smiting occurs before the Senator is seated.
Just one more canuck
@ThresherK: hey – there’s only one team called the Roughriders now – Ottawa’s team is called the RedBlacks (no one up here understands it either)
@Immanentize: @Amir Khalid: As an atheist, I am always left a little bit agog at the hubris exhibited by some of the more religious adherents, that they think they can actually speak for their God, that their tiny little brains can comprehend all that their God is supposed to be. I always thought their first and foremost duty was to approach God with humility.
J R in WV
Good morning, Rikyrah, everyone. I’m back to bed real soon now!
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
It is our duty to be humble, not only before God, but in all things.
In part, it’s recognition that we come from God, but we all fall short of His glory.
I’m the first to admit that I don’t always act humble, but it is the goal.
Mustang Bobby
Memo to Roy Moore: God did speak. He went with Jones. Now shut up.
@J R in WV: So, instead of admitting the sexual assault and maybe helping that poor person come to grips with the crime done against them (and pay the penalty owed to the victim and society; and maybe get the help they need for depression that they apparently had) this guy kills himself hurting his family, friends and possibly even the victim (who might now feel bad about this outcome and maybe blame themselves (too many sexual assault victims apparently do – while pure unadulterated speculation but possible.)
Like chastity for priests, it is a goal an ideal — not always attainable. But hubris — pride — now that is a deadly sin.
@OzarkHillbilly: LOL – As an atheist, too, I am never surprised in the least by any and all so-called believers ability to support complete nonsense with concepts of god. But then, the brain evolved to support these silly beliefs and this does trap most people – that and their knowledge of their own inevitable death.
Huggy Bear
@Immanentize: Nope. Ashcroft lost to a dead guy and he didn’t get declared the winner. The governor would just appoint whoever is conducting the most potentially dangerous investigation of her administration.
@Cermet: Our brains evolved with a void that we feel the need to fill, and one way or the other we all fill it.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@J R in WV:
He was a world class shit with a history of lies, financial frauds, arson and general criminality. In a divorce I did about 5 yrs ago, he “bought” a nearly new Lincoln worth about 50K from one of his congregants (my client’s soon-to-be-ex) husband for $500 in an effort to shield the asset. It didn’t work, as the court presented a very stark set of options to the husband on how it would be counted.
Hey if they change the name to the Redhawks I will go back to rooting for them for the first time in over 25 years
/NoVA native
@Huggy Bear: Depends on the State. I think in Alabama, runner up is seated but I will check.
Good thing of the week, home game edition.
Had an episode of ‘just for a minute, gonna rest my eyeszzzzz’ Wednesday night. Cake already baking in the oven at the same time.
Woke up and it was around an hour after the time when the cake was supposed to have come out. Turns out it is just fine. Still moist, perfectly edible; top, bottom and outside perimeter barely the teensiest bit toasty.
@Huggy Bear: I VOTED FOR THE DEAD GUY! I always wanted to put that on a pin.
No lie told
@Mustang Bobby:
What amuses me is that the State GOP has conceded, and is like, Boy, BYE
James E Powell
Great idea at the end, but will we be able to find any good faith evangelical Christians? Also too, if they were able to question themselves they probably wouldn’t be evangelical Christians.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I always have a good laugh at the expense of people who try that kind of shit. They all think they are super geniuses and they’ll get away with it.
Have actually done that. (the vote, not the pin). As have mentioned before, a dead guy overwhelmingly won re-election to the County Council here.
Bruce K
@OzarkHillbilly: Full comprehension of divinity always seemed a bit to me like trying to play Halo on an Atari 2600. Or in the case of some GOP god-botherers, an old Hewlett-Packard calculator. (If I recall correctly, with some work, you could get a crude lunar-lander game programmed into the HP-25, but that was about it…)
@rikyrah: Good morning ? rikyrah!
And to everyone else as well.
It isn’t true that Democrats aren’t running “for” something. They seem to be specifically running “for” health care”. In Virginia they also ran “for” education. Really if you look at state races Democrats have won in the last 6 years education seems to be a very good thing for Democrats to be “for”- it was central to them winning governor in Pennsylvania, Louisiana and Virginia. Twice in Virginia.
If Trump’s tax cut for rich people passes I would go so far as to predict what (national, federal) Democrats will be running for- Medicare.
@James E Powell: There are as many kinds of evangelicals as there are of any other faith (or lack thereof). We only hear about the hard core conservative ones because they squawk the loudest. My niece is a good evangelical. It helps that she is a wonderful, loving, caring individual.
High Five!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“I know – I’ll sell it to Mom!”
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: “I’ll show her, I’ll quit my job!”
zhena gogolia
In line at the pharmacy yesterday, a woman asked me if I knew about some cut to Social Security coming next month. I said, no, but I did know they were trying to cut SS and Medicare in general. She said, “That should be against the law!”
Continuing to voluntarily lead the fight to pass this crap tax bill and gut Medicare. I bet she wants the debate closed- it’s revealing her as a complete fraud.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Ah, the classic. I had a case last year with a $650,000.00 a year doctor on the other side making that threat. Once I stopped laughing, I managed to calm my client’s nerves.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: @OzarkHillbilly: my ex tried both of those gambits.
Pure Republican projection, as usual. He is turning Cleek’s Law* inside out and claiming it describes the Democrats.
* Today’s conservatism is the opposite of what liberals want today, updated daily.
I live in “opiod central” and I can tell you the Trump White House has not done ONE THING to address this “crisis”. Not one. They convened a bullshit commission and they send political hacks around the country to sit in meetings and furrow their brows with concern.
Obama did FAR more simply by expanding Medicaid and he did without the grandstanding and the political operatives like KellyAnne Conway claiming credit and planting stories in newspapers to promote their own careers like she planted this one. The single low income rehab facility we have in this county is due completely to the efforts of Obama and Sherrod Brown.
The “opiod crisis” has peaked and is on the decline. We have more people indicted for meth than we do for heroin, again.
Fester Addams
So (in Alabama) the good ones don’t vote? Because wasn’t it 80% of (white) people who identified as evangelical voted for Moore?
I wish I could agree that American white evangelicalism was in a moment of crisis. Alas, I think the crisis came and went decades ago.
This isn’t to say there aren’t decent individual evangelicals. But as a movement, it’s been an abomination for most of my 47 years as a born-again Christian. Since the late 1970s when Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell Sr. turned evangelicalism into a political movement, it’s cared nothing for the truth.
I’ve been reading this article in Christianity Today that HumboldtBlue linked to in one of yesterday’s threads, which tries and fails to grapple with the evangelical response to Trump and Moore as a crisis. I’ve been thinking about a response, and the main thing that comes to mind is that other than a brief mention at the end, the author never talks about love.
And the love of Christ is what this is all about. If God wasn’t love, I wouldn’t be a Christian. An evangelical politics that has nothing to do with love has nothing to do with Christ. A politics that isn’t about loving one’s neighbor, that isn’t about seeing that ‘the least of these’ are helped when they need help – such a politics fails at being Christian.
A politics that sees Christians as victims, as persecuted, as marginalized, in America in the 21st century – that’s another thing the author tries to justify. Drives me nuts. God is bigger than all this. If His love is with us, it doesn’t matter who’s against us. That evangelicals see themselves as victims, as persecuted, here and now in America, inevitably makes me think: can these people possibly know the Lord? Because I knew better than that from the very beginning, from the very night my walk with the Lord began. How do you know the Lord and not know this? I just don’t get it.
She was always a fraud, Kay.
@Fester Addams: Alabama is in the SOUTH. Most branches of Southern evangelicals are deeply racist. They will vote Republican no matter what.
And 80% means 20% of evangelicals voted for Jones, doesn’t it? They might be a minority but they are there.
Hey I know we like to bang on the NYT and rightly so, but here’s a lil’ something to share with your RWNJ friends and relatives…and everyone else (warning, the title seems a little infuriating at first, at least to me, but the content surely isn’t):
Trump’s Lies vs. Obama’s (or, ‘A Mountain vs Not Even a Mole Hill’)
I can haz a similar graph of their golfing habits next please NYT?
@Fester Addams: I mentioned yesterday that i felt like DEM voters were energized and Republican voters weren’t, that even if they still could not bring themselves to vote for a DEM, neither could they vote for Moore. So a lot of them stayed home. The ones who didn’t? They were the ones who like Moore, believe he is an instrument of God.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
They’ve burnt out their own party through ideological manipulation from their right flank.
I attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in the late 70’s, when the mascot was a Miami Indian. We were the Miami Redskins. There was not a grotesque caricature figure running around during sporting events, but an actual student who attended a seminar by tribal council on how to wear his authentic clothing and perform a ceremonial war dance. It was all done under the supervision of the Miami tribal branch.
But it still was not right, and in 1997 the Miami president proposed a change to a new mascot. The alumni were given options to vote for, and they chose a Redhawk. To be honest, there was a big backlash and a lot of alumni dropped their donations to Miami, but in the long run things have been fine.
It’s way past the time to change the offensive sports team names to ones that don’t blatantly promote old stereotypes and insult groups of people. It’s expensive and messy, but it’s the right thing to do. If a university can go from Redskins to Redhawks, a pro team can, too.
@lowtechcyclist: A read an article not too long ago that a number of evangelicals are dropping the “Evangelical” from their church names because of the political baggage that has attached itself to that word. It is baggage they don’t agree with at all and want nothing to do with.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
As always, addressing it requires resources. Needle exchanges are cheap, and are often the first point of contact with the addict. The real expense is in adequately funded treatment centers, and I’m not talking outpatient. Inpatient facilities, designed for dorm housing for six months and longer. Good staff, too. Methadone or suboxone as needed. Thinking one long term facility for 50 patients per 100,000 population.
Beef up the laws on rehab commitment as well.
@Kay: it would be nice in the post Obama era of the party to become the public education party again. It’s one of those areas where the upper middle class people who end up in charge of the party really decided to separate themselves from their voters. They all want good private schools. Their voters want to be told that sending their kids to public schools and state colleges is the right thing to do for their children because they don’t have that many options. If the democrats would make a concerted effort to promote within their ranks people who came up through the public school system, they might end up with a better perspective that’s more in line with the voters they are trying to reach. The GOP makes it too easy for Democrats to be “pro education” simply by default. Dems can run on “well at least the schools will be open more than 4 months a year” … the GOP can’t do even that. But after that, the Dems at the high levels of the party appeared for the past eight years to be bought and paid for by the wealthy anti public school lobby.
-Valerie Tarico.
I actually think she is in some trouble on this. Her staff locked the doors to her offices early with people outside wanting to go in to meet. They were informed that if they didn’t leave the lobby at 5pm they would be arrested. No one answers the phones and it’s impossible to even get voice mail. If this is such a great deal for Mainers then why is she hiding from us?
mad citizen
My idea for that football team is no name change at all. Simply adopt the redskin potato as the mascot. Done.
means any and all variants of “how can we make a buck off of this?” Full stop.
BC in Illinois
“BC in Illinois,” who now lives in Missouri, began as “BC in Washington DC.”
I was a fan of the “football team for some reason not formerly known as the Washington Redskins”, going back to the days of Sonny Jurgensen, Charley Taylor, John Riggins, and Doug Williams. (And I can go on.) I was in the “yeah, the name is wrong, but they don’t mean it in a bad way” camp, until I was in my 60s. Precisely until John Oliver addressed the issue in 2014. It came about at the same time when — within the same week — President Obama and Charles Krauthammer [!] both said that the name should be changed. John Oliver showed a Native American anti-name video and then said
Then add in various cheating scandals, which led me to conclude that “if _____________ are playing, I won’t watch the game” (which meant, yes, that there were Super Bowls I didn’t watch). Then add in the concussions. I can’t watch another person carried off the field after a “hard hit.” I’m done.
This is the first football season since watching football with the family on a black-and-white TV during the Eisenhower administration in which I have not watched even part of an NFL game.
Yes, the ‘Skins should change their name. No, I don’t think that would bring me back.
@Cermet: Alternate take: he had a direct line to God and God told him to off himself.
Vaguely recall something regarding Bannon trying to drum up a campaign for LePage’s wife to run against Angus King in 2018. Anything more locally being hinted at about that?
@OzarkHillbilly: Here in the home of Roger Williams and the First Baptist Church in America, one local congregation dropped the word “Baptist” from the name of the church, presumably to avoid their relatively liberal American Baptist affiliation being confused with the ultra-conservative Southern Baptists that most people associate with the name. Also in Bloomington, IN, the church I attended there which used to specifically identify as the merger of two churches (First (American) Baptist Church/United Church of Christ), is now just First United Church. I suspect lots of people who really pay attention to the message of the New Testament are tired of being associated with the talibangelicals.
Another Scott
Morning all.
GovExec – It looks like Charlie and the Democrats are still playing hardball:
Is this the place to talk about the Net Neutrality vote today? I figure it’s a forgone conclusion, but still…
@Immanentize: The satisfaction of those who steadfastly pursue virtue is a habit of their souls which is called tranquility and peace of mind. But the fresh satisfaction we gain when we have performed an action we think good is a passion — a kind of joy which I consider to be the sweetest of all joys, because its cause depends only on ourselves. But when this cause is not just, i.e., when the actions from which we derive great satisfaction are not very important or are even vicious, the satisfaction is absurd and serves only to produce a kind of vanity and impertinent arrogance. This is noticeable especially in those who believe themselves devout, but who are merely bigoted and superstitious. These are people who — under the pretext of frequently going to church, reciting many prayers, wearing their hair short, fasting, and giving alms — think they are absolutely perfect and imagine that they are such close friends of God that they could not do anything to displease him. They suppose that anything their passion dictates is a commendable zeal, even though it sometimes dictates the greatest crimes that men can commit, such as they betrayal of cities, the killing of sovereigns, and the extermination of whole nations for the sole reason that the citizens do not accept their opinions. (René Descartes, The Passions of the Soul [1649], paragraph 190)
@Leto: Apparently not. Oh well, guess I’ll see some of you on the other side.
@chris: Good luck!
Salvatore Napoli
I had a better idea a couple years ago. Do some research on Northeast American Indian tribes. Which tribe or tribes dominated what is now the Washington Metro area, Maryland, Virginia. Choose one. Then pay royalties to the chosen tribe. If Snyder moves the team, change the name to the tribe that dominated that region. And pay them.
J R in WV
Evidently Dan Johnson shot himself in the head last night after being accused in a police report of assaulting a 17 year old member of his church. Mr Johnson referred to himself as the Pope of his church.
The WaPo story says:
Evidently his church allowed drinking to excess and something called body shots at parties in the home next door to the church where “pope” Johnson lived. I’ve been to a lot of parties and never seen anyone do body shots, whatever that is. And nope, I don’t need a technical explanation.
What a creep!
@Mustang Bobby: Bingo
@MomSense: And they were arrested, which prompted me to send her a copy of the text of the First Amendment. Although I’m out of the country, I’m berating “my” less-favorite senator (I love the other one and send him only attaboys) as often as possible, and I’ve sicced my family in Maine on her. I don’t know who’ll run against her next time, but I’m pretty certain I’ll be all-in for whoever it is.