Inbox: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018, as Loyalty Day
— Jill Colvin (@colvinj) May 1, 2018
Of course Trump didn’t invent it — he couldn’t invent a fart after a baked-bean supper, which explains why so much toxic gas spews from the other end of his digestive tract. Per the Washington Post:
… First observed in 1921, it was then called Americanization Day to counter International Workers Day, promoted by socialists and Communists to honor workers on May 1. In 1955, Congress recognized it as a special day, as did President Eisenhower, and three years later legislators passed a law making it an annual holiday. Since then, every president has issued a proclamation to mark the day — every single year…
So, it’s a shifty rebrand of a well-meaning socialist rebrand of a longstanding celebration of winter’s end, the triumph of hope and fertility…
Much better reading for a May Day morning:
"Free speech does not mean that you have to respect the speaker . . . It means that you don't use the mechanism of the state to stop them." — @Popehat
— FIRE (@TheFIREorg) April 28, 2018
/3 If you want to be a free speech advocate, not a free speech “activist,” you have to resist the current effort to make free speech a right/left my team/your team partisan issue. That gets clicks but doesn’t educate or persuade.
— EverybodySueEverybodyHat (@Popehat) April 29, 2018
/5 You have to care about winning hearts and minds, not just “winning.” We’re in very good legal shape now, but that won’t last unless we convince each generation that rights are worth it.
— FiteMeHat (@Popehat) April 29, 2018
/6 You have to make deliberate moral choices: how to respond to evil speech, how to engage people whose speech you hate, how to engage people who want to suppress speech rather than just dismissing them.
— FiteMeHat (@Popehat) April 29, 2018
/8 Anyway, it’s easy to dump on college students — ive done it — but these young people made me hopeful, and I think the doom and gloom about higher education is both exaggerated and ideologically motivated. /end
— EverybodySueEverybodyHat (@Popehat) April 29, 2018
Amir Khalid
So “Loyalty Day” is what you guys have on May 1 instead of Labour Day? I never heard of it before now.
Amir Khalid
I just polished The Girl’s frets and changed her strings, and she looks all beautiful now.
The twice-divorced liar-in-chief wants to celebrate loyalty? How touching; I think all republican ex-wives should take to twitter to celebrate the undying devotion of the party of personal responsibility.
Let me guess; tomorrow is not going to be Honest Self Reflection Day!
@Amir Khalid: You say “You guys”, but I would wager that 90% of Americans aren’t even aware that Loyalty Day exists. (And ditto for May Day, for that matter.)
@Geoduck: Probably higher than 90%, I’d never heard of it.
I’m glad that last Popehat tweet was included in the post. While noisy student protesters can and do go Full Asshole sometimes, it’s the donor class that is the greater worry:
Citizen Alan
It is often breathtaking to me to contemplate how many of this nation’s problems could be solved by taking every single person with a net worth of over a billion dollars, relocating them to an island in the South Pacific, and dropping a hydrogen bomb on it. And then a second hydrogen bomb just to be sure.
@Citizen Alan: or taxing them at rates we had during the Eisenhower administration. The Kochs obviously have more than they need if they’re blowing millions on endowments just to buy a few professors.
@Amir Khalid: yeah, no one’s really ever heard of it. Anyway, most of America, even the part that doesn’t like immigrants, is getting ready for Cinco de Mayo. Because everyone likes Mexican food, cervesa, and margaritas.
Happy May Day to everywhere else in the world.
I can’t remember a Midwestern spring so dry in my life that we’re already at fire hazard warnings.
In elementary school we would make May Day baskets and fill the basket with flowers.
What a great day to swear allegiance to Baud! 2020!
Or just to swear.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@satby: April is typically dry here in the Ozarks. If it stays this way thru May that will be abnormal.
Has anyone seen the Trump proclamation? It mentions the United States, right?
Amberjack season opens for one month today and snapper season kicks in 1 June. We’re going to the Gulf the 26th so I’ll get a shot at both!
@satby: Oddly enough, we may get rain today.
@Baud: I’ll go with the later.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?!
@OzarkHillbilly: we’ve had some short rains, but not as much as a normal spring. It all came, with snow, over winter and caused the flooding we had. Now the red flag warnings cover all of Indiana and lower Michigan, just when the farmers are planting. But rain’s expected later this week.
I see The Atlantic is back to Hillary bashing.
@Baud: Why? Did she comment about something, or not comment about something?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: She criticized Trump. Or was caught breathing. Not sure exactly.
@raven: Tight lines!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: for your sake, I hope so, since you never seen to get enough.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: When are you changing the link in your nym over to the smugmug site?
@satby: I know I don’t get enough.
@Baud: Probably complimented Michelle Wolf.
Chyron HR
If she hadn’t been a warmonger we wouldn’t be stuck with a President who wants to invade Iran.
@satby: They’re actually expecting a bit of snow in the local mountains(@ over 5500′). This is pretty rare for this late in the season.
@Baud: When the site goes live, probably late this week or early next week. I have to finish up a contact page and about page, also decide on pricing.
ETA: Though getting to my Smugmug site is pretty easy, just type my nym+’.com’.
@Baud: Yeah, I put that one right over the plate, didn’t I?
@Baud: I do have 2 degrees in Economics.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: How’d you celebrate Marx’s 200th birthday?
Loyalty Day? How about a nice Maypole dance instead?
I’m your Green Man.
Amir Khalid
I always thought the big American holiday this month was on the Fourth — you know, Star Wars Day.
@satby: I’ve had incelism on the mind lately.
@Amir Khalid: If we don’t get a day off work, it’s not a real holiday.
@Amir Khalid:
Not sure if you are snaking, but Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I keep thinking that things are headed to a fork in the road – in one direction, Trump, Bolton, Netanyahu, and members of both governments stand in the dock at a war crimes tribunal (hopefully somewhere like Beijing, where they still have capital punishment). The other direction winds up with mass hangings in Fenway Park and pockmarks from bullets at the Boston Globe press room.
I hope I’m wrong.
@debbie: Only in the US and only because those dirty commies sullied May 1st.
@debbie: Amir was talking about ‘Labour Day’.
Amir Khalid
Most of the world celebrates Labour Day on the first of May.
Amir Khalid
That’s cold.
@Amir Khalid:
Thanks, I either never knew or forgot. How American of me. //
@Baud: Re-read my Marx-Engels reader, of course.
Pence’s wife’s doctor blew the whistle on Jackson. So full speed ahead with GOP campaign against Tester for ‘smearing’ Ronnie.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Amir Khalid: I never heard of Loyalty Day before now either.
I know everybody here is just shocked to learn this.
I guess if Mueller doesn’t want to question Trump over Collusion, there must not be any:
I hope his blood pressure is higher than ever.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Blessed be the fruit
Sm*t Cl*de
Imma taking that as an admission that the leak came from Team Trump.
Nah. Just a “Hillary really needs to shut up for realz you guys and not because she has a vagina. She totally keeps blaming other people for her loss and that’s totally unfair because the press shouldn’t need to self examine and complaining about rigged elections is Bernie’s thing. Why must everyone be so unfair to Bernie? Also the media has nothing to do with how much coverage she receives and our laserlike focus on this topic despite all the other things Hillary says. OMG, you mean I still need to write more to get to my word count? Bernie rules Hillary drools. Crayons sausages, the color red, redrum, redrum is murder spelled backwards. Made it. Another dynamite piece. You can just hand me the Pullitzer now.”
@Weaselone: Did you used to write for Cliff’s Notes?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@debbie: That tweet certainly raises my blood pressure. Actually every time I see Trump, hear his voice, or read his tweets, my blood pressure shoots up these days.
I was just reading a story saying those leaked questions read like notes of a discussion Trump’s people had with Mueller over what’s likely to be discussed in a Trump interview. The grammar isn’t even proper. I suspect we’re seeing Giuliani working the media.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Snapper is the best tasting fish, IMO. Especially hog snapper, which is almost impossible to catch unless you’re into spearfishing. Best of luck!
I guess that means he’s going to fire his lawyers then.
Amir Khalid
Loyalty, mark you, not fidelity.
@OzarkHillbilly: Give it time. They’ll eventually quit or get arrested.
No. They didn’t hire me because I referred to Hamlet as the story of a vengeful cheese danish in my writing sample.
@Brachiator: My alma mater is doing that on Sunday. After the Morris Dancers and the parade, but before the parachute filled with rose petals and the feminism chanting.
I was listening to Maddow read those questions last night and just had to laugh. There wasn’t a one that Dolt45 could answer without perjury ?????
@sharl: I really despise so many so called journalists but Jane Mayer is a treasure, a perfect role model for all real reporters. David Corn is another good one.Habetman and her ilk aren’t fit to tie their shoes.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“But her emails!”
Let us all remember that the Benghazi fiasco all started over the thoughtcrime of criticizing a trailer trash preacher for burning a Koran on video, which provoked mass uprisings. The emails sprung from that.
Also keep in mind that the trailer trash preacher who did that (and was deemed “unfairly criticized” on the right) has another lovely video up of his trailer trash congregants saying “n****r” over and over and over again.
Wow, they give out degrees in Home Economics now? Who knew?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Then we’d have to endure tweets from Maggie The HandMaga about how stoic they were in the face of abuse from an uncivil judiciary.
@sharl: Just horrible! All public institutions should be required to make public any agreements like that.
I’m sure salaries at the top of these universities are at least partially dependent on the money they bring in, so these people get to sell the integrity of the institution and get a higher salary in return. That should not be legal.
@Baud: I will gladly do both!
zhena gogolia
Yesterday I finally finished reading Mayer’s story on Christopher Steele. It is hair-raising. The Republic could have been saved at so many junctures, but everyone failed.
@Baud: I was about to say “breathing” but you got there first, of course. I do applaud your open mind in considering that Hillary might have actually said or done something to engender a response. how quaint!
Eric S.
@Amir Khalid: that coincides with my father’s birthday. He took me to see Star Wars (the original) when I was 5. 40+ years later I’m still hooked while acknowledging they have real short comings.
@OzarkHillbilly: They are hell bent on killing us one way or another.
@debbie: What is he even talking about? I must have missed something.
@zhena gogolia: Thank you for reminding me of that story. I must read it. I fear I may start drinking or resuming smoking habit.
Strange that we watched this last night
Mike Leigh / High Hopes (1988) Highgate Cemetery Karl Marx scene
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“While Commander Waterford would never suffer criticism at the WHCA banquet and would just hang everybody there while sending their families to the colonies out of principle, his decisiveness and willingness to make tough choices to satisfy his goals is a real game changer insofar as running the government is concerned”.
I’m concerned about this. The questions don’t tell us anything we didn’t already know – any one of you would guessed Mueller had questions like this based just on the indictments. I’m concerned that Trump’s sleazy associates (Guiliani et al) will stink up the investigation with leaks and such. The professionalism of it is important. It’s the source of the credibility. “Mueller” isn’t credible. it’s the process he’s conducted that is credible. Comey forgot that. Comey thought it was about “James Comey- Eagle Scout and Great American” but that it isn’t it at all. ANYONE should be able to run the process as long as they stick to the rules. That’s the beauty of it- it isn’t dependent on “good” or “bad” people. YOU aren’t dependent on good or bad people. YOU can rely on process.
I’m afraid the Trumpsters will sleaze it up and turn it into a circus. Because they WANT a circus. They WANT it to be a joke. Clowns work in circuses. They have to create a situation where their skills are required.
@sharl: it’s turning into quite a thing here locally as well as nationally (as it should)
Some what OT. Just saw a tweet from Der Fuhrer that he is proposing to skip the idea of a neutral site for his meeting with Kim. He thinks it should be held at Panmunjom. Now I’m not an expert but the image of the leader of the free world traveling 12k miles to meet with kim, in what is in effect Kim’s home court, just seems like a bad idea. He already gave Kim a big win just by agreeing to meet with him w/o preconditions.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
There’s a stench of “Great Manism” wafting about, not unlike that from a really greasy shart.
They’re men who believe that their vision and the autocratic imposition of it will cause them to be remembered as great leaders. Putin, Trump, Erdogan, Netanyahu, that Hungarian dude whose name I forget all believe themselves brilliant and indispensable.
@rikyrah: that’s exactly why he’s in even more of a panic than usual…can’t fire Mueller, can’t answer the questions, can’t NOT answer the questions etc etc
Goose = cooked
Obstruction referral dropping later this month, too
@D58826: He really wants a military parade.
This statement by someone who is ostensibly a reporter is very sleezy. It’s not actually denying that the Trump team was the source of the questions, but implies it and by doing so implicates Mueller’s team. The statement would still be technically true if Guliani had sent it by courier, or it was dropped off by a Secret Service agent
@Baud: So has Trump. Melania doesn’t seem so inclined, and Donald has too much surveillance to go visiting porn stars. Could his rages be the result of finding himself an incel?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I need some clarification/explanation re: the Glob press room comment. Are you suggesting that the lie-berals at the Glob will be rounded up after a gun battle? [If that’s not what you’re suggesting, you can safely ignore the rant below.]
Because, if so: the Glob is no longer a liberal paper. John Henry, after buying it NN years ago, has seen to that. The closest thing to left-wing is Scot Lehigh. Although I like Scot, and he seems to have moved left since Shitgibbon’s installation, he’s not a liberal. The Always-Clueless Joan Vennochi is just a misogynist (when it comes to strong/successful women) in sheep’s clothing, Jeff Jacoby is still a moron RWNJ, and they apparently had a guest Op-Ed today from RWNJ hagiographer and all-around-clueless-bastard Niall Ferguson.
David Nyhan is dead, too damn young, Tom Oliphant, HDS Greenway, Derrick Jackson, and a host of the former lib crew were let go or are no longer carried, and the Glob is carrying water for Rethugs when they can get away with it.
Yeah, the destruction of the Glob is one of my pet peeves/hot buttons.
To borrow from the esteemed efgoldman: Fuckem
@Baud: Kim does military parades really really well
@Kay: I’m not. Why else would they feel the need to stipulate this?
and do so in such a mealy mouthed way that it merely tells us they are using 3rd parties to facilitate the leaks? Because Giuliani is just stupid enough to insist they use this phrase.
It already is a circus, it was always going to be a circus.
@SFAW: No, the regular kind of Economics.
Chyron HR
If the MAGA revolution comes, every single print news outlet will be purged regardless of their political leanings, simply because reading is for liberal elitist homos.
But her emails!!!
The Globe has been reduced to a more expensive source of coupons and bird cage liner than the Herald.
That doesn’t really matter, because their turn from reasonably liberal to conservalite wouldn’t save them in an authoritarian regime. See the purge at Redstate as an example.
Matt McIrvin
Loyalty Day is so obscure that it’s very common for people in the party opposed to the current President to assume he just invented it and decry it as creeping totalitarianism. Blame Eisenhower, I guess.
@D58826: Technically, Panmunjom would be neutral, Trump wouldn’t actually have to step foot in North Korea to meet Kim. Though no military parade there, he’d have to go to Pyongyang for that.
ETA: Also, apparently KJU doesn’t do airplanes, so that limits how far they could meet from Pyongyang.
The Other Chuck
I dunno about Loyalty Day, I’m up for John Coulton’s way of celebrating it
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: You can haz your Pulitzer now.
I don’t care about the media angle in all this. I mean, I do, but I;ve given up on that. Their only standard is authenticity. They don’t care about the investigation. I do care about the investigation. I want to know what happened in the 2016 election and Mueller is the best shot I have to find that out, to a greater or lesser extent, I’m not asking him to unravel all the strings because a lot of it isn’t criminal or even actionable- it was just bad faith sleazy people doing what they do.
I knew Guilaini wouldn’t head to Fox like he did during the campaign and personally deliver messages from Trump supporters in the NY FBI ofiice. I knew it would be slimier and below board.
It’s just a shame. I don’t know if we can weather another institution going down for the count. We don’t have many left.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Still looks like Potus is the supplicant. Could do it in Beijing. Neutral ground. Kim can go by train and Der Fuhrer can smooze with Xi at the same time.
The Other Chuck
Are you talking about the same media? Maybe individual journalists care, but media outlets on the whole these days pretty much prize entertainment value and not a god damned thing else.
Well, we are talking Trump here…
Major Major Major Major
I look forward to seeing every single one of my DSA/BernieBro friends share several posts about how even democrats hate workers today, like every year.
I’ll just give you an example. One in this case and then one in another. “Collusion”. Trump promoted that standard and I’m not sure that’s the standard. Comey said “coordination” which is probably a term of art- a word that has a specific meaning that may or may not be the same as the common language meaning. I know “coordination” is used in campaign finance prosecutions. All the usual suspects seized on “collusion” but is that the right standard?
I watched this happen with another story that turned into a fucking train wreck. “Targeting” in the IRS fake-scandal. And make no mistake- that was 100% fake, that scandal. They seized on the word “targeting” as if meant “targeting conservative orgs” and that’s not AT ALL what it meant. It meant targeting non profit apps. It wasn’t an ideological category- it was a tax code category. Even smart careful people did this- Kevin Drum did it. One word. Led to that entire fucking freak show.
It happens A LOT. “Classiifed” with the emails- another example that had HUGE implications.
That’s what Team Trump wants. They want a mess. It isn’t that he’s this mavericky innovator who just shoots from the hip. He CREATES a mess. Deliberately. He’s done it his whole life. It’s to obscure the truth.
Credibility is meaningless here. Mueller isn’t indicting Trump in the court of public opinion. He is indicting Trump in an actual courtroom. The news is already stuffed with every rumor, guess, and hot take imaginable. Everyone except Mueller’s team leaks like a sieve, and from day one reporters have done their best to suggest they got their latest leak from inside the investigation anyway.
@Chyron HR:
@But her emails!!!:
Good point(s).
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: how do you spell Reichstag fire? well done with ketchup.
@sharl: any time you listen to NPR and they have folks on talking about economics (and they do often since George Mason is near DC) remember this
@Kay: Thank you thank you thank you. And many merry blessings.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I’ve been going back and rereading the history of the early abolitionist movement in Boston, organized against the Fugitive Slave Act. We are going to have to know how to communicate, how to recede, how to support each other, and on and on.
Part of my worry stems from all the stories I grew up with from my stepdad who managed to escape prison and worse as a Hungarian Jew and so many teachers who were WW II survivors, Soviet defectors, and resistance fighters.
I think we should all hope for the best and work our asses off to beat them at the ballot box in November but I also think we need to be prepared for fuckery.
@Kay: as long as the charges against these assholes read “conspiracy against the United States” then I am all for it
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
I like snapper, but what about grouper? Got to be fond of grouper down in FL…
Amir Khalid
Do you mean the same John Henry who owns my Liverpool FC?
@Citizen Alan:
Hey now! Think of the environmental damage!
Napalm is cheaper, faster and just as effective.
And less damaging to the surroundings in the long term.
@J R in WV: Too much heavy metal concentration in grouper.
No Drought No More
Fantastic! Happy Loyalty Day to everyone, and many happy returns.. Here’s a Loyalty recollection I’d like to share. Enjoy.
“Be sure you’re right, then go ahead”.
So Fess Parker as Davie Crockett as produced by Walt Disney counseled the American generation which soon after fought America’s War in Vietnam AND ultimately forced it to a halt. Which is to say, not long before he died the iron clad laws of unintended consequence had smacked Walt Disney in the face like a [iron clad] mackerel. It came to pass, then, because the man so resented the stinking, long haired hippies for acting on that bit of good advice, that it was decreed their money was no longer good at his park in Anaheim. If they wanted in, they had to cut their hair. To be sure (and if memory serves), that actually happened after he died. But don’t kid yourself: that short-lived, ill considered prohibition into his park of long haired people with money may not have lasted long, but it was surely a stipulation in Disney’s will. Or so I’ve always assumed.
Lt. Calley- now there was a clean cut looking kid.