Looks like we could use an open thread, and my dogs are snoozing in a heap, and it’s raining hard, so no wildlife is present, limiting current photo illustration options. Here are a couple of shots of Tampa taken on the day of the “Families Belong Together” march. The approach from the south shore, just past the shrimp boat docks and ship repair berths:
Here’s a shot taken just a few seconds later on the bridge. I’m old enough to remember when the darkest high rise — the one that’s in the center of the previous shot — was the only one in Tampa. All the goobers around here used to go to town to gawk at the construction of it:
It’s not an impressive skyline for people from true metropolises, I’m sure. But it still amazes me when I see it because I remember what it looked like before.
Open thread!
PS: If you’re on Twitter, what’s your Twitter handle? I know I interact with some of y’all on that platform under different names. Some are easy to figure out. Others, not so much. Help me put a nym with a nym!
PPS: My Twitter is @BettyCrackerFL.
They were giving out free samples.
Ice Cream bar said
So, you know, I gave it the side eye, but it said Chocolate, and I’ll give anything chocolate a try.
The name is
Luna & Larry’s
Organic Coconut Bliss
Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Bars
I was stunned.
Roger Moore
I am @VATVSLPR, but I list myself as (((Roger Moore))).
Hank Johnson says it right out loud. The Republicans are going after Strzok to discredit the Mueller investigation. Said it right out loud.
Asparagus Gohmert up right now.
Geez. It’s been Jim Jordan, Steve King, and now Gohmert up in short succession. Murderer’s Imbeciies’ Row.
ETA: Gohmert just out and out called Strzok a liar.
And now he is going after him on “looking into his wife’s eyes” and — implying infidelity.
Some congresswoman suggested out loud that Gohmert needs his medication. Wonder if that will make it into the transcript.
Roger Moore
The coconut-based ice cream substitutes can be very good, especially if you like coconut.
my twitter handle is @laoppy (lao@laoppy). I’m so original. I rarely tweet, nobody IRL knows I’m on twitter. But lately, I’ve been feeling like using twitter to yell at people. I yelled at NYT Maggie the other day. It felt good. I’m think of getting more involved.
@Roger Moore: I just followed you.
@rikyrah: Good to hear. Yum.
Major Major Major Major
Twitter fight!
Fun on a bun.
ETA this is my twitter, since you asked https://twitter.com/TynanPants
@acookblog. Thanks for asking!
Roger Moore
Followed back.
Gerry Connolly, my former Congressman is up.
Describes the hearing as a Soviet show trial, I think he said.
Reading emails.
Ha — just went after Ben Sasse for an anti-Trump email.
And now: Jason Chaffetz with another anti-Trump email …
and now: Mike Coffman (SP?), GOP from Colorado ….
I like what Connolly is doing.
And now Barbara Comstock!!
ETA: Strategy is: reading the email and asking Strzok “you wrote that?”
Now it’s been Martha Robey of Alabama. And Mike Lee of Utah.
Killer Connolly. Love him!
@Major Major Major Major: I believe the one who didn’t have their picture taken with Susan Sarandon.
I’m @rosejudson and I’ll be at the march in London tomorrow if you want to see pictures of that.
@Roger Moore: I’m almost embarrassed at how boring I am. Almost.
I’m working on the Christopher Robin rug again. I have to finish it before a big show in August, so I’m really pinched to get it finished.
I tried to watch the hearings today but I am terrible at confrontations and the Republicans are absolute dicks in their questioning. I had to turn it off to keep my blood pressure from spiking to dangerous levels.
There is so much going on, what with Trump in Europe, these hearings, the immigration disaster, a new Supreme, and whatever else is being buried by all this crap. I am going to put together a care package for a women’s shelter to be delivered tomorrow. It’s my way of fighting the overwhelming feeling of loss. I want to help someone. Even a little bit.
I haven’t been on Twitter for like two years now.
@Major Major Major Major: Crowley’s actually right on this count or rather on both counts: NY’s f’ed up politics make it tough to have a name removed from the ballot and O-C shouldn’t be having these fights with him on twitter.
Betty Cracker
@R-Jud: I definitely want pictures of that!
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: @tobie: As I twittered, “Starting a public Twitter fight with a fellow Democrat (who conceded), about a quirk in local election laws, because the internet has convinced you that “the establishment” hates you… is the most Millennial thing to happen in politics since not voting in record numbers”
Tampa native here! To me, the coolest skyline vista is the Moorish arches at the University of Tampa. I was happy to see there was a very well-attended pro-immigrant rally in Tampa. Ya never know about the politics there.
@Major Major Major Major:
New York White Folks’ Party? Help a honky out here.
Also: In your twitter handle, is “Pants” a noun or a verb?
Betty Cracker
@donnah: That’s an excellent idea (the care package).
Gin & Tonic
Speaking of Twitter (where my handle is just too close to my IRL name) I see that my favorite felon-in-waiting Paul Fucking Manafort had apparently applied for release pending his appeal, and it was denied. Are Federal judges apt to say “dude, are you out of your motherfucking mind?”
@Major Major Major Major: I sure hope this is whoever runs her social media getting ahead of events. Because otherwise now you can WIN against THE ESTABLISHMENT and then STILL feel like you have to whip up everyone’s fears of Establishment skulduggery?
@Major Major Major Major: So she’s just another Berniebro…good to know.
@Major Major Major Major: What a good, snarky tweet! Luv it.
Gin & Tonic
@Spanky: Working Family Party. NY is weird with all the “third” parties – too weird for me to explain here.
Roger Moore
NY Working Families Party.
Thanks for skyline pix. Are those dang Crcckers roaring around on them dang motorcycles again?
For better or worse, I don’t do social media to socialize. No twitter, and I’m not going to spend the time to learn enough about, nor willing to trust facebook enough to ever do much with my account.
So, I must interact with my beloved Lady Cracker only here on this miserable lefty, almost top 10,000 blog. Low energy. Sad.
@Major Major Major Major: @tobie: Christ almighty Twitter makes people stupid.
Betty Cracker
@Gravie: Yes — that view from Curtis Hixon Park is awesome. I’m not really a Tampa native — my home town is a few counties north. But I’ve lived in the area for most of my life.
O-C is acting like a 12 year old, it would be hard to take her seriously after this. And exactly why did she feel a need to do this in a public forum? Actually, worse yet, she’s acting like Trump.
Major Major Major Major
@FlipYrWhig: She’s fundraising.
Gosh, I think it harkens back to phrases like “mister sassypants”. So a noun.
Poe was scary, with all the thundering about “bias.”
I am very impressed with Peter Strzok. Never loses his cool, answers fully. I wish he would run for Democratic office.
Millard Filmore
I think I love you. For desert there is chocolate, and then there is … no, there is nothing else.
Gin & Tonic
@FlipYrWhig: It doesn’t make them stupid, it exposes their stupidity.
I honestly haven’t retained much memory of the Tampa skyline. I lived over in Palm Harbor as a kid so I would maybe make it to downtown maybe once a year. Most of my Tampa travels got as far as the Old Sombrero and the Airport, and later on to the USF campus on Fowler Ave, which is nowhere near downtown. Best I can recall about downtown is when the cylinder skyscraper got built, and then the SunTrust building that lit up in the team colors for the local sports.
So much drama with the Bernie bros.
Chyron HR
Ted Deutch reminding committee that the investigation was into Russian attempts to destabilize US and its elections. Wonders why they aren’t going after that issue with the same fervor.
The GOP is getting owned in this hearing. Might be interesting to watch the evening news, for once.
@Major Major Major Major: The thing I would like to see run its course on “the left” is this insane paranoia, real or performed for effect, about The Establishment and what it’s going to do to destroy everything in its path unless well-meaning people SEND MONEY NOW.
The movement to abolish the federal agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws in the interior of the United States has gained momentum in recent weeks, and lawmakers on Thursday for the first time detailed in legislation exactly how they envisioned this would play out.
The Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act would do away with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency within the Homeland Security Department that employs about 20,000 workers. ICE, argued bill authors Reps. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and Adriano Espaillat, D-N.Y., has strayed too far from its initial core functions of investigating terrorism, drug smuggling and trade fraud. They cited inspector general and other reports in accusing the agency of human rights abuses, violations of federal and international laws, and a lack of transparency.
The bill would within one year of its passage terminate ICE. In the meantime it would create a commission that would, within six months, recommend to Congress how to move ICE’s “legitimate duties” to other agencies. The DHS inspector general would be tasked with reporting on any ICE human rights violations and recommend ways to prevent them from reoccurring.
Teddys Person
@SenyorDave: I think social media is warping people’s sense of public vs. private conversations as well as when more formal correspondences are appropriate.
Edit: maybe “changing” instead of “warping” to avoid being judgy
J R in WV
Valued commenter Ruemara has started a GoFundMe to raise a little money for her application for US citizenship. Maybe a front page spot?
She’s in the middle of the huge Congressional hearing thread…
And the link to her account at GoFundMe is here.
I’ve pitched in a little and want to encourage others to lend a hand.
I’ve experimented with linking a little, wish me luck!
ETA, experiment failed, removing it now.
@Gin & Tonic: I dunno, it seems to be about like the early years of tape recorders when kids would gather round in silent awe once it was switched on, except one kid who would get a gleam in his eye and say “doody” so everyone would have to hear it played back.
Major Major Major Major
@FlipYrWhig: at least we’ll hear less whining about superdelegates next cycle.
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, but people are dreaming if they think that’ll stop people from calling the primary unfair.
@Gin & Tonic: Which is why I just lurk there. I use the same nym, but have a rule against saying, liking, or retweeting anything. So boring, but I thought it best, for now. I don’t think my skin is thick enough to take the kind of abuse I have seen some people dish out.
@donnah: It will help. Any personal care items (sanitary napkins, deodorant, soap, nail clippers, ponytail bands, bandaids, shampoo, etc.), and any goodies ( a box of cookies from a grocery or bakery, etc.) that can be gathered and donated will be so very much appreciated.
Thank you for doing this. Thank you so much.
It is unimaginably difficult for people to maintain their sense of dignity amidst uprooting and loneliness and fear. Sometimes even a little bit of comfort and normalcy really can help a person hold on to their sense of self while they navigate such a scary time.
Major Major Major Major
Also, you know people will still complain about superdelegates.
@Teddys Person: I think calling people out in a 100% public forum is hard to defend. Unless Crowley was grossly wrong in this case it would seem to diminish O-C. One think I loved about Obama was that he virtually never did stupid shit like this.
I definitely see your point about social media changing how people act. I can only see negatives in her actions, maybe someone can find the positives.
@Baud: Hope this gets some traction.
@Major Major Major Major: The Establishment is sure to silence somebody some way. “The high school gym in my precinct was so hot it made my friend not feel like caucusing! The Establishment musta tinkered with the thermostat!”
Betty Cracker
@PaulWartenberg: The one I’m thinking of went up in the late 70s or early 80s. Can’t remember what company plastered its name on the side. For a while there, we had the tallest building in the state.
Major Major Major Major
@FlipYrWhig: “those establishments in charge of congress won’t swear me in until January even though I just won the election!”
Faithful Lurker
My father was staying in the only big hotel in Tampa when the Cuban missile crisis began. The Army came in and told everyone to get out, they needed the space. This was in 1962. Tampa was a little sleepy Florida town.
Betty Cracker
@J R in WV: I will reach out to her to see if she wants it front paged (don’t want to make any assumptions). Thanks!
@Baud: Thanks for info. I heard some news that there is sympathy for changing ICE from within the agency. The media is doing childish posturing on this issue, pretending (with willful obtuseness) that ‘abolishing ICE’ means the advocates of that position propose to just abandon any efforts at border security at all. Most of these news and national affairs media divas were around when the debate over the formation of the Dept. of Homeland Security raged. Several agencies with different missions, goals, and priorities and resource requirements were smushed together in a haphazard fashion; how to divvy up responsibilities re immigration was a big part of the controversy. So if they were not incompetent and/or corrupt they should remember that.
II hope news coverage on this issue improves, and that the Democrats who have responsible positions on it push hard to try to make that happen.
Last night while eating dinner I looked over at a bus stop and saw a worker removing a poster for the movie “Ant Man and the Wasp” and replace it with a new one for the upcoming movie, “Disney’s Christopher Robin,” which opens August 3. It was a bit like the changing of the guard. I was also thinking that Disney has this promotional stuff down to a science.
please take a picture of it, and send it to Alain once it’s finished. would really like to see it :)
Really? I find it hard to take you seriously after that.
She’s 28 and new to campaigning, there were clearly misunderstandings between her team and Crowley’s team, and it seems that she was misinformed. That said, she still should have resolved the issue behind the scenes rather than on Twitter.
But if you can’t take her seriously after that incident your threshold is very low, and I can’t think of any politician you can take seriously.
Tom Levenson
@tomlevenson here.
I know…a keen disguise
@J R in WV: thanks for posting this.
@Millard Filmore: if it doesn’t have chocolate it’s not dessert. I hate anything coconut, so if it’s chocolate and coconut it’s ruined chocolate. The same goes for raisins, for that matter.
Doug R
Maybe O-C’s campaign is trying to cut off any “Crowley For Connecticut” Campaign.
Or they’re still stuck in SEND MONEY NOW mode.
J R in WV
@Millard Filmore:
Pecan pie a la mode… Sour Cherry pie, a la mode.
Peach kuchen, 6 ripe peaches, halved, laid face up in a crumb crust, covered with cinnamon and sugar, baked for 15 minutes, covered with sour cream with egg yolks in, then baked until golden brown. The best dessert there is, bar none. The recipe is a little more complex, but a baker can take it from here on.
Doesn’t need ice cream, just wait for it to cool a little bit, and dive in!!
I’m @KeriKnutson, but I never tweet, just read stuff. I think if I tweeted much I would get really yelly.
Major Major Major Major
@jl: “The media is doing childish posturing on this issue, pretending (with willful obtuseness) that ‘abolishing ICE’ means the advocates of that position propose to just abandon any efforts at border security at all.”
Perhaps this will teach the people who came up with the slogan a valuable lesson about slogans.
@Betty Cracker:
A repost from below: a video of sea otters at the Oregon Zoo enjoying their kiddie pool full of ice.
You’re welcome.
@Betty Cracker: If it is okay with @R-Jud: please front page the pictures.
@SenyorDave: It’s youth and inexperience. It seems like she needs someone with a bit more campaign experience to advise her. Cut her a little slack. My guess is you weren’t perfect when you were 28, and neither was I. She has tremendous potential.
Last Christmas I bought my sister a small (and not cheap) bar of chocolate made with donkey milk. She and her husband split it, said it tasted pretty good.
@Mandalay: I don’t care whether you take me seriously, and I’m not running for anything. I am tired of the “someone is young and doesn’t know better arguments”. She’s 28, not 12, and if you haven’t figured out that you don’t fight in public by the time you are an adult you probably won’t figure it out later.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Betty and/or other Floridians, will the Rick Scott thing take root, or does he have the whole “the fact that he got rich stealing proves he’s a good bidness man” thing like trump?
Has anyone told Bill Nelson there’s a campaign going on?
James E Powell
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s not unusual for “insurgent” aka inexperienced candidates to fall in love with their Romantic Rebel image and overlook the fact that once in office, they are no longer the rebels. Does she have any “establishment” aka experienced people on her staff who might be able to remind her that it is the Republicans who are the opposition?
@Juju: For better or worse, she is in the spotlight because of her win. If this were a tiff in any other district, it probably wouldn’t have been written about except in local press. She doesn’t have the luxury of easing into her new role.
@J R in WV: Chipped in and shared.
mad citizen
@Teddys Person: “@SenyorDave: I think social media is warping people’s sense of public vs. private conversations as well as when more formal correspondences are appropriate.
Edit: maybe “changing” instead of “warping” to avoid being judgy”
Maybe internet and social media will get better someday. I was thinking the other day, people write things online that in the olden times they might have only expressed to their families or good friends. Now it’s out there for half the world to see. It’s crazy. Use some sense. Should their be classes in school to teach etiquette and behaviour?
Captain C
My twitter handle is @SubAquaHead . I pretty much never tweet, as that’s a rabbit hole I have no time to go down.
Yeah, a Vox story indicates what a mess this whole thing is. I hope that everybody can find a way to calm down and carry on.
@Tom Levenson: Hiding in plain sight.
The Ancient Randonneur
Meh. She’s young and inexperienced. She organized a successful primary campaign and is now in track to win a seat in Congress. She’s inspirational and willing to work hard. Once in Congress we’ll find out if she’s got leadership skills.
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
Wise! Thanks!
Teddys Person
@SenyorDave: Oh, I wasn’t trying to defend O-C.
@Brachiator: The WFP looks the worst on that piece.
If I were her, I would be taking a hard look at my campaign staffers to figure out who fucked up the calls with Crowley. He has receipts, and she doesn’t, so now she looks like a paranoid fool. Not good.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Ancient Randonneur: As I’ve said here before, I’m less worried about her than I am about people desperate to build a personality cult around her.
David Anderson
My handle; @bjdickmayhew
@Brachiator: no Disney has the separation of parents from their money thing down to a science,…
@J R in WV:
rue’s comment is #256, in the previous thread, with the link to her GoFundMe.
Something I’ll never say in this life:
“Welp, off to milk the donkey.”
Mary G
I’m @marymichelgreen on Twitter. I’ve shared it here before, and doubled my followers from 36 to 70+, but just in case anyone wants to read me yelling at Republicans, Twitler, and MAGAts.
Teddys Person
@mad citizen: I have a section in my syllabus about e-mail etiquette and how they should corresponding with all their instructors, employers, etc..
@Baud: you may have something there, but if she were running in my district I’d be willing to not expect perfection right out of the gate. If she continues in this manner then I’d be disappointed but still vote for her because I’m not going to vote for a republican. For 28 she seems intelligent, composed, well spoken and has a presence that draws interest. I would be willing to give her a chance to learn how things work before tossing her out like worn socks. My first inclination was to ask why her mother didn’t seem teach her not to air her dirty laundry in public, but that could just be me.
Chyron HR
“Evidence” is just an establishment trick, like letting black voters “skew the primary results”.
Not a valid excuse. She could have gotten experienced help.
She fucked up. She’d better make damn sure her fuckups don’t cost the Dems a safe seat.
@Baud: Is the WFP the goofball party that told its members to write-in whoever they wanted in a neighboring district, which got Ocasio-Cortez the nomination there, in addition to NY14?
@LAO: We both have dog profile pics. Followed you. I am my nym here
@Juju: Of course. None of this is meant to suggest people in her district shouldn’t vote for her.
Major Major Major Major
@Juju: everybody is entitled to their mistakes, but also, Baud is entitled to notice them.
You blithering idiot with an agenda.
@jl: I believe so. For some reason, they also nominated Crowley (in the correct district) not realizing that OC had a chance of winning the Dem nomination, which is what has precipitated this ballot problem.
@burnspbesq: Crowley bombed his first debate with Ocasio-Cortez, so sent a surrogate to the second.
So, maybe Ocasio messed up, but why give Crowley the benefit of the doubt, given the way he ran his campaign?
Edit: and Crowley camp’s excuse that it took ‘several hours’ for Ocasio campaign to respond to a phone call sounds weak. Neither side behaving well in this kerfluffle, IMHO. But so far this seems trivial BS and plenty of time to resolve it, unless Crowley is running some goofball futile scam to stay in the race.
@Major Major Major Major: It helps take the focus off of mine!
Muggy day in paradise. First mug o’ java so good, shall have another lickety-split..
Strange mix on TCM over the weekend. Friday is primarily second- or third-tier thrillers all through the day, such as The Mysterious Doctor (Nazis deploy a headless pirate ghost to put fear into an English village) and the memorably titled Two on a Guillotine.
At 2 a.m. Sunday is Don’t Look Back, a kind of off-kilter documentary tagging along on Bob Dylan’s 1965 tour of England. Followed at 4 a.m. by Festival which includes a cornucopia of musical talent – well, let TCM’s description cover that:
The Ancient Randonneur
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That seems to be an affliction suffered by many of our fellow citizens.
Crowley was representing different parties on the same ballot, which if effed up IMHO. as a result he lost the Dem ticket but was on a Workers’ ticket and he refused to get taken off that. It reeks of the Old School Dems refusing to at LEAST respect the up-and-comers trying to represent the same damn party.
Jesus. this is why “Dems in Disarray” is a meme.
Dorothy A. Winsor
My twitter handle is @dorothywinsor. I am who I am and that’s all who I am.
Dan B
@Baud: Pramila Jayapal is awesome, not perfect but she knows public speaking and is amazing smart. She’s worked in immigrant rights since 9/11. If she and Mark Poccan wrote this bill then it deserves all our support.
@PaulWartenberg: You’re wrong. Read the Vox piece linked above. Crowley can’t simply consent to having his name taken off the ballot under NY law.
@Major Major Major Major: I never said he didn’t.
Good lord Trey Gowdy is a dumbass.
@Baud: IF so, why does the US political system generate such loser third parties?
And, in today’s news…water is wet…LOL
Chyron HR
“But what about the filthy neoliberal whore
Clintonwhat’s-his-face????”Major Major Major Major
@jl: our various choices and maladies combine to create two strong parties, so everybody with any sense is a supporter of one of them.
@jl: NY State has very strange election laws. From what I understand, the same person can appear under multiple parties (usually Dem and WFP) which allows voters to make a statement about which policy agenda they support without having to actually vote for a third-party candidate (and split the vote).
Is that like being on crack?
@VeniceRiley: as I’m sure you noticed, I followed you right back!
@Yarrow: It’s as if Foghorn Leghorn …. could surf dude. Badly.
Who is Gowdy playing to? He up for leading the Heritage Foundation next?
@rikyrah: Well at least he looks like he stopped getting his hair trimmed in a wood chipper.
Good gravy. They’re all dumbasses. It’s a wonder they can walk up stairs or feed themselves.
At least the Democrats are getting feisty.
Teddys Person
From Sean Spicer’s book-like product to normalize Trump:
Doesn’t this describe every RWNJ? Sounds like Spicey has his nose still firmly up his ex-employer’s ass.
J R in WV
Well done! All I knew to do was copy the “reply” link, but now I see that I needed the rest of the post’s address… thanks! Seems to be going well for her!
@Baud: Yep I’ve voted on the WFP line a few times myself. Also agree people ready to throw her aside are being more than a bit twitchy. Every politician missteps. The question is will she learn or not. I’m fairly optimistic at this point.
Michael Bersin
@Roger Moore:
I am Outrage du jour @opiejeanne
Can someone explain this walkaway nonsense? It sounds like an astroturfed “movement” to get people to not want to vote.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@opiejeanne: I believe that’s the one that Russian sponsored. There was something like that that was recently exposed.
Ah – ah say, son, watch me hang eight.
I don’t see anyone ready to throw O-C aside, although I’ve not studied this thread. I do see folks concerned about those who feed off Democratic infighting, and damaging the party’s chances through Twitter messages sent without sufficient thought ahead of time.
Twitter is a constantly open mic. It’s a snake. Be careful around it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jacy: I can only watch so much at a time, but that guy from Rhode Island, Ciccilline (sp?), is a hoot. He said earlier he’s going to release the transcript from the non-public (not sure how to phrase that) Strzok appearance whether Goodlatte and that histrionic poser Gowdy like it or not. I hope he pulls it off.
@different-church-lady: Oh Lord. From what i’ve seen, far worse.
@Teddys Person: Well, yeah Sean, that’s kind of how sociopaths are.
Trey Gowdy always keeps Gomert close to make him look smrrt by comparison. Not a bad strategy when you think about it.
@Elizabelle: I’m from WY but live in Connolly’s district now. I think his motto’s the same as mine: Do no harm but take no shit. Love him!
Major Major Major Major
@opiejeanne: “Can someone explain this walkaway nonsense? It sounds like an astroturfed “movement” to get people to not want to vote.”
You’ll be shocked to hear that it’s an astroturfed “movement” to get people to not want to vote.
@Elizabelle: Twitter is the most efficient means mankind has yet invented to convert smart people into dumb people.
@NotMax: Don’t bone me, surfer dude!
(WRT yesterday’s afternoon thread.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
or a reboot of Matlock on RT? “With Miss Judge Jeanine Pirro as The Judge!”
Teddys Person
@opiejeanne: Here are a couple of articles from Raw Story
article 1
article 2
@BlueGirlFromWyo: Gerry Connolly was really effective, and comic relief, but made a fabulous point.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I know.
Matlock on Meth.
Read the article — there are 4 ways for Crowley to be removed from the ballot, and none of them are “asking nicely.” At a minimum, he has to run for a completely different office he doesn’t want in a different district, which Crowley considers to be fraud.
The people sneering that he needs to become a VA resident because he spends all of his time there while he’s in Congress representing them need to STFU.
@opiejeanne: It’s a Russian op. Dems and others on the left need to get smart about recognizing Russia propaganda techniques. You’re right it’s designed to depress Dem voters.
zhena gogolia
Wow, I just read a reference in Gogol’s “Rome” to donkey’s milk as a rejuvenation serum.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I have it on quiet in the background, waiting for it to be over. There seems to be a lot of yelling. I hope I never am called to testify in front of Congress. I would lose my shit right quick.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
I already follow you Betty! I have two Twitters. One for biz: @designed_to_a_T and my personal @trhodesaz
And now today’s moment of idiocy from SHS:
John Kelly Was Upset With Breakfast, Not Trump, At NATO Summit, White House Claims
The White House insisted, however, that Kelly hadn’t been cheesed off at the president — but rather, at the actual cheese.
″[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told The Washington Post.
@Major Major Major Major: Yep. I like AOC, too. But this smacks of the sort of weird need to be wronged by the establishment that I’ve seen from some of my leftier friends.
Hopefully they shut up and can start working this out immediately.
Dunno if Alain is around. Site is showing symptoms of bizarrity again.
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: I like her well enough, but I’ve hated her Twitter persona since the first time I saw it, and this has not changed my mind.
@SenyorDave: cut her some slack; she’s obviously auditioning for a gig at The Onion.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Which GOP-Goober brought up infidelity? Did Desjarlais get up and run to the bathroom when the subject came up?
Mary G
I’ve been out with my teens all morning at a nature interpretive center in Dana Point. It’s small, but very well done. The land was taken from a developer who wanted permission from the CA Coastal Commission and the feds to build houses on the whole headland. Two endangered species live there, a tiny mouse and a drab little bird, but they are protected in the preserve. There is a three-mile trail with the plants identified and you can hear the seals barking from the parking lot.
The renegade finally made enough to pay off his ticket, so I assumed they would want to stop going places, but they say they enjoy their “adventures with Mrs. Green,” so we will continue. They suggested the aquarium in Long Beach, which I’ve wanted to see, and somewhere that sells or exhibits reptiles.
Here’s a link to Christopher Robin and Pooh, still in progress:
I was dismayed to see another movie about Pooh, but honestly, my rug is based on the real stuffed animals Christopher Robin played with. They are at the New York City Public Library now and I had to get permission to use the photo of them as well as pay a $50 license fee. So Disney got nuthin’ on me, I hope.
When I finish, the rug will be exhibited in a few shows and then I’ll donate it to our own public library for the childrens’ section. It’s a labor of love, a tribute to my late father, who took me to the library when I was a little girl and instilled in me a truly lifelong love of reading.
Domestic short hair tabby (fka vheidi)
@Mnemosyne: thank you!a much needed respite
@J R in WV: That’s awesome. I’m in for Ruemara.
Sam, a turkey
You think you got critters?
Any AngryCircusPeanut (still my fave moniker) tweets about NK blowoff at remains repatriation meeting? Maybe the Infantident’s handlers haven’t told him yet, waiting till he’s too tired to have a tantrum.
J R in WV
I was in college the summer of 1968, just after graduating from HS, and some upperclass students doing summer school to stay schedule to graduate invited me to tag along to the Newport Folk Festival of 1968. I didn’t even know what to expect, so it was a wonderful and amazing experience for me.
That year the focus was on the Blues, so I got to see on the main stage people like BB King, Albert King, Janis Joplin with Big Brother and the Holding Company, Albert Collins, Buddy Guy and Junior Wells, Ritchie Havens, Doc Watson! Then in small tents with little stages very elderly men from the Delta doing what seemed to me African music handed down over generations from their ancestors on hand made instruments. Amazing and historic!
I was blessed! No sleep all weekend, morning class back in school Monday. We have tix to see Buddy Guy once again in September.
Major Major Major Major
@donnah: Looks great.
@jacy: For someone who never posts, you have a ton of followers.
It has been exposed as a fraud. Please inform folks that it’s already been exposed.
Now, the next one they’ve been trying to do is Black folks who have found Trump.
@Major Major Major Major:
Thanks! It feels like running in quicksand, but it’s really important to get it finished. The fun part is done, so the background and the border seems boring!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was Gohmert.
I really wish someone had brought up Trump and his multiple affairs while married. And the whole Stormy Daniels thing, where he not only had an affair but tried to silence her with a bribe.
@Major Major Major Major: Haven’t followed her at all on Twitter. She should know this a horrible damn idea though, for a number of reasons.
@Mary G:
The Aquarium of the Pacific is awesome, and was built recently enough that you should be able to get everywhere in your scooter (up to ADA standards). Grocery stores and AAA frequently have special deals, so keep an eye out for those.
Also, be careful if you decide to try and feed the lorikeets. Those little bastards bite hard with their pointy beaks.
@NotMax: Thanks for the tip, DVR programmed.
It makes them feel important. They should find other ways to feel important. And, really, other ways to feel feelings of all kinds.
The Moar You Know
I actually gotta give SHS a lot of credit on this one. The video is obvious: Kelly is about to punch a wall (seriously) he is so fucking pissed off, but hey…you can’t say that “The President is such a dumb fucking oaf that he managed to work his Chief of Staff into a punchy rage within fifteen seconds of him opening his undoubtedly disease-ridden piehole, and why Kelly didn’t lunge across the table and strangle him with his stupid long taped-up necktie is beyond us all”. The Press Secretary can’t say that shit. So I give ’em credit on the breakfast thing. Enough to settle the true believers, enough of a whopper to let the rest of us know it’s utter bullshit.
I used to post a long time ago — when I was actively promoting my books. Now I just cash the $2.61 royalty check every quarter. Book promotion was too exhausting.
Major Major Major Major
@donnah: As an alleged writer, I totally know how you feel.
Searching for this film also turns up Festival, a documentary about the Newport Folk Festival between 1963 and 1966, with performances by Joan Baez, Johnny Cash and Dylan. And then there’s 1964’s A Hard Day’s Night, where Richard Lester shows that he is exactly who was needed to bring out all the cheeky musical and social disruption which the Beatles represented. Also showing as related, though is Documentary, a film about the 1960 Wisconsin Democratic primary, focusing on John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. The times, they were a changing. All on TCM.
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hard to say. My gut feeling is Nelson hangs onto his seat, but it will probably be a lot closer than it should be, considering what an obvious scumbag Scott is. The “blind trust” thing is all over the local papers, but I don’t know how much it’ll hurt Scott. It was widely known that he was a Medicare fraudster when he was elected and then reelected (albeit with less than 50% of the vote both times). It’ll come down to turnout, and we have a lot of Fox News rage-bots in places like the Villages who are reliable voters. But a Democratic wave should scuttle Scott’s bid. That’s my hope anyway.
You can find me at @ivankathrowup.
@Betty Cracker:
‘Round here, we think the wave is coming, and is not being fully seen, because it’s made of people that are never fully seen (women, youngs, people of color.) I have actual hope that we take both the House and the Senate — not a sure thing, but I feel better about it right now than I have previously.
@Roger Moore: Following.
@Mary G: I shared mine before as well and got a bunch of you guys following me. Apologies for retweeting things I see here, since most of you will have seen them already.
@urbanmeemaw. That young woman is not ready for prime time.
Gin & Tonic
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Cicilline. Two c’s, two l’s. He’s good, but he’s efgoldman’s congressman, not mine. Mine is good too, but without Dave’s sense of humor.
I’m so glad somebody is collecting twitter names. I’m another person that only lurks but I’m following all the cool kids.
My user is imonlylurking. I get invitations from bots, so feel free to mention you’re a bj jackal.
Lauryn Poynor
When following and tweeting I’m @therealnuttyqueen. Here I mostly lurk as Lauryn11
@sbarrt, with my real name and picture because when I tweet “fuck off” to Twitler I want it to be my face, not an avatar, that’s seen doing it.
Felony Govt
I’m @felonygovt on Twitter. I go on only occasionally, though, because it’s bad for my blood pressure.
Twitter is my crack. I’m an addict.
@SenyorDave: Didn’t the White House call the President, Command of Cheese? So Kelly could be both pissed at Trump and cheese.
khcphilly is my Twitter handle
I’m @lcdrrek