BREAKING: Jared Polis (@PolisForCO) will become the nation’s first openly gay man elected governor. #COGov #ElectionNight
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) November 7, 2018
And we flipped a solidly red house seat:
JUST IN | Democratic challenger Jason Crow has defeated Republican incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman in the race for Colorado's 6th House District.
— 9NEWS Denver (@9NEWS) November 7, 2018
No matter what happens, this is good. (Sorry to step on DougJ – oh, and looks like Adam, too, just so excited about Polis & Crow)
Congrats to your state, T.
I hope Kobach enjoyed counting the votes for his own defeat. Fuck that guy.
Major Major Major Major
Congrats to my OG home state! Now how are the ballot measures looking?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dan Donovan loses on Staten Fucking Island. I don’t think that was on anybody’s radar. If Donovan had been a TV character, the Staten Island Citizens Whatever would’ve sued over negative stereotyping.
The magic number is down to 12
Looks like Pete Sessions might be going down in the Dallas Suburbs to Colin Allred, former NFL linebacker and African American voting rights attorney. That would be sweet.
dr. bloor .
@PsiFighter37: Eh, he’ll be in Trump’s cabinet before Thanksgiving.
The NYT needle for Dems taking the house is at over 95%. For whatevs that’s worth.
In Texas, I think both Culberson and Sessions are going to lose. The Hurd-Ortiz Jones race is literally just about tied right now. Beto is now down 2%, but still a ton of city votes not counted.
@dr. bloor .:
And will fail again.
Any news about the Iowa pig king?
Talk about an election where we are going to pick up 2 House seats in Kansas, the governorship in Kansas, and that godforsaken House seat in Staten Island…and yet we’re going to lose in Florida (again) and lose the governorship in Ohio. WTF!
Major Major Major Major
@Platonailedit: it’s pretty much been there since they turned it on, at least from my glances at it. Fox called the House for Dems ages ago too.
@PsiFighter37: Very wacky.
TaMara (HFG)
I would just like to say, that the race for Gov was ugly here – but not once, not in any of the ugly ads that were run, was Jared Polis’ sexuality ever attacked. Nobody cared. I think that’s progress.
dr. bloor .
@Platonailedit: Which will make him the frontrunner for the R nomination in 2020, if Rick Scott doesnt’ succeed in failing upward even harder than Kobach.
MSNBC calls the House for Dems!
@Raven: Nice.
Dan B
Thanks for your enthusiasm about Jared Polis’ win. Tonight’s been a roller coaster but this bit of news about Polis brought tears to my eyes. It makes Pence and Sessions’ efforts to erase LGBTQ people from the US that much more difficult. In WA State there was one openly gay man in the leg. for years. It made all the difference with reps from rural areas. The laws became about fairness and decent treatment instead of about scoring political points and/or “morality”.
Plus I love the depression that must be settling over Focus on the Family and James Dobson in the lovely city my cousins were raised in. (They’re all pro LGBTQ BTW.)
TaMara (HFG)
@Dan B: MA also reaffirmed their gender identity law, despite an ugly try to repeal it with a dishonest referendum that tried to trick people into voting to repeal it when they thought they were actually voting against it. Didn’t work.
John fremont
@TaMara (HFG): Yes it is, considering Colorado was the Hate State when Amendment 2 was voted in back in 1992.
Miss Bianca
Oh, thank God fasting. For some teason, I was terrified that Stapleton might wim after all!
I’m so relieved about Polis…and we get Joe Neguse for our new Rep. whew. Can’t watch TV, I still feel the horrors of two years ago.
Dan B
@TaMara (HFG): When we get Pence, Sessions, and Orange Flamethrower out we might be able to get one of WA state’s most wonderful and charismatic leaders back. She’s stuck in Sweden with word that she’ll be arrested and placed in a birth-gender prison if she tries to return to the US. She has a “mismatch” with her passport since she identifies as female. It’s unclear how long she can stay in Sweden. She left Seattle due to death threats and her address being made public.
And did I mention Kirsten Nielsen needs to go away?
P.S. I loved our trip to Colorado Springs to visit the cousins as a kid – dazzling terrain! Didn’t enjoy the time I was discovered in flagrant delicto with one of the “straight guys” who seduced me on a cross country trip. In CS again, long after the cousins and aunt had moved away. “Straight guy” became a well known gay activist. Guess my activism was contagious…