The Dow is down 500 points:
#DJIA currently off >500 points (~2 percent).
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) May 7, 2019
I’m sure everything is fine!
I’ve stopped paying attention to politics, temporarily, as a defense mechanism. The rampant, blatant, unmitigated fuckery just flat shorted my outrage meter.
Oh well. What’s new in your life?
James E Powell
A new Trek mountain bike that I hope will help me work off some pounds and, perhaps, some of the rage I feel at least once a day upon hearing of the latest political news.
Like you, Betty, I think they broke my Givashitter.
Eric NNY
I installed three new packages of bees in my hives on Sunday. They were a little wound up after their long trip to my house. I can still say with absolute certainty that I’d rather mess with three hives of angry bees than listen to anything the Cheeto in Chief says or tweets.
Anyone watch Chernobyl last night? I found it grim and riveting. Politicians not listening to scientists? Yeah, we’ve not learned that lesson yet.
After that, my current TV crush Gentleman Jack. That show is … heating up. Murder, thievery, family fights, intrigue, lesbian sex. What’s not to like? It’s as if someone asked me what I would like all in one TV show with a bow on it. I wish it was fiction so it could go on forever.
I’m leaving Thursday for a rug hooking workshop in Canada, so I hope to be off the grid for ten days. I’m looking forward to the event, but it’s been nonstop dyeing and pattern-drawing for two weeks. I hope it all goes well, as I’m pooped!
I find the current political climate is extremely anxiety-inducing. The relentless stonewalling by the Republicans, the blatant blasting of the Constitution, and the steady drumbeat of war noise in the Middle East is really exhausting. I wish there was an end in sight, a good end.
My sister is actively downsizing, and keeps sending me all kinds of odds and ends she finds and thinks I’d like. It’s all cool stuff which I do, in fact, like, but her generosity is interfering with my own attempts to downsize :-)
There was a reason I decided a few months back to dump my entire 401k portfolio into bonds for the interim. It’s to mitigate the effect of these stock roller coasters that Trump kicks off with his rampant idiocy and utter failure to understand how anything works – least of all trade. Eventually, even that will be of limited value on staunching the bleeding. But it’s all I’ve got for now.
@SiubhanDuinne: yes, that is possibly passive aggressive in that if YOU throw it away, she will be
upset at you. But SHE already downsized it. Giving a gift with no strings ( ie. the donee can do ANYTHING with it and the donor
will accept that) is hard – for both sides.\)
I booked my trip to Portland (OR) next month. I realized that Portland’s Pride Weekend is the same weekend as my birthday when I went to book my hotel and discovered that they had a really good Pride Weekend package.
I totally booked it, because it was too good to pass up, but I did feel a little weird about it. Now I know to wear my LGBTQ+ friendly shirts around town that weekend.
@Eric NNY: One of my co-workers has a couple of hives. Lost them over the winter, so his new stock of bees was recently dropped off at a local post office. He said the clerk and the other customers gave him some interesting looks when he picked up that parcel.
The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) Tweeted:
Amy Klobuchar’s father was a journalist, man of the people and fiery alcoholic. Will that help her win Trump voters?
Ohio Mom
@SiubhanDuinne: You are allowed to regift it. Just keep one or two pieces you can prominently display when she visits.
If it’s really nice stuff, sell it at a consignment store and give the proceeds to a good cause.
@Gravenstone: my key take away from this is, people have different investing goals and timelines, so they are unlikely to need identical advice. The observation that one should not follow the things that made some billionaire rich, because what worked for them, really only worked for them, is useful.
It is impossible to overstate how good Schoolhouse Rocks was.
It’s the only reason I know the Preamble to the Constitution from memory, for example.
— agnes bookbinder (@agnesbookbinder) May 7, 2019
The YouTube channel HealthyJunkFood made a bunch of Chipotle recipes. I think my future needs some barbacoa and carnitas.
For now, lunch calls for a burger and oven fries. And then kitchen cart assembly.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: My mother-in-law and two sets of aunts and uncles decided to down-size at the same time my husband and I were down-sizing prior to our move in October. Months later, the down-sizing war hasn’t ended! I can say “the point is to subtract, not add” until I’m blue in the face, and they’ll still try to press some piece of furniture or salt or pepper shaker set or kitchen gadget on us! (It probably doesn’t help that I caved on a few exceptional items…)
Ohio Mom
@rikyrah: Also maybe helpful with Trump voters: her husband belongs to tne Federalist Society. Lord knows, that’s not going to help her with the lefty voters.
Trita Parsi: John Bolton Has Wanted War With Iran for 20 Years. Now Could Be His Best Chance
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) May 7, 2019
@rikyrah: Me thinks you disagree.
Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?
Country House is not going on to the Preakness, so I am no longer as disappointed about missing the Belmont Stakes in June because I’m going to my niece’s graduation party.
(I am fully aware that if my niece’s dad (my youngest brother) had to choose between attending something for my child vs. a sporting event, he’d choose the sporting event and feel no guilt whatsoever, but I like to tell myself I’m a better person than that. ;) )
Just relaxing, putting together a shopping list and building up the reserve of energy needed for Friday’s planned monthly sojourn into town for bill paying and necessaries. Plumbing the recesses of Prime and Netflix, seeking hidden goodies (gads, there’s a ton of dross to skip over).
I wonder if “the dog ate my homework” or maybe it was some overdue ironing “pressing issues”
that came up when he was making excuses to cancel.
You won’t be surprised to hear that the selloff was triggered by Trump blathering about tariffs on Chinese imports again.
Everything Trump touches dies. Even my 401k.
@rikyrah: My nephews will have the Schoolhouse Rock collection. I’m thinking Christmas this year.
Frankly I am surprised it has taken this long. Apparently, there are still people with discretionary income in this country who can keep the economy moving with their non-necessity purchases, although I haven’t been one of them since the last Bush administration. I have been noting businesses winding down and prices going up for some time and wondering when we begin to “feel the heat” as a society, since no one but the highest incomes seems to be doing better financially. Luckily for me, I am an old and will not be here much longer…
Israel has destroyed the Palestine National Library, the Azhar Library and the National Cultural Center (below), destroying with them tens of thousands of books and historical documents. #Bombed #NationalLibrary #Library
— Fatima (@Fenazs) May 5, 2019
@rikyrah: Wow Washington Post. Wow.
Eric NNY
@Gravenstone: I did that once. Our local post office is also the general store where we have PO Boxes. The shopkeeper was not a happy lady!
@VeniceRiley: Will be tuning into both starting tonight…glad to hear the good news. Love Jared Harris.
West of the Rockies
@James E Powell:
I’m about to get a new bicycle, too. It will be a hardtail, quality number suitable for trail riding. Not a high-performance bike for a semi-pro, but something rugged and capable of a single-track ride in the park.
He spontaneously combusted?
(FWIW, the Post is getting roasted in the comments.)
TaMara (HFG)
A young deer brought things to a stop at our local King Soopers
Enjoying working in the rain – seems to make it okay that I’m stuck inside. Awaiting the arrival of our newest rescue. I’ve settled on names if the family decides we are a good fit.
Ohio Mom
Ohio Family is currently waiting to be served lunch at a gold-rush themed restaurant in the most-recently gentriftying neighborhood downtown. The menu centers on biscuits.And whiskey, but we’re not imbibing.
I remain unconvinced there is enough “gentry” for all the neighborhoods the big developers have set their sights on. My suburban neighborhood with the fancy school district is very affordable compared to the rents around here.
Someone asked on the last thread if it’s legal for “president” shitsack to “instruct” McGann not to testify. Here’s a good piece on that:
Bottom line is there is literally no binding precedent on the issue; one of the parties involved — i.e., the Shitsack House, the Congressional committee, or McGann — would have to bring a lawsuit to get it ruled upon, which even if they did would take forever to get resolved and inevitably appealed. So it seems to me the real issue is how the contempt proceedings — the one against Barr and possibly a second one against McGann if he obeys the “instruction” — unfold.
Michael Cain
Our daughter has started nagging at us to downsize and move closer to her.
Genocide is more than just the killing of people. It’s a concerted effort to eliminate a cultural identity. What better way to do that than destroying a people’s physical connections to their own past.
NAW….that was just me being cynical..I love Schoolhouse Rock :)
@SiubhanDuinne: LOL. My SIL and her husband are downsizing to a much smaller house and she’s bound and determined to give us her great-grandmother’s marble topped Victorian foyer table. It’s beautiful but we’re running out of ways to say “we have no space for/do not want this.”
No one had yet suggested :
As you downsize, send her cool stuff she might like. It will either inspire laughter or gunplay.
“Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your adverbs here.”
The kid was in a production and I sat through a lot of rehearsals. The “I’m only a bill” kid killed.
A classic.
Elizabeth Warren’s perfect response to Mitch McConnell’s latest bullshit laden speech:
the nicest way to call someone an angry drunk?
Umbrella Academy
The Idris Elba comedy
Made in Heaven
Gin & Tonic
@James E Powell: Although this spring’s weather in New England has not been conducive, I do find that on the days when I ride my bike to work and back, the exertion and the scenery help my mental state.
I think the refusal in McGahn’ s case is Trump’s strongest; but all that turmoil can be pretty much solved of Congress can get the 30 hours of McGahn’s testimony and supporting documents. That is where Congress’s argument is strongest.
Oh, I honestly don’t think she’s being passive-aggressive, although I see how my comment could easily lead one to that conclusion. And she’s very clear that if I don’t like/want/need anything she sends, I should just toss it. She knows my tastes better than I do, and she’s sharing things she thinks I’d enjoy. Did not in any way mean to turn it into a complaint about her.
Chris Johnson
@Ohio Mom: wat? Really, or is that made up?
FFS, why does that not hurt her with US? (caveat: am neither a Republican nor a soulless monster, so don’t really understand why one would support the Federalist Society)
@TaMara (HFG): A dash through the produce section, and it didn’t make itself a salad? Oh dear!
@SiubhanDuinne: glad to hear it.
@rikyrah: Interesting argument construction there. Is that intimating that Trump voters like people who were raised by assholes and may therefor be assholes themselves? Or is this just a thinly veiled dig at Klobuchar in the guise of an electability argument?
In contrast, Mnuchin doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on. The legislation requiring treasury to turn over tax info to certain designated Congressional chairs isn’t discretionary. It’s “shall provide”. And it was passed in the wake of Teapot Dome, specifically to keep an Executive Branch lackey from stonewalling Congressional oversight functions. So the legislative history isn’t on his side either. Finally, the unelected Secretary of the Treasury is not legally or Constitutionally empowered to decide what is or isn’t a “legitimate legislative purpose” of the Congress.
@rikyrah: :). I do wonder why Lolly seemingly has a monopoly on adverbs.
I blame “Schoolhouse Rock” for me never learning my 8 times table. The cartoon with the figure skater breaking through the ice freaked me out so much that I would turn it off as soon as it came on. ?
Betty Cracker
I will be in Miami next week for several days starting later this week, looking after a couple of adolescents while their mom is hospitalized. (Their mom is a very dear friend; otherwise, I could not be compelled to leave the Swamp Compound for Miami, which I loathe with the white hot heat of 20K exploding supernovas…)
I’m realizing now how much my kid-entertaining skills have atrophied since my own fledgling abandoned the nest a few years back! Anyone got good ideas on what to do with children in Miami? I’m thinking the kids will have plenty of ideas of their own, but best to be prepared…
Miss Bianca
Really? Why not? (can’t think of any good answer that doesn’t involve snark, other than that my suspicion would be that the race would be over before he made a move to the front).
@scuffletuffle: Jared is amazing, yes? Oh, and for those who have not see G.Jack yet, one wonderful surprise is finding Thrones’ Yara Greyjoy in a very different role of the long suffering and put upon little sister.
@Betty Cracker: Any travel allowed? Go snorkeling in John Pennekamp Coral Rref State Park?
@Mnemosyne: Ha! And see, that’s the ONLY way I learned my 8 times table because the melody was so pretty.
The woman who wrote “A Noun Is a Person Place or Thing” and “Unpack Your Adjectives” and a few others went on to have quite a successful career writing musicals, including “Once On This Island.”
Asking what’s new, here are two items:
(1) I’m getting ready to leave on Friday for a week-long work trip to Zurich to confer, converse, and otherwise hobnob with my fellow wizards.
(2) I’m “retiring” the end of June. The word is in quotes because it means that my salary will be paid from the retirement system, rather than grant money, while I will continue to do the fun parts of my research part-time. The schedule flexibility will enable more fun stuff with Madame divF, such as traveling.
ETA: Madame has been retired for 2 1/2 years, and has been tapping her toe impatiently for all that time.
@Miss Bianca:
Ha! I am inclined to agree with you re: his chances in the Preakness, but he’s developed a cough. He’ll likely be back for the Belmont. Bill Mott, the trainer, sounded pretty lukewarm about taking either Country House or his other Derby runner, Tacitus, to the Preakness, so I think he’s probably not at all unhappy about the Derby winner getting a little ill.
Eural Joiner
Just binged “The Widow” which was really well done – and actually wrapped up the story/mystery in 8 (9?) 45 minute episodes. Good mystery, great cast, and you will feel like you’ve been to Kinshasa! (Amazon Prime, btw)
Have a safe trip…
and Congratulations :)
Agreed! I have to sing it to remember it, and yet by doing it that way, I nail it word for word.
(Granted…being asked to do so doesn’t come up very often…=)
Betty Cracker
@Immanentize: Great idea! I haven’t snorkeled that park in a while myself, so it would be a treat for all of us. I’d forgotten how close it is to Miami. My husband always makes fun of the Jesus statue by saying, “I caught a fish THIS big…”
@Mnemosyne: Should’ve heeded the Danger Thin Ice sign. What’s 8×3? ?
@Betty Cracker:
Fellow Floridian here and former resident of South Florida. A lot of libraries will be running summer reading programs starting in late May, so Miami-Dade library system might have kid-related activities to enjoy. (Miami-Dade Main Library also has tickets by request for a nearby museum, call and ask)
Avoid Marlins baseball games. the team sucks and the ballpark sucks. GO RAYS.
Check to see if they’ve visited Coral Castle in Homestead.
There is an Everglades Alligator Farm in Homestead as well.
ROAD TRIP TO KEY WEST. Sorry. Had to be said.
Otherwise find the nearest comic book store and go hog wild. :)
Easy campaign lines abound for the Dem or Dems willing to pick them up and run with them:
– “Hey American workers? Tired of Toddler trumpov’s incoherent rantings causing your 401k to swing wildly?”
– “Hey Wall Street? Whaddya think – is this president*s next dumb rant going to cause the next dumb crash?”
– “Hey Farmers? Tired of trumpov’s tariffs bankrupting decades of your hard work?”
Hit him on that, all day every day.
@Betty Cracker: kids museum, Crandon Park beach, Venetian pool and frost science museum. I was just in Miami – brunch at le Bouchon coconut grove
@Miss Bianca:
The owner realizes that three-year old Political Correctness will dominate the Preakness field.
Admit I’m also momentarily burned-out by the firehose of fuckery, and backing off a bit on trying to follow it. The better to rest up now so I don’t arrive too short-circuited to be of any use when the critical 2020 election season gets seriously going once the primaries actually begin. Also, backing away a bit for awhile gives me better sense of the perspective of ongoing events for folks who aren’t political junkies or activists / ideologues, not paying the slightest attention to who’s made the killer tweet-of-the-day.
West of the Rockies
I hear good things about Monkey Island.// is that near Miami?
When you next find yourself killing time at an airport bar, you know what to do.
@West of the Rockies:
One of my bucket list items is staying at a tourist resort with monkey butlers.
TRUTH ALERT: Democratic Voters Aren’t Playing Along with the Both-Sides, Horserace-At-All-Costs Media Narrative!
That’s good, but better still:
1) The “Both Sides” media must have a horse race at all costs.
2) And they are lazy as shit. Most of them, anyway. Just grab that old narrative – any old narrative – and run with it.
@rikyrah: Thank you :-).
I will see if I can organize myself to drop everyone a postcard from Zurich (via Alain’s morning post).
Also- interesting article about Dancer’s Image, the last winner of the Derby to be DQ’d (for drugs), and the owner’s link to MLK:
Wasn’t soliciting recommendations, but thanks. Am primarily perusing listings of documentaries and obscure 30s, 40s and 50s movies. Also TV fare which hovers at least above mediocre but mostly can also be ‘watched’ while am stretched out on the couch in resting my eyes semi-snoozing mode.
Gave my reaction to Umbrella Academy here a while back.
@PaulWartenberg: And GO METS before and after.
i moved my retirement fund into bonds a bit ago. truth be told, ignoring swings like today, the stock market has been flat for the past year and a half anyway. bonds aint earnin much but its more than zero.
(strolls casually up to unoccupied piano and mike)
(or jumps up on top of bar after flight is delayed for third time/after fifth beer)
“Excuse me, folks? There’s an old favorite I’d like to sing for you tonight…it goes a little something like this…’We the peo-ple…in orrrder to form a more per-fect un-ion…est-tab-lish-jus-tice-and-en-sure-dom-es-tic-tran-quil-i-tyyyyyYyyy….”
Bought an iPad (Air) a couple of weeks ago, so I’ve been watching lots of Netflix. Binge-watched the first two seasons of ‘The Good Place’ and the first three of ‘The Magicians.’ Both very good. I’m particularly impressed with ‘The Good Place’.
Unless he wins re-election the Trump Administration has less than 2 years to go. A lot of these people like Barr and McGann are going to want to have careers that go past Trump. I don’t know how the legal profession works, but can a contempt of Congress citation result in someone getting disbarred? For that matter, I suspect the statute of limitations on all this sort of thing will run well into the next administration. Can a future more sympathetic Justice Department initiate criminal proceedings against a bunch of these Trump lackeys for refusing to testify to the House?
I don’t know the answers to these questions so I’m curious. I get how Trump just wants to run out the clock until the next election. But I’m not sure that it is necessarily in the best interest of a lot of other Admin officials who potentially want to have post-Trump careers.
I brought the mutt to the vet for his heart worm test and to have his nails trimmed earlier today. He was not a happy camper at all. When we returned home, I went to give him a cookie and he walked away. Finch has never ever refused a cookie. Then I tried the Want to go for a walk routine. Nope. He was pissed and wanted me to know it. bah humbug to him
@rikyrah: The article was interesting, especially since she was the one to take control of the situation and make sure he got help. I hope that the media doesn’t camp out at her sister’s residence now.
Trump is terrible at economics. So is Mnuchin. And Kudlow? C’mon!
Honestly, I think we’re headed for a recession. They happen, cyclically but not on anything like a precision timeline. The Fed is doing Trump’s bidding on interest rates, but that’ll just make things worse, probably, when we have too little room to maneuver later.
Politically, if we’re going to have a recession, I’d rather it start now, dammit, so that the actual culprit – dipshit Don – gets the blame.
@Ohio Mom: Infrequent commenter here: I’ve now read several times that Amy K’s husband is a Federalist Society member–so after searching, what I came up with was that he was listed as a ‘contributer,’ about which the FS says “The people listed as Contributors have spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person’s appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society.”
the simpsons version would really have killed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom: When someone posted that the other night, it seemed off to me. I pulled up his CB from the University of Baltimore. His primary area of interest appears to be anti-death penalty. His association with the Federalist Society seems to be having been a panelist at a couple of fora – probably to offer a contrasting liberal view. I am on my phone and can’t link to it right now, but a quick Google should pull it up.
Klobuchar is not my first choice by any means, but we should make sure our charges against fellow Dems are based in fact.
@Betty Cracker
Miami. Home of the PB & J & L.
’nuff (*gag*) said.
I LOVE “The Good Place.” Best-written show on network TV.
There is an accompanying official podcast hosted by Mark Evan Jackson (he plays Shawn). They have the actors on, but also the writers, the location scouts, the costume designers, even the special effects guy. It’s a fascinating look behind the scenes that doesn’t ruin the show at all.
Can’t link at the moment, but UK Daily Mail posts survey data with 51% of Americans saying their paycheck is not enough to cover their bills.
As expected, there are sharp gender and racial disparities, as well as age disparities:
63% of all men say yes vs. only 36% of all women.
51% of white Americans say yes vs. only 39% of African-Americans.
By age it’s 55% of Americans age 65 and older, 53% of age 50-64, 47% of age 35-49, and 46% of age 18-34.
mnuchin had barr sign the thing for that reason, i assume. not that barr should get to make that decision either.
About Biden:
“He was with President Obama and you know what that means, he has a head start in my book,” said Barbara Cain Seabrook, a 58-year-old member of Brookland Baptist. “I think he has the community at heart.”
— Eugene Scott (@Eugene_Scott) May 7, 2019
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m sensing the heavy hand of the Berniebros on that anti-Klobuchar meme. Technically true but completely misleading is kind of their specialty.
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: I’d give that sandwich a try, if someone offered me one for free. (Which they won’t.) At first blush, it sounds awful — and maybe it is! But if you click through, it’s not Skippy and Welch’s grape jelly!
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks.
This obsession with “electability” is complete and utter horseshit and has absolutely nothing do to with reality.
In our lifetimes, the three candidates considered least electable at this point in their respective campaigns were Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Donald Trump. Clinton was in the midst of various “bimbo eruptions” and the so-called “electable candidate at that time was Gephardt. In 2007, Obama was considered unelectable. John Edwards was the media’s “electable” candidate. In 2016 at this point in the campaign, Jeb Bush was supposed to be the electable candidate and Trump wasn’t even hitting single digits in the polls. In fact you can go back to 1980. Reagan wasn’t supposed to be electable either, until he was.
In fact, the most mainstream “electable” candidates in the past 20 years or so have been McCain and Romey for the GOP and Kerry and Hillary Clinton for the Dems. None of them won.
The only candidate I can think of who was thought of as being “electable’ early on by the media who actually went on to win was George W Bush.
What this all tells us is that the media doesn’t know Jack shit about who is electable and who isn’t. They seem to conflate bland centrism with electability. When all it really is is bland. The most electable candiates have never been the most centrist ones. They have been the most insipirational natural politicians. Clinton, Obama, and yes…Trump all have that quality. People followed them because they were inspired, not because of any particular policies.
So who are the most inspirational candidates and most natural politicians in our current field? Hard for me to say. Probably Harris, Warren, Mayor Pete, and Biden. Some might say Sanders but he is more like Trump in that he mostly talks to his faithful base and doesn’t wear well beyond that.
@Omnes Omnibus:
To offer the countervailing liberal view…..
But, I feel about this, the same way that I feel about Democrats going on Fox…
@Betty Cracker
One can most certainly ruin perfectly the delicate lusciousness of perfectly good lobster in ways involving much less time and effort.
mad citizen
I have the day off as a holiday, as it’s Primary Election Day in Indiana. In the odd year, municipal elections. Since most people live in a one party rule area, not too exciting if you live somewhere where the opposite party rules, as I do, a D in an R-controlled area. Although there is a Sikh businessman running hard for an at-large city council spot. He talked to wife last night while she was walking, and she had him come by and chat me up. He wants to mix things up, fight for the little guy, etc. But he said to me “drain the swamp”, so No, sorry. And I’m not going to vote in the Republican primary, no thank you.
Anyway, I bought a basket to grill fish in, and grilled en excellent piece of halibut from costco, grilled veggies and multi-grain French bread. Our black male cat Sammy was in quite a cat fight in the middle of the night and is nursing two scratch wounds today. The internet said clean with a salt water solution twice a day to prevent sepsis; and I put neosporin on it as well–wounds above the eye, so he can’t directly lick off the neosporin.
Former presidential front runners:
No edit function. Fix.
One can most certainly ruin the delicate lusciousness of perfectly good lobster in ways involving much less time and effort.
I was surprised that Wall Street ran up stocks this year based on Trump’s assurances that he’d make a trade deal with China.
Have they learned nothing over the last 3 years?
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks for looking this up.
My own feeling re internal Dem politics is that we should just retire the labels moderate/centrist and progressive and just identify as Democrats. This would help get rid of the near constant stories that Democrats are divided and in disarray, and it would weed out grandstanders like Wilmer, who refuses to call himself a Democrat.
Cevice, made with flounder and mostly local produce; reasonable waves for body surfing (unlike Raven, I don’t fish); and SPF45 so’s this former blonde gets pinked up outta my pasty white office pallor.
Miss Bianca
@Nicole: @trollhattan: I was surprisingly bummed about the Kentucky Derby situation, I must confess. Then I realized that I would be in danger of sounding like Donald Trump if I bitched about it.
Just got in from taking my friend to her knee rehab appointment and then treating ourselves to a late lunch at the Lost Dog Café (Westover section of Arlington, VA). Unexpectedly great pizza! Didn’t see that coming. Usually I get a sandwich on a crusty French roll with chicken breast, avocado, Brie and pesto mayonnaise. Yum! Hard choices.
Now settling down to watch Liverpool vs. Barça in the Champions League. Things look dire for Liverpool. They’re down three on goal differential, so they need to win big. I assume Amir Khalid is up, despite it being 3:05 a.m. in K.L.
No politics for me until this evening.
ETA: Accidentally saw 10 seconds of a clip of Mitch McConnell repeating his “Case closed” mantra: special counsel spent two years investigating, we’ve got his report, no collusion, no indictments, let’s move on. Grr. What an A-hole. Definitely no politics for me for a while.
Another Scott
@Kent: Politico – 2 Democrats push DC, VA bar to investigate AG.
There are lots of things happening in the states, even if McConnell can somehow run interference on the federal side or if the federal courts can’t act before January 2021. Trump’s minions aren’t safe.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Not even technically true in my reading. His CV reads like that of a fairly standard left of center law professor.
Britney Spears’ mother Lynne claims she’s in ‘dire shape’ and she ‘needs her mother to manage her’
PUBLISHED: 14:15 EDT, 7 May 2019 | UPDATED: 14:23 EDT, 7 May 2019
Britney Spears’ mother Lynne reportedly asked a judge to allow her to appear in court for an emergency hearing Wednesday so she can ‘gain access to her daughter’s medical information and treatment plan.’
The Mississippi-born matriarch – who turned 64 on Saturday – wants to step in and manage the ‘dire’ situation since Britney’s conservator father Jamie is too ill, according to TMZ.
Spears (born Bridges) allegedly can’t wait for the hearing already scheduled for Friday to sort out the 37-year-old pop diva, who recently completed a 30-day stay at a mental health facility
There have been a lot of natural disasters over the last year which forced normal people to spend money replacing.
Also, businesses have been going through cyclical upgrades and replacements of equipment and electronics.
But most of it is speculative money from very rich hedge funds, companies, and rich investors with apparently no concept of history or calculating risk properly.
@hilts: She’s got my vote.
“Thank yooo, Oma[hic]ha! Your bartender is Manny, tip him good, now.”
Unfortunately the law means exactly what Five Republican traitors want it to mean.
State Department Continues Fight to Strip Gay Couple’s Two-Year-Old Son of Birthright Citizenship
The State Department demanded that one of the couple’s twin sons have a DNA test to prove he’s the biological son of a U.S. citizen.
Scott Bixby
05.07.19 1:31 PM ET
@Mnemosyne: It’s remarkable that the show deals with ethics in a non-trivial way… and comes up with a character like Janet. And it’s not only that Janet is played by an immensely talented actor– the character as written just sparkles.
Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.
“Its the Union’s Fault!”
“Its the Dirty Hippies Fault!”
“Its the Democrat’s Fault!”
-Every fucking time. Because its never their fault for believing a Republican.
Citizen Alan
“Figure 8” is, IMO, the prettiest of all the SHR songs. And also where I learned what the infinity symbol looked like.
Ohio Mom
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks, I haven’t any qualms about standing corrected.
I’m relieved actually that they aren’t a Matalin-Carville pair. I always found their schtick beyond cynical.
I still have plenty of other reasons why Klobuchar isn’t high on my list but of course, will crawl on broken glass, etc.
@Miss Bianca:
The horrifying death toll of horses at Santa Anita has forever turned me from thoroughbred racing. TBH I never quite recovered from Barbaro, but until recently had no clue these fatalities are so common.
Now understand why the endurance riders I know hold the thoroughbred circuit in utter disdain.
The Dow is up over 2,500 points YTD, Betty. Yes, things are quite fine so far this year.
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: WTF? This makes no sense at all.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: I don’t know why. To offer an anti-death penalty viewpoint that would otherwise be missing? Fuck if I know. All I was doing was offering pushback against a false narrative. If you want condemn him and thus Klobuchar by proxy for what he has actually done, go right ahead. I think it is rather petty, but at least we are in the realm of fact.
“Poppy peed on the couch!”
Had a banner year in 2007 too. Until it didn’t.
As thin a reed as it is, I pin my hopes on Roberts when it comes to real constitutional questions.
@Miss Bianca:
Makes sense if you look at it this way…
1. They are gay
2. One of the parents looks Non-White
3. One of the children looks Non-White
Add those things up, and the evil behind this makes absolute sense with this Administration.
After doing so swimmingly in Q4/18?
4Q 2018 Year-to-Date
Dow Jones Industrial Average -11.31% -3.48
S&P 500 Index -13.52 -4.38
Nasdaq Composite Index -17.54 -3.88
S&P MidCap 400 Index -17.28 -11.08
Russell 2000 Index -20.20 -11.01
Long way to go to counter Trump’s craphammering of last year.
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: I still love racing, even tho’ it’s hard to, considering how slow the industry has been about cleaning up its act. It’s hard to love Thoroughbreds and yell about the horse-racing industry, because without that industry, most of the Thoroughbreds I’ve been riding over the years would have been completely unavailable to me.
Miss Bianca
OK, now it makes sense. Evil, assholish sense. >:<
@Yutsano: I actually found DVDs of it in the 99¢ store and bought copies for myself & friends’ kids.
@VeniceRiley: First saw him with Benedict Cumberbatch in “To the Ends of The Earth.” Started watching because Benedict, ended watching because JARED…swoon!! He is perfect in period stuff, even loved him as Grant in Lincoln.
@HinTN: On this subject @rikyrah: however, I have no doubt as to how the chief would vote. The fucker… Sigh
@Miss Bianca:
Buddy once took me to a quarterhorse track in Idaho and I had a blast. Like drag racing for ponies. :-)
@West of the Rockies: Ask Betty…;-)
I moved !! I did it yes I did For a pretty sick 60 something year old solo That’ s a yay. Birbs and trees and a happy dog It’s gonna be great. Feel like I got worked 4 boxers instead of 4 nice young men moving my stuff but it will terrific. Once I find the spoons and forks I have zero farks to give about politics today. It’s not raining and I’m broke anyway
Roberts is by no means one of the good guys, but he is very legacy conscious and has shown at times that he doesn’t want to be remembered purely as a partisan hack.
BREAKING Trump admin has issued new guidelines to asylum officers to make credible fear interviews more confrontational and screenings more onerous, requiring detailed justifications before an officer can make a positive finding. “Huge” one officer told us
— Nick Miroff (@NickMiroff) May 7, 2019
Bob Dorough on “Conjunction Junction.” That song is still so hip that I heard it on a jazz station a few weeks ago.
@rikyrah: I don’t understand how they can do this. And even if this tortured interpretation holds, all the US parent has to do is legally adopt the kids and they automatically gain US citizenship as minor adopted children of US citizens automatically gain US citizenship.
The government deserves to be severely spanked in court for this bullshit.
It’s sad. Many gay conservatives (looking at you, Andrew Sullivan) thought that they were safe and clear.
But this shit is especially foul. And it is frightening that the Trump administration loves to go after children and others who they think are weak and easy to pick off.
BC in Illinois
Everyone gets to pick when they want to start their graph.
At 25,800 and something, we are precisely where we were in August 2018.
Since then, the Dow went up to 26,800 (Oct 2018) then lost 5,000 points to go down the 21,800 (Dec 2018).
So yes, we’re up since January, down since last October (and down since last month), but if you have an average stock portfolio, you’re precisely where you were in August 2018.
We are, on the other hand, up 17,000 points since Obama took office,
so there’s that.
@mrmoshpotato: Her dad’s alcoholism — and recovery story — are fairly well known in Minnesota. Is fiery the right word? I don’t really know, but Amy herself has said “I was literally able to see him climb to the highest mountains. He’s an adventurer, and really sink to the lowest valleys because of his alcoholism.”
As someone in long term recovery, I appreciate when people like Jim Klobuchar are open with their stories of recovery, and when adult children of alcoholics can likewise talk about both the pain and the love that comes with a recovery story. People need to know that life without booze is possible, and often good, once the work to clear the wreckage starts happening.
Chief Oshkosh
@hilts: Speaker Pelosi? – line one for Senator Warren…
You do understand that they WON’T STOP WITH GAY COUPLES, RIGHT?
Why should Sullivan care? He doesn’t have, want or like children. So, not his problem.
@germy: Most pundits are a chicken nugget’s ass.
@david: @BC in Illinois: I just checked the figures. When Obama took office the DJIA was 7949. When he left it was around 20,000. That amounts to a 150% increase. Trump’s nowhere close. That must eat at the Trumpets.
@Steeplejack: He sang on a Miles Davis lp I used to own.
@Raoul: I agree with that. My objection is dragging her family past into politics. It smacks of Dump bringing out Bill Clinton’s accusers.
Giving a whole new dimension to “Swedish death cleaning.”
@Steeplejack: I thought Jack Sheldon sang those songs?
@Steeplejack: Kinda puts Marie Kondo to shame
I wish I could remember the other song that station played at the same time. They started with that, a very jazzy version, and I was halfway through the song before I realized, “Wait a minute, that’s from Schoolhouse Rock!” Then when “Conjunction Junction” followed it was a hoot.
He did. Bob Dorough was the composer, who wrote almost the songs on Schoolhouse Rock. It’s Dorough talking in the documentary.
ETA: And then they note—and show—that Jack Sheldon was the vocalist.
That’s just it. There are many smug conservatives whose lives are not white bread hetero, who think that they will be OK because they are Republican, and who continue to support Trump.
Kinda missing my point. Do you really think that Trump will stop after he has attacked gay parents with children? I will bet you good money that somewhere out there is some evangelical ass wipe thinking, “what can we do to determine that Andrew Sullivan’s paperwork to become an American citizen was somehow defective? Because we really need to deport this degenerate in order to purify Amurrika.”
@rikyrah: And so Israel now takes its place alongside ISIS in destroying culture.
Old Russian proverb tells us;
“There are three things men like more than they are willing to admit to:
Sweet wine, plump women, and the music of Tchaikovsky.”
Happy Tchaikovsky’s birthday. everyone!
On a downsizing kick here as well. Fortunately I don’t have anyone sending me their old stuff. I have no idea what I would do about it if someone was sending me more of their old stuff.
as chris rock put it, that train’s never late.
Dave Chapelle has won the Mark Twain Prize.
That is a really misplaced comparison. First of all AK mentioned her father’s alcoholism while she was grilling Kavascum, so she hardly considers it dirty laundry. Nor, to state the obvious, should anyone ever consider alcoholism, which is an illness, in the same category as alleged sexual misconduct.
What is objectionable about the WaPo reference is that, in its typically tone deaf, ham handed cloddery, it uses “alcoholic” — again, a person with an ILLNESS — as a character description.
Chyron HR
That’s ok. As Bernie teaches us, “Immigrants bring poverty.”
Liverpool ahead 1-0 at the start of the second half, but you have to be terrified that Lionel Messi will do something Messianic.
Eric U.
@SiubhanDuinne: I belong to a “buy nothing” facebook group. It’s a national thing, but the groups are all local. Everybody is downsizing, but in a college town there is always someone that wants whatever I want to give away. Better than giving to a thrift store that is probably going to trash half of your donation.
@Ruckus: I miss my mom, but she used to go to yard sales to buy stuff for us. I don’t miss that. My sister de-hoarded her house by inviting a traveling garage sale. Apparently there are businesses that bring a batch of hoarders to your house and they bought everything. They must have a fleet of semis following the bus for the acquired junk.
Doug R
@hilts: Surprised this hasn’t been front paged: Senator Elizabeth Warren Reading the Mueller Report On The Senate Floor
As of 4:06 pm est, the number of signatories to that statement from former federal prosecutors released yesterday now stands at 710.
@SiubhanDuinne: When I downsized before moving to WA, I gave tons of stuff to my sister; with the understanding that she could pass on any of it that she didn’t want. It was hard to give some of it up to Goodwill or strangers, but to family, or to her friends? Fine, that made it easier.
She’s almost 20 years younger than me, with younger kids, a classroom to outfit, other teachers & lots of friends. My books, kitchen stuff, etc, all found good homes.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: Salah is not playing, correct?
@Doug R: Excellent! Can other Democrats step in to spot her so the whole report can be read in succession?
@Betty Cracker:
What ages? There are several micro-generations between 12 and 20. Also could be an issue if the two are not close in age.
ETA: Snorkeling sounds like a winner.
@Doug R:
How does she pronounce [blackrectangle]?
@Gin & Tonic:
Salah is out—as is Firmino.
And Liverpool have just scored two goals in rapid succession! Ahead 3-0, goal differential even.
@hilts: Has this been reported on any of the network nightly news reports? ABC, NBC, CBS?
I haven’t seen it.
Couldn’t we just deport him for being an asshole? //
In Calvinball, the only rule is that there are no fixed rules.
Cheryl Rofer
@germy: I saw 600 mentioned in a WaPo article today.
The reason why they don’t get it is because they have spent most of the time since January 2017, trying to find the PIVOT…the ‘moment where Dolt45 became President’. They have spent all their time trying to downplay his hideousness. They have been desperate TO normalize him…so, of course, their unwillingess to admit what a phucking nightmare that he is…that people just want normal back. They want the norms back that they took as what it meant to be an American.
That boat sailed long ago with his union busting, religious exemptions and unlimited corrupt money for elections.
He is a fucking hack.
Doug R
In the current season, which was not on Netflix last I checked has an Emmy-worthy performance by D’arcy Carden in one episode in particular. I caught it on demand on my local cable, although you may have missed the window. Should hit Netflix soon.
D’arcy also has a bit part in HBO’s Barry as one of the acting students. Barry’s on right after some dragons show.
This mashup from NBC has a few seconds from The Good Place “Janets” episode:
They will delay and delay and obstruct until forced otherwise.
And the courts have no divisions at their command.
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: They are 12 and 14. God, I hope they don’t need any help with their homework! I’d be fine with English, social studies and some types of science (i.e., NOT chemistry, physics, etc.) questions. But if they need math help, I’m sunk! I used to make my kid call my sister with math homework questions. I guess that would work in this situation too…
Bring me the head of Mitch McConnell.
The world isn’t big enough for American Democracy and Mitch McConnell.
@rikyrah: He took on trump right out of the gate by talking about Charlottesville. Although I am not enamored about the possibility of another old white guy, I’d vote for Biden if he’s the nominee.
It’s not that he doesn’t have his heart in the right place. Biden does. But right now all of us need far more than that. We need someone that understands what has happened, how bad it is, and what needs to be done to fix it. And then needs to make it happen. Biden has never been that guy and his both sides of the aisle stick is decades out of breath.
@Betty Cracker: I’m sure your sister wouldn’t mind. In a pinch you could take your phone in the bedroom and log on to BJ to get some assistance.
@Betty Cracker:
Twelve-14 is a good spread. Sexes?
Another idea might be to take them to see the Avengers movie, if they haven’t already seen it (and it passes parental muster).
Mnemosyne has some “cool aunt” cred, which might be the zone you’re striving for.
ETA: If they have any interest in cooking, you could demonstrate a dish from your (our) Saltine-American heritage that they are unlikely to have run across in suburban Miami.
That’s rich, Mitch; you did that for 8 fucking years while the black guy was President.
Who do you think are, Bill Barr?
Irony at its best.
The War on Salsa commences.
Dan B
@Mnemosyne: We would be wise to have some Occam’s Razor questions whenever accusations are made or “facts” stated. Perhaps: Does this make a candidate look bad or make us feel bad about them? What is the full story – if it’s not included or linked? Does this advance a progressive or Democratic vision that the candidate has previously expressed?
Jay linked a couple pieces about Caroline Orr, thanks Jay! She has uncovered the techniques Russian Bots use to manipulate us. Sorry I don’t know how to link on this phone but it should be easy to find her.
I hear there’s a dark horse in the running (NSFW).
Ohio Mom
@rikyrah: The moral of this story is, make sure someone you trust has medical power of attorney for you. You never know when you could be in a hospital and unable to advocate for yourself.
A new tariff on Mexican fresh tomatoes starts Tuesday. Get ready for prices to skyrocket.
@Mnemosyne: Portland meetup! I read daily but rarely comment.
████ off, you █████████ son of a █████!
P.S. What launcher are you using on your phone?
Liverpool now up 4-3 at 87:20.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m kind of shocked by how much I want Sarah Sanders to go to jail.
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: The younger is a boy, and the elder is a girl. They have really different personalities — one is outgoing whereas the other is more introverted — so it can be a challenge to find things they both want to do. I’ve known these kids since they were babies, and we’ve spent time together, but I’ve never been in charge of them.
That’s the part that’s freaking me out, and I feel kind of idiotic for that since I was in charge of my own kid just a couple of years ago! Maybe it’s like riding a bicycle? Hope so!
@MattF: I just started watching The Good Place. I was hooked right after Ted Danson’s deadpanned description of Eleanor’s death.
Ohio Mom
@MoxieM: Much happiness in your new digs, and also wishing you a smooth, easy and quick unpacking.
Amir Khalid
I didn’t dare believe this could happen, but Liverpool lead Barca 4-0 on the night at Anfield and 4-3 on aggregate in the Champions League semifinal. Whateverthe result, tonight or in the Premier League, Liverpool are a team of lions.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Jail. Hehe. How generous of you.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You’re shocked that you are a moral, law-abiding American?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@mrmoshpotato: @Baud: I loathe her so much.
Ohio Mom
@Steeplejack: I liked “The gentle art of Swedish Death Cleaning” a lot more than “The life-changing magic of tidying up.” It was funnier for one thing.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Believe me, it will only get stronger as time passes.
@MoxieM: Congrats! Moving is something no one looks forward to – the packing part that is.
Considering those seem to be in short supply these days.
Snarly contempt lady is snarly.
Liverpool wins! Crowd going mad at Anfield.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Let me bring you a chair. Would you like a beer?
Stunning comeback by Liverpool. To come from 0-3 deficit and go to 4-3 win is fabuloustic. That too without their top two players. Barca continue to be chokers in crucial away games.
joel hanes
I do wonder why Lolly seemingly has a monopoly on adverbs
Because her name ends in ‘ly’, silly.
Dan B
@rikyrah: It’s a topic on the gay blogs. The OMG seems to be that at least one DOJ attorney and probbably someone at INS have to be working on this case. Since it’s likely that this is the only case like this in the US and not likely there will be more in the near future the level of vindictiveness is appalling. It stinks of Pence or Stephen Miller.
That and the “conscience” exemptions for healthcarw and accomodations it seems like the warm up for putting LGBT people back in their place – let alone women. A two-fer!
Amir Khalid
Liverpool has had many a historic European night at Anfield. But coming back from 0-3 down in the first leg against Barca to win like this makes this a legend among those nights. This comeback is on a par with the Miracle of Istanbul.
The year in a nutshell.
@Amir Khalid: When I read that Salah and Firminho were being held out of today’s match, I decided not to try to watch it. My mistake.
@Ohio Mom:
I liked both books. Sort of apples and oranges. Kondo micro, Swedish macro. Both fit where I am now.
@Brachiator: Weird. I have recently twice seen Sullivan all panicky on Brian Williams in a screed about immigration. Brian didn’t even challenge him on his points. Which, as far as I can tell, are EU and USA are doomed to fascist rule unless we shut out the brown people.
The fact the AS from England and BW from Canada saying this on MSNBC was … jarring, to say the least.
And yet there are dumbass Trump supporters who welcome getting kicked in the ass by higher food prices in order to teach Mexico… something.
Wins the internets for me.
@Betty Cracker: It is, don’t worry.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That’s the point. It’s like asset forfeiture over drug convictions, one they got the concept accepted they applied to the white middle class. They want the same thing with child confiscation. The Other is the gateway excuse for the Authoritarian.
Dan B
@rikyrah: Country club / gated community / fear mongering gone extreme. There’s a gated community in Seattle that didn’t allow Jews until the 90’s, or so. I don’t believe there are any POC to this day. Howard and Shari Schultz moved there after he got slammed by his neighbors when they installed landscaping – walls, etc.- into a park adjoining their property. It’s a very simple park, just greenspace and trees so they thought it would be “nice” if they improved it.
@Dan B:
Why would people think it’s the only case of its kind? I thought immediately the opposite. I’m sure that there are a number of gay couples where the partner is from outside of the United States and they have adopted children. I find it quite odd that people would think that this is such a singular case. It’s obvious to me that it’s a test case and they will be moving on from here to other mixed nationality couples with adopted children. I don’t see how folks can’t see that this is a way to begin to nullify gay adoptions.
@Betty Cracker: If they need any help with chemistry, physics or math, make that an open thread on Balloon Juice and you will get many answers.
@rikyrah: Most people are not alarmed by immigration policies of T regime because their immigrant experience has been in generations past. And most American citizens have no clue about the difficulty of navigating the immigration thicket in the best of circumstances. And clearly what we have now are not the best of circumstances.
ETA: T voters of course love what he is doing. For most other voters, its something they are mildly uncomfortable about but it doesn’t hit close to home for most.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Small step after that to “and those smarmy white liberals in California, I know they are all sekret Muslims!” then to “those back sliders in our own movement, more closeted Muslim!” to “Trump retroactively stripped the late Senator John McCain of his citizenship over accusations that McCain converted to Islam as a POW in Vietnam”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@mrmoshpotato: I have a glass of merlot right here, so I’ll pass on the beer. Thanks for the offer though!
@schrodingers_cat: Ooh! Introduce them to BJ. Their parents will be so pleased.
Dan B
@Kent: Don’t quote me but I believe the case is being argued that a foreign born same sex spouse is not a citizen by virtue of marriage. It’s also true for some heterosexual couples but I’m fuzzy on that since the horrors being visited upon Central American refugee families is a supernova. The cruelty and idiocy is blinding.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I was actually thinking BC could just put up the problem and make it an open thread. But introducing them to the Jackals is a great idea.
And some of them will even be correct.
I have not seen a good source yet showing that Amy Klobuchar’s husband, John Bessler, is a member of the Federalist Society, so I’m going to consider it a smear spread by an opponent until I hear otherwise. And somehow I don’t think it is Biden or Harris or Warren (or any of the other nice candidates) flinging the dirt. The one thing Google knows about Bessler is that he really, really hates capital punishment. He’s written or edited several books on the death penalty, which he argues is a form of torture no matter how it is carried out. (See the most recent, for example, The Death Penalty as Torture: From the Dark Ages to Abolition. His CV lists dozens of papers and presentations on the subject. Evidently, he will debate anyone, any place. He has taught seminars on the death penalty at multiple law schools. This seems to be his life’s work, which brings us to FS. He has taken part in a teleforum and a podcast sponsored by that organization, and so he is listed among its “Contributors,” but FS defines that to mean anyone who has spoken or otherwise participated in its events, publications, or multimedia presentations. The Contributors page specifically says that a listing does not imply any relationship with FS. So Bessler’s alleged membership looks like a bum rap to me, and I’m certainly not going to hold this against Klobuchar in any way.
Dan B
@JAFD: Don’t tell Mike and Mother! Ruskie Ho-ho-ho-mo-sex-ual. Don’t want Mike thinking about that dirty man on man composer.
Fairly certain that the majority of tomato products consumed by Trump supporters are ketchup, pizza and pasta sauce. In that order.
joel hanes
body surfing
Please be very careful.
The NorCal beaches see a couple broken necks each year from body-surfers being slammed head-first into the sand,
and a larger number of fractured wrists and contusions.
Bill Arnold
The House needs to assert “legislative privilege”, and maybe get the press to start using the term.
(Great comment btw.)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Chateau De Davenport has its share of fans. :-)
Note for those who might be affected: Uber and Lyft drivers to strike tomorrow in at least eight major cities.
Dan B
@Doug R: Wow! And to hilts for the 710 Fed Prosecutors!!
I bet Nancy is paying attention. If we can get Schumer to notice… NY residents, to your phones!
That’s a Betty Cracker™ original. I used to use Roy Blount Jr.’s “Crackro-American,” but hers is much better.
@TenguPhule: Nope, that’s not how you do it. I don’t want to give them an answer but I can give a hint that will set them on the right path.
Dan B
@TenguPhule: I would prefer that McConnell get deported to Pitcairn Island long before Andrew Sullivan goes. At least you can see through AS’ dissembling. Moral rot is harder to clean up. I don’t believe that AS believes in an America where disabled kids and their families are strengthened by being “weaned from the government teat”. Could be wrong… about Sully.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
The Miracle of Istanbul::Champions League 2005 final vs AC Milan. Liverpool conceded three in a poor first half. Manager Rafa Benitez was so shaken he nearly sent 12 players out for the second half before someone did a headcount. Liverpool leveled in the second half and won it on penalties. Captain Stevie Gerrard literally took the Cup to bed with him that night.
@schrodingers_cat: I was making a joke about how some questions here can receive many answers. Some of which are even the right ones.
Dan B
@Ruckus: If Biden puts Harris in AG and others in the appropriate cabinet spots and lets them slowly build to their full capabilities it would be happy days for me. Can Obama, Holder, and others he has worked with keep him on track. And can his working relationships with moderate R’s keep them from helping McConnell / Mercers scorched earth utopia.
@germy: I’m shocked, along with everyone else here. Here’s Trump special and rare political talent, the ability and power to act like a mob boss. A fawning media didn’t hurt him either.
That’s a bit of a drive from Miami. At least, as I remember it from my last dive trip there. Been a while, but we flew into Miami and then key hopped until we hit Key West. One of our first days, we dove there.
Oh yeah! This is a group you want affecting young minds. /s
Bill Arnold
The Trump Tomato Tax
DJT is fond of alliteration.
The New York legislature is about to do an end run around Steve Mnuchin’s shenanigans, by passing a bill to make NY State income tax returns available to the same US Congress Committee chairs identified in the federal statute.
Dan B
@VeniceRiley: So Andrew Sullivan shortened is: Don’t scare the racists!
Haven’t paid attention to him in years. Appears to be a good choice, very good.
Chris Jansing in for Ari Berman on MSNBC. No bueno. Maybe I’ll start on politics a little later tonight.
@VeniceRiley: He was all for advocating for immigrant rights, until he became a citizen himself. Classic IGMFY case.
I saw Sully’s appearances too and he was in full bed wetting mode.
Dan B
@rikyrah: The gay blogs don’t seem to know about any other case like the case of this couple. They do see it as a way to move towards stopping same sex adoption but that might start with ending surrogacy. We have lots of friends with young kids. Several are mixed race couples. They have many fears. The conscience edict is right up there since so many Seattle hospitals are Catholic owned and operated. And kids are at the doctor’s often. There may be fights between Seattle non-discrimination ordinances and the church. The prospect of years long legal fights that could go all the way to the Supremes is awful especially when you’ve got young kids.
Another four years of Trump / Pence / McConnell / Kavanaugh is a looming nightmare. Many of these gay couples came of age during AIDS and suffer quietly from PTSD.
joel hanes
These are the same Falwells that gave $1.8 M to a young poolboy of their short-term acquaintance, yes ?
[ checks the google ]
Why yes, yes they are.
Amazing coincidence.
Well, here in fucking Ohio, the legislature was not satisfied with criminalizing abortions after 6 weeks. They’re now holding hearings to forbid insurance companies from paying for abortion services and for abortifacients. The sponsor, who openly admits he has no expertise in the subject, expects that if a method of contraception in any way harms a fertilized egg, it will need to be reformulated or be banned. I was shrieking at the radio by then, but I think I also heard they want to remove the exception for ectopic pregnancies and instead require the surgeon to relocate the egg to the womb. ???
@West of the Rockies: I’ll keep the bicycle theme going: Picked up 1999 Specialized full-suspension rig a couple months ago, after replacing a bunch of original parts took it for a ride…and discovered the fork was shot. Thanks to ebay I now have a 20-year-old Marzocchi Bomber for it, but I need a few uninterrupted hours to get it installed, which I won’t have for at least a week and a half.
the fuck?
TS (the original)
@Michael Cain:
I’m very late to the thread so this will probably be unseen. Downsizing is good but moving closer to children doesn’t always work out. My neighbor’s parents did this & then the son-in-law got a new job & moved 3000 miles away. The parents were left in a new town, with zero friends or family.
I’d bet that if he’s against the death penalty he’s not a member of the Federalists. Because that just doesn’t add up.
TS (the original)
@debbie: trump isn’t the only insanity in the US – before you know it the preachers will be medicos and the doctors will have emigrated to a world where politicians do not determine how medical procedures should be done
J R in WV
Well, Senator Sanders refuses to call himself a Democrat because he is NOT a Democrat. He’s just attempting to steal the Democratic party’s infrastructure in order to run for President masquerading as a Democrat. He isn’t a Democrat, which is why I won’t be spending one red cent (heh) on his campaign, nor voting for the rat bastard.
Sanders is the other Russian stooge running, along with Tulsi Gabbard and Trump. No thanks on all those stooges!
@germy: It’s all fun and games until the pool boy drops trou on camera.
Oops. Ari Melber.
Yep. Sadly, I remembered the details better than I usually do. :/
@debbie: Because simply relocating the egg will lead to it implanting then developing as normal. We know these people are animals. Obviously they’re morons too.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Okay, I am home now and in a position to link to John Bessler’s CV. Here it is, I’ll just say again that this not what a Federalist Society members teaching CV would look like. Of course, I suppose this is one of those zombie lies that keep popping up no matter how often they are debunked.
People are going to throwing bullshit our way through Election Day. Let’s not fall for it.
J R in WV
The Likud, the Republican theocrats like Franklin Graham, the NeoCalvinists, Falwell, and Isis are all the same, but for irrelevant details. Culture should be destroyed unless it is my culture. People should be punished who are not exactly like me.
If you don’t believe what I believe you should be punished, exiled to a barren mountain top, executed. Especially your children! All the same. Vile and despicable, all of them.
@Bill Arnold
Memo to self.
Dear Self,
1) Pick up a several cases of ketchup packets NOW.
2) Find trench coat at Goodwill store.
3) Outfit trench coat with pouches on the inside.
4) Scope out best locations near fast food joints.
5) Practice slyly opening coat while stage whispering, “Psst! Hey buddy, need ketchup? Two packs for a buck!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Gravenstone: If that worked, I would guess that the vast majority of women with ectopic pregnancies would be rushing to have it done.
See, I can’t.
Just can’t.
WTF more do you have to know?
THIS kind of bullshyt snaps my last Black nerve???
@Omnes Omnibus:
Unbelievable, right? My sister-in-law almost died from one.
J R in WV
And some of those answers will be correct, for some meaning of correct…. ;-)
J R in WV
Three of my four grandparents are from families who have been in America for many generations, since the Revolutionary war, or thereabouts.
My paternal grandfather was born here, but both his parents were here from Europe, and spoke Switzerdeutsch, Swiss German. Grandpa didn’t speak any English until he was in grade school, up in NE Ohio, in dairy country. He still spoke that dialect of German when I was a little boy.
I’m sure the Fascists would love to use his parent’s trip through Ellis Island to deport me. Maybe I should register as a fascist? Naw…
I think these people who call themselves Republicans are despicable loons who need reeducation in the worst way. They obviously believe many untrue things before breakfast every morning. Of course educating the terminally stupid and evil is a futile effort.
@J R in WV
And then veer off on a tangent about best pancake recipe or toenail fungus or rock music…. Or all three combined.
He can always fuck off back to Merry Ol’ England and enjoy the coming full English Brexit.
Rocking to Pancake Fungus?
@rikyrah: But his campaign spoke to all the forgotten people, especially the forgotten millionaires, racists and misogynists. He was anointed! His victory was a miracle!
That’s what you need and, with some qualms, what I need. But we aren’t everybody who is fighting for right. And honestly, we aren’t in the majority of the base. If Biden is who the majority want, I will happily work to elect him. I can do nothing other than that. But running around, telling WoC, PoC and college educated women that they are doing it wrong isn’t helpful, tbh.
@Steeplejack: Microsoft.
The sign in the hardware store is:
Answers $1
Correct answers $2
Dumb looks are still free.
I don’t think so. I had to have our two foreign-born adopted children naturalized so they could be citizens and get a US passport.
Duly noted.
That doesn’t make him a better choice. And right now is the time to point out that there are much better candidates running. Granted Biden would be miles above shit for brains, but then so would most every commenter on this blog. But I also think, as I wrote yesterday on Adam’s post, repeating the past is not the way forward. And we need a way forward. We have good candidates that can provide that. Harris, Warren, Beto probably, Stacy Abrams gets my nod and of course she’s not running. I don’t think PB is ready, although he may be some day, who else of the other what is it 19 or 22 running for the nomination?
I understand that Biden may be trusted not to screw the folks you mention. Nor me. But we are in an existential crisis as a country and we need to pull out of the tail spin that we are in. An old white guy who is running on his smile and willingness to work with the other side isn’t the guy to do that.
BTW I’m not all that well off. If it wasn’t for SS I’d be screwed to the wall. If it wasn’t for the draft I probably wouldn’t have the VA for my care. I may be an old white guy but I’m among the economically scrapping along. I’m not in as bad a position as a lot of people and I don’t want them to be there, just like I have decent healthcare by the thinest of reason, but there is no reason other than the status quo that others are worse off. And Biden is the democratic version of political status quo.
So my actual question is how much longer do we keep trying to scrape by on the scraps that the wealthy deem to allow us? They don’t own this country, we all do. And for the sake of all those PoC, WoC, the poor, those who can’t really fight back, we need to do just that. We may lose but if we don’t do better we will anyway. And so will those PoC, no matter their gender or wealth.
J R in WV
Despicable fjcking monsters. My aunt had an ectopic pregnancy back in the mid ’50s — it was a miracle when she had my cousin some years later. I am grateful, he is a best friend as well.
It should be illegal for these theocratic monsters to even have an opinion about medical practice, let alone to control it like this. Practicing medicine without a licence!
Thanks, I’ll check that out. It wasn’t even on the radar.