“I think people have sort of seen it as something they have to get through.” https://t.co/x00DrTpARq
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) June 3, 2019
The good news, so far: Nobody threw punches, or milkshakes. And the (Inter)National Embarrassment my have nodded off during the big dinner, but at least he didn’t faceplant into his food. From the Washington Post:
PRESIDENT TRUMP’S visit to Britain this week represents a final miscalculation by the country’s hapless prime minister, Theresa May. Having repeatedly failed to win parliamentary approval for the terms for Britain’s departure from the European Union, deepening what has become the country’s worst political crisis since World War II, Ms. May was forced to announce her resignation last month. She nevertheless chose to press ahead with what promised to be a polarizing visit by Mr. Trump, whom she invited to become only the third U.S. president to be treated to a state visit…
Ms. May described the visit as “an opportunity to further strengthen” the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States. In fact, it will serve to put on display the widening cracks Mr. Trump has introduced into one of America’s closest alliances. Hundreds of thousands of protesters are expected to cram central London Tuesday to reject the U.S. president, beneath a huge orange balloon portraying him as a baby in a diaper. They will be joined by leaders of the opposition Labour Party, who along with other prominent politicians boycotted the banquet for Mr. Trump hosted by Queen Elizabeth II…
… What’s clear is that the special relationship is under the same strain as other foundations of the Western liberal order buffeted by the Trump presidency. Most likely, it will survive, given the powerful cultural and economic bonds between the two countries and the enduring overlap of their security interests. But this week will be remembered as a low moment.
“Buckingham Palace is reportedly unable to host the Trumps because of ongoing renovation work that began in 2016. According to the official royal website, Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms, including 52 ‘Royal and guest bedrooms.’” https://t.co/WY3pxeWQ0y
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 3, 2019
How the UK greeted Trump on his state visit. pic.twitter.com/IDOqgZkA6e
— zachary (@zatchry) June 3, 2019
“Tremendous crowds of well wishers.” pic.twitter.com/Jp9UF5WaLc
— The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) June 3, 2019
Not seeing protests in part because he's repeatedly flying Marine 1 the three miles between Winfield House and Buckinham Palace https://t.co/O8lpjWCo3e
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) June 3, 2019
The Queen gave President Trump an *abridged* edition of Winston Churchill's Second World War in a tacky red-and-gold binding. Never let it be said that HM lacks a sense of occasion.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) June 3, 2019
Prince Harry Keeps an Awkward Distance From the Trumps During Presidential Visit https://t.co/JGbRXMlhIK
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 3, 2019
They let him bring all his besties to the state dinner…
…In addition to the presence of his four adult children at the state dinner, President Trump brought along Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller, Mick Mulvaney, social media director Dan Scavino, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and his wife Louise Linton.
Spot the difference. pic.twitter.com/e95kTD1TFw
— Andrew Weinstein (@Weinsteinlaw) June 3, 2019
In this case, pepper spray. https://t.co/cwTFu9utdP
— Civil Frank (@fvdlfvdl) June 4, 2019
The national embarrassment falling asleep during the Queen’s state banquet speech.#TrumpIsAnInternationalDisgracepic.twitter.com/DshLLgZmPf
— Max Lifer (@lifetothemax1) June 3, 2019
President Trump’s four adult children and their spouses at Buckingham Palace. pic.twitter.com/98y7JeC8Yy
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) June 3, 2019
(Spouses only, no plus-ones! I bet Donnie Jr.’s new sidepiece — excuse me, “reelection committee senior advisor” — will make him pay bigtime for the snub.)
They’ve got appointments to go to a pubic park, meet a guy on a bench holding a newspaper, who will get up but leave his newspaper, and they’ll take the newspaper. https://t.co/RKomQm6m1D
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 4, 2019
Whole lotta shade from the British???
Is it true that Manafort is now at Rikers?
@rikyrah: that’s the rumor
This is a different spin on Trump’s quickie church visit the other day…
Just read this piece from NYMag on the Axios interview, and Jared also said this totally not-a-racist thing:
Lord, please let there be a Hell.
Patricia Kayden
@sukabi: The good pastor should have told Trump that he’ll pray for Trump’s victims like the separated migrant families and harassed transgender citizens. Trump doesn’t deserve any prayers.
In personal news, the new treatment plan seems to be helping, I’ve been a whirlwind of small business strategies, including the new Way of Cats membership site.
All my friends are telling me I should have done it sooner :)
It was time to go big or go home. And I can’t go home until all the kitties have one!
@Patricia Kayden: Fool picks the right church? One that doesn’t care?
@JWR: I saw that yesterday. If the idiot had any kind of self awareness, he’d take a gander at his ungovernable fil and shut the fuck up.
Is that Tiffany on the right in the picture? What happened to the unloved waif?
@Patricia Kayden: I pray for Trump all the time. I ask God to bestow some wisdom and humility on Trump, to get Trump to consider the entire country rather than his own needs alone. Basically, I pray for a Paul on the Road to Damascus moment where Trump would realize the error of his ways and do a complete 180. Yes, I realize I am praying for a miracle.
Sloane Ranger
I read somewhere that Trump brought his spawn to our fair country because he wanted them to have a “Next Gen” of leaders meeting with Wills, Harry and their wives.
Even if this was actually being considered by the Palace (and I can’t believe it was), it was a dead duck after his comments about the Duchess of Sussex.
Plus, what makes him think the products of his loins will have any leadership position once he leaves office? I thought you guys fought a war against us over just this thing? Or does he really think he can ignore your Constitution and/or election results and just hand over the Presidency to his favourite child like his heroes do?
Oh wait, don’t bother answering. I already know the answer
Obama got invited to stay at Buckingham Palace on his state visit to Britain, and did so.
For Trump, the 53-bedroom palace was unavailable “due to ongoing renovations” that will continue so long as he is in office – the renovation being prophylactic prevention treatment for shitstains.
Hope folks don’t miss the opportunity to remind Trump that Obama was invited but Trump was snubbed on this distinct honor of staying at Buckingham Palace.
i do too. specifically, invoking psalms 109:8-10.
Sloane Ranger
@cmorenc: Staying at the Palace may be an honour but it’s not popular with visiting Royalty. If it’s a big shindig they vie to be placed in the overflow accommodation at the Savoy or Dorchester. The problem is that the Palace guest bathrooms are not en-suite. Prince Albert had existing rooms modified to take them and Prince Philip had them updated in the 1950’s. They are not really up to modern standards or expectations.
Ever since learning this I’ve had this mental picture of say the Queen of the Netherlands, wearing a dressing gown and carrying her toilet bag and towel joining a line of the Crowned Heads of the world and noting with sinking heart that the next in line to use the bathroom is a fellow Monarch who is notorious for the time they take for their toilette.
Sister Golden Bear
Waiting for some tasty Waygu beef at a little restaurant in Tokyo. When the chef asked were I was from, I made a point of saying California—not the States.
Thanks to Needy Amin, I’m embarrassed to say I’m an American these days.
Is it legal to sell USS John S. McCain caps on lefty blogs? It could make bank! Can Alain place the pop up ad?
@Sister Golden Bear: :( I can’t imagine what it’s like to be overseas these days.
“What English-speaking country can I do a passable accent of and know some of their current events? Hmmm…”
Cathie from Canada
According to Twitter, the American ambassador to England said that during an interview this morning that the National Health Service would be “on the table” during upcoming negotiations for a US/UK trade deal following Brexit.
That would be the kiss of death for Brexit, at least as far as Britain is concerned.
Count me among the well wishers for der Trumpenführer. Wait, that doesn’t mean wishing he’d fall down a well? Never mind.
@mrmoshpotato: Canada. Just remember to pronounce “about” as “about.”
@Immanentize: First year law school 15?
Joy Reid via Anne Laurie @ Top:
They should add that photo of Harry to the dictionary as an example for word glower:
@Patricia Kayden:
I for one pray almost every day for him to have a fatal stroke, in public, while groping Sarah Sanders or Kellyanne and simultaneously stuffing his face with a deep-fried Snickers bar.