I know that he’s supposedly some sort of idiot savant with his tweeting, but this seems extraordinarily stupid:
President Trump said Sunday that four minority, liberal congresswomen who have been critical of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” prompting other Democrats — including Pelosi — to leap to their defense.
Of course, as all of us know, he’s full of shit on three of four birth locations:
Pressley was born in Cincinnati, Tlaib was born in Detroit and Ocasio-Cortez was born in New York — about 20 miles from where Trump was born. Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia; her family fled the country amid civil war when she was a child, and she became a U.S. citizen as a teenager.
I know that with Trump black is white and up is down, but it does seem like a pretty bedrock principle of politics that when your opponent is shooting themselves in the foot, you should shut your fucking mouth and let them pull the trigger.
Everything drumpf says is wrong, or idiotic, or racist, or ignorant, or evil, or any and all of the above at the same time.
He’s regressing to his hateful childhood. His mental capacity is shrinking and growing worse by the minute. Is he in dementia? Seems like it. Is his dementia aggressive and hateful? Hard to tell, he’s been like that for a long time and his mental disease – narcissism, could easily mask or accentuate those traits that are normal for him. But he seems to be in a classic case of Alzheimer’s. Not diagnosing him, IANAD, just have some experience with Alzheimer’s.
Don’t worry. Republicans are busy telling Democrats how to run the party and explaining how this is not racist except, surprisingly Meghan McCain who has apparently learned something about racism while sitting on The View.
Mary G
Its only value is that Republicans won’t say boo about it, and silence implies agreement. Except Amash.
karen marie
The speed with which Republicans are able to coordinate talking points is amazing. “It’s not racist because [shitwhistle] said they should come back after they fix whatever shit hole country they came from.”
It’s exhausting but that’s the point. I keep going back to Mark Singer’s 1997 profile of Trump. It told everyone everything they needed to know about Trump.
Cheryl Rofer
One possibility is that something big is coming out this week.
Oh, who am I kidding? Of course there will be something big – extortion, child rape, destroying the rule of law. Just like last week and the week before.
As I said a couple of posts back, the pushback on Twitter is overwhelming.
@Ruckus: I think it was a sci fi novel by Le Guin that posited that the only event that could unify great powers on earth was an extraterrestrial invasion. I posit that Trump never read that book.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Maybe they forgot to tell him Mueller’s testifying has been pushed back a week. //
Fair Economist
I was pretty ticked off to see this a major item on the news. “Trump is an asshole and an idiot” is not news. There’s plenty of real news to talk about – resistance to ICE, aftereffects of Barry, farms collapsing due to flooding and Trump tariffs, etc. If they really can’t find anything current, they should talk about climate change.
@karen marie: Who knew Cincinnati, Detroit and New York were their own countries? Does that mean they can all stop paying federal taxes?
@Fair Economist: FFS, are you kidding? This counts as pushing against the normalizing of his asshole racism.
Patricia Kayden
Hmmm mmmm.
That’s how you clap back at the Orange Bigot.
@Ruckus: You nailed it. Reminds me of a comedian’s gag that Trump was like an angry baby with amnesia trying to solve a crime IT committed.
He’s not only tweeting ever more offensive stuff, he seems to be chasing records in sheer numbers of tweets. Admittedly most of them are retweets, but even so — he sent out 31 tweets yesterday, and another 31 so far today.
@Patricia Kayden: @Cheryl Rofer:
This comment in the thread Patricia K posted nails it, “Trump tweets this viciously when he’s panicking. Mueller testimony seems a bit far away to be worrying him this much. The other big story is Epstein. Perhaps the cops found the Trump tapes? Appealing to his base with ‘I might be a paedophile, but at least I’m a massive racist'”
Of course, no one on the Republican side (other than Justin Amash, who seems to have rediscovered his principles this month) is commenting. Like everything, they will hunker down and hope it blows over. Cowards.
Fair Economist
@Barbara: There’s nothing to normalize if it’s not reported. He’s posting on Twitter; pushback should also be on Twitter. Otherwise he should just be ignored as much as possible.
Again, news is supposed to inform people so they can make better decisions. Discussing some vile nonsense from Trump informs nobody. It’s not news.
Maybe Trump’s goal is to turn this country into such a nasty, ungenerous, mean-spirited and moronic place no one wants to move here.
Add in the massive unchecked corruption and self-dealing, the air and water he’s polluting and leaving dirtier than he found it, the infrastructure funding he was too lazy or incompetent to get, and how his low quality hires are gutting everything from education funding to food safety regulations to labor standards, and he might reach his goal.
Much less desirable place to live.
Fair Economist
On a side note, I think the pushback would be even more effective if it criticized him for being unAmerican. I’d say something like “Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib were elected by American citizens to maintain and improve our country. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to, according to the Constitution, and they are exactly where they are supposed to be – in Congress.”
The Dangerman
@Cheryl Rofer:
That’s my guess. I’ll guess further and say it’s something Epstein (that shitstorm seems to have really knocked him for a loop, although, really how can you tell?).
Eventually, it will get to be so bad that the only distraction will be Trump dropping his pants (a.k.a. when “something small is coming out”).
@Kay: Third-World status in under a decade. Pretty impressive.
I wonder what has him so rattled? Epstein, probably, right?
I just hope these new prosecutors aren’t as corrupt as the last set were. We’ll soon find out I suppose. At what point is corruption a systemic problem in a country, I wonder? Is there a tipping point? A point where people say “ah, well, they don’t really have a fully functioning legal system” How many Trumps would it take to get us there?
Right. His retweeting has gotten out of control. He’s gone back through his entire feed and is retweeting every single supportive tweet he’s received. A big bunch of nobodies. I don’t recall his having done this before.
@The Dangerman: I think it’s something to do with Epstein. Perhaps a tape? Or he thinks Epstein has a tape.
I think the falling out with Epstein is legit, though. I thought immediately it might have to do with Ivanka. Then read it somewhere this weekend that that’s a legit theory.
@PsiFighter37: Amash left the Republican Party on July 4th, this year. He’s apparently an independent now. So it’s back to no spines at all for the Repubs.
They are but that’s not the reason that they don’t comment or agree with us.
They agree with him.
I am a bit troubled by some of the responses this racist tweet has gotten from well meaning folks as a naturalized citizen and an immigrant. Would this tweet have been okay had all of those women been naturalized citizens? He is broadening his attack on immigrants by differentiating between naturalized citizens and those born here. We chose to become American. It is not an easy path for most naturalized citizens. What more do we need to do to prove our worthiness?
@Kay: What we do is not let the Republicans succeed.
Probably right. He doesn’t care if it’s a shithole, he has enough cash to live and move to places that are at least marginally better. Until he arrives of course.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: wow—in only two days, he has topped my lifetime tweet count by (checks math) 62 tweets.
I feel so inadequate. Like my life has no meaning.
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: Yes. I’m thinking about that party with him, Epstein, and 28 nubile beauties.
Cheryl Rofer
@The Dangerman: Oh, I can think of a distraction none of us ever want to see, and it’s worse than that.
Haven’t thought of that song in years.
@Ruckus: I would actually venture to guess that the business-minded Republicans are horrified but are cowardly enough to keep their mouths shut. The Neanderthals like Louie Gohmert have probably been told they have to keep their mouths shut, no matter how much they agree with Dear Leader.
TS (the original)
He attacks anyone he thinks may cause him grief any time any where. NEVER has their been a world leader who attacks their citizens in this manner – with the world watching on. I don’t think it’s dementia or alzheimers – I think it’s plain ignorant, dump, rude, stupid and moronic – even a pig (or any other animal) has more understanding of how a president* behaves.
If you had incredibly limited self control and had partied with Epstein, wouldn’t you assume there was a tape?
I’d say absolutely nothing. It’s not easy or quick to get to be a naturalized citizen. Lots of hoops to jump through and lots of time and effort required. Mom squirted me out, boom I’m a citizen because of where I landed. You landed here and had to establish a life, risk being sent away, actually pass a test. Me, all I had to do was live and grow up and I’d probably have wanted to do that anywhere, it’s natural, like breathing. Never led anyone give you shit about becoming naturalized, you worked for it, you earned it. Being born here? I had nothing to do with that and neither did anyone else born here. It’s a freak of law that a lot of countries don’t give out.
I’ll say it again. You earned your citizenship. You worked for it.
Jesus fucking Christ. Pulling out biographical details is pointless.
Trump knows exactly what he is doing. Shooting himself in the foot? He is dropping his trousers and his base is happily licking his ass.
AOC and company are not the right kind of citizens, whether born here or not. Just as, as far as Trump is concerned, the undocumented people he is rounding up are inherently unworthy of ever becoming citizens.
Trump loves to use words like “infested.” He is a coward, and may not be willing to go as far as he might like, but he is clearly thinking of extermination.
@Cheryl Rofer: I have to believe there is a tape. Epstein was all about record keeping and blackmail. Also, read that Epstein bragged about introducing Melania to Trump originally. Don’t know whether true or not.
Once again he did not write that.
“from which they came.” is way too grammatically correct. He would say “where they came from” putting that damn preposition at then end of the sentence.
He believes the sentiment. He just didn’t write it.
@TS (the original):
You are right.
Actually thinking that he has a health issue that causes him to be like this is giving him an excuse.
That’s not what I’m doing, I know that the evidence that he is a racist, depraved fuck go back decades. What I’m doing is explaining that his getting a lot worse and a lot more child like may not be his fault. Getting elected wasn’t his fault, running was. Being elected, that falls on the 70+ million people who voted for a racist fuck.
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: And that file – with names.
@Patricia Kayden: Yes, yes it is. Do you expect Navarro, Wilson, Kristol, etc to admit their political party has been a shitpile of racists, bigots, misogynists, imbeciles and tax-evading assholes who played the other groups for chumps for the past 40+ years?
Steve in the ATL
@PsiFighter37: they got their tax cut and that’s what’s important to them
@schrodingers_cat: had lunch with a high school friend last week who is a Republican but arguably a decent human being. He went on a totally unexpected rant about the importance of letting immigrants in. Maybe he’s not the only one….
It appears thatRover* has struck again. From TPM:
* I suppose he could have tried his glasses. But later episodes make it clear that The Village has been carefully engineered to ensure that its residents have no improvisable tools.
He is such a political nitwit. There is a growing rift between these four Democratic Reps and Pelosi. So instead of keeping his tiny fingers off the keyboard, he has to tweet out an insult, giving Pelosi a perfect opportunity to come to their defense and circle the wagons.
Care to place a wager on having to eat those words? :)
@JDM: so let’s assume there is a tape. It comes out. Obvious to the world that it is Trump with some underage girls. Who will turn on him? I guess I’m asking what is the final straw? We can all joke around about this, but I’m truly asking for this to be gamed out it. Would it change anything? And let’s present it another way… What if little boys? (and, I know it’s not that, but for sake of argument would that be the final straw?)
Sadly, no. Being white or from a country Trump approves of is part of his sick nativist routine.
We have been here before. Hopefully, we will move past this again. It’s unfortunate that too few people remember what their parents and grandparents went through. There are a lot of white ethnic Trump supporters whose relatives went through the same crap that Trump is trying to incite.
@HeleninEire: Get me Stephen Miller!
@HeleninEire: Good point, Stephen “I am a life sucking vampire” Miller perhaps?
@schrodingers_cat: This was inevitable. Remember the first Muslim Travel Ban where they did not bother to figure out if they were going to let legal green card holders back into the country? I keep telling all the “we support LEGAL immigration” numb nuts that clearly they do not. Citizens are getting held and deported by ICE. I have not seen these internet supporters of internet immigration agitating for the release of citizens.
I hope that AOC tweets back that Slovenia is pretty much a corrupt failed country, and Melania got here illegally. If he wants to deny it, then he can publicize her immigration records — which he promised to do, and has never done.
@Quinerly: Boys would but not girls because they had tiny boobs. They would simply say they looked older.
Besides that there is no final straw.
Why doesn’t he go back where he came from? Some gross pedophile golf club in Florida is an address he frequents. Go back there. We’ll send your stuff.
@JPL: @eclare: Exactly what I thought.
There ain’t no tape. This is a dead end, much like the supposed Whitey tape that was going to bring down the Obama administration.
And originally we were talking about a pee tape, allegedly showing a passive Trump watching Russian sex workers pee on a bed. Now new speculation has morphed into a fantasy of Trump having a romp with young women. Unfortunately, it’s not very likely, no matter how much some may want for it to be true.
hells littlest angel
So is it just ho-hum-no-news-here that the Big! Sunday! Raids! just didn’t happen?
@TS (the original):
We aren’t this pile of shit’s citizens or any person’s citizens. (Sorry, I’m in a mood.)
@Brachiator: At least Epstein did keep tapes though so not as far fetched. I agree in general with your statement though.
@Brachiator: lots of msm reporting that Epstein made tapes. Just saying… (I never thought there was a pee tape because the whole Trump and germs thing. Read the other day he’s got a guy who carries around hand sanitizer for him) I think something about Epstein has him rattled.
Gelfling 545
@debbie: He’s testifying on my birthday. How nice it would be to be surprised with a nice, damning testimony.
@schrodingers_cat: His working assumption is that all “dark” people however they became citizens are not really Americans — and this is indeed starkest when those who are singled out are not actually “from” anywhere else. Two of the three probanly have more generations of citizen forebears than Trump, or me for that matter, at least on one side.
Yep. Trump first stumbled when he said, “Pelosi is not a racist (but I am).” His latest rant is clearly meant to be a follow up, trying to push AOC and company into the Hated Other category.
This should be easy for Pelosi and the Democrats to slap down.
@Ruckus: Agreed. Not a damn thing. You chose to become an American @schrodingers_cat: Lots of us were born American just by the location of our births.
@Quinerly: His being a germophobe is bullshit. No truly whacko germophobe is going to raw dog porn stars. This is part of his persona that is as much a lie as he is a billionaire.
@HeleninEire: I thought the exact same thing when I read it, too. Far too erudite for der Trumpenführer to drool out.
Just a fun OT. Lynard Skynrd is doing a concert a block from my house at the old Forest Hills Tennis Stadium. I can hear the music from my house and all those concert goers made my local impossible to get in to.
So I am old but maybe not that old?? I’ve heard of Lynard Skynard. But if you offered me a million dollars to name one of their hits….I would still be poor.
But the good news is that I’m in my local and it’s grand.
The Epstein case has been going on for a long time. The original plea deal was back in 2008. Never any mention of tapes as part of the evidence against the guy. And he has had plenty of time to get rid of anything like a bunch of tapes.
We agree on it being unlikely that a germaphobe Trump would be a participant in the mythical Pee Pee Big Adventure.
@SWMBO: OK then. The sanitizer is for his hands after a rope line. Not for his his tiny dick. Thanks for clarifying. ?
* Waves lighter * !FREEBIRD!
Not even Free Bird?
But sounds like fun, especially if you can hear anything clearly.
@Barbara: @Brachiator: I have no expectations from the President, rank bigotry and xenophobia were his entire campaign message but when people ostensibly on the right side of the issue start saying that oh such such has n generations of American ancestors its kinda validating the President’s bigotry that naturalized citizens are not “real” citizens.
Millard Filmore
I am not in-the-know, but the speculation about tapes comes from the last few weeks. A raid on his properties is reported to have picked up some DVDs, labeled by participant. This is way after his previous conviction.
@mrmoshpotato: @Ruckus: Thanks! My question was a rhetorical one, asked in sheer exasperation.
Steve in the ATL
1. It’s spelled Lynyrd Skynyrd.
2. “Freebird”? “Sweet Home Alabama”?
3. You’re not missing much. They haven’t been good since Ronnie Van Zant died. And that was in 1977.
@Starfish: That has always been the canard. This administration has made everything difficult from getting a short term visa to becoming a citizen.
Sloane Ranger
@schrodingers_cat: This seems to be an Anglo-Saxon problem. I have a relative who recently told me that Sir Mo Farah, our Gold medallist Olympic long distance runner wasn’t really British. He is the same relative my father didn’t speak to for years after he found out said relative had supported a petition to stop an Asian family opening a shop in the village he lived in.
@Millard Filmore: lots of recent reporting about DVDs, other media labeled found in the recent raid. All ties to all the theories that Epstein made most of his $ thru blackmail. I’m certainly no expert on this. Just read a lot of stuff over the weekend. Epstein thought he was untouchable. Rules didn’t apply to him.
@Brachiator: Maybe. But even if I know the song doesn’t mean I know the band.
@Sloane RangerThere was a time not that long ago that even R office holders celebrated immigrants and their achievements. We only have to step back in time to W’s administration.
Chris T.
@karen marie: Reminds me of a famous Tony Hoare quote:
(from http://quotes.cat-v.org/programming/)
@Steve in the ATL@Steve in the ATL:
1. Thanks my fellow pedant.
2. YES. I know “Sweet Home Alabama.” Yay me. Also see me at #80.
3. LOL
@Cheryl Rofer: well this is what more folks are talking about instead of ICE raids or even the footage of the ICE facilities
At least Nikki Haley had the courage to tweet after Trump’s racist meltdown:
She might as well have tweeted “Fuck you, I’ve got mine”.
ETA She’s learning from Trump. Two foreign guys playing a tennis match in another country, and Haley has to make the tweet about herself.
Another Scott
@Steve in the ATL: 4. “Saturday Night Special”
5. “That Smell”
Yeah, the plane crash and loss of van Zant was a gut punch for the band.
@lamh36: yep. This story of a 15 year old who came here as a baby getting picked up in Houston and shuffled around to Florida has gotten very little coverage.
Cheryl Rofer
@lamh36: I am not seeing much about the ICE raids, and I should be seeing something on my Twitter feed if anything is happening. I follow a lot of human rights folk and such.
My guess is that they won’t amount to much because Bigmouth has blabbed so much. However, he will declare them an enormous success, even if they only pick up three people.
Alternatively, they will happen a week or so from now, unannounced, when people are letting their guard down.
Can’t remember now where I saw that, but I read it too.
The thing about Purell, though, is — so I understand — at some point it’s just not a very good defence against germs. Overuse of hand sanitizers, as with antibiotics, essentially guarantees their eventual ineffectiveness (low effectiveness, anyhow). Diminishing returns.
@Steve in the ATL: Actually anti-immigration positions of Rs are quite unpopular even among a fair number of people who are Rs if opinion polls are to be believed. But the anti-immigrant folks are far more outspoken. Its like the gun issue.
@SiubhanDuinne: you probably read it on my Book of Faces page. ?
Quick note that there’s a NYC meet-up post further down on the front page. Appreciate it if you’re contemplating being there to leave a comment there, just to get an estimate of head count.
Muchísimas gracias.
I don’t know how likely any of this might be. The money or the blackmail. One commenter earlier posted an interesting bit from one of Epstein’s neighbors who was involved in high finance but who could not find much evidence that Epstein had executed many transactions with any securities firms. Might he be another Madoff playing with money he got from rich suckers?
It would really be interesting to get to the bottom of this guy’s activities, wherever it leads.
Sloane Ranger
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, but how popular was that position with Repub voters? Trump’s easy win over established Republican politicians suggests not very.
Canard à l’Orange.
Besides his deep racism, seems like there’s desperation to move attention past the Epstein news. To leave media outlets as little time as possible to follow new stories about Trump’s participation in the world that provides women or children and drugs as a commodity to draw in business deals and investors. If more stories come out, it will be worse for Pence too. What if evangelicals desert, or (small chance) new information puts too much pressure on Pence and other Rs. In earlier stories about his use of models, or him and Epstein, the flimsy excuses went out to reporters very fast, offered by his worst people.
@Brachiator: I can’t help but think something got lost along the way – that “Pee Tape” was in fact “P(edophile) Tape”. At least I wouldn’t be shocked if that were the case.
@Cheryl Rofer:
It stinks that this fool Trump is forcing people to have to live their lives with constant fear and uncertainty.
It also stinks that Trump is trying to inculcate callous hatred in so many Americans. It’s good to see people pushing back.
Nope, actually not — although imagine you and I read the same original article ?
I have the same fears. Honestly, ICE will go after us naturalized citizens as much as any “illegal”. It’s more of “what can they make stick” than anything else. I’m staying off the streets today because I’m not interested in being caught up in their raids, but we are all vulnerable.
Steve in the ATL
@Another Scott: as Neil Young said about Ronnie, “he was no ordinary redneck!” Sadly, the survivors were ordinary rednecks.
@Sloane Ranger: Comprehensive reform passed through the Senate with 15 R votes in 2007.
Steve in the ATL
@schrodingers_cat: perhaps, but what is the correlation between what they tell the pollster they like and how they actually vote?
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: I’ll be in scottsboro, Alabama that day. Can you change the venue?
@Steve in the ATL: I think many pro immigration folks don’t decide who to vote for on that issue alone but the antis do.
@Sloane Ranger:
Damn, your father is hardcore.
@Steve in the ATL
Sorry, union rules.
TS (the original)
Well you are seen to be the citizens of the US & he is your president* – but no need to be sorry – he generates that mood among sane people every time he opens his mouth.
Good Charles Blow piece.
“Trump — and many of his supporters and defenders — spew their racism and tell themselves that it is perfectly acceptable when it is read back to them, in much the same way that a dog will eat its own vomit.”
The agents who searched the house in Manhattan explicitly said there were dozens of tapes that would be classified as child porn. Whether Trump is a star of any them is up in he air, but the fact that Epstein had tapes of disgusting acts with minors is pretty well established.
@Quinerly: Do you think if there are tapes of Trump that the people who find them will conceal them??
It’s pretty apparent that Trump is going full-bore White Supremacist in 2020, the disgusting tower of dog vomit that he is…
If the Democrats can’t pound this racist rapist into the ground between now and next November, they deserve to be a permanent minority party!
@Ladyraxterinok: I have my concerns that if Epstein has something on Trump that Barr will shut it down. So incredibly weird Barr’s father’s connection to Epstein. Glad to see that has made it into the news. Did you see the NYT piece on that yesterday?
Not buying the germaphobe thing. Impossible to grab pussy without getting a little germy.
I believe after reading Trump’s racist tweet, Hillary’s had just about enough of all this:
Citizen Alan
Now that you mention it, I suppose it is completely in keeping with Fat Bastard’s fundamental character to pretend to be a germaphobe because it’s a condition associated with famous rich person Howard Hughes.
Half right.
(Over 100 comments and I’m the first? Must be too easy.)
J R in WV
Sweet Home Alabama… I think. Not a fan.
I saw Lynard Skynard as the opener act for ZZ Top a few years ago, well, 2011, so longer ago than that. ZZ Top was really good, as I expected. Lynard Skynard sucked so bad I have no words.
Confederate treason flags all over the act, a terrible sound system that hurt my ears, and I’ve heard a lot of loud live acts, used a lot of loud power tools, shot a lot of loud guns. I had ear plugs which i used for Lynard Skynard, but which were not needed for ZZ Top, which were loud, Rock n Roll after all, but had a quality sound system that didn’t need to be overdriven.
Most recently saw Gov’t Mule, which was also really loud, but high quality, so ear plugs not really needed. OH, yeah, Bob Weir at Beacon Theater, loud, but ear plugs not needed. Great sound. Lynard Skynard, not so much. Not surprised you can hear them a block away. Sad, tho.
Chyron HR
Hi, Bernie, don’t you have a campaign to run (into the ground)?
Amir Khalid
@Gelfling 545:
I am disappointed about that, because he was originally supposed to testify on my birthday.
@germy: I was looking for you to pipe in. ?
Amir Khalid
Southern redneck pride anthem Sweet Home Alabama is probably their most iconic song. But the one for which Lynyrd Skynyrd fans raise their lighters is Freebird.I also remember hearing on the radio, during my long-ago teens, Saturday Night Special and Gimme Back My Bullets, which seem to reflect contradictory atttudes about guns..
@Zinsky: Like Chyron says, if Trump wins that says a lot more about Republicans than Democrats.
If the media won’t cover it or the Republican voters just don’t care about (or they approve!) of racism, that’s on THEM, not the Dems.
@HeleninEire: In your honor, I light my Bic and shout FREE BIRD!
Steve in the ATL
@Amir Khalid: yeah, most people seem to miss the irony in Sweet Home Alabama. It’s not a pro-redneck song, much like “Born in the USA” is not a celebration of how wonderful life in the USA is.
Of course not, and as long they do the right thing for the next 16 months I don’t give a shit. Save the recriminations. Eye on the mother-fucking ball.
I hate that fucking song with the heat of a thousand suns. But not as much as I hate “Sweet Home Alabama.” Fuck Alabama. Fuck the Bible Belt. Fuck the whole fucking bunch of them.
Bigmouth? More like, shithole.
@schrodingers_cat: of course he is racist. I guess we all accept that as a given. You are a citizen. All people are worthy of respect unless their own actions make them unworthy. I have always been proud of America’s tradition of welcoming immigrants. Trump and those who support him hurt my pride.
The thing is, I don’t know how to resist correcting factual logical upside down stupidity. Trump blurts these fact free goofyness and never shows that he notices what a moron he reveals. So every time he does this, some percentage of our population can’t help pointing out the mistake. All the other parts of our lives, facts matter.we are taught from kindergarten to fix errors. Trump comes along, and it’s like we fell down a rabbit hole into nonsense. People keep reacting in a normal way about the facts.
I don’t actually want to change. I like facts mattering. Makes me pretty useless against Trump in a way.
Aside from moral outrage, I hate Trump because it’s like he is trying to give me involuntary hallucinogens.
@Mandalay: She intends to keep the bargain she has made with the devil.
@debbie: Sounds like someone is in panic mode.
@debbie: The only reply to every Trump tweet should be, “Shut the fuck up, you asshole.”
@schrodingers_cat: No, I don’t think so. I think it is sometimes worth reminding white people that African Americans and many Latinos actually preceded most European migration, because it clarifies that that people like Trump are using race and color as a proxy for being American.
@Steve in the ATL: Dude, the less you Tweet, the more meaningful your life is.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I never really did understand his announcing the “raids” days in advance. I means, raids by definition are supposed to be surprises, yes? (“NOOObody expects….”).
Who trumpets a pogrom ahead of time?? That’s just stupid and counterproductive.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: NPR’s Twitter thing (as cited by
LOLGOPyou) says that the ICE raids were a big bust.I thought it was just mouth noises way back on June 22. But of course, ICE will keep doing what they’re going until Congress and the Courts put a stop to it.
And we vote all the monsters out of office.
Mike in NC
Folks, the faux ICE raids today were just more improvised bullshit from the imbecile who treats every day like another episode of his new reality TV show. It’s all part of his warped showbiz persona.
I figured it was rhetorical but it still needed to be said. You worked for it, you moved some distance to be able to earn it and it’s possible that going home is impossible. Or undesirable. Me I always figured that home is where I make it and that depends on if I’m allowed to. I’ve looked into moving to other countries, many of them are wonderful places to live. I wanted to move to NZ but one had to have lived and worked there for a year before turning 54 and I was already….. 54. And so it went with many of the countries. I like the US but it’s backwards in so many things, public transportation for one. That’s changing but it is at least a couple of decades behind.
karen marie
@Barbara: Crazy, innit?
@debbie: It’s all a part of the Big Lie that is Donald Trump. I am a successful businessman. I am a billionaire. I am a germaphobe. If she weren’t my daughter, I’d be dating her. None of this is really true. It’s all a part of the ringmaster’s con.