On Thursday, two of the Democratic frontrunners went to South Carolina — not ‘First in the Nation’, but the first primary state where voters aren’t disproportionatly white. The NYTimes chose to highlight the Dems in disarray!!! angle, and to focus on Joe Biden. But IMO what’s important about the separate incidents is how the candidates handled them.
Elizabeth Warren’s event:
Pressley: “When you are born into an inequitable world, you are born immediately into struggle.”
She and Warren campaigned together here for Stacey Abrams last year. pic.twitter.com/XU6Br3KJ2d— Greg Krieg (@GregJKrieg) November 21, 2019
… Ms. Warren was in the opening minutes of her speech, a major address on racial inequities, when she was disrupted. In an interview, an organizer of the protest, Dianechia Fields, 40, who is from Memphis, criticized Ms. Warren for pledging to cut funding for charter schools. Ms. Warren’s education plan calls for ending federal funding for opening new charter schools and banning for-profit charters.
Ms. Warren eventually received some assistance from Representative Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts, who had introduced her at the event. Ms. Pressley came back onstage and urged the protesters to let Ms. Warren proceed with her speech, which highlighted the story of black washerwomen who went on strike in Atlanta in 1881.
“We are grateful for your activism and your voice and you are welcome here, and we would love to convene after this about the issue that you are here to stoke our consciousness about,” Ms. Pressley said. “But when these women have been ignored this long, this is their moment, and we are going to hear the story.”…
A group funded by some of the richest people in the world, the Waltons, just disrupted an @ewarren speech on the 1881 Atlanta washerwomen strike. Can’t make this stuff up. https://t.co/1x6brZv9tt
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) November 22, 2019
The organization is 100% funded by the Walton Foundation. Carpenter had claimed to reporters the group started organically a few weeks ago in response to Warren’s charter plan. pic.twitter.com/9jEswc43mj
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) November 22, 2019
Meanwhile, Warren’s speech synthesizes a lot of the issues she’s discussed with black audiences: "Repeal the 1994 Crime Bill. Legalize marijuana. Undo the legacy of the War on Drugs. End cash bail and every law that criminalizes poverty."
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) November 22, 2019
"The rich and powerful want us to be afraid of each other. Why? Because they’re afraid of us. Afraid of our numbers. Afraid of seeing us stand together. Afraid that we will take up each other’s fights as our own. Afraid that they will lose their power." (3/3)
— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) November 22, 2019
Warren’s speech is so good that even the former protestors are clapping. That’s important. #AtlantaWithWarren
— blackness everdeen ?? (@traceyecorder) November 22, 2019
That’s what I wanna see out of a candidate. At her @ClarkUniversity speech @ewarren got protested by a group of black charter school supporters who shouted her down. How did she react – she waited, listened, respected their protest & didn’t have anybody thrown out or arrested. pic.twitter.com/iytvyNn4pI
— Rep. Renitta Shannon (@RenittaShannon) November 22, 2019
Warren tells me she met with them after the rally and had a nice conversation
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) November 22, 2019
I’m here to make a commitment: When I am president of the United States, the lessons of Black history will not be lost. Those lessons, they will live in every part of my presidency—and I will ask you to hold me accountable for that promise every single day. pic.twitter.com/kIhG74rLCU
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) November 21, 2019
Same state, different world:
A big welcome for @JoeBiden, who greets this Greenwood crowd wearing a @follow_lander ball cap. pic.twitter.com/8Jsxb2qUv1
— Meg Kinnard (@MegKinnardAP) November 22, 2019
Joe Biden was just asked in Greenwood, S.C., about his immigration plan. He said Dreamers are “American more than most Americans are.” Other undocumented immigrants should have a path to citizenship, he said, if they “learn the language, etc., you go through the same process.” pic.twitter.com/SvPZsbqttN
— Eric Bradner (@ericbradner) November 22, 2019
“You should vote for Trump,” Joe Biden tells @CosechaMovement protester Carlos Rojas at tonight’s town hall in Greenwood, S.C.
Rojas and other protesters from the group were criticizing Obama-era deportations and asked Biden to say he’d end all deportations — which he rejected. pic.twitter.com/od188WIlrQ
— Eric Bradner (@ericbradner) November 22, 2019
… For more than six minutes in a palpably tense gym here during a town hall-style event at Lander University, Mr. Biden sparred with the activist, Carlos Rojas, an organizer with the immigrants’ rights group Movimiento Cosecha. The organization is urging presidential candidates to back a moratorium on deportations on their first day in office and has protested Mr. Biden before.
“You should vote for Trump,” Mr. Biden admonished Mr. Rojas during one of the most heated moments, after Mr. Rojas rattled off deportation figures under the Obama administration amid scattered cries of “give him the mic!”…
“If you were to be president, will you stop deportations on Day 1 through executive action?” Mr. Rojas asked.
“No,” Mr. Biden responded. “I will not stop all deportations. I will prioritize deportations only of people who have committed a felony or a serious crime, number one.”
He walked over to stand near Mr. Rojas and Silvia.
“Number two,” he continued, “to compare President Obama to this guy is outrageous.”
Mr. Biden went on to defend the Obama administration’s record on immigration, and said he would not discuss any areas of internal disagreement with Mr. Obama. And he repeatedly said he would not back a total moratorium on deportations, even as his remarks were punctuated several times by protesters who shouted, “Not one more deportation.” After Mr. Biden promised that there would not be family separations under his administration, someone shouted, “That’s a lie!”
“No matter what happens, someone commits murder, they shouldn’t be deported,” Mr. Biden said, characterizing the protesters’ position with an edge in his voice. By then, Mr. Rojas had left his seat and was standing next to Mr. Biden in the center of the room. “No, I’m asking you a question,” Mr. Biden added.
The exchange finally ended as the protesters left the room and the rest of the audience applauded Mr. Biden…
The clashes upended what had been an otherwise friendly town hall — but some voters afterward commended Mr. Biden’s stewardship of the incident.
Dan Healy, 70, said that he liked that Mr. Biden “said he wouldn’t stop deportations for criminals.”
“Yeah, he didn’t back down,” Mr. Healy’s wife, Lora Healy, 72, said…
A pretty intense moment as the protestor approached the former vice president. Biden discouraged aides from removing him, and attempted to engage him, but to no avail. Unsatisfied with Biden's response, the chants began again, and he walked away. pic.twitter.com/z6pzGdCxp7
— Meg Kinnard (@MegKinnardAP) November 22, 2019
Difficult night for Biden. After climate protesters were escorted out, a woman asked him to “please don’t take money from corporations.” His response: “You listen to Bernie too much.”
— Cleve R. Wootson Jr. (@CleveWootson) November 22, 2019
Here’s the second outburst, where several people shouted out that @JoeBiden accepts donations from corporations. He said he doesn’t. pic.twitter.com/cPfxSeej5s
— Meg Kinnard (@MegKinnardAP) November 22, 2019
The rules are changing. One of the things that impressed me about candidate Barack Obama, back in 2008, is that he’d learned valuable lessons from his time as a professional community organizer. It’s a much harder job than the scornful pundits’ conventional wisdom would have you believe, and part of the difficulty is that you can’t succeed unless / until you get ‘buy in’, however grudging, from a working majority of your coalition. Which means spending a lot of time dealing with tiresome cranks, one-issue fanatics, dedicated opponents determined to shout you down, and confused individuals who just wanna get the potholes on their particular street repaired. Mostly it’s enduring hours of boredom, but the kind of boredom where you can’t afford to lose focus, because while everybody must have their say, you can’t let the shouters intimidate the meek, or the ‘unwinnable’ derail the conversation.
Biden came up in Old School Original Gangster politics, where a guy made his bones by shouting down hecklers or encouraging his fans to do it for him. Every now and then, the OG would climb down into the pit to perform a primate dominance ritual, massaging a protestor into silence if they couldn’t be persuaded by a firm grip and a show of white teeth. This method… doesn’t work as well, a least for Democrats, in 2019.
Warren — and Pressley — only got into politics as the rules were changing. (And that’s been an advantage for them, because primate dominance never worked well for women.) They know they need to persuade the hecklers that their concerns are being taken seriously… while not letting any individual or subgroup derail the event, and without discouraging or frightening the rest of the audience.
The NYTimes, and the rest of the Media Village Idiots, still prefer the Stand-Up Performance they’ve gotten so expert at reporting, but this is just one more indication that the future is passing the NYTimes by. Big Swinging Dick arena performances still (seem to) work for Trump, and the (shrinking) Republican voter pool, but the Democratic candidates drawing enthusiastic attention right now seem to be those who hustle to ‘make connections’ with potential voters on a much more intimate scale. It’s not manly, it doesn’t make for a good ‘horse race’ lede, but I think our politics will be better for the evolution.
Chyron HR
“We came from all over the country in professionally-printed T-shirts for our grassroots protest!”
Correct. South Carolina was first out of the nation.
Toxic masculinity in all its forms must die. Everyone will be better off for it.
Look at the immature, mindless, spoiled-brat of Kavanaugh. We’re told we get John Wayne. That’s not at all what we get.
Patricia Kayden
Instead of ganging up on her over the Constitutionality of the wealth tax, or whether it would cause big dollar donors to sit out the cycle … People should note that it’s gotten a bunch of billionaires to be starting their interviews by saying “I’m all in favor of increasing my income tax rate”.
Good for Dems to stop negotiating themselves down before ever reaching the table … after all, it did so much good for Obama’s ability to get bipartisan support for his legislative agenda, didn’t it?
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Fucking Bernie voted for Dump’s racist wall. Why aren’t they protesting him.
Fucking Bernie is in the pocket of the corporate gun manufactures. Why aren’t they protesting him.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Anne Laurie:
Warren’s event was at Clark Atlanta University, not in South Carolina. Also, the first link in your Warren snippet goes to a Biden article. “Ms. Warren was in the opening minutes . . .”
Thanks for clearing that up. Was confused about the intimation of an event to support Abrams’ election for governor of Georgia having been held in SC.
Steeplejack (phone)
Apropos of nothing, Clark has a great jazz/urban contemporary radio station, WCLK. The late night jazz shows are great, which would be early evening for you.
Dorothy A. Winsor
We’re crossing the Atlantic for today and the following three days. I wasn’t sure how warm it would be at sea, but it was already in the 70s at 9am. We’ve met a couple from CA who watch the hearings avidly and want to talk about them. We knew they were safe to approach because the guy wore an anti-Trump T-shirt.
Also, I’m on Mr DAW’s laptop and my info is sticking tight.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Roughly what latitude are you crossing at? I mean, Dakar to ?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Steeplejack (phone): We’re slanting a little SW and will eventually dock in Recife, Brazil.
One of the tours yesterday in Dakar went to Goree Island, just off the coast. That’s the island from which slaves were shipped to the New World. You may have seen pictures of Obama, Bush, and Clinton visiting there. We didn’t go, but just looking out the window at it was appalling. It was like looking at a Nazi concentration camp
We’re told we get John Wayne. That’s not at all what we get.
IMHO, I think it might just be.
That toxic masculinity that he played, the concept that the tough man was in charge, was superior, had to be allowed to do whatever he wanted, that was most of the characters he played. Only in his later films did that concept have the rough edges somewhat sanded down. The whole concept of the western was masculinity was far superior and violence was quite acceptable. For some reason I’m reminded of a jr high coach, a real asshole, I saw him pick up 7th grade boys standing next to me by the throat so he didn’t have to bend over, he could be a dick to them standing up. It’s better today, not much but better. Still needs improvement. A lot of it.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
By my count, at most, she’ll have 4 delegates (from Hawaii caucus)
Hecklers at a rally? Warren has a plan for that. It’s a major reason she remains my top candidate. She and Harris also seem to be the only ones who fully grasp what an existential threat to the long-term survival of human civilisation the Republican Party and especially this administration* are, which is why there’s such a long gap after Harris (my second choice) in my candidate ranking that I rarely even bother listing my third choice (and honestly, I’m not sure who my third choice would be, and since Warren is likely to remain in the primary until the end, it’s not even really that important.)
The GOP must be burned to the ground, the fields salted, a stake driven through its heart, shot with a silver bullet, and surrounded by garlic and holy water for good measure. My candidate ranking largely depends on candidates recognising this. It’s also why I close every comment I make (barring the ones where I just forget) with the repurposed Cato quote (“Furthermore, I opine that the Republican Party must be destroyed”, for those whose education in Roman history didn’t cover the destruction of Carthage). The survival of humanity (and millions of other species at a minimum) depends upon the Republican Party’s destruction.
Ceterum censeo factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch: Stop asking people to objectively look at Vermont Jesus, you corporate hussy!
@(((CassandraLeo))): Can we also kick the GOP in the nards for good measure?
Which some Sandernista (mis)characterized thus:
I see nothing wrong with the way Biden handled it. He handled it in the way that best suits him. If it had been me I’d have just had them tossed. Not arrested, but tossed They have the right to protest. They do not have the right to hijack my event.
A different perspective:
@David Booooooo Koch
The D party in Hawaii has moved away from caucuses and to a ranked choice primary procedure. Gabbard is guaranteed exactly one of the 33* delegates Hawaii will send to the national convention – that being herself (both Senators and both Representatives are automatically sent as delegates**).
*Wikipedia incorrectly lists the number as 31.
**IIRC as so-called superdelegates, who under convention rules now in effect do not vote on the first ballot at the convention unless the nomination is uncontested.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@Steeplejack: as opposed to Wilmer who freaked out when confronted by BLM
For clarification, the Congresspersons sent as delegates are nominally sent as unpledged, but it is hardly a leap to see her casting a vote for herself should voting extend beyond a first ballot.
@NotMax: Are you thinking Tusli vs Wilmer shouting match over who the DNC was rigged against?
I didn’t see it, but that’s my reaction from this post too.
I think Biden handled himself just fine here. Giving in on not deporting criminals would have given the Republicans sound bite ads and lost a few potential voters. Giving in and saying he disagreed with things Obama did, would have hurt him with black Americans….and a fair number of other Democrats too.
i think they both did fine.
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch:
We owe Hillary yet another debt of gratitude for calling her out.
Cage fight! Cage fight! Cage fight! Cage fight!
Bobby Thomson
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch: Hawaii Democrats hate her most of all.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
This is what Parks and Rec (the TV show) got so brilliantly right about local government public meetings. I half suspect the writers just sat in the back of city government public forums running a tape recorder and then just transcribed what they got on tape, with minor modifications, for the script.
Woo. Buffeting winds, big boomies and rain outside. We need that last. Whole cottage shaking in the gusts.
Bobby Thomson
There is karmic justice in Gabbard moving on to going after Mayo Pete.
@Bobby Thomson
Two thumbs and both pinkies up.
@Gvg: Biden lost the election when he said weed is a gateway drug.I can’t forgive him for the RAVE Act, A Republican in thought and deed.
Deporting criminals is a no brainer. Take their protests to MoscowMitch or any other Republican, who has been SILENT on the attacks on immigrants. Folks peeped out who sent the protesters to Warren’s event? I want to know who sent the protesters to Biden’s. Because, anyone demanding that Biden stop deporting phucking CRIMINALS, when the scope of the attack on immigrants by THIS Administration is so VAST, they aren’t serious. They gotta be PAID.???
Chyron HR
Betty Cracker
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: I was just thinking about the Parks & Rec depiction of local government meetings the other day. I live in the Confederate backwater that recently became a global laughingstock because a few Great Value-brand Trump knockoffs on the county commission overruled the library director’s decision to make a digital subscription to the NYT available to cardholders instead of just the print version that has long been available at local libraries.
Never mind that a digital subscription would have saved money in the long run while greatly increasing access — the ignorant blowhards nixed the plan because “fake news!” The subsequent local government meetings resembled a Parks & Rec parody in every detail.
We had Fox-addled nitwits shambling forth to demand that the library subscribe to Breitbart (it’s free) for “balance.” Some of us who are pro-NYT (the irony!) were denounced as carpetbagging elitists by transplanted Midwestern retirees — despite our families squatting in this benighted swamp for nearly two centuries.
I’ve rarely seen more concentrated stupidity and braying ignorance in one spot, and having lived in Florida all my life, by God, that’s saying something.
@Betty Cracker:
HA! Starting my day with a laugh, thankyou Betty.
@Balconesfault: That’s a good point. It really is good negotiating.
Billionaires: “Don’t take from my pile o’ loot – but yeah, we can talk about slowing the rate that I am adding to it.”
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch:
I don’t understand what it is she thinks she has to offer the country. And also how, after all these months, has she not figure out no one likes her?
@(((CassandraLeo))): The GOP must be burned to the ground…
And it should. It represents exactly ZERO majority positions at this point, but (as you noted) it does represent a lot of positions that are getting people killed.
Btw folks Catherine Rampell has a nice big-picture take of the last Dem debate up in today’s Post. Generally speaking, the Dems are not that far apart on policy and they clearly represent the majority in this country – in some cases, the vast majority (as with universal background checks, action on climate change, etc)
No amount of Walton-printed t-shirts can change that!
I was thinking more of a steel-cage match.
@Betty Cracker: Have they considered Daily Stormer for “balance?”
(Do I have to add sarcasm slashes?)
@Betty Cracker:
Your/their quads must be as big as Earl Campbell’s. Damn!
@SFAW: You and OH. I’m content with a soundproof room. Let ’em yell about the meanie DNC to their hearts’ content at each other.
I thought you were serious. Mainly because I’ve never seen anything remotely sarcastic coming from you. Never. Ever. Not ever.
ETA: Well, hardly e-VER!
@Betty Cracker:
You should have pushed for the Washington Post as a compromise.
@SFAW: ? Your reading comprehension…
If there was an emoji there, it’s showing up as a square box.
@SFAW: Yes – surprised face
Obama, initially, ran a very strict immigration policy. His goal was to prove to hesitant Republicans that all immigration laws could be complied with, therefore they should be on board with reform.
Obama had record high deportation numbers, until he realized Republicans were never going to agree to reform.
Immigration activists protested Obama’s strict immigration policy, but they never got much attention
Don’t think anyone put those immigration protestors up bringing up Obama’s immigration policy with Biden.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Apropos of your comment
I highly recommend that every movie buff go see JoJo Rabbit. It’s amazing in too many ways to recount. You will not be disappointed.
For Watergirl:
Nym and email are sticking fine on Android running Chrome.
@Betty Cracker:
Tell it, girl.
I see @SFAW: got there firstest and bestest. Many laughs this morning thanks to you, Ms C.
@Betty Cracker: Ooh, I didn’t realize you were right in the middle of that dumbassery. I don’t know if you take requests, but I think that calls for the full Betty Cracker post treatment. If’n you’re not too busy or anything.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: The same morons would have the same objections to The Post. My position is that the county employs a professional to make those decisions, so they should let him do his job.
@Citizen_X: Maybe I’ll do a cartoon about it someday. Been meaning to do more cartoons!
This may have been covered elsewhere in this joint, but apparently the senior traitor from SC (i.e., Graham) sent a letter to the Traitor Pompeo, seeking materials related to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s interactions with Ukrainian officials.
As I said over at Josh’s site: I look forward to the day that Graham is convicted of Treason
ETA: Which raises an interesting thought: does Graham doing this amount to giving “aid and comfort to the Enemy,” i.e., Donald J. Trump? Because it could be argued that Trump is an Enemy of the Constitutional order/government of the United States.
@mrmoshpotato: you know, on the new site, we now have the option of developing a new convention of, say, sarcasm pink.
Kind of an interesting backstory here. Not really “backstory” but there’s a history between Warren and the Walton-funded charter groups.
The Walton-funded charter groups have a “news” site (The 74) and the allegation was they targeted Warren for attacks. One of the board members of the “news” site is Campbell Brown- she’s the former cable tv news person who is a Right winger.
Campbell Brown is also the director of Facebook’s “news” division, which, you know, may explain why Facebook is a Right wing media organization.
This is Brown defending her dual roles at The 74 and Facebook:
The Waltons would go after Warren no matter the issue, but this is the issue they chose to attack her on.
But then the RWMFs couldn’t read the comments, because “I don’t see color.”
@Searcher: Haha, sarcasm pink.
@Steeplejack: If I recall correctly, Sanders didn’t handle the BLM protesters all that effectively at his own campaign related events.
@SFAW: They weren’t going to catch the sarcasm anyway.
The Lodger
@Ruckus: It’s nice to see another commenter has ol’ Marion’s number. I don’t know how easy it is, though, to distinguish toxic masculinity from sheer phoniness, Being John Wayne, especially younger John Wayne, was always an act.