Is this a good time for a site update?
Those of you who aren’t sick in bed (or rocking in the corner because of current events) may have noticed the site behaving a bit better than it had been.
We made some programming changes on Friday, and the issue isn’t entirely resolved, but we’ve gone 36 hours without the 502/524 issue occurring, so that’s encouraging.
In addition to the programming changes made at the end of last week, we asked the front pagers to only log in to WordPress when they were creating or editing their posts. What was the reason for that? It’s because there are things that WordPress does in the background when someone is logged in, and they were contributing to the problem – even if the person has walked away from their computer or has left for the day.
Anyway.. that was Phase 1, and the purpose was to provide a baseline to evaluate the programming changes that were made. Phase 1 ended a few minutes ago.
Phase 2 starts right now, where it’s actually helpful if front pagers stay logged in! That way we can evaluate the impact that 15 people being logged in to WordPress has on the 502/524 issue.
So it’s quite possible that we could see an increase in the frequency of the 502/524 error. Or we might not! What’s important for you to know is that it is not necessarily a bad thing if that happens. Yes, it will be an inconvenience for that 20 minutes.
But either way – whether the frequency increases or it doesn’t – that will tell us a lot about whether login habits have an impact on the 502/524 error, now that some programming changes have been made.
It’s also true that posting was extremely light this weekend, and traffic probably won’t get back to normal until everyone is back to their regular schedule after New Years, so that’s another variable. But that’s not one we can control.
I simply cannot imagine that people would actually read and comment at Ballon Juice while at work, but there are actually people who believe that is true! Really, they do!
Speak up in the comments if you don’t care to hear about details like this and would prefer more general updates in the future. And speak up if you do like to know. As always, we aim to please!
Adding a flower, because it looks so happy, and it’s a very gloomy weather day here.
Plus, it’s one more way for you guys to learn about what images show up where.
My tree is the “featured image” and, well, you can see for yourself that this flower is visible in the post.
zhena gogolia
Thanks for all your work! I don’t think I’ve had any problems commenting in the last couple of days. (Whether that’s good or bad for everyone else is up for discussion.)
Mary G
This guy is garbage:
Major Major Major Major
Logging in now!
Omnes Omnibus
FWIW if any of you still think my ‘nym has anything to do with public transport, I quoted the origin story in one of the break the blog threads last night.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Oh, vomit.
Just for the record, I have seen a a 502 or 524 error this past wkend, tho I don’t think I saw one today. I can’t give you any details because to be quite honest, I just thought it was another day ending in y. I will pay attention going forward. Thanx for all you do.
@Omnes Omnibus: But those threads are all gone! Have we lost our chance to know your story?
To the best of my knowledge, the last 502/524 error was somewhere around 4am on Sunday.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: You deleted them. :p
@Omnes Omnibus: I did! But if you spent a long time writing it up and you know if you were in thread 1, 2 or 3, I could undelete it, copy the info, and delete again.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: It is a long quotation from an old novel.
ETA: If people actually care, I can edit it down and share when I get home.
I like reading your details. It’s like reading Mayhew Anderson. Mostly I don’t understand, but sometimes I do, and then I learn, often a lot.
So seriously, guys, do you like knowing what’s gong on, or not so much? I am an information share-er, and John is more of the “the more you tell people, the more they will bitch” persuasion. So help me out here and weigh in, if you have an opinion.
edit: thank you, sab.
@WaterGirl: See #12 above.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m interested. Does that mean you are one of the mythical “commenting from work” people?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: More info is better than less as a general rule. IMO.
@sab: You were writing this while I was editing #13!
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I am on my phone. And I am not mythical.
Ideal opportunity to bitch about that stance.
I like the detail.
Thanks for everything you do to get and keep things rolling smoothly. And thanks for the beautiful peony photos a couple of days ago!
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: I appreciate your threads on what’s happening in the background. It’s a behind the curtains look at what it takes to optimize a big web site. But more importantly it’s another illustration that there are amazing people who are willing to volunteer to help a community when that community has sky-high expectations and strong opinions and really, really doesn’t like being disappointed.
You’re one in a million.
Thanks, WG.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
I like to call that “pointy-haired manager talk”. One hates to pay tribute to a glibertarian like Scott Adams, but that’s what it sounds like to me.
@Mary G: Bloomberg ran City Hall the same way.
Open plan offices are the norm in the finance industry, originally out of necessity (you need to be in constant communication with everyone else on the trading floor). Some people have gotten it into their heads that this is therefore the most productive way for anyone to work, no matter their job, and wanting privacy is just a sign of low testosterone or something.
Amir Khalid
And what is the raison d’etre of Balloon Juice anyway, if not to be a place for bitching about things?
@Amir Khalid: Adams isn’t a glibertarian, he’s a full-on Nazi.
@Omnes Omnibus: All those threads were in Latin, German or Dutch.
I was going to guess which language, but I thought we were doing computer bug stuff, beyond me, so I was quiet ( offline) all night.
@Omnes Omnibus: That would be interesting! The translation isn’t helpful and this song always starts in my head when I see your nym. Probably not helpful either.
For those of us who created new nyms for your testing threads, are those nyms still valid (approved)?
@WaterGirl: Thank you! Please keep doing what you’re doing, more info is good.
@NotMax: Yes, they are.
@Another Scott: Wow, Scott, I hardly know what to say.
Thank you.
I find these updates interesting
Laura Too
@sab: Agreed 100% Not too technically able, but it is always interesting. And fun to read the comments, because I know there will always be comments. :) Thanks Watergirl for all you do!!
Laura Too
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m interested, I must have missed the late night…but then, I’m in bed by 9 and usually only get to catch up a few times a day.
Watergirl, I noticed that a few commenters had images of pie or cake and nothing else in the comment. Only a couple of days ago, I noticed the “Toggle” button that dissapeared the image and appeared the text.
What is the purpose? Is there a setting where I can turn the image off, text on without having to hit the button every time?
Count me as one who’s interested in hearing the details, although a family health crisis, the holidays, the winter weather, and my own tendency toward disorganization I haven’t kept up as well as I would have liked.
Also, what @Another Scott said.
@Laura Too: If you are in bed by nine, you should be chipper from about 1 am to 3 am.
If not, you are lucky.
@WaterGirl: I like knowing what’s going on. And I had a 502 over the weekend, not sure when, but I mentioned it in a comment.
@Another Scott: @WaterGirl: What Scott said.
@BBA: The only (non-cubicle) open plan office I worked in was when the company moved a dozen scheduling engineers into what used to be a drafting bullpen.
What an excellent location for rubber band shooting fights!
@Ascap_scab: That means that you have someone added to the pie filter, that’s why you see the images and TOGGLE.
If you don’t want the person in the pie filter, click on the cherry pie and take them out.
Otherwise, you can use TOGGLE to see what the comment was, and then TOGGLE again to hide it.
@frosty: Please send me email if you see 502 or 524 again. I am watching the site closely, but I am not on 24 hours a day. :-)
That goes for everyone. Please.
@JanieM: I hope your family health issues have resolved in a good way.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: You asked:
@WaterGirl: Thanks for the good wishes. There are actually two crises — one person in my extended orbit has cancer — so far so good, but it’s a scary and difficult situation, as many here know from firsthand experience. I’m at a remove from this one, and mostly just trying to be supportive to people who are closer to it.
The other thing is that my 96-year-old mother was finally forced out of her little apartment by a health crisis that she couldn’t dismiss, and is now in “rehab” (i.e. a nursing home). She’s dreadfully unhappy; it has been clear for a while that she thought she was going to go on living in her own place indefinitely. Long, long story, but it inspires me to tell my own offspring: if I get to that point and I’m bitchy as hell, just drug me. ;-
ETA: because my mother isn’t going to be able to go back to her place, my siblings and I had to empty it, but without knowing whether she’ll be in an assisted living apartment or a nursing home room in the long run. So I spent two weeks away from home just before Christmas. Aiy! But — good to be with my family despite the difficulty of the reason; we aren’t all together very often as the years go by, as far-flung as we are.
Laura Too
@Omnes Omnibus: Cool, thanks!
Laura Too
@sab: Only occasionally. If I quit reading on the computer 1/2 hour before bed I am usually okay but if I read too late (tough not to) then I do wake up at 3 and have a hard time falling asleep again. But I have a 65 pound basset/springer spaniel that makes sure I’m up at 5 every morning by standing on my chest so I try to fall back to sleep.
@Omnes Omnibus: Happy to see this!
That has to be a terribly low point for anyone. Not to be able to go back to your home, your things, your life, everything you love.
I am tearing up just thinking about it. Heartbreaking for your mom, heartbreaking for you. Sounds like only one of you has the wherewithal to do what has to be done, which doesn’t make it any easier. I’m so sorry.
This was the case with the next-to-last move for my mother in the continuing care facility. Us three sibs cleaned out the apartment and the storage lockers, figured out who was taking what, and took care of it without the necessity of bothering her with the details. With the ever-increasing dementia, it wasn’t an issue.
@WaterGirl: Thanks some more, and yes, it is indeed heartbreaking.
It’s a big topic in so many ways, too big for blog comments. But it helps to come here and be reminded that other people have coped with big difficulties and survived.
OT, but I just fixed a buggered blockquote by flipping between visual and text. Having this choice is brilliant! Thank you so much.
@Omnes Omnibus: “All for all” Great nym (even though it doesn’t have anything to do with mass transit [a former career of mine]).
@frosty: We went through that same process, except that my mom’s dementia is still pretty mild, so we did feel like we had to ask her for some thoughts on what to keep instead of just deciding ourselves. The fact that she never answers a direct question with a direct answer drove us all a little crazy, but especially the sibling who’s getting the brunt of the bureaucracy and medical stuff. And again, I’m very grateful to have a group of siblings (and in-laws) who are managing to navigate these stormy waters with grace and good humor.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: Will you do the fandango?
Thanks muchly.
@frosty: go you!
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks! So,not a 97 horsepower omnibus.
@WaterGirl: Too much is never enough!
@WaterGirl: I like knowing because it gives me a little glimpse into my former techie life. (Sniff)
@WaterGirl: Ahh, great. Thank you.
Thank you for the flower! =)
I hope Comment Thread 3: The Commenting exercise worked to your satisfaction. All that experimentin’ looks like it was deleted.
Very much enjoyed the carnivore greeking for the long comments, that was hilarious.
Site still works a treat on Windows 10/1903 with Firefox 71.0