The White House was unable to produce answers as to why Dallas’ police chief, sheriff, and district attorney- ALL of whom are African American – were not invited to Trump’s address on the police, and Injustice, in their city, Dallas.
— Rula Jebreal (@rulajebreal) June 12, 2020
… Because he had a $10 million private fundraiser scheduled at the home of “the CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, one of the nation’s largest pipeline companies” — and he certainly wasn’t gonna pay for the flight down there himself.
In this clip you can see the difference in the crowds that are out here today.
— Brian Lopez ? (@Brian_L8) June 11, 2020
So far so anodyne, according to the Dallas News:
At a discussion in Dallas on race and policing, President Donald Trump recommitted himself Thursday to a policy that police should “dominate the streets,” a stance that has alarmed minority advocates fighting to tamp down the use of force after a police killing in Minneapolis.
The White House took heat for excluding the county’s three top law enforcement officials, who are all black, from an event that at times felt much like a campaign rally, albeit far smaller than usual for Trump…
The president drew cheers time and again from hundreds of supporters at Gateway Church as he forcefully rejected complaints about widespread police brutality and mocked “radical efforts to defund, dismantle and disband the police.”
“You always have a bad apple. No matter where you go you have bad apples, and there are not too many of them … in the police department,” he said. “What happens late at night when you make that call to 911 and there’s nobody there? What do you? What are you doing, whether you’re white or black or anybody else? … There is no opportunity without safety.”…
Hundreds of guests attended the event at Gateway Church’s campus in North Dallas, in one of the city’s more affluent areas.
Gateway is a conservative evangelical megachurch, one of the nation’s largest, with half a dozen campuses in the area and a mostly white congregation. A senior White House official rejected the suggestion that it was a strange choice for a conversation on “disparities” and “underserved communities.”
“Everyone cares about these communities. And this is about bringing people together from all walks,” the official said.
Outside the church, police barricades separated several hundred Black Lives Matter supporters from a few dozen Trump supporters. Shouts and vitriolic insults crossed the divide in both directions…
The (more than usually) scary part was the tangle of words emerging from the Squatter-in-Chief:
just like the coronavirus!
— kilgore trout, potato thief (@KT_So_It_Goes) June 11, 2020
If this isn’t senile dementia, it’ll do until a more granular explanation emerges…
Trump: Sometimes you’ll see a building that costs less money than another building that costs more because the one that built the one that costs more, this one looks better. The one that’s cheaper looks better. They say how much more did you spend for that building.
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) June 11, 2020
Earlier today, Trump described the brutalizing of peaceful protestors as “beautiful”.
None of this is beautiful. We need to get rid of this #UglyPresident
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) June 12, 2020
The Moar You Know
He looks fucking awful. Way worse than usual. I’m not talking about what he’s saying, but rather his physical appearance. He looks ill.
Hamberders may save this country from a whole lot of bullshit in the end.
Another Scott
re: It’s just like coronavirus…
Stay safe. Eyes on the prizes.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Why, I thought patriotic gun owners didn’t need the cops, only their prostatic penises?
@The Moar You Know: I think the tint is a bit too green in the picture, you can also see the green tint in the text behind Trump.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@The Moar You Know:
I’m legitimately shocked he hasn’t died by now, considering COVID-19 or how he eats
Ok, let’s do this
Two buildings are built, at different costs. So far, so good. Somewhat of a tautology, but we’ll allow it.
Second part of the first sentence, I think he was trying to say that expensive and crappy builders, like one DJT, spend more money to get poorer-looking results.. This appears to be consistent with the second sentence. Third sentence, he is denigrating the business sense of anyone dumb enough to hire someone like himself to build something, and again here we must acknowledge the essential truth.
All in all, it’s about 3/4s coherent, which is actually well above average for Trump.
“We would have called to invite them but it was the day off of the staffer who speaks jive.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thanks for that translation, otherwise I couldn’t understand what he was saying it was so tortured
@?BillinGlendaleCA: White balance corrected.
The Moar You Know
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): One of the core books of the modern gun nut/militia movement is the fine tome “Dial 911 and Die”, which is unfortunately based on a truth which the Supreme Court just reaffirmed in the last several weeks; police are under no legal obligation to protect or help anyone.
The Moar You Know
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thank you, I think I consider my case made; the man looks terrible.
The one that cost less did so because the builder imported Polish non-union laborers, sourced the steel from foreign mills, reneged on the agreement to preserve the historic facade of the building, and didn’t pay the subcontractors.
From the twitter account of the “Managing Director at Tr International Hotel Washington, D.C.”
@Fahrenthold describes the photo of their ‘offering’ as “a cocktail of Red Bull, airplane bottles of vodka, and gummy bears. The selling point is it’s safe (I think b/c It all comes pre-sealed)”
A few of the retorts
Emma from FL
@Aleta: Oh Lord. Thanks for the (looks at the time) very early Saturday morning giggle.
Not even original. Gummytini.
O/T BREAKING NEWS: Trump postpones Tulsa rally to next day – Sat 6/20. Says he’s doing it in respect to Juneteenth.
Raw Story reporting.
That’s DOTUS, fershur.
@dmsilev: Slightly different interpretation: Some build solid buildings for a cost but someone else (POTUS) can build more cheaply but put a flashy façade on it and people will think its costs more (will pay more). This is his mindset: A sucker is born every minute. And how we sell gilted shitboxes is how we can sell policy. Put some superficial change in the policy, spray paint with glitter, and the rubes will suck it up.
Our president is P.T.Barnum.
@Jackie: Sure he respects Juneteenth. My money’s on terrible early registration numbers, and hoping that more people will be able to come on Saturday.
If the rally site ends up three-quarters empty, Trump will go nuts and the attendees will be a little safer – a nice win-win for everyone except Trump’s handlers.
@Ken: But, but, but POTUS said he’s already gotten 200 thousand requests from his minions.
Those poor Oklahomans.
Have we forgotten Rule One? “If his mouth is moving, he’s lying.”
@Ken: That thought crossed my mind, too. I don’t think he’s gonna get the crowd he’s craving for.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out he had a massive coronary but is out-Wilmering Wilmer.
O-klahoma, where COVID comes sweepin’ down the plain
And the MAGA hordes, who show up indoors
Breathe it in without a mask to strain
@NotMax: Nicely done!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: But now the orange balance is out of whack. Oh wait…
joel hanes
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I’m legitimately shocked he hasn’t died by now
And how do we know he hasn’t?
An animatronic double would seem more human; a re-animated Trump could hardly be more bizarre than the genuine article.
TS (the original)
My money is with your money. Even the strongest trump supporters don’t want to be in a room with 10 000 other trump supporters – guess they are beginning to believe the science rather than the man.
Just the beginning of how far they want to go in rolling back civil rights.
These fucknuts need to start picking Powerball numbers for us with all of the “purely coincidental” awful shit done at the worst times.
ETA – Fuck these people.
@mrmoshpotato: Photoshop don’t lie.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: LOL
Intentional or not, hilarious.
@Emma from FL: I know, right? It looks like their idea of “Safe” is you opening the can of red bull and the airplane bottle of vodka and pouring them together by yourself, while unpackaging the gummy bears to shake into your mouth. For what, $25-30 or so?
No mask need mar the bartender though. No bartender needed either tbh.
@TS (the original): If the rally ends up being a dud, I wouldn’t want to be Brad Parscale?
“This comes with a bleach chaser, right?”
West of the Rockies
I wouldn’t want to be Parscale under any circumstances.
@The Moar You Know:
Which is a perfect reason to defund the police – after all, if they aren’t there to protect anyone – then we might as well hire some other folks to do it whose mission is precisely that. They dont’ even have to carry a gun.
Although, I think they should since this populace is armed and are bat shit crazy.
He either doesn’t understand the saying about bad apples or doesn’t know the rest of it. Dumbass.
Trump is special, our president lies even in his thoughts.
@The Moar You Know:
He definitely has the reverse raccoon look going on in a big way.
So during the commencement blather will he announce the renaming of West Point to Jefferson Davis Academy?
Your doing fine, O-klahoma, Oklahoma, OK!
“When I take you out in the surrey, you’ll get covid, in a hurry
When I take you out in the surrey, without a mask, oh crap!”
“Nosy folks who don’t want the covid, yell at us because we are stupid, their eyes, they pop!”
SO SAY WE, fuck’emALL.
Major Major Major Major
Jeeeesus christ. This is why I can only spend small amounts of time following politics each day…
@TS (the original): I don’t think so. I’m seeing pix of FB friends at reopened bars, no masks, close together, and they aren’t Trump people. Based on this I don’t think his supporters would give COVID a second thought.
@Major Major Major Major: I need to do the same. Recently retired, at least 6 hours a day on the news and this blog. Maybe if I don’t insist on reading every (valued) comment?
Viva BrisVegas
So long as he can stay out of jail, Parscale is laughing all the way to the bank.
@Jackie: Respecting Juneteenth would have involved knowing it was Juneteenth and not scheduling a rally that day.
Damage control isn’t respect.
@Martin: I’m sure he’s sorry if anyone was offended. //
Same for me if it’s a success, though I do get your drift.
@Viva BrisVegas:
You know trump ts going to sue him after he loses in November, right?
Sister Golden Bear
We’ll find out soon enough. There’s impending SCOTUS rulings about whether job discrimination against LGBTQ people is legal.
I’m dreading it.
FYI, the references to “natural sex” is part of a larger effort to define sex as the genitals you were assigned at before, which can never be changed. Meaning I’d be listed as male, instead of the woman I am today. Which besides intentionally outing trans people, leads to things like trans women being held in men’s prisons. (Unfortunately, this happens today because not all trans people can afford to do a legal name.)
@dmsilev: What is the context? that seems to be missing in his brain.
TS (the original)
They’re in a bar with a dozen friends – not in an an enormous room with 10,000 strangers. i think there is a difference.
I also still believe that half the people at his rallies were bussed in and/or the same people followed him around the country. It was also novel & new – and probably boring.
Maybe I’m wrong – but for sure he never has & never will, get anything like the crowds at an Obama rally in 2008. Obama got fewer the second time around & so will trump.
Villago Delenda Est
Gateway Church: Mammonist heretics.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jackie: The blowback has been far greater than they though it would be. Time to sound retreat.
@Aleta: Severino is a true zealot. The conscience rules did not permit health care employers to even ask about potential objections, and when the judge queried about impromptu objections in life and death circumstances the gov attorney said that employers should double and triple staff for that possibility. Fucking nut job.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Trump is dealing with the race issue the same way he is dealing with the virus; created some bubble fantasy world were it’s not happening he can retreat into.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Or just Politically Right double speak for they are all starting to worry about the virus again.
Do note in the article about Trump’s Round Table that there were only a handful of pro-Trump supporters, in a location that was clearly selected for high Trump support.
Today is the day he became presidential
@NotMax: Love your version. In the rewrite, include Karen, and her song “I’m just a Ma-Gal who cain’t say I know anything.
The finale should be the Lincoln Projects “Oh what a beautiful Mourning in a America.”