There was also this, yesterday:
St. Johns County Commissioner Paul Waldron caught the coronavirus and went into septic shock after voting against a motion to mandate masks for county employees last week.
His daughter posted on Facebook on July 9 that Waldron “went into septic shock and has many organs struggling.”
When you are a walking multiple morbidity, you would think it would be in the best interest of you and everyone around you to wear masks during a pandemic.
Eric U.
I didn’t realize it was only for county employees. How ridiculous. Otherwise, I’m trying not to be a bad person.
I’m sure his family will find comfort in the knowledge that if this brave warrior for the freedom of the marketplace falls, that his brave sacrifice will be acknowledged in the naming of food courts in his honor, maybe perhaps, unless there’s a better deal to be bartered.
Gin & Tonic
Dude looks like the picture of health.
But the mask would make him unattractive.
BTW, Biden +5 in the latest Texas poll. Not a top tier pollster, though.
I just don’t understand it. But then again, I never have.
zhena gogolia
God, is there any good news anywhere? This blog is making me sick. I know it’s reality, but can’t we find anything anywhere that’s good?
WH accidentally sent an oppo file on Fauci to a reporter. Guess he’s about to be fired.
@zhena gogolia:
Puppies. Puppies are good.
They better not
ETA: Fuck the WH concern trolls:
Like the WH wasn’t saying the very same things!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m considering putting together a list of responsible people to be beaten to death with a baseball bat in the event that someone super close to me gets claimed by this pandemic. I feel a good chance of success on several of them prior to apprehension….
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: It’s a beautiful day out and I’m going to sit on the deck and enjoy a cold beer. You’re welcome to join me.
St. John’s county, which is where my late parents retired, is very red. De Santis was its congressperson before he became governor. Most of its pols are guys (very occasional gal) who aren’t quite bright enough to hack it as lawyers or real estate hustlers.
@zhena gogolia:
You can pretend I’m good.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
I would, but I have an early morning taking my husband to the orthopedist.
I come here on Sunday afternoon to be distracted from the horror. I guess that’s a mistake.
I hope he dies in agony. Yes, I admit those hopes show I’m a bad person. BUT men like that, in power, who willingly inflict disease and possible death on innocent people (people who certainly had no choice, having to work to keep food on the table, and no choice to refuse anti-masker’s policy at work) deserve whatever misery Covid inflicts upon their evil selves.
@zhena gogolia: Although my older son has shopped for me, he leaves whatever wiped and clean lined up on the driveway. Today I finally convinced him that he could pick up takeout and he could sit at one end of the patio table and I at the other. My outdoor table seats eight, so plenty big enough. We used disposable plates and didn’t venture near the other person. Before he left, he realized that he might be able to do again.
It was a good day.
@zhena gogolia: Well, Trump is almost certain to lose and take a LOT of the GOP with him. So, think of this like surgery – it’s going to be bad for a little while and then it will get much better. So, hunker down, deal with the current garbage best as you can and stay focused on the future.
zhena gogolia
You actually are very good, and one of the people who always makes me smile.
There have been some traditional dropped hints from the Trump administration recently, accusing Fauci of making a lot of mistakes. He’s a goner.
I’m at the point where I just shrug and mumble “fuck you, I only hope your sorry ass didn’t infect someone else you selfish prick.”
These assholes react to something easy and simple like wearing a mask like cats react to smelling a durian.
James E Powell
These polls showing Biden ahead are going to come back to haunt us. The race will tighten, because it always does, and the press/media will start calling Trump the comeback kid. Remember, all he has to do is not be a total a hole for 48 hours and they all start declaring him to be forever changed into a great leader.
@Martin: Accidentally? I assume you’re referring to this story. Sounds pretty damn deliberate and considered:
Of course, in late February, Trump was still in his “If I close my eyes and wish really hard, the virus will magically go away” phase. Hell, it’s July and he’s arguably still in that phase.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
That’s super on-brand. Of course, isn’t that the equivalent of killing Obi-Wan Kenobi?
@Gin & Tonic: What brand?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Martin: somebody needs to make some kind of audio filter of Fauci saying in his NY accent: “You can’t win, Don, if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
Not sure I believe that, but it would be fun to imagine The Beast hate watching it over and over again
zhena gogolia
I was about to organize something like that with our friends in our backyard on June 7, when an accident intervened that is taking up much of the summer. We haven’t seen any humans except doctors and faces on Zoom since about March 13.
@zhena gogolia:
The gardening photos from this morning are very beautiful.
@debbie: But Baud is right. If he’s fired by Trump, expect him to be instantly hired by Biden to lead that part of the transition.
Honestly, that might be better for all of us than having him neutered in the current administration. At least he could assemble a team and get plans together to implement on day 1. I doubt he’s allowed to do that now.
zhena gogolia
I try. My husband keeps saying, “We won’t have to deal with Trump much longer.”
It’s a new mantra — the old one was, “We’re going to pay for this.” Having been proved right on that one, he’s trying to assure me he’s right about the new one too.
@James E Powell: You ARE an optimist, aren’t you? Do you really think Trump can avoid being an asshole for 48 hours? At this point?
zhena gogolia
God, disgusting! It’s A NOVEL VIRUS, that’s why people have been wrong about things as it develops! I hate them with the fire of a thousand suns!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
As I remember, wingnut world was unhappy with Fauci in March and April over the effects of the closures, claiming that Fauci was overstating the threat.
Yeah, but then he disappears until after November. Some sort of large advocacy group in D.C. needs to make him their spokesperson stat.
zhena gogolia
Wow, good spinning there.
@dmsilev: I mean accidental in the sense that you release oppo to those you know will build the narrative you want, and not those who will say ‘the WH is trying to demonize this individual’. They sent it to reporters that are calling it what it is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
if only these assholes were only a danger to themselves. It might be the first RNC convention I’d watch.
@JPL: Friday we finally went on a whitewater kayak trip with our buddies. First trip out since March. We drafted my Mom to shuttle our truck to the bottom of the run, she’s always been in our bubble. Easy to maintain our distance in the summer breeze and waves often washed us clean.
Getting my first takeout of the pandemic—pizza!—to have w beer while we watch racing
@zhena gogolia:
You are really good at pretending.
joel hanes
Biden should absolutely be talking with Ron Klain, Dr. Messonier, Dr. Fauci, and Admiral Timothy Ziemer
@Martin: They should watch the “opposite” episode of Seinfeld and take notes. Whatever Trump is inclined to do, they should encourage him to do the opposite. They won’t and he wouldn’t listen anyway but it should be obvious by now he has no clue what he’s doing. Maybe they can dumb it down. Firing Fauci: not good for polling numbers! Means we can’t keep him off tv! He already knows too much!
@zhena gogolia:
The only mammal I have touched since March 13th is my cat.
I could really use a hug and a kiss.
Not from you, I mean, from this lady I know.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Yes, but wingnut world takes Orwell’s 1984 to be an instruction manual. Fauci has always been wrong about the pandemic. Shortly, we will learn that Trump has always been in favor of wearing masks and indeed has always worn one. And the chocolate ration has just been increased.
The thing is, DeSantis intentionally deflated numbers leading up to July 4th so we could have as close to normal a holiday as possible. Which means this coming week is when it starts getting really bad.
@dmsilev: Nope. He wore a mask because Walter Reed is caring for any number of military personnel with active virus. Someone told him he might get sick. So saith me.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’d also like to thank the folks yesterday who turned me on to Jeremy Brett and David Burke in the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, it’s wonderfully done.
@zhena gogolia: This is why people often resign. You get frozen out of the work you want to do. So yeah, you have a job, but you can’t do it, and you want to do the job more than you want to collect the paycheck. So you leave and find someplace that will let you do the job.
Fauci is in that space. He has no ability to change how the government deals with this. He’s simply a credible voice that can gently counter Trump and gets at least some of the benefit of the platform a federal employee benefits from. But if he wants to get back to planning a response to this, Biden can offer him that. And Biden can give him a platform – give him the chance to do daily updates without being neutered by the WH.
There’s some benefit of having someone in the agency, sure, but it may be the point that there is more benefit freeing him from the WH shackles.
Put another way, there’s 0% chance that Biden and Fauci haven’t talked about moving him to the campaign. It’s entirely possible that they decided to let him speak more loudly from the administration, do what he can within his agency, but push the bounds. If Trump fires him, that’s a political win for Biden and further discredits Trump, which at this point does have a public health benefit (very tangentially). No matter what, Fauci has a job the next day.
I just keep reading these articles about mask deniers getting sick and thinking, “But what did they think would happen?”
But then, reality has a well known liberal bias.
I wish I had sympathy, but I do not. Trump has effectively reduced my ability to care for right-wingers.
@Kelly: That sound like fun. GA is becoming a hot spot, but there are still safe things to do.
I agree, first thought I had when I got wind Fauci may be fired was “Biden will pick him up immediately and have him do public appearances every day.”
Just One More Canuck
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It would be like a re-enactment of the ‘bring-out-your dead’ scene from Holy Grail
Just One More Canuck
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It would be like a re-enactment of the ‘bring-out-your dead’ scene from Holy Grail
@Shalimar: Florida is gaining on the states with most infections per 100,000. It passed Maryland, and is now in 10th position. Arizona is in 3rd place, but it might be hard to overtake NY and NJ. Except that NY had a month to figure it out, and they have had five. I never wish for anyone’s death, but I am certainly beyond feeling bad for those who have been cut down when they used their power to hurt others.
@Gin & Tonic:
It is hot as fvck here–too hot to be outside even in shade–but beer is still good, weather concerns aside.
@Martin: I would take bets they try to make him sign an NDA. I really doubt they will fire him. Hold your friends close and your enemies closer and all that.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I thought Trump couldn’t just fire Fauci. That there was some complication because of where and how Fauci is employed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I imagine a competition between trump’s lizard-brain survival instinct on one shoulder, and his rage-fueled impulsiveness on the other. If he talks to the right person on his unsecured cell phone after his shows are over, I can easily imagine him firing Fauci by tweet while Tucker’s scraping off his makeup
He can’t fire him from his position at NIH but he can take him off whatever response team they have convened on an ad hoc basis – the one Pence supposedly directs.
It is my understanding Fauci is a career civil servant, a senior one to be sure, but still protected by the Civil Service Act. The man’s 79, he could retire at any time, so he must have a very strong sense of duty. I don’t think he’d align with the Biden campaign in any event. Most government lifers have a strong taboo against something like that.
Gin & Tonic
@JPL: Long Trail.
Oh, what the fuck could go wrong?
Deputizing the Proud Boys doesn’t sound like a great idea. I have to assume that conservatives read dystopic literature very differently from the rest of us.
It actually is a death cult at this point.
@James E Powell: I think the polls might tighten a bit based on negative ads, but when you are actively disliked by 50% of the public as Trump is you are in deep shit trouble. I’m as contrarian as you can be but I think Trump is going to lose by more than a little.
Wearing a mask at this point won’t help him a bit. All but his base know that he fucked up badly on Covid-19, and that wearing a mask won’t change anyone’s mind.
zhena gogolia
I’ll give you one too!
@James E Powell: But one does wonder if the dead need to come back to life in order for Trump to close the gap.
NYPost has a Biden hit piece on how his relatives tend to get off with slaps on the wrist. Rather than link to it, I will let you know that Ashley, his daughter was caught with pot 21 years ago. I’m shocked.
@zhena gogolia:
I’d gladly accept!
Not to be the bearer of more bad news, but the Bonhomme Richard is on fire in San Diego and it doesn’t look good.
Getting word that SDFD has puled all personnel from the ship and firefighters are now in complete defensive mode, meaning the ship will burn until it has nothing left to burn.
That ship just came out of an 8-month refit. I suspect Mr. Silverman will have more later today. But this is not good news.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@senyordave: negative ads and Republicans “coming home”, as the phrase went in ’16
ETA, along those lines, what do you call this from the Biden team? a humble-flex?
Wait, Biden’s family is white?
@Gin & Tonic: Interesting. We have several micro brewers and local brewers in the area. I doubt that the micro brewers make it unless the virus disappears overnight.
@HumboldtBlue: CNN said eleven sailors were transported to local hospitals and I hope they are okay.
Another Scott
@hotshoe: He didn’t come up with the idea not to wear masks on his own.
I have much more blame to give Donnie and his enablers, and Fox News and OANN, and all the rest of the RWNJ echo chamber. They’ve pushed this idea that tribalism is more important than anything for so long, without consequence, that they have no actual policy when disaster strikes – nothing but doing the opposite of what actual experts recommend.
And it’s killing their own people, and they don’t care. As was easily predictable.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
A tactful way of saying, “Remember how all you mutherfuckers thought Hillary was going to win so you thought you could stay home? Let’s not do that again.”
Totally agree. We can’t predict what October might look like, but right now Trump is in deep shit. And sinking further into it.
Have we lost a ship since WWII?
Accurate info is spotty right now, I heard four injured one critically. This is not good, not good at all.
This is a place I’ve always wanted to go. Not sure I’ll be able to now.
Another Scott
@joel hanes: A while ago Biden said Fauci was going to get whatever he needed and recommended on the first day.
Fauci will be fine, and will continue to be an important part of the solution no matter what Donnie does (or doesn’t) do to him.
Quick search tells me USN has lost just under 30 ships since the end of the war. My first thought was yes because submarines and of course, the Liberty.
Here’s the deets
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: You’ll just have to take your shoes off. Is the problem that you don’t always travel with your personal farrier?
patrick II
I am not too fond of some of these Fauci statements — particularly people should not be walking around with masks. He admitted during congressional testimony he said that because there was a shortage of masks and he didn’t want people buying them in stead of care workers. That is just a mistake. We are supposed to trust scientists, and that lie for what he thought was a good cause has caused much harm. And he was testy even being asked about it. Some doctors, even those as good as Fauci, could stand a little more humility.
As far ask the masks, have the feds use the president’s emergency powers to scoop up the unsold ones, distribute them according to need (instead of Jared’s cash needy friends), put out public service announcements about how to make them at home, ramp up production, etc. But don’t lie about it. We need to trust scientists and doctors.
Miss Bianca
I presume Mr Waldron has someone who cares whether he lives or dies. But it ain’t me, babe.
At this point, I’m practically rooting for one of our county commissioners to get it. Preferably the one who appointed himself chairman of the Board of Health, only to run off our Public Health Director, fail to uphold public health orders, and show up with his multiple-health-issued wife to the July 4th “protest” and lead the goddamn parade. better yet, let his wife get it – she who has been stirring up the county rednecks with her whining of “these people who expect my husband to know his ass from his useful bits are being so MEEEEAAAAN and UNFAAAAIIIRR!”
Yep. Rooting not only for injuries, but mortal illness. That’s how far I’ve fallen from “when they go low, we go high.”
Man, considering the fire was located well below the water line in very confined spaces 11 seems like it’s not too bad, unless you’re one of the 11.
That’s a remarkably specific website. Thanks.
@Omnes Omnibus: I hope that’s the only restriction.
@JMG: So, as someone in a similar type of role – career professional in the public sector. Inasmuch as you look at politics as differing views of solving a given set of problems, you can step back and say ‘it’s not my job to grade that viewpoint, it’s my job to inform that viewpoint and implement it best as I can.’ Some of what I consider my best work has been taking what I view as totally misguided views of how to do thing and through the application of enough effort turn them into somewhat successes, even though it’s clear there are better ways of doing that, and I would tear down my work in a second to have the chance to implement it in the better way.
But at some point that view can’t be held. It requires assuming politicians are not bad actors. And sometimes you reach a point where you can no longer deny that you have a bad actor, at which point you really have no choice but to temporarily align with a political view. I would argue Muellers op-ed this weekend falls in that category. He could not hold the view that Stone’s clemency was the result of an alternate view of governance. It was straight corruption and he knew it and correcting it requires aligning with Biden because all other options are exhausted, then that’s what you do.
Career professionals want to solve the problem. Politicians normally give two different paths to doing that – a Dem path and a GOP path. There is no GOP path to addressing this pandemic. There is only a Dem path. If Fauci wants to solve this problem that he has spent his entire career preparing for, he has no choice but to join the Biden team. Yes, he’d prefer not to, but this is not a problem that can wait either.
Cole, I’m disappointed in you for attacking this guy’s physique.
I didn’t think you would stoop to wattle-shaming this way.
As a fellow walrus-American, I take offense.
Chetan Murthy
When someone is a material threat to the lives of people in our in-group, and we have no way to remove their threat, hoping for their death isn’t “being a bad person”. It is a demonstration that we actually care for our fellow group members. And that you consider Floridians as members of your in-group, is a good thing. There are times when I don’t. There are times when I don’t consider Texans part of my in-group. And THAT is a sign that I’m a bad person. When I wish for a tree to finish the job on Greg Abbott? No, that’s me being a GOOD person, doing the only thing I can (right now) to try to help my fellow Americans who live in Texas.
@Another Scott:
I mentioned in a prior thread that I would regularly see conservatives condemn “so called experts.” This was apparently an official right wing talking point, picked up by right wing nut jobs. But I would never see these people offer alternative “experts” or anything rational that might explain their position.
Now they look like fools as their refusal to accept science bites them in the butt, and Trump (unsurprisingly) contradicts his earlier statements.
But what continues to surprise is that these idiots seem to be willing to go down with their own tribalism. They are willing to sacrifice their own constituents. And they are willing to cling to Trump until the bitter end.
Have been looking at comments on DU that this is second wave in the UK – this is NOT second wave, this is not even the end of first wave!! You have people in these states that have completely denied/ignored symptoms and have laughed in the face of caution – and in a few weeks time will be completely effed. THAT is not a second wave, because they did NOTHING to stop the FIRST wave. They are still in the first, and gawd help them when the second arrives – because it will. We are working SO HARD here in Scotland to keep to ending the first wave by locking down, tracing, tracking, etc. , while trying to open up places with great caution, and meanwhile England is saying ‘let s open everything up, including English possibly-COVIS people wanting to go to Scotland for vacation – don’t you dare close the border ‘ type stuff – it’s heartbreaking – if we try to say ‘please don’t come here’ the English press labels us as racist anti-English, instead of people trying to maintain a better COVID level, If Scotland was replete with the equivalent COVID rate in England, then don’t be surprised if the border between Scotland and England would be shut NOW (Sorry for rant, but it’s been a long day …)
Another Scott
@Barbara: I saw yesterday (?) that Fauci said he hasn’t briefed Donnie in months. I’m not surprised – the enablers’ MO is to ignore reality and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Kirk Spencer
@Baud: yes. sinking submarines (Thresher and Scorpion), enemy action (Liberty and maybe the Scorpion), crew stupidity (USS Evans), and more have caused the lost of several US Navy ships since WWII.
edited – and I see HumboldtBlue beat me to it.
JD in SF
I sincerely hope that this ‘jackass recovers from his bout with THE HOAX. I just want to note that if I expected to see an illustration in the dictionary for comorbidity, his photo pretty well nails it.
JD in SF
@zhena gogolia: just keep watching the video of Tiger the cat at Canterbury.
The Frank Evans was a cluster of Trumpian proportions.
Mary G
I tweeted this:
Not sure I meant the second part, but I do agree with Michelle Obama – it’s very tempting to hate these people as much as they hate us, but I don’t want to sink to their level. Got a lot of likes and replies (for me), including this:
Which is a fair cop.
Miss Bianca
Wow, what a relief. I’m so glad that ICE’s training program for white domestic terrorists is going to be taking place in a “safe and positive environment.”
Hate to think they’d be treating their new recruits the way they’ll be training them to treat others.
@patrick II:
What caused harm and what continues to cause harm, is Trump’s incompetence and his refusal to deal with the pandemic.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
He’s erasing every vestige of the Turkish civil life envisioned by Ataturk.
Istanbul won’t like it, the Ecumenical Patriarch will hate it, the remaining Greeks will hate it, but rube fundamentalist Islamic wingnuts will love it.
@Kirk Spencer: The first one that I vividly remember was the Thresher. My parents had a radio in the kitchen tuned to whatever channel had breaking news. It was how we listened to baseball games also.
Little piggy iggy eyes. Fuck him.
Another Scott
@patrick II: Trouble is, there aren’t any masks available to “scoop up”. Months later, there still aren’t enough being made. Similarly with nitrile or latex or vinyl gloves. They just aren’t available. (Recall that tweet this morning with the table showing the stockpile.)
The Defense Production Act was created for instances like these – when there’s a national emergency and the government needs to direct companies to do whatever it takes to make more of whatever is needed. Donnie deliberately failed to invoke the DPA to make more and people are getting infected and dying as a result.
Fauci’s comment wasn’t horrible. Healthcare workers did need to be prioritized – and they still do because there still isn’t enough.
My $0.02.
@Mary G: Herman Cain was hospitalized with the virus and he’ll return to his same old spiteful self. I got mine so f..k u.
Heywood J.
It figures that Florida would put Mr. Creosote from The Meaning of Life in a gubmint position. Well, buddy, science needs a quick word with you.
As a county employee (in California) myself, in a 60% Trump county, it’s taken some time for people to come around on this issue here as well. But even without official mandates, even conservative employees have been pretty conscientious about wearing the mask. Many of them are nearing retirement, or have elderly parents and grandparents, and so the risk is clear to them.
I watched this excellent documentary on her sinking about a year ago.
Tony Jay
@zhena gogolia:
You want good news?
In a few months you get to help vote the Grifting Orange Prick and his namesake Party out of office. Over here we’ve got FOUR AND A HALF YEARS of this shit to go, and come January it gets a LOT worse.
I only wish I had as much good to look forward to.
TIL Joe Biden’s daughter is white.
@JPL: Was going to say that we haven’t heard anything about Cain since the news of his hospitalization.
Unfortunately, when I went to confirm any news updates, I happened across his Twitter feed. Yeah, alive and still an asshole in every conceivable fashion. Shame, that.
@Kirk Spencer: I have a friend who was a crew member on the Melbourne. They send a few guys to the memorial service for the Evans every year. They blamed the Aussie Captain for years but final put the blame where it should have been. It’s sucks that those guys are not on the Wall. Fuck some “territorial limits”.
Heywood J.
@Martin: Great point. Really, Fauci should have resigned in protest a couple months ago, and gone to work for Biden anyway. Fauci turns 80 in December and doesn’t need this dumpster fire. He can and should do what he wants, what he knows to be the right thing.
I don’t know if he really thinks he’s making a difference by at least making Jeffrey Dahmer work with one hand tied behind his back or what. But he needs to get away from these monsters regardless. Let them have Birx, she’s made her choice.
Heywood J.
Wait till they find out Eric has a basement full of hitchhiker corpses. Is it irresponsible to speculate? It is irresponsible not to.
It was a mistake, but a forgivable one. At the time hospitals were desperately short and stores were cleared out of medical quality masks after everybody bought them up for themselves.
The real mistake was telling everyone that homemade masks were useless. A homemade mask will not protect for long in an environment with constant exposure to the virus. They are good enough to protect against incidental exposure, but only help to control the pandemic if used by a large percentage of the population.
@HumboldtBlue: It’s up to eighteen but still amazing for a ship that size.
Tony Jay
Don’t apologise, you’re entirely right to be pissed off. Scotland is trying to deal with the pandemic rationally and correctly, but is saddled with a National Government down in London led by knaves, traitors and knavish traitors. There’s going to be an explosion in Coronavirus infections showing up soon that even the book-cookers in power can’t disguise and you can bet your arse that the number one priority for Chubby of Chequers won’t be stopping it spreading into every corner of the UK, because that’s exactly what he and his handlers want.
Anger is the only rational response to the situation we’re in.
The only NDA Fauci is obligated to sign is one protecting national security – and he would have signed that long ago. There can’t be any language specific to Trump, his policies, or his effectiveness as a leader.
@oldster: I assume you wear a mask. That’s the difference.
@HumboldtBlue: There was an interesting article at the Atlantic some months ago about how the navy (and presumably military writ large) had gone into the lean operations thing, with warships with drastically reduced staffing, and crew serving multiple roles at once.
I’m not sure how an LHD in port would be staffed (poorly, I would imagine), but reading that article I couldn’t help but think about how fires would be fought when so much of naval firefighting is throwing manpower to contain and fight fires.
Patricia Kayden
@Nicole: I don’t have any sympathy for them either. I do sympathize with the healthcare workers and essential employees who are putting their lives at risk to serve us during this pandemic. Too many of them are succumbing to the Coronavirus.
Patricia Kayden
So sad.
@Brachiator: Idiots indeed.
Major League Baseball batters FAIL seven times out of ten at bat. Still, I’d rather have a MLB player at bat in the bottom of the ninth than some yokel from the stands yammering about hitting.
Typical wingnut “logic.” If we can dig up any time you were wrong in the past, you’re totally discredited and we never have to listen to you, but our leaders can be wrong ten times a day and twenty on weekends and they’re still perfect and unquestionable.
zhena gogolia
@Tony Jay:
I know. Putin’s in until 2036.
@Baud: The Evans was cut in half by the Aussie carrier, they towed the surviving half to Subic so, technically, she wasn’t lost. 74 sailors died though.
From The Man Show, way back when, with Adam Carolla (who once had a bit of charm) and Jimmy Kimmel, on Going to the Ballgame:
@Martin: I was going to say. That sounds an awful lot like “Biden’s daughter was a middle-class white woman and got off with the treatment a middle-class white woman would normally get.
We’re going to see a lot of this shit in the coming months, :(
@Baud: Zing!
Emma from FL
@zhena gogolia: There are millions of people and things in the world that are good. Don’t fall into despair.
I don’t take that as proof of life. It wouldn’t surprise me if his staff is running his Twitter, or even if his staff has always done it and he’s never touched Twitter.
Patricia Kayden
Tony Jay
@zhena gogolia:
Czar Vladimir is in until he does or is rendered unable to control the machine he’s constructed around him. All we can do is vote against his colonial board whenever we get the chance.
there had been zero tests of the effectiveness of cloth masks regarding the novel SARS Covid 19 virus. At the time, we barely had a clue about it’s size, ( it’s tiny for a virus) and the transmission method was just being investigated.
Judging things with hindsight isn’t productive.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Looks like standard criminal case handling of upper middle class white people to me. Everything is within the ranges I’m accustomed to, including the DUIs.
I am OK with this. I didn’t want this in the beginning, but now I see it’s the only way.
I think William Tecumseh Sherman would’ve understood this.
There is no other way to get through to these people.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@MisterForkbeard: I mean, hell, the niece appears to have taken some sugar daddy’s card for a rather long ride with his acquiescence, later revoked.
Full restitution buys a great deal of forgiveness.
@zhena gogolia:
Well. Here’s how they have opened up outdoor seating in Pasadena, California.
@Patricia Kayden: I can’t decide which is more delicious, Parscale being a scapegoat because Trump can never be at fault, or sources saying there’s campaign stuff Parscale doesn’t understand as well as people like Jared. ?
Who could have imagined that the Trump management style of giving a bunch of people unclear overlapping responsibilities and having them fight wouldn’t result in an effective political campaign?
@Brachiator: Jesus fucking christ a Joel Osteen ad!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
And if you’re a woman you’ll have to cover your head.
@Baud: Islam is a proselytizing religion and anyone can go into any mosque that’s open just as anyone can go into any church that’s open. You just have to be prepared to show respect, that’s all.
Mom does something similar now for when my step-sister and her hubby swing by. She sets up distanced TV tables on her apartment’s terrace so they can eat together. Said hubby is immuno-compromised (diagnosed with ALS late last year) so they are extra cautious to begin with.
@zhena gogolia
Ventured to peek outside and am happy to report it is NOT raining frogs.
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: The Turks say they’re going to preserve the contents of the building (which just FTR was a Christian church for a few centuries longer than it was a mosque). But Islam does not allow the depiction of the human form. I guess the best we can hope for is that they’ll do like the Ottomans & hide all the Byzantine mosaics behind whitewash (that could be removed without damaging the artwork if the Turks ever change their minds).
Frankly if I had just one cruise missile & had to choose between launching it at Putin or Erdogan, I might very well go with the latter. Motherfucker has singlehandedly demolished Atatürk’s secular republic & there’s no one to stop him.
with drastically reduced staffing, and crew serving multiple roles at once
This issue was at the forefront of the USS John McCain accident that left 10 sailors dead.
The comments from the crew was that they were woefully understaffed, overworked and had little to no time to do the requisite book work to stay abreast of their rating.
New technology that wasn’t as good as the “old” tech such as touchscreens for ship commands were pointed out as serious issues as well.
I wanna say Adam did a post on the fallout from that collision.
Here’s one of the articles I read about the incident.
Right, that’s my understanding as well, as a federal government civil servant (though of course not at Fauci’s level). The rules are pretty straightforward when it comes to partisan political activity: NO. Fauci can make public statements about what needs to be done, about current policies being bad, etc., following whatever regulations are in place for someone in his position. He’s not allowed to make those statements explicitly as part of the Biden campaign, though, while he’s still in government.
Yes. Over the mouth, nose, and all four chins.
I may be fat, but I’m not stupid.
@Patricia Kayden: His FB page is still up. RIP to a Trump supporter. Sucks to not be able to vote, hmmm?
In his world, wearing a mask against COVID was the highway to wearing a burkha. If you’re forced to wear one, you can be forced to wear the other. Wingnut logic.
@HumboldtBlue: The North Carolina has a display in the FDC center describing how they experimented with a digital fire direction and concluded their analog was so accurate it was a waste of money.
@Brachiator: when I hit it that’s what played before the feature came up.
@raven: yep, did it again
Joe Biden: Hello Dr. Fauci? Yes I’d like you to be on my transition team. November 4 head on over to the Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH and the CDC and take charge of transitioning everything and everyone so we’re ready to implement in January
Keith P.
@Gin & Tonic: He looks like one of those guys you know is an almost-empty bathroom because you can hear him breathing while he’s trying to take a shit in the last stall.
No one saw it coming in Italy, a few people saw it coming in NYC, EVERYONE saw it coming in FL and TX. Argh
I’m always intrigued at just how effective some of the “old” technology was and how ground-breaking those techs were when first introduced.
Ergodan is the only one keeping elements of the FSA alive in northern Syria, preventing a Putin/Assad reconquest of the whole country. Yes, he’s doing it to fuck with the Kurds and prevent a refugee crisis, but he’s doing it.
He’s also the only NATO Member blowing up Russian shit, UAE shot, Merc Shit, Blackwater shit up in Lybia allowing the UN recognized GNA to survive the attacks of the American General Haftar.
It’s a very fucked up world these days.
@Jay: I think we’re 90% in agreement, but to be clear, people were debating the efficacy of masks at the time, particularly because they were so common in places like South Korea. This was Fauci in March.
Note he’s very specifically framing the answer in terms of perfect protection for the wearer of the mask and he’s basically saying it’s useless, which is distinct from ‘we don’t know the answer yet’.
That was a serious mistake. But this was his key message.
He was focused on ensuring masks for the people on the frontlines. The takeaway for anyone listening was ‘Don’t wear a mask. We need them for our doctors and nurses.’
@HumboldtBlue: That was excellent and have sent it to my brother. Before the craziness, old friends stopped by and I wish I had seen it then. He was a long time worker at Electric Boat. (engineer)
@Benw: Even worse, once the pandemic did hit Italy and NYC, local officials acted. In Florida, Texas and Georgia the reaction is ‘Meh, it’ll go away on it’s own.’
I’m using the Brave browser on a mobile device. No ads show for me at all.
Not sure if a different link might also have a crazy ad.
@zhena gogolia:
When the horror is in every direction there really isn’t much possibility of missing it.
the old tech was was as accurate and fast as it needed to be to target the guns. The new “tech” made no improvements, just a waste of money. Oh, and new. Blinking LEDs and a thing that goes “bing”.
@James E Powell: “These polls showing Biden ahead are going to come back to haunt us. The race will tighten, because it always does, and the press/media will start calling Trump the comeback kid. Remember, all he has to do is not be a total a hole for 48 hours and they all start declaring him to be forever changed into a great leader.”
I think that that zombie is finally dead for a while. Also, the coronavirus is exploding even in Pure Heartland God’s Country Faithful Trump states, and the ‘v-shaped’ recession is where all of those are – in fantasy land.
@James E Powell:
@Patricia Kayden: Good. Fuck him too. Got what he deserved. How many did he kill by that screed?
For every one of these self-centered muh-freedumb covidiot motherfuckers who sickens and dies, there is at least one other person who tried to avoid spreading the virus and sickened and died. And countless others who were helpless to wear a mask, like my uncle in a memory care facility, who got covid and 3 months later is still not fully physically recovered. Or my cousin, who did what he could to be safe but still died.
I’m saving my kind words for the ones who tried to do right or were helpless to do anything.
Fuck these trumpers, these selfish destructive rightwing fools. Fuck them to their own deaths. They have earned it. I will not now or ever give a tin shit about them.
Another Scott
@Jay: OTOH, old tech eventually breaks or wears out and it becomes impossible to get parts. Or the company has changed hands 5 times and all the drawings and parts were lost. Or it requires 15 people to run it and that existing “cheap” solution ends up having a lifetime cost 3x what starting over would cost.
When lives are at stake, and when equipment has to last 50-75 years but nobody wants to pay what’s necessary to keep it running that long, there are no good choices.
tl;dr – The people who make these tech choices aren’t stupid. There often are no good answers.
Well I agree with you. shitforbrains is an asshole every second, of every day. I believe that’s what his “supporters” think is required of a political office holder. They look in a mirror and all they see is asshole, why should they believe that it’s different for everyone else?
concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things” and included a lengthy list of the scientist’s comments from early in the outbreak. Those included his”
Sacrlficial lamb’s gotta be sacrificed. Blaming China hasn’t worked, or Obama or BLM or even Soros.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Fauci is an employee of the National Institutes of Health. He is civil service and can’t be fired from that job without cause.
The White House Coronavirus Task Force is a creation of the Resident and Fauci could be removed from that.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’m way ahead of you dude…
@HumboldtBlue: So, the challenge with analogue interfaces is that they aren’t adaptable. 747s used to need an engineer because there was no way to fit all of the stuff needed to fly the plane in front of the pilot.
The upside to analogue interface is that everything has a clear and specific role, and in a group setting, anyone can look at the gauge or state of the switch to see what’s going on. The downside is that you need a high level of expertise to operate them, and there are an increasing number of things you simply can’t do with them.
The problem with digital interfaces is that you’re trying to solve the problems of analogue interfaces which too often results in ignoring the advantages of them.
From the John McCain, one of the problems was that it was unclear which set of control were doing what. With analog controls, that was nearly impossible – you’re either in front of the only controls that can do that, or you aren’t. With digital, you need to be very explicit about that, with a very clear state machine being enforced: ‘this control station cannot be configured to do x until every other control station has been locked out of doing x and the operator needs to know exactly what the state is’. Clearly they didn’t do that in the design.
Digital interfaces are hard. Their flexibility requires a higher level of diligence in design. But, if you can get that right, you can do much more with them. Redundancy is much easier to accomplish in digital design, which I would imagine be very good for warships.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Mid 80s, some dumbass decided to start offering digital speedometers in cars (as in, no analog readout – just the number). As it turned out, research showed a notable lag in reaction time – the brain has to take extra steps to assign meaning to numbers. The analog readout seemed to produce clearer, faster understanding, particular with the delta change when slowing up or accelerating.
I think the numeric readings only thing lasted about 2 years.
Yes, that’s some excellent work.
Submariners are definitely another breed.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
My guess is that there’d be substantial overlap.
We could split the list….
Absolutely! But when it’s requests for prayers for the right-wingers who get sick, eh, I’ll save the energy, thanks.
yup, my personal stash of N95’s were gone in March, long after the shelves had been cleared of gloves and masks.
I was doling them out, one and two at a time to Contractors and workers who needed them on the jobsites for health and safely reasons.
Had lots of gloves at home, ( painting boxes filled with drop cloths, brushes, rollers, solvents, gloves, etc),
found a Phillipino corner store that had the surgical, disposable N95’s, every box of 100 you bought, ( overpriced, no biggie) they donated a box of MN95’s to Royal Columbian Hospital. No, only Care Workers and Hospitals were allowed to buy MN95’s from the back door, “I know a guy” supply chain the had set up.
Got my sewn masks in March, local, ethical, well made.
Corp managed to keep us in disposable surgical masks and gloves through out, but it was tight at times and rationed. Last week, for the first time, we have free masks and gloves available at the doors, for customers.
but in March, people were stealing PPE from cashiers, smashing hand sanitization stations off the walls to steal them, even stealing soap dispensers and TP from the public washrooms.
People forget that shit and what was happening at the time.
White people were looting Walmarts for Bogroll.
I’m not sure what else Fauci could have done at that point.
Welcome to a very, big club.
So are they going to keep him on when he tells them to stuff it?
Patricia Kayden
That’s not actually new, it’s always been a death cult. They just didn’t realize that they would be killing themselves.
Bill Arnold
I’m a bit less charitable. He misrepresented the then-current state of knowledge. Here’s full-er context:
At the time, there was precisely no evidence that indirect contact transmission as described is a real mode of transmission for SARS-CoV-2. (There is still precisely no solid evidence, FWIW, as the WHO states in a linked doc below.)
There was weak evidence at that time for the efficacy of masks for protecting wearers. There was limited observational evidence developing (Hong Kong, etc) that masks were effective for source control if worn by infected individuals. There were already several documented large clusters that were hard to explain without allowing for long-range airborne spread and asymptomatic or lightly-symptomatic or presymptomic SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. I was extremely pissed off at CDC and WHO after reviewing the then-available scientific literature.
They fucked up. The problem was that no science on cloth masks had been done after the developed world moved to disposable masks, and no (obscenely unethical) RCTs were done in any pandemics to determine the efficacy of masks in limiting the spread of a pandemic virus with respiratory spread. (There was some observational history in the 1918 pandemic, but not strong, and some weak studies at the time suggesting that gauze masks were not effective at protecting wearers.)
Basically, it was believers in scientific dogma who refused to shift until a few mask experiments were done and airborne SARS-CoV-2 spread confirmed, with hundreds of thousands of human beings killed by this dogma. The WHO still list of NPI measures still has hand sanitation as the first measure, with mask wearing in public indoor places like #4 or #5 in the list.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions (WHO Scientific Brief, 9 July 2020)
@Bill Arnold:
The context was that he was worried about people hoarding N-95s, which healthcare workers desperately needed.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
And to an earlier comment from you regarding Biden’s niece, I covered dozens of plea hearings in which the first-time offender was given what appear to be lenient terms.
People unfamiliar with how the courts actually work would get bent out of shape over what were routine proceedings in criminal court.
Bill Arnold
Yes, that was the context. Lying by a scientist (he’s has an amazing list of publications) is not a good look. And health care workers were not exactly well served by the patient load, which would have been reduced substantially (maybe a factor of 10) by early ubiquitous usage of cloth masks or surgical masks. Some of the people who worked (survived working) in the New York City area will be emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives.
That was supposed to be linked to @Jinchi:, sorry.
There was a tweet line on this, with one moron saying that the fire chief should be fired if he refused to fight the fire.
For anyone that might not know a major fire onboard ship is extremely difficult and dangerous to fight. And I know this because I’d been to a short course on fighting shipboard fires – which meant actually putting them out, and my damage control duty was compartment entry person. First in, actual firefighting guys/fire hoses behind me. At some point those not engulfed in the flames have to jump ship or die. My answer to the above moron was that a major ship fire can destroy the ship or destroy the ship and kill a bunch of people. There may be no other choice but to let it burn. I’ve been onboard a ship with 2 separate fires, both electrical, both out in just minutes but both also at very early in the morning, when 2/3 of the ship is asleep. No one on board that ship was concerned with anything but putting them out – and surviving. And being in the North Atlantic, above the Arctic Circle, in the cold part of the year, without any practical survival gear, with the nearest ship being either a Russian ship or a lot of hours away, the prospect of being in the water was neither inviting nor appealing.
@Jinchi: worse than nothing – they’ve actively prevented local officials from implementing safety restrictions! Fuckers
@Another Scott:
helped design and build the digital FCS’s for the last round of the USN Boomers and Attack subs.
also kept the DG280’s running.
Funny thing is guns also wear out. That’s what ballistic tables are for.
Sadly, new doesn’t always mean better. 2008 VW City has no recalls, no service notes. After making the same model for 10 years, they finally got it “perfect”. So of course, whole new design for 2009.
Robert Sneddon
@raven: That sounds… odd. The North Carolina was a pre-WWII BB designed and built before the Iowa class BBs which did get a major gun upgrade, the NGFS before they were put back into service as part of Reagan’s 600-ship Navy boondoggle. The NGFS did stuff like firing a single round and tracking it with radar before correcting the other guns but the North Carolina was put into reserve in, wiki wiki 1947 and struck from the Navy register in 1960, a long time before any digital fire control systems would have been readily available. Colour me puzzled.
The idea that some rando on twitter has even the first inkling what a firefighter does much less how to battle a shipboard fire is absurd.
I hated, and I can’t overstate how much, I hated shipboard training drills when at Hickam.
And I may have pointed out it was a Navy fire training session that left me, two other training firefighters and our captain in a burn house that almost immediately went to more than 2,000 degrees because the other training crew didn’t know what the fuck they were doing.
Tight spaces, no visibility … fuck that. My brother was the first to text me that SDFD had pulled out and it was going to burn to the hull. He spent 30-plus years as a fire captain at the Naval yard and his wife works for NASSCO.
Where did you get that info? I haven’t seen anything more than it was burning and they had stopped fighting and retreated.
Robert Sneddon
@HumboldtBlue: I saw mention the LHD Bonhomme Richard had just come out of an 8-month refit so it’s entirely possible it wasn’t actually crewed up with enough servicemen and women ready to fight a major fire onboard. Refit operations have a nasty habit of setting fire to things — the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov caught fire in drydock a few months back and one of the Royal Navy’s attack subs also had a fire during refit some time ago.
I was stationed on a DDG during my tour and it was supposed to have a crew of approx 350, while it actually had only about 300. Some devisions were massively short handed but as the crew was made up of people trained for a specific job, like the guys who manned the boilers and as long as they were lit were on duty 6 hr on, 6 hrs off. That means that about 24-36 hrs before departing after being in port for a while, they started working that schedule until about 12 hrs after securing in port for an extended time. Any foreign ports where the boilers had to keep making steam, 6 on, 6 off. Any time underway 6 on, 6 off. They were missing 1/3 their crewing needs. This was a lot of missing bodies. My working section was missing 2 people, both of the senior staff E6 and E7.
The point was that this isn’t unusual for the navy, but it seems that it has gotten a lot worse now than 50 yrs ago. At that time the navy was also trying to be a 600 combat ship navy, which they never did. Too expensive, not enough bodies. Today that number is less than 300. Still too expensive and not enough bodies.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Interesting he and Trump are both rushing to eradicate those aspects of their countries’ culture, history, education, governmental strucures, etc, for which the countries have been most admired by other countries
Another Scott
@Jay: Neat.
I work on some very specialized 35+ year old equipment at work. It’s kinda like George Washington’s hatchet – the head has been replaced 3x and the handle 5x but it’s still his hatchet. ;-)
ALS. Damn, that’s serious. Have a friend who came down with it. It was horrible, on him, on his family, he succumbed about 3-4 yrs ago. Good luck to everyone.
@Heywood J.:
I turn 81 in January. Extremely reassuring to see someone my age is’with it’ mentally.
@Tony Jay:
Why do they want it to spread? How in heaven’s name can they benefit from that?
My brother just had to have the car talk with our 88-year-old dad who was insisting he was going to drive himself to a doctor’s appointment.
We discussed our concerns as kids between each other and all were adamantly against his wishes. His wicked smart brain is still all there but he can never drive again.
It frustrates him to no end.
@JMG: Yes. I don’t see him joining the Biden campaign. More likely might be an hour long show each night on CNN where he talks pandemic and gets lots of interesting guests. I bet CNN would kill for that. Fauci Unplugged!
my 2016 Prius only has a digital speedometer
I have rheumatoid arthritis. When I was in mif-60s, my son politely pointed out I could no longer react properly to be able to drive safely. He bluntly asked if I wanted to risk hurting someone. Point made.
@Another Scott:
done craploads of neat. Some time, I’ll tell you about the Rescue Subs, Newt Suits, the MIR rescue and the Kursk.
these days , big box retail.
it is what it is,
Even with analog controls a navy combat ship needs backup controls and has them. All of the equipment I was responsible for had at least one backup if it was critical, some had 2 backup systems.
@Miss Bianca:
When they go low, we put boot on their backs and keep them there.
Yep, shipboard fire is pretty rarely a non disaster. Tightly packed, with things that burn inside, and a lot of fuel of some ignitable quality, (I understand that a modern aircraft carrier has some million gallons of jet turbine fuel on board. Once the ship I was on was refitted to burn JP5 or really anything in that class of fuel, we refueled from the aircraft carrier that we were steaming with when necessary. And the burning was dramatically cleaner than when we burned bunker oil, which had to be heated just to pump. Also it cut our refueling time in half.) Fire on board ship is so important to survival that there is a separate alarm to let everyone know it’s a fire. On the first of those fires I talked about above the OOD rang the general quarters alarm because he forgot about the fire alarm. That cost time that could easily have been critical. It wasn’t but one never knows. And of all the things that I thought that could have gone wrong on a ship, and the list is not all that short, fire is the greatest fear and just about the most likely issue and most likely to put you in the water to see how long you can tread before you get so tired you just give the fuck up. Add in darkness and injured and the words “Fucking god damn motherfuckers, shit fuck, blub blub….. comes to mind.
Mom lived to the day before her 95 birthday. Up till about mid way through 93 she was tough as nails, never really showing her age. She was still working for the city she lived in till 86 or 87. My bosses mom is 93 or 94 and still drives! I once met a man who I would have said was about 65-70 based upon looks, talking and mannerisms. He was 95. I saw him every year after that till he was 104, he passed later that year. Up until he was 102 he really never seemed any older.
You are as old as you feel and while we may not feel as good as we did at 25, we can still be kicking butt and taking names for over a century. At least I hope so, I’m not close to done here and I am 71, still work as a machinist 3 days a week.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: My Prius has a digital speedometer(2010 model).
@oldster: He’s not fat shaming him, if I told you that guy would be fat even if he were a seal, would seals be offended?
Heywood J.
@Ladyraxterinok: I was surprised to see that Dr. Fauci is 79, he looks and sounds younger. He is definitely at a point in his life where he doesn’t need to do this stuff for these damned people.
Stay safe and healthy. I’m wishing for you (and all of us, of course) to get a new president inaugurated for your birthday.