Melanie Trump just walked in wearing a mask. She removed it as she sat down.
— Tyler Pager (@tylerpager) September 30, 2020
A Cleveland Clinic doctor with masks just walked up to a number of unmasked members of the audience on Trump’s side of the room and asked them to put on masks. She told me they refused to take one and wear them.
— Tyler Pager (@tylerpager) September 30, 2020
Trump theme for the evening: Rules don’t apply to us.
(Updated) Guardian liveblog here.
Trump interrupts again and again… and Biden says:
"Will you shut up, man." and then smiles and starts laughing.
Trump has a problem here.
All he can do is filibuster and interrupt – but Biden is laughing at him. Out loud.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) September 30, 2020
Joe Biden is already done with Trump’s BS: ‘Everything he’s saying so far is simply a lie. Everyone knows he’s a liar … do you have any idea what this clown is doing?’ #Debates2020
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 30, 2020
I think Trump’s toast. Biden has not been as aggressive as I would have liked, but Trump has been even more godawful.
Trump whinging about “Obama.”
That name does not belong in Trump’s shitwad mouth.
Wallace points out what an excellent economy Obama built.
Trump is lying about it. The slowest economic recovery since 1929. Who knows?
Orange one looks like a pumpkin left out on the porch after Halloween.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Trump is the Meth lab of democracy in this debate.
Omnes Omnibus
No rational person can vote for Trump after watching this.
@PsiFighter37: I would like to agree but people inexplicably think that blow hard is a smart, good, rich, tells it like it is, eloquent etc. I don’t see how anyone can stand to listen to him for more than five seconds. ?♀️
@PsiFighter37: Talk about Trump not having presidential temperament.
He does not have the temperament for high school.
Emma from FL
If Biden had matched him rudeness for rudeness, the headline writers would have both-sided it.
Just, sigh.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good thing Trump’s base isn’t rational.
WRT manufacturing: Catherine Rampell just did a great story in the WaPost about what a disaster Trump has been there.
She also said he has lied. She used that word. It is refreshing.
Oh, the gratuitous Hunter Biden reference.
Hunter Biden, except not named. Just “your son.”
I officially gave up at 9:38 PM. If I had to choose between watching the debate and re-runs of Car 54, where are you, I’m leaning toward Herman Muenster and Grandpa.
Raoul Paste
The constant trump interruptions are why I can’t watch this crap
I mean I guess he held out longer than we expected before he brought up Hunter.
@Omnes Omnibus: Base ain’t rational. But you’re right…
“This clown, excuse me this President.”
Mr Vice President, the clowns are not amused by the comparison.
Nice, Joe.
Biden: It’s hard to get in any word with this clown.
Jesus. This is like an episode of the Jerry Springer Show.
Trump: “Can I be honest?”
Wallace: “No!”
If there is another debate:
the candidates are not in the same room. Maybe not even the same state.
Put them in rooms elsewhere. And CUT THE MIKE for constant interrupting.
Now Wallace is blaming “the two of you.”
Although he is now scolding Trump.
Wallace adopts the “negotiate with a toddler” stance.
I take it Cole’s curse hasn’t worked yet?
Turned off after 45 minutes. I just can’t take any more. Donald Trump has turned politics into such a fucking shitshow. God…
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Why am I thinking of Adlai Stevenson?
Just a friendly reminder: all of Trumpov’s spawn are legally barred from running a charity because of the scam charity they ran.
He doesn’t need to be aggressive. Just stand back and give Trump the room he needs to self-destruct.
The childish behavior by Trump isn’t going to fly. He is ‘in charge’ now.
Oh my.
@Elizabelle: Yeah, this is just… it’s unwatchable. At least with Rmoney/Obama you had dialogue back and forth. Same with McCain/Obama. Here? JFC…
Omnes Omnibus
The Crime Bill is the best Trump has? I guess….
Apparently somehow taught Trump the word “superpredator”.
Super predators. 1994.
Glad that Trumpov will help out black people by LAW AND ORDER! LAW AND ORDER! WE GOT THE POLICE! LAW AND ORDER!
Alex Jones knows juicing, for sure. //
Amir Khalid
I commented a few hours ago that the expectations are not the same for both sides: The worse Trump behaves, the more he lies, the less sense he makes, the more his supporters like him. Biden’s supporters actually expect him to show that he is presidential.
The tax evader lecturing about law and order.
Well, that response by Trump was only a slight bit fascist.
@Omnes Omnibus: Didn’t you hear? LAW AND ORDER! LAW AND ORDER! POLICE! LAW AND ORDER!
@Leto: I know. Le sigh.
Fuck this guy (the orange one).
Anne Laurie
Anybody else remember the night Gen. Alex Haig, serving under a temporarily incapacitated Reagan, destroyed his own reputation by screaming I’m in charge! I’m in charge! in front of the press?
Trump’s doing that right now, except Trump supposedly *is* in charge.
IMO, the reason Wallace is a bad moderator is he rewards breaking the rules. Wallace interrupts Biden and lets Trump run out the clock. Wallace is in control. He can punish the rulebreaker by giving Biden more time and not only is he not doing that, he’s giving the rule breaker the advantage.
But Biden is doing fine despite the fact that all Fox people suck.
Adam L Silverman
Part of the audio-visual play here by Biden is how the President’s behavior plays with women. Regardless of race, ethnicity, and/or religion. The President is presenting as every obnoxious, controlling asshole that every woman knows or dated or was/is married too. And Biden is letting him do so, then laughing at him, calling him a clown, telling him to shut up, calling him a liar. There is a strategy here. And it is being followed.
@dmsilev: Tee hee.
Gish Gallop – how can you fight it?
The Thin Black Duke
@debbie: Exactly. Forget about Trump’s base, they’re idiots. Everybody else sane is going to be appalled by this infantile shitshow.
The fat bastard is starting to sweat under the lights. Hope his Tammy Fay makeup runs.
@Adam L Silverman: No I don’t believe his (Biden’s) intention is specific to womwn.
I am watching because I want to support Joe Biden.
Trump is trying to drive us away.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
If you look at the clips on Aaron Rupar without turning on the sound, Biden looks utterly calm and Trump looks like a maniac.
Tapping out before my liver.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Then they can start policing their own.
“He’s the racist.”
Ok, I’m going out on a limb here and guessing that Trump doesn’t actually know anything about critical race theory.
patrick II
People in other countries are within this.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: It is not. No one has been hit with a chair yet.
Yikes on the sensitivity training section.
Chief Oshkosh
Chris Wallace must be good for something. Maybe his dog loves him? Maybe he makes great pancakes on Sunday morning? Maybe he is boffo at crocheting doilies?
But a moderator Chris ain’t.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s not just a look.
Omnes Omnibus
Well, Joe just called Trump a racist.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good thing for Trump he’s running for President of America.
@Adam L Silverman: Also no DNA test yet, despite the court order.
@MobiusKlein: punch it in the face?
Uncle Jeffy
Trump talking about “core values” is the height of irony- if core values were holding, Trumpov wouldn’t have a job.
I’m just happy that Biden did fine with what I was sure would be his hardest moment – when Trump brought up his son. He didn’t lose his temper.
Overall, just an incredible shitshow by drumph and wallace. Christ.
I’m still working, and had to go get a shot of rye. God this is stressful.
Great answer from Biden about how Trump and his ilk look down on people.
Trump talking about all the divisiveness and violence under Obama administration.
FUCK TRUMP. He is such a racist. All the coded cities he calls out.
Biden: I am in favor of law for you.
Law and order is radical Islam. Sweet weeping jeebus.
Edit: I know you guys know this it’s just insane to think that they’re just going to recycle the same strat.
@MobiusKlein: Biden’s actually doing it about as well as I’ve seen—give Trump rope, then laugh at him, call him a clown, and get back you your point.
Obama was better at it, but Biden clearly learned during his time as Obama’s VP.
“He wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn”
Chicago. Was that on the Bingo card?
Baltimore. Oakland.
Radical left supporters.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: I’m not following.
Asking for a friend: has anyone seen a supertanker full of whisky?
Biden: “He wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn …. all these dog whistles don’t work anymore.”
“What really is a threat to the suburbs is COVID, environment …”
Wallace asking about “reimagining policing”.
TaMara (HFG)
Still working with the sound off, but every time I look up, the visuals are startling. If Trump is winning this debate, it sure don’t look like it. Joe looks like a man whose toddler is having a meltdown in aisle 2 and he’s calmly waiting for him to work it out, not reacting, but looking around at everyone like, “y’all have seen this before, we just have to let him cry it out.”
@Llelldorin: I’m sure Obama is glad the he didn’t have to face this. I mean, I don’t know how HRC did it and she’s spoken about it at length. It’s just insanity.
Adam L Silverman
As I was saying:
Too much of a fire hazard.
Maybe Trump is making a good point about what fascists the law enforcement groups are.
He’s bragging about all the ones that support him.
That is not good.
Great, Wallace asking Biden why he hasn’t shut down the violence; “because I don’t hold elected office”
zhena gogolia
Trump wasn’t this unhinged in the debates with Hillary.
Not if you chug it.
@Elizabelle: Let’s us know who to target to defund. E-z.
“He doesn’t want to do things down.”
Mary G
I had him blocked, but I couldn’t resist:
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: Yep.
Haha. He won’t condemn white supremacists.
Wow. Trump really can’t bring himself to condemn the Proud Boys etc.
Trump’s all puffy, sweaty, and his makeup is running off.
Chief Oshkosh
I’m still at work and only seeing bits and pieces. Has Joe pulled out his wallet yet and asked Trump if he needs a loan?
Amir Khalid
Right now he’s just bullying Wallace, and trying to do the same to Biden. Every time the fucker interrupts, cut off his mic. Every time he lies, cut off his mic.
Chugging high grade whiskey? Barbarian.
Yeah I’ll condemn the militias and white supremacists! I’ll tell them stand by. (Slightly paraphrased). That’s now how that works.
@Mary G: “Always Wrong” Andrew.
Lmao. Trump was like a deer in headlights when asked to condemn white supremacists.
The Adderal should be wearing off about now.
The Beast is spewing nonstop–no one will remember* what he spewed, but Joe’s one-liners are awesome and those will be remembered.
*our failed media experiment will determine that “they both talked over each other”, “sharp personal attacks”, etc, but they will also have ‘report’ on at least some of the one-liners.
The belief that Trump has a strategy will never die:
There’s no strategy. This is all Trump knows how to do.
Adam L Silverman
@Morzer: It’s on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
@Adam L Silverman: I see Ezra Klein is still making the mistake of using “strategy” in anything having to do with Trump.
Mind you, I’m sure his staff tried to create a strategy and impress it on Trump with flashcards and sessions lasting as long as thirty minutes, but they must have known in advance it wouldn’t take.
@Kay: Beyond true.
And: Trump would not disavow white supremacists. Given the opportunity and would not do so. Turned it around to radical leftists.
Biden brought up the FBI director, who I guess Trump will again consider firing.
Impeachment hoax. Hillary Clinton.
“There has never been an administration that has done what I have done.” — his only true point tonight, over and over.
What is he talking about? “You saw what happened today with Hillary Clinton, it was a whole big con job.” What did I miss in today’s news?
Keith P.
Did Trump really just say “Proud Boys…stand by”?
We did and I’ll tell you something and nobody and then that’s a record the likes of very few people and he left me judges and you just don’t like and if I were his party…
JFC get through a fucking sentence just one!
Morzer only said “whisky.” “High-grade” was not in the equation.
@khead: You will notice that he did not really do so.
He did say “stand down” and then started deflecting.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: It is all he has.
Amir Khalid
Rick Santorum’s halftime punditry at CNN is shamelessly biased. He keeps talking about the “socialists” that Biden is supposedly pandering to.
@Adam L Silverman:
Time to die.
mad citizen
Have only read the first 30 pages or so of the Mary Trump book, but she points out how trump has brought out the worst in our country. So right. Pointed out many times by juicers here as well.
“You’re Putin’s puppet, haven’t spoken to him about the bounties on the troops heads.”
”Hunter Biden…”
Biden: Country is “Weaker, sicker, more divided, more violent. Putin’s puppet.”
Wallace scolding Trump about the interruptions. Your campaign agreed, why won’t you comply?
C Stars
It seems the Twitter commentariat believes that Trump is winning this thing. I can’t really stand to watch more than a few seconds at a time, but when I do watch, Trump looks red-faced and whacked out (per usual). My husband, who is a gruff dude from Kentucky who doesn’t follow politics like I do, has been chuckling through the whole thing and just said “Biden’s doing a great job of not being Trump, and Trump’s doing a great job of looking like an asshole.” So I’m gonna vibe with that.
@Amir Khalid: I can’t bear to watch this directly, but your comment makes me think of Ian Holm’s lines from “The Madness of King George” – “…if he swears and indulges in meaningless discourse, He will be restrained.”
@SiubhanDuinne: Some nonsense about them being to blame for Brad P or something.
Media: “Trump was positively Nixonian tonight.”
@Danielx: Just tapped out, my liver went
@C Stars:
Twitter is really into toxic machismo.
Trump does a good imitation of Fred C. Boggs, from Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: I’m not sure Ezra Klein actually knows what strategy means.
Trump screaming about Hunter Biden is so ridiculous given his little grifters.
“He never keeps his word” was a fabulous rejoinder.
Is this the first climate change question in the Presidential debates, ever?
@Leto: I heard that as Putin’s puppy. Also works. ?
Humanities Prof
@SiubhanDuinne: A couple of hours ago, the Director of National Intelligence leaked a letter from 2016 that was submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee (which promptly disregarded it because it was obviously bogus). The letter suggested that Hillary Clinton was rumored to be in talks with various Russians about manufacturing a scandal about Trumpov.
The letter itself contains a phrase basically saying “we have no idea whether or not any of this is true or a fabrication.”
And if Trump were still running against Clinton, that might mean something (not because she was actually doing any such thing, but because large segments of the public and media were conditioned to believe that she might).
Wallace lecturing Trump now.
Yeah, this. The toxic macho assholes on Twitter are already in the bag for Trump. Women have to be cringing at this shit.
Jesus Christ, in the next debate they have to be able to cut Trump’s mic. It’s obvious his ‘’strategy” is to constantly interrupt. He thinks that makes him look dominant. That’s it, that’s his whole strategy.
I do like the fact that Biden addressed his son’s drug problem because it’s something very relatable to a lot of American families. Especially in the Rust Belt.
Wallace keeps trying to find his balls, and they’re just nowhere to be seen. Poor Chris.
Trump more and more speaks in Right wing internet code. I don’t think most people will understand it.
Also, it’s kind of weird to talk about Clinton. When Obama debated Romney he didn’t talk about McCain because that’s..baffling.
I have watched this entire debate with Chris Wallace and the Pumpkin on mute but I still have to hear him interrupt Joe Biden. What an obnoxious man.
Ha! I had the same thought!
@Avalune: Your ears are typically better than mine, so I’ll go with that. He does routinely roll over and piss himself when Putin’s around.
@Adam L Silverman:
“The President is presenting as every obnoxious, controlling asshole that every woman knows or dated or was/is married to.”
Yes, this. TBH I just listened to one clip and I started to think I might have an anxiety attack.
The Republican convention was not going to appeal to any of us, but it was designed to be a bridge to welcome any woman who wanted to back over to vote for Trump. Trump is burning that bridge down tonight.
I haven’t been drinking tonight. It’s for the best.
WTF is a forest city? Oh, never mind, it’s a “sir” anecdote and therefore completely made up.
@Elizabelle: That’s a great retort. It’s also a good sound bite that’ll become viral.
Biden is doing the only thing he can, mock the asshole.
@SiubhanDuinne: can’t find what you never had.
@Adam L Silverman: Vizzini?
C Stars
@Baud: Tonight has really brought that home to me. You can kind of see how the shouting-match outrage culture is a good fit for DT.
at the end of this, I hope that Biden looks Chris Wallace straight in the eye and thanks him for moderating this debate, and gives a classy thumbs up to Fox News for hosting this debate and setting it up so they could take their case to the American people.
and then roll his eyes….
@Suzanne: Your liver thanks you for your sacrifice.
Wallace makes it pretty clear that Trump is a liar, with his pointed follow up questions.
Californians get out there and “clean” your forest.
In defense of Wallace, nobody is going to be able to shut up Trump. Even if he shuts off the mic, it won’t matter, he will not back down and he will keep going. In fact, it will puff him up – he’s into dominance. This is what he’s doing. He’s trying to own the debate by out talking everyone.
If the gross Trump hacks are only trying to spin this as a “draw” they think it was bad.
@Elizabelle: I heard “Putin’s puppy.”
JoJo confirms he heard the same thing. ?
Wyatt Salamanca
Trump is the absolute worst that humanity has to offer.
What the everliving fuck is Trump trying to say about countries that are forest cities? I thought this debate was supposed to be in English.
On Endor, wasn’t it?
From what I’m reading here, the only way I’ll investigate further is when the video of 5 year olds reading tRump’s transcript comes out.
“Vice President Biden, please respond to that word salad.”
@dmsilev: ‘Sir, Sir, they said, we are from the Forest City of Endor and we need your help with the raking!”
It makes him look rude, and bullying, and insolent. I guess there are people who find that attractive, but thankfully they are not part of my social circle.
TaMara (HFG)
@C Stars: Remember, twitter is not real life. It’s just a great shortcut for the lazy media. “Well, this and that were trending on twitter”
Meanwhile, back in MI people are standing in food lines and don’t give a fuck about twitter.
(I give myself this speech several times a day when I insist on doomscrolling)
Biden actually has had better zingers. But Trump has won the bully prize tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: DNI Ratcliffe declassified a CIA document that indicates that Russian Intelligence told them in 2016 that Hillary Clinton had created a misinformation campaign that Russia had hacked her emails and was conspiring with the Trump campaign. The Senate and House Intelligence Committees had already assessed that the Russian intelligence assessment that they gave to the CIA was not credible and was misinformation and agitprop. The CIA document also indicates they cannot verify what Russia told them. The President, Jr, Fox News, etc all jumped all over it as “OMG HRC created the Russia hoax!”.
Here’s the write up that debunks everything:
More at the link.
@Avalune: Maybe Californians need to inject their forests with bleach?
Director of National Disinformation Ratcliffe released an unvetted, unreviewed set of Russian disinformation which had Hillary as the REAL CULPRIT in 2016. Of course, he weaseled by doing the equivalent of “see page 437 for our correction” thing.
So glad Moscow Mitch got him confirmed.
ETA: Shakes fist ineffectually at Adam.
Trump actually did kind of answer the climate change question. He believes the economy is more important.
@Ken: Fortunately, when the wreckage of the Death Star crashed down, the blast obliterated the Ewoks.
Emma from FL
I just realized that the biggest problem is that I hang out with politigeeks. Its like being trapped in a brothel bar (please don’t ask!) with a bunch of genius-level baseball statisticians. And while I wouldn’t want to change any of you cantankerous bastids for the world, I would like to remind you that Twitter and the real world have an infinitesimal overlap. As a suburban (well, small town technically but really a suburb of Miami) woman I can tell you that Trump did himself no favors tonight. Regular folk, i.e. not the Trumpist herd, saw a guy basically coming unglued.
“Chris, this is the man who thinks windmills cause air cancer. You’re going to think he has any credible way to address climate change? C’mon, man!”
@Omnes Omnibus: Trump looks and sounds like the drunk guy at the end of the bar.
@Ken: If Trump announces a plan to put the first man on Endor, I will consider that my life is complete.
C Stars
@TaMara (HFG): Yes. I have a serious Twitter problem and need to stop going there. It’s just depressing.
Adam L Silverman
@C Stars: No more than 10% of Americans are on Twitter. So I wouldn’t sweat it.
C Stars
@Leto: Wait, did Biden really say that? Because that’s a great line.
In the second debate, they need to put Trump in a soundproof booth*. When it isn’t his turn to speak they need to turn his microphone off. Biden is simply not articulate enough or mentally quick enough to counter Trump in an optimal way, but he has done a good job of remaining calm in the face of tremendous provocation. I watch Biden and think how much more effective either Warren or Harris** would have been, but Joe’s decency, which doesn’t appeal to tens of millions of Trump Americans, is coming through.
The downside of debates for Biden, and this is slight when honestly compared to Trump, is that he isn’t rhetorically agile . For the most part, Biden has respected the time-to-speak rule, but he should have been nearly perfect. That increases the contrast between the two men. Wallace did call out Trump for being the worse offender and Trump has been so bad it would take a saint to not respond at all. Secretly, I want Wallace to “taze” Trump…hmm, I guess it’s not a secret, is it?
Early on, when Wallace was struggling to control Trump, should have said, “Mr. President, with all due respect, SHUT UP.” The man is appalling. But it is that quality that seems to appeal to so many Americans.
*Alternatively, simply give the moderator a switch to turn off Trump’s microphone. But that would probably be inadequate, since Trump would just shout. He is incapable of behaving like an adult or even a teenager with a modicum of self control. Or, a third option, gag Trump and pull the gag when it is his turn.
** Of course, both Warren and Harris, being women, would be roundly criticized for being shrill. Trump poses problems, because of his uncontrolled behavior, that have never before been been seen in presidential debates.
zhena gogolia
@Emma from FL:
Thank you, I hope you’re right.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Emma from FL:
Come on, man!
to your larger point, I’ll repeat myself quoting somebody else:
@dmsilev: they were on the opposite side of the moon. More Christmas specials incoming.
Trump is accusing Biden of having a 100 trillion plan to rip out cows or something.
@Quinerly: LOL.
Unlike Trump, I believe Putin does have a dog or two.
@Mary G: I blocked that fucking racist. I regret that his blog was one of my primary sources of information at the start of my political awareness. Well, at least it lead me to BJ.
Mai Naem mobile
Donnie is such a fucking asshole. Jeezus.
@C Stars: No, Biden is a better man than I. It would’ve been a spectacular line though.
@Leto: If ever there was a night that merited a cocktail, it’s tonight.
Now if I can just resist online retail therapy.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Ken: Endor was a moon. A whole forest moon!
@Emma from FL: Why do I never get trapped in a brothel bar with cool people like Emma?
Wyatt Salamanca
Can we “forget” to pull off the gag?
I think I am more pissed at my wife for making me turn this on, and having to drink to keep my sanity as a result.
Emma from FL
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was New Orleans, man. Enough said.
@TriassicSands: That’s what I think too. Soundproof booth. Like quiz shows.
The $750 Question.
@Humanities Prof:
Thanks very much. Hadn’t seen any of that.
zhena gogolia
Biden: “I can’t remember which of his rantings ….”
@SiubhanDuinne: One of the toadies released unvetted Russion misinformation about Hillary stirring up conspiracy theories about how he collaborates with Russia.
3 mins for election integrity. Great.
The end is near!
I hear you! I’ve already blown many, many shekels on ActBlue and DougJ’s thermometers.
Emma from FL
@Morzer: ‘Cause you’re not a librarian at an ALA conference in New Orleans? And trapped is… a moral figleaf. I was having a great time.
Ooh! Ooh!
@dmsilev: Not near enough, alas.
Wyatt Salamanca
Biden should have used that line to provide further evidence of Trump’s unprecedented scientific illiteracy.
@Morzer: asked and answered.
Adam L Silverman
@Princess: I close very quickly on what other people tell me during conversations. So I’m attuned to this because I’ve had to train myself not to do it/not do it as much as I’m naturally inclined to do so I don’t come off as a complete asshole that just talks over everyone.
@Emma from FL: I said trapped in the sense of being trapped by having bought five tickets.
@Suzanne: listen, just because you spared your liver doesn’t mean you have to spare your wallet. :P
“If you’re able to vote early, vote early. If you’re able to vote often, oh wait never mind.”
This is nice by Biden.
Omnes Omnibus
Joe is good on voting.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: Worse.
What was that kid’s show with the slime buckets. Much more satisfying than mic mutes.
Bill Arnold
If there is another debate, the moderator must have a kill switch for each microphone.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: It was a good couple of minutes.
@Elizabelle: Putin manages to train his labrador retrievers to scare people ( i.e. Angela Merkel).
Omnes Omnibus
Trump is coming off as a complete kook.
I just hope that Biden growls “Shut the fuck up, Donny!” at the next debate.
mali muso
Meanwhile in a bid to maintain sanity, I am back to gazing at the ActBlue dial spin ever faster. Out of curiosity, I put on a timer. It’s averaging about $100k per minute. Should be interesting to see the next fundraising numbers.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah, I think I see the problem…
Repubs always claim that environmental protections are anti-business and they’re always wrong, but unfortunately some people still lap up that BS.
Biden: Is [the country] going to change or is it going to be four more years of these lies?
Trump now. Talking about Crooked Hillary Clinton and a coup.
@Elizabelle: check out JoJo’s debate watching position on FB (he has been celebrating his 11 months birthday all day)
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: Lothlorien.
“I’ll take the physical challenge!”
So, on-brand, then.
He’s clearly not speaking to the likes of us. And I’m not trained enough to put up my hand and say “Oh, stewardess, I speak Trumpov.”
Adam L Silverman
Biden did miss an opportunity to remind that we might not have an immediate result Election Night.
Trump just went there. We are going to know November 3rd.
Talking about a fraud and a shame. In states run by Democrats.
Wyatt Salamanca
Tonight, Trump redefined batshit crazy and he needs to be sedated.
@Omnes Omnibus:
His face is all twisted and sweaty. He looks unhinged
@Omnes Omnibus: I can’t imagine anyone watching this and finding him anything other than fucking batshit.
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: Better than shaking Adam ineffectually at fist.
@Wyatt Salamanca: I mean, it’s like everything else here. We already know what we know, so it’s no point. Would’ve been a great sound bite though.
@Leto: I actually have a facemask that says ” this mask also prevents windmill cancer”. I think it’s from Raygun.
“Solicited ballot” is a new term he learned. So dumb.
I am SUCH a masochist. And Trump is SUCH a fucking douche rocket.
Trump wants people to go in and vote. Like they used to.
All this crap about “solicited ballots.”
Now saying that ballots are being dumped in rivers.
These last 10 minutes of Trump have been the Captain Queeg on the witness stand part of the debate.
Adam L Silverman
@Morzer: And now I want a steak!
@trnc: Rich people can always move to higher ground.
@Suzanne: Obviously you have not seen the light.
@Anya: Sully was one of my first political blogs. I’m not ashamed because I found him when he was one of the few Republicans/Conservatives that actually condemned Bush’s regime of torture, so he came off as principled. The more I read him, the more I realized that it was the ONLY thing he care about that wasn’t directly related to well, Andrew Sullivan. His blog led me here and I am grateful to him for that. Nonetheless, he is a bigot and an all around awful person, who (I think) still disapproves of torture, which makes him better than a LOT of Republicans, both then and now.
Honestly, when I first started reading Sully and BJ I would have thought that eventually I would leave BJ because John was on his tear about Cindy Shaheen. I saw her as a mother who was driven by grief and gave her a lot of slack and John was less tolerant. But John was willing to look at the world and change his views and here I am years later, one of the jackals.
@Wyatt Salamanca: in the South we say, “crazy as a shit house rat.”
@Adam L Silverman: LOL! <3 it.
@Sab: haha, nice :)
zhena gogolia
Did he have the brass balls?
For some reason, the MASH theme song has been running through my head for the last half hour or so.
I’m not sure just when, or why, he determined that a perpetual glower was an appealing look, but he sure as fuck guessed wrong.
@Baud: Twitter is all about “owing” “crushing it” or “destroying” someone. Subtlety doesn’t work well with Twitter. They like outright brutality. In that they’re like Trump voters. They like bullying or responding in kind. So, anything that twitter likes, means that regular voters will hate it. If Twitter thinks Trump won regular people will hate him. The problem is blue check journalists are influenced by twitter.
Well, see, that’s where part of the fire hazard comes in, you have to burn off the fusel oils. With better grade stuff you don’t have that problem.
Seriously, going to have to fall back on beer for next debate. Old Rasputin by preference.
Motherfucker now talking about Philly and how his fucks weren’t allowed in. Good. FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!
@PPCLI: It doesn’t have the undertone of pity for Queeg. And I can’t imagine anyone wanting to give the equivalent of José Ferrer’s final speech, turning it all around.
Adam L Silverman
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: If Endor had better personal grooming it wouldn’t be a problem. Perhaps they should get a brazilian?
And Wallace is the best Fox News has to offer.
Say it, Joe – “DT is trying to urge his supporters to disrupt the election sites.”
Chris Wallace notes it could be days or weeks until Election count is done. That at least 8 states don’t even allow opening the ballots earlier to count.
Trump: “Bad things happen in Philadelphia.”
Trump accusing others of cheating, and whinging over and over about the ballots found in a wastebasket.
Chris Wallace sounds rattled.
“Bad things happen if Philadelphia”.
Like the Constitution?
@Morzer: you wish you were shot and being helicopter medivac’d out from this shitshow?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Once I left the TV, I took a Xanax to calm down.
Now I think I’ll watch something more edifying, like porn or some cheesy clips of pratfalls.
Omnes Omnibus
“He has no idea what he is talking about.” A statement for the ages.
That man never drank a Duff in his life.
mad citizen
We knew all this about trump in 2016. Now he is just older, oranger, and 4 more years into his dementia journey. Christ what an asshole.
Wallace was awful. .
Well, that was quite something.
One down, three to go.
Oh thank fuck, it’s over.
Watching Sullivan obsess self-pityingly over his own unrecognized racism in the name of reason and science is a repulsive spectacle.
@C Stars: Not the people I follow. Twitter can be a great resource but one has to pick and choose who one follows and block and mute with impunity.
Wallace actually said “We’re going to leave it there.”
I can’t even.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: How could you tell?
@Leto: I think he’s suggesting “something something brings on many changes….”
That was too awful to even have fun with.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And Rocky movies.
I don’t ever want to see another Trump debate.
Shit show. CUT HIS MIKE.
Jill gives Joe a hug, Melania beep-boop robot smile.
Wyatt Salamanca
I know Trump can’t be held accountable for all the bullshit he spews, but hopefully he loses because four more years of this asshole would be a fucking nightmare.
Adam L Silverman
@mali muso: Someone please list my student loans as up for reelection.
OMG. 2 more of these. We have a week to recover and let our livers rest.
RadioFreeTom thought the same thing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pretty much like most days, from what I’ve observed.
The sweetest part was Jill hugging her husband and Melania like okay here’s my hand.
@Leto: If the choice was between dancing naked and blind drunk in a minefield and watching another minute of Donald Trump “debating”… well, sometimes choices are surprisingly easy to make.
Mary G
RIP Helen Reddy.
@Morzer: He made up the thing about forest cities a couple of weeks ago. He insisted that in Europe they have forest cities, by which he seemed to mean cities in the middle of forests, and they don’t have any problems with fires, so obviously California’s doing something wrong and it’s their fault, and not any of that climate stuff.
The reality is that Europe has no such thing, and they’ve had plenty of problems with wildfires in recent years, but reality has no place in “the world is what I say it is.”
Man, Brian Williams reporting how Trumpov told the Proud Fuckknuckles to stand down and standby. Getting fact checked by Williams… oof.
Judy Woodruff clutches her pearls.
Haha. I clicked off so I wouldn’t have to hear the pundits.
I hope Biden is ready during one of these debates to turn to the moderator and just say, “<Moderator>, I have no idea what this man was just attempting to talk about. Do you?”
@Quinerly: no rest for the livery! ???
Tapper on CNN calling out DT for his BS. Pretty good.
HOLY CRAP – Dana Bash – “That was a shit show.” Every once in a while, I can still be surprised.
Keith P.
Wolf Blitzer says he doesn’t expect there to be another presidential debate after tonight.
Dana Bash says “That was a shitshow.”
@Mary G: sad. I still hear the roar.
That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck.
-Jake Tapper
He pretty much did that tonight.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: There are some pretty pictures, on thread over. :-)
Terms like “won” or “lost” don’t even apply to that shitshow. Biden survived. That’s about the best that could possibly happen.
Haha, Maddow saying how she spent all this time preparing for this and it was basically worthless. Hahaha
@Keith P.: Promise?
@Adam L Silverman: Rebecca Solnit wrote a brilliant essay about that.
@Keith P.: Hopefully everyone lays this right at Trump’s feet rather than pretending any of the shitshow came from Biden.
Wyatt Salamanca
Jake Tapper is furious, said it was the worst debate he’d ever seen and said Trump deserved most of the blame. Dana Bash called the debate a shitshow and wasn’t bleeped.
Well, that happened. Trump seemed manic and panicked. No one can contain that wall of bullshit consistently, but Biden managed to get his digs in. Trump is fighting for his freedom, which made him even worse than he was against Hillary.
@Morzer: Hey, I’ve got a spare pair of tap shoes (Clogs as we southerners call it). I’ll head out with ya.
Damn. I only had one beer in the house so I had to switch to ice cream. It didn’t work.
Patricia Kayden
@Adam L Silverman: I also wonder whether Biden is taking his time and taking the measure of how to deal with this next time. They surely knew Wallace would be useless. Trump won’t change, because he’s incapable of it, and that leaves him vulnerable to someone who can figure out his own best way of tossing the opponent next round.
mali muso
@Adam L Silverman: Lol. Go for it! I just timed the counter and saw $1mill raised within 13 minutes flat.
Adam L Silverman
Best reaction from a friend tonight: Brokahontas needs a shock collar.
Emma from FL
@Elizabelle: Chris Wallace is,basically, a sane person trying to deal with an exploding case of self-pitying narcissism that happens to have one of the most important titles in the world attached to his last name. In Florida, any regular person acting like Trump would have been Baker acted right there on stage.
@M31: “Big tears in their little furry cheeks and they come up to me and say sir, sir Yub-yub, sir.”
Matt McIrvin
@C Stars: FWIW, the people I follow on Twitter are mostly talking about how horrifying Trump is, not much insight on who they think “won” except everyone loses.
@Leto: Just don’t ask me to do it backwards and in heels!
Nicole Wallace calling out Chris for being a shitty moderator. Said Trumpov is an abuser, Chris was abused. Said Chris definitively had choices on what to do and just failed. Good.
@MomSense: I am going to make sure you stock up if this ever happens again.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They did boo Santa.
I’ve been defending Wallace some, but Tapper made a good point about him not saying earlier, “Mr Prez, you are violating the rules agreed to by your campaign.” Apparently, not until 1 hour 13 minutes in.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, he couldn’t afford to piss off his bosses. He sucked (and I didn’t even watch it).
Trump had to damage Biden in the first one and he didn’t. I don’t know if he damaged himself- I can’t imagine still supporting him at this point- but he didn’t hurt Biden and he had to.
The other debates won’t matter. Had to be this one.
@Subsole: Lost it at “yub-yub”… hahahaha
@Morzer: Deal!
@MomSense: I preemptively ate two desserts after dinner. It did help a little bit.
@zhena gogolia: there’s a hell of a lot more grifting to do post Trumpov. CREAM.
@Wyatt Salamanca: I have some 20-ish friends doing the “that was a shitshow, no one won it. God save America” thing.
I think this might have been a partial goal? Fuck the thing up so much that Biden can’t give a ‘normal’ debate?
Cheryl Rofer
That was…bad
Chris Johnson
He told Proud Boys to stand BACK and stand by. Stand down is different.
I’m very happy with how Biden came across.
@Leto: I appreciate that she brought up abuse. ‘Cause I kind of feel like I’ve been held at gun point by a meth-addled maniac.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Williams did miss the “white” in front of “supremacists”.
@Kay: I think this is probably a win on points for Biden, but even a draw is bad for Trump. Biden sounded like someone thinking about the American people and taking the job seriously. Trump sounded like that annoying spoilt brat who won’t shut the fuck up on long car journeys.
@Cheryl Rofer:
You are brilliant at understatement.
I think it was good of Biden to say at the end that voters should ignore Trump’s bluster about the election.
@Morzer: Romney would have strapped him to the roof rack.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Hmm I didn’t see it by it sounds like the Sons of Broder have their work cut out for them to both sides this.
@Adam L Silverman: Do witches do that, tho?
@Baud: I really wish they hadn’t.
I admire all of you for your willingness, ability, and fortitude to sit through the mental equivalent of being shot out of a cannon, multiple times. Safely in my study reading Wikipedia and spending money on ActBlue is all I got.
Sweet dreams, jackals.
@Immanentize: “It’s an older reference sir, but it checks out.” – Admiral Piett
mad citizen
@Keith P.: national review guy just wondered the same on NBC regarding no more debates. Really, no one needs this. We are all red or blue team, or as LP puts it: trump or america.
@Leto: I liked her screaming child in the backseat analogy.
I genuinely wonder about this. There are so many grieving parents of addicts. You just cannot imagine the pain these people have been through. I live in a very conservative area and it just isn’t done anymore, because everyone knows someone. Most people know a lot of someones. We’ve all been to funerals.
I agree, and I cannot see undecided voters thinking they want 4 more years of trump, after that. Trump was still all about riling up his base. Biden was trying to reach undecided voters.
this link is talking about PBS and of course we had to have one both sides because both sides were mean. When one guy turns personal and is on the attack constantly..
@Percysowner: that’s pretty much how I wound up at BJ. I started reading Sully because he wasn’t buying W’s bullshit about the Iraq war. Sully mentioned John Cole as a “principled conservative” also opposed to the war, which is how I wound up here. I stopped reading Sullivan years ago, but BJ is one of my daily must-reads.
Biden laughing at trump reminded me that I have never seen trump laugh. May be an aspect of his sociopathy.
Lot of both sidesism on PBS.
@Keith P.: I hope the Biden campaign only has one catch: “the moderator/s have to cut the mic on any candidate talking over another, or I’m out of here”
Adam L Silverman
Nice clean post debate open thread is posted for you all.
@tom: I think we all know that the real “John Cole” has a shaved ass and does not answer to the name “Steve”.
@Leto: Lol, nice.
@Keith P.: I hope the Biden campaign only has one catch: “the moderator/s have to cut the mic on any candidate talking over another, or I’m out of here”
@Leto: I love the appropriateness of “abuser” and I hope Biden & Co use it more going forward
@Kay: Yup. He’s way behind and this debate moved no one at all from Biden to trumpov
@planetjanet: Tell your friend to find a less racist slur to describe the Orange ?
@cain: Judy Woodruff excels at both sidery BS.
There is so little that he actually knows that differentiating between knowing and not knowing is futile.
The twinkle in Joe’s eye is worth +.5 to +1 point.
Trump’s asshole meltdown -1.5
National average aggregates will be Biden +10 by the end of the week.
I have on my fridge a yellowing clip of a Wiley Miller/Non Sequitur comic from prior to the 2016 election. The main caption reads: “Climbing the new ladder of success” and the drawing is of a bum on a street corner holding out his hat. Next to him is a “thermometer” board (Just like BJ!) that says “help me reach my goal!” from the bottom up, the lines are “babbling wino–prophet of doom–blowhard in bar–blowhard on radio–Donald Trump”.
This cartoon has never lost its relevance.
@catclub: wait…both undecided voters? LOL
Yup. “He’s an abuser, but I’ll stand up to him when he tries to beat up on anyone who disagrees with him.”
MoCA Ace
It’s a sip damn it… one continuous, high-volume sip. And don’t judge me. Without alcohol I never would have made it through the first 20 minutes. I made the mistake of tuning in for the fucking post-game. Don’t put that bottle away just yet!
@Leto: That’s a good point, about an abuser and the abused.
It fits with Wallace. Cut the fucker’s mike. Insist he follow the rules his campaign agreed to.
Although: I think Trump did himself a world of hurt. Watch in the upcoming days and week.
@schrodingers_cat: Why I am not watching PBS. Or listening to NP — don’t hit us again! – R.
Fuck ’em.
I do love hearing that Dana Bash called the debate a shitshow. Gonna go look up that clip now.
@Kay: My stepson is a recovered addict and he put us and himself through hell for years. He got into it because his homelife sucked and he was desparately unhappy.
Hunter Biden got into drugs because he spent much of his childhood on pain medication after a near fatal accident that killed his mother and baby sister. He was addicted to pain killers before he even had a choice because he was an accident victim in a hospital giving him pain meds he needed.
No, this woman is furious and ready to tear his throat out.
Adam L Silverman
@Subsole: I’m assuming it is personal preference just like with everyone else.
@Adam L Silverman: Winner!!!!!
Bill Arnold
Biden was not shy about pushing Trump’s buttons. Amplifying an asshole meltdown is a “make them overreach” tactic, perhaps deliberate.
There’s been a lot of that going on vs Rs, as a generalized tactic. Seem to work well on them.
@Avalune: We need rakes.
I believe there is footage of Rump laughing with Jeffrey Epstein.
@Kay: Almost all my stepson’s friends from high school are dead. Sweet kids. Not the ravaging monsters you see on TV. Just sweet stupid kids who wanted to relax and get high and waste their lives. And they did.
@danielx: I mean, that stuff’s like 12% ABV, isn’t it? I’d rather just have three or four fingers of rye and save myself 600 calories.
Bill Arnold
He sounded like a propaganda-addled Dunning-Kruger afflicted RW nut job, on drugs that amplified his unattractive belligerence.
If only that could be done.
I’m a horrible person, but I keep hoping Trump’s head will explode. On screen.
Clearly, the moderator has to exercise greater control. For the benefit of all the bothsiderists out there, the moderator can exercise greater control over both sides. Of course, that will be a simple job in the case of Biden. With Trump it will be non-stop.
A WaPo commentator just referred to “lots of bullying, lots of trolling.” Guess which candidate he was talking about? Another WaPo commentator just referred to it as “unwatchable.”
Joe Biden didn’t “win” this debate; Trump lost it…except with all of his supporters. But no one could reasonably expect Trump being Trump to cost him any support among his followers.
A new slogan was coined tonight. Trump to the white supremacist Proud Boys: “Stand back and standby.” Standby for the day when Trump has to call you to hit the streets with all your guns because the Democrats “stole the election” by coming out to vote in greater numbers than Republicans.
I was proud of Joe for calling “the president of the United States” a “clown.” I did think that he waited too long to tell Trump to shut up, but that was Wallace’s fault for not demanding much earlier that Trump just STFU. Before the Trump presidency there was always a level of “respect” for the president that would preclude the possibility of a moderator telling him to “shut up.” But Trump, the destroyer of norms, is such a POS that I think Wallace should have used exactly those words. (Minus the “F” part.)
My conclusion: Biden gets a fair grade — C+ or B-*. Trump? The worst performance in a presidential debate ever — a clear Z–.
*It’s hard to imagine how anyone could do a lot better against Trump. Greater rhetorical skill would help.
Adam L Silverman
@frosty: Sometimes the classics are best.
@Percysowner: Cindy, she was the one I couldn’t remember. John said he changed his views because of three women: Cindy Shaheen, Terri Schiavo, and Katrina.
@catclub: I don’t even give him that much credit. There’s no strategy here, like appealing to his base. Trying to expand his coalition or reach out to hesitant or undecided voters could never be a possibility for him. Not only is it not in his repertoire, it’s not even a thing that he recognizes. There is not now and never has been any strategy. There is no inner life or self-reflection, which would be necessary for contemplating a strategy. It’s all tactics, all the time. He just so happens to be the perfect totem for the hatred, self-loathing, racism, sexism, and misdirected anger of approximately 70 million of our fellow citizens. But that’s the extent of it.
A debate involving him is nothing but his narcissism turned loose on stage. The one and only thing that mattered to Donald J. Trump about this evening was being able to convince himself on the way home that he hadn’t been shamed, that he’d been victimized, or that he’d dominated another human being. It’s getting over, 24/7/365 for this primative bunch of mechanical impulses. Recognizing that he’s losing an electoral race, understanding that some people might be swayable, realizing that the majority of us do not perceive him to be the greatest leader in human history? Those things do not exist in the dank swamp of his bottomless, needy narcissism. His moment-to-moment perception of whether or not he’s safe from shame or exposure is the entirety of his conscious universe.
Annnd….wait for it….
Color me unsurprised.
Food and drink in one!
The Pale Scot
I’m seeing a combo of Anton Jackson, Homey D. Clown, David Chappelle’s Rick James impersonation, and Omar Little
And I’d give up some days to see it
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@tom: Exactly. I found Sully because he was against Bush’s torture, and I ended up ignoring most of his other stuff before just moving over to BJ (especially when he would start in on conservative British political thinkers – who cares). I did enjoy the weekly feature of “where was this picture taken” and the amazing detective work people would do to figure it out. But haven’t read him in more than 15 years now I guess it is. John already had Lily when I found BJ but I’ve been here for everything else.
@zhena gogolia:
He was 4 yrs younger, less demented and hadn’t screwed the pooch as bad as he has as president. He also has seemingly had experienced a bit of luck pushing women around, and probably has never really tried to be as obvious as he was with Hilary. How would she have fared if she had turned to him and said something like – go back to your place? She didn’t expect him to be quite the ass he was. Joe didn’t seem to be expecting him to be any less an ass than he was.
You demonstrate that the person is a liar. Pick a demostrable falsehood and crush it. The Achilles heel of the Gish Gallop is that even the audience can’t keep track of all the lies being spouted. So you don’t have to refute every point, you just need to have the takeaway be “Trump lied.”
It sounds like Biden was working towards this with his “Everybody knows he’s a liar” comment, which is close but not quite there. But I didn’t watch the debate, so I don’t know if he drove the point home.
The Lodger
If the president thinks his best case is made in urine he can have at it,” Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, said…
That’s exactly what Trump did tonight.
Does anyone think trump was not medicated with some non prescription “medicine?”
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Why can’t he be held responsible?
Who is going to certify him as insane or as a possible harm to others? Who is going to step in? None of his sycophants. None of his followers. It would have to be a court or the VP/cabinet, a 25th. And that isn’t going to happen. So it’s on him.
@cain: how about a Nickelodeon bucket of good dumped on his head…
The night tRUMP was re elected president of the PROUD BOYS.
The Fat White Duchess
@Elizabelle: Yes. And uses it (them?) to harass Angela Merkel.
The Fat White Duchess
@Elizabelle: Diamond Head.