Who, me?!?
this dog mocking a Corgi has me in tears pic.twitter.com/EnV0f9uI8I
— yella enchanted (@chantshmant) January 2, 2021
There’s a sucker born every minute, and some of them live with dogs…
A South Korean startup has developed an AI-powered dog collar that can detect five emotions in canines by monitoring their barks using voice-recognition technology https://t.co/hlf28v32kw pic.twitter.com/knKpWDn8RM
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 13, 2021
“he doesn’t bite”
“he just throws cinderblocks” pic.twitter.com/1JQNAAshtL
— Alessio ? (@itscoffeesenpai) January 4, 2021
Or, if you prefer a more formal venue for working on losing those pandemic pounds…
Olive and Mabel!
zhena gogolia
The dog-bark-analysis didn’t give too many details.
I love Olive and Mabel, the “Home Help” and “Looking for Love” videos are especially good. Another really fun Youtube channel to binge is Owlkitty. Edit: also, Batzilla the Bat. Can’t get over how cute flying foxes are.
Olive and Mabel are the best! Especially “Looking for Love”!
John Revolta
What kind of dog person needs a damn app to know what kind of bark his dog is barking?
Omnes Omnibus
@thylacine: Want to catch squirrels.
I love Olive and Mabel! I agree, Looking for Love is a classic.
Adam will appreciate the suspension thingy!
Omnes Omnibus
@geg6: The Trust of Dogs is my favorite. “It’s like when the cat next door tries to get you into bitcoin.”
Gary K
“My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.”
Repeating. Sue me.
You just know the impulse that popped into the dog’s brain the moment the video ended was “Okey-dokey. Now I’m ready to head inside and sprawl on that comfy white couch.”
I totally want to send that first video to the Queen! Do you think she would be amused?
Add my name to Olive and Mabel fandom. I actually ordered, and read, Andrew Cotter’s book, Olive, Mabel, & Me. It’s far from being great literature (not that I expected it to be), but it’s cute and at times quite touching.
Bill Arnold
Bill Arnold
The Working Class Does Not Beg:
What are the five dog emotions? Love, worry, anger, shame, squirrel?
I guess I’m in a sentimental mood today, but I just discovered this awesome cover of “Mother” (the climax song of the series Carole and Tuesday): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcIDcufAFuI&ab_channel=Lyrratic
With everything that’s happened over the last few weeks (hell, since 2016), I find it hard not to listen to this song and tear up :(
zhena gogolia
John Revolta
@Ken: I think “Who, me?” should be in there.
Amir Khalid
@John Revolta:
Also too, dog emotions are probably about as complex as human emotions. I doubt that five states come anywhere near to capturing that complexuty.
Heaven help dog owners the day dogs decide they deserve more than a treat.
Fine corgois across the street in my neighborhood.
Not into corgi humiliation or corgi mockimg at all. Some people are insensitive assholes. We just need to admit that some of those assholes are us, and fucking purge them.
Chip Daniels
The dog intepreeter thing reminds me of a Far Side cartoon where a scientist – at last!- develops a helmet that allows him to walk down the street and hear exactly what dogs are really saying.
He walks down the street surrounded by dogs, and all of them are saying the same thing:
“Hey! Hey-Hey-hey!”
zhena gogolia
Even if it’s another dog doing the mocking?
@zhena gogolia: My dogs would never mock corgis. (Those guys weigh forty pounds and herd full grown cows.)
Nutmeg again
@Ken: Hungry; very Hungry; Itch; Snooze; Squirrel!!
@sab: And apparently some are dogs. (Thanks for the guffaw, AL.)
ETA, that is, some insensitive assholes are …
zhena gogolia
Did you watch the first video in the original post?
John Revolta
@Amir Khalid: No doubt about it!
Reposting, soon to be reposing. Had A Day.
So happy I can add to a respite thread. Although knowing this place, someone has probably already posted this (like OzarkHB). Check out the whole thread for wildlife happy.
Wildlife Interrupting Wildlife Photographers:
@Jay: so good it deserves to be posted twice.
It’s the thought that counts!
At first I read the end of the title as ‘Dog breath’ and thought, ‘what kind of respite is that?’
But I was happily mistaken. Thanks for the fun petpix. A great respite to help get us through the next couple of stressful days.
Mary G
Cute story in two pictures:
ETA: Google translates: Insanely Healed
zhena gogolia
@Mary G: Lovely!
Mary G
Miss Bianca
Works for me!
@debbie: I thought about deleting, but then I considered how many people might have pied one or the other of us?
@Ken: Rabbits get no love? Or is it terror at the thought of being chased by a dog?
@Immanentize: agree! I went through and liked every single one too, they’re all funny.
I can’t see those photos often enough!
Game of Bones
Kind of fits under shame, but you’re right; I’ve seen dogs that show both those emotions. But I’m loath to drop squirrel.
There go two miscreants
@mrmoshpotato: You want rabbits, follow Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) on twitter.
Just One More Canuck
@arrieve: and the Company meeting
zhena gogolia
Happy Cary Grant’s 117th birthday!
@zhena gogolia
Really? I swear he doesn’t look a day over 112.
Traditional celebration still taking three Judys to lunch?
zhena gogolia
Does he ever actually say that?
There’s normal dog anger, and then there’s “the pizza delivery guy rang the doorbell” levels of white hot blistering dog rage
@zhena gogolia
Nope. Comes close enough in one picture that it was latched onto by impressionists. Much the same as Kate Hepburn mimics’ “Rah-ah-lly I will.”
zhena gogolia
Which picture? I noticed it once but now I can’t remember.
We’re reading the new biography of him now. I sometimes feel as if the author never actually watched some of these movies, the way he describes them.
@zhena gogolia
Swiss cheese memory is telling me Only Angels Have Wings but can’t say that definitively.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, must be. Rita Hayworth’s character is named Judy.
We didn’t know we had a dog next door for weeks after we moved in because he’s so quiet. One modern, low key “woof” and they let him right back in. One night they weren’t hearing him, a a every 30 seconds, just the same low key “woof”. What a good boy.
I was outside right next to their fence, cutting up debris with a saw and I never knew he was outside until he did his woof to get let back in. I told his dog mom that once we can all get vaccinated, I really want to meet him in person, plus the daughter’s Great Dane, who I have also not seen or heard when she visits, which is often