WOW: Rep. Al Green (D-TX)amazing response to GOP Rep Greg Steube who said God opposes transgender rights: "You used God to enslave my foreparents. You used God to segregate me in schools. You used God to put me in the back of he bus. Have you no shame?"
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) February 25, 2021
I felt this was incredibly powerful.
I’ve been having a week…I won’t bore you with it. But I’m sure sad it’s not Friday.
Open thread
Have you, at long last sir, no shame. Brought down McCarthy, maybe it’ll wake up America. Nah ..
ETA – Oh well, the vagaries of memory, “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
Just Some Fuckhead
God has a very long history of opposing progress.
Another Scott
Really excellent.
It’s long past time that sensible people push back on those citing “God” this and “God” that for policies that damage the commonweal for the rest of us.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
May you never thirst
Amir Khalid
It’s Friday morning on my side of the planet, if that’s any help.
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: (He’s from the FUTURE!!)
Just Chuck
The only concept of shame these people know is that we’re supposed be ashamed for not being rich white christian males.
zhena gogolia
Very nice clip.
@Another Scott:
And it’s only getting worse.
We live in a secular democracy and your personal rights should not depend on other people’s views on what God thinks.
mali muso
That’s the kind of righteous anger I am here for.
I’m also loving this FB post from my awesome House Rep Jennifer Wexton
God made intersex people. It isn’t binary male and female.
@Amir Khalid:
What were Thursday’s lottery numbers? Both Lotto and Lucky Day evening drawing? :)
That’s the GOP motto.
Mike J
@VOR: An old anti-gay trope is “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”
Who do they think did make Adam and Steve?
The Moar You Know
@mali muso: No wonder you love her. Three smackdowns in one twenty word sentence has to be some kind of world record. I’m very impressed.
@Mike J:
Personally, I would have gone with Madam and Eve, but I think the anti-LGBT folks have always been conflicted about lesbians.
People who wanted the first woman to be Stevie Nicks? :)
Mike J
@Baud: Pretty sure Wayland Flowers created Madame.
@Mike J:
Great answer to that question on a church marquee back in the days of “gay rights” and SSM campaigns in Maine (mid-90s and forward):
“Last I heard, God made everyone.”
TS (the original)
@mali muso:
I will never understand why the majority of GOP legislation, state and Federal. relates to peoples bodies, sex and pregnancy. If ever there was a reason that they do nothing – it is because all they want to legislate relates to the above.
For a so called advanced country so many elected politicians profess views on sex that were out of date in the middle ages.
Conservatives Have Weird Hangups, an eternal series:
Click through for the image. Apparently ‘cancel culture’ has come for Paw Patrol.
Roger Moore
@Another Scott:
To me, the core principle should be that any rule made for everyone should be based on arguments and reasons that everyone can accept. Not everyone agrees with them on what God says, even other people who believe in the same holy books, so that argument is BS.
@Roger Moore:
They don’t agree with us on science or reality though.
I have a really happy story to share. The Somali Bantu community in Lewiston, Maine was able to purchase a farm back at the end of the Summer. It was an amazing thing to be even a very small part of. Today The Guardian published a wonderful article about them.
“We’re trying to re-create the lives we had”
There are some beautiful photos. Jackals will especially like the goats.
@Baud: Science and reality have a Liberal bias, everyone knows that.
Equality Act passed House.
ETA: I can’t believe it’s not the Equity Act. Sell outs!
ETA 2: that’s in reference to some idiocy during the Garland hearing.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Barbara: What Barbara said. I’m so tired of having to live by the whims of superstitious fools. I left the fundamentalism I was raised with in the early 80’s because I didn’t want to live by their stupid rules. Imagine my surprise when they took over one of the major parties and starting legislating their stupid rules.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
There is a long history of people using God as a crutch to oppose change.
All Dems and 3 Republicans.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Roger Moore: I once made a gay guy serving coffee in my local coffee shop crack up during a political discussion by saying that my pet housecat was running for office on an anti-feral-cat lifestyle platform.
It’s easy (& very lazy) to run on bigotry. Unlike actual policy, it doesn’t require you to know anything or do anything.
God’s gay brother?
@Baud: Bipartisan!
Sister Golden Bear
@Another Scott: I’m sure it’s purely coinkydink that God hates the same people they hate.
The good news is that the House just passed the Equality Act, which amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act to ban discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It would substantially expand those protections, including online retailers and transportation providers, for example.
Bad news is that it’s almost certainly doomed in the Senate. Because filibuster. Just as it’s been since 2013,
Also today, Rand Paul (R-Asshole) went on an absolutely vile transphobic rant at Dr. Rachel Levine’s confirmation hearing. Meanwhile even Republicans are pissed at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-No committees) anti-LGBT stunts, the latest of which was posting a transphobic sign outside her office — right across the office of another representative who has a trans daughter.
Can I just say, I am so, so tired of my rights being used as a political wedge issue.
@TS (the original):
Because they get arrested now if they try to beat nonconformists to death.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Very libertarian of him.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Sister Golden Bear: now you know why black people are a democratic voting block.
Because sometimes you aren’t in a position to be able to choose whether your rights are “controversial.”
Just Some Fuckhead
How does virtually everyone come to the conclusion that God is a reactionary conservative asshole? At some point, you have to put this on God.
Comrade Colette
@Just Some Fuckhead: Eh. God, Ted Cruz – who can tell the difference, amirite?
@Comrade Colette: Well, yeah, that’s why Texas got wasted by that storm. God was too busy partying in Cancun to save them.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
There is a long history of people using God as a crutch to oppose change.
Isn’t that kinda like blaming the Tooth Fairy for cavities, or Santa Claus for the existence of naughty children?
Thanks for posting this. It’s astonishing to me how successfully the RWNJs have been able to monopolize patriotism and religion. I hope things like this help put an eventual end to that. I do think we need to start speaking out more forcefully against it. Like Green did.
Because they find them hot on TV and movies.
Just Some Fuckhead
Is anyone blaming the Tooth Fairy for cavities or Santa Claus for naughty children? Because all the God-botherers I see are crediting God for their revanchist worldview.
J R in WV
I see where the former coach of the US olympics gymnastic team (little girls division!) was indicted for multiple counts of sex crimes against the little girls in the program. So then he went out to a rest stop and killed himself — another Republican way to plead guilty when you don’t have the courage to stand up in open court and admit you were a sexual monster with little girls entrusted to your “care”~!!~
I’ve always wondered why gymnastic competition looks like a Jr High affair — it’s because it is all about the sexual fantasies of gymnastic coaches and management! So sick! These little girls should be training at home, and not allowed to compete until they’re at least 18! And they shouldn’t be allowed to be anorexic — you need to be healthy and eating plenty of protein and fresh vegges to become a competitor.
Same for ballet dancers — they need to be allowed to have a healthy normal weight, not forced to maintain the weight & figure of a 14 year old girl!
So sick what these adults put these little kids through!!!
@Mike J:
It’s not Adam and Steve, it’s Adam and Steven :)
Sm*t Cl*de
“God created two genders”. Further evidence that German grammar is the work of Satan.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
This is not true of all religious people everywhere.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brachiator: But it’s the critical mass.
That is what that SNL skit last week was about: black liberals telling white conservatives: you’re doing god wrong.
@J R in WV:
What is sick is the number of parents who look the other way and permit their children to be abused in all these ways. As the mother of a male dancer/gymnast, I was horrified at how some of the girls were treated in certain facilities. It is a parent’s responsibility to observe the activities of their children and move them to a proper environment if things are not done properly.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Coming back to this, you cannot blame an imaginary being for the bad things that people do.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brachiator: No one believes in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus but too many people believe in God.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Mere belief doesn’t make Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, or God real.
I had no idea God was a representative in the US Congress.
Bill Arnold
And even when it looks obvious, it sometimes isn’t. An interesting essay:
Kudzu and the California Marriage Amendment (Rick Moen, August 25, 2008, last updated October 21, 2018)
Sloane Ranger
@Just Some Fuckhead:
For every Christian who says things like that there is another who says the opposite. The Quakers were very early opponents of slavery for instance. And have you ever heard of Christian Socialism?
Omnes Omnibus
@Sloane Ranger: What was Martin Luther King’s day job again?
J R in WV
Good friend and neighbor’s grandmother founded the Catholic Worker’s Party, which still has farms and communities scattered around the nation.
A Socialist movement within the Catholic Church. There is a movement to make her a Saint, although her grandchildren oppose that movement. Very not racist/sexist, etc. Support gay folks, the whole liberal thing.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Sloane Ranger: No. That isn’t the math and I’m not talking about just Christians here.
Sloane Ranger
@Just Some Fuckhead:
You have research? And I’m not just talking about American manifestations of Christianity.
@dmsilev: There’s some very…broken people in that timeline. They’re scary!
The Pale Scot
@Just Chuck:
The only concept of shame these people know is that we’re supposed be ashamed for not being rich white
christianchristianist terror god worshipers.What part of my story makes you think I like crosses?
The Pale Scot
That was cool
Well yeah… two chicks… that’s Hot! //