The most important advice that I could ever give to young queer people is to pay attention to the people who have always been there for us and ignore the people who think we are a distraction. Queer rights matter. Queer lives matter. Queer happiness matters.
— White Boy Bummer ???????? (@SJGrunewald) April 1, 2021
Deb Haaland, the first Indigenous American to become a Cabinet secretary in U.S. history, is creating a unit within the Dept of the Interior to investigate the crisis of missing and murdered Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) April 3, 2021
Schoolgirls receive video call from former US first lady Michelle Obama
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 2, 2021
Only the best people. Really, this time.
Good Morning Everyone ???
I love Forever FLOTUS ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Only 7:54 in the morning and I’ve already cried – over the Michelle Obama video call. What an amazing woman.
The Harris video made me cry.
All this crying. This is why I don’t click on stuff.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Glenn Greenwald
Replying to
What’s there to talk about? Someone leaked that there’s an investigation. He hasn’t been charged with any crimes, let alone convicted of them. Once the evidence is publicly available, then it will be rational to form opinions on it.
12:00 PM · Apr 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
Beware of the blob.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Weird how a central figure from the Democrat Russia hoax is granted access to Navalny in order to harass him, minimize his confinement and disparage his claims.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I’m sure he extended the same courtesy to Hillary Clinton.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
This footage of her snarling at him:
She looks really angry. I almost expected her to take a swing at him.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Does Russia only have one apparatchik left?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
That was a lot of disdainful aggression toward her boy’s political prisoner.
Sadly, nobody shanked her when she was in jail here.
Could the poor dear have confused rural Russian hotels with gulags? //
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Not to mention his respectful avoidance of remarks on Hunter Biden.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
The first legal marriages in the US didn’t happen til 2004. In the Netherlands, yes. The very 1st legal marriage was April 1, 2001. Harris is pretty rockin’ in that video but the timeline in the initial tweet is wrong.
She was very critical of prison conditions when she spent her own time in a slammer.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
As long as he remains useful to the blobby goons with matted back hair, heavy gold chains and grandiose gold mansions, he’ll remain in power.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Ain’t that the truth!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
That woman is pure evil.
@debbie: rural Russian “hotels”
Using Butina for that interview was genius level trolling of the US. And look at all of you feeding the troll.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
True, but wonder if it could penetrate McCarthy’s brain?
mali muso
If you want even more Michelle Obama excellence and you’ve got a kiddo (or even if not), I’d highly recommend the new Netflix show “Waffles and Mochi”. It’s kind of like Sesame Street meets No Reservations. Lots of learning about where food comes from along with basic life lessons. And catchy tunes!
J R in WV
Good morning! ?
John S.
Such an obvious difference between Democrats and Republicans.
For Michelle Obama, it’s an opportunity to provide inspiration and encouragement to young women.
For Matt Gaetz, it’s an opportunity to sample the merchandise.
Ivanka Trump’s flagship policy program slammed by government auditors
I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Kevin? Or Charlie?
@OzarkHillbilly: I sometimes worry that just too many things shock you and that one day you will be absolutely shocked into taking a nap.
Wonder how many trademarks Ivanka was able to pick up as she toured the world to “tout” her initiative? //
@Immanentize: xxxzzyzyzzgghdanrt… Huh? What? Sorry, I fell asleep.
Anne Laurie
Some people say that a 37-year-old who married a 19-year-old is bound to be a little touchy about ephebophilia jokes…
Ivanka is a woman. She owns a business. Sounds legit to me.
A not so “Heh” look at “Women’s History Month” 2021 from the Daily Show.
She is EXACTLY who I thought she was.
@Anne Laurie: Wait, who? I thought Gaetz wasn’t married, though he has a
beardfiancee. Or maybe had, depending on the next news dump.mrmoshpotato
@mali muso: Added.
Yes. No surprise.
zhena gogolia
I think she’s referring to Greenwald.
Explain it Black Jesus ????
@Baud: Hmmm… I think the jury is still out on whether she is a woman or an AI generated hologram.
@zhena gogolia: Oh. I didn’t know about Greenwald. Do I want to google it? Probably not. But is that sort of thing legal in Brazil?
@Ken: Last I heard, the fiancee is now in the past tense.
Essay from a teacher:
Me too. How much that must have meant to so many people who had been excluded up until then from something as simple and fundamental as marriage, that all of us hetero people have always taken for granted.
And now we have a President who supports trans rights, and recognized the Trans Day of Visibility this week. We’re moving in the right direction again.
Dude, the anti-Chinese mob’s not going to get to you and yell “This one’s OK, he’s Korean”.
No clue, but ask yourself if your weekend is going pretty well so far.
@OzarkHillbilly: I would certainly hope so.
@Ken: “It’s cool. I can totally be racist towards Chinese people because I’m Asian too. And if you disagree, it’s because you’re racist!”
It’s a daisy chain of racism!
Dorothy A. Winsor
My editor and I did a joint interview with blogger Rob Kent which in now on You Tube. I just started watching it and omg when did I start looking like my mother???
John S.
@Ken: It just goes to show you how warped their perception is. A Korean person should know better than to draw equivalence between being Chinese and Korean.
Thats like saying it’s ok for a person from England to slag on someone from Germany… because they’re British.
@Anne Laurie:. 37/19. This violates the old French rule that your partner cannot be younger than half your age plus seven.
@John S.:
They do that all the time!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That really is something isn’t it! I see my mother every time I look in the mirror. Weird and comforting at the same time.
@John S.:
Reminds me of the Dave Chapelle monologue about racism. He said Asians are cool with everyone… except other Asians.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: The Germans started it.
@Baud: In fairness, the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is German, and by British law the throne is reserved to descendants of Sophia of Hannover. So criticizing the Germans is practically like criticizing other Britons.
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You’re cute!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@zhena gogolia: I’m old!
Amir Khalid
In my experience, Asians can also be shockingly racist toward black people. African students started coming to Malaysia for higher education around the turn of the millennium, attracted by the private universities that charged a relatively low tuition and the low cost of living here. And they complained a lot about how Malaysians treated them.
When I used her strategy to hide the gray and went blonde :)
Now, pandemically, I’m going to give it up because Mr WereBear loved my chestnut locks and I can highlight it myself.
But what’s seen can’t be unseen…
@rikyrah: Never heard of this person before, but they really, really sound like a TX GOPer. (Chinese/Korean history in the last century is a subject of its own but she has quite a take.)
I wonder if this Korean-American thinks she’ll be spared by American bigots because she’s one of the “good ones”.
mali muso
@mrmoshpotato: Hope you like it! I’m not sure who is enjoying it more…me or my 4 year old. lol
@mali muso:
Storybots TA-DAHAAA!!! (Bang is a really (cough!) laid-back dude.)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Lucky you.
I don’t really look like anyone in family.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
So long as he never remarks on how you’re starting to resemble her – that is the uncrossable line, and even a lunkhead like me knows that.
Uncle Cosmo
When I was referred to cardiology a few years back I chose to see the guy who’d taken care of my father for 20 years. Hadn’t seen him since Dad’s viewing 15 years before. When I walked in he was standing behind the reception counter reading a chart & when he looked up he said, You look exactly like your father.
Well, I do, a little. More than a little. But the curious thing is that from about 15 through my late 40s I resembled the males in my mother’s family, which isn’t even from the same part of Italy. One cousin looked so much like me that when one of my HS friends met him it freaked him out. Go figger.
I was not surprised. For twelve years I’ve been here, hearing people say Republicans start caring when it affects them, and that the leaders are deceiving the rubes into voting against their interests. No. It has been a hate cult and a suicide pact for decades. If a Republican voter is nice to you, it’s a mask because they haven’t labeled you Other. Trump and COVID only made you see it.
This. The atrocities of bigotry between Asian ethnicities in the last century make anything in the West pale in comparison. And yes, that was a damned high bar to clear.
I doubt she thinks the average violent racist in America can tell the difference between Korean and Chinese people.
It still doesn’t mean she can’t have her ethnic or nationalist based grudges.
mali muso
LOL! I love me some StoryBots. “Sheep, sheep-a-deep, sheep-a-deep…”
Heh. Like I was just saying, hate is more important to Republicans than self-preservation.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Glenn is just asking questions is all. He never seems to find any white supremacy in existence.
Glenn Greenwald
Replying to
One of the 87 times I’ve trended in the last 6 weeks as a villain is because I asked whether there was evidence for
‘s decree that it is “white supremacy” driving anti-Asian violence (there isn’t). This is all I said:
Quote Tweet
Glenn Greenwald
· Mar 17
Has anyone provided an iota of evidence that what is driving this horrific surge of anti-Asian violence is “white supremacist domestic terror”? That would require data showing who is primarily perpetrating the violence and with what motive. Where is that?…
Show this thread
9:19 AM · Apr 3, 2021·Twitter Web App
Insert usual punchline about the milkman.
My favorite joke along those lines is the unveiling of a new computer that can supposedly answer any question. A guy steps up and asks “Where is my father right now?” The computer responds
. The guy says, “Wrong, my father died six years ago.” The computer respondsYOUR MOTHER'S HUSBAND DIED SIX YEARS AGO. YOUR FATHER IS FISHING IN CANADA
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Ha! I’ve always looked like my mother. I’ll check out the interview.
@gene108: My brothers and I look like the same person at different ages. I’m sure my youngest brother looks at his 2 older siblings and says, “Oh God, please no.”
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“When you give your parents a 23&Me kit for a Christmas gift and your mom runs from the room in tears….”
Don’t negotiate in bad faith. Don’t even bother with the GOP. If they had wanted to pass an actual Infrastructure Plan, they could have when they had the WH and both Houses of Congress. They didn’t, because they never wanted to. ……………………………………………………………….
Here’s how Biden’s infrastructure plan could get passed through Congress
The three scenarios for how Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan could become law, explained.
By Ella [email protected] Apr 2, 2021, 12:30pm EDT
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Greenwald spent 2 months in the run up to the election doing nothing BUT speculating on Hunter Biden’s crimes and Hunter Biden is a private citizen- a different person than Joe Biden – which is why Greenwald had to broaden his fake prosecutorial probe to include speculation/accusations re: the whole “Biden family”.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Oh, if he never did it during the blond phase, he’s probably not going to do it :)
He grew up and worked in DC. Got diplomacy DOWN.
@Uncle Cosmo: It’s the blend. Growing up, my family swore I took after my dad’s side, by far the most.
Now, they start going, “You know, I see your mom…”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: It’s really long. It was fun to do but I suspect it will wear out your patience
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Literally everything Greenwald does is in bad faith.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
He’s so predictable.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I once made the error of countering a request that I perceived as “high maintenance” as “that sounds kinda like something your mom would have wanted”.
Never again….
A good interview/profile:
Minnie Driver: ‘I did not have the appetite to be a big movie star’
So I guess to avoid a beating all a Chinese person has to yell is I’m Korean.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Bluegal from The professional left podcast discussed booktube and suggested some people she follows so I’ve been listening to a lot of booktube discussions and I really enjoy them.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@OzarkHillbilly: Wait, really? He decided that cover story wasn’t working for him and fired her? Or he hadn’t paid her so she quit the acting gig?
Grumble. We were watching Captain Marleau on Prime and enjoying it. We were up to ep. 6 and tuned in last night to find that it was now available only with a MHz Choice subscription. There are too many episodes left to finish the 2 seasons in the week long free trial offer. Bastards
“Christ has called me” Former Sec. of State Pompeo
Don’t get your hopes up like I did.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Now he’s retweeting Byron York’s predictable objection to journalistic and corporate opposition to voter suppression and support of passage of HR1…
Glenn Greenwald Retweeted
Byron York
Incredible that CBS News would publish pure political advocacy. This article advocates donor boycotts of specific political figures, spreads political propaganda, and urges passage of a specific bill (HR1). From a news division. Incredible.
Quote Tweet
CBS News
· 11h
3 ways companies can help fight Georgia’s restrictive new voting law
7:20 AM · Apr 3, 2021·Twitter Web App
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It was just a single sentence in an article, no explanations. I didn’t even take much note of it except to think, “Who in their right mind would say, ‘Yes.’?”
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
The white supremacy has been the one constant in his career.
Pompeo’s career in the Trump government made it pretty damn clear he’s a Christianist zealot of the most extreme order.
@Frankensteinbeck: Yep, I was kinda hoping Christ had called him home. Not to be.
Oh really? Was every word or every other word an expletive?
A Christianist zealot and so arrogant. I hope the corruption he engaged in while SoS is properly investigated.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I have learned to look in the mirror without seeing my face for that very reason!
The moron Brian Kemp is having a presser at noon to whine about the “radical mob” that moved the All Star game!
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I think there’s genuine anguish in the more sophisticated Trumpist circles that Trump never even attempted an infrastructure plan. A less lazy President, one who even hired competent people, would have seen it as a no-brainer and made it a condition of signing the tax cuts for the wealthy. Trump had all the leverage in the world with those tax cuts and he squandered it.
It’s killing them that Biden is doing it.
I didn’t realize Christ was selling extended auto warranties these days.
My mom discovered a cache of British tv series on Hulu. Have you checked to see if it is available on Hulu?
Mai Naem mobile
People talk about Barack Obama and the American Dream. I think Michelle Obama is the better description of the American Dream. She really came from humble beginnings. Barack was quite a few rungs above Michelle on the ladder. He’s a guy, his parents and grandparents were both well educated and, forget college, he went to one of the best high schools in the country. Not saying things were easy for Barack but Michele had to overcome more obstacles.
He’d be a nobody but for the fact that he arose out of left wing circles.
Only the first season was free with Prime, and that only for the month of March.
If you scroll down (sometimes way down) the listings within Prime you’ll eventually find a category for “Shows To Sample This Month.” Always a mixed bag and always only included free for just the month, however some hidden nuggets do pop up on occasion. Have gotten into the habit of seeking out that category on the 2nd or 3rd of each month, as it sometimes doesn’t appear right away on the 1st.
Mai Naem mobile
@jeffreyw: i thought Brtibox had a free trial period as well.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Greenwald has taken a sharp turn into right-wingville the last few years. He’s even gone partially neo-reactionary, using the “Cathedral” aspect of Neo-RX ideology to describe social media platforms banning literal Nazis on Twitter. He’s basically a white supremacist now he’s such a contrarian
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
They never learned that freedom of speech is for EVERYONE, did they? ?
@raven: Yep, nothing more radical than a bunch of Billionaire pro sports team owners. Next thing you know they’re gonna storm the GA state capitol with a bunch of double breasted pinstripe lobbyists with wads of cash. The horror.
Cocaine, A Submarine and Cash…
what a headline! How can you not read it?
@Baud: Yeah, that guy never misses a mark.
Did he come out of left wing circles though? He was a libertarian who was affiliated with a Koch think tank. He wrote about giving George W’s Iraq war the benefit of the doubt which he later vehemently denied even when people presented him with his own words in his own damn book. He later changed his mind about the Iraq War when the W admin could no longer hide it had gone to shit. He fooled a lot of people into thinking he came out of left wing circles by bludgeoning anyone who dared bring up his actual record.
I always considered him an opportunist/ratfucker.
I first heard about him from progressives who were attracted to him when he came out against Bush. I don’t know his whole background, but that’s what I attribute to his original popularity.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: LOL!
At least you learned :)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@jeffreyw: Looks like it’s a French series?
I have a VPN that I can set to make it look like I’m from different countries. I can get French TV to think I’m in France, but the last time I tried to track down some show, I had to go through an extra subscription step that required a French mailing address, so that was the end of that.
I found “Capitaine Marleau” at TV5Monde Etats-Unis (US). They say their channel is available through some US cable subscribers.
rotating tag!
The Dark Avenger
I can see the Spudlite, Luke, and his mom missing little Russ, but that’s about it.
@mali muso: I’m not even a full minute into the first episode, and I am hooked. Ice for breakfast, ice for lunch, ice for dinner!
And Waffles and Mochi are adorable!
Fixed that for you.
I wish my wife looked more like my mother. Unfortunately she is a ringer for my Mother-in-law… go figure!
@MomSense: I can’t find it on Hulu, and the finder app Reelgood is stymied to find it all. Just Watch says no luck, sucks to be you.
He went to great lengths to erase his past opinions, actions and connections so he would be appealing to left wing circles.
Thanks for the info and the tip.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Everyone feeling ok? – Spleenwald is actually being talked about here.
@Mai Naem mobile:
I have a BritBox sub. It’s not on there?
J R in WV
I read a few pieces he [GG] wrote back when he was first on the web, poorly written enough that it was a lot of work figuring out what he intended to say. Soon gave up on him completely, a Russian tool when not being a Republican tool.
ETA: Don’t recall where I read his stupid junk at first, as I say, long ago… More despicable as he ages, though. Or as I age…
@J R in WV: I first encountered him on, and my experience was similar to yours – poorly written, extremely long screeds with several poorly written, extremely long updates for each post. I gave up paying him any attention pretty quickly.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Nice catch, but we are cord cutters.
We used to talk about him here all the time.
@J R in WV:
Same here. I would occasionally come across comments here in Balloon Juice Land saying good things about GG, but I never saw a good reason for the admiration.
@rikyrah: This woman has been disinvited to dim sum.
Well, she’s been getting this pass all along (model minority and all), so….yeah.
@MomSense: With how many expletives?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He’s always been a white supremacist. Read about his client Matthew Hale.
@J R in WV: Spleenwald was at Salon when he opposed W, that’s where he picked up a lefty following. The only person I knew who was still into him was the anarchist ex-friend who tried to convince me to join him in becoming a mens rights advocate, a guy I guarantee you voted for the orange clown because it would enhance the contradictions. Ugh. I never regret ending that friendship.
@MomSense: He’s evil
Nah, I know the difference between “Christ has called me” and “Christ has called me home.“
Exactly. With bonus recording of a conversation without permission.
Years ago, I wrote something here about the financials that were released re: an entity he controlled, a non profit or something. Anyway, my comments were critical and at that time he had a woman working for or with him and she posted and we had an argument, in the comments, for like the next 12 hours :)
I think this is her, although I believe it was just first names, so maybe not. Maybe another Mona.
@jeffreyw, @Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Captain Marleau is only on MHz now; the first season may still be on Amazon Prime.
The best site I have found for looking up what is on where is JustWatch. I use it exclusively for the search function.
Should’ve searched for just “Marleau.” Foreign titles can be hinky.
@Steeplejack: Yeah, I added the e to captaine and got a hit. Captain Marleau returned nothing on Reelgood. I’ve bookmarked Just Watch.
I like JustWatch because it seems to show all the available options and distinguishes among streaming for “free” (with a subscription), renting and buying. If you really, really need something . . .
I have a theory.
Imani Gandy used to be a front pager here. She was before my time, but from what I’ve read here she was driven out by some commenters who attacked her constantly.
I have also read that GG used to appear here in the comments.
My theory is GG was the one who launched the campaign against Imani, and drove her out.
Another Scott
@Kay: Corner Stone and clayton talking about Mona. Very strange 2012 thread about cats and blegs and such…
[rassin’ frassin’ Visual mode default]