… The Repubs wouldn’t keep trying so hard to take it away.
Voting rights activists are trekking on a week-long “Freedom Ride” through the South en route to the nation’s capital.
The two 45-foot buses are wrapped with the mug shots of the activists who were arrested for defying Jim Crow laws 60 years ago. https://t.co/o5RXof1n7n
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 26, 2021
“My vote and our people’s vote is trying to be stopped,” one union worker said. “I can’t just sit back and let them take my vote away from me. It is my right to march and ride on this freedom bus.”https://t.co/dVJml8EDna
— Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff (@DanRosZiff) June 26, 2021
Biden says he’ll travel the country to warn Americans that their ballots may go uncounted if Republican state legislatures’ efforts to restrict voting rights are successful.https://t.co/oTLSPzxDnR
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 24, 2021
WH press sec Jen Psaki to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp: “If you have such a fear of making it easier and more accessible for people to vote, then I would ask you what you’re so afraid of.”
— Kate Sullivan (@KateSullivanDC) June 25, 2021
This is exactly the argument made against the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. States’ Rights. I sat in so many poll briefings and focus groups where Republicans tried to analyze why 90% plus Black voters don’t vote for them. It’s not complicated. https://t.co/SUwjZuybkv
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) June 23, 2021
To be honest, a problem is that a lot of voters think their votes aren’t important so why vote. And, unfortunately, probably most of them would vote for Democrats.
@japa21: Yes, apathy is a problem.
Yet I’d ask we not rabbit-hole into diversions. The main issue here is the decades-long effort to erase the gains the VRA and other acts put in place.
It’s important to keep in mind: the folx who come up with this stuff are willing to toss away a thousand White GOP votes if they can kill 10,000 Black Democratic votes along the way. They don’t care about anything other than collecting and maintaining power, while giving some masses the illusion of same — and Race is a major tool for that, and we need to start addressing that directly.
This was the real cost of Jim Crow — the casual violence and anxiety, the crushing of any real economic hope, was horrific for my mom and dad, but stifled Southern economies, and the white folx living there, for generations as well. It hurt anyone not in the right group to gain real power over others thru Segregation.
Racism hides all that, allows elite (and wannbe) people to exchange morals for power with ease. It’s why it’s such a useful tool for people like Trump to move a mass of people. It’s why Guy Galberson(sp), the early 1950s GOP chair, openly courted the White Supremacist Dixiecrats in order to start gaining power for the GOP in the Democratic-controlled South. We know how that ended up…
…and that should remind us that not confronting what Racism is doing to Democracy once again, by raising tangentially related issues, is oftentimes deflection. Deflection that, no matter how well-intended, plays into the goals of the Racists who want power, again. It’s ugly and painful to look at Racism in the face, in America today.
But the only way out, is thru.
Splitting Image
Very true, and another bloc of voters seem to believe that the best way to underscore the importance of their vote is to withhold it from politicians who aren’t quite good enough for them. People think they are “sending a message” when they are drifting out of politicians’ view.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Found this yesterday, from Vox:
The DOJ’s lawsuit against Georgia’s voter suppression law is probably doomed
@japa21: That’s always been true, but what happened in GA changed some minds. Abrams has done amazing work in getting out the vote.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A few months ago, I always wondered how these types would react to the argument that the GOP is destroying democracy and that both sides are not the same.
I found out the answer the other day: “We don’t have democracy now!”, in response to the filibuster
We can’t do much about voter apathy. We can try to prevent voter suppression efforts.
@Splitting Image:
Somebody, probably here, wrote that if you want to send a message, go to Western Union. Truer words and all that.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You have shared the most negative possible view of this.
I hope you are not still wondering why your doom and gloom approach can be frustrating to people around you who are working to fight for democracy rather than rolling over and giving up.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
…..I’m not giving up. Where did I say I was giving up? That’s just the title of the Vox article. I think it’s fair to say that the result of the lawsuit is uncertain and might not work out, given the GOP court packing. Doesn’t mean I think all is lost. Because I don’t
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think the point of the lawsuit is a bit different. The whole complaint lays out GOP lawmakers saying why they need to disenfranchise voters. Now, USSC could uphold that, but boy does that establish a precedent that partisan forces cannot be trusted to run elections at all.
Just as the infrastructure bill is about pulling Democrats in a given direction on things like the filibuster, I think this is about putting pressure on Manchin, etc to show that the courts aren’t the greatest mechanism, or an adequate substitute to legislation.
Please don’t be so hard on the guy. He accurately notes what some people think. I don’t see this as an invitation to surrender.
Patricia Kayden
So why not march against Manchin and Sinema as well? The filibuster should be gone in the face of the red state voter suppression laws but thanks to Manchin and Sinema, Republicans pretty much run the Senate.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I will say that I was pleasantly surprised when SCOTUS declined to review a lower court decision striking down a school policy requiring students to go to the bathroom corresponding to their gender assigned at birth
Today I met one of the original Freedom Riders, Joan Mulholland. She was a foot soldier in the march towards freedom. Thank you for jeopardizing your freedom for ours #FreedomRide2021 pic.twitter.com/OunmkQgaIA
— Jennifer Carroll Foy (@JCarrollFoy) June 26, 2021
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I hope you’re right and that’s a good point. I’m honestly surprised pork barrel hasn’t seemed to sway him
@Brachiator: Yeah, the lawsuit is useful, but it’s not a substitute for passing the legislation, and people need to understand that. This is about 40% steering the Senate, 40% using the levers of government because they’re there, and 20% stopping Georgia. I mean, there are no laws saying Georgia can’t just pick their winners. That’s what people need to get.
@Brachiator: I am on Team Water Girl here.
I saw that article on Vox today; decided not to read it at the time because maybe the author is right; maybe he is not.
No surprise that Goku threw it into the middle of this thread though.
The author, Ian Milhiser, is a Duke law grad, clerked for a federal judge, and wrote a book that’s actually on my Amazon “maybe” list, think title is How the Supreme Court Comforts the Comfortable and Afflicts the Afflicted.
From Ian Milhiser’s article:
What straw man has said any of this will be easy? And some of the conservative USSC “justices” have pleasantly surprised us, Scalito and Thomas excluded (Thomas did make me happy with one ruling, but cannot recall what it was …)
There’s also another case (Abbot v. Perez; Scalito wrote the 2018 decision) that Milhiser claims will make for a tougher climb but — isn’t a lot of what the states are doing now even more nakedly political?
Anyway, I don’t understand why some people here and elsewhere delight in throwing more cold water on already drowning people.
I join Water Girl on the raft.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Why did I think that?
Because you shared the worst possible view of this with the article you chose to share – “it is probably doomed”. With no counterpoint or commentary from you to say that you don’t agree that it’s doomed, it sure looks like you are sharing with us that you think it’s doomed, too
I wasn’t trying to be mean here, Goku, or hurt your feelings. Sometimes you seem to not understand why people react to your comments as being doom and gloom, and I was pointing this out as an example of how/why that is.
Also, a LOT can happen before the DOJ’s case makes it to the USSC. A lot.
Good to hear Biden is going out on a voting rights speaking tour. That should help.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I understand you’re not trying to be mean and I get what you’re saying. But just because I might have thought that the lawsuit is doomed doesn’t mean I think everything is completely doomed, y’know?
Why couldn’t you respond directly to me?
@Baud: Alternatively, this is why we fight.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Hi there. You saw the comment, so mission accomplished.
Milhiser seems to be a savvy observer; I get that. But why always look for information that will aid in pre-disappointing us?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, honestly, it’s not that I look for it. The news feed that shows up whenever I open a new tab in Chrome displays these stories a lot and sometimes I like to get others’ takes
Thank you very much for these references and comments!
I don’t see Milhiser as just throwing cold water on already drowning people. I don’t agree with him in many places, but he does usefully talk about some of the potential obstacles to be dealt with.
Well all I have to say is that cartoon makes Mitch look a lot better than he really does. Which I thought was against the rules of political cartooning.
Uncle Omar
While wool-gathering today I remembered out of nowhere a Bill Mauldin cartoon from the mid-60’s. It showed an eagle marching up a flag pole and saying to the (Jim) crow at the top, “I’ve decided I want my seat back!” Of course with my limited search skills I can’t find it, but if anyone can I’d like to see it posted.
I agree with Watergirl and Elizabelle and what they said about Goku’s comment. However I can’t help notice that when Kay says the same stuff she gets an amen chorus not brickbats like Goku. Why is that.?
@Uncle Omar:
Fortunately, it is not too hard to find. The cartoon and some good commentary here.
Uncle Omar
@Brachiator: Thanks. I’ve printed it and will laminate and hang on the wall.
Like the crow and the eagle, that would have flown right over my head on a quick look at that cartoon. Art flying under the radar.
Good site.
@schrodingers_cat: Hey there. Why do you think? I have my ideas, but would be interested in what you have to say, first.
@Elizabelle: It is a combination of these factors below:
Some animals are more equal than others. Current FPers don’t criticize former or current FPers. Kay’s analysis (even when I disagree) is cogent and she makes good points.
@schrodingers_cat: If you think I intended to beat up on Goku with my comment, either I did a terrible job of explaining my position or you have misunderstood.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I just love the (dying) art of an incisive editorial cartoon.
Wow, Bill Penzey is taking on the Pope and the Catholic Church in his latest email. It’s too long to quote all of it here, and I don’t seem to be able to find it on their website.
@schrodingers_cat: And some animals exist to disrupt and redirect a thread.
@WaterGirl: Calling out Francis, who swims in a sea of conservatives and has to maneuver around them, seems to me like throwing rocks at the firefighters. The Catholic Church is one of the slowest moving ships out there, but Pope Francis has made some serious attempts at bringing it into the electric lights world. Let’s just snap our fingers, shall we, Mr. Penzey. It is that easy!
But there have been a lot of gloomy takes lately on the FP from more than one FPer. With most people (not necessarily you) chiming in to say how much they agree. I just found the contrast ironic. That’s all.
@WaterGirl: What a long way Penzey has come. He mentions the Trevor Project & that’s the 2nd or third mention of it I’ve seen this week, so as things go in threes it’s worth more than a look.
Meanwhile Independent Lens has The People Vs Agent Orange.
@Elizabelle: I agree with you about Pope Francis.
@schrodingers_cat: I will be watching more closely now. Albeit, there are characteristic behaviors for many of us, myself included.
I see so much that I don’t put up because it might be deflating. One has to find the courage to keep moving forward, and there are so many forces that shout or whisper “Stay. Give up. You’re not strong enough. It will never get better.”
I just do not believe that.
Duh, black people voting, Jen. The two-bit soulless criminal ratfuckers in the GA legislature have made that abundantly clear.
Yup. See also, Texas. Upside is, the game plan is radically clear, and some dozing giants are fixing to wake.
“gloomy takes,” LMFAO. The fascists are playing a different game with different rules where no one wins except the precious few, with my country a smoking ruins in the rearview mirror. How about SHIT IS FUCKED. Too much cold water, delicate flowers? So not sorry. To reckon a solution means honestly assessing the depth of the problem. And we have some really big, ugly, gnarly, hard-to-solve problems before us. The good news is reality has a liberal bias.
I offer my apology to you S_C, as this comment thread has me spectacularly fucking cross at the moment, and that is not due to you or your comment.
I am sorry if that is my doing. It really is my intent never to drag a thread down with my comments. I may have failed at that tonight.
@BruceFromOhio: There’s a difference between saying “this is going to be really hard” and “this is doomed.”
Vox failed.
I totally agree with that. I was trying to figure out how to say that myself without being too wordy. Now I don’t have to.
Understood, and agreed. Make no mistake: this is going to be really hard, and I do not read Vox (and many others) for exactly that reason. It’s okay to carry sunblock and an umbrella: hope for the sunshine, plan for the rain.