I have had the blahs most of the day and will probably go to bed in a little bit, and right now I am trying to watch the Eternals but am ten minutes in and it has not grabbed me yet.
Tomorrow we are supposed to get a lot of snow and I am looking forward to that, and I am going to make a big pot of hot sausage and peppers in sauce.
Other than that, nothing is going on. You? Any of you in the path of the storm?
edit: I mean, where is Mr. Frog?
I spent 3 hours shoveling snow this morning. I’m in west central Illinois. I told it to go visit J Cole in West by god Virginia. I told the storm there was a willow tree there that would look wonderful in a wet sticking snow.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Under a winter storm warning and a wind advisory here. Just watching football now and preparing for the inevitable overnight power outage.
ETA: I’m halfway between Atlanta and Raven.
randy khan
Snow’s is forecast to start here around 1:00 p.m., but we’re not supposed to get that much. Still, it will be our third snowstorm since January 1, probably more snow in total than the last two winters combined.
prepped for the storm.
back up heat and water.
back up light.
back up literature.
back up liquor,wine ,and weed.
should begin to get interesting in about three hours.
50 mph winds noonish tomorrow.
cheers all
Donger needs food
The Eternals never really grabbed me at all, sadly. It just felt disjointed and weird for the whole movie.
Some parts were really excellent, though. But you’re better off watching Hawkeye, which is amazing.
J R in WV
Well, we’re in SW West Virginia, so we might get a boat-load of snow tomorrow. I had to go to town this afternoon, prescriptions at the Kroger’s pharmacy, groceries in case we get snowed in for a few days. Tired also too. Hard to keep one’s attitude up when things look to be plunging into hell-scape right in front of us.
But we’re doing OK, dogs are affectionate, cats are doing OK, even Spike, who I wrote about a week or so ago, she is eating well and seems to be doing OK. Still sneezing, but I sneeze too. Will go to bed asap, actually. Dinner was refried beans and Amy’s frozen Mexican casserole, not bad. I find it hard to cook after spending the afternoon in town. We’re about 45 minutes away from the city… so lots of driving …
You all take care! I wore an N95 mask all afternoon, a pain in the arse, but better than getting the virus. Tiring, tho.
I’m hunkering down in Baltimore for the few inches of snow predicted.
A couple of days ago I made Marcella Hazan’s Bolognese sauce, which was an excellent lesson for me in minimalism. I have provisions for much longer than a few days, so I’m good.
No snow here (Southern California), but it was cold and nasty and a little drizzly today. Poor me.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Buffalo going to Super Bowl
mali muso
We are supposed to get 6-10 inches starting somewhere around 1pm tomorrow. My 5 year old is certainly hoping for enough to sled and play on. I stocked up on some chuck roast to make a nice pot roast with veg in my cast iron Dutch oven.
Brendan in NC
Dog sitting at my sister’s house. Supposed to get 2-6 inches tonight/tomorrow. Made a football watching staple (baked beans, ground beef, smoked sausage chili). Watched the first half of the Buffalo game, and going to bed.
Brendan in NC
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: from your text to FSM’s ear! Go Bills!!!
Mostly cold rain here in west central GA. Wind advisory for tomorrow, maybe some snow flurries. Potato leek soup and cornbread are on the menu.
It was shirtsleeve weather and I sowed seeds and took cuttings. Weather forecast is 98% chance of rain late tonight which we really need. 14 year old nephew caught Covid this week and tonight uncle in a different household has it. Nobody I was close had it till now….only distant relatives I only met a few times in my life till now. Staying home. Monday is holiday then back to work, staying in my office frantically busy but seeing no one if possible. Trying to rest and not be bored. Tomorrow I will do laundry and start cuttings. I have decided to root more fragrant bushes to make hedges. Tea olives and banana shrubs. This winter has been oddly warm and I meant to wait till spring but decided to go ahead and try. I can always take more cuttings later.
Thinking about gardening helps distract me from what I can’t help.
We watched Eternals last night and I had a similar reaction. For me it was just boring, which at this point none of the Marvel movie origin stories should be. I’ll second MisterForkBeard, Hawkeye was good. The chemistry between Kate and Clint was hilarious. We’re also supposed to receive snow tomorrow afternoon. We already went to the store and stocked up on a few things so we’ll be good for the next few days
Currently sitting here watching the Bills dismantle the Pats.
Another Scott
@randy khan: The 8-10″ of wet snow in the previous storm in NoVA broke a lot of trees. We’re only supposed to get 1-3″ this time, but it’s going to be a mix with wind gusts to 40+ mph. It could be nasty in lots of places. :-(
Fingers crossed, everyone.
Y’all can take what we had last week. Have fun building snowmen à la Calvin!
Matt McIrvin
Eternals was, sadly, not very good. All the dialogue was directed in this strange languid way with long pauses between lines and it all seemed to add up to nothing.
We got between 12 and 14 inches here. My son-in-law was here from Arizona and was happy to do shoveling duties yesterday, trying to keep ahead of it. But it snowed and blowed so much during the night that there were big drifts during the night and my husband was out early to shovel. I like to join him but since my knee is fractious and liable to dump me on the ground, I’m banned. In our small neighborhood, it gets sort of festive with everyone digging out about the same time. And almost always somebody runs out of sidewalk and driveway and they still want to run their snow blowers. So they come out and help the old man on the block.
@Yutsano: we had like 3” last week, and it was mostly gone. We’re set to get another 3-4” tomorrow. I’m already over it all.
@Matt McIrvin: Idk if you’ve ever played the pc game World of Warcraft, but it was like they cribbed most of the lore from that game to make Eternals.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
CNN website still not updated, looks like this happened literally a couple of minutes ago
Don’t hold your breath.
Mary G
We had a tsunami. Couple of idiots surf fishing ignored the warning and were sucked off the beach, had to be rescued and hospitalized. I worry about Tonga, right over the blast, and their neighbors.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It could just be my cynicism, but I don’t trust Abbott on this. I’m waiting for some other confirmation before I believe it’s over.
EDIT: this Bills game is almost needing a mercy rule.
Gin & Tonic
@Leto: This game is a fucking embarrassment.
Buffalo is just punking the Patriots now. Touchdown on a tackle-eligible pass.
Here in NoVa, we‘re supposed to get a few inches of snow in the afternoon, followed by ice, followed by rain, so it’ll probably be a mess. It’s all supposed to melt on Monday at least.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Juliette Kayyem (CNN national security analyst) says FBI took them down. Dog Day Afternoon redux.
I got to the end of the Eternals and didn’t know what to do with the information. I figure 10-20 million people died in the tsunami that wasn’t mentioned. The Deviants looked like 500 other CGI monsters that have been created in the past 20 years.
No snow here in Albuquerque, 8 to 10 inches of sunshine predicted, though. You try shoveling that!
@Gin & Tonic: it is. It’ll be interesting to see what Belichick does this off season, how they plan to retool. Hopefully Mac Jones continues to progress and they get him some weapons to work with. It’s also nice to see the Bills back in contention. My high school years were all Bills v other team for the SB. They look dangerous and hopefully can make a deep push, if not the SB.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Belichick was nothing before Brady (coached 5 losing seasons out of 6).
Is nothing after Brady.
@Peale: Deviants looked like the Mimics from Edge of Tomorrow. I don’t think that many died, looked like just a small village maybe? Idk. Now the Earth has this huge head/hands sticking up from it. Like… ok. New flight and shipping hazard, I guess. Something to view from space.
Paul W.
@MisterForkbeard: seconded. I liked the actors and ending but it really dragged on for me, whereas Shang Chi felt totally fresh and lovely at the same runtime.
Kinda like The Matrix, it took way to long to get going if you aren’t already invested. If it didn’t fit into the MCU and mean something to future movies I can’t recommend it. Its worth watching if you saw the rest of the MCU, but don’t torture yourself getting through it.
It’s not often you see a Belichik team give up nearly-a-half-a-hundred, but here we are.
John S.
I really couldn’t understand how an immortal being created by a god was deaf. I’m all for diversity of characters, but in context, it just didn’t make sense.
I am stocked up for the snowstorm tomorrow (I got the Brie and beer and gummy bears and lemonade and Hostess cupcakes my husband requested). Along with actual food. The grocery stores are looking pretty bare, but I have a chicken to roast tomorrow. I have been really enjoying the Barefoot Contessa Engagement chicken, so I think I’ll do that. I am going to do a pot roast in my crockpot on Monday.
I am planning to go to yoga tomorrow morning and then get home before the snow starts. We already booked the neighbor kid to shovel on Monday.
@Paul W.: Shang Chi was a lot of fun. Akwafina slays in every role she has, that one being no exception.
@John S.: Yea, deaf immortal and kid immortal made no sense at all. I’m all for diversity but sometimes Hollywood really does overdo to the point of making no sense. Even if thats how they were in the comic I just don’t know what they were thinking.
Old School
Watched The Eternals tonight as well. Thought it was OK, but agree that it didn’t need to be 2 1/2 hours long.
Dude, WTF is with Bri-ish people and rhubarb?!
We are watching The Eternals too, and not much to say yet. It’s all kind of stiff, but I don’t give up hope.
Kayla Rudbek
@Redshift: hi, neighbor! I’m glad that our power line is underground. Work is done with until Tuesday, so we plan to get things done around the house. I ordered a folding cart for the sewing machine which I need to assemble, and I need to clear room in my home office/craft room in order for that to happen.
At least the electric fire log/space heater is up and working well. We will probably have that running when we’re awake; we have a working fireplace which we haven’t used since we moved in. Mr. Rudbek is not a fan of having actual fires in our dwelling quarters, but I decided that I wanted something that looks like a fire in the fireplace. The space heater function was a bonus and Mr. Rudbek loves having the extra heat in the room. And it has a remote control for the light, heat, power, and timer settings…our cavemen ancestors are probably cheering us on whenever we use it.
I saw Eternals in the theater and it was fine, but didn’t quite click.
But it did on a second viewing on Disney+ this week. I was able to follow the story and characters and the cinematography was awesome.
When you find out, please let me know. I, too, am quizzified.
They are calling for 6-12 inches here, northwest of Pittsburgh. You’ll probably see similar, but last radar projection showed a bit less south of me. Supposed to start here at 1 pm tomorrow and end at 1 pm Monday. Already told the boss I’m WFH Monday.
We’re actually going to get snow in Atlanta for the first time in four years. As long as the power stays on, I’m delighted. It’s beautiful to watch. The power staying on is iffy, though, because we have predictions of winds gusting up to 60 mph and ice on trees.
I went grocery and drugstore shopping on Thursday to stock up on food and other items. Now am waiting for the snow to come down in WNY near Buffalo. It will not be the first time here.
I have been a Buffalo Bills fan for a very long time and of course did watch today’s game.
Chris Sherbak
@MisterForkbeard: Same. I was taken by the visuals and the close in performances. The diverse cast was a joy and Real Human Interactions On Screen. A first, I believe, for the MCU. The plot was quite the mess and kinda an inscrutable downer all told. I did enjoy how they weaved in follow up movies/stories.
Chris Sherbak
@John S.: She sorta ‘splained it: she could sense vibrations so I >>think<< she had to be deaf to have that superpower. Or something. (I read that in one of the reviews – so ya, it was pretty confuzzling.)
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
That gives us a little excitement in western New York state.
I like Eternals well enough, but the criticisms here are valid. I actually think this would have been handled better, story wise, as a mini series, so the story and the insights have room to breathe, and characters had enough room to develop.
But, yeah…Hawkeye.
polyorchnid octopunch
On the other side of the great lakes, they’re calling for 40 cm of snow for my town. That’s about sixteen inches. Tomorrow night’s going to be a fun night.
Extra blankets on the bed tonight. Hot yoga tomorrow.
Jeff Del Papa
No snow predicted, but a bit of chill set in, (along with a fair amount of wind). Currently it’s -14C (7F), but it is supposed to bottom out at -17C (one lonely Fahrenheit).
I have been hiding indoors, had a friend stop by for dinner, and we watched a French comedy “Micmacs”, a commentary on the arms trade.
The Moar You Know
I was born and raised in SoCal and saw snowflakes for the first time in Seoul when I was 31, on a business trip. On the rare occasions we get snow in the area, it doesn’t come down as flakes, just little lumps.
Just got back from our moonlit snowshoe tour in Mammoth. VERY fun! We lucked out and got a fairly clear night with moon so bright that you could see alot of the terrain and scenery around you. The guide was also a Naturalist so she told us lots of interesting stuff about the geology, wildlife, history etc. Good workout at 3.9 miles in snow up to about 9,000 foot altitude. Now we are back at the condo, have a fire going and are eating some (surprisingly) decent sushi with beers. Really great end to my wife’s 50th B-day, which started kinda sucky.
@RSA: Also hunkering down in Baltimore. After several unsuccessful attempts, I’ve figured out how to ‘stretch’ watercolor paper correctly. So I know what I’m doing for the rest of the weekend.
Something for you snowbirds.
@Leto: I liked Hawkeye a lot and agree about the chemistry. We’re expecting about 3″ here down by the Mason-Dixon line, so no biggie. The 7 degrees at dawn though? Yikes! I’m sitting here listening to the boiler firing a lot more than usual, too, $$$$$.
Got provisions, got firewood, son’s home, we’ll probably be watching NFL. Hope to see the Steelers lose.
Accumulations here in Cookeville, TN are forecast to be in the 5-10″ range – at the moment it’s raining but is supposed to transition to snow over the next few hours. But since I don’t need anything and have nowhere I need to be, as long as there aren’t any prolonged power outages, I’m not anticipating anything more than picturesque scenery.
The weather advisory does caution “IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult to impossible.” so I am hoping people will take the hint and stay home.
No snow in Washington state, though in my town there are still a few lingering piles from the blast we had around Christmas.
West of the Rockies
This is stupid, but Awkwafina made me recall Aqua Buddha (which was some Rand Paul bullshit back when he looked like he might be something other than a complete and utter tool). Now he is just an unserious nuisance and buffoon.
Apparently, the Aussies have denied that asshole tennis player his appeal for reinstatement of a visa. His lawyers are talking another appeal but he’ll likely have to wait it out in their covid detention facilities…while the tournament proceeds without him.
@J R in WV:
I believe that if it hurts there, you are doing it wrong…..
There was at least 3 and possibly 4 movies worth of story in Eternals.
I think Marvel proved once and for all that if you want a good team movie you can’t rush it. X-Men is the only one I can think of that managed to be decent and that was mostly by streamlining it into a Wolverine movie. Otherwise there is just too much going on.
They should have either picked one of the Eternals and made them the main character (SERSI featuring the Eternals) or stretched it out.
You’ve got Eternals vs. Deviants, Eternals vs. Eternals, Eternals vs. Celestials, and a murder mystery.
Personally I would have combined the murder mystery with Sersi, Ikarus, Kingo, and Sprite vs. Deviants and had them solve the mystery around the time they defeat the last Deviant for real.
Movie 2: Believing Ikarus has gone rogue, the others race to find the Eternals who have dropped out of society and convince them he’s a murderer while Ikarus tries to do the same. The two teams face off and loyalties shift when they find out about the Celestial egg.
Movie 3, the good Eternals seek a way to stop the hatching while the bad Eternals try to stop them. Big CGI showdown but hopefully you actually care a little bit this time.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Pete Downunder
@grammypat: Since Djokovic asked for and got a hearing before the full federal court (a three judge panel similar to a Federal Circuit Court of Appeal in the US), his only appeal would be to the High Court (like USSC). There is no appeal of right to the High Court, you must seek special leave to appeal and his chances there are slim and none and Slim just left town. Also too, there is no chance of a hearing before the High Court before the Open is over, I suspect most of the judges are on holiday as most courts are on skeleton staff until the end of January.
@Pete Downunder:
Good news, send superspreader home.
My next door neighbor has omicron covid. Found out today. Neighbor across the way had it not long ago, I found out yesterday. Both fully vaxed and boosted. I have no symptoms and am ordering tests from the fed when they become available.
Now on to the weather. As someone up thread stated no snow in SoCal. I won’t give any further details……
@Pete Downunder: Good! Tell that plague rat shitstain to fuck off!
@Ruckus: I hope you remain virus free.
@mrmoshpotato: The world #1 has been booted out of Australia
Via 9News Australia
@Pete Downunder: I find it interesting that the Court did not rule on the “correctness” of the MP’s decision, but upheld it as legally made.
The whole thing was a mess but, IMHO, in the end they did the right thing …
ETA … and deported his sorry ass.
Pete Downunder
@grammypat: The Minister for Immigration has a scary amount of discretion to cancel visas. His decisions are virtually not reviewable. While it is for the best here, he has screwed over huge numbers of legitimate refugees and asylum seekers. No chance of a change of the law unless the government loses the next election, predicted for May
@Pete Downunder: I don’t know what the May elections entail but let’s hope that Morrison, who seems to have been cowardly quiet throughout, can be replaced.
In the meanwhile, the UK can be rid of Boris. Hey, a lady can dream!
Some of my best friends are lingering piles.
@Geoduck: That’s funny. All of our snow has been gone for a week, and we got about 8 inches, up here on Weathertop (Hollywood Hill). It was fun for a couple of days and falling snow is magical, but there are limits.
No snow predicted here for the next few days, just heavy fog and rain.
Thanks. So do I. I have enough health issues without adding that. Just ordered some more N95 masks as my current supply is getting low.
history of snowfall in phoenix arizona :
0.5 inches on February 2 1939
0.4 inches on December 21 and 22 1990
0.2 inches on March 12 1917
0.1 inches on November 28 1919
0.1 inches on December 11 1988
I don’t miss digging my car out of the snow.
But it’s a dry snow.
Tony Jay
I’ve got Eternals lined up and ready to go, but haven’t got round to it yet. Fingers crossed it’s quality is all just a matter of taste, because I’ve been reading Kieron Gillen’s current Eternals series and he’s doing very interesting things with the concept. His Deviants are particularly cool as a race of normal human-aliens with a natural propensity for mutating into crazy monsters who nevertheless (and understandably) see Eternals as the real monsters.
Also a nod-nod on Hawkeye. Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop is spot-on as well as cuter than a box of puppies. Looking forward to the rumoured Young Avengers movie at some point, now they’ve introduced most of the members.
And fuck No-Vax Jock-a-Fix. Shoulda job jabbed you entitled plague-rat moron.
Tony Jay
That’s been inevitable for a few months, they’ve just been negotiating the terms of his booting. When Sir Kier Starmer’s handlers allow out him of his stasis-pod long enough to call for a Tory’s resignation, you know it’s way past imminent.
It would be nice if the Labour leadership had the nous to hang the shame of Flobalob’s resignation worthy behaviour around the neck of his rotten Cabinet and Party (after all, they all knew what was going on and colluded in lying about it), but since they’ve shown themselves to possess less political talent than a popped gherkin, I shouldn’t be surprised.
James E Powell
That sounds awesome. Happy Birthday to your spouse.
@Tony Jay
“Muad’flob. His name is a swilling word.”
Tony Jay
“Wine and cheese is the mind-killer”
“The Shite must flow!”
@Another Scott:
Same thing over here in northern Calvert County. Lots of big trees still lying on their sides in people’s yards in my neighborhood.
Over here, we’re only expecting a couple hours of snow before it turns to rain, so by the time the wind picks up, the trees should be back to being bare.
Needed to clean the basement, looks like that might be the best use of my time the rest of this weekend. That and some naps.
Courtesy of Cole’s Twitter feed, Unnamed Mexican TV Host speaks for so many of us:
Mmm, just watched Ina Garten’s Engagement Chicken video and it looks wonderful. All my favourite flavours!! I’ll have to give that a try
@lowtechcyclist: Since the rain seemed light, I took the opportunity to take the dog out. A wind gust almost knocked me over, and I don’t remember that happening before. Although there are power outages nearby, I’m fortunate to still have it on. It’s supposed to switch over to snow after 10 am.
@SiubhanDuinne: That sounds delicious.
Van Buren
@UncleEbeneezer: That sounds awesome.
Here in Alpharetta my power has flickered on and off several dozen times over the past quarter of an hour. Currently pitch black, and still a little more than an hour until sunrise. I haven’t been out but the sound of the wind is something we rarely hear in this part of the country!
I’d probably serve it with carrots. Lots of carrots. Because I do love carrots. ?
Here in south central Indiana, we have been in a snow hole. That is, the winter storms have gone around us. Snow to all directions of the compass, but not here in central Indiana. I actually saw a news report on one of the Indianapolis stations I caught on YouTube about this yesterday and used the term “snow hole.”
We got a bare sifting of snow yesterday morning that looked like powdered sugar on a cookie, barely.
I’m glad this stuff held up til after the National Championship Celebration yesterday! Burn the Boats!!
@SiubhanDuinne: There’s a large outage near Webb Bridge. It’s large enough, maybe they will work on it first.
Power went out here for good around 6:40. No way to charge the phone (short of going out to my car, which I’m not inclined to do), so am going to power it down for now in case I need battery later. I’m not far from Webb Bridge, so perhaps GP will take care of things before long. In the meantime, it’s already getting cold, so I’m going to burrow under the covers for a while! Stay warm and safe!
@HeartlandLiberal: Yep, up here in N Indiana we got nuthin too. For a change, because we get lake effect snow when no one else gets any. Pretty cold though.
Central Ohio was too. Until today, apparently. ?
Yay! Power came back on a few minutes ago, after 2-1/2 hours of dark and cold. Weather app says flurries have started, although I don’t see any yet. But the wind is whistling and groaning out there like a right sumbitch and the heating unit is having a tough time dispelling the chill inside. Perfect day to wrap up and not go anywhere.
@SiubhanDuinne: I assumed so, since the GA Outage Map updated, and that section was restored.
@Tony Jay:
Excellent phrase for such a short screed. You just got right to it, no wind-up required. Well done!!!
J R in WV
The leading edge of the storm is here now… came up through Logan county, raining so far, just arriving in N Lincoln county. I hope the car doesn’t turn into an ice cube — there’s a giant 6-pack of paper towels in it.
Some years back while we were convoying out to AZ to build the winter camp we were hit by an ice storm in OK, stopped at a tiny town with a Burger King and a really old motel. The next morning the car/truck was covered with an inch of ice on the windward side, if we hadn’t been able ot get in on the passenger side and start up the heat we would have been there way, way too long. We drove west on US 66 beside I-40, and there were tractor trailers littered on the shoulder where they lost control while we were holed up in the crummy old motel.
Glad to have gone to town yesterday, got green goods, lettuce, asparagus, eggplant, etc. So will be able to cook well during our time of entrapment by the coming ice storm.
Hope to maintain internet connectivity, but have several long novels already downloaded. Tho reading Charley Stross’s Laundry series while trapped by a storm is strange. I’ve got a couple I read when they came out to prepare for the newest one. I keep expecting him to abandon that work as he digs his people deeper and deeper into new hellscapes, but so far he keeps up a new and stranger plot every new volume.
@J R in WV:
I have a couple of days off and planned to run errands then, when fewer people would be in the stores. Last night, they upped their snow prediction from less than an inch to maybe five. So, this morning, it was all about errands. I got more stuff than planned, just in case shelves become even emptier than they already are. Plenty of gaps at Trader Joes already. None of my usual treats. ?
Bagel J
@Gin & Tonic: nice use of letterkenny