Okay, we are back to quilt blocks. If you have been waiting patiently, thank you! If you have been waiting impatiently :-) I am sorry for keeping you waiting. But Quiltingfool has been hard at work, making some of the most popular blocks and designing a couple of new ones!
The accompanying thread shows all 25 quilt blocks that are available.
My records indicate that these people want blocks and have already forwarded their ActBlue Receipts:
Name |
# Blocks |
Quilt Blocks |
7/17 |
zhena gogolia |
2 |
Patron and 2 cats, intertwined tails |
7/25 |
Alison Rose |
1 |
? |
7/27 |
JanieM |
1 |
#3 |
8/2 |
Brooklyn Dodger |
1 |
Standing Patron #21 |
8/4 |
NotoriousJRT |
2 |
#8 and #21 |
8/6 |
Makada |
1 |
Happy Cat #20 |
You are not locked into your earlier choices.
If you want one or more quilt blocks, please let us know in the comments AND send email to WaterGirl with your name, nym, the blocks you want.
How adorable are the 2 new kitty blocks?
The kitty sunflower love is astonishingly beautiful. Well done!
Definitely #24! It’s so beautiful!
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
Yay! I want block #12, with the stack of three kitties :) I’ll send an email now
Just beautiful. I will be down for at least 3. Patrons, of course.
Quiltingfool: your work is so whimsical and creative. Checking in with a friend who is a cataholic to see if she’d like to order any squares.
I really like the last two stylized sunflower designs, too.
I love them all so much.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@Elizabelle: At first glance, I thought that said catholic and I was like…………..am I missing why that might be germane??? LOL
Just forwarded my ActBlue receipt and a wish for #3 from whenever it was first sent.
Yay! And thanks to WG and Quiltingfood, this is great.
#9 kitty rules.
I would like #5, #6, #14, and #16, please. Would a contribution of $150 cover those? I’m not sure I completely understand the pricing.
As I recall the blocks were $50. I just want one, #25 if it’s still available.
Do I donate to ActBlue, then get back to you?
My receipt has been sent. I would like #18.
Thank you 😊
I am absolutely in awe of Quiltingenius’s talent.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, your $150 would be fine!
Blocks are $25 to $50 depending on level of complication and on the discretionary income available to the donor. Kind of a sliding scale.
@middlelee: Yes, that is one of the new ones. Quiltingfool can make another one. She will have to tell us whether it would be identical or if some of the fabric might change.
It really is perfect as is!
Salty Sam
A comment/question for Quiltingfool: I showed this post to my wife, and besides her admiration for your work, she said, “that’s not just quilting, that’s fabric ART!”, and then mentioned her old friend and mentor Beth Kennedy, who was a very similarly talented fabric artist, quilter, and who taught all over the country for years. My wife was curious if you knew her…
And, beautiful work, as usual!
zhena gogolia
Can’t wait!
@WaterGirl: Okay. I made the donation for $50 and my order # is
AB234644423. And I’m fine with minor difference.
These are lovely.
Great, thank you! Donation on its way!
ETA: Sorry to be stupid. Is there a separate (dedicated) thermometer, or do I just send my donation to the general “Balloon Juice for Ukraine” fund?
#25, #15 and #21. If possible, would love to have similar colors if not same fabric for #25, since it seems to be very popular! Sending receipt in email when it arrives (soon).
You did an outstanding job on these pieces, Quiltingfool. Imaginative and gorgeous blocks.
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia: I think I’m getting 6 and 8
wombat probabilty cloud
Two, please: #3 and #17. And (as SiubhanDuinne asked), can you remind us if this is through the BJ for U fund, or a separate ActBlue donation? Thanks!
@SiubhanDuinne: Donations can go to Balloon Juice for Ukraine or to the one that’s dedicated to World Central Kitchen.
World Central Kitchen is one of the 5 charities that are together under Balloon Juice for Ukraine.
@wombat probabilty cloud: Donations can go to either of the two thermometers in the sidebar.
Together we have raised over $75,000 for Ukraine, which is really wonderful.
@CarolPW: Indeed, was just popping in to say that.
Finally made my choices, made my donation and sent my email.
@OzarkHillbilly: Very ethereal. Just spectacular. I hope the one I just donated for has that same aura.
@Salty Sam: Oh, my, your wife is so kind! I appreciate the compliment! I am not familiar with Ms. Kennedy – very possible I’ve seen her work and didn’t catch the name. I’ll have to look her up.
I never thought of myself as an artist, I just like to make quilt stuff! So glad I have the time to do it!
@Salty Sam:
Finally back to reading the blog. Life got in the way. I would like to order #11, 23, 24 and 25. It is time to decorate my new kitchen renovation. Email sent. ActBlue donation made. These quilt blocks are beautiful (Philly pronunciation). Thank you Quilttingfool and WaterGirl.
Quiltingfool your work is so beautiful and #25 is especially so. The subtle background with the sunflowers highlighted and then the cat blending in. I love it and it will be a birthday gift for one of my closest friends. If I can wait two months to give it to her.
Not only are you an artist you are a saint. ;-)
Just a quick note to say that I am receiving all of your email messages. For now, I am adding the information to the spreadsheet and am mostly only replying to messages that contained questions.
So not to worry if you sent me email and I haven’t replied yet.
Salty Sam
Out of curiosity I checked, and there are several “Beth Kennedy, fabric artists”.
Here’s the Beth we knew and loved (she passed two years ago):
I’d like one Patron #21.
@WaterGirl: Between those totals and those for the various activist groups, BJ really punches above its weight. There must be thousands of lurkers out there following this Top 10000 blog.
something fabulous
Gonna have to wait for some income to, you know, come in. So from me, just another shout out for Quiltingfool’s generosity, artistry, and all-round awesomeness!!
Numbers 20 Happy Cat and 25 Cat with Sunflowers for me, please.
Many thanks to Quiltingfool and Watergirl for their very generous efforts.
Receipt sent.
If folks would help me with a failure of imagination: are the blocks backed with padding? Or are they simply pieces (but beautiful!) of cloth? Would a person make it into a pillow cover?
These blocks are so lovely. I’d like 6, 12, 13, 24. I donated Act Blue split between the WCK and the general fund. Let me know if I need to add to it. Quiltingfool, you are so talented and generous!
Yay! I have been sooooooo impatient! : )
@Glidwrith: Quilting is pretty much sewing two layers of cloth together with padding between. American traditions favored elaborate fabric designs on one side but the padding was always there.
One could easily make any of these into pillow covers. I asked for two pieces of the same dimensions, and they could easily be made into a pillow sham, tote or purse. Or with one you could sew it to another piece of fabric and do the same thing. Or you could just frame it.
@WaterGirl: They are indeed adorable, but -as you might understand given my nym, I am happy to stay with my original choices. Thanks for all you do for this community!
@Quiltingfool: You are an artist, trust me. Thanks for sharing your gifts so generously!
Donated to all groups, waiting for receipt. I would like #25, please. Love the creamy grey contrast to the other colors and the patterns within patterns in each figure.
@Quiltingfool: You’re definitely an artist–the figures and backgrounds in the squares are beautiful. I plan to frame mine.
I’m late, so I may repeat tomorrow…
Block 25 – I know several people want that block (I love it, too!) and many have commented on the blue batik fabric (cat body and left side panel). Well, I may not have enough to make all the requests. I ordered that piece about a year ago, and it isn’t available anymore! I will tell you there are many beautiful blue batik fabrics and I will use a color and pattern very close to the original. I’ll find something pretty!
Ann Marie
I just donated $100 to World Central Kitchen via ActBlue. I’d like #10 with the three kitties curled up together. Quiltingfool, this is a wonderful thing for you to do!
I would like kitty headress, #24 in the prior thread.
No One You Know
@CarolPW: Agree! Kitty sunflower love is absolutely gorgeous.
No One You Know
@No One You Know:
I sent you the receipt link and the panel I’d like, #8 Patron.
I am likely to build a frame and hang this on the wall, but I’m waiting to see the piece to make any final decisions.
I would love the new sunflower ‘square’ design above. Is there a number for that one? It doesn’t need to be padded, since I plan to frame it. I especially like the sunflower fabric in the center.
I can do the actblue later this week.
thanks so much, quilting fool is a true artist.
All the blocks are pictured on this post: Link (the link is also in the sidebar in case you lose track of this post)
So check that out and then send me an email message with the block number. Also include your request for it to not be quilted because you plan to frame it. thanks.
She really is. Also amazingly generous with her time and talent!