BREAKING: Judge McAfee had accepted the Fulton County DA’s October 23rd trial date, but ONLY for Chesebro; effectively severing him from the other 18 defendants. Chesebro had filed for a speedy trial, and Fani Willis recommended 10/23 for all 19 defendants.
More to come.
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) August 24, 2023
Can someone explain who Judge McAfee is and what reason a judge would have for not accepting a trial date from a prosecutor?
How can he sever defendants in a RICO?
John McAfee’s cousin?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
can’t speak to McAfee– though I believe judges are elected in GA?– or the law, but Littman is one of my TeeVee/twitter imaginary lawyer friends I tend to trus
Here’s the latest from ajc
[Court filing at the end of the article]
I can’t really figure it out. I’m not sure what the heck goes on in Georgia state court. Seems very strange to me.
But I did say earlier that I thought the speedy trial motion was an indirect severance motion, so despite being gobsmacked, apparently I was right. Weird.
Old School
From Wikipedia:
And about Judge McAfee, also the ajc
A few snippets:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think, at least it appears to be true, that by granting the speedy trial motion, the judge severed cheseboro. So I don’t think it’s helpful to Willis at all.
I read somewhere (TPM?) that he has accepted the trial date only for Cheese-bro for now, the implication being that he hasn’t decided anything about the others, nor about TFG’s motion for separation.
@LAO: except I think I read also that accepting the trial date explicitly did not imply separation.
Pretty sure the order’s online. I haven’t read it.
zhena gogolia
@bbleh: The AJC thing above says “at this time,” so I think that’s right. But what do I know.
I know there is a concern about revealing evidence in Chesebro’ trial that could benefit the other defendants, but I don’t see how knowing about the evidence ahead of time actually helps them.
Rather the opposite: they’ll know just how thoroughly they’re screwed. Waiting for a trail to make it official would be ….stressful.
I think that’s what Harry Litman was saying is overall good for Fani Willis.
I suspect that means they are no longer hanging together. We can only hope that it means that Benjamin Franklin was correct when he said:
Let’s hope they all hang separately, metaphorically speaking.
Alison Rose
A word I’d never heard before.
What is the benefit, for Cheese-bro, of severing from the rest? Is that advantageous for TFG? Or Willis? Soooooo many shenanigans!
Our heat index is currently 118 here in Champaign. Pretty sure that I would not do well in hell, if it’s this hot there!
edit: It’s so humid that this morning the ground was wet and I thought it had rained. It had not.
@zhena gogolia: You’re a scrupulous reader, and the details here are important!
@Scout211: @Alison Rose: TFG: “D’oh! Another jock! First Smith now this guy…”
It will always be Cheesebro, and you’ll never change my mind on that :P
@Suzanne: so much shenannigans, so much drama; I know the all the actors and writers are on strike atm, but damn this season is really shaping up.
Is this sort of whittling down a reason Willis may never have to try all 19 defendants together? If so, I wonder who else might move to have their case severed from the rest.
ETA or what @WaterGirl said at #13.
I can’t help with law questions, but here’s the song for the day Ice Cube
@WaterGirl: Didn’t Trump want to separate so he could delay? I wouldn’t read more into it than that.
@WaterGirl: yabbut in hell it’s a dry heat
No One of Consequence
What distinction ‘A Veteran Musician’?! He play a war or?
Or was there a dropped comma?
Inquiring minds / pedants WANT TO KNOW!!!
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose: Has a whiff of Paul Ryan about it.
IANAL (but I do have many hours of watching Law & Order, LOL) so it makes me wonder if Chesebro wants a deal, a separate deal and the very first deal.
@WaterGirl: I absolutely agree with your analysis. What I was trying to say is that I wouldn’t apply Litman’s statement to the newest development (a trial date specifically set only for a single defendant).
I think Litman is brilliant but he wasn’t talking about the Cheseboro potential trial date.
@Suzanne: @Scout211: that seems to be the question of the moment. See also WG at 13 supra.
@WaterGirl: My non-legal mind, at first blush, thinks like it would be easier to construct an understandable narrative of the crime if everyone’s in one trial and all the evidence is there. But, for a lawyer, I make a great architect. ;)
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: I have been watching Law and Order since George Dzundza! Therefore I’m the biggest expert here!
Steve in the ATL
Sadow is a really, really good criminal defense attorney. Not LAO good, of course, but still very impressive. Trump did well with that.
despite the time honored tradition of the GOP doubling down on the usual legislative shenanigans, I fully expect the small fry to sing and plead out to assist in making the cases on the better funded big fry.
So, even tho we’re seeing some of the folks at the top scramble, I’m guessing that it’s still early and those folks in the middle and at the bottom when faced with real fucking jail time may have a deep contemplative thought or two regarding “standing on principle” for a dude who doesn’t have any.
Doesn’t all come down to wether or not the judge buys the bullshit that Trump will be selling?
@LAO: We seem to be in violent agreement, as they say. :-)
This made me laugh out loud!
99 up north, feels like 118. Looking forward to the break in the heat tomorrow. With hopefully some fun storms blowing through tonight.
@LAO: I thought in Georgia law at least the speedy trial motion compelled the prosecution to start by a certain time. I didn’t see any wiggle room to deny it.
Maybe the gamble was that they would dismiss in order to keep advantage in the rest of the case? But my first thought was that Chesbro sees economics not on his side the longer the case drags out, and thinks he will win so get it done hopefully before bankruptcy. He’d probably go for a deal if he thought he was going to lose.
The worst part of hell is cold, according to Dante
Alison Rose
@zhena gogolia: Oh yeah well so have I and I own all 20 seasons including the absolute garbage final one on DVD SO THERE!!! 😬
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: That heat and humidity in Champaign sounds horrifying. An entire city having a bad hair day!
@Steve in the ATL: Thank dog a Georgia lawyer showed up! All right Steve, what the hell is going on? I’m just a simple bottom feeding defense attorney, trying to sound smart.
After the CNN story broke that Chesebro was at the Capitol on Jan 6 and video recording Alex Jones, capitolhunters put together a reconstruction of his movements that day. The thesis was that Jones was there to direct the crowd on where to break in and Chesebro was recording what was happening and communicating with someone offsite. After he received texts, it looked like he was making gestures to indicate where the crowd should move. I haven’t seen any follow up on this but it was an interesting thread, and if true, it puts Chesebro at the very heart not just of the legal theory of the insurrection but the attack itself.
@mrmoshpotato: We don’t get our break in the heat until Saturday. Please please let us get the storm on Friday night that will bring down the temps and give some relief to all the humans and growing things.
With any luck it comes down to a jury.
Prerelease of Trump’s first letter from jail to
BarronIvanka:Does it need more ALL CAPS?
@Steve in the ATL: Steve Collect-Up-Front Sadow?
@Almost Retired: It’s really hideous.
@BeautifulPlumage: Yep.
Bill Arnold
@Steve in the ATL:
He has D.J. Trump as a client, though.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Steve in the ATL: @Bill Arnold: first test of a trump lawyer: Did he get paid up front?
@WaterGirl: Hopefully! It’s fun when it’s too hot to go grocery shopping.
@Steve in the ATL: Ah, I asked late in the post below about bail in the Georgia case.
Why aren’t these “fine upstanding gentlemen” getting ROR’d? The one article I found said this was the first time out of all the indictments that Trump had been made to put up money. I didn’t expect that for him or most of the motley crew. They don’t look like the typical flight risk stereotypes.
I’m not complaining, but what’s the rationale for bail/bond in these cases?
I think another reason for the speedy trial motion by Cheesebro was due to the fact that neither Trump nor his PAC are paying for Cheesebro’s lawyer. I think he know that Trump will try to delay, delay and delay some more, which could add up lawyer time for him. Since he doesn’t have Trump’s donors paying for his defense, he may not have the funds to pay for council for a long time.
As far as I can tell, Harrison Floyd is still being held without a bond agreement. If he is held overnight, I imagine he will be first to flip, but not sure how valuable his information would be
Possible first flip?
Similar to what WaterGirl said,v from what I understand the reason she’s unlikely to have to try 19 defendants is because some are likely to flip as things get real. That’s apparently very common in RICO cases, including her previous ones.
Doug R
The Mango Menace is on his way to Georgia:
BTW Local news tried to interview the Wolf, and after a little of huffing, he said hey I’m a wolf. It is hot and to be dressed as a wolf has to be awful.
@WaterGirl: I saw that Champaign and Urbanna schools were closed today on account of the heat.
@No One of Consequence: My question, too.
@mrmoshpotato: I saw video from one hell of a storm in Mecca, Saudi Arabia a few days ago. Heavy wind and rain, and wild lightning. Very unusual for those parts.
@Steve in the ATL: Sadow will only remain TIFG’s attorney as long as TIFG listens to him and follows his instructions AND is paid.
@No One of Consequence:
I’m guessing a style book created ambiguity with a mandated lack of an Oxford comma.
Mike in NC
Just saw a photo of the GOP debate lineup. Except for Nikki Haley, every one of them was wearing the “Trump uniform” of dark blue suit, white dress shirt, and red necktie. Almost as if it’s a requirement to dress up as a Trump mini-me! Pathetic.
Yes, flipping too, so let’s hear it for the flippers!
Alison Rose
@Mike in NC: See, if Haley really wanted to draw attention, she should’ve done it, too.
Seems to me that if Mr. Cheesehead goes speedy and gets the book (Tolstoy) tossed at him, the others may be inspired to cut a deal. Especially Trump.
@Jackie: Trump seems to be taking his professional help more seriously now. At least, that seems to be the case with his campaign operation. He’s a fool in many ways, but Trump has a lizard-brain survival instinct that tells him he is in real trouble now, so he may break from prior patterns and do what the pros tell him.
Roger Moore
@No One of Consequence:
It probably means he’s been a musician for a long time, not that he was a musician in the military. According to his Wikipedia article, he got a cello scholarship at Emory and graduated with a dual major in political science and music.
No One of Consequence
Thanks for the assist. I play a couple of instruments, and once did a fairly good stab at Sultans of Swing at a show at a gas station once, so was pretty sure I didn’t qualify, but hadn’t heard that term before.
Veteran session player, or veteran touring artist, I get.
@LAO: I’m not sure how much prosecuting Chesebro first hurts Willis. The indictment went into intricate details about the conspiracy beyond just the crimes that are being charged. Defense attorneys already have a much better idea of what to prepare for than they would in a normal prosecution.
@Geminid: I bet the University didn’t close, though. I have only seen it close once. Ever.
Her videos are always on point
How White Supremacy and Capitalism are related
@Geminid: yup! He probably can quit the laxatives he takes because of the junk food he eats, also.
There’s a term for that scared ……..
@JaySinWA: Never mind, looking again it’s not an Oxford comma issue, it’s probably just a weird turn of phrase. The Judge doesn’t seem to have a military background, so veteran musician probably means he no longer plays.
Or just that he has been playing for a long time (but not continuously!). “Veteran” does not automatically mean “ex-.”
@No One of Consequence:
My former BIL is a “veteran musician.” He retired from the Navy after serving in the brass section of the Navy band for his entire military career.
In Miriam-Webster, the second definition is likely why the author used that phrase. (Although the guy is only 34 years old so a veteran musician is likely overstating his musical career).
These people! (From Politico)
Hasn’t he tried this before, only to be stopped cold by issues relating to Separation of Powers?
Well, it’s almost Arraignment Time and I need some wardrobe help!
Should I go with “BYEDON 2020”, in royal blue? Or the classic black shirt w/ “DIRTY FUCKER” in bold white type + trump’s ugly scowling mug?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Steve in the ATL: On the other hand, everything Dump touches dies
@Jeffro: Go with the Dirty Fucker shirt. TIFG will be wearing blue 😉
Why? Trump is a billionaire so he can cover this.
Former President Donald Trump will be using a metro Atlanta bonding company to cover the cost of his $200,000 bond in Fulton County, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has confirmed.
Charles Shaw, the CEO of Lawrenceville-based Foster Bail Bonds LLC, confirmed that his company has been contracted to work with the former president when he surrenders at the Fulton County jail on Thursday evening.
”We will be posting his bond when he arrives,” Shaw told the AJC.
I don’t think it ever means “ex-.”, especially with musicians. ;)
One of my HS buds and his family made a homemade ‘Fulton County arrest cake’
The stick figure on it has tiny little gel icing handcuffs…I’m dyin’…
Doug R
@Doug R: And the 757 is on the ground.
Just look at Southern California last weekend, tropical storms ain’t exactly a regular occurrence.
@Doug R: Yes it did. I am sure that those charged with him are at the airport to greet him.
@Doug R:
It’s a decoy! He’s on the run!
@Mike in NC: Hahaha! SAD!
can you get a picture of it to a front pager to post? I would love to see it.
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: Probably not. It appears to be media. Now discussing how to get to jail with all the traffic.
ha still waiting for trump
they are discussing his tweets about Atlanta being a murder capital
So he can stiff them.
Alison Rose
Joy Reid is preaching and I’m into it. Looks like TIFG is wheels down in Georgia.
@BeautifulPlumage: sure!
(how do I do that?)
Btw OT but I just flipped over to Fox News for a sec and wow…Laura Ingraham has very clearly had some serious work done recently. She could barely move her lips to talk(!)
Our local news has its say. This one made me laugh
and here he comes and he waves to someone but not sure anyone is there
There is no one waiting ot greet him.
They’ve all been arrested.
@TS: Did they mention the Wolf? He’s my hero because when he was asked a question by local news, he answered hey I’m just a wolf.
@Baud: LOL! Good one!
He’s leaving now with his entourage. He’s gonna be stuck in traffic, just sayin.
Steve in the ATL
@JaySinWA: no idea! I very intentionally avoided criminal law and know little about the intricacies.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: this guy? Definitely.
@LAO: I really don’t know!
I feel totally useless—y’all just call me Omnes now!
From the Contact Us page : To contact the blog owner, any Balloon Juice writer, or any contact listed above, send email to [name]
I suggest WaterGirl.
Chyron on CNN’s life feed:
Historic? Will it go down in INFAMY?
Steve in the ATL
@trollhattan: as noted supra, he’s no fool!
@Bill Arnold: he may well come to regret the association, like pretty much everyone else who’s ever associated with him!
@Alison Rose:
Just switched it on – Joy is telling it – but then I saw the trump train leave – A DOZEN VEHICLES (may have been more) – Obama didn’t have that many when he travelled the US & the world. What a massive fraud this man is. And the SS – do they pay for this – is the whole organisation pro trump?
@JPL: The bail bond company charges a 10% fee, so Trump is paying them $20,000 which he’ll never get back; versus paying the court $200,000 which he gets back provided he shows up for the trial. So it does sound like he doesn’t have $200,000 in ready cash; or —
Maybe he’s planning to skip out, and by using the bail bond company he’s only out $20,000. Bounty hunters would normally be a problem, but maybe he’s got his eye on a country where he’d have the government’s protection?
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: is it safe for me to come home tomorrow? Do I need to wear a costume?
@Alison Rose: She made a good point about spectacle, which is even more dangerous when the audience has a taste for buffoons, as Joy just said.
What’s the deadline for turning himself in? And does he immediately become a fugitive from justice, or does the judge need to make a formal declaration?
I predict the opposite. When the trial starts, there will be big problems because he will demand his defense include ‘the election was stolen.’
12:30pm tomorrow. He probably won’t be in a traffic jam that long.
@Steve in the ATL: OMG It’s questionable. I know what the rat stands for, but what about the wolf. Might be time to pick sides.
Poor wolf looked like he/she was gonna faint. Time to raise minimum wage.
Alison Rose
@TS: I love this overhead shot, like he’s fucking OJ, LOL
Mike in NC
As if that’s a bad thing!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Ken: Do svidaniya
@Ken: Deadline is tomorrow. They’ll wait for him tonight.
Old School
Traffic in Atlanta looks pretty light.
@Ken: He has till noon tomorrow, and the booking desk never closes.
Cleared the roads – another undeserved privilege at the expense of the local people.
Okay here he comes! There really is a good restaurant nearby for those hanging out hoping to get a glimpse of the asshole.
There’s zero traffic. Did they clear the highway? The eleventy SUVs have smooth sailing.
Let me add: Trump will demand that the defense include that the election was stolen, but he will try to weasel word it like he did talking about whether he would rape a woman in the rape civil suit. It will work exactly as well as it did in that case.
I believe it is advantageous for him. As long as he doesn’t get to far out over his skis anyway. It also disconnects him from the group which might allow him to make the point that he was an attorney not a participant. I don’t think that will work for him. This is of course an unusual case, it’s difficult to get all this many idiots in one place at the same time so him separating himself seems like a smart move, and as likely none of the others seem to have the ability to contemplate anything much more than autonomic breathing may be better for him.
Steve in the ATL
@Old School: “said no one ever”
@Scout211: yup they want him in and out. That’s what the news said.
Here’s one Youtube live stream:
ETA and here’s an overhead view, shot O.J. style:
@BeautifulPlumage: sent and thanks!
”WaterGirl, if you’re listening, I hope you can find the 30,000…ok, 2…pics I just sent” :)
@Geminid: @Jackie: @Steve in the ATL: might have something to do with the fact that the PAC is paying for the lawyers (with Other People’s Money)
@JWR: I suspect they don’t care, because it’s all theater. They’ll use speculation and third-hand conspiracy-theory “evidence” and whatever else they think will rile up the stupids. And if Fani tells them to pound sand, they’ll wail and whine about that uppity … local prosecutor defying the Yoo-nited States Congress etc and so on.
At least here we don’t blast the planes of failed coup plotters out of the sky, as tempting as that may sound.
OMG they are showing folks on the side watching this and most are police. hahahahah
Did I just count 14 motorcycle cops?! OMG.
@Alison Rose: You masochistic bastards…
Alison Rose
LOLOL MSNBC dude on site calling the motorcade “the exact opposite of a Pride parade”
@Alison Rose:
Obligatory “not that there’s anything wrong with that” doesn’t really apply in this case.
Looks like parking is not a problem, either. Just a regular criminal.
@Scout211: this is not the time or place for something to happen, so I don’t blame them. He’s more in danger from his supporters who admire Hitler, then anyone else.
@WaterGirl: UIUC closed once when I was there, 1977, I think. A really bad ice storm. It was treacherous to step on a sidewalk. The closed it because the professors couldn’t get in.
Alison Rose
@JaySinWA: Fine, “like he’s motherfucking OJ” :P
I wonder if his body parts will be worshipped as relics by the MAGA.
@JPL: Yeah, I do get that. We don’t need anything to fuel more of his martyrdom here, but still . . .
Just yesterday, he and Tucker talked about whether Democrats would assassinate him.
@Baud: “All kneel before the Holy Mushroom”
eww ok never mind
Now comparing trump to Rudy’s treatment. Yup not the same.
@Scout211: What I was thinking.
@Baud: perhaps they will throw themselves on his funeral pyre? by the thousands? Or maybe a meme could be implanted that committing ritual suicide on his grave is, like, the most MAGAty thing evaarrrrr. Or just in front of a picture of him, cuz there’s a lot of them. They could have, like, parties, like they used to do to give themselves COVID or measles.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: failed real estate developers will fight over shards of the True Ketchup Bottle, swearing that it has aphrodisiac power
Alison Rose
Rachel just said per the pool reporting “as of now, Donald Trump is under arrest in the state of Georgia” and I think I heard angels singing
eta I mean…released on bond within moments of course, but even still
I glance at that name and think “Harrison Ford” and wonder what the hell did he do?
Georgia, Georgia
The whole day through (the whole day through)
Just an old sweet arrest
Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)
Me too. Everytime.
Now released.
NOW how all y’all like yer Tenth Amendment?
In and out quickly. I’m thinking no mugshot.
Alison Rose
HAHAHAHA just got an email from the Biden campaign, subject line “Apropos of nothing” and the body just says “I think today’s a great day to give to my campaign” with the donate buttons.
@Alison Rose:
Alison Rose
@Quinerly: The Fulton County officials said there would be one just like everyone else. I think the question is whether or not they release it.
@Quinerly: Thousands of T-shirt shop owners wail in despair.
@Baud: I think Tucker really wants it to happen, unfortunately. Whether by a D or an R or whomever. It would solve a LOT of problems for the GOP and given how Tucker feels about TFG, it’d make him happy too.
And I wouldn’t put it past Tucker to say it again and again, in the hopes that some nut job latches on to the idea for whatever reason…
”yeah…I’ll do it and make it look like the Dems and and and…”
Anyway, enough of that.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: This immediately after we heard the reports of Proud Boys in the Secret Service.
the twitterati are reporting Trump’s self-reported height and weight:
6’3″, 215
@Matt McIrvin:
I don’t know. From what I hear, their side really think he’s going to win the election.
@Baud: Well he won the last one didn’t he? Before they stole it! Filthy Democratses, we hates them!
Breaking News! (Invented out of whole cloth.)
All the rumors about who would flip first were wrong. Trump has just announced he will flip on everybody else! He intends to claim, going forward, that all the reports that he pleaded guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence were “fake news!” (Lying, after all, is his core competency.)
If you believed this I’ve got some premium grade snake available at rock bottom prices…
@M31: And I look like Brad Pitt
@Alison Rose: I know what they said. Things can change. He was in and out quickly.
I’m so fucking sick of Trump.
Let’s have an OT and talk about Dark Winds! I actually saw Zahn at Indian Market here in Santa Fe Sunday. He is gorgeous.
@Kristine: I did too! Every time I’ve seen that name in print today I’ve had to stop reading and recompute my brain to read FLOYD.
@Baud: yeah but a) they think ANY of their guys can beat Biden and b) what ‘they’ think about the election and what some nut might think he needs to do are two separate things.
@Jeffro: Send me a photo?
So fucking ridiculous. A mockery. But what else is new?
Maybe a Ramaswamy partisan will take things into his own hands.
@Jackie: Here he comes. OMG that was quick
BTW I still google the the Harrison Floyd guy even though I know who it is.
@Jeffro: send it to my nym at
If they try to withhold it, the media will FOIA it, like 30 seconds later. They might as well just release it.
There is a mugshot.
I lie in bed corrected…..
“Trump is under arrest” is the best news alert I have ever received!
@Quinerly: his mugshot will haunt me for the rest of my life.
@Alison Rose: I felt the need to play “Bad Boys.”
@Quinerly: Ah, a pleasant sight that must have been.
@Ken: Oh my gosh, make that a reality show, please.
@Origuy: @M31:
Add charges! Lying to government officials!!
@WaterGirl: I did :)
“Crazy cold way down there” – Laura Nyro
I kinda think there might be another indictment coming. Not sure what else Smith has in store.
@LAO: OMG Read Small Mercies. Meadows is Marty and the Ray Smith guy is Frank.
@Frankensteinbeck: I’m not predicting Trump will do what the pros tell him, just that he may. But I’m not sure anyone can predict with certainty what he’s going to tell his lawyers to do, no matter how well they understand- or think they understand- Trump’s psychology.
A few headlines while we wait on Trump
Trump may not be as inevitable as he thinks he is.
Public health is not partisan or a matter of opinion.
Fact check: Contrary to Trump’s claims, Atlanta murder is down sharply this year and nowhere near a record
But of course, Trump’s ignorant base believe that Atlanta must falling apart, because their Big Orange Liar says so.
Alison Rose
@Origuy: 6’3″ bullfuckingshit
215 bullfuckingshit
Alison Rose
@Quinerly: It was just reported on MSNBC that there was a mugshot taken.
ETA and I see you saw that! I hope we get it soon. I wonder if he’s gonna go for his fake tough boy face or a shit-eating grin with a thumbs up.
Haha! Me too!
@Nelle: such a great actor. I guess you are watching the show. The trading post in the second episode is owned by a friend and his family in Cerrillos, NM. I drove out last Fall when they were filming there. No Zahn then, but pretty cool.
AL has another Georgia thread way up top. 😊
@Brachiator: All the cities are falling apart. Portland is a smoking ruin, and in Chicago if you want to go anywhere you have to shoot your way out of your house. Everybody knows that.
@Alison Rose:
See #176
Steve in the ATL
@Brachiator: based on information and belief, neither JPL nor I has been murdered this year
Apparently the mugshot hasn’t been released yet, the one we’ve all seen is a fake.
@Redshift: Having the news alert include “Trump surrenders” was also sweet.
@Steve in the ATL: For Trumpers, I absolutely believe that it does. As does any other talisman of Trump’s.
Whoever gets the fabled Yellow Combover Weave is going to be rolling in MAGA women
OH man, that one of my oldest friends. Like, since middle school.
She’s great, and she’s going to be super stoked that I found someone promoting her videos in the wild.
For everyone else, everything she does is dope, but her talking about the racism in the Asian American community and Asian themed Incel/Racism spaces are strong.
They also got her swarmed with chuds, so if you do like her videos show some love with positive comments or whatever passes for thumbs up/likes on TikTok
@Steve in the ATL:
Yeah, but I bet you were murdered at least four times in the last decade, amirite?
Jeffro’s t-shirts and the cake his friend made:
And Atlanta is blackity-Black, so they’d believe it if pretty much anyone said it.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Brachiator: But the Atlanta Braves have been murdering the ball all year
@Kristine: I do that, too!
@Alison Rose: IF there is a freedom of information request, they have to release. But they could always slow walk it, if they wanted.
Rebel’s Dad
@WaterGirl: It’s rained all day here and the high was 72.
I’m sorry.
But of course.
@Rebel’s Dad: No you’re not! You’re gloating. :-)
@Suzanne: i saw talk that he may have thought the DA wasn’t ready with the implication being she wouldn’t be prepared. I am assuming they had everything locked before announcing indictments.
Of course when it comes to facing the law, the early bird may get the best worms.
Here in the DC area, things have been pretty comfortable since Tuesday. Yesterday morning before dawn, it was almost chilly. :-)
@twbrandt: nice
@Scout211: “Sweeping” seems to be the darling du jour adjective of the media for this trial.