The media doesn’t care about this because they don’t imagine themselves as being part of the “vermin” he’s going to root out.
Management at the big corporate outlets continue to mistakenly believe Trump returning would be good for business rather than an existential threat.
— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) November 12, 2023
It is Nazi propaganda. He knows this. He kept the book by his bedside for years.
— Joe Trippi (@JoeTrippi) November 12, 2023
“When the vermin are dead, the German oak will flourish once more.”
Der Stürmer, December 1927
The rats are labeled “Stock Exchanges,” “The Press,” & “Trusts”
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) November 12, 2023
I doubt Trump will be POTUS in 2025. No Russians+no Comey letters=Hillary wins. Since 2020 been only bad news for him & mostly bad news for Repubs. He may not be the nominee
So, unlikely he ever gets to put someone in a camp. But lot of GOP voters OK w possibility that he could
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) November 12, 2023
(Astringent) palate cleanser:
Bill Burr’s wife Nia giving Trump the double bird is the content I’m here for
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) November 12, 2023
Wow. Look at this Loserfest at tonight’s UFC fights.
Fuckopotamus, the 50-something “Kid” Rock, Tucker Carlson, and Fuckopotamus, Junior.
Talk about a mighty fall for Carlson. Dude was making $30 mil. on Fox News. Now he’s at UFC with Kid Rock. LOL.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) November 12, 2023
Villago Delenda Est
This country’s corporate “leaders” are as stupid as German industrialists were in 1932.
It is happening here, and it will only get worse if it is not stopped now.
Clock’s ticking.
Daoud bin Daoud
The house of cards we call a political system is going to fall, and fall soon. I pray the cards crush the Nazis beneath them, and not the innocent. If the Orange Obscenity and his minions take power, millions will end up dying. (Not that Der Drumpfenführer will actually win the vote – they’re not counting on voters.)
I’ve heard what Trippi says— that TFG kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches under his pillow. MSM seems to be wrinkling its brow, not really clear about what’s going on.
It seems significant that Forbes is running that headline. Don’t our media overlords read Forbes?
The Washington Post used an accurate headline: “Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini”. The NYT is, well, we all know at this point.
Dan B
It seems that a lot of people are upset about high grocery and gas prices. Since the average distance food is shipped is said to be 1,500 miles the gas prices have a lot of impact. The big oil companies had their highest profits on record. Would TIFG force them to lower their prices? But many voters do not understand how the economy works especially vulture capitalism. Also what happens to corporate profits if all brown people were deported?
Trump’s mouthpiece:
Notice how he both says that this is a ridiculous assertion and that those making it will be crushed like bugs, thereby …proving the assertion.
These are all very good points; and eliminationist rhetoric is always, always a sign that a group or an individual is very dangerous.
It’s also important for white folks to remember that it has happened here… as Native Americans, Black Americans, and Japanese Americans (among others) can attest.
It is up to us, singly and collectively, to take the Nelle path of building community in whatever ways are most appropriate for us.
I’d say that Balloon Juice, when we’re on our game, is one example of that. :)
Dear media: when they show you who they are, believe them.
Dear media: I know for a fact you are not below the fold on their hit list. (Pointing this out since you only seem to call the fascists fascists when you are the target.)
Tony G
@Villago Delenda Est: Rich people tend to believe that they have superior intellect and can therefore control the monsters that they create. Actually, though, the German plutocrats made out quite well under Hitler — the Jewish slave labor, for example, was a nice benefit for them — until, that is, around 1943 when Germany really started to lose the war. Many of the plutocrats, however, were nicely whitewashed and were back in power soon after the war ended. All in all, many of them did very well after backing Hitler.
Nukular Biskits
I’m constantly riding the asses of my local media to commit actual acts of journalism.
So far, to no avail.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
I’d dearly love to have some AV person cut TFG’s mike and continue with audio from Hitler finishing up a speech, including a rousing series of “Seig Heil” cries, just to see if his followers notice, of if they join in. It’d make for interesting TV, folks.
@Nukular Biskits: Keep at it!
Credit where credit is due. They reported it accurately. People should click the link so they know that the story matters to folks.
Sister Golden Bear
The Villagers will be meeping “both sides” as they’re lined up against the wall.
A part of the blame for this willful blindness to this rhetoric is the stupid “American exceptionalism” embraced under Reagan and his heirs. This unfounded belief in the inerrant goodness of whatever the US does led to this false sense of moral security.
“No, WE could never do Nazi things because the US is exceptional!”
I realize why so many politicians embraced it or were pressured to because it became a sort of litmus test for loyalty to the nation, especially when Obama began running for president. But on the whole it is a poisonous doctrine.
Of course we can screw up and we DO. The role of good governance is to make sure we don’t.
John Revolta
Crowds surround loudspeakers hanging from the lampposts
Listening to the murder mystery
Meanwhile someone’s hiding in the classroom
Forging the books of history
Never mind, there’s a good film showing tonight
Where they hang everybody who can read and write
Oh that could never happen here, but then again it might……
-Elvis Costello, The Invisible Man
A quick search of the Internets shows estimates of Kid Rock’s fortune from 150 to 250 million dollars lolsob. He earns $35-39 million a year. Gawdhelpus.
Kyle Griffin on Mastodon says Tim Scott has suspended his campaign. Thank goodness. I hate his ad.
Chetan Murthy
@stinger: Phew! Now his girlfriend can go back to Canada! She must be relieved.
Sometimes not even then. Tur, for instance, was understandably concerned after she was at the receiving end of his follower’s hate in the press both in or before 2016, but not many other than Maddow really called the behavior out.
Cycling this afternoon and suddenly felt some flying bastard wandering down my chest stinging me serially, while I’m going at a good clip. Ripped my shirt up to shake it out but never saw it, so no idea what 6-legged Republican insect it was. The stings still hurt like hell hours later.
It’s probably been mentioned already, but this whole new turn toward speech that resembles Nazism has Stephen Miller written all over it. What a horrible, dangerous, disgusting person he is.
He has plans for a Trump’s next fascist presidency.
I don’t think the Villagers are in any danger of being lined up against the wall. I think they will gladly trim their sails to suit their bosses and report what they want reported. I mean, they do it now.
If the Justice Department isn’t investigating Trump’s Secret Service detail, why not? When we first heard the documents story, it seemed to be about purloined documents kept in an unapproved manner in cardboard boxes in bathrooms, storerooms, offices and stages. Okay. The Secret Service obviously wouldn’t be rooting around in boxes or desk drawers. But now we’re learning that the documents were often strewn about loose out on surfaces with classification markings so blatant that maids and plumbers and carpenters noticed them. So the Secret Service had to have seen them – they HAD to have. They must have known that there was an ongoing, extensive, and high-level compromise of national security — and what did they do about it? Did they report it, document it, ANYTHING? Or has Trump’s entire detail been as compromised as Ornato was?
@stinger: I mean, sure, great, but who really cares? Unless TFG drops dead, he’s the nominee. That’s been clear for months now.
@dmsilev: The Trumpites whom I run across don’t even try to tell me I’m wrong about anything; they just tell me how sorry I’m going to be when he’s back.
But calm down, guys; it’s not like he said he was going to ask anyone to leave a restaurant after comping their appetizers. Now THAT’S political violence, as evidenced by the fact that it led the cable news for at least a week.
@JoyceH: So far, the secret service agents have been interviewed and appear to be witnesses in the documents case. Whether they will be charged in the end is another question.
From June, NBC News:
@Nukular Biskits:
Well just west of you there seems to be an effect! Keep pushing!
From the Louisiana Advocate, by way of DKos:
ETA: I want to thank Anne Laurie once again for wading through stuff I never wanna read to bring us these updates.
Chetan Murthy
Next you’ll be expecting police officers to report their colleagues who commit crimes. How fair is that?
zhena gogolia
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin): That is an interesting idea.
zhena gogolia
@BR: I did.
@Tony G: ” I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed, …”
For the next 12 months, the biggest problem in the world will be the media’s whitewashing of Trump.
If they told the truth about him, every day, then voters would turn against him.
But if they run the same Hillary playbook once again, then he will be elected again.
And that will lead to catastrophe on every front — domestic and international.
They think they are playing a game. They still have blood on their hands from 2016.
karen marie
@SuzieC: Wasn’t Forbes recently bought by a Russian?
I don’t know about other newspapers but New York Times was pro Hitler till Pearl Harbour. The media loves nazis.
Nukular Biskits
Back during the halcyon days of my yute, I was riding my motorcycle home from a shift at Wendy’s one summer afternoon.
A T-storm had passed through, dropping temps, so the ride was very pleasant. I flipped up the visor on my helmet just in time for something to BZZZZT right into the right side.
It was a red wasp and that bastard stung me 4 or 5 times in my right Elvis-style sideburn before I could stop the bike and rip the helmet off.
Ever since then, my bike has had a windshield or I rode with the visor down.
@Dan B:
The republicans are planning to kill education and have child labor as the answer.
Nukular Biskits
The local rag of record, the Sun Herald, coasted on their Katrina coverage laurels for years.
These days, they seem to be more interested in informing (?) their readers about lottery winners in other states. The op-ed pages are replete with rightwing nonsense.
Related: every pundit that predicted that Biden would “cause the GOP to moderate” shouldn’t just apologize and resign, they should apologize and then commit suicide on live TV – full on R. Budd Dwyer shit.
That’d thin the herd of the horse-race reporters, if nothing else.
The times was deplorable, especially compared to the way they covered “deplorable”
@Matt: I don’t really want anyone to pay with their lives after being so wrong so often, but there has to be other work we can have them do…
Something thankless to put them back in touch with their humanity like school bus driver or data entry for Medicare registrations.
Moral and physical coward, Trump, loves to see people hurt each other. He probably roots for fatalities he’s such a POS.
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin):
Oh, the followers would jump up and Sieg Heil to the rafters.
It would be fun to put together a video of a Trump speech with the audio dubbed and supplied by Hitler. In reality, the Hitler audio, as horrendous as it would be, would probably be far more coherent than a Trump speech.
I suspect the substitute stable is full. Probably, a temporary reprieve at best. The problem isn’t just with the reporters. The publisher and editors at the Times and Post may be the worst offenders. I avoid television news (or online since I don’t have a television), but the executives there are probably the root of the problem, not the talking heads alone.
@TriassicSands: would agree, someone has to be directing the coverage and stories filed and even writing these headlines that may have jack shit in common with the stories filed. These folks are never named, but they obviously have their hands up the alimentary canals of Vogel, Baker and Haberman.
@TriassicSands: You know he does; J6 is the perfect example. Instead of calling off his supporters determined to overtake the Capitol, he egged them on, while ignoring all pleas for him to stop them.
@TriassicSands: But if Trump wins, there won’t be any need for horse race reporters. Because, after all, there won’t be any races being held.
Chetan Murthy
@wjca: they’ll need lots of propagandists in the style of Solovyov and Simonyan though.
Aussie Sheila
@Matt: I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
@Chetan Murthy: But that’s a whole different skill set.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I suppose, then, they’ll just have to settle for bread and circuses.
I am a bit surprised that Carlson was allowed to join the entourage after being booted.
I always wonder why those people don’t understand that they will be among the first people and businesses that Trump goes after.
Playing the bothsiderist/false equivalence game all these years is terrible for Democrats, but it doesn’t mean anything to Trump. He hates them and wants to control any and all negative coverage.
I was cautiously hopeful that when Dean Baquet retired at the Times, that his replacement would be better. No such luck.
Baquet didn’t think there was anything wrong with the Times’ converage of HRC’s emails.
@TriassicSands: why does he need the NYT when he already has Faux News in his pocket? Those people are surplus to needs, at best.
I’d love to see Trump’s physical courage tested publicly. Everyone I know (who isn’t a RWNJ) agrees that if there were an active shooter, Trump wouldn’t hesitate to pick up a child to shield himself.
He doesn’t need the Times, he hates the Times.
I’m about to get medication and vitals taken, so I think I’ll sign off for the night.
Sleep well, everyone.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@TriassicSands: Such a person would fit right in with the open carry fools. They best be on their guard.
Citizen Alan
@MattF: Nothing has changed at the NYT since they were praising Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s. Fascist collaborators then. Fascist collaborators today.
There’s also this, which is absolute music to Putin’s ear: Trump went on further to state: “the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within.”
His ‘vermin’ rhetoric is extremely toxic, but his waiving away of foreign risks is also damned stupid. But we already know he’s on Vlad’s side in all this.
@TriassicSands: It’s the Sulzbergers. Of course the people who hired Baquet would do the same or worse the next time.
Back for a minute.
Yeah, I know it’s the Sulzbergers, and I didn’t expect better, I just hoped. It was no surprise when the new Editor-in-Chief said there wouldn’t be changes. And I haven’t seen any.
@TriassicSands: Yikes! That is so true! He’d do it to Ivanka!
Matt McIrvin
There’s a projection/mirroring aspect to this too, right? I mean, Trump’s side is the one that’s completely paranoid about immigrants, not ours. If you asked me I’d say that’s a true statement and he’s part of the threat from within.
Matt McIrvin
I don’t think the horserace media people think of themselves as under threat at all–they’ll just switch to being Trump sycophants and be fine. That’s a lot of what happened last time.
Remember Megan Amram mocking these useless people by tweeting “Today was the day Donald Trump became president” every single day?
@Nukular Biskits: ouch. That’s what they call a teachable moment!
Trump is in great company: not just Hitler and Mussolini but our own Mussolini tropical, Fidel Castro and his braves class struggle fighters always called the opposition “gusanos” — literalmente vermins — to the point in which we call ourselves gusanos in informal conversations without even thinking, being ironic, or using as a term of endearment like we gays sometimes use the Cuban equivalent of f*gg*.
Castro was really successful. The totalitarianism was so, uhm, total, that terms like “oppositor” would not come naturally to our brains. It felt like foreign. Hence, gusano would have to do,
Wish I believe there is a hell.
@sab: R.a5a97abdf6a2c441251427a044b1deb2 (400×270) (