Stewart Rhodes was convicted of seditious conspiracy precisely because he believed Trump was going to invoke the Insurrection Act and deputize the Oathkeepers as the new Capitol Cops.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 31, 2023
The last part didn't happen. Probably because he's an idiot coward hoping someone would do it for him. The Capitol cops held, reinforcements from DC Metro and DOJ arrived. Only when it was clear ON TV that the tide had turned did Trump put out that video telling them to go home.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 31, 2023
Others include:
-Who counts as white?
-Should the US invade Mexico?
-Colonialism: good or bad?
-Should women have the right to vote?
-Do Jews have a place in Western society?— Open Source Stupidity (OSSTU) Starfish (@IRHotTakes) December 31, 2023
Summers going from “we need to throw ten percent of the employed population out of work” to “economy patricians don’t understand the struggles of Real Americans” in like twelve months is surely something to behold
— rip van stinkle (@vt__snowflake) December 31, 2023
Social media is one big Skinner box. People are being trained to spout crazy ideas because they are rewarded with positive engagement. The cycle continues until you get trans teenagers calling for North Korea to destroy America.
— Imperial Core Limestone Company (@Cactus4Math) December 30, 2023
Me handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! India is so owned right now!!!
Me living next to a Taliban-run state: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
— Dukakis Dude (@DukakisDude) December 31, 2023
Reminded of a USG official suggesting that it would be great if Pakistan grew closer to China because they’d be stabbing someone else in the back for a change
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) December 31, 2023
Nukular Biskits
Not making the Zoom tonight.
Been up/down in the attic, organizing that and the garage, not to mention up/down ladder pulling down and reboxing all the Christmas decorations. I’m about to grab a shower and I doubt I’ll make it to 9 pm my time.
Tell Watergirl, et al, I’ll try to make it tomorrow. Saw where Cole was gonna make an appearance. My loss.
All have a happy and safe NYE!
Another Scott
Ooof. That’s quite a collection of tweets AL! ;-)
Fingers crossed for a good 2024 for everyone.
Alison Rose
The American people are unhappy with the economy because they’re fucking stupid.
@Alison Rose: Now, that’s not fair. Some of them are deeply dishonest instead.
Then, there’s the ever-popular ‘both’.
If you start playing In The Air Tonight at 11:56:40 the drum break will drop as the clock strikes midnight.
@Alison Rose: Stupid enough to not get a variety of news sources they can actually trust, that admit when they’re wrong and don’t reuse the same narrative a year later that was already proven wrong.
Apparently TIFG is planning a rally in Iowa Jan 6 per the Daily Beast. Requires a login – which I don’t have.
Here’s a RawStory link giving some info:
I hope someone talks him out of it, but…
Yes, I follow pop culture, I am watching the Ryan Seacrest NYE show. I am looking forward to performances by Janelle Monae and Megan Thee Stallion.
Ryan just had a live call with Joe and Dr. Jill. He was respectful, only calling her Dr. Jill, not Jill. Good to see.
Well he had a rally in Waco almost on the anniversary of that tragedy, so that seems true to his lack of character.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That Jan 6 failed because Trump tried to have it both-ways and sat on his ass until if failed is pretty much the distillation of Trump’s entire career.
Raoul Paste
We knew that the brazen lies were going to get more egregious going into 2024. It’s all they’ve got
Still, I’m very hopeful about 2024. I think there will be a disgust with Trump’s increasingly frantic ravings that will flush these lunatics.
So, be of good cheer, persevere, and Happy New Year
Dan B
Happy New Year everyone! I’m off to nap and then to a big party. Whee!
It was interesting to have two posts on BJ this weekend. They were supposed to be a couple weeks apart but it was just fine this way.
We had a single big boon. It scared the grey cat a bit. Now he’s back asleep.
Green Day on the NYE show just called out MAGA in playing their song “American Idiot.”
From CNN and others.
Now that is how you kick off the New Year. I think her son is in his early 50s. The changeover will be low key.
@Jackie: Will Dump call Iowans stupid again?
Alison Rose
@Brachiator: The NYT confused me because they referred to her as “Europe’s longest-serving monarch” — but I guess they meant current? Because QEII was on the throne for longer.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yeah you right!
Happy New Year, Jackals
@Alison Rose: And Victoria for longer than QEII, much to Liz’s regret at the end. Or so I’ve heard. Or surmised. Or something.
Alison Rose
@frosty: No, Elizabeth was Queen for longer than Victoria.
@Alison Rose: “serving” is present tense. /grammarian
Mai Naem mobile
There’s so many fireworks going off neighborhood and its only 730 here.
Alison Rose
@HinTN: Sure, but we could still say that Elizabeth was Britain’s “longest-serving monarch” even after her death.
Isn’t Summers an economy patrician? He has been attacking the Biden administration from the moment President Uncle Joe was elected. It’s almost ridiculous how much airtime Summers has been given to slam the Democrats. His opinion ain’t worth worrying about.
A great example of Summers’ stupidity. Jumping from claims about how people view the economy to bland nonsense about confidence in institutions is asinine. But this is what counts as conservative punditry these days.
zhena gogolia
I just watched PeeWee’s Christmas special from 1988 on YouTube — fabulous! Grace Jones, Charo, kd lang, and more! Zsa Zsa!
Earlier I was out on Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, walking part of the route of the upcoming Rose Parade. We watched as a loose caravan of Volkswagens cruised down the street. Beetles, vans, all kinds of VWs. And they were not all mint condition restoration jobs. One particularly banged up VW van appeared to be driven by its original hippie owner and his old lady.
Cool doings.
I don’t watch the ball drop or other celebrations. I will may watch Oppenheimer and call it a night.
Happy New Year.
Miss Bianca
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: so fucking true.
Most Americans won’t be happy about the economy unless it literally rains 100 dollar bills for a month. And when high inflation inevitably ensues they’ll be unhappy again. There’s no way to win.
Happy New Year everyone!
@Alison Rose: The only European monarch to reign longer than Her Maj was Louis XIV of France, at 72 years and 110 days.
Mike in NC
Happy New Year to all. May 2024 be the year Fat Bastard becomes a convicted felon.
Matt McIrvin
@SpaceUnit: There is one way to win: be a Republican. The hack organ of 40% of Americans will kick in automatically and convince them the economy is great, and then you only need a fraction of the rest of the country to get a majority believing it.
I had plans to go to an old friends for a 2 person pizza slumber party. That did not work out, so she and I are now eating pizza separately and swapping youtube music. I’m good with this 😊
Happy New Year 🪷
And even then because some of those people don’t deserve the money.
just realized it’s less than 2 hrs to the NY and I have not heard a single firework. very odd for my hood.
@Matt McIrvin:
Yeah. Everyone knows that pickup trucks and airport food were free when trump was prez.
Splitting Image
Congratulations to everyone for surviving the year and outliving Henry Kissinger.
Drive safely. Outliving Trump will be worth it too.
We are having a party or rather our daughter is and we are making home made pizza and bunch of all other stuff.
It’s nice that the kids would rather hang out with the olds instead of going out.
Citizen Alan
Perhaps off topic comma but I have been watching a replay of the london 2024 fireworks display. And they had a brief bit about the high lights of 2023, of which they only mentioned 3 items: the coronation of king charles, the seventy fifth anniversary of the founding of the NHS, and the tenth anniversary of legalized gay marriage. This made me inordinately happy. Well the letter to anyway. I am ambivalent about king charles.
@Mike in NC: I’ll toast to that! 🥂
I’m gonna have pizza tonight as well.
@Alison Rose:
Yeah. Must be current. And living.
There is a lot of Australian news coverage on the abdication because the new Queen, Mary, was born in Australia. She somewhat resembles Kate Middleton.
Right. If an immigrant or a person of color got a boost that would ruin it right away.
@HumboldtBlue: My son, the pizza place owner, says it’s his best night of the year. Second best is Halloween.
Huh, never thought of that, makes perfect sense.
I was hearing lots of explosions to the southeast, toward Chicago proper, and now, they have arrived in my nw suburban hood. Oh yay.
@Alison Rose: My mistake. I thought she was trying to be the longest and just missed it. I guess I’ll have to Do My Own Research now.
I’m making Indian pizza with butter chicken sauce as well as traditional version.
Happy New Year to everyone. I’m off to bed because the spouse and I are meeting a fried for an early morning winter 14,000 foot summit. Play nicely and be safe!
@HumboldtBlue: I had pizza too! Our college son said he wanted pizza for NYE so we ordered takeout. I was the only one who stuck with the pizza plan – wings for him and cheeseburger for Ms F. It was good, though, cauliflower crust. Thin and crispy the way I like it.
If you like watching a craftsman perform his craft, watch Julian Baumgartner, fine art restoration expert.
I love his videos, and you can see how dramatically they have changed since he started four years ago. I know nothing of fine art, although Waldemar Januszczak is a wonderful tutor when it comes to the history of art,
@frosty: oh shit about the wings .. oh well. Getting a pizza oven is totally worth it.
Alison Rose
@frosty: She’ll probably remain the longest for a while. I mean, Charles sure isn’t going to surpass her, LOL. And William wouldn’t either, he’s only a couple years younger than me. There would have to be something kind of crazy (someone abdicates) or bad (someone dies) for a future monarch to have a chance of besting Elizabeth.
@Alison Rose: I think it’s also partly because the headlines everywhere this year have been about how inflation is bad and no one can afford anything. Seriously for awhile NPR was doing a story every day about it! One of the replies on that Larry Summers thread said everything doubled in price since 2020, which is obviously not true.
Alison Rose
@Soprano2: Right — the shitty media keeps acting like we’re two minutes away from a Depression, and dodos believe it because maybe they personally are having money issues.
Not seeing any of the twittage up above because of my fussy browser blockage add-ons and extensions, so I’m assuming it’s all puppies and kittens, which I like much better than Larry Summers and suchlike anyway.
We just watched Maestro on the Netflix and are considering sauntering over to the local public house for the big year change.
@Citizen Alan: Wasn’t some anniversary of Windrush also mentioned at the London do? Quite enjoyed the general tenor of things mentioned all in all.
Happy New Year!
@Alison Rose: Charles has a shot at longest-lived British Head of State. He’s 75, and ahead of him are his mum, plus George III, at 81, and Richard Cromwell, at 85. There may be others in the 75-81 range.
Alison Rose
@Timill: His mom was 96, so he has a ways to go to pass that. He seems healthy enough but 97 is a bit of a long shot for men.
Stuart in Austin
@Alison Rose: 5 women reach 100 for every man that reaches 100.
Alison Rose
Something good in CA:
Sure is a GREAT LOOK when people are arguing for the right to carry weapons in PLAYGROUNDS.
Kayla Rudbek
@MagdaInBlack: I have been hearing booms since just before 10:30 pm here in Northern Virginia. It’s annoying.
@Alison Rose:
Too long for a rotating tag. :(
We had two booms earlier, nothing since, but as the night goes on the assholes will start with the noise.
Been watching The Bear, and for all the praise, it’s a world of toxic, toxic, people. The camera work is interesting, very in-your-face, as is the dialog, Carmy is a brilliant character, but man, assholes abound, making it much closer to real life than I think I want to admit.
@Alison Rose: California’s “permit to purchase” law is worth noting. Generally, states with the permit-to-purchase requirement have fewer murders. Besides the training mandate, the extra step seems to inhibit purchases. If I could add only one more gun safety law in Virginia, it would be a permit-to-purchase system.
California also requires firearms to be registered. That would be the next step here. Bans on large capacity magazines and an assault weapons ban would be 3rd and 4th. This seems like a stretch for Virginia, but Democrats could make it happen by 2030.
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: We got way longer tags.
@Alison Rose:
Yes, but also, the shareholder-owned media lies to them and tells them what they want them to believe, because they hope it will bring in more Republicans, and thus “lower taxes” and “deregulation” and “the fascist trump reich” and so forth.
I can tell by the gunfire that it’s New Year’s. May everyone’s 2024 be better than their 2023!
Chetan Murthy
@hrprogressive: [and it occurs to me that] all of this happening during a banner year for stocks, so it isn’t *money* that driving these dirtbags to lie to the public. It’s their desire to increase inequality, increase control, and increase oppression. B/c status is a zero-sum game.
Some minor booms here in South PA. Doesn’t sound like gunfire, surprisingly, but I remember that from Baltimore.
Anyway, Happy New Year, Jackals! And remember, no matter how bad it seemed, we all saw the end of 2023 and Henry Kissinger didn’t!
@Alison Rose: Oh. Then, nominated! 😁
@Alison Rose:You’re right, she was crowned at 25 and stuck it out until she was 96. That combination isn’t going to happen again for awhile.
Plus, truck driver and mechanic in WW2!!
Happy New Year, you east coast jackals!
Rush Limbaugh, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Ken Starr also in Hell.
To the abhorrent question in that one Xit “Is race mixing bad?”, like holy shit we’re not having that ‘debate’ again. “In the 2020 United States census, 33.8 million individuals or 10.2% of the population, self-identified as multiracial.”
In 1960, all racial minorities combined (mixed or single race, ie: any non-whites) were only 11.4% of the total population.
I know there’s a lot of racist-ass, p.o.s. white people in this country freaking out about reaching the tipping point where being white will just be a purality not a majority. But so fucking what?! Christ on a saltine, I’m so sick of this from fellow white people.
@frosty: lot of fireworks here. The Pagoda was shooting fireworks but due to it being overcast we can’t see them.
Happy new year everyone!
BTW the 7pm fireworks over at Keystone resort in CO were really nice, and I’m glad my buddy and I went and we were each in our respective condos by 8:02 pm. Ahhh. (Private fireworks are pretty dang illegal up here where forest fires are a genuine risk).
Just had the NYE call with the BF, who had an early dinner with his parents and seems to be doing fine with missing out on the general lack of fresh snow to slide on (I’m kinda not).
Anyway, Happy New Year!!
eta: Damn. Someone is shooting bottle rockets right now. Probably some Texans.
Happy New Year from a west coast Jackal! Not gonna make it much longer here. Spouse and dog are already snoring. My best wishes to all!
@Chetan Murthy:
If it were truly just about cash, the records have shown that America has been far more prosperous under Democratic administrations than Republican ones, so you’d think the shareholders would actually not want the GOP in power, so that tells you it really is all about the subjugation of the non-elite, and not just about their Earnings Per Share for that next quarterly call.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Alison Rose:
Is there evidence a majority of Americans believe this?
I do have to say, I dealt with a moron doomer on YT comments a few days ago who brought up an “economic crisis” we’re supposedly in and I argued that wages have increased in the last two years, inflation has eased, and unemployment remains low, and the UAW has made significant gains, for example for workers. You know what they came back with?
Unbelievable, yet believeable at the same time. Person was totally invested in their doom and gloom worldview and refused to engage meaningfully with anything I said. Got to love the condescension too!
Chetan Murthy
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m reminded of all those people who believed that the economy was in the shitter during the 2016 election, only to turn on a dime and extol the Great American Economy just as soon as TFG was installed.
I’m taking a quick break from dancing at a NY event my kid’s band is playing. Happy new year jackals!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Chetan Murthy:
The person didn’t strike me as a right winger. They also complained about the threat of “AI” coming for all of our jobs. Reactionaries tend to like “AI” for some reason, I’ve noticed. I told them it was overhyped, basically, and even provided examples of SAG, WGA, etc getting protections put into their contracts. Didn’t matter. The person didn’t have anything, so they noped out, while passive-aggressively insulting me to make themselves look/feel smart. That comment I quoted? It was literally his first response to my reply.
Anyway, I wouldn’t be in Trump’s shoes when it comes to abortion
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think the US population breaks down about like this:
40%: Republican hacks for whom “is the economy good?” is a synonym for “is the President a Republican?”
10%: left-leaning people who aren’t going to regard any economy with the gross long-term fundamental inequities of ours as “good” under any circumstances
50%: everyone else
And that kind of puts a ceiling on perceptions of the economy under any Democratic President.
I don’t have any educated views on whether we should or should not provide Pakistan its requested aid, but I am quite certain that they have no right to be aggrieved if we decide NO. Significant parts of their security establishment have at least loosely worked with (or in more cases looked the other way on) Taliban and similar groups/activities.
Chetan Murthy
@AnotherKevin: Oh heh indeed. Any aid we give them needs to be in trade for the severed heads of basically every single ISI agent who ever set foot in Afghanistan or the NWFP, and everybody in their chain of command. All of them. Pile them up in front of the American Embassy.
Wow, lots of gunfire here. Fireworks don’t go off like that. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the Central Tine Zone. It’s cold here. Hope 2024 is a good year.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I would love to ask them when it was that everything was great, because every time has its problems. People who lived through the’70’s and 80’s don’t think this is bad.
@AnotherKevin: They probably helped Osama escape Clinton’s missle strike in 1998. We deliberately didn’t tell them we were doing that until the missles were in the air because their intelligence service was riddled with Taliban sympathizers. Fuck them.
@Soprano2: And we only had to tell the Pakistani government because the missiles had to go over their airspace. But it was just enough word to move him in time. The moles weren’t all ISI. There were tribal networks that were also involved in making the Clinton strike a failure.
@Yutsano: Richard Clarke was pretty adamant about that. He said we missed bin Laden by less than an hour. How different would things have been if we had gotten him. I’m not going to boohoo for them.
Happy New Year🍾🌃🎇🎇🎆🎵🎶🎉✨🎊
Near constant chorus of crackles outside punctuated with flashes of bright, bright white and big boomies.
I know what an M-80 sounds like. These are more like an M-800.
Went out about an hour after sunset to wheel the trash bin down to the street. Practically had to slice through the pervasive noxious haze.
@Soprano2: The only positive in that situation (and it’s a dumb one but go with me) is that the blah guy got to take him out. It was one of the gutsiest calls of his presidency and I’m glad he made it. It just sucked that he had to.
Have a great forking time!
You mean like this?
Gunfire finally pretty much stopped. Whew.
I just watched the Xmas episode of The Bear, and it featured a lot of fork-throwing.
@SFAW: Didn’t notice that, LOL.
Odie Hugh Manatee
There’s still another hour or so of 2023 to go here but a Happy New Year to all, whether or not you want it!
I’m going to note here that I believe that the TFG ‘strategy’ going into the election this year is that The Orange Menace is going to push for his supporters to go to liberal areas to ‘secure the vote’, with the real goal being to disrupt and discourage turnout and sow confusion and fear on a nationwide scale.
That’s my prediction for the next election. Cheers! 👀
Mountain Time Zone calling in. Booms and crashes for about fifteen minutes … a bit quieter than previous years. May 2024 be good for all of us!
Odie Hugh Manatee
How about “American people are fucking stupid.”
Works for me!
@Matt McIrvin: Krugman covered this a few months ago. There’s always been a tendency for Dems and Republicans to rate the economy better when one of their own is president. But in recent years this effect has grown larger on the Republican side, but not in the Democratic side, distorting the “how is the economy doing” responses in favor of the the GOP. (But notably doesn’t represent any real shift of voters.)
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
@Alison Rose: You’ve got to remember that these are just simple people. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
there was so much boom – boom out here, my cats put on helmets (photo)
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
Happy college football playoff day!!
Here in western Washington state, lots of people are shooting off stuff, but it’s so foggy, you can’t see anything. The Space Needle display in Seattle is suffering from it as well this year.
@HumboldtBlue: And look what just dropped, he’s left his studio for a series.
Especially fun for those familiar with his work. Or, at least, it will make perfect sense for such!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Some chucklefuck is firing off rounds into the air here so I guess that means that another year of guns going off has started. Here’s to the rounds finding their owner or their house. IMO boomerang bullets would be a brilliant invention.
Hit your target or else…lol!
Fireworks central here, and people out on their balconies clanging pots and pans, a kid with a kazoo, cheers,
and laughter, lots of laughter.
Previous years have been pretty joyless,
It’s good to hear joy.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Baud,
and all the jackaltariate.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
A three year old in his apartment with his family was shot here today by random gunfire. He survived. I hope the police catch whoever did this and send them to prison. Actions should have consequences.
Gunfire has recently picked back up.
I hope it doesn’t suck.
Like season 3 of Ted Lasso, which sucked.
This dog speaks for all of us and fireworks.
I blame Biden.
Sick to death of fireworks noises. All but non-stop for 5 hours now. And it’s only 11:25 p.m.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Innocent bystander shot during celebrations. What an American way to start the year! The words of our brilliant founding fathers are killing and wounding people to this very day.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
How can that be, I was assured by our media betters that the Silicon Valley bank failure in March would usher in a great depression and cats and dogs living together?
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch:
Yeah, the banking crisis disappeared as quickly as the baby formula crisis.
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch:
Personal history, cats and dogs were already living together since at least 1986.
@Mike in NC: I am still hoping he drops dead.
@Baud: The baby formula crisis was real, and it was partly caused by Trump’s tariff on milk imported from Canada as well as contamination at an American producer’s plant that killed at least two infants. It was a big problem for parents of infants who needed a special formula for their babies.
It was real, and it was solved. But the news did emphasize the solution.
ETA: The banking issue was real too.
@Baud: Yes, it was solved while the Republicans screamed that formula was readily available to migrants’ babies, and the Biden administration moved too slowly, yada yada.
I thought it came to a head in 2021, but I checked and the peak was in 2022, not long before I became a grandma.
The banking crisis, wasn’t it limited to that one failure of the Silicon Valley bank? I don’t remember being very worried about it at the time.
I think three banks failed. People were thinking it was 2008 all over again.
@opiejeanne: The banking crisis of 2023 probably didn’t phase me after watching bank after bank being seized, starting in 2009-ish, caused by Republican policies. Reading about the method used to secure those seized banks and their assets was fascinating, while the crisis itself was shocking.
@Baud: They quashed that pretty quickly, if only 3 banks were affected. I do remember the “be panicked” noises coming from the media.
I’m awake because my blood sugar alarm went off for being too low, and then I couldn’t find my glucose tablets and now the cat is trying to walk on my keyboard.
Fuck it, tech bros and corporations want to turn all of life into a big Skinner box we’re all in. And if we don’t keep pushing back it’ll keep getting worse.