These little stories are from an article about people who are making a difference, and I thought little pieces of it might make good late night posts. A little bit of inspiration, perhaps, at the start of an open thread.
But talk about whatever you want!
In a year that made many of us want to give up, these unsung activists found a way to help others.
h/t hazmat
The Boat Rocker
In the late 1990s, Rob Buchanan, a former Princeton rower, had an inspiring encounter with a man named Mike Davis, who built replicas of the boat George Washington used to clear troops from Brooklyn during the Battle of Long Island. Mr. Davis, who died in 2008, had been on a mission to open up the city’s waterways to recreational use. Mr. Buchanan immediately felt a calling.
“This idea of the harbor as public space really resonated with me,” he said.
Over the years, he devoted himself to making access to the city’s coastline more equitable, an ambition that has intensified as luxury development has made waterfront access more elusive. He has helped found three community boathouses (one in Manhattan and two in Brooklyn), where volunteers provide free rowing and kayaking sessions. He is also the steering committee coordinator of the NYC Water Trail Association, which advocates clean water and safe boating and helped create the Citizens Water Quality Testing Program to check pollution levels in the harbor.
This year, he began lobbying the city to build a waterfront education center in Sunset Park, which would include work force training for maritime businesses. He joined Rocking the Boat, a nonprofit based in the South Bronx, where he directs programming and teaches boat building to middle schoolers from the neighborhood so that they can feel, as he put it, that “this is our harbor and our estuary,” and that they live in a city that belongs to everyone.
From Six New Yorkers Who Made the City a Better, Cooler, Fairer Place in 2023. Written by Ginia Bellafante, who writes the Big City column, a weekly commentary on the politics, culture and life of New York City.
In a year that made many of us want to give up, these unsung activists found a way to help others.
h/t hazmat
Open thread!
I’ve really been enjoying these profiles, WG. It’s heartening to see people doing the work and making a difference in their corners of the world.
I’m making a plea to all of you. My life’s being dismantled by forces beyond my control. My fiancee died last year & that was just the start. More details are in the link below. I have nowhere else to turn.
Mike in Pasadena
Balloon-juice is the coolest place on the net. At least as far as I can tell from my erratic and intermittent visits. Thanks to all the front pagers. Good night.
The flooding, we’ve seen it before.
Also, Neil The Seal is out here. Just sayin’.
Once again, the jurassic dude above is a troll who has been begging across multiple blogs for decades. Don’t fall for his shpiel.
@NotMax: Seems to be some pastry on this thread already…
@Maxim: Seconded.
@NotMax: Seconded. Needs to be dumped back in the banned box.
Here in western Washington State, we’re in a cold snap and Puget Sound Energy is asking everyone not use too much electricity because one of their generating plants went down. :-{ The power hasn’t gone out yet, at least.
@NotMax: The good thing about fiancees when you’re a grifter is that an endless number can die. You don’t run out of them like you do with grandmothers.
Tony Jay
Well, if that’s the way of it, I’m game.
I also lack in the fiancé department, have (at the very least) a shitty cold, and don’t want to get out of this nice, warm bed to do all of the things I need to do on Sunday to make Monday a going concern.
Please send me money, painkillers and lots of Korean food.
May grannies live on!
@Geoduck: Hopefully your power doesn’t go out and they can get that plant back online quickly.
We’re at -3° in Chicago, and the backyard wind chimes are a-chiming.
@HumboldtBlue: Stay safe. The alerts sound pretty serious.
@Tony Jay:
Please be more specific about what Korean foods you’d like or you’ll be getting a ton of barbecue because mmmmmmm.
@HumboldtBlue: Oh Neil… Mate…
Did you set up a GoFundMe?
Neil…I will miss when he goes back in the Ocean😞😞
Des Moines area, reporting in. -18, windchill is -38, wind , though, has dropped to gusting 18 (yesterday gusts were over 44 mph). We won’t open curtains or shades today. When I lived in Fairbanks, we had colder temps, but rare to have these winds.
From Middle East Eye Istanbul bureau chief Ragip Soylu (@ragipsoylu):
Ragip Soylu does not normally reprint an entire Haaretz article but he thought this one from January 10 was worth it. It’s long.
This is only about a third of Ayalon’s piece. To be continued below.
Holy! Stay safe, don’t go out, etc. Thanks for checking in.
We keep hearing about the accords during the Trump years, but this is the first I’m hearing of the March 2022 deal.
@Geminid: More of Ami Ayalon’s Haaretz piece:
One more excerpt to come.
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: Whoa, there’s a blast from the past! His business model has improved a bit. He used to show up in one thread denouncing commenters as neoliberal shills before showing up in the next rattling the begging bowl, which was counterproductive.
I wonder if Geminid is typing the excerpt manually rather than copy-paste.
@Baud: Yeah. Geminid: don’t leave us in suspense!
Maybe he is making some delicious coffee and pastries.
Our grumpy cat and our anxious cat just got into a screaming hissy fight (vocal only, no claws out) in the upstairs hall, so all the other cats came rushing from wherever to watch. That broke up the fight. So I think I will get up and feed everyone their daily can of wetfood.
@Baud: Sorry, that was a typo. The Arab League Summit Ayalon refers to was in 2002.
Ah, thanks.
ETA: So you are typing this.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Amazing — thanks for that link! I wonder if anyone is studying whether New World wrens also do this?
The former Shin Bet chief finishes his statement with a proposal which would have seemed preposterous 101 days ago:
Marwan Barghouti is currently in an Israeli prison, sentenced to five life terms for his role in leading the Second Intifada including the suicide bombing campaign which claimed over 650 Israeli lives.
@Baud: Yes, typing one finger at a time. Sure glad I’m done!
Your dedication is commendable.
@Geminid: Should read “… leads us *back* to the Great Arab Revolt of the 1930s…”
Geo Wilcox
@Geminid: They’ll never let him out.
@Baud: Rajip Soylu is a seasoned and level-headed jouurnalist who has been following this war from a neighboring country. I figured that if he found Ami Ayalon’s statement important, it probably is. It certainly clarified a lot for me.
@Geo Wilcox: That’s possible. But Ami Ayalon is not some starry-eyed idealist, but is rather a very “hard” man. He might be the Shin Bet chief who ordered Marwan Barghouti’s arrest in 2002.
@Geminid: Really interesting and provocative in a useful way. Thanks. I wonder what reception it is getting in Israel.
Netanyahu needs to go, the sooner the better. He is a block to any kind of hopeful change because his only interest is in himself.
Betty Cracker
@Geminid: Appreciate your transcription effort — it’s an intriguing essay. I’m tempted to copy-paste what you offered here into a front page post for wider discussion, but I’m not sure that would be ethical use of IP. (I don’t have a problem with people copy-pasting lengthy excerpts into comments, but it seems more ambiguous ethically to reproduce paywalled content without a gift link on the front page.)
The Netanyahu government seems unlikely to release Barghouti, but that’s an interesting idea. PA’s Abbas is well into his 80s and has been marginalized so effectively via the sleazy Hamas-Netanyahu partnership that he seems an unlikely vector for real change. Maybe Barghouti could be.
@Geminid: If a front pager cares to correct my error in the 6th paragraph I would greatly appreciate it. I typed “2022” instead of 2002 and that will be confusing for readers.
Betty Cracker
@Geminid: Done!
@Geminid: Thank you for typing this up (laboriously). Plz keep us apprised of the reaction Ami Ayalon’s op ed gets.
@Betty Cracker: After 100 days, this conflict seems frozen, just like the larger problem has been more or less since the Six Day War in 1967. There is a lot going on though, even if we can’t see it today.
For one thing, the neighboring Arab countries that recognize Israel are working on a plan to revitalise the Palestinian Authority. They are very serious about this, just as they are very serious about solving this problem that has destabilized the region they live in for for many decades. I count Saudi Arabia in this group as they have essentially recognized Israel de facto and are leading this effort.
As for Israel, it’s clear thst Benjamin Netanyahu will never take the road Ayalon says must be taken. But this conflict is entering a new phase now, it seems to me. What was a shocking emergency 100 days ago is now a long, grinding crisis with no clear end, as the former Shin Bet chief points out. The question of political leadership that was set aside during the emergency is now itself becoming urgent.
This has become apparent over the last 10 days. Relations within the government and tge Knesset are getting rancorous. Last night’s demonstration in Tel Aviv numbered 120,000 people, in a pouring rain. The purpose was to press the government to deal for the hostages. A large demonstration in Haifa was more explicitly anti-Netanyahu.
I would make no predictions here, except that I will be reading journalists Barak Ravid and Noga Tarnopolsky and the Times of Israel very attentively..
Interesting. Thanks for the updates.
@Betty Cracker: Thank you. I hope my use Ayalon’s piece doesn’t get the blog in trouble. Maybe we can blame it on Ragip Soylu. That turkey!
@Baud: Female birdsong was previously considered pointless? Men!
@Betty Cracker: I had the same thought about front-paging this. I think you should do it.
I factor in “would the author want what he has written to be disseminated far and wide?” and if the answer is yes, as long as there is clear attribution, I would go for it.
My two cents.
@Geminid: You’re fine!
@Geminid: Thank you so much for doing this for us.
Very much appreciated
An antidote for a tot in distress?
Oops…wrong thread, obviously!
Thank you Geminid, this is informative and with some hope emerging.
@Betty Cracker:
Well he didn’t only do those two things, he also spent a lot of time posting comments here that were just promotion for his blog. Never stayed around for any discussion, didn’t seem to ever be reading/listening. And that was after he’d previously deleted his blog while making a flouncing-off comment on Daily Kos about how he was sick of the grind of trying to get more viewers for his blog, and had decided that blogging is silly and he was going to devote his time to better forms of activism. I could never figure out what his deal was, or how much of this personal misfortune was real.