I thought this was going to be more of a challenge considering it had been a decade or more since I had baked bread, but it came out pretty well:
Lots of things I can do to make it better, but as it is, these came out ok. Think I am going to work on dinner rolls and baguettes next.
The Betty Crocker’s potato yeast rolls recipe is extremely good and versatile. One of the few recipes I have that doesn’t have additional notes.
Pete Mack
Good looking bread!
I mostly do Dutch oven “no knead” bread these days, or “little-knead” focaccia/pizza dough. The former has a nice big crumb and crunchy crust. The latter is rich with oil.
Bread looks wonderful, John! I’d like a couple of thick warm slices with just fresh sweet butter, and for my third slice I’d also like some raspberry jam.
Favorite baguette recipe
Favorite buns recipe
That looks like a very yummy loaf!
John, you are a useful item around the house. Looks delish.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I recommend a bread machine for making dough. Perhaps not quite as good as hand kneading but much more convenient.
Knowing how to make bread should be on the certification for civilization.
@Pete Mack: The no-knead recipes are great, though I guess we don’t know for sure that John has a Dutch oven or similar as part of his kitchen kit.
(the ones from Lodge are well built, not too expensive, and can hold up to an oven at bread-baking temps without, say, the handle on the lid melting)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Nice. Pert.
Looking good!
Looks really yummy.
Tom Hamill
Time to butter up that a**crack.
OT for our Otter enthusiasts:
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I was going to say saucy and a bit of a flirt.
This is my current go-to bread recipe: Pain de Campagne
It needs a sourdough starter, but other than that, is very straightforward and the timing is great even for work-week baking. Prep dough in the morning, first rise during the day, shape in the evening and proof in fridge overnight. Preheat the oven on a timer so it’s hot when you wake up. Bread goes straight from fridge to oven, so less than an hour after rolling out of bed, fresh bread is ready for breakfast.
Omnes Omnibus
I buy bread from a French bakery.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Layer8Problem: More than a bit…
That is a nice looking loaf!
@Omnes Omnibus:
You wouldn’t if you lived in Tempe, AZ.
Chetan Murthy
@dmsilev: I bought a 6qt Lodge enameled dutch oven during the pandemic, and over time it got crusted with gunk. I stopped baking for a couple of years, and when I started again this summer, I used 25% bleach soaked overnight to get the gunk off, and the next time I baked with it, bits of the enamel chipped off. I wrote to Lodge (lifetime limited warranty) and they sent me a replacement!
Also, I see that they have dutch ovens meant for baking — flat lid, so you can use ’em flipped over, etc. I should have gotten one of those originally, I guess.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@TaMara: Animals and their simple joys
Soooooo… I’m just gonna adjudicate that this gives you privilege to slink off to bed sans articulation, should you so desire.
So cute❤️💕🥰
@Omnes Omnibus: What, you have it shipped over?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: You don’t know that. Do you?
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Nah, it’s in Madison, but the baker and his wife who run it are actually French.
Since I know you’re gonna ask: today I was able to start eating soft solids. The mushy rice in canned chix and rice soup, bread absolutely soaked in broth, some smoked salmon, that sort of thing.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Progress!
@Omnes Omnibus: Nice. I grew up in that era when it was impossible to get good bread in this country, so I always savor a good loaf when I get one.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@different-church-lady: I’d be indulging in the myriad joys of yogurt and pudding.
@SiubhanDuinne: …why not?
La Belle Vie Bakery
Looks like that would make a fine grilled cheese. Enjoy!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: That and thinned out pea soup is all I’ve been surviving on since the new year! Being able to chew something even the slightest bit is a joy right now.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@different-church-lady: Sounds great ’til you don’t have a choice, I guess.
Looks like whole wheat? May just be the lighting.
Yum! I was lucky enough to bring home a loaf of my mom’s bread over the weekend. She started baking bread when I was a teenager, and soon progressed to baking all our bread. I don’t eat a lot of bread these days, so when I do have it it’s nothing but the best (mom’s)!
@Omnes Omnibus: I think Batch is one of the better bakeries I’m aware of in Madison? Though Greenbush bakery has amazing sweets. (Not local, but I’m there periodically for work and my sister lives around there.)
Before succumbed to the allure of the super duper bread machine, discovered that ceramic-coated loaf pans are da bomb. Mayhaps will have to drag one or two out of the storage chest.
zhena gogolia
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Haha, I wondered if someone would notice.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mousebumples: La Baguette. On Mineral Point Road.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@zhena gogolia: I always go there. I might have a problem.
OT: Peter Schickele, the genius behind P.D.Q. Bach, has died. Gift link.
@Omnes Omnibus: oooh, thanks for the rec. Might need to stop by next time I’m in Madison area. 😊
Well, it finally happened. COVID and I are now going head to head. COVID is currently kicking my butt.
Mr. Bemused Senior
[repeated from downstairs]
Wandering around YouTube I hit on P.D.Q. Bach in Houston: We Have a Problem, a performance celebrating 40 years of P.D.Q. Bach.
Love the smell of baking/baked bread.
Oh no! Seems like that has been happening to a lot of jackals. I hope you have a mild and short case.
Mike in NC
We just watched the final episode of “Fargo”, where the crazy killer goes gaga after being fed a fresh buttermilk biscuit.
Henry Frankenstein: Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!
Victor Moritz: Henry – In the name of God!
Henry Frankenstein: Oh, in the name of God! Now I know what it feels like to be God!
(Yes, from the movie. Sue the writers.)
I’ve been successfully moved to the rehab facility. Had an improvised dinner of string cheese, raspberry yogurt, Ritz chips, and vanilla pudding. My actual evaluation is in the morning then it’s go time.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I’m unfamiliar with these performers. Scrolled through seems hilarious.
Not in for two hours at the moment. This will take me to a joyous sleep at some point.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, lah tee dah, Mr. Fancy Pants Cheesehead! :)
@Mr. Bemused Senior: thanks, will watch soon!
@different-church-lady: Smoked salmon! Treat yourself! Mmmmmmm!
Glad your mouth is healing.
@eclare: Oh, that could make a great grilled cheese. Especially with thick cut slices (and of course a boatload of cheese). Mmmmm
Damn you, thin-cut store-bought sourdough.
@Anotherlurker: Sorry to hear that. Kick its ass, Seabass!
Be my Carbentine Cole.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I see what you did there.
@zhena gogolia:
This is BJ – of course, we’re gonna notice :-)
@Yutsano: Good luck!
What kind of crack is that?!
ok ok, sorry – I wasn’t gonna pun but.. this is BJ after 8pm so all rules are off. :D
Sending good wishes!
Remember to say goodnight to your main squeeze, amigo.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@cain: There are rules?
I don’t get it.
That bread looks like an ass.
Is that the joke? Why is there a lengthwise crack in a pan loaf like that? Am I the only one seeing this?
@different-church-lady: aww man. That sounds awful.
Hope you can enjoy food again soon.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Bupalos: I think it’s something about the way gases escape as it bakes.
I love this place. 🤣
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@different-church-lady: If you’re able to get some, the chicken and rice soup from Chinese take-out places, allowed to sit overnight in the fridge and then reheated, produces a lot of soft rice, as it will absorb most of the broth as it sits.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Bakes? You mean farts?
@Yutsano: I’m so glad you sprung outta the hospital! How many days in rehab before you can recuperate at your parents? (Pass permitting)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: That’s a valid take on the process, sure.
Now I wish I had old bananas for bread.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I’ve baked a billion loaves of bread. None of tem looked like an ass.
This guy is messing with us.
Wait, your gas thing was a joke. First cole with his ass-bread and now you.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Bupalos: Did they split along the top?
Not all bread looks like an ass, but how much does any bread really have to change to look like an ass?
I mean unless Wonder Bread is your preferred fare…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I mean, how much does a potato have to change to look like the virgin mary? Not much. And nonetheless none of those “looks like virgin mary” potatoes actually looks like the virgin mary. But this bread looks like an ass. AND NO OTHER BREAD LOOKS LIKE AN ASS.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Bupalos: Humans like seeing patterns. Some potatoes really do look like the virgim mary. That looks like a nicely tanned butt. But why is that so?
It’s normal to see a crack on bread, but the bread is puffy and the crack runs deep. Then if you look close inside, you’ll see where I stuck ny finger in.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
See everyone was going to think I was the crazy one until you said that. Tell us nore about these potatoes you see..
But seriously. Bread gets slashed down the middle sometimes….but it never looks like that.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you are comfortable in the rehab facility.
Major Major Major Major
Nice! I am absolutely horrible at yeast bread, except for rustic no-knead overnight type recipes. I’ve made some banger soda bread though, wrote about that here somewhere last spring…
Husband has decided to try his hand at baking. Wish us luck!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Evidence to the contrary in the OP. You can’t seriously tell me that anyone would fail to correctly identify that as bread…before remarking it looks like an ass.
And none of that is to denigrate the bread. That looks delicious, I’d eat that all night.
@mrmoshpotato: I am honored that you addressed me as one of my favorite eating fish of all time. # 1 has to be Tautog. 3, 4, 5, etc has to be Tilefish, Cod, Cusk, Tuna etc.
Now that I live in the Bay Area, my favorite eating is dominated by various Rockfish and California Halibut.
Meds are being delivered tomorrow. I know that I generally heal pretty quickly so I’m optimistic of quick recovery.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I know it’s bread like I know when someone balls up tinfoil into the shape of a unicorn it’s still tinfoil. BUT IT’S ALSO A UNICORN.
And when someone does that it’s colloquially correct to say “tinfoil balls never look like unicorns.” And saying so conveys critical meaning regarding artificial intentionality.
Butter Lamb > Bread Ass.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bupalos: You must chill!
@Yutsano: Hope everything goes well! Happy healing.
Product of one of my alma maters. While a student there he and astronomy department professor Peter van de Kamp collaborated on some short films which the latter would screen annually as part of an evening of short subjects.
Inspired enough to have ingredients for a challah loaf doin’ their thing in the super duper bread machine.
For no good reason I don’t make eggy breads nearly often enough
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
No better bread has been conceived for french toast.
Ohio Mom
@Anotherlurker: Did you ask your doctor for Paxlovid? It made a huge difference for me.
@different-church-lady: yay! That had to be a relief.
What is this, a Home Pride Butter Top?
@Major Major Major Major
Sometime early in the COVID times posted a recipe here for a no-knead no-rise bread using beer in place of yeast. As foolproof as baking bread in a loaf pan gets.
Involved with time sensitive stuff so cannot interrupt to go looking for it right now. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to go on a hunt.
At least it’s not wood.
@Ohio Mom: I did ask about it but one of my meds was contraindicated. I’ll be starting on Lagaviro in the morning.
I’m very lucky that that my oldest friend will pick it up and deliver it to me .
One of the annoying things is that I have no appetite for anything right now. The wonderful turkey soup that my friend’s wife made is not doing anything for me, at the moment. The only thing I have a craving for, right now, is Cozy Shack’s Rice Pudding and Chocolate Pudding.
I think I’ll ask a another favor from my friend and see if he’ll stop by Safeway and pick me up a couple 2-3 containers of that shameless indulgence .
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
@TaMara: Mmmmm, nice buns
@NotMax: waves at a fellow Swattie.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: iiiinteresting
@Bupalos: No.
When you’re sick go for what you feel like eating! Anything to keep your strength. I’m sure your friend is happy to do it.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I will take a moment to mourn the loss of Maestro Schickele, who I suspect would have wanted us to also take time to celebrate the end of P.D.Q. Bach.
aka The Dark Side of the Rainbow
(FWIW, I believe the PF members were on an all time bender and went for brilliance
ETA: Upon further review, dare I say that is a nice derrière
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
“Don’t you dare wash those. That skidmark looks just like the shroud of Turin!!”
@Bruce K in ATH-GR
“He was the last of Bach’s 20-odd children. Also the oddest.”
I have no idea. Never tried.
Splitting Image
Damn. He was 88, so it isn’t entirely unexpected, but still sad to hear it.
@Splitting Image
Same as the number of keys on a standard piano.
Recently found an online campus tour. Can’t hardly recognize the place.
The bread looks great!
Matt McIrvin
On the contrary, it usually looks like that when I do it.
I was actually planning to bake some bread for my office potluck today, but my daughter got sick and puked all over the place and I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be making food for public consumption here under the circumstances. Quarantining myself at home.
I have been working on Danish pastry dough. Several attempts so far. The last effort is getting close.
I decided to do this because what is now available in the supermarket is no longer acceptable. The quality of everything seems to be declining more and faster.
Pete Mack
@Chetan Murthy:
You can also get uncoated ones and just steel-wool them clean when they get gunky. (They just need to be seasoned again.) They are suitable for campfires too, to impress a crowd.
@cain: I encouraged him to get artsy with the crust cuts and it fell on deaf ears. Cole was all about making an ample loaf of Nicki Minaj butt crack bread.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
I will not make that a rotating tag.
Give in to the dark side! Make it a rotating tag!!!!!!!!
@WaterGirl: Narrator: Better judgment finally prevailed – and she made it a rotating tag.