This progress is possible because the people voted for @JoeBiden and me.
The work continues.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 20, 2024
Remember, social media folks: Sharing is caring!
Since the start of this year, I've been to Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and South Carolina meeting voters on the road.@JoeBiden and I are traveling the country to let Americans know what we have achieved—from job growth to student loan relief—and who brought it to them.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 21, 2024
UAW invites Biden to annual conference, signaling likely endorsement…
— Robert Costa (@costareports) January 20, 2024
Fox: The U.S. stock market just hit an all-time record high. It’s hitting record high after record high
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) January 19, 2024
Our ‘kids’ are okay…
Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) offered a mock bill to remove the Statue of Liberty as a clapback at at Republicans' anti-immigration attitudes.
‘Don’t welcome immigrants if you plan to reject them,’ Frost said during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing on Jan 17.
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) January 19, 2024
Garcia: And despite the attempted cover-ups, we can still prove that Trump and Jared Kushner were making national security decisions while he and his family were getting bribed and paid by the same foreign powers.
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 18, 2024
Wishing our hardworking amazing @SecretaryPete the most fabulous birthday 🎂 ever! Cheers!
— KAMALA NATION (@KamalaNation) January 19, 2024
I just received a demo of the upcoming IRS Direct File tool. The IRS has built an impressive product that will give taxpayers a secure option to file their taxes online for free. This pilot program will start small in 2024, to allow the IRS to test it and learn from taxpayers.
— Secretary Janet Yellen (@SecYellen) January 19, 2024
yes we are choosing between a man who abides by democratic rules and a man who does not. how hard is that to understand?
— Armand Domalewski (@ArmandDoma) January 21, 2024
Or maybe this is just who Joe Biden is cause these pics were taken not in an election year
— Candidly Tiff (@tify330) January 21, 2024
After reading your tweet, I went ahead and brought the #receipts via Google Image Search so that no one can even deny! ?? (All photos are dated in the screengrabs; the LinkedIn photo is dated 2y from today’s search date.)
— Kausik (@kausikdatta22) January 21, 2024
I love how the "earn my vote" crew doesn't understand that this is what that looks like.
— Nefarious Means (@MeansNefarious) January 21, 2024
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
That narcissistic little shit ‘K’ with his precious little beard.
Good morning to you!
We’ve got bright sunshine on the snow here in beautiful Calvert County. Looking forward to a pleasant day.
Good morning.
@rikyrah: Good-ish, anyway. The National Weather Service continues to ignore my request that they rename “Wintry Mix”, which sounds like a bag of Brach’s candies, to something more appropriate to the feelings it raises. Admittedly my suggestions are not suitable for a government agency or small children, but work with me, people.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Good morning, one and all!
In the spirit of “sharing is caring,” here’s an excellent ad hitting the abortion issue, which was released by the Biden-Harris campaign yesterday. I expect this is just the beginning.
ETA: Today’s “Letter from an American” by Heather Cox Richardson, with an intriguing historical take on the Dobbs decision and its political aftermath, with potential parallels to the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Frost isn’t wrong about what they would do. He is mocking them now, but read the inscription at the base of the Statue of Liberty on FoxNews and talk radio for a few weeks to generate outrage and I guarantee 90% of Republicans will support destroying it.
@matt: And the hammer-and-sickle after the ‘K’. He might as well come out and say he’s a charter member of the Vladimir Putin Fan Club.
Fuck him.
Totally OT: I finally left my house yesterday and got pet food! The streets getting out of my neighborhood were still dicey, but the one main street was ok.
My pets looked at me with relief with a bowl of normal kibble: finally.
It’s partly that, and partly “I want you to give me Policies A, B, C, D etc. through Z, but if you miss one of them — let’s say W — you haven’t earned my precious, pure vote.”
Not to take away from Rep. Frost’s point, but I recently learned that the Statue of Liberty was not originally a symbol of welcoming immigrants.
The project began in 1865. She stands on broken chains. She’s the Statue of Abolition.
Of course, his point, that they would like to repeal what she stands for, still stands.
Glad to see I’m not the only one who hates the phrase.
They sent out a department-wide text suggesting that people stay home, but I have to take off a lot the next two weeks so I came in anyway. The side streets are a 5 mph ice rink, but once you get to the main streets they’re just wet. Most ironic of all, by noon it’ll all be water because it’s going to warm up and keep raining. Plus, I’m old enough that I remember when they didn’t cancel things every time two snowflakes came out of the sky. And yeah, ice is different. I don’t blame anyone for staying home, but that’s just not how I’m made.
Joe Biden could have been a dictator….but he didn’t even try.
One should care about ‘K’ and their opinions why?
Hell, if it started raining MAGAts (from a high enough altitude, sans ‘chutes), I’d cancel school etc. in celebration.
Or is that not what you meant by “snowflakes”?
Joey Maloney
Good morning to the
North AmericanWestern Hemisphere jackals.Princess
That top picture in Harris’s tweet — they’ve given them the same skin colour. Irl Biden has pasty old man white skin and they’ve given him a good tan. And I think they’ve lightened Harris a snick to match, though they’ve also given her some deeper shadow around the neck. It’s fascinating.
@Baud: Yet.
Good morning everyone. VPOTUS is off and running. And she will be front and center in the fight for abortion rights. Thank you, VP Harris.
If you watch the ad referenced by @O. Felix Culpa, give it a like – the more likes, the more the algorithm will load it into people’s feeds.
ETA: fix typo
New Deal democrat
I’d love to see the Biden campaign make a series of commercials directly copying Monty Python’s “So what have the Romans ever done for us?” skit, and aim them directly at the “earn my vote” crowd.
“$%#^ing $&%^& mix!!!1!”
I like it. Count me in!
I have been luxuriating in the complete and total failure of Ron DeSantis. It’s really something special. I commented to Mr. Suzanne this morning that I hope Casey is standing in her closet, in front of a whole kaleidoscope of trashy dresses that she isn’t going to get to wear, weeping into her Kellogg’s All-Bran.
Next, I hope for the same for the Florida Ferengi.
Another Scott
@BellyCat: +1
Something something opinions are like something.
I was musing just now that it might be good if Tweets and similar things had non-spoofable general-area geolocation tags so one could see if someone spouting off was a bot at the IRA in St. Petersburg. But, of course, everything is spoofable…
Still, one should keep one’s wits about them while out and about on the intertubes.
God, I saw a clip of his endorsement of Trump this morning. It was so pathetic.
Where does Ron DeSantis go to apologize to the rest of us?
They have opinions. On the Internet. We are required by law to care.
Specifically, duty calls.
@Suzanne: The word ‘schadenfreude’ is arguably Germany’s greatest contribution to global culture.
New Deal democrat
A follow up thought on yesterday’s discussion about Trump’s likely fading into senility…
I saw a satirical clip this morning of Trump circa 2019. While what the man said was unbelievably stupid, it at least was coherent. As in stringing sentences together to make a point.
The more recent clips suggest he can’t even do that anymore on a regular basis.
Trump is probably going to wrap up the nomination this week, because Haley is probably smart enough not to want to be trounced in her home state. Which means the media will focus even more on Trump and his rallies.
Now, Reagan supposedly was already sliding into senility in 1987-88, but he had enough self-awareness (and/or good handlers) not to get involved in public appearances that would show it.
Trump has no such self-control. In fact, like all demagogues, he relies on his rallies to road-test slogans and themes. Which means that his mental lapses are going to continue on full display. And they won’t get any better. They will become more frequent and probably worse.
Which in turn means that the issue of his basic mental competence is not going to go away. In fact it will probably become more salient.
This is the kind of issue that will give many independent or swing voters pause.
@dmsilev: Oh, absolutely. And I am a crappy, petty person who deeply enjoys it.
Drink up, there’s plenty more…..
@New Deal democrat:
In particular, it’s going to blunt the Biden is Old talking point.
Biden is old like your grandfather who tells great stories about his youth.
Trump is old like your grandfather who you wish wouldn’t come to Thanksgiving dinner.
@Soprano2: I checked it, no thanx. BillyJean went out and was just fine on the ice (4PawDrive) but poor Percy’s feet were all over the place.
Dean Phillips (who?) is looking to join the money train at no labels.
This is one of the least surprising, easily predicted pieces of news from the presidential campaign. I think several jackals have already predicted it.
The Biden campaign is not worried.
The dustbin of history’s forgotten failures is acceptable.
Trash taking itself out…..
@matt: Biden rebuffed his request for a second juice box.
When do we have the right to undo Trump’s Supreme Court nominees? Seriously, between Dobbs and Chevron, they’re out of control and we should be able to rein them in.
@O. Felix Culpa: Isn’t she brilliant? What a gift she is.
Dean Phillips fucking sucks.
@SFAW: How about “Cold Sparkly Stuff”?
How badly does he expect to lose NH against someone who’s not even on the ballot?
It would be hilarious if the Biden campaign started handing out pudding cups at any events for a couple of weeks.
As far as I’m concerned he can just go straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
@Baud: Not to be picky but you forgot the periods which punctuate his perfidy.
Honestly, we’d need to have a more dominant position in Congress. We had a near supermajority during the great days of the New Deal and the reforms of the 60s and 70s.
I see that former Rep. Adam Kinzinger made the scene in the Granite State. He’s tweeted out a 27-second clip of himself speaking before a snowy New Hampshire background, with the heading:
@New Deal democrat: But Joe Biden is old.
Apropos of almost nothing, both Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are 80 years old.
You assume Keith Richards is alive and not an undead lich.
Close behind is Kummerspeck.
Cold, wet, dreary shit?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ken: I’m a guy who loves snow. But “Wintry Mix” for me is “F**king Ice”. Do not love.
Sniveling fealty has been the theme for the cowards for far too long now. May it hang the millstone of failure around their necks like an overly long, red necktie.
And it’s over nine months from now ’til the election, too!
@New Deal democrat: Yes!
Well lookey here at this. Egg prices down 25% year-over-year! Thanks, Biden!
@Ken: Loose White Stool would pass the censors, but I can’t guarantee it’s not being used as a band name.
Kinzinger has been doing a great job of going right at trumpov’s weak spots: namely, that’s he’s a fake, he’s a loser, he’s vain, he’s pathetic, and he’s needy as hell.
In other words…what trumpov’s GOP primary opponents should have been doing all along.
@Baud: Hell, or whatever passes for it.
Revelation: ‘Earn my vote’ is the same gambit as ‘Debate me’.
Trump could stroke out and have his staffers campaign with his corpse on marionette strings a la Weekend at Bernie’s and it wouldn’t matter to his base. Plus, having a criminally-indicted, authoritarian loon mentally decompensating every day on camera on a major party ticket pisses off the libs, so it’s just gravy.
“Wintry Mix” is the “Frothy Mix” of the season.
As long as the libs are owned…
O. Felix Culpa
@twbrandt: Excellent suggestion — done!
@Kathleen: Agreed! I’m also a huge fan of Joyce White Vance and Teri Kanefield. They have become must-reads for me, along with HCR.
@Ksmiami: They haven’t ruled on Chevron yet, they’ve only heard arguments. Not terribly hopeful, but maybe ACB and Roberts will see the attempts to demolish for what they are.
Who would have believed, that summer when “Satisfaction” was all over the airwaves, that they’d still be touring and playing rock n’ roll at age 80?
Another Scott
@jonas: President Turnip is resting and preparing for bigly campaign rallies in the fall!! Donate now to President Turnip’s bigly campaign!11
It would be the usual tyrant/wanna-be tyrant playbook – they’ll pretend everything is fine until they have to pull back the curtain at the last possible moment. And then, they’ll try to turn anything he touched into a bloody shirt.
Eyes on the prizes.
@TBone: yeah, the problem is the corporate media in the future will be happy to frame it that the Republicans had to accept authoritarianism as a tool to blunt the Democrats trying to turn the country into a communist hellhole
@vbreakwater: Keef doesn’t look a day over 120.
Thank you Anne Laurie for doing this!
I sorely needed some uplift this Monday morning!
@New Deal democrat: Also a waggly tail, perky ears, and charmingly quizzical tilted head. This is likely to be an epic that future generations will scarcely believe.
@New Deal democrat: You are correct. While I can still have a conversation with my husband, I cannot imagine him going out and doing speeches in any way, or trying to answer questions or talk to a reporter for any length of time. If TFG does have some kind of dementia, it will become more and more obvious to people as he gives more speeches and does more public appearances. In 1988 Reagan wasn’t running for re-election; a candidate can’t hide away from people. Those around TFG probably know about his problem, but I’m sure TFG doesn’t think he has a problem (just like my husband would tell you he’s the same as always although he’s clearly not). It’s going to be a shitshow for sure. ETA – think how it would lead every news channel if Biden mixed up Haley and Pelosi, yet they’re making excuses for TFG.
@OzarkHillbilly: I understand if people don’t want to get out because ice is nothing to mess around with; I had to go out and help one of my dogs get up and come in the house before I came to work. I have to take a lot of time off for hubby the next couple of weeks, and one co-worker is going to be gone this week which will add to my work load, so I felt that if I could come in today I should.
Another Scott
@lowtechcyclist: Didn’t Mick say once that he wants to be like Muddy Waters and never retire? Something about getting better with age? He had a plan and stuck with it. Like a whole bunch of those UK rocker guys. (Ian Anderson, Pete and Roger, etc, etc.)
@trnc: has someone who works in a regulated industry, I’m amazed nobody’s talking about how ending Chevron would also mean that every permit issued suddenly becomes challengeable by Environmental and worker rights groups who want to contend that the agency was far too lenient.
Which means with proper Court shopping, they can be tying up industries hands for long periods of time, wasting lots of time and capital.
@Balconesfault: I’m hopeful that Roberts can see what a shitshow this would become in the courts, and gets them to rule narrowly in some way. I don’t think the courts could handle the tsunami that would descend on them if Chevron goes away.
@Soprano2: Reagan, for all his flaws, did have a ounce of humility within him.
With that, someone slipping into dementia can maintain some level of dignity.
Without that, they’re pretty much going to turn into King Lear, which is where Trump is heading.
Cry harder, FOX “News”
@Another Scott: I’m just always amused when it seems someone who uses the term Boomer derisively also has a playlist full of songs that I danced to in my teens.
It’s like if the flower power generation had been grooving out to Glenn Miller and Rudy Valley (and not in an ironic way).
@O. Felix Culpa: I read Teri as well!
Meanwhile, here in Michigan, the shitshow that is the state Republican Party continues. And I am here for it.
“Sir, we can’t call it ‘Cold Wet Shit’.”
@Soprano2: A few years back they were predicting rain turning to snow with temps dropping precipitously. I went to work figuring I’d get a few hours in at least. Sure enough, things went to hell in a handbasket at 11 or so. Rolled everything up and headed for home Knowing my normal 1 1/2 hour drive was going to take at least 2.
I was just a mile away from my exit when I hit a patch of black ice and started a slide towards the cable barrier in the median. Somehow some way I managed to change my course and headed for the right side, breathing a sigh of relief knowing that at least I wasn’t going to hit anybody. Next thing I knew my whole world turned topsy turvy as my van rolled, finally stopping upside down. The doors were jammed shut and I had to kick out the windshield to get out of it.
Other than a broken thumbnail and a jammed neck (I knew releasing the seatbelt while upside down wasn’t a good idea but I didn’t see as I had much choice)(don’t know how I didn’t get brained by flying tools) I was unhurt. Unfortunately could not say the same for my van. It was totaled.
And you know what? The contractor I was working for didn’t offer to compensate me for my losses at all! The nerve of them guys! After all I had done for them!
So yeah, never again.
@Baud: I’ve been out of state for a family emergency but with luck I will be back tonight so I can write in Joe tomorrow. I hoping Phillips gets stomped and drops out. My biggest hope is Phillips gets less votes than Paperboy Love Prince, an actual candidate on the ballot. That would deliver the right level of humiliation. (It only costs $1,000 to get on the NH primary ballot, I’m a bit disappointed there is no Baud. In 4 years I may need to crowd source so I can put my own name on the ballot).
Raoul Paste
@Another Scott: When Bill Wyman quit the band he said that he didn’t want to be playing at the Holiday Inn when he was in his 70s
@Balconesfault: Sometimes they turn into that anyway. You should read some of the stuff in my FB Alzheimer’s spouse support group. People sometimes become someone you don’t know because of the disease. And yeah, a huge narcissist like TFG who has never been held to account for anything getting dementia *shiver* I do feel sorry for those who eventually have to care for him.
@New Deal democrat: Abdolutely. And they should hire John Cleese to star in it.
@OzarkHillbilly: I get it, that sucks. Another factor for me is that I’m 5 minutes from work. If I had to drive 30 minutes it’s a completely different calculation. Our forecast is for temps to rise, and by noon it’s supposed to be just rain.
@O. Felix Culpa: The connection of Dobbs to the Kansas-Nebraska Act goes to where the heart of each party’s base lies. Both have deep roots in the white male supremacy of Southern white Evangelicalism. Add in the secessionist impulse that motivates a lot of the gun nut culture, and the circle is complete.
zhena gogolia
@Lyrebird: Yes, AL is an angel!
@matt: And he marks himself as one of the Extremely Online Left – or a Pied Piper agent – by immediately pivoting to Palestine when called out for his pro-Trump behavior. Completely independent of actual arguments, the “Israeli genocide” thread is very persistent with these people. They *KNOW* they have the mother of all wedge issues and are pile-driving it for all they’re worth to split the anti-Trump vote. Whatever you feel about the Hamas war, it’s an incumbent’s nightmare, because whatever happens, it slides right off Trump and sticks to Biden. And they know it.
In place of Rudy Vallee we had The New Vaudeville Band.
Hasn’t Cleese gone round the twist politics-wise?
And Satan / the genie / the monkey’s paw chortled with glee and granted Mick’s wish, before vanishing in a puff of smoke and a final “check out Tithonus, sucker!”
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: I think he’s pretty “anti-woke,” in a very old-geezer way.
@zhena gogolia: The same thing has happened to a lot of older comedians. “People don’t laugh at the jokes I’ve been telling for 40 years” becomes “because of a conspiracy against me”.
@zhena gogolia: He’s also as anti-Trump as anyone could get.
I think there’s always going to be an “anti-woke” tendency among older comedians who have made a living doing skits that the woke crowd would have gone apoplectic over.
@Soprano2: Nobody has to care for him, not now, not ever. They can always get a better job, like cleaning outhouses at music festivals.
John S.
@zhena gogolia:
John Cleese is also very much in the not wanting to pay taxes category, so that aligns him with pretty much every other conservative on the planet.
Political AI shenanigans has begun. It’s scary to think about the mayhem that could happen.
For example … one of Cleese’s most recent retweets.
zhena gogolia
@balconesfault: Oh, that’s good.
@Soprano2: I listened to most of the oral arguments. One item that came through is the multi-step process of how and when to invoke Chevron. I wouldn’t be surprised if Robert’s pulls one of his favorite tricks of effectively gutting Chevron by changing the standards and steps so it can never apply, but not explicitly over ruling it so he can claim they haven’t really changed anything. It the weaselly way he likes to work. The other 4 conservative guys were just salivating to stomp Chevron into the ground and Barrett at least seemed to be considering that the change to inundate the court with challenges from all sides. I don’t expect a good outcome at all, and forum shopping for conservative judges and circuits will gut most of the EPA, OSHA, IRS and more. It won’t be until they gut the FAA and planes start falling g from the sky that any conservatives will complain.
TIFG’s defamation trial has been postponed for at least a day. Alina Habba is claiming a headache and said her parents came down with Covid over the weekend, and a jurist felt nauseous while driving to the courthouse. Per MSNBC.
@dmsilev: That is my all-time favorite XKCD. I quote it far too often!
ETA Gotta run, someone is wrong on the internet!
Another Scott
@Balconesfault: It’s amazing the staying power of that mid-late ’60s, early ’70s music, isn’t it?
My MIL’s nickname was “Jada” because she danced to it as a toddler. It’s from 1918. There’s a mountain of stuff from the ’60s and ’70s that has that kind of staying power, but it seemed rare before then – one didn’t have 25% of the radio stations in the ’60s playing pre-WWI standards all the time…
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Ain’t that the truth and given the inherent structural issues and how gerrymandering has been put on steroids, it’s a heavy lift and thus, tougher to bring about a more dominant position in Congress.
@Balconesfault: yup Judges will be able to decide how much smog we can tolerate.
@Rusty: Again … the thing that conservatives and libertarians tend to ignore is that an agency granting a Permit then “permits” a company to do something that creates some level of public harm.
For example, a company is “permitted” to discharge or emit some amount of carcinogens into the water or air because the USEPA has done the research and determined that this level of pollution won’t result in excessive harm to human health and the environment.
If Chevron goes away … it not only gives industry the ability to challenge the EPA standard as being too restrictive. It also gives NRDC/Sierra/Greenpeace/et al the ability to challenge the EPA standard, and any permits written based on the standard, as not being restrictive enough to really protect human health and the environment.
Without Chevron, in essence the EPA will be forced to relitigate every standard on a continuing basis, with attacks coming from both sides. This will result in major uncertainties for industries trying to make billion dollar decisions on construction and operation of new facilities, and cause huge problems for planning and financing.
@trnc: a pos insurrectionist traitor should not be allowed to retain his appointees. And they grow less legitimate by the day.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
We also lost a lot of white working class voters due to civil rights and social liberalism.
@Jackie: Way to stall your trial. Have your lawyer infect the jury.
Nah, that’s the fault of DEI.
Just the thought of having to be in the same room as trump makes me nauseous.
Miss Bianca
@Balconesfault: ‘Tis an odious comparison, Trump and Lear. King Lear had more than an ounce of humanity in him as well. Or don’t you remember the whole scene with the Fool and “Mad Tom”?
@Rusty: In a karmically-run world, the Supreme Court Six would be receiving phone calls 24/7 from doctors: “I have a 35-year-old woman, four months pregnant, bleeding heavily from an 85% placental abruption, fetal heartbeat detectable but arrhythmic. What do I do?”
(Actually in a karmic world, those questions would be beamed directly into their brains, so they can’t smash their phones to avoid the consequences of their decision. And it would include every lower court judge, legislator, and district attorney who’ve also decided they know more about medicine than doctors.)
Somebody in is campaign does, though. He did no debates. As long as he keeps doing no debates that is a win for him.
@Another Scott: Communist hellhole? TFG and his ilk took bribes from current leaders of the two biggest communist hellholes: Russia and China.
@Shalimar: Also, the Statue of Liberty was originally designed to have broken shackles representing a celebration of Emancipation of the Enslaved. But of course, America being America, white people lost their g*ddamn minds over it (because, ya know Critical Race Theory or something) and pressured the govt to modify the design.
Another Scott
@Rusty: It’s crazy that they want to gut this stuff.
It’s clear that Congress has too many things to do that it can’t get done on time as it is. Budgets; approving cabinet and ambassador and judge nominees; addressing genuine problems like immigration, treaties, obsolete laws; providing sufficient oversight; etc. etc. And it takes years for anything to get through the courts.
The RWNJs on the SCOTUS really want to make everyone’s workloads 10x worse? Because they have too much free time?
It’s crazypants. These monsters don’t live in the same reality we inhabit.
And they don’t care. It’s somebody else’s problem.
Fight for 15!!
Gin & Tonic
@UncleEbeneezer: wow, that is news to me. The poem is still great.
@suzanne: santorum snow!
@balconesfault: He has Old,
White Man(Person of Privilege) Syndrome. It’s pretty much the norm, sadly, especially among comics. Marc Maron is about the only older, white, male comedian I can think of who defies the trend.Sure Lurkalot
@OzarkHillbilly: Nothing as scary as rolling a van but in the middle of my work years I had a measly 10 mile commute that was often treacherous, sliding through red lights with one hand on the horn because stopping was not possible.
@sab: too bad the judge cannot say “ok, we’ll do a double shift on saturday”
@dmsilev: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony would like a word. and there is a line of compositions behind that.
@catclub: Actually the White-lash part I mentioned might not be right (though I’m pretty sure I read about it somewhere) but you can read the main backstory here:
@catclub: The poet Emma Lazarus was from a Sephardic family long established in NYC. She was inspired by community work with the Russian Jewish immigrants running away from the pogroms. I wonder whether the young readers’ bio of her that I got from the public library mbdRyujgty years ago would survive the anti-woke mob these days.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Jeffro: Kinzinger has the advantage that he’s not running for an office that would require him to fluff the Trumpist core of the modern GOP. If he were talking that talk in a Republican primary, the Trumpists would kill him, maybe not even metaphorically.
Cheryl from Maryland
@RevRick: Another link is states like Texas trying to police women who travel out of state; such activities parallel the Fugitive Slave Act, which enjoined those in non-slave states to act as slave-catchers. Outrage at the Kansas-Nebraska and the Fugitive Slave Act fueled Lincoln’s rise. Which for me is another reason why Nikki Haley is unfit for political office; a major component of the Civil War was pro-slavery and don’t care Congressman forcing those in the free states to actively support slavery. The parallels to Dobbs, Don’t Say Gay, book bans, etc. Is all too close.
Wow, did anyone else listen to On Point this morning? They had Batya Ungar-Sargon on to talk about what Republican elites don’t understand about Trump voters. I can’t even describe how crazy what she said was, you’d have to hear it for yourself. She said Trump voters are liberal, they mostly support gay people and don’t want abortion bans. They think Joe Biden took Trump off the ballot in Colorado. Just INSANE stuff. They had Heather Cox Richardson on during the last 20 minutes; she finally mentioned Trump’s appeal to white nationalists and talked about January 6th. There was zero mention of Trump’s multiple court cases, either.
trump posted 44 attacks on Carroll in 20 minutes.
@OzarkHillbilly: But someone will eventually. They’ll be hired to do it. I feel sorry for them.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@catclub: you might enjoy Beethoven Lives Upstairs
It was one of the kids’ favorite bedtime stories.
What?! Not happy with a court delay?!! 🫨 The world turned upside down!
Oh, they’ll solve that by ruling that the environmentalists and the people affected do not have standing to sue–only the companies involved do.
@New Deal democrat: Watching his discourse on Nikki Haley running Capitol security, he occupied that fugue state for quite a while. It appears that he also did not eventually catch and correct himself, which I’ve seen him do in the past. I’ve been around sundowning elderly folks quite a bit over the last few years, and it resembled that. It particularly looked like folks I’ve known who are still pretty functional but are showing early signs of dementia. They can be coherent most of the time but when they get tired you’ll see this kind of thing happen. Sure, he’s always been nuts, but seemed to do a better job of hiding it until recently.
Haley jumped on that immediately because it plays into her age-based campaign rhetoric. I doubt it will help her defeat Trump, but there’s a chance that taking about Trump’s mental capacity could be a double edged sword for Biden, as any talk of mental incapacity will inevitably be tied to his own age. I’d worry more about third-party candidates from that aspect than anything relating to policy.
@lowtechcyclist: And doing a bang-up job doing it. I mention their ages only to suggest the arbitrariness of condemning Biden to the scrap heap while others of his age are still kicking it!
Oh, you sweet summer child…
Originally it was to be standing at the south end of the Suez Canal (which was built by the French, not the English). The original design was a bit different though, as you can imagine.
Michelle Cottle on Ron DeSantis:
@Jeffro: But also not enough, lacking a certain quality that says, “I am human.”
Yeah … well, that lack of humanity also has a lot to do with all those positions that Cottle seems so enamored of.
Basically you ended up with 3 GOP candidates who either screamed out their inhumanity (Trump), tried to hide their inhumanity (Haley), or thought that they could buttress their inhumanity with technocratic language and thus sounded even more inhumane (DeSantis).
No surprise that the Republican favorite is the one who screams the message.
@Jeffro: DeSatan really did just have that weird campaign vibe. I mean, to anyone on the left, he’s dreadful with horrific ideas for the country and destructive policies…but for basically anyone he barely seemed human. His spouse seemed far more interested in running and was certainly more camera-ready (regardless of what you think of her and how she packaged herself, she fit in just fine for GOP Campaign Spouse).
It’s hard to understand how he could have gotten elected Governor. But then I’m reminded MN elected Mark Dayton governor twice after electing him Senator and previously as State Auditor, and Mark is the King of Awkward and perpetually uncomfortable, with weird grins and garbled sentences and many a gaffe over the years. A lot of that was because he’d been around forever, I think, so the gaffes just slid off and people just went “yeah, but it’s MARK. we know what he MEANS.”
Maybe FL let it go with DeSantis because he was republican and that was good enough at the time because all the right people endorsed him? Did it just get worse under the national spotlight?
Absolutely. And not just Biden’s accomplishments, but Democratic accomplishments. Commit to the brand by taking credit for everything going back to Social Security.
I like to call this the you’re welcome, you caviling ingrates campaign.
Enjoying your weekend? You’re welcome. The 40 hour work week, brought to you by FDR, Democrat.
Relieved your parents’ hospital bills are covered? You’re welcome. Medicare, brought to you by LBJ, Democrat.
You wanted the moon? Fine. THE MOON, brought to you by JFK, Democrat.
Satisfied? No? Ended the Great Depression, won WWII, civil rights act, economic expansion, deficit reduction, FMLA, ARRA, ACA, all before we even get to Biden.
And you know what? Al Gore damned well did invent the internet. Sure, we’re having second thoughts too. No, I will not debate you. We’re taking credit for it. You’re welcome.
Miss Bianca
@dirge: :)
Paul in KY
@New Deal democrat: I would like that!
Another Scott
Reminds me of the battles over the Statue of Freedom on top of the US Capitol.
That “peculiar institution” [ spit! ] had its tendrils everywhere, and the effects are still visible in DC, and elsewhere, today…
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: It’s right up there. Top 5 for sure.
Paul in KY
@New Deal democrat: Reagan had Nancy as his 2nd, and she was 100% focused on not allowing him to be exposed that way.
TFG has Melanoma…
Paul in KY
@Ksmiami: If TFG’s theory of total Presidential Immunity is true, Pres. Biden can start offing 2 or 3 to get his picks in there.
Isn’t “Schadenfreude” what the choir sings just before they begin the Ode to Joy?
All those SuperPac funds…wasted..
Oh well..
@KSinMA: 🎼Scha-den-freu-de, something something … 🎶
Uncle Cosmo
@dmsilev: Treppenwitz and Weltanschauung aren’t far behind…and there’s a soft spot in my heart for Gesichtsvorsprung…(see my post in one of yesterday’s threads)
FTR there is a wonderful riff in Cassells’ Colloquial German re the Teutonic predilection for constructing massive compound words to represent a specific concept.** It’s fascinating to see fern (faraway), sehen (to see) and Gerãt (apparatus) become Fernsehgerät (TV set) and then proceed to exfoliate to the point where “a person in charge of an exhibition of color TVs” is expressed in Succinct Rococo as
** Also FTR the Germans post-WW2 finally learned from their English-speaking occupiers and are now more likely to abandon compound-word-construction in favor of straightforward theft from other languages, primarily English…
Paul in KY
@balconesfault: His problem basically was that he’s only comfortable and relaxed when he’s actively hurting people or animals. Out on the campaign trail, you don’t get to do alot of that, so he was always stressed.
I heard his campaign would get him to unwind by throwing baby chicks into a wood chipper.
“I felt I had to call this national press conference today to give the sad news that my husband has been diagnosed with dementia, and I am invoking paragraph 37 of our pre-nuptual agreement giving me sole power of attorney….”
Paul in KY
@Another Scott: Sad that reptilian POS was born in KY. Should have been hanged at end of Civil War.
Uncle Cosmo
To Moshie’s preferred destination, the Sun. Fit him for a Halloween-costume spacesuit & tell him not to worry, they’ll schedule him to touch down at night, then faaaaahr his wuthless tukhis off…;^D
Paul in KY
@Ken: Hope to see that someday! Hoping Junior would have a stroke.
How about “snowtorum”? 🧐
I’ve generally found “wintry mix” acceptable, if delivered in a suitable tone of disgusted sarcasm, but not everybody can pull that off, or cares to.
Here, I think, we have a winner.
@vbreakwater: Jimmy Page, too.
@UncleEbeneezer: yes, I was just going to bring him up. Maron is a total mensch. Love that guy!
@UncleEbeneezer: I saw Eric Idle last week at the Castro Theater in San Francisco. There wasn’t much about politics, but I think he’s still pretty far left. He lives in LA. Cleese wants to be a Tory, but he can’t stand the current lot.
@Cheryl from Maryland: The nails in the coffin were Bleeding Kansas and Dred Scott, which made it absolutely clear what the stakes involved were. The Republican Party originally was made up of Northern Whigs and Northern Democrats appalled by Southern militancy and unwilling to submit to what was termed “slave power.”
Lincoln, interestingly enough, was not considered the most radical Republican candidate in the 1860 race. Both Seward and Chase filled that position.
@Origuy: I saw Cleese about 12 years. It was awful, he just whined on about how he didn’t want to be doing the show but he needed the money because of all his alimony payments.
He’s a mixed bag these days, he can be brilliantly cutting about things but then he’ll start up complaining that the world has changed since his day. I think in his heart he wants the 80s back