Did someone force the House Oversight Committee to release the transcript of the testimony of Kevin Morris? (Yahoo News)
The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday released the transcript of the testimony of Kevin Morris, a friend of and attorney for Hunter Biden, and his statements undercut everything Republicans have said about the embattled first son.
Morris is a high-powered entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles who met Hunter at a 2019 presidential fundraiser for his father, Joe Biden. Morris has loaned Hunter nearly $5 million in the years since. He testified about his relationship with Hunter in a closed-door committee hearing last week.
Initially, Oversight Chair James Comer just released a list of paraphrased highlights from Morris’s testimony. Comer claimed that Morris informally loaned Hunter the money and does not expect to be repaid until after the 2024 election—or possibly ever. But the transcript shows this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In reality, Morris never once mentioned the possibility of forgiving the loans. Instead, he said he has a “100 percent” expectation that Hunter will repay him, and repeatedly states that he and Hunter have a series of promissory notes agreeing the younger Biden will pay back the money.
What’s more, Morris testified that there is a “balloon” on the loans set for after the election. This means that Hunter is currently making low or even no payments but will start making lump repayments in 2025.
The only person who mentions loan forgiveness in the entire interview is Representative Andy Biggs. The Arizona Republican has been a vocal critic of the Biden family, accusing them of criminal wrongdoing. Biggs asked what consequences Hunter would face if he defaulted on these loans.
I didn’t even know there was a group called Mothers Against Greg Abbott, but there must be because there is a Mothers Against Greg Abbott PAC.
Holy moly! Gregg Abbott HATES this abortion ad, one of the most powerful ads ever made.
RT and use the hashtag #VoteDemRestoreRoe to send it far and wide! pic.twitter.com/Y7DgwznVJH
— CALL TO ACTIVISM (@CalltoActivism) January 23, 2024
So eloquent!
New Hampshire voter: “I voted for Nikki Haley, because that was voting against Donald Trump. I am 74 years old, I lived in a constitutional democracy all my life. I want to remain that way, I want my grandchildren to grow up in one, not a dictatorship.”pic.twitter.com/7D9cpkBNXr
— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) January 23, 2024
This fellow’s style of communication reminds me of Pete Buttigieg, demolishing right-wing Christianist bullshit.
I don’t know who this man is but protect him at all costs!! He finally broke it down. So much she had no come back! See the God yall worshipping is yourself and your opinions!! I love how he use the word, the one she claims to know in his argument! Sadly they still won’t get it.… pic.twitter.com/KHqrVf5SHC
— Leslie Jones 🦋 (@Lesdoggg) January 23, 2024
They fucking nominated “Ken” but not Barbie or the director? WTF? It’s 2024 and women are still not equal.
Ryan Gosling just released a statement that directly calls out this morning’s Gerwig and Robbie snubs in best director and best actress: pic.twitter.com/gf5vQI5Z0c
— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) January 23, 2024
This seems important.
The NY AG moves fast to cite the latest decision in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirming a lifetime ban on participation in the pharma industry of one Martin Shkreli, as support for its request that Trump be banned in his industry. https://t.co/OWMRuLr59x
— Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) January 23, 2024
How is John Harwood at predictions?
we’re in early stages of massive analytic shift from “Biden’s in big trouble” to “Trump’s in big trouble” https://t.co/yp3FboUBFu
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) January 23, 2024
Open thread.
Harrison Wesley
“Mothers Against Greg Abbott?” MAGA? I love it.
“You guys are quick on the trigger,” make sense now.
I am persistent, shrill, and redundant. Everyone should read Trump’s remarks tonight. He humiliates Tim Scott and threatens Haley.
Doc Sardonic
That MAGA ad……… Daaaaaaaaaaymn
he’s been in big trouble for quite some time now, it’s just that a whole lotta people are invested in completely ignoring that and just keep whistling past the longest graveyard/abbattoir known to man.
All of this “Trump is inevitable” talk is just the usual GOP psyop from those that are fascist curious and are doing everything within their power to depress Democratic aims and goals and elevate Trump. Shit we’ve just watched Trump babble incoherently while at the stump and STILL the FTFNYT insists on equating that as an equivalent to Biden’s stutter.
Economy is doing well, Biden has people at work, doing what he can to make us greener and cleaner and attempting to fix what was wrong by whatever means he has despite the Clown Show in Congress. Maybe its slowly permeating thru to a lot of people that can see thru the obfuscation to continually equate Congressional issues as a Bipartisan problem when in fact it’s a Republican problem. Some of the scales are falling and it took SCOTUS and the Dobbs ruling to finally punch thru that veil and expose the cruelty beneath.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
“Oppenheimer” blew away the Oscar competition.
That first video of the 12 yr old not allowed to adopt or be a surrogate because she’s too young, yet be forced to carry a pregnancy should she be impregnated when raped, is one powerful ad.
That needs to be aired throughout the south and Red states until Election Day.
Chetan Murthy
@Quinerly: Just a taste:
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
“Barbie” was good, but “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.“, “Family Switch“, “Bottoms“, and “No Hard Feelings” were outstanding.
@Chetan Murthy: It’s really sad. Trump’s entire schtick relies on no one standing up to his awful, bullying behavior.
If Tim had even said something along the lines of telling Trump to be a little respectful, Trump would have blown up at him and looked like a giant fucking idiot. But literally no republican will do this to his face.
Chetan Murthy
@MisterForkbeard: Josh Marshall had it so right: they’re all ‘dignity wraiths’
Tim Scott is an abject coward. My black friends have a term for him.
I won’t use it.
here’s a Mothers Against Greg Abbott ad from July 2022:
Chetan Murthy
@BlueGuitarist: And yet, Texans have not risen up en masse to rip Abbott limb-from-limb. Sigh. Can’t expect decency from Texans, I guess.
I hope America Ferrera wins and stands up and rips the patriarchy a new one in her acceptance speech.
Salty Sam .
Painting with a very wide brush there, Bubba.
Fuck off.
Not to be a contrarian, for all of Barbie’s commercial popularity, which I am thrilled to see, an award movie is a stretch, IMO, and the lack of awards had nothing to do with the “patriarchy”
Oscars are nominated by members of the Academy – which has many women.
It would be nice to see a woman get another director nomination, but it would be better to see more women as directors and Barbie’s commercial success will have more influence on that than any award.
Three women and one man of color were nominated for Supporting actress/actor which I am thinking may be a record.
Lily Gladstone, a well-deserved nomination for Lead is a first
So, don’t cry too hard for Barbie – which will probably win for best Costumes, which would be well-deserved.
@Chetan Murthy: yep….bizarre and humiliating. But, then again Scott may like being treated that way.
I saw Barbie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Apparently, Academy members saw a movie called barbie: PASSION OF THE KEN.
I have yet to see Oppenheimer.
Chetan Murthy
@Salty Sam .: I grew up there: Weatherford HS class of ’81. I know from lived experience.
Salty Sam .
@Chetan Murthy: I am aware of your background, and your painful history. Do you really think that gives you license to denigrate every single citizen of the Lone Star State?
There are many of us here working for the same goals that all of us on this blog hold dear. I just find trash talk that lumps US with the same MAGA filth that can be found in every fucking state extremely tiresome.
VFX Lurker
Barbie won a nomination for Best Picture, but not Best Director or Best Actress, which seems weird.
Scott is an asswipe, a Toady, a bootlicker. Much like Rudy Giuliani or Chris Christie. His race has nothing to do with it.
Roberto el oso
@Chetan Murthy: For the most part I really like your comments (both here and over at LGM) but Salty Sam is correct that you paint with a broad brush when it comes to Texas. My favorite Gandhi quote is: “you cannot argue a man or a woman out of their experience”, so please understand that I don’t for a moment doubt the horror of what you went through in Weatherford before you were able to get out. Maybe just the occasional pause to remember that there are millions of us in this state who are absolutely on your side, but find ourselves feeling less than secure when it comes to our blue state allies, who do, from time to time, make it very clear that they will not have our backs.
Peace and love, Chetan …
VFX Lurker
True, but only one-third of Academy voters are women.
@VFX Lurker: Ben Affleck comes to mind for Argo…Best Picture without him getting Director or even actor. I’m sure there are more.
@VFX Lurker:
Somewhat unusual, but it happens now and then.
@Salty Sam .: I’m raising an imaginary toast to you and to the Mothers Against Greg Abbott, other feisty Texans… I don’t know where I saw it, there was also a video with C. Richards introducing a video clip of her mom (not sure if it was an actress or a video of Ann R herself) dressing down the lawmakers who vote down food and other support for kids who do get born, it was another gem.
@Chetan Murthy: You’ve spent far more years living in TX than I have, and there’s no disputing your experience. I will say that “can’t expect decency” sure came across as too broad a brush to my ears as well, for whatever that’s worth, particularly on a thread with some dam powerful videos made by Texans who are fighting back.
Dear Yahoo News (or whoever yahoo cribbed from),
Here’s how to actually write about the transcript:
Oversight Chair James Comer …
claimedlied that Morris informally loaned Hunter the money and does not expect to be repaid until after the 2024 electionJay C
Yeah, well the “horserace” framing/narrative is unfortunately too firmly-set in the media’s “minds” (scare-quotes deliberate): but (at least as far as the earliest “election” results are showing, the voting public’s enthusiasm for a re-run of Former President Shithead’s reality-TV extravaganza of an Administration is, shall we say, not quite meeting expectations. It’s not a good sign* that the supposed Cult Leader/Political Messiah of one of the nation’s two Major Parties can’t get more than a 55% edge over a frankly second-tier candidate** like Nikki Haley.
*for the Dark Side, anyway
** I’m being generous
Sister Golden Bear
@Brachiator: The writers’ room would have rejected the Barbie plot turn as being too on the nose.
@VFX Lurker: You might find this article more helpful with the facts behind those numbers and the changes they are making.
But you know, go ahead and feel like Barbie was snubbed. Like I said, my comment was my opinion.
ETA: There’s going to be weeks of “patriarchy” garbage because of these nominations and it would be great if they dealt with actual issues rather than thinking that if they side with Barbie being snubbed they’ve somehow done their part to address it.
@TaMara: Well, yes, those are recent classes.
But the point remains that the Academy as a whole, even after the new classes, is still tilted towards males and the directors (who do the nominations) even more so (actors more even on gender).
Race/ethnicity still has a ways to go…
@Chetan Murthy: “I just love you,” Scott said emphatically.
I don’t understand it for even a nanosecond. But this is, I guess, how a family like the Kims become total ‘dear leader’ rulers over places.
The abject self-negation of a man like Tim Scott should shock, but really it just makes me deeply sad. And ready to kick the g-d damn GOP to the curb!
Sister Golden Bear
Speaking of movies, Sundance had a great reception for a documentary about Will Ferrell going on a road trip with his close friend of three decades who recently transition to live as a woman.
Hoping Ferrell’s marquee value will get the movie into wider distribution. From what I’ve read from reviews it’s entertaining on it’s own — Ferrell’s friend was a SNL writer who was behind Ferrell’s most famous skits on the show — it’s also a good Tran 101, as well as a look at how trans women are treated across the country.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I hate reductive stuff like “too on the nose.” The storytelling worked for most viewers.
Apparently the screenplay worked for Academy members. This might also have been a bone tossed to make up for the absence of the Best Director nod.
ETA. The Will Ferrell documentary sounds interesting. Loved him as a presenter at the Golden Globes.
Sister Golden Bear
@Jay C:
The political media is obsessed with the odds and doesn’t give a shit about the consequences.
Sister Golden Bear
@gwangung: Agreed. Plus Gerwig got best director nominations from numerous other awards organizations, from well known to obscure — including the Directors Guild Awards, who know a thing or two about good directing.
@gwangung: Sigh. It’s a stupid award, the Academy is a bunch of people patting themselves on their backs, voting for the king and queen of the prom.
I would be more impressed if everyone was outraged by the lack of diversity in films and television – directors, actors, and especially writers and producers.
But somehow it only comes up around award time.
At least the academy is trying to make changes and the stupid faux rage over Barbie is going to undermine all the excellent actors who were nominated, as I mentioned in a previous comment.
IMHO, America Ferrera outshone Robbie in every scene she was in. But somehow because Robbie didn’t get a nomination, all the votes are suspect.
@Jay C: It blows my mind that for the most part, mister ‘inevitable’ has so far received 56,260 Iowa caucus ‘ayes’ and looks to be on track to have maybe 175,000 New Hampshire votes.
231,000 out of 158,397,726 voters (using ballots votes cast in the 2020 election). That’s 0.14%.
Fourteen one hundredths of one percent of the likely voter pool, roughly. Total Mandate!
Sister Golden Bear
The storytelling was fine, I was referring to the Oscars proving Barbie’s point.
@Sister Golden Bear: I am really looking forward to seeing this and I’m with you, I hope his participation brings wider distribution.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Ah, got it.
@Sister Golden Bear: Hey, since we’re veering into Sundance, I just found out that a dear friend & her daughter (and, to coin a phrase, she’s our ganice, aka we’re guncles by choice to all the family’s three kids) were just at Sundance for the premier of Girls State.
Maddie is one of the seven MO high school kids who go to an immersion experience in ‘mock government’ (she starts at 6:30 on the video linked above. – what she says as an out student makes me so proud, too). I’m excited to get to see the film later this year!
Sister Golden Bear
@TaMara: As a learned more about the other best actress nominees, apparently it’s usually competitive this year, and the four nominees were considered almost certain to be nominated. Annette Bening’s grueling preparation for Nyad is the sort of thing that’s historically been Oscar-bait. Plus historically the Oscars tend to skip over comedies and comedic roles. So I can see how Robbie could get edged out.
Alison Rose
That’s quite a presumption. Your implication seems to be that anyone disappointed by the noms is doing nothing to advance equality and tackle patriarchy but bitching about a movie on Facebook. Someone can be frustrated by the list while also “dealing with actual issues”.
@Brachiator: I loved the movie and Margot Robbie but at the end my reaction was that Ryan Gosling deserved an Oscar for his Kenergy. He played it so over-the-top.
Robbie gets a shared nomination as producer for Barbie as Best Picture.
Sister Golden Bear
@RaflW: Hope you enjoy it. And hope it was a great experience for Maddie.
Citizen Alan
@VFX Lurker:
I would actually expect it to be fairly common nowadays. In 2009, they changed the rules to increase the number of Best Picture nominees to 10, but kept everything else at 5. So there’s always going to be 5 directors, 5 leading actors/actresses, and 5 supporting actors/actresses (at least) that are associated with a Best Picture nominee who won’t get nominated in their category.
Not a comment on whether Barbie was or was not snubbed, but simply noting the math involved.
C Stars
@Sister Golden Bear: I hope this film gets distribution ASAP.
Dean Phillips dream to save democracy is dashed as write-in ballots for the “unelectable” Joe Biden beats him by more than 45 points.
I agree with you. Gosling was great.
As a fan of science fiction, I always liked stuff about time travel, and stuff about robots.
So after I saw Barbie, I thought about Barbie and Ken and the acting choices. I liked how Robbie and Gosling depicted Barbie and Ken as not human, but also not naive people, not children, not mechanicals, but plastic vessels with a touch of something like humanity.
Citizen Alan
I think Sister Golden Bear was jokingly referring to the “plot twist” of the male actor who played Ken getting a nom while the female lead actress and director did not. If Greta Gerwig had written the words “The only one who will get an award for this movie” beneath Ryan Gosling’s name in the end credits, it would have been viewed as a savagely dark and cynical joke.
I’m convinced that Ken, but not Barbie, getting the nomination is a piece of performance art that was too tempting for the committee to pass up.
@Quinerly: It is really strange that Trump isn’t even a good enough person to just happily gloat over his victory. He still has to act angry and victimized that Haley would dare to run against him at all.
Man, I loves me some James Talarico. He’s not my rep—he’s in the next Texas House district to the east—but I’m happy to throw money his way when he asks. That clip is just the tip of a large and powerful iceberg.
And he’s also a walking, talking negation of your bullshit, Murthy. There are plenty of Texans fighting the fight that you ran away from.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Chetan Murthy:
TGF is raging because his enemy refused to bow down to his inevitability, that’s all. He wants all opposition out of the way so he can boast about how he has bested the (worst) that the party had to offer.
The Republican contest has become a “who’s worst” event and it’s clear that TFG is the biggest and best pile of shit that the party has to offer.
Sister Golden Bear
@Citizen Alan:
Indeed I was.
Apparently the Academy members decided they were watching The Passion of the Ken
Odie Hugh Manatee
When I hard that ‘Ken’ was nominated I was like ???? wha…
@Sister Golden Bear:
It’s the zeitgeist. When the leadership of one of our major political parties shits on women all day, every day, it empowers a lot of misogyny to crawl out from under the rocks where it was hiding.
I don’t remember any candidate for President denigrating their opponents the way trump has, & 95% of them take it without a word & then endorse him when they are out of the race.
I find him the most revolting politician on the world stage compared to all and any others – rude and ignorant with no redeeming features.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I look at it more like “Why Ken?”…lol! Why anyone from the movie and if so, why Ken?
@Citizen Alan:
Yep. I agree.
@TS: Putin is far worse than Trump. The latter is just more overtly obnoxious.
I am really happy with America Ferraro’s nomination.
I am a second wife with stepchildren (twice) and a working professional woman who struggled to keep my professional life going while trying to keep the homelife and the various kids and spouse happy (and fed) and it was often really really hard.
Ferraro’s monolog made me cry, with the impossibility of what her character was trying to do, despite the hostility of her daughter and the indifference of her bosses. My husband was shocked. ( ” You never cry.”)
@Sister Golden Bear:
I’m looking forward to that, even though I’m not much of a Will Ferrell fan. A good friend has been doing her damnedest to care for her transitioning son, who’s 14 and starting high school along with several bullies from his junior high days. Another friend broke down recently recounting how her wife – mtf trans – took her out to brunch in downtown Seattle, and was addressed as “sir” by the server despite friend’s repeated corrections. Her wife looks like an attractive 40-something Goth to my eyes; I think the server was just being a spiteful asshat. We lost so much ground during the Trump disaster, and it’s just getting worse. Anything we can do to open more people’s eyes is welcome.
Chetan Murthy
@Lyrebird: I live in California; I’ve lived in New York and Massachusetts. In all these places, I’ve felt physically safe. Safe enough to ride my bike. Texas ? I would never ride my bike in Texas, and I have never felt physically safe in Texas. When I am forced to visit Texas for family medical reasons, I feel a weight and a fear over me every second of every hour of every day I am there.
My mother has been accosted by some neighbor of hers daily for months, with him yelling at her to go back where she came from, she’s not wanted, etc. And there’s literally *nothing* she can do: it ain’t like the po-po are gonna put a stop to this bastard, and if they spoke to him, he’d just get angrier and might come at her with force. So instead, she can no longer walk alone on the sidewalks of the town she’s lived in for >30yr. I have been physically present at incidents of racism by White Texans.
My lived experience of Texas is that I cannot count on the decency of random Texans I meet, in the same way I can *count* on the decency of Californians and Bostonians and New Yorkers.
So honestly, I don’t care if it’s a broad brush or not. Texans have a job to do, and they’re not doing it. So me, and lots of others like me, have left. We found freedom to breathe, to be ourselves, *outside Texas*.
@gwangung: Remember who got nominated in 1985 for Best Actor* and who got nominated (and won) for Best Supporting Actor** for their roles in “The Killing Fields”?
I’m still salty about that one.
(* Sam Waterston, whom I really do love, but *he* was the supporting actor, playing Schanberg.)
(** Haing Ngor, playing Pran).
Wrote a check for significantly more than usual on my monthly Costco run on Tuesday. And no regrets.
Bunch of canned goods bought by the case (like diced tomatoes, black beans, etc.) all ran out or are about to run out at home, all at the same time (a perfect Mother Hubbard storm). Ditto for the 25 lb bag of bread flour.(for which the has price come down a mite, although still above where it stood for the longest time previously). So those added on top of my usual purchases.
Then unexpectedly noticed that fresh bone-in chicken thighs and boneless pork loin were on special at 99 cents a pound*. Not about to pass that bargain up. Good thing the freezer was near empty.
*May be just my local Costco, dunno if the same elsewhere.
@sab: Urk. Ferrara, not Ferraro.
@TaMara: Hm. Given my work in representation in the performing arts, I think this is an argument that holds very poorly with me.
And it remains an internally inconsistent one
@thalarctosMaritimus: Yeah. Haven’t forgotten that one. It’s the same mistake Scorcese made, a rather common one, at that.
@NotMax: dude! This is a thread for fighting about Texas and the Oscars …
also, which Costco?
; – )
@Chetan Murthy
Buy her an air horn?
/half snark
Barbie has nine nominations. Which ain’t exactly chopped liver in la-la land.
Maui Costco. Much like Highlander, there can be only one.
Oscars? A statuette of a nude man? Think of the children!
True dat.
First ever Academy Awards. Won Best Picture.
Chetan Murthy
@NotMax: Given that the po-po in Texas are all racists (growing up, we used to joke that every ten years or so, the po-po in Fort Worth would throw a dead Mexican into the Brazos River, just to scare all the others: even as kids we knew what the score was) there’s only one thing that can be done to stop him:
Nothing can be done to dissuade the bastard, b/c, like all MAGAts, he thinks we’re interlopers.
@thalarctosMaritimus: Didn’t John Travolta get a best leading actor nom, and Samuel L. Jackson a best supporting actor nom, for Pulp Fiction, despite them having close to exactly the same number of lines in the movie?
@montanareddog: That wouldn’t surprise me. I saw it when it came out, and I’ve forgotten a lot of the details, but I’m left with the vague impression that, of the trilogy, Jackson’s story was first among equals. I’d want to re-watch it, though, before I committed to that position, though, because my memory for film details is notoriously unreliable. But Jackson sold it enough to me, at least, that I would have said at the time that he was the actor, and Travolta the supporting actor.
Like I said, though, I should rewatch it to be sure. Thanks for reminding me of it!
@Chetan Murthy: wow that’s a terrible experience. I have a personal beef with the state of Oklahoma, nothing at all like the neighboring state you hail from. Hale from? And I know I let slip a generalization about southerners, but catch myself sometimes…because really I was lucky to know good people (of color though I’m white) there who still live in Oklahoma. Offered me nothing but kindness. I also prospered, moving to Boston. So good that I kept moving norther.
Had I not gotten out, I would be rage filled. Can she not move to a different city or neighborhood?
@Chetan Murthy: As a CA resident, I appreciate the aspects of where I am, and I get where you are coming from having experienced some impressive casual racism in Texas when visiting.
However, as an example, the LAPD and LA Sheriff’s department have long histories of insane discrimination against people of color. Friends from college talked about how you could expect to be taken out to one of the canyons and tuned up so that deputies or officers did not have to do the reports when they picked someone up for excess pigmentation. It can happen anywhere, and the fact that it is less acceptable to advocate openly for it in most of CA is the main difference with parts of TX. You (we collectively) need to have some empathy and common bonds with those who think like us in less pleasant parts of the country.
Paul in KY
@Roberto el oso: I hate that Texas votes GQP. I hate their state leadership. I have been to Fort Worth, Dallas & Austin & must say I thouroughly enjoyed myself in those cities. Was very impressed by the energy in the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area. Zilker Park in Austin is really, really nice.
Paul in KY
@Geoduck: TFG is not a dictator like Putin is. If, God Forbid, he ever was, you might find he was alot closer to Putin in deeds too.
Paul in KY
@Chetan Murthy: Very sorry for your experience there and your poor mother’s!
Paul in KY
@Chetan Murthy: You could just shoot him. A fertilizer bomb might hurt innocents.
Racer X
The argument by Texas State Representative James Talarico in the video could be used for almost every piece of republican legislation – their hypocrisy needs to be called out every time!