This is so inspirational. I did not expect to be this moved by hearing E. Jean Carroll talk about this.
@ejeancarroll on CNN: “I had been prepared for the worst force on the earth today…There [Trump] is, he’s nothing. He’s just the people around him who give him power. It’s the emperor without clothes. It’s Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale.”
— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) January 29, 2024
Open thread.
Would it be considered insulting if I said she was an age-appropriate crush?
(Yes? Oh, well….)
I saw that interview earlier. It was moving and greatly cheering.
Here’s a short article some might find interesting, about a smart, talented young woman who is on her way to becoming rich and famous in the sports world: Caitlinomics
zhena gogolia
That is fantastic. I think it’s really true. I wish we Dems could imbibe this spirit and stop shaking in our boots about him.
Sister Golden Bear
Love it! You know it’s gonna get under the Orange Ass’ skin, and maybe add a lil’ of the loser stink to him.
@zhena gogolia: seconded. Oh, and she’s on Maddow tonight.
@zhena gogolia:
You don’t think Dems have been strong?
Or are you referring to online discourse?
Trivia Man
She wants to spend money on something TFIG hates. A few million could process thousands of the backlogged rape kits around the country.
Who knows? Might even find him again!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
That’s the million dollar question, okay, several million dollar question, but what whatever that would get a gazillion-dollar donation be something the Orange Fart Cloud would hate that much?
Carroll will be on Rachel Maddow tonight.
Carroll will be joined by her attorneys Roberta Kaplan and Shawn Crowley for the interview to discuss the case and a potential appeal from Trump.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: here’s a suggestion:
zhena gogolia
Ms. Carroll doing the victory lap on the talk show is great—like chucking Donny in a briar patch and then hosing him down with Mercurochrome.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Great! We could certainly do this Oprah Style, you get a million, you get a million, etc.
I wonder if there’s something out there that would actually get the narcissistic sociopath’s attention tho? I dunno, pay the entire Maralago staff to walk off the job for a year. Something that kicks him in the groin so that he can’t miss the pain.
@zhena gogolia:
Let them wallow.
Alison Rose
“It’s just the people around him who give him power.”
Damn, if that ain’t the gospel truth. Trump would be absolutely nothing without the fake-something that so many people have projected onto him and imbued him with for his whole life. He’s done nothing that hasn’t been on the backs of or at the expense of dozens or hundreds or thousands of others. He on his own is worthless.
Fuck yeah, E. Jean Carroll. Keep saying it.
Tony Jay
When this episode in wealth transfer has finished, Carroll will go down in history as the only person Donald Trump ever succeeded in making rich.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@zhena gogolia: Been there. Felt that.
Also, I would much prefer NOT to think about Trump with no clothes.
@Tony Jay:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Not to just the staff, but also to the entire org might get his attention (since he’s said he wanted to get rid of our Constitution). Harry Litman is a board member.
Former clerks for five U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, including one former U.S. Supreme Court clerk
Member of what road?Never mind, I see that a link was added.
There’s a chance she might end up owning that property, possibly within the month unless he scrapes up slightly over $90 million to put into escrow for the appeal.
Related to that: I saw a report (from MuellerSheWrote) in the earlier post that Trump got the $5.5 million for the first appeal from the Trump Organization, without telling the financial monitor appointed by Judge Engoron. Which is apparently a big no-no when you’re on trial for financial fraud (“who coulda knowed?”), which will certainly make it impossible to pull the same trick again, and may shut off other lines of credit.
The putrid carbuncle on the ass of this nation is gonna cry hard this week. I’ve stocked up the popcorn supply and even added Doritos to the pantry. Denouement Syndrome is real.
@Ken: Who can possibly think “Trump is good for it”???
*with “it” being any amount of money being loaned.
At this point, it only makes sense for anyone to stick with him if they are complicit in his crimes, hoping that somehow magically they all get off scot free because he is magically in office in 2025.
@TBone: There is something oddly satisfying about foods that crunch.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Then she could try to find a buyer, bargain basement pricing, who would agree to scrape it. Hmmmmmm, we might be onto something.
@WaterGirl: Robbie Kaplan seems confident.
@WaterGirl: I am now 😂 because that’s so true and I can’t explain it.
@bjacques: I love that visual. His necktie gets all snarled up and he can’t get loose.
The legal analyst on Morning Joe (Lisa somebody?) said that no institution in NY was willing to put up what is basically a bond for the $5 million. If they won’t do it for five, no way will they do it for $83 million. It will have to come from his own funds/properties.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I was vaguely wondering about that. Since he’s on trial for financial fraud involving (in part) false valuations of his properties, it seems that their market value would be somewhat indeterminate.
So could Carroll’s lawyer seize Mar-A-Lago and sell it to, say, the city for $1, or is there something in the law that would prevent that? (If she did sell it for a dollar, I’d hope it was with the stipulation that it be made into a historical landmark and public park.
@eclare: That sounds like another area where the financial fraud could really hurt. He may try to put $90 million of property into escrow, but who’s going to trust his valuations? At the least they’d want to make sure it didn’t have $180 million in mortgages….
Dorothy A. Winsor
I think some of his property, including Mar a Lago, are in the name of his corporation. The courts may be able to liquidate that for the fraud fine (when it comes) but can Carroll do it?
@TBone: Just came to announce that! I’m DVRing it! I’ll watch it about 30 mins after it starts so I can ff through the commercials.
The longer she’s out there doing media, the chances of Trump just losing it again and lashing out with another defamatory statement approaches 1. You have to wonder what they’re doing to keep him quiet these days. I hope it’s some kind of Hannibal Lecter-style restraint system.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Kind of spoiled for choice, since I can’t think of anything he really likes aside from money and himself.
I realize I shouldn’t be bothered by the large number of people I’ve seen all over the Internet whose first reaction to the news of the damage award was “Too bad that fucker will never pay, Carroll won’t get a dime” or “Too bad that fucker will have no problem getting his rich backers to pay everything for him.” I can’t prove that they’re wrong and I know they’re mostly just venting. I just wish the state of things didn’t make it so tempting to respond with immediate total cynicism to the thought of an evil person ever having a real setback under any circumstances.
(The one thing I’m a little more tempted to push back at is when people say “Look at Alex Jones, he hasn’t paid.” Jones is trying to use bankruptcy to evade consequences, and it sucks that he’s been able to delay so much in that way, but I don’t think it is plausible that Trump can go that particular route while still pursuing a political career that’s so strongly tied to the myth of his business success.)
So how many businesses is the orange shitstain going to have to sell to Russians?
Oh wait, they probably already own all of them!
Time to fleece the rubes! – so more!
“ It’s the emperor without clothes.”
I’d just as soon NOT see God Emperor Dump with it clothes off.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Donate a sizable chunk to the “suckers and losers” he hates to look at.
Easy. Just go by the assessed valuation for tax purposes.
Raoul Paste
This must be “how it’s done” day
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: She could donate it to homeless veterans!
karen marie
Apparently the screenshot of Trump saying Habba lost the trial is fake. I don’t know that I believe what Newsweek thinks but …
While still supposedly drawing something like $100k a month income for his “living expenses.” It’s obscene. Let’s just hope this is another one of those “wheels of justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine” situations.
@Raoul Paste: a national holiday! Day of Reckoning. Day of Finding Out. Day of Schadenfreude!
Alison Rose
@eclare: Probably Lisa Rubin? She’s on MSNBC shows a lot.
Alison Rose
Tear it down and build a mosque.
@Alison Rose: perfect.
@WaterGirl: Except celery. OK, celery with a lot of salt.
@Alison Rose:
Yes! That’s it. I’m used to Joyce Vance, who I haven’t seen lately.
She pretty much hits the nail on the head.
I wish her well. Justice took a little time in her case.
Also, she can mock him, say whatever she wishes.
Trump, on the other hand, better keep his stupid mouth shut.
Open thread good news!
Alison Rose
@frosty: Or peanut butter.
@Alison Rose:
Agreed. Not sure how you would decontaminate the land beforehand, but yeah. (Added, and the decontamination has nothing to do with Islam. I’d decontaminate the soil even if Mar-a-Shitto was burned to the ground after being seized by the courts.)
In no way should that shithole that that shitstain called the “southern White House” be turned into any type of
tourist destinationcult retreat.Alison Rose
@Scout211: That’s awesome!! Glad to see she’s doing well enough to be able to perform.
Was lucky enough to see her once, many years ago. Absolutely incredible.
@Raoul Paste: Yes!
@WaterGirl: This is why you should never meddle in the affairs of dragons.
@frosty: I confess that I was thinking of snack foods that are not vegetables. Popcorn, chips, etc.
Sure Lurkalot
Little of what they do is real. There was that dust up about the RNC telling Haley to drop out, the choice has been made (after Trump garnered some 230,000 votes in 2 states of the BILLIONS who would walk over broken glass to vote for him). Then everyone speculating that the RNC wanted to keep him off the stage so that people wouldn’t see his sundowning after which come to learn that Trump himself told the RNC to back off (please, don’t crown me king quite yet, he said with tears in his eyes). It’s a bunch of performative bullshit, like his court appearances.
@Alison Rose: Smother it with some Smucker’s. Mmmmmmm
…AND that ‘they’ forget to unstrap him for a long weekend (or week!)
Chief Oshkosh
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: She might be happier getting the Bedminster property.
All in all, I’d rather be in Philadelphia…
Because they’ll steal all your celery?
@TBone: I think I heard on MSNBC that Jean Carroll was referred to Roberta Kaplan by George Conway, who knows who is who and highly competent in the legal profession.
Ohio Mom
@Ken: Oh please, don’t even think that. Carroll “winning” Maralago would be the world’s biggest booby prize and white elephant combined. What would she do with it, who would buy it? What a lemon of a property to be stuck with. It will be comparable to when real estate agents have to market a house where a very publicized murder has taken place.
It’s so moving listening to her talk about how ecstatic the verdict made her. She is just radiating joy. This must be what justice looks like, not vengeful, just peaceful exuberance.
How the ever-livin’ hell does he get away with this crap?
It strikes me that for those of us (exclusively women I’m guessing) who grew up reading E Jean Carroll, she stands in relationship to us much as Trump did in 2016 to those who watched the Apprentice. We invited her into our homes, in the magazines, we liked her, we feel like we knew her and her values. So we’re predisposed to trust her and rejoice in her success. I think that’s part of why her victory has struck such a chord for some of us – not the only reason of course!
Chief Oshkosh
I wonder if anyone (looking at you, FBI and NYS Police) will investigate any of the death threats she’s received. Sure would be nice to have the hides of at least a couple of those assholes nailed to the outhouse door.
@Chief Oshkosh:
With Ivana buried there? Ewwww.
karen marie
@Scout211: I’m very happy for Joni Mitchell but I find Brandi Carlile to be incredibly creepy. Every video of her around Mitchell sends off these vibes that Carlile is gatekeeping Mitchell.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Dictionary says vegetables are the edible part of the plant. I know others say otherwise, specifically for reasons of nutrition, but doesn’t that make all grains vegetables? And fruits and tubers…?
Yes. That was on Morning Joe. He was blistering in his attack on TFG, as we all should be (late convert, but I’ll take him). No wonder he and Kellyanne broke up.
@sab: that guy skeeves me, but damn he did the right Never Rump thing here.
@Princess: Agreed.
@mrmoshpotato: Because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
The nothingness of Trump is pretty insightful. Trump is just a screen for projection of the neuroses and insecurity others invest in him. That’s true of a lot of politicians and other celebrities, but many if not most politicians do have a core that identifies them outside of their political personae. Donald Trump is just an old guy with a bad combover and crappy bronze job, neither being professionally done even though he can afford to do so, as if he doesn’t even want his hairdresser to know the pathetic failure he is.
@Alison Rose:
God, what a FTFNYT-level bothsideser she is. “A reminder to anyone celebrating the @ejeancarroll verdict: Misogyny has no political party…Democrats & Republicans alike can abuse and have abused women.”
And what happens when they do? How do members of their own party react? Any difference there, Ms. Rubin? <crickets>
Just one more Villager in excellent standing, I’m sure.
Warning: Twitter link
Alison Rose
@lowtechcyclist: Jeez, wtf? Has any liberal ever even implied that no Democratic men have ever been pigs? That’s a very weird strawman she’s fighting.
@Chief Oshkosh: If Jean gets the Bedminster property, I bet she would see to it that at least Ivana gets a proper burial site.
Alison Rose
@karen marie: What do you mean by gatekeeping?
In case you didn’t see my response in the previous thread, my use of $200,000/quarter of a million in reference to the infrastructure bill was sarcasm. The bill is probably the biggest deal of his administration and for some to pretend they don’t remember how they voted is…typical Republican dishonesty.
@sab: I heard that from George himself. He had a nice twitter thing on it – where he showed some screencaps of his email to E. Jean carrol.
Matt McIrvin
Well, that fact makes me celebrate it even harder.
ISWYDT – nice one!
I agree with you about men in both parties being sexist/misogynistic, but Al Franken is one example of the Democrats not responding that historically “normal” way. And it wasn’t only women who called for his resignation.
Whether individuals think Franken should have resigned or not is another question, but he did after being condemned by his own party. I think, hope, the tide has turned for Democrats.
karen marie
@Alison Rose:
Maybe some grumpy people need a reminder about the Wollman Test of Reality. Life is lumpy.
Mike in NC
I hope as his legal problems snowball in the coming months, Fat Bastard will be left without even a gold-plated pot to piss in.
@TriassicSands: Katie Hill. And I’m still on fire about our own PA Kathleen Kane and porngate.
As someone who hasn’t eaten any solid food for six months, I wholeheartedly agree. For a while, when I was in the hospital for an infusion or transfusion, I would order lunch. (They have an excellent menu and kitchen.) One thing I would order was cole slaw. Not because I’m a huge cole slaw fan, but because of the crunch of the cabbage. Of course, I would chew it and then spit it out into a cup, but there was some satisfaction in tasting and feeling the textures and crunch of solid food.
@TriassicSands: I just had some Cole slaw!
@lowtechcyclist: Lisa Rubin was on Talking Feds once, and I was shocked by the both-sides crap she spit out.
@Alison Rose:
Yeah, if someone said “women do bad stuff too,” it would rightly be seen as offensive. I don’t get why people feel so comfortable saying the things they say.
@TriassicSands: Oh, I missed that completely in your original comment, and I hadn’t seen your reply. Thanks.
I know who she is and some of her story, but I’m not sure what, exactly, your point is. Is it supposed to mean that because she resigned that means that women are still the targets of sexism and double standards?
Alison Rose
@karen marie: No, I’m aware of what the term means. I meant, what do you mean by it in this context? What have you seen that makes you think Carlisle is doing something nefarious?
No problem, but now I think you owe me a quarter of a million $.
To be fair. I will accept installments, but no cryptocurrency, please.
We are not their audience, and I’ll bet their audience is pleased with the things they say.
C Stars
@Scout211: Wow! That is good news. I knew she was ill and thought she might be down for the count.
Another Scott
@Ken: IIRC (no time to check), the builder (MW Post) gave it to the US Park Service. They couldn’t afford the upkeep, so let TIFG buy it.
It’s an old building. It’s a National Historic Landmark, so (I think) that means the facade, etc., can’t be changed (and it can’t be torn down for condos).
I don’t think anyone sensible who wasn’t a zillionaire would buy it. It costs too much for upkeep, and admission fees would either be horrendous or wouldn’t cover the costs.
Corrections welcome.
@stinger: There’s a YouTube video of when she was still in high school and a group of frat boys came to jeer her, “ Overrated!” She proceeded to shoot the lights out from all over the court. The sullen silence of the group of frat boys was a joy to behold.
Gawd that is awful. Lisa didn’t say that on Morning Joe, I would have spit out my tea.
karen marie
@Alison Rose: I’ve seen a number of videos of Carlile and Mitchell together – onstage and at Mitchell’s home – and she just gives me a “gatekeeping” vibe.
She gets between Mitchell and others, she speaks for Mitchell. At least that’s what I saw.
@TriassicSands: tides, can’t explain it. J.K. I was merely pointing out that misogyny is ever present. For everyone.
Old School
@karen marie:
I don’t get that at all. My sense is that Brandi Carlile is a huge fan who is trying to make sure Joni Mitchell is comfortable in her return to performing.
Directing this at a commenter nymed TBone? Should they be worried!?
May I repeat this (sincere) thank you because I think it is lost in the previous, now deceased, thread?
Thank you to all the kind people who gave excellent advice for keeping my son’s cat safe – locking husband in a room worked a treat ;) . Cat is now happily ensconced in his home on the 17th floor in son’s apartment. He escaped twice (cat not husband), and husband had to catch him the second time and subsequently never failed to close doors. Cat became less interested in leaving, and son is struggling to live up to the spoilt routine of granny’s house!
@Another Scott:
And I think regulations say that it can only be used as a personal residence, which TFG skirted by turning it into a membership club. But yeah, no turning it into condos.
@WaterGirl: Of course you were! Some people are hooked on candy or chocolate. Me? Potato chips. I’m a traitor, I’ve abandoned Utz made next door* for Cape Cod. Horrors!!!
* Hanover PA, snack food capital of the world!
@PatrickG: hahaha! It’s a nickname given by an old friend (a riff on my IRL last name) about my tendency to have a loud mouth and just crash into things with it willy nilly. And some other stuff no one would understand. My other nickname is Major.
So Deutsche Bank with Vlad’s money is still a possibility?
karen marie
@Old School: Is that her job? Her responsibility?
I’m a big fan but I’m not at Mitchell’s house screening who she talks to.
Alison Rose
@karen marie: Well…when they first performed together, it was only a few years after Mitchell had a brain aneurysm. The aftermath of that plus her age has clearly impacted her ability to move about and communicate easily at times. I don’t think it’s necessarily a sign of malice that someone might be assisting her if and when she needs it. I mean, obviously I don’t know them personally and I’m not claiming to know more than you or anything, but that’s a bit of a conjecture to make based on a few clips where a younger person helped an older person who had experienced massive health issues.
@frosty: nooooo! What about Middleswarth? 🤭
Good news for everyone! Glad it worked out.
karen marie
@Alison Rose: Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with it. I just find Carlile to be creepy in the way she behaves when she’s with Mitchell.
I never said there was malice involved, just gatekeeping in line with Merriam-Webster’s meaning number 2.
@WaterGirl: The Far Side: Two polar bears opening an igloo.. ” I like these crunchy ones with the chewy center.”
I am the same, salt is my vice. I have two bags of Lindt truffles in my kitchen, they have been there a while, unopened. I can eat one M&M and walk away.
The can of salted cashews? With extreme self control, it will last a few days. I do not dare bring a bag of chips into this house.
Old School
@karen marie: As far as I know, Brandi Carlile does not live at Joni Mitchell’s house, but Brandi certainly has much to do with Joni’s return to performing. The Grammy nominated album was recorded at a Brandi Carlile show. Joni was a surprise performer.
Joni’s actual billed show last year was in tandem with a Brandi show. Her band was Joni’s band.
@Alison Rose: All I have ever read is that they are close friends and Brandi was instrumental in helping her move beyond her “mental paralysis” about playing music again after her aneurysm and her resultant disability. Brandi started regular jam sessions at Joni’s house with numerous musicians to help Joni get her music back. Brandi organized all that and helped her through the whole process.
I’ve read more recent interviews with Joni Mitchell, who seems very appreciative of Brandi and seems to consider her a close friend. The video clips of them together do seem like she is very protective of Joni, but not in a controlling way.
But I agree that we can’t know everything about celebrities from video clips or even interviews.
@RevRick: I’ll look for that YT! There can’t be much of that attitude left. She took her team to the national finals last year and is rapidly approaching NCAA records in scoring, rebounds, and assists. And still has another year of eligibility left — she’ll probably go pro instead, but it would be nice if she stayed and continued to mentor younger players.
@eclare: Me too! I felt relieved when he was finally in his carrier to go home.
You’re just mean, but I hope you enjoyed it.
OT to the E. Jean Carroll issue but I just want to say, McMegs really outdid herself with the obfuscation, “both sides”, and complete ignoring of recent history in her Post column today.
She starts off, ironically enough, referring to politics in entertainment terms, never realizing THAT’S PART OF THE PROBLEM
She gets the most offensive part out there early:
Like, for real? (also: Megs calling someone ‘charmless’ and ‘inept’??!? oh my…)
Anyway, here’s the only part remotely close to the truth in the whole thing:
And get this: according to Megs, it’s not the GOP politicians’ or voters’ fault: it’s because America’s institutions are weak, and THAT is because of all our attempts to clean up our parties and elections. Get it, big government types? You screwed it all up and now we have trump…
We ended up with trump because of…the damn hippies and then campaign finance reform. yes, really!
Whoops, forgot: this next graf is close to the truth, too:
C-Span! That damned C-Span! THAT’s what wrecked everything!! (eyeroll)
And it only gets worse from there.
How this person continue to draw a paycheck, I will never understand.
@Sally: Sounds like you did a great job with the kitty, yay! I also replied in the other thread, whit he other half of my response. :-)
Lightly salted and roasted cashews are the devil’s work.
Preach! (also…’sob’…)
karen marie
@Old School: I don’t know what that has to do with what I said.
You did a good job!
Anonymous At Work
Attorney Question:
If you wait too long to request recusal, is it waived? For example, 6 months after a first trial and 2 weeks after a second trial, both of which went against you/your client? Say to the tune of 90+ million dollars…
David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch
the Dodgers?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Her opinions, bad and uninformed as they are, support the powerful and, therefore, have value to the powerful.
Old School
@karen marie: Carry on then.
I just don’t get the same vibes that you get.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I think it works like this: fruits are the part of the plant that are around the seeds (apples, zucchini, tomatoes, etc), seeds are the seeds (pecans, corn, wheat, etc), vegetables are the edible part of the plant that isn’t seeds or fruit (lettuce, spinach, rhubarb, etc).
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: I guess the Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn’t have anything to do with any of that.
Alison Rose
@karen marie: Okay.
Chief Oshkosh
@Jeffro: Good lord, McArgle-Bargle is such an embarrassment to her family and friends. How in the wide wide world of sports does she not die from forgetting how to breath?
@TriassicSands: aaawww man, fuck. See what I mean about my big mouth? I’m sorry.
C Stars
@Jeffro: I get the feeling that the Harris hate on the right is very similar to the Hilary hate. She’s a female politician who doesn’t have “charm.” Meaning, she wants to get shit done and it shows. A woman who won’t pander to male political ego is both charmless and a serious threat to them.
Thor Heyerdahl
I all of a sudden heard Edwin Starr’s “War” in my head.
I know I shouldn’t be abusing my brain by trying to evaluate a McArdle column, but… usually I can at least tell what the stupid argument is that she’s making. In this case I have literally no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean: “They are stuck with President Biden because he’s stuck with the charmless and inept vice president he chose four years ago for reasons of coalitional politics.”
I mean, I get the obvious part about insulting Kamala Harris, and I assume (because I have no reason to interpret McArdle’s euphemisms generously) “coalitional politics” is supposed to be a cute way of saying she was an affirmative action hire. But why would “Biden is stuck with Harris” ever be a reason for “the Democrats [to be] stuck with Biden”? WTF is she actually saying there? The incumbent has an allegedly terrible VP that allegedly nobody likes, who was necessary in order for Biden to appeal to more voters that Biden himself couldn’t otherwise get, but is apparently a terrible liability now, and… that caused the party to insist on nominating Biden again?
I mean, I realize she has to say something, anything other than “Biden’s voters and colleagues still support him overall, he’s doing a good job, there is no magic candidate who would be worth abandoning him for.” But there are so many other intelligible (if stupid) sentences she could’ve written instead of this.
Even if the tide turns, sexism is so embedded in this culture that progress will be slow and since it is only likely at all on the Democratic side, slower still.
I looked at the Wikipedia entry for Kane and it is quite damning. Of course, I don’t (and can’t) know all that happened, so I won’t offer any judgment about her case. Do I believe there could have been sexism involved? As I said, it is so deeply embedded in out society that it is certainly possible. However, what to do if she actually perjured herself? Again, my information is limited, so I won’t say more.
One of the most toxic things about our history of sexism is that it can taint almost anything involving women and men. Men can, and do, go after women because they refuse to accept women in positions of authority or importance. Women can be guilty of something and claim sexism is what is behind the accusations/charges. I think the former is far more common than the latter, but either is possible, and it often impossible to know what the truth is. I don’t know how to fix that.
C Stars
@Matt McIrvin: Right. McArdle clearly appreciates the advantages of “institutional authority” in a way that someone who did not, ahem, have the opportunity to attend Riverdale Country School might not.
@TriassicSands: that was exactly my point. Kane’s story is hair-raising, and I’m still certain there was an element of retaliation to it, and nobody stood up for her.
But who’s to say? What she did was blow the lid off and then she got her lid flipped.
@Ken: Mar-A-Largo was once a National Historic Site managed by the national Park Service but it was de-authorized due to high coast of maintaining it
All is forgiven. I’m used to not eating solid food.
Every year, in mid-May, the Copper River salmon run comes in. Copper River sockeye salmon is probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten. It’s ridiculously expensive and I don’t eat much. I may have eaten my last bit of Copper River salmon.
In some ways, I feel good about that. I always feel a little guilty, since they are such magnificent critters, but they are about to die anyway. It’s really too bad they can’t be caught after they finish the task at hand — reproduction.
Alison Rose
@C Stars: I know this isn’t you saying this, but Harris and Clinton both absolutely have charm.
The problem is that for the right, for a woman to have charm she has to be a vapid slutty boring-hot* idiot. That’s what they find charming.
(*boring-hot is what I call women who might be considered attractive based on conventional Western beauty standards but have nothing interesting or unique about them at all)
C Stars
@Alison Rose: I know. There is no politically ambitious woman beyond the likes of Noem or Lake or Boebert who they would abide. Haley is barking up the wrong tree.
This TikTok outlines the legal issues of Dolt45😁😁😁
@Alison Rose: “boring-hot” is an excellent way of describing it.
I’ll be using that one too, tyvm 🙂
I had the same thought…and then did anyway (sorry, brain!)
Here’s my shortest take on her “thoughts”, such as they are: 1) Biden is way old but can’t step aside b/c Harris as heir apparent (in Megs’ opinion) doesn’t cut it, meaning the party would fight about who succeeds him, and 2) (insert gratuitous insults here), 3) so Democrats have to ‘ride with Biden’ regardless of how they really feel about his age. (Did y’all know he’s old?)
Which is complete BS, as Biden is a very successful incumbent with a VP that excites our party, and while the ‘old’ thing is not nothing, it has (as we all know quite well) been absolutely driven into the ground by the media.
She’s both downplaying Biden’s achievements and Harris’ good qualities to make it look like the Dems have the same level of problems that the GOP has with its
creatureer candidate.karen marie
@Hob: She’s saying that Dems are “stuck with Biden” because VP Harris can’t win on her own.
While I understand your support and enthusiasm, take a step back and look at reality – Harris has no political background other than as an elected DA, running a campaign for the Dem primary in 2019, and VP. There’s really not much there to suggest that beyond wanting to “get it done” that she could get anything done.
I’d vote for her because she’s a Democrat, not because I think she has any special individual quality that would make a great president. Pretty much any Democrat* would fulfill the criteria of not being a Republican.
*If Manchin were the Dem candidate, I’d be significantly less inclined to vote but I still would, because as sleezy as he is, he’s less likely to steal state secrets or install a police state than his GOP counterpart.
I swear, every third column, I feel like I can hear Megs trying to channel her RWNJ parents as they carp at the TV: “damn hippies!” “damn soshulists messing with the free markets!”
@TriassicSands: I had to stop doing a beloved pastime (fishing and fly fishing) because I suddenly, out of nowhere, became acutely aware that I was causing harm to such beautiful creatures. I haven’t picked up a rod since. Now, I am a fisher of men (angler derivation). Haha. Thank you for your forgiveness.
The truly shocking thing is that she might be the Post’s “best” right wing columnist. She’s clueless, but not obviously as bad as columnists like Marc Thiessen and Hugh Hewitt.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Jeffro: I considered reading that column and stopped after the second paragraph. Thank you for confirming my initial reaction. You have my sympathy for subjecting yourself to it.
Ah, not that kind of bone. My misteak.
She was also Senator.
I agree about fish. When I was a child my father would take my brother and me fishing. I still remember watching the bass my father caught in Maine suffocating as it hung out of water.
The Copper River salmon I have eaten in May is the best source of protein I ever got. I never ate as much in any year as the weight of a single fish, but I was still very much aware of what I was doing. Long ago, I had shark for the first time and it was delicious. However, we began and have continued to over-fish and deplete many shark species. The worst offender is probably shark fin soup, something I would never consider eating. I believe there should be an international ban on shark fin soup. As it is, I haven’t had shark in several decades because of our mindless industrial fishing. I wouldn’t eat beef or pork, even if I could, and the way we treat most chickens is beyond cruel.
With Crohn’s disease my protein level is very low, even getting IV nutrition. When I could eat solid food, beans were out. The worst news for me nutritionally was that Crohn’s patients should avoid fiber. What does every nutritionist recommend? Yep, more fiber.
Things with that “Protest Convo” is not going well. Money quote:
Mark Anthony must have tried to talk to his psychic person Cleo and worked it all out
@TriassicSands: could you eat local farm eggs and cheese?
Tony G
@Alison Rose: My father used to say that about Reagan, 43 years ago. But compared to Trump, Reagan was a genius and a statesman.
Watching Maddow for the first time and it it a blast. I strongly suggest you tune in
Holy shit, did E. Jean really just ask Rachel if she wanted to go fishing…in France?!?! 🤣
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@TheOtherHank: See? I thought it was that fruit are vegetables in much the same way that all squares are rectangles.
@TriassicSands: I guess you didn’t see my recent travails with that very issue. I have IBS and was advised to take fiber. One day, I bought a different brand (organic, on sale) and had an allergic reaction where my lips swelled up and the skin burned off, no matter what I did (salve, hydration, humidifier next to bed). Spent 3 weeks in agony and looking like a clown with huge, red lips for Christmas. I thought they were just chapped. Doc put me on steroids, which suppressed my already crappy immune system, and now I’m on antibiotics for Strep which is really rough because I ruined my gut treating Lyme Disease. When I got Covid in early 2020 I had multi system inflammatory syndrome and it truly fucked me up!
@PatrickG: snerk
@TBone: and the new wardrobe for Maddow 🤣🤣🤣
@eclare: Lindt truffles? Two bags? Unopened FOR A WHILE!?!?! Not in my house.
Spicy Sri Lankan cashews are even better. Toasted or sauteed?
Right now and for the foreseeable future no solid food at all.
karen marie
@Scout211: My bad. That’s true. One term.
Again, I fully support Harris as a candidate, independent of Biden. I’m just pointing out why someone who doesn’t support her would say so.