Posting this again this morning for the daytime and weekend Balloon Juice peeps.
Thanks to everyone who jumped in yesterday!
Balloon Juice went ad-free over 2 years ago, and I hope you guys still appreciate that as much as I do!
It’s been quite awhile since we’ve had one of these posts, but it’s time, because we have on-going expenses. Web hosting is monthly, and it’s not cheap. Other expenses are annual (dropbox, design software for the calendar and postcards, Balloon Juice email addresses, Zoom, etc.)
And we like to keep the safety net so Cole doesn’t have to worry about the “what-ifs” of surprise expenses in a no-ads world.
If you donate, I promise that not one penny of what you donate will be used to supply Henry with a never-ending supply of furry friends to snuggle with. Pinky swear!
How can you help? (But only if you can afford it!)
°If you have signed up for a monthly donation but you’re in a different financial position than you were when you signed up, please feel free to cancel your monthly donation, with our thanks for having supported the site.
°If you keep thinking you’ll set up a monthly donation, but haven’t gotten around to it, or if the timing is right for increasing your donation, this would be a great time to do it.
° If you have a monthly donation set up through PayPal, please consider switching that to Patreon. Patreon takes taxes off the top before the funds go into John’s account, so there are no surprises at tax time.
° Make a one-time donation to the Safety Net. It turns out that having the safety net has already been helpful, as John gets clobbered with the tax bill for the the donations that come through PayPal, etc. Before you ask me exactly how much the tax bill was, I do not know the actual amount and Cole hates to talk about money, so I am not going to press him on that.
° If you want to send a one-time check for expenses or for the safety net, send me an email message I will send you Cole’s address. (
You can donate to the safety net with Patreon, Venmo, Zelle, and paper check. And even PayPal if that’s your only option, but please mark it as personal / gift and not payment for services.
Big thanks to everyone who helps keep Balloon Juice going!
If you have any questions, let me know!
I closed the comments on the similar post from last night.
I believe I have replied to all the people who asked me to send them John’s address so they could send a paper check.
So if you asked for Cole’s address to send a paper check, please look for an email with his P.O. box address. If you don’t have that, please add a comment in this post.
Or send me email, that works, too!
Thanks, everybody!
Cheryl from Maryland
Thnx for the reminders. I switched from PayPal to Patreon.
@WaterGirl: I need the box # address. I might not chip in as much as I’d like this time (R.E. tax bill, Chewy boxes, plumber invoice plus) but I want to contribute! I do not like online paying and still use paper checks whenever I can. Please say who to make payable to.
la caterina
My hubby (Johannes) just donated via Patreon because I am a Luddite
eta: he’s trying to donate via Patreon
eta: Victory! He got Patreon to work!
@Cheryl from Maryland: Thank you!
@TBone: checks are payable to John Cole. The bank doesn’t accept checks payable to Balloon Juice.
I will look up your email address, but going forward it’s easiest for me to just have an email to reply to.
edit: Just sent you John’s address.
@la caterina: Yay! thank you so much. Please thank your husband, too!
la caterina
@WaterGirl: No, thank you and Cole for all you do to keep this community going.
Alison Rose
I wish I could pitch in, but…sigh. The government bites. Once they eventually get their act together, I will be able to throw a few bucks in the pot.
I will say that Henry is the sweetest little fuzzball and I don’t know how you get anything done with him around. That curly fur just demands to be snuggled!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Done via Paypal with appropriate “friends/gift/whatever” moniker to the transfer.
@Alison Rose: We’ve all been there when money is tight. It all works, because money is tight for different people at different times. So right now, there’s probably someone giving who couldn’t afford it last time around, and vice versa.
That’s the beauty of a community like Balloon Juice.
I fought pretty hard not to have subscriptions, which would have created a world of haves and have nots, which is totally antithetical to BJ.
Kudos to Cole for taking the leap to go ad-free!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Pretty sure that a notation of “hookers and blow” would end up being considered taxable income. :-)
I just renewed my monthly donation via Patreon.
dr. luba
Patreon supporter here. Keep up the good work!!
@Coyoteville: Love your nym! And thank you.
@dr. luba: Thanks, dr. luba!
Just Zelle’d some $ for the safety net.
I’ve been a monthly contributor via Patreon since the start, and am happy to continue doing that.
done and am eagerly awaiting custody sharing schedule with Cole for Steve.
Re: your linky downstairs (thanks!). She was a firecracker, she was. Totally entertaining documentary The Outrageous Sophie Tucker currently available to stream on Kanopy, comes around periodically on other services.
Mai Naem mobile
Been doing Patreon for a while and will just stick to that. I honestly don’t know how people do PayPal. Paypal’s always been a hassle for me and then you have to worry about being scammed. I am impressed by the number of people who mentioned checks here. I hope Biden wins a second term and goes after junk payment fees. $15 for “convenience” monthly rent payment fees. $15 for “convenience” monthly mortgage payment fees. I used to think $2 convenience via phone charges for utility payments were scammy. Its like these companies don’t want to bear any cost of doing business.
I joined Patreon when you first suggested it, and I am a member with a password. I thought I contributed a monthly, but I don’t see how to get to my account. From here, I’m directed to set up an account.
Another Scott
@Jean: Maybe try here:
Good luck!
Mai Naem mobile
@Jean: they’ve changed the website. I had to play around with it a while to figure out my stuff as well. I think its because they want you to use the app instead of just going there on the browser.
dr. luba
@NotMax: Things I learned recently: Sophie Tucker was born January 13, 1887, in Tul’chyn, Ukraine.
@dr. luba
Mom was born in what for a time was Poland, since the end of WW2 part of Ukraine.
I’d like to send a check to John Cole.
@WaterGirl: thank you, and D’OH on the ease of reply email, sorry. I KNOW why to do that from being gainfully employed in the past but my brain is somewhat still fuzzy.
@dr. luba: 😍
I think I am giving monthly via Patreon but I have so many regular subscriptions that I’m not sure. Can you check easily? If not I will get out my statement and try to figure it out.
@NotMax: my bio father’s family (bless their memories, especially the ones who escaped so I could exist) hails from there too.
Ivan X
WaterGirl, is there any way of verifying that our donation was received? It was Zelle, so I don’t have any reason to think that it *wasn’t*, but still, it would be nice to know that it arrived. I’m not asking for some sort of grand celebration or a toaster or anything, I just wanna know that the guy who is supposed to get it, got it.
@pat: email Water Girl
@Mai Naem mobile: What banks are charging “convenience” fees for stuff like that?
I bank at the local credit union and they don’t do anything like that.
@SiubhanDuinne: @twbrandt: @knittingbull:
Thank you!. Much appreciated!
@Zelma: John i the one who could check, and with the big painting project, I doubt that he’ll even answer the phone if I call.
Are you set up for online banking? That could tell you just by looking at last month.
If not, please send me an email with your name and email address you use for Zelle, and I can ask Cole to check on that this week.
@Ivan X: Hey Ivan.
If it were me, I would have a nice little spreadsheet with info about who donated, how much, one time or monthly, how they sent the funds. Cole is pretty much the opposite of that.
Can you send me an email with your name and the email address you use for Zelle? I can ask Cole to check on that this week.
Big thanks to everyone who is able to chip in, either one time or on an ongoing basis. I’m sure Cole is feeling much more at ease today than he was yesterday!
Switched my monthly donation from PayPal to patreon.
@Tdjr: John will be thrilled!
Mai Naem mobile
@WaterGirl: its the companies to the consumers not the banks. I don’t mind paying a couple of bucks for convenience fees but $15 I believe is excessive for a mortgage or rent payment. The other part of the rent piece is the landlord/lender not being local so you would have to mail the check which you have to certify mail(another $5) because the landlord/lender pretends they didn’t receive it in time so they charge you a $100-$150 late fee. Don’t even get me started on late fees. Its just the nickle and diming garbage – the $20 shop fee at repair place. Dude thats your freaking cost of business. Okay, I’m gonna stop before I start sounding like the dead 60 minutes guy.
@Mai Naem mobile
Egregious as hell are the tacked on “resort fees” at … resorts.
Ron from MN
Hi WaterGirl, I would like to send a check also,
thanks a bunch
PS: your pup looks like our two Coton de Tulears!! cute pup!!!!
@Mai Naem mobile: It’s all a racket, and it would be lovely if the folks who try to nickel and dime regular folks got kicked in the nuts for doing it.
@Ron from MN: Henry sends his thanks!
And I sent you an email address with Cole’s P.O. Box info.
Thank you!
I’ve signed up on Patreon, so there should be a monthly payment set. I had a $10 monthly Patreon, but it stopped in September— not sure why. The website says new payments will start in March, we shall see…
@MattF: You are not the first person to mention your Patreon monthly donations stopping on its own.
Seems like that wouldn’t be good for Patreon, either. Inexplicable.
Sandia Blanca
I just increased our monthly Patreon account. As others mentioned above, it took some poking around the site to figure out what we’re currently giving, but I did finally find it.
@Sandia Blanca: Thank you!
Sounds like Patreon “new and improved” Patreon in a way that was not helpful!
VFX Lurker
New monthly supporter here. I just signed up for the default $5/month Patreon donation. Wishing this site continued success.
Ron from MN
@WaterGirl: thanks much! Have a great evening!!!!!
Big Fly
Signed up for a monthly, today. I like this community.
@VFX Lurker: Thank you for that!
@Big Fly: Love the nym! And thank you.
I believe I am all caught up on the requests, so far, for Cole’s address for paper checks.
So if you asked for that and don’t have email from me, please add a comment here or send me an email message to let me know.
I do think the Patreon could use more levels of contributions – I picked the $5 as it was the default, and haven’t changed it. But it could be Maxwell ($5), Steve ($10) all the way up to Henry ($500) – and you know someone would choose that level Just Because…
I’m not going to increase right now because we had 2 cats in ICU ($8-10K probably) over New Year, but making it easy for people to pay more will lead to people paying more…
@Timill: That’s a great idea! And Henry, of course, is honored to be at the $500 level! :-)
Yikes on two cats in the ICU. Hopefully they are both okay.
@WaterGirl: They’re both fine now. Thor turned out to have been severely anaemic, but UT Vet Hospital fixed that.
Leonidas was an 8-ish week old kitten picked up off a street locally in bad shape. UTVH advised euthanasia, but we persuaded them to treat him and see how he did. Answer: he did well, but nearly lost one eye due to ulceration. Our vets were willing to try stuff and managed to heal it.
Small ginger kitten with two eyes (Facebook pic)
@WaterGirl: Also the Patreon could use a spruce-up – it looks like the owner has run off to Arizona while the tumbleweeds roll by.
weed … peem … weed … peem … weed
@Timill: Send me an email message with more details?
@Timill: Yikes! Good for you for giving them a chance. Sounds like the dice rolled in your favor. (and the kitties!)
I am not on Patreon yet, but did a one time Venmo. Hopefully it works.
Thanks for some help. I think I’ve renewed my monthly contribution, which I did originally. I have no idea how I finally made it happen.
@Jean: All’s well that ends well? :-)
@Lymie: Thank you!