It appears that Trump and his attorneys have outdone themselves with their latest submission to the Supreme Court.
Were I they, I would not have made the revealing, fatuous, and politically and constitutionally cynical, concluding argument that the former president and his lawyers made to the Supreme Court in their Reply Brief today.
— @judgeluttig (@judgeluttig) February 5, 2024
I agree with @judgeluttig here. The argument that it’s always too soon to enforce the 14th Amendment’s disqualification safeguard — until it’s too late — is an insult to all nine justices and to the law itself.
— Laurence Tribe 🇺🇦 ⚖️ (@tribelaw) February 5, 2024
Will the 6 radical justices on the Supreme Court humiliate themselves? Whatever happened to states rights? Seems like just yesterday (it was!) that state’s rights were so very important. Only time will tell.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Scott P.
It’s not really radical to wait, though. A major legal principle is that you don’t decide a question before it’s necessary. Tribe is just being a hack here.
It’s not the only path the court can take but it’s a perfectly common one.
Sherilynn Ifill was on Ali Velahi last night regrding the brief she filed in this case. Rump’s racist selection of locales within which to challenge (disenfranchise) voters was discussed among other things but I can’t find video. Her argument is as follows:
Judge Luttig has also had enough of their shit!
Also too, the plain fact that this is a qualification requirement, not a political argument, seems to me to be crystal clear. Under 35 y.o.? Not a natural born citizen? Committed treason? DISQUALIFIED.
… and their families will be held at gunpoint by the candidate’s paramilitary forces.
I hope (but seriously doubt) the court will use this very argument to declare Trump ineligible, on the grounds that Congress can act to restore his eligibility.
@rikyrah: good morning!
A parallel legal principle is that you can make it necessary by hiring someone to file a case in the 5th circuit, hypothesizing that they might somehow someday in some unspecified way be harmed by whatever law you’re trying to overturn.
Very interested to be able to hear oral argument tomorrow. Chuffed actually. Hope I don’t throw things.
@Ken: like those cakes we no longer purchase.
No immunity – DC circuit
ETA: No dissent
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Glad to see some good news on this front.
ETA: Hopefully, this puts the DC trial back on track, though I’m sure Trump will want to appeal this to the SCOTUS
@Baud: NOW it’s a good morning! Thanks for that news 😀
@Baud: WOO HOO!
Whew! @Baud:
Here it is. He has till Lincoln’s birthday to state in writing whether he will sppeal.
@Baud: @prostratedragon: I still can’t keep all the Trump criminal trials straight. Is that the one where the three-judge panel was taking a ridiculously long time, and people were speculating the one Trump-appointed judge was delaying?
EDIT: I think it is, from the judges’ names.
Here is the segment with Sherrilyn Ifill on 14sec3.
@Ken: Yes.
@Scott P.: Seriously? I think it’s nuts.
“you can’t do it now. you can’t do it then. oops, sorry, it’s too late for you to do it.”
Can you explain how that’s appropriate?
It’s just like “you can’t bring charges while I’m still president. Your option is impeachment.” After he’s president, you can’t bring charges – you should have impeached.
it seems like total nonsense to me. How is it not? what am I missing?
@Ken: Yes, but she was appointed by GHW Bush.
You still fail to recognize that Trump is the God-Emperor.
Snarki, child of Loki
IF the Supremely Deplorable Six (Lawless John, StripSearch, Token, Boof, Coathanger, and Squi) let TFG off the hook for insurrection, we can conclude that they are “giving aid and comfort” to insurrectionists, and remove them from the Court.
@TBone: Ooh, I haven’t seen anything about that. Audio? Video? Can you point me to something?
Mike in NC
Court: “No immunity for you, Fat Bastard!”
@Baud: Finally. Wonder why it took so long, but at least they got there.
DC Appeals court immunity news here.
Bush-appointed, if memory serves, but that’s not much of an improvement.
But wouldn’t the Colorado finding make it necessary now?
@Baud: I just saw that on the TV in the waiting room. Yay! They finally got off the pot. It was a ridiculous case.
@WaterGirl: the astute prostrate dragon found & posted above ❤️ also I posted a link to an article about it. I’m watching the Pointer Sisters sing Springsteen’s FIRE 🔥
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Ken: I think so, but not 100% certain.
ETA yes, per other comments
Trump does NOT have immunity Gift link. He’s going to appeal of course.
New Deal democrat
I haven’t read all of the comments, and almost none of the surrounding commentary, but let me make a shocking admission: I would support this Supreme Court itself deciding the entire 14th Amendment disqualification issue.
The Amendment itself does not indicate who gets to make the decision that a candidate is qualified for office. For example, could Congress directly disqualify a candidate? Must it be left to each of the individual states?
In the absence of specific direction, I believe the Supreme Court could decide that the issue as a an individual candidate, where there is a dispute, is ultimately a judicial function. And further, that given the importance of the issue – and again, with no specific direction either way – it is a decision that can be made by the Supreme Court itself as a matter of original jurisdiction; i.e., there is no need to wait for lower courts to rule.
I could see the Supreme Court appointing a master or masters, to come to factual conclusions: was January 6 an insurrection (yes) and did Trump participate or direct it (yes). Ergo, Trump is disqualified.
As horrible as this Supreme Court is, they have already cashed their checks, and Trump has no more leverage over them. And even this crew can probably see that in a second Trump term, he will feel free to ignore judicial rulings. Even by them. Better to get rid of him first.
Betty Cracker
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He’ll definitely appeal it, and he’ll wait the full 30 days customarily granted to decide on an appeal, thus delaying the reckoning yet again. That’s the whole strategy: delay, delay, delay. It’s working so far. Our judicial system is vulnerable to a bad actor like Trump, who exploits provisions that are supposed to make the system work smoothly to evade justice.
Scumbags are giving the ol’ mass shooting reaction “logic” a try I see! Bastards.
@dmsilev: From what I’ve read about Judge Henderson, she’s conservative, but in a traditional law and order way. Nothing like that nutcase in the 5th Circuit. Still, it’s odd that it took them so long.
@Snarki, child of Loki:
Which of these is Supreme Court Injustice Neil Gorsuch?
@prostratedragon: no wonder I couldn’t find it PSAKI not Velshi, sheesh Tbone wake the hell up, coffee not working today (red face of embarrassment).
No doubt about it — just within the last day or so, J.D. Vance asserted that TFG has the right to defy SCOTUS, immunity ruling or not.
@smith: My take on why it took so long was that they wanted to be absolutely certain that they dealt with all the possible legitimate arguments that trump’s “team” might conceivably come up with, in hopes of convincing the SC that there was no reason for them to take it up.
In celebration mode, yes I expect good things.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@TBone: I mean, hell, why can’t the Democrats run Obama for POTUS again? Or make him the VP candidate? Sure he’s disqualified by having served two terms already but why should that matter when other disqualifying criteria get to be ignored? I mean, I have nothing against Kamala Harris but if Biden made Obama his VP he’s going to win in a cakewalk. People still love the heck out of Obama. Some people also love the heck out of Kamala but she’s not going to win that popularity contest
It seriously would be hilarious to see Dems troll the Republicans by floating a Biden/Obama ticket.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: eggzakly
@mrmoshpotato: I think boof and squi actually refer to the same person.
My guesses:
Lawless John Roberts,
Stripsearch Alito,
Token Thomas,
Boof Kavanaugh
Coathanger Barrett
Squi is also Kavanaugh?
@wjca: yup. Due process has occurred.
Apparently Alina Habba is already sending “You owe the ‘president’” messages to certain Supreme Court justices.
Thank You Alina!!! 😂
@catclub: Pretty sure Squi is Barrett.
@WaterGirl: That’s the Red Queen’s argument in Alice in Wonderland. “There was jam yesterday and there will be jam tomorrow, but there’s never any jam today.”
@RevRick: Oh my gosh, it is EXACTLY that!
Mr. Bemused Senior
@RevRick: that’s the White Queen.
It’s a narcissist’s conceit that the law should be applied with only their interests taken into consideration.
Other people are just cardboard cutouts, store mannequins or NPCs…
The Dread Pirate Heather Cox Richardson made a great point in her Jan. 10 newsletter. “Interestingly, Trump’s argument that he cannot now be charged with crimes makes the Republican senators who voted to acquit him complicit. It’s an acknowledgement of what was clear all along: they could have stopped him at any point, but they repeatedly chose not to. Now he is explicitly suggesting that their behavior shields him from answering to the law.”
A comment I pirated from elsewhere a while back:
“Scene from a family gathering:
MAGAs: You need to beat God-Emperor Trump at the *ballot box*!”
Non-MAGAs: Agree – we need to beat Spanky Two Scoops at the *ballot box*!
Me: We did that in 2020 – convincingly. By millions of votes. He responded by spewing outrageous lies and tried to overthrow the US government – a multi-pronged plot involving attacks on election workers and officials, fake electors, and sending a militia to storm the Capitol. People got killed. Faith in democracy got badly damaged.
Everyone else: But we need to do it again because his base didn’t believe it last time!
Me: When we do, convincingly, by millions of votes, he will respond by spewing outrageous lies, and trying to overthrow the US government, with a multi-pronged plot involving attacks on election workers and officials, fake electors, and sending a militia to storm the Capitol – this time with the benefit of the practice round. People will probably get killed, and faith in democracy will be further damaged.
Everyone else: But they will be ready for him this time!
Me: ???… Can we at least agree on a cap on the number of mulligans / coup attempts we’ll give him?”
“It’s always too soon to enforce the law until it’s too late” is how Donald Trump has lived his entire life. He doesn’t and couldn’t have any other argument.
Now we’ll see how many Supreme Court justices are Americans in even the most technical sense. It certainly won’t be nine.
Chief Oshkosh
@TBone: I have been repeating your point to non-MAGAs ever since I read it here originally. It does have some impact, especially when the non-MAGA and I go through the shampoo-rinse-repeat schtick as you’ve done here.
@WaterGirl: Scott is saying the Supreme Court plays these kinds of standing games all the time to avoid questions it doesn’t want to consider. Which Tribe is well aware of, since he has spent his entire adult life teaching constitutional law. Calling Tribe a hack was way too far imo.
Also, as to Trump’s argument that Congress can theoretically restore him to the ballot so nothing can be done now, the logical result of that reasoning is to let states disqualify him and then Congress can restore him if they want to. It is not logical to keep states from disqualifying him, which is their constitutional right. You can’t restore rights if there is no mechanism for revoking them.
@Shalimar: I agree that the SC plays bullshit games with standing that actually exists, and then allow cases where there’s not even a real case, let alone standing!!!!!
@Chief Oshkosh: I wish I could take credit for it but it was something I found along my wildly swerving path across the nets. I’m VERY glad if it is helpful to anyone and everyone! I play a game where I send a “Comment of the Day” to my brother, started to keep me sane when I had forsaken all social media. I originally forsook Fascistbook due to Cambridge Analytica and lasted quite a long time, but got sucked back in during Covid (not too long before I earned a lifetime ban). This place is so much nicer! However, lately I feel like I’m a thread killer. TBone, killer of threads! I hope I haven’t irritated or unintentionally insulted anyone.
Anonymous At Work
@TBone: 50% this and 50% the converse. THIS = No disqualification requires enabling legislation. Converse = Authors of 14th Amendment did pass a bill to remove the disqualifications, so the authors of the clause believed that (1) disqualification happened automatically and (2) no due process requirement for the automatic disqualification.
The only thing left is whether this is a federal issue or a state-by-state issue BUT since the original disqualifications happened without specific findings, the only avenue is to say “evolving standards of due process”, which will result in at least 2 of Bought-For Six dying on the spot.
@Anonymous At Work: Is it a coin toss? I wish I had a crystal ball but gut instinct works purty good, usually. There’s a reason we humans have instinct (for survival) but, alas, some cannot override their terrible ones. Fuck those guys! I cannot prognosticate like that famous groundhog, but I can curse like a drunken sailor and cheer like a champ!
@WaterGirl: When we studied standing in law school, they said it was extremely complicated. And it is. But the basic rules are pretty simple and have obvious purposes. All of the complications come from the Supreme Court twisting shit to get out of rulings they didn’t want to make.
Memory Pallas
I’m guessing Squi is Gorsuch because he’s the only one left. Squi was not Boof, he was Boof’s buddy
Devilishly clever of the founding fathers to require the use of a time machine. They really were ahead of the curve.