well this went great for dean https://t.co/jlURuoNSPu
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 18, 2024
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn.) announced significant layoffs within his campaign Friday, but vowed to continue his long-shot bid against President Biden.
“I found it almost impossible to raise enough to do this campaign the way I want,” Phillips said. “And today, sadly, I had to announce layoffs to a lot of my staff members… amazing people who gave up a lot personally and a lot professionally to join this remarkable campaign,” Phillips said in a TikTok posted Friday to his X account, formerly Twitter. “And it was a really tough day for all of us.”
“But I made a promise to them and I’m gonna make it to you, I’m not giving up,” he added. “I’m gonna continue.”
In his X post, Phillips called on supporters to donate so he could stay in the race — claiming a majority of Americans believe Biden is “too old” and the GOP front-runner, former President Trump, is “to corrupt.”…
When I said running for president takes – at least 2 yrs of prep as a known entity
And at least 2x that as an unknown- some of y’all were no
Dean and @ezraklein says it Feb the general election is months awayNeither know a damn thing https://t.co/ZvQdxAb7JX
— Democrat, Environmentalist, & the establishment (@BlueSteelDC) February 17, 2024
like a mother bird, Dean predigests his earnest content into shitposts for the masses to consume more easily https://t.co/XxbTWv23dR
— The Mall Krampus (@cakotz) February 18, 2024
Although, while Phillips may be delusional (or simply too eager to believe the aides he’s paying to tell him he’s still got a chance!), at least he’s not nakedly dishonest, like a certain professional grifter who’s not even eligible to hold the office:
Love that Cenk is apparently running in the Democratic primary on a platform of, uhh, "blame the Jews for your problems". Interesting strategy I guess pic.twitter.com/EM4WuFlGLm
— The okayest poster there is (@ok_post_guy) February 16, 2024
Noted Democratic party power brokers Peggy Noonan and Bill Maher https://t.co/xb1T1o5nmP
— The okayest poster there is (@ok_post_guy) February 17, 2024
Remember the time I made my truck sit doggy style?
There is a truck here, in the Safeway underground parking lot from time to time,
that has hydraulic arms, that raise the front and rear axels 5 feet off the body.
Totally useless offroad,
But is a rolling advert for a car detailing and washing company,
Since his rallies seem to be mainly his staff plus the media plus occasionally one or two other people, this is not going to be good for his attendance numbers. If a few more news outlets fold, there won’t be anyone there to see him.
Matt McIrvin
Hey, is this like RFK Jr.–does Dean Phillips think people will think he’s Howard Dean because his name is Dean? Is that what’s going on here?
Dean, don’t go away mad
Dean, just go away
Motley MF.
@Matt McIrvin
TIL Dean had staff members.
@Matt McIrvin:
0-state strategy.
@NotMax: I won’t say I like it, but it’s definitely catchier than Dean himself is.
Betty Cracker
I’m finding Joe Manchin’s “why I decided not to run” media tour exponentially more irritating than Dean’s dumb but mercifully obscure vanity project.
The most generous assessment is that PawPaw BlackLung is a quarter-wit. I’ll miss the supporting votes he casts when there’s nothing to be gained from peacocking for Republicans. But otherwise, fuck that guy.
@Betty Cracker:
Except maybe the last line, what’s wrong with that statement?
Betty Cracker
@Baud: It’s infuriating because he says the border deal failure is his main reason for deciding not to run, framing it as if formerly reasonable “friends” suddenly took leave of their senses for the first time ever. Like he hasn’t had a ringside seat to Republican nihilism and dysfunction and Trump-humping for several goddamn years now.
Patricia Kayden
TIL that Cenk is running for President under the delusion that not only will President Biden drop out of the primaries but that people will then turn around and vote for Cenk. Whew!! I need to go back to bed now.
@Betty Cracker:
Gotcha. He’s intrinsically intrinsically irritating, but I do think it’s helpful that he’s blaming Republicans and specifically Republican cowardice for the border deal failure.
@Patricia Kayden:
Pretty sure his campaign involves more grift than delusion.
Anne Laurie
And he’s not even eligible for the Presidency — he was born in Turkey!
His excuse is that, ‘once he gets more primary votes than Biden’, every legislature in the country will immediately drop everything else to amend the Constitution in his favor. In other words, he’s happily taking money from people too ‘principled’ to vote for someone like Dean Phillips or RFK Jr… not to mention, I assume, whatever funds the GOP & Putin can spare from their more significant ratf*cking operations.
Pure, uncut GRIFTER.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: I’m not sure he uttered the word “Republican” during the interview, but yeah, it’s better to allude to a GOP fiasco and Republican cowardice than shitting on Democrats. Of course, he went on to shit on Biden in the same interview, refusing to say if he’d support Biden over Trump. He’s such a preening, self-aggrandizing asshole.
Tony Jay
Ah Cenk, you grifting egowanker.
The usual ratfucker technique. Pick a good issue that lots of people are rightfully angry about, stick it at the front of your grift and then tag on some destructive bullshit at the business end.
“Puppies4Patients is an incredibly important issue that we all want to see become a reality, that’s why chopping that hands off everyone called George is more vital than ever! Send us your money and we’ll fight like Greeks to make it happen!”
Works a treat if you’re not paying attention.
@Betty Cracker:
True, I inferred republican from the mention of Trump. But I’m not surprised he dissed Biden. But to be fair, he wants to be invited back to the news shows.
🎶Horses’ asses in the morning, horses’ asses in the evening, horses’ asses all the time.🎶
@HumboldtBlue: That was fun.
@Betty Cracker: With friends like those…
You know what’s weird? This unpopular Biden guy is smashing it in the primaries. The Not Biden vote is an asterisk.
@Frankensteinbeck: I turned off Way too Early this morning. Watching that smug Alexi Mccannon defend the worthless Vichy Times and their assault on Biden’s age was giving me black rage before I even start working. She was all, “boo hoo hoo, the White House is sad they’re hammering his age” and I wanted her to burst into flames right on set.
They had the same attitude when people complained about EMAILS!
The media will it be denied their anti-Dem agenda.
Some European news from journalist Ragip Soylu:
Sweden already has been effectively integrated into Nato, but Hungary’s ratification will bring a formal end to 209 years of neutrality that began in 1815.
@Frankensteinbeck: Funny how Democrats like Biden. It’s almost like he accomplished something.
@Geminid: A scandal has rocked Orban’s government and he has probably calculated that being a pariah isn’t the best place for him right now.
Bad news for victims of child abuse, good news for European security.
@Baud: The Hungarian version of “Spotlight “ is playing out.
@RevRick: Also, Orban may have been told that his choice was either a Nato with both Hungary and Sweden or a Nato with Sweden and without Hungary.
Turkiye, the other holdout, was too important to trade for Sweden but Hungary is not.
@Baud: yeah. I switched to reruns of Bob’s Burgers. Infinitely more worthwhile.
@Baud: It’s politics. There are no bonus points for being fair.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Geminid: Turkiye is a lot of effort when I’m Hungary this time of day, so I just ordered an avocado toast.
Dean’s whole campaign is premised on the notion that Biden is old and that’s bad. But the election will turn out to be “Old, kind, and wise” vs. “Old, vicious, and stupid. “
@RevRick: take out “old” and you see what matters.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@RevRick: It’s noteworthy that all these 3rd party and primary candidacies emerge parroting what the media wants to hear rather than voters.
ETA: Well, then there’s Cenk. I don’t even know who his audience is.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Anne Laurie: That logic about how he will become eligible for the Presidency reminds me of a story I once heard, when the actor Peter Jurasik read a script from the writer J. Michael Straczynski and promptly demanded that Straczynski send over three pounds of whatever he was smoking when he wrote that thing.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: I’ve got one up on Cenk, I’m already eligible. So all I have to do is show up at the convention and be ready when everyone does what they know needs to be done.
Til then, Biden time…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I expect the convention will be a bunch of people standing up and declaring “I am
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: don’t mess with Londo.
He’s never going to win if he keeps winning like this.
I’m stealing that.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Sure, Biden’s old. Still, it could be worse; he could be Dean Phillips…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: You’re old for maybe, what, like 20 years? Being Dean Phillips is for life.
This is so good. The writer attended Harlan Crow and Bari Weiss’ new college:
And this:
I just hope that it doesn’t split the party too badly when the brokered Democratic convention chooses Uygur over Dean. Maybe Uygur can mend fences by offering Dean the Vice-Presidential slot.
(I don’t think I have what it takes to be a political pundit. The sarcasm just keeps coming through, no matter how I edit and rephrase.)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
As a white man with no capital, I will lead us into a glorious future where you will see you need neither capital, nor whiteness.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I have a friend who puts cannabis butter on her toast instead of avocado.
That can be problematic. One day Debbie was using the butter to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Her wife and son popped in the kitchen hungry so Debbie gave them each half and cooked another one for herself without a second thought.
They had a couple friends over that afternoon but the wife just hung out alone on the porch, wondering if she needed to go to the ER. She’d been having heart trouble, so she was greatly relieved when Debbie finally realized what had happened and told her.
The son spent the afternoon helping a friend move into a new place. When Debbie told him what she’d done, he said he’d already figured it out.
I hear their Women’s Studies program is pretty good.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Sounds like an old pro. Reminds me one time with the ex. I had two gummies. I gave him half, I took the other three halves. I never felt anything. I did, however, have to spend my night nursing my man through an anxiety attack where he was certain his hands were going through each other.
Best things for weed anxiety, water and calm.
You better believe it. I got my certification there as a chick inspector.
@Geminid: Heh. Remind me to not eat at Debbie’s.
Cenk’s “Biden drops out after the primary” is an even stupider take than Ezra Klein’s brokered convention fantasy.
randy khan
When someone says “I love running for President,” it tells me that he really just wants the attention he gets from running, not that he thinks he has any chance of winning.
@Tony Jay: Agreed. It sucks. That dude is a tool.
Again, though….. as I was saying in yesterday’s thread, it’s a category error to find the worst people on a side and conflate them with a position. The question of how we should use American power and resources in the world is too important.
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s not stealing if I help you back up the U-Haul .
Each morning I turn on the laptop full of “Hey, maybe Trump is dead.” It’s kind of like people checking to see it their Lotto numbers hit.
Instead, this. My main takeaway from this is gratitude that for a month or so I completely forgot that Cenk Uygar exists. However, this reminder nearly cancels that out. The net result is little more than a Zen attitude toward today’s yardwork.
Maybe tomorrow.
Says the guy who constantly sabotaged attempts to get things done in Washington. Please tell me the article pointed that out after that quote.
Weiss shouldn’t have left the NYTimes. Her university is exactly like it.
One of the students asks Weiss why there are no “Left of center” speakers (he was told there would be debate – it’s the whole sales pitch for the place) and she dodges the question.
Also – only one asks this question. One.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Lemme toss in another voice into the chorus of “Uygur the Wanker”.
That was evident from Day 1 when he joined Daily Kos all those years ago. Like Young Ezra with Pandagon, he’s a careerist, just hasn’t failed upwardly as Ezra.
They both belong on the same tiny ice floe with Yglesias that’s been pushed far out into a warm sea.
Counting down the minutes until the doctor’s office opens. I tested positive for Covid yesterday, and I feel awful. Fortunately, only an occasional cough.
They probably consider Manchin left of center. I bet he would accept the invitation.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Is Cenk actually on primary ballots? Even though he’s not constitutionally eligible to serve? That supports Trump’s argument that he, too, should be on primary ballots.
@randy khan: Cenk Uygur made a run in 2019, for Katie Hill’s Congressional seat. He either dropped out or came in 4th in the Democratic primary, I forget which.
Uygur was one of the founders of Justice Democrats but they purged him when some old internet posts came out; a lot of misogynist, hound-dog stuff.
@randy khan: Wanted to thank you for a comment you made on this past weekend’s Ukraine post.
“Remind me, what are we stealing?”
He could be a speaker at Bari Weiss’s university!
Manchin is much more substantive then their speakers.
It’s all like this. Like reading a Right wing comments section. It’s all commentary on commentary.
I actually prefer Trumpsters. They’re more interesting.
@RevRick: Will you crate it up and ship it to me free of charge as well?
This is the common thread. Over and over and over.
Finally, someone with the courage to bring back prison rape jokes.
Or rape jokes generally.
Safe to assume they are getting what they are paying for then.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
But when I listen to him, he comes off so decent and respectful…🫤
I know that he’s been explicitly declared ineligible by the courts in many states like NH, NV and AR, although it’s possible that some Red ones decided to allow him on for trolling purposes.
However, I will just point out that Cenk Uygur is not even Left Shark in the Super Bowl Halftime Show of Democratic politics. Holds no power and commands very little attention. There’s The Room Where it Happens, and then there’s some weird storage rooms in the basement. Thats where you’ll find Cenk.
@RevRick: Hope you feel better soon.
I believe Manchin was legally defined at “the exact center” as part of the deal to pass the IRA.
So true.
@Kay: It sounds like Weiss’s project is a networking venture, a way to meet other likeminded, prosperous people. Kind of a political speed-dating process presented as continuing adult education.
It’s amazing how confident media and Republicans are that Trump will win.
Measuring the drapes.
It adds some fun to the Biden race for me – nothing I like better than when these smug, certain assholes lose. That they’ll be shocked and dismayed when they lose is just icing.
It’skind of scary in terms of the real Trump fanatics in the base though- I hope everyone is aware that they are 100% certain they will win – this is being driven by political media. They’re going to be insanely angry if they lose.
Ha! That’s exactly the conclusion the writer ends with – that she’s created a(nother) Right wing think tank where they’ll all hire one another. Musical chairs. None of them will ever have to look for a job or really compete. A Right wing employer will know a Weiss graduate is a fellow traveler and hasn’t been exposed to any Left of center ideas.
@Kay: They’re already insanely angry.
Anne Laurie
@Kay: I actually have a post about that queued up for later!
Agree — it’s brilliant!
I genuinely believe they will give up this time though, just because thething has been so hyped and so over promised.
Hell, if I was one of them I would be sure I would win! All you have to do is read or listen to any media. Trump’s practically President already. Political media coronated him.
I should add that I think Biden will win. I think they’re wrong. A track record is the best indication of future performance in realityworld, where I live, and Biden has a very good track record at actually winning elections. Winning matters.
@Suzanne: All true. The only actual irritation Uygar causes is that petty one in which the viewers pause for a moment to note that they could just as easily have this off-hour time slot on cable and do better without any real effort.
@OzarkHillbilly: Don’t push it!
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks
Dollar storeFive and dimePenny ante Joe Rogan.//
@Kay: What the political media is actually setting up is violence when Trump loses. All this overestimation of Trump causes his heavily armed followers to believe without hesitation his inevitable claims that the election was “rigged” if he doesn’t come out on top.
We’re at the point where you can confidently ID people as Trumpers if they so much as use the word “rigged” in a sentence in any context at all.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: No, Joe Rogan was at least actually interesting at one point.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Kay: Trump’s been selling vaporware his whole life. Of course he is encouraging people fantasies about being his is administration. Look what he did the Chris Christie last time.
@Baud: The national media hates the Democrats because it looks upon Democratic voters as less than and not deserving of respect. While the R voters are considered “real” Americans.
How was Reagan treated when he sought his second term?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Trump’s first and sole contribution to American greatness was embarrassing Mitt Romney as he sought a role in Trump’s administration.
The second would be getting convicted.
I feel like I am detecting less passion this time around. Of course, that may not matter…. a vote is a vote, no matter if you’re thrilled or if you’re holding your nose.
But yes, the Trumpy people are scary, and that will be true no matter who wins in November. There’s not really a good plan for what to do with the Deplorables. I mean, ivermectin is a plan, I guess.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I got way more passion this time. Biden has proven himself beyond my mildest expectations. Biden landslide 2024 baybee!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
So old remember when Ben Mankiewicz was part of Uyghur’s team on Air America.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
My version is “it’s going to be your cool and funny uncle verses your crazy uncle who makes every family dinner a nightmare.”
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: Uyghur has been around since Air America? Damn, that was a bigger failure than I gave it credit for.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: You’re forgetting how Chris Christie had a whole transition team picked for Trump and then got the gold painted plastic spork in the back like a week after the election.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques
Would alter it to “old, kind and capable” versus “old. vicious and incoherent.”
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Christie was fine, but they never found the spork.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Used to regularly tune in to Rachel Maddow, to Thom Hartmann and to Randii Rhodes.
@RevRick: oh no! Speedy and complete healing to you.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Say, didn’t he used to be on a sitcom with Joe Rogan?
Me too! And to Al Franken.
Fridays were Bounce Your Boobies time.
Good times. (Young’uns, you had to be there.)
Miss Bianca
@Patricia Kayden: Or, y’know, maybe Cenk needs to go back to bed. And sleep off whatever he’s been huffing lately.
@SiubhanDuinne: And Stephanie Miller! She had the 9am 12pm slot on a local radio station. A good, light-hearted drive-time show. Then came the very serious Thom Hartman, followed by the sarcastic Randi Rhodes.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: Immediately shared with five people. Thank you ever so much for this gift.
Miss Bianca
LOL – good one!
Peke Daddy
@Geminid: Must remember to label the jar. Just Say Know.
Mike S. (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@RevRick: “Exprienced
Old, kind, and wise” vs. “Old, vicious, and stupid. “Just touched that up a little bit for you.
Tony Jay
It’s true. Some people would love to boil down ‘The Left’ to wankers like Cenk or performance artistes like Patchouli Dreamcatcher so they can, I don’t know, apparently feel good about hating ‘The Left’ without actually having to join an overtly Conservative Party. We have a lot of them over here too. They’re called ‘the current leadership of the Labour Party and associated cheerleaders, fluffers and dedicated noisemakers’.
Everyone’s got a hobby, I suppose.
Matt McIrvin
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Trump was genuinely good at calling out the weakness and hypocrisy of the *other* Republican presidential candidates. It was his talent for petty, bullying meanness attacking legit targets. Of course he has no concept of a legit target–they were just in his way.
@Tony Jay: Ugh, they’re the worst.
There is social stigma being on the left, and lots of normies don’t want to deal with it. They just want the things the left has historically fought for without getting hippie stink on them, or without anyone thinking they’re poor, or uncool. Cocktail parties, alumni association events, etc. It’s cowardly.
And yes, of course, there are racists, sexists, anti-Semites, and just plain assholes on the left. As there are in pretty much every corner of the political map.
What would garner eyeballs (and clicks) more than another mob storming the capitol?
Paul in KY
@Geminid: The 30 Years War really ended Sweden as a major world power.
So glad they are joining NATO, though!
@Geminid: Will the eye of Putin swivel to Hungary if Hungary gets kicked out of NATO?
Paul in KY
@Kay: Thanks for the link. What a horrible place to go to school. I think I’d rather do a term at Billy Bob Jesus Tech than with these weirdos. At least a few women at the BBJT.
Paul in KY
@Ken: Uygur Dean. Sounds like a title a Mongol school master might get.
Paul in KY
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I mistakenly gave my cousin 1/2 a weed cookie and had to go with him to the medical tent at a festival. Turned out he had lied and said he had smoked weed before. Turned out this was his 1st experience. It was a fairly strong cookie.
He asked me at one point if he was dead or not.
Paul in KY
@Jinchi: After he’s done whupping the shit out of all the nobodies, he drops out so one of the nobodies can run…
Damn! Wish I had some of the shit he’s smoking! LOL!
Paul in KY
@RevRick: Hope you get better soon!
Paul in KY
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: In fairness to TFG, it might have been a fpoon…
@Manyakitty: While I work out in my building’s fitness center at 4:30 am with the TV on I sometimes scream very bad words when a “news” segment comes on. Luckily no one is around to hear me!
@Kathleen: I’d be tempted to hurl something at the screen 😄