Just want to let you all know that we are now well under the 48 hour marker for Cat Fest at the Mesa Museum. Today I was informed that there is a cat fashion show and I can not tell you how excited I am for this thing. Joelle is really gonna have to keep an eye out for me when we leave because there are going to be cat adoptions, and I think after a couple hours of foreplay of cat art and cat fashion shows and I might be easy pickings.
Speaking of fashion, something I ordered a while back finally arrived today, and boy howdy does it deliver. I knew the mkoment I saw these I was going to have to bite the bullet and share. At any rate, the latest in Tempe’s menswear has been released:
I’ll never forget the first time Ann Burr saw me in overalls and said “You’ve just given up, haven’t you?” Give up my ass, I’m just getting started!
Speaking of stupid (and I was referring to me in the overalls, not Ann Burr), I had a conversation with Alex Knapp today. I don’t know if many of you remember him, but he was in the blogging vanguard, such that it was. Lot of names many of you would remember and many would not, like Erik Kain and Ian Boudreau and Alex. Regardless, we were talking, and Trump inevitably came up, and he remarked “The thing that drives me crazy is that “TRUMP IS REALLY STUPID” should be such a bigger part of the discourse.” And he’s right, because beyond the fascism and the greed and the malignant narcissism and the treason and the rape and racism and the fact that he eats fucking well done steak with fucking ketchup is the simple unavoidable but not nearly talked about enough fact that Trump is really fucking stupid. As dumb as we all think his son is, the father is that fucking stupid. His son is probably dumber than we even think.
The issue at hand that was driving Alex batshit was that a couple weeks ago, Trump was at a rally in Iowa, and literally stated that if you put a magnet under water it stops working. The man does not know how magnets work. And this got little to no press coverage. But it fucking happened:
Trump: All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets pic.twitter.com/TopK4BRsOq
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 6, 2024
It’s fucking mindbogglingly stupid. And the thing is, he has said so many fucking stupid things that this hardly stands out. One that has shook me for going on several years now is late in his presidency but pre-covid he was on a ship somewhere and started talking about aircraft carriers and stated that he thought we should retrofit our nuclear ships with steam catapults because, and this is where it gets even better, electricity is unproven and untested. Not only does he not understand magnets, the man does not understand electricity but even beyond that he clearly does not understand that the nuclear reactor powering the ship GENERATES FUCKING ELECTRICITY. It’s fucking insane.
I mean you want to write it off to senility and years of substance abuse, but he’s been saying stupid shit for so long it can’t be that it’s that he’s just that fucking stupid. Not to mention, I abused substances for years and even at the drunkest or highest or tripping I was, I never once questioned the fucking reliability of electricity.
And there is so much more. Remember when he blamed someone’s wild fires on insufficient leaf raking of the forest? I mean there are so many of these I am overloading. So why is this not more of the discourse? Is it because probably half the country or more would read this and say “Damn I didn’t know magnets worked underwater” or “fuck me I had no idea engines on ships generated electricity.” Is that it? Was Mike Judge that ahead of things with Idiocracy? Fuck me.
Maybe I forget just how fucking stupid most people are because I only talk to their dogs in public?
At any rate, put your “favorite” dumb thing below. Let’s make a comprehensive list of all the stupid fucking things Trump has said.
On a closing note, a very special friend of the blog will be celebrating her 84th birthday tomorrow. We’ve become very good friends the last few years, and I wanted all of you to help me wish her a Happy 84th! I’m glad your still with us and I’d do another 84 with ya, kid.
I’ll let her out herself in the comments should she so choose.
Ed Welthorpe
Remember how Trump also blamed California forest fires on “explosive trees”? It shocked me how little attention that got. Maybe most members of the press spend as much time in forests as Tubby does.
Is the special friend of the blog Subaru Diane?
Those overalls are making my eyes bleed. If Joelle lets you go out like that, she has the patience of a saint.
That’s a guy you can buy really cool drugs from. A LOT of them.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Heh heh, you can take the boy outta WV but can’t take the WV outta the boy.
And yes, I graduated HS in WV albeit on the opposite side of the state from Cole.
Leave us not forget wind turbines being responsible for killing whales.
LOVE LOVE LOVE those bibs! 🧡💙💜❤️💚💛 The colors are awesome!
Sister Golden Bear
Gotta ask Derek Guy on the hellsite for advice about where to get Italian-tailored bespoke overalls.
Jackson Pollock weeps.
If West Virginia and San Francisco had a love child.
As other people and better people have said before, trump is a stupid person’s idea of what a “smart” person sounds like. During the Covid time I worked part time at Lowes in the paint dept and at the time we were in charge of the cleaning supplies aisle. “Oh Joy and Rapture!” I had a person who was looking for something to kill germs inform me that Clorox bleach does not kill germs.
Wind turbines only work when the wind blows.
Solar energy doesn’t work when it’s raining.
I assume it’s overalls WITHOUT shoes to complete the West Virginia look.
Jc has procured the new government uniform for the next wave of Government Employees, the Forest Rakers. Which is another goddamn fucking stupid thing that Trump said.
zhena gogolia
@RevRick: Good one!
@NotMax: tears of jealosy.
Frank Wilhoit
Trump’s stupidity is not a bug but a feature.
Almost Retired
I heartily approve from a sartorial standpoint. If you’re going to wear overalls (if you must) go all in and commit.
Him thinking that wind power means the power goes out when the wind stops blowing.
Or that you could nuke a tropical cyclone to stop it.
The sharpie-map incident.
EDIT: I think it was Fran Liebowitz who said no one knows anyone who is as dumb as Trump. Imagine the dumbest people you personally know and Trump is so much dumber than any of them.
“Allow me to point you to the granulated Drano.”
Sister Golden Bear
It’s a good thing cats are dichromatic or possibly photopic trichromatic.
Trump’s stupidity comes up in Fran Lebowitz’s ‘Pretend It’s A City’ series (on Netflix).
Lordy my husband is on the phone trying to persuade his mother not to watch that QAnon movie Shadow of Freedom about the guy who got sued for harassment by all the women who worked for him. These were perfectly standard right wing for pro life reasons but not crazy people before Fox News got to them.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
For me, it will always be injecting bleach into people to kill COVID. That’s literally insane
He has the tallest building in NYC – post 911.
Mai Naem mobile
Joelle won’t lose you in the crowd at the cat event wearing those overalls!
TFG wanted to nuke hurricanes. Thars my stupid TFG comment. Also sharpiegate but that was just narcissism not so much stupidity.
Chetan Murthy
Remember when TFG told us that UV light would kill covid, so we should look into using that to cure human patients ? Shine that UV light up your ass, cure you lickety-split!
Aaaaand… those colors. Did you know that the human visual system can ‘see’ colors that don’t actually exist in nature? Rumor has it that there’s a ‘super green’ that the Disney engineers have used in their various parks. Makes the grass greener.
“There are fine people on both sides.”
The Coleveralls be lit 🔥
Staring straight at the eclipse.
@Joelle: Coleveralls
Trademark that name/brand!!!
Sure and begorra, I think that’s called Ireland in real life.
@Mai Naem mobile:
It might be camouflage in the art section.
Sister Golden Bear
@MattF: Yep, magenta is a illusion created by our brains.
Hadn’t heard about Disney using a “super green” but they’re well-known for using “go away green” (actually various shades of green) used on utility structures, back doors, and other less-than-majestic sights that Disney doesn’t want guests to notice.
Definitely the injecting bleach thing. I watched that video, and he looks so senile. He’s standing at the podium mumbling rambling stupid stuff, and he mentions that disinfectants have been working well and turns and asks the doctor next to him if they can be injected into people like he thinks he’s just had a good idea. The whole thing had the tone of someone whose brain has completely checked out and he’s just saying shit on automatic.
@Sister Golden Bear
And if you dunk magenta underwater it stops working.
zhena gogolia
@Frankensteinbeck: Dr. Deborah Birx. Who primly adjusted her scarf and said nothing.
Captain C
John, with those overalls you would fit right in at The Noodles* at Cactus Jack’s on Sunday evenings.
*One of Arizona’s Grateful Dead bands, among the others are Xtra Ticket and Harvest.
Nailed it!
Captain C
@NotMax: Especially if you didn’t bother with a fixative when you dyed it.
@zhena gogolia: She did look utterly shocked. My memory is faulty but I thought she murmured something along the lines of that would be inadvisable.
Pretty much what I thought.
True story: when Mike Judge was making Idiocracy there’s a scene where the #1 movie in America is “Ass,” and when he showed that actual footage for the background actors the legitimate laughter it engendered made him question whether he was already too late.
spoiler: he was
Man walks down the street wearing overalls like that—you know he’s not afraid of anything.
Captain C
The rambling guy at the end of the bar who is don’t-give-a-fuck-or-have-a-clue drinks into his evening.
@Sister Golden Bear
Brown; color is weird.
Mingobat (f/k/a KareninGA)
What? No love for his desire to buy Greenland?
@Ed Welthorpe: The thing is, the press long ago decided that it was their job to ‘decode’ Trump’s idiocy rather than remark on its existence.
In your example, the nugget of truth is that pine trees near a raging forest fire can combust in a manner that looks ‘explosive’, and some editor decides “Oh, that’s what Trump means” and just paraphrases him rather than quoting him which would show his tiny-brained misconceptions of, well, nearly everything.
Is it possible for a guy to become a cat lady? In my book, you don’t have to be single, and, also in my book, the answer is “Apparently, yes!” 😁
zhena gogolia
I beg to differ.
@lollipopguild: I think it is ‘Newt Gingrich is the stupid person’s image of a smart person’ Trump is a stupid persons image of a billionaire – successful – businessman.
@MattF: Pixar too! https://www.wired.com › story › how-pixar-uses-hyper-colors-to-hack-your-brain
Have you ever listened to a Trumpie being interviewed? They’re so stupid you wonder how they manage to breath without coaching.
All those people who “came out of the woodwork” to vote for him are the least intelligent, stupidest people in the US.
He is their god.
ETA: Meant to say, I love those overalls. I have a real weakness for tie dye. Much as I don’t want to wear overalls, I would wear a pair like that.
Just want to chime in how grand it is to see the good-eatin’ overalls captured in public, for all to honour, each in our own way.
I don’t feel like suffering an aneurysm.
On their YouTube page, driftglass and bluegal included a Photoshop with tonight’s podcast of the orange shitstain as Dr. Evil. I’ll have to listen through the website tonight, because No!
Enjoy unnecessarily subjecting each other to Hell. Just remember – THE SHITSTAIN AIN’T DEAD YET!
I’m out.
I missed the stupid statement challenge at first.
How about Finland raking forests to prevent fires.
While Googling for that, I did find a study about raking forests in tests of controlled burns to determine if it limited destruction of old growth trees, so there’s a germ of an idea there, just not from Finland, and it’s not about controlling wildfires.
And I see both Cole and PirateDan got there first
ETA reading comprehension and retention skills are low tonight. I haven’t even had a drink yet.
No one’s mentioned one of – if not the first:
Mexico will pay for the Wall!
I am toying with the idea of adding gold chenille Appliqué letters spelling out “Cat Daddy” on the bib.
“Windmills cause cancer.”
Is it the stupidest thing he’s said? I would argue much of what he says is so stupid that you can’t rank them.
Hmm, my Balloon Juice Stasi files don’t show a likely candidate for tomorrow’s birthday, but they do show that today is the birthday of Betty Cracker, hedgehog mobile and Quinerly. Happy birthday (if correct)! Haven’t been on the blog much today, so I don’t know if these have been mentioned already.
John Cole, you are my spirit animal. This is vintage JC. Divine.
And it seems you have a content match. It can’t be beat!
Links to the various and sundry overall suppliers please? Inquiring minds want to know.
Also, need more animal posts! Two stars on proof of life from nearly every FPer.
Gotta again link a snapshot captured at a you-know-who gathering.
SiubhanDuinne’s birthday is August 3.
Windmills cause cancer. Or has that already been covered?
Edit: already covered by @sdhays: #59.
How about thinking that imposing tariffs is somehow taking money from other countries (rather than taking money out of the pockets of US companies and consumers)?
TIFG stating he has more fans than Taylor Swift.
And, probably, has more billions than Swift.
Shipboard nuclear reactors generate steam, which spins turbines and makes electricity.
Perhaps that electricity drives the propellers, but it strikes me that there’s some energy loss in the angular momentum -> electricity -> angular momentum mechanism and it may be that there is gearing from the turbines to use the angular momentum directly – splitting the motive force in two – one drive train spinning dynamos, the other spinning a mechanical drive shaft. I haven’t verified this, and the reactors likely produce enough power that the energy loss is irrelevant.
I think the stupidest thing about Trump is his belief that he’s above the law, that he can just make inane assertions and they magically are TRUTH.
It’s hit the point where I’m starting to question wether bone spurs was an excuse for Trump being a fucking coward or wether he just flunked the mental and psychological tests to get into the military.
@Joelle: DO IT!
Or what about a magnet?
Clearly, Trump did not watch Breaking Bad, or he would have more respect for electromagnets.
“Bigliest crowds of any inauguration in American history.”
@Joelle: omg perfect! He’ll fit right in at the cat show.
Also that he’s responsible for her fame and fortune because of a law he signed.
@Steeplejack: Yes, and I know time is weird since the trump/pandemic years, but I swear she recently celebrated 75 yrs.
Also – I don’t hate those overalls and am curious if they came in shorts version.
@TaMara: right? I would absolutely wear those in either short or long versions.
Harrison Wesley
Trump’s accounting prof at Penn said DJT was the stupidest student he ever had.
Multi-color overalls outfit isn’t quite complete – needs some of those Trump golden sneaks, and you’re ready to rock and roll.
Already there, takes three minutes and some scissors. This is not advocacy per se, just statin’ facts and such.
@Kristine: Oh, yes! I forgot about that idiotic statement.
There are just too many to remember.
And serving an NCAA championship team cold fast food burgers and fries – with LOTS of ketchup.
Trump is stupid, but for me the problem is that developmentally he is a child. The juvenile name-calling, the refusal to take any responsibility, the hitting out at any perceived constraint on behavior… These are the behaviors of a three year old.
VFX Lurker
Nuking hurricanes was going to be my pick, too.
@John Cole Wishing your friend a wonderful 84th birthday.
Invisible F-35’s.
Yes! I was trying to think of her quote, thanks.
Cole is STYLIN’!!!
To cite those two well known scientific wizards Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope – “Fucking magnets, how do they work?”
Between “(Hurricane Florence) one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water” and
“For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon – We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!”
Mr. Bemused Senior
I’ve got one, the Notre Dame fire…
[ETA in the voice of Bluebottle, I do not like this game.]
I love those overalls so much! And they are perfect for you, John. Absolutely perfect.
@schrodingers_cat: Thank God it’s not just me!
Love the overalls!
My favorite dumb TFG thing that he thinks the stealth fighter is Wonder Woman’s invisible airplane. Even after he’s told it’s invisible to radar, he goes right back to “it could be right next to you, and you wouldn’t see it.
Happy Birthday tomorrow middlelee! Gonna outlive me 😘🎂
@Joelle: Coleveralls! Perfection. Trademark it and start your own fashion brand. You’ll sell out.
I want to say the hat and the fact that Cole is standing by a painting of a tiger are what makes the whole thing really work.
Matt McIrvin
@wmd: Diesel locomotives for many many years have really been diesel-electric, that is, the diesel engine drives a generator that drives electric motors directly (not quite what we’d call a hybrid powertrain since there’s no battery involved). The reason for doing it that way is that even with the losses in that system, it’s more efficient and less trouble than using the titanic gearbox that would be necessary to drive the train mechanically.
@Chetan Murthy: I think that was actually based on something real but TFG totally misunderstood it. Our treatment plant uses UV light to sterilize wastewater.
I love this, she made his idiocy, if not tolerable, very visible.
We can’t forget this; it’s bound to be repeated this election.
Okay, my real favorite thing about him being incredibly dumb is that he really really wants to be president again to prove he’s not a loser and to make his legal troubles go away, but he can’t bear to let any money within reach go anywhere except to his own pockets. And since he’s too dumb to grasp that you need party organizations and campaigns and pacs and stuff to get into power, and instead thinks it all just happens because of his tremendous popularity, he just loots all of those things without a second though.
@Soprano2: I had arguments with cultists about how you cannot actually inject light into the human body because they saw a stupid photoshopped meme set up showing what was essentially a glow stick being used as an I.V.line. I reminded them that blood can be drawn out of the body for such a purpose, but even that was met with “he didn’t mean what he said” or some other bullshit every time. Every single time.
Both that and the bleach thing are real, but you have to be really dumb not to get that medicines are different from antiseptics because in addition to killing germs they have to not kill you.
@zhena gogolia: You are absolutely right! A foolish kind of optimism manufactured in me a false memory which I didn’t altogether trust.
Mine is his obsession with thinking you have to flush toilets 10 times to get stuff to go down (when you’re flushing documents that might actually be true. Those poor maintenance people…) and that no water comes out of showerheads in America.
SiubhanDuinne is 81. Born in 1942.
princess leia
@Soprano2: Hope your husband is feeling better!!
My all time favorite is when he suggested we “buy” Greenland.
What truly made it memorable is what happened next:
trump suggests we buy greenland
Danes, thinking it is a joke. laugh
trump cancels diplomatic trip to Denmark
Also no water in dishwashers anymore.
Another Scott
He got lots and lots of briefings about lots of things, like electric catapults on new aircraft carriers. An fighters with very small radar cross-sections. And the contracts for the next AF-1.
Unfortunately, he never had any interest in understanding anything, so of course he jumbled up everything and instantly thought all the experts were wrong and that his genius brain would instantly come up with some brilliant solution to cost overruns or whatever.
That was wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Presidents don’t need to be experts on these things, but they do need to have some curiosity, understanding of what they don’t know, and willingness to learn. TIFG is missing those things, also too.
Ooh Ooh Ooh! (waving arm frantically!) Wanting to put alligators 🐊 in the Rio Grande!
@zhena gogolia:
Ah, the heyday of Sarah Cooper. Trump on bleach.
For a guy who makes a living slapping his name on dubious products, I’m amazed he missed the synergy here.
What red blooded American wouldn’t want a trump toilet to sit on in his double wide?
Congratulations Cole, you’ve entered your “Goddess Years”
Captain C
@lgerard: He’ll put his sons Beavis and Butthead’s images on it.
Off topic, but this just happened:
Peke Daddy
@Jackie: Mr. Natural going to the back 40 to sex the sativa.
Peke Daddy
@Soprano2: He’s already a fourflusher, what’s 2.5 more times?
Can’t decide between nuking hurricanes and the Revolutionary War battles for airports.
Sister Golden Bear
@NotMax: Fucking magenta, how does it work?!
Super-busy atm, but this enjoying this thread very much… 👍
@wmd: I don’t know if this exactly explains it, but here’s a six min video that might? Inside the Engine Room of an Aircraft Carrier
@Joelle: How about neon fabric paint instead of the chenille? Quicker. Less fringe.
His statement that he was smart because he had an uncle who was a professor at MIT. Drove me batty. The uncle sounds pretty intelligent per Wikipedia. Trump used his money to avoid the work of understanding anything. There must have been something defective in his personality right from a young age.
How did the designer know when they were finished?
@Jay: I shot a photo of two of those invisible F-35’s with an B-2.
Sister Golden Bear
When I am an old man I shall wear tie-dye
With a straw hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my time organizing Joelle’s house and attending cat shows
And cooking, and say we’ve no time for naked mopping.
Someone may have pointed this out, but, the issue was aircraft carrier catapults – I’m not sure subs have catapults. Our brand new whatever-class carriers, TFG said, should have used steam, not electromagnetics, because the brand new catapult system was still having the bugs worked out. He wanted them to retrofit steam.
And the thing is, this is really what makes TFG so *STUPID*. He’s so stupid, he thinks he’s the first person who thought, “if the electromagnetic thingy isn’t working, could we revert to steam?” and the first person who thought “if disinfectants work on surfaces, can we use them in the body?”
He doesn’t even think he should consult with someone on his staff before making such moronic statements – he *must* be correct that you can use disinfectants in the lungs, almost like a cleaning. Or, he must be able to impose his will, in order to make himself correct (sometimes via Sharpie). Thankfully, someone, somehow, avoided letting him give the actual order to tear apart the first working carriers in their class, to retrofit them for steam….
Dan B
@CaseyL: I had a client who did high level branding, tech startups and biggies, and a client who was a state Senator and now department head. They both said that people would not vote for someone who was much smarter than them even if it was only ten IQ points more. George W. spoke like a policy wonk with a clipped Connecticut accent until Rove got ahold of him. His Texas drawl doesn’t exist in the south, let alone Texas.
@princess leia: He’s getting better slowly. We’ll know more tomorrow after the urologist sees him again. It’ll depend on what his test numbers are. It’s so weird to be at home without him here.
Those overalls are just soooo political!
I mean, absolutely anybody, regardless of previous views, who sees them is so going to be woke.**
** To any pedant who argues for “awakened” — poo! (See three L lllama.)
@Ed Welthorpe: He’s a firehose of stupid. I think his fans like it that way, like he’s rubbing it in everybody’s face that he can say endless amounts of crap and his fans will be right there for him.
karen marie
When John first mentioned the cat thing, I thought ooh! that would be fun but then I realized it would be too hard not to bring a new cat home. My dog – despite living with a cat for the 14 years she’s been on the planet – would be very unhappy to have a tag team to contend with. That plus the fact that my apartment is too small for our one cat, I decided I cannot go even with the incentive of possibly seeing John’s outfit in the wild.
@Soprano2: As caretaker for my Dad his last five years, hate the reason you have a bit of breathing space while he’s hospitalized, but embrace the freedom to relax, unwind and breathe. Those moments are short lived, but Oh So Needed! We tend to forget ME while being there for them.🥰🤗
Yes, this. My favorite is his obsession with faucets and showers with no water. He’s probably talking about low pressure but brain worms render it as no water.
As for Cole’s outfit — I just cannot
like a metaphor
@NotMax: as the servant of a black cat, i know that they are actually dark
brownorange. Just observe one in direct sunlight, and behold the gothic ginger glorymiddlelee
Thanks John. Have to say, once I hit 84, 100 seems doable.
Love the overalls.
Cropped from NBC News: [19 Oct 2020]
“What’s the stupidest thing TFG has said?”
Trick question. It’s in the same category as “Have we finally reached Peak Wingnut”? Meaning: it’s asymptotic.
@sdhays: He’s had a personal grudge against windmills ever since some of them “threatened the view” at his Scottish golf course.
Steve in the ATL
@Yarrow YB: only improvement I can think of would be a painting of a liger instead
@Geoduck: the one that E. Jean Carroll and Tish James will soon own?
@Steve in the ATL:
Not if he cashes out his Truth Social stock.
Just a few months back at a California GOP fundraiser Trump started a rant on a giant valve in Northern California. The valve is so big, waves his arm in a circle, it’s bigger than this room. Have you seen it? There is so much water behind this valve it would flood the Central Valley. I know there are farmers here. We did really good for the farmers. Because Chiina, Chiina, took advantage of Obama. The whole central valley would bloom. There would be billions and billions in agriculture. And you know those rich smelly Hollywood people. Their showers that go drip, drip, drip? They won’t smell bad anymore because there will be all the water they need to take a shower. But the communist, socialist, Newsome wouldn’t let my people open it. Because of a fish. A teeny little fish that is not doing very well by the way. ETA – Opening this valve would also allow the forests to be dampened. Also too land management in Austria. Leaves on the floor are five feet thick over here, and not in Austria. Dampened floors – no forest fires. He basically repeated this a couple days later on Fox with the totally gross Levin.
It is just fucking insane, and it goes on for over 10 minutes. And not a single news story about how fucking insane this is.
I had a person who was looking for something to kill germs inform me that Clorox bleach does not kill germs.
Well it doesn’t if you leave it in the bottle……… with the cap on.
@Frank Wilhoit:
Trump’s stupidity is not a bug but a feature.
Unfortunately it may be his best one. Everything seems downhill from there….
There’s a straight line from Reagan to Trump, which is why the GOP base loves him so much. Politics as Entertainment, which is just fine with the media companies, and just fine with the Reality-TV viewership. They WANT loud, stupid, and noisy.
The Stupid is the point. Just as Russians see brutality as Real Leadership, plenty of Americans demand entertainment. In case you think that’s more wholesome than the Russian equivalent, remember, lynchings used to be considered wholesome American family entertainment. Not that long ago, either.
The GOP had been selling actors as politicians for many decades, and Fox News is formatted as entertainment as much as “news”.
I like the overalls, but must single out the hat for distinction. A good look!
I’m not sure there was ever much of a brain there at all. OK that’s not true, I’m pretty sure there never was much of one. Certainly not a good, sharp, thoughtful, intelligent, reasonable one. Dad used to get WSJ and Forbes and there would be articles in them once in a while about SFB and they always seemed to me to be saying “Look at this doofus.” He always looked like he bought his suits at the Salvation Army store – with his eyes closed and on a dare.
I think there is so much evidence that it is almost impossible to rank them.
trump cancels diplomatic trip to Denmark
Denmark won that one for sure.
Poe Larity
Has there ever been an Amish Horror movie?
I have a suggestion for the monster’s outfit.
There must have been something defective in his personality right from a young age.
I’d bet more than just one thing……
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.
Happy birthday to your husband on Friday. And getting better soon!
Some are unbelievably offensive, but the offensive things he says are always very stupid, as well.
Yep. Sociopaths tend to have something defective in their personalities. Something “YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUage.”
Realistically, we would need to a) determine the criteria for establishing levels of stupidity, b) write software to apply those criteria to text, c) collect all Trump’s voluminous words and run them thru the software. Because there is no way mere humans can process all the drek he spews.
@Mai Naem mobile:
The stupid part of Sharpiegate was that he legitimately thought (and still believes) that nobody would realize he’d drawn the last contour line in himself, by hand, with his favorite writing implement.
This is toddler levels of stupidity.
The one that stuck in my head (almost called it “my favorite”) is when he referred to the warhead of some new super-missile he was probably making up in his head as “the Tippy Top”. And kept repeating it as if it were some sort of semi-official, super-cool military jargon: “That’s what we call it, you know, the Tippy Top”. The tippy-fuckin’-top.
“Texas Hold ‘Em” Beyoncé In-Game Dance
Tony Jay
American Gothic 2.0 – Eclectic Boogaloo.
But seriously, that is a dapper outfit for any man. Kudos.
Citizen Alan
@Damien: Here’s the thing that frustrates me about Idiocracy: I truly believe that it was about 6 minutes away from being one of the most culturally important films in American movie history and one worthy of a Pulitzer Prize. Those six minutes? The five at the start where the narrator blames the coming Idiocracy on eugenics (because dumb people “outbreed” smart people) and the tacked-on happy ending where Joe ends up becoming POTUS on a platform of making it socially acceptable to be smart again.
The truth that Mike Judge ignores is that the coming Idiocracy is not the result of dumb people having more kids than smart people. It’s the result of a systematic campaign by conservative elites to destroy public education for the purpose of keeping the lower classes ignorant and more easily controlled and manipulated. To the extent that uneducated people have more children than educated people, that’s just a symptom, because as a matter of empirical fact, people who went to good schools with comprehensive sex ed programs are less likely to have unplanned pregnancies than those who went to shitty schools and only got “abstinence training,” if that.
As for the ending, they should have run it as filmed through the end of Joe’s televised speech about the benefits of education … and then cut away to a darkened board room where the real Brawndo board of directors (all well-dressed, well-groomed, and obviously intelligent white men) are watching the speech when the Chairman says menacingly “We need to do something about this guy.” (/cue minor chord and fade to black)
I never thought I would see a colorblind scarecrow. I was mistaken.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I think those overalls could get you shot in some parts of this country though the beard just might save you.
I’m with you on stupid Trump. I’ve said this for a long time and it exasperates me that the media refuses to point out the obvious. Big Media has been playing footsie with the Republicans for decades, allowing the Republicans to label them “the liberal media”. They are literally hiding behind that label and shooting down the Democrats at every chance they get. That gives the Republicans the worn out line “Even the liberal media is against insert whatever.” that they have been abusing forever.
Big media is owned by the rich guys and they are no friends of the Democrats, thus the constant kneecapping. They aren’t going to report on Stupid Trump because there’s nothing in it for them. Trump is their guy, not Biden. Democrats have to disabuse themselves of the idea that big media is going to report anything that is bad news for Trump/Republicans and good news for Biden/Democrats. Big media shapes the news, they don’t report it. They quit doing that years ago. It’s easier to go with a theme and to report from that angle than it is to actually do real reporting.
Trump is stupid and his supporters love him because they think he is a genius. That’s because he’s just like them and vice versa.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Citizen Alan:
Judge has always had a thing about who he views as stupid people and it isn’t the Hank Hill types. Those salt of the earth types could never be the problem, only the solution. He really missed the mark with Idiocracy.
So close and yet so off.
Citizen Alan
@Odie Hugh Manatee: To be fair, I feel confident that Hank and Peggy both would have voted for Biden.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Citizen Alan:
Later Hank, yes. Earlier Hank, I’m not so sure. Let’s call it pre-Bush handshake and post-Bush handshake…lol
@middlelee: wishing you the happiest of birthdays!
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Hank made a point of being an Ann Richards fan. I think they even got her to guest star. Judge was pretty clear that the dummies were more like Dale than Hank. Also, I suspect Khan and Minh would vote for citizen trump. Khan because of the flaming asshole thing and Minh because her dad was a fascist strongman bully.
Last? What better way to end it than to remember all the good work Frederick Douglass is doing nowadays.
Requires Birkenstocks with socks to complete the look!
Happy 84th to Blog Friend!!!
Nice flashbacks to King of the Hill! So are you Chinese or Japanese?
@Soprano2: He has updated that to you turn on the tap and no water comes out. And a guy told him he had to shut down his dishwasher factory because no water could come in to the dishwashers.
Matt McIrvin
@Soprano2: Trump just latches onto every single “the liberals made you use shitty wimpy technology” panic, no matter how stupid. Those are some of his favorite wedge issues. That’s the low-flow shower heads, low-flow toilets, CFL/LED bulbs, wind turbines, electric cars, and he thought the electromagnetic aircraft carrier catapults were that.
Usually there’s some grain of truth in the drawbacks of the newer tech at step one when the new tech is very new, but he keeps hanging on for 40 years and repeating it like holy writ.
(Come to think of it, I think he saw masking for COVID instinctively as one of those.)
Mo MacArbie
Stupidest thing he ever said? “I, Donald J. Trump, do solemnly swear…”
Man, the whole Sarah Cooper thing is a trip. To think, we all lived through a time that the president was so dumb and so bonkers that she could make a comedic name for herself by lip-syncing his words. That time may yet come again, sigh.
Spanish Moss
Those overalls made my day.🙂
@RaflW: They are covering for Trump; decoding is just an excuse.
@Mart: It’s infuriating. Dude sounds like he’s been cracking the tops off thermometers and drinking whatever was inside for the last five years; prestige media doesn’t make a sound.
Too busy examining Biden’s age, I guess.
Lacuna Synecdoche
John Cole @ Top:
Not to belabor the obvious, but it’s because: it wouldn’t be balanced.
There’s no one as stupid as Trump on the Democratic side, and the press can’t report anything negative about a Republican unless they can say the same thing or worse about a Democrat – for fear of being killed or, god forbid even worse, being criticized as biased by conservatives.
@Citizen Alan:
Probably. And it would absolutely be Peggy leading the charge on that one.
Dale? Doesn’t vote. That’s how they get you. (Actually, probably Libertarian. Or Joe Exotic.)
Boomhauer? Probably Trump, if he didn’t forget it was election day.
Bill? Depends on whether Hank was able to talk a little sense into him that day.
Kahn? Trump. Early. Often. Both times.
@Matt McIrvin:
It’s all just bitching about how we can’t clear-cut the forests anymore because some spotted Owl will go extinct.
60 years on and this country still isn’t over the damn hippies.
@Ed Welthorpe: Parts of CA (eg San Diego are) are planted with eucalyptus trees (aka gum trees) originally brought from Australia. Don’t need much water. They are liaded with sap and the wood is twisted. When they burn they often pop I know because we lived in the Australian bush for 9 years and heated the house with gum tree wood. So Trump does have a fact, but doesn’t understand it.
@NotMax: My fave.
@danielx: That was then. Now windmills kill whales.
@Dan B: Obama is a counterexample to the claim that people won’t vote for someone smarter than them.
Miss Bianca
@Dan B: You gotta be kidding.
I mean, I know you’re not, but logically, *why* wouldn’t people want the guy/gal/gentlebeing at the top to be the SMARTEST person who could be persuaded to run for that position??
This makes no sense to me. I have no problem believing that HRC or Joe Biden or Obama or Harris or, hell, Elizabeth Warren or even Bernie freakin’ Sanders is smarter than I am. Hell, I *know* Pete Buttigieg is smarter than I am.
I WANT my political leaders to be smarter than I am!
Motivated Seller
TFG is not stupid, he performs stupidity with a purpose: it conditions other people to constantly parse his meaning, rather than taking him for his word. Then when he breaks his word (which he constantly does) he can gaslight the audience (i.e. the mark) into believing that he never really said that, or that he never really meant that, and the mark is strung along.
There are certain subjects that he masters, when it suits him. Like the ability to command media attention, or how to abuse the law to bully his victims. His “stupidity” is all about setting up the mark.
For example, when he said he would be a dictator only on “day one” of second term, was that a stupid comment? 1) Yes, it was stupid because it shows an ignorance on what the meaning of “dictator” is and how it is contrary to a democratic contest. Or 2) No it wasn’t stupid because with those very same words, he was able to signal to his allies what’s coming AND escape media sanction for repulsive commentary AND make the liberals cry.
Yes he presents as stupid, but he is most certainly not. If you believe he is stupid then you are falling for the con.
@lgerard: He also wanted to sell Puerto Rico
There’s a critical difference between someone who is smarter than you are, and someone who is smarter than you are and never misses an opportunity to lord it over you because of how smart he is. Most people are fine with the former. They just get irritated by someone who keeps shoving his intelligence in their face.**
** They are OK with TIFG constantly ranting about how smart he is precisely because it is so obvious that he isn’t.
@Yarrow: Thank you for noticing the staging efforts made for a proper fashion photo extravaganza to complement such a bold design statement.
Shout out for the covfefe but I gotta go OG with “Grab them by the pussy.” The Trumpster always keepin it classy.
Paul in KY
@lollipopguild: I’d have said, “If Clorox doesn’t kill them, you better run.”
Paul in KY
@Sister Golden Bear: Interesting article. Another thing to wonder at: Do cats have stroboscopic vision? When something moves, does their movement create momentary after-images in the cats eye (like a strobe light effect)?
Paul in KY
@Joelle: Maybe a faux gold necklace spelling that out would pop more!
Paul in KY
@JCJ: When your candidate is stupider than a meth addled juggalo…
Paul in KY
@Jackie: Great advice!
Paul in KY
@Miss Bianca: I think some of them (the dumbasses) remember some smarty pants kid from elementary school or middle school who ruined the curves and didn’t suffer fools gladly. They hated that kid and think the ‘smart’ candidate will be like that (to them).
@Paul in KY: adding a trip to the discount mall bling kiosk on my todo list.
Damned at Random
My favorite part of the speech about airfields in the civil war was “…they rammed the ramparts”. God blesh the United Shates
Previous Post: « Every Sperm is Sacred
JC, you cannot go out in public in that outfit – you need to swap out that black tee for a white or red one.
Another Scott
@Motivated Seller: Good points, but it’s another ¿Por qué no los dos? thing, isn’t it?
He’s a chaos agent. He knows how the media works. He wants to break government systems that get in the way of him doing what he wants.
He’s good at that stuff.
But he’s also very stupid, probably because he never had to learn much of anything for himself outside of those areas above all his life.
I’m late to the overalls convo, but I work in real estate development so I’m around construction guys a lot, one time I saw the overalls one of them was wearing and noted that they were green corduroy and I had never seen one so nice. I asked him about them and he said there was a catalogue and that they had light weight overalls for summer, heavyweight for winter, patterns, lots of colors, holiday themed ones, like the american flag for 4th of July. My mind was blown, who knew there were so many different ones? I learned something that day.
T****’s stupid statements are like his lies. There are so many that it’s hard to keep track.
Also like the horrible things he and his administration did — there are so many and they came so fast, we were meant to be overwhelmed, and so exhausted by constant (but justified) outrage that we wouldn’t have the energy to fight back.
I’m grateful that enough sane people voted in 2020. I hope they show up again this year, because we won’t survive another 4 years of that human-shaped garbage pile. I can’t believe anyone who’s not in the cult would want him back in office.
And I’m glad I’m not in Mesa right now because I would also have to buy ALL the cat stuff. Awesome overalls, btw.
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