I support the man who will do the mass deportation but I won’t participate in it is a hell of a position to take. https://t.co/jBehKvQaJS
— Ben Yelin (@byelin) March 10, 2024
The voice of the modern ‘sensible’ Republican, folks: We’ll get in line like good little toadies, but trust us — we’ll cheat on Dear Leader like we cheat on everything else!
(I rag on the ‘Live Free or Die Equivocating’ state… and NH leaders like the Sununu clan make it damned easy.)
April 2022 – Chris Sununu on Trump: “he’s fucking crazy”
Jan 2024; “If you go with the Trump path, obviously, it just gets — it's like throwing gasoline on a firework. It's just going to get so much worse.”
February 2024 – “Assholes come and go.”
Today: endorses Trump
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) March 8, 2024
The notion he is/was a moderate was always a media fantasy.
He’s a fucking ski resort manager who doesn’t believe in climate change. You know have much of an asshole you have to be to have that combo of beliefs? https://t.co/H0wF8jdWk8
— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) March 8, 2024
NH GOP Governor Chris Sununu, a Trump critic, says he’ll vote for Donald Trump in November: “I’m going to support Donald Trump. But my focus is definitely going to be here in the state.”
This is what putting party before country looks like
pic.twitter.com/w26FAnwYch— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) March 8, 2024
There's a nihilism in this that is disturbing but also predictable when you're swaddled in a certain type of privilege that comes from having a father and brother who were also involved in national politics and nothing Trump could do in a 2d term affects you personally. https://t.co/9ZilPgvalf
— scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) February 23, 2024
I’m not surprised that Chris Sununu is supporting Donald Trump. That’s why I’m glad he was called out by Sunny last year on #TheView. pic.twitter.com/OT4M69OhRN
— The Chanteezy Is Real ♉️ (@iamchanteezy) March 9, 2024
Villago Delenda Est
Cowardly spineless git. That’s Sununu.
Moar catnip
DeathSantis has released the kraken! 😆
“What I’m saying is, don’t hold my actions against me.”
@Villago Delenda Est: He comes from a long line of spineless gets.
Anne Laurie
Nah, Sununu is Milo Minderbinder made (considerable) flesh — one in the family line of smug Milo Minderbinders. They’re proud to prosper by taking advantage of the mindless bureaucracy of government; it’s not their problem when less nimble non-Sununus are crushed by that same rumbling bureaucracy!
@TBone: I’m not laughing at victims, I’m laughing at let them fight! and people like this:
Chris Sununu is all about the Sununu party. All he cares about is preserving his chance in 2028.
Again, the idea of there being anything but a completely Fascist Republican Party should be dead and buried by now.
Every single one of them – every. last. one. of. them. – would have been perfectly fine had January 6th been a successful coup, and Trump seized power.
The only problem any of them have with Trump and his Coup are that they were not successful in their goal of seizing power.
Everyone who maintains an (R) next to their name is either blatantly “All in” on the idea of being part of the fascist takeover of the united states, or for maybe a select few like the “MSNBC Republicans”, they are all thoroughly deluded into the idea that there will ever exist a viable, non-fascist version of the GOP ever again, and that they would love to be part of the “Tip & Ronnie” GOP that Chris Matthews could never shut his fucking mouth about that they desperately hope to will into existence out of the ashes of the Trumpist Party.
Here’s a newflash Olivia, Tim, Mike Steel, et. al – It’s all dead and gone. Your choice is to align with the flawed, but still-believes-in-representative-small-d-democracy Democratic Party, or you will be persecuted along with every other “RINO” or “unbeliever” should Trump and his goons ever succeed.
@Baud: “What I am saying is that I am a spineless, gutless, amoral idiot.”
Classic GOP. “I think this is totally wrong, but I’ll support the people pushing it anyways.” Party and power before all. Weak and spineless, Sununu is just riding the family name. And some point even NH will get tired of it. (I hope)
E. Jean Carroll responds to Nancy Mace’s ugly accusations:
Kudos to E. Jean. She is a class act!👍🏻
@Villago Delenda Est: All Republicans now are cowardly spineless gits, just some are true believers and grifters in their own right, while a few actually do know better but have never had the courage to fight any bully, just pick on the less fortunate.
Not his daughters or granddaughters who will be denied proper medical care.
@lollipopguild: 💯 correct.
Sununu fits the mold of McConnell and all anti-TIFG GQP – until they aren’t. Party Before Country bumperstickers should be plastered on their vehicles.
So wait:
Chris Sununu doesn’t think Dolt45 can win a year ago…
Now endorses Dolt45 for President.
He doesn’t really look like the sort of guy who could do a backflip like that. Yet, once again, here we all are anyway. They all will kiss his ring. They will all bend the knee. Even Haley is going to do it. Because his core cult is in total control.
I’d bother to be disgusted, but why? They have all made choices. They are choosing poorly, but it’s not a shock. It’s not even a surprise at this point.
@hrprogressive: Those “MSNBC Republicans” you are so divisive of are openly supporting AND VOTING FOR Biden. And working hard to get other Pro Country republicans and Independents to join them.
We Dems say we are a big tent and ALL are welcome. So quit with your pissing from inside the tent attitude.
Jay C
Quite true: but I guess one minor shine of a silver lining is that Sununu’s endorsement sounds a bit formulaic and half-hearted. And not the statement of an official who is planning to go out and bust his backside to get the Chosen One elected….
Another Scott
Made me look… NewHampshireBulletin.com (from February 24):
Maggie Hassan (D) was elected to the Senate in 2022. So it would be 2028 until the next election for that seat. Jeanne Shaheen (D) was elected in 2020. So maybe he’s thinking about running for her seat. (I haven’t checked.)
The fact that he isn’t running in November would have given him an opening to stand up and oppose fascism at almost no cost. He didn’t. That shows everyone who cares to look where he stands.
Chubb Insurance Group ponied up the cash for Trump’s bond to appeal the Carroll judgment.
1% protect each other. Always.
The Red Pen
I saw a book called “Profiles in Courage” on Amazon. I assumed it was about the contemporary Republican party, but surprisingly, it was not. Huh.
Liz, keepin’ it classy:
🔥 Never thought I’d ever admire anything by a Cheney, but the gal’s got cojones. And she knows what she’s doing. This timeline is gonna be so weird.
@Anoniminous: grrrrrrrr
@Anoniminous: It would be interesting to see what collateral Trump had to put up to get the bond. Real property, perhaps?
zhena gogolia
@TBone: Oh, she‘s the demagogue! Hilarious.
@Anoniminous: I wonder which billionaire is backing the bond.
@azlib: friends in high, foreign places maybe also too. Laundry money.
@zhena gogolia: right? I mean, c’mon, man!
The Red Pen
@Anoniminous: The CEO of Chubb was awarded a position on trade negotiations by Trump. They’re buds.
Can’t find what collateral, if any, Trump put up.
@azlib: Even more intriguing, this morning on MSNBC, Lisa Reuben said Judge Kaplan gave E. Jean Carroll the prerogative to refuse the bond if they don’t trust the bonder.🤔
I guess we’ll learn more about this tomorrow.
@The Red Pen:
Another Scott
@Anoniminous: Heh. He said “1%”. ;-)
Made me look.
So, TIFG probably had to pay $1-2M for the $91+ M bond.
Let’s see if he can scrounge up $5-10M in cash for the NY fraud judgement appeal bond. I’m guessing that it’ll be pretty hard, and the premiums might be much higher…
[ womp, womp ]
karen marie
@Jackie: Just because they claim they’ll vote for Biden doesn’t mean they’re not absolute trash. I could go through the list individually but we both know the kind of bankrupt policies they’re pushing despite their claim that they’ll vote for Biden.
Chetan Murthy
I knew this piece-of-shit Sununu would always get in line to eat TFG’s shit, no questions asked. Always knew it, since I saw this: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/nonsense-jen-psaki-and-chris-sununu-clash-over-russian-collusion-narrative/
He’s defending a traitor: the idea that he wouldn’t endorse that traitor is ludicrous.
karen marie
@TBone: I’m sorry I clicked through. I feel so dirty, I’m going to have to take a second shower.
@karen marie: Just curious; do you watch MSNBC?
Because the former or anti Trumpers I’ve observed don’t fit your description.
Except maybe John Kasich – who I wish wasn’t included. Thankfully he’s not on very often.
@karen marie: since I don’t have an account, I never see anything but the original postings (no replies, no irrelevant natzis). But yeah, it’s a creepy feeling.
karen marie
@Jackie: A: No, I don’t watch MSNBC – I do not have cable and their interface for watching online sucks massive balls. B, the people under discussion are fucking Republicans. Wake me when they leave the party. Until then, they’re fucking assholes
@TBone: Same here. I’m so glad to be on Mastodon.
Maybe they are all afraid of being attacked and threatened by the maggots.
Never Trump Republicans are against the optics of Trump. Not against the Politics, Policies and Judges they used Trump to get. Only against the crudity of his language, not the language itself. They have only so much ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ to offer.
They ‘plan’ on voting against Trump. Maybe they will. They still have 20+ years of conservative actions to make up for.