First, MTG is too chickenshit to pull the trigger on getting rid of Pastor Johnson. I think Josh Marshall has it right:
Majorie Greene was on social media all weekend going completely berserk on Johnson, threatening him, denouncing him, everything. And yet she still hasn’t pulled the plug on his Speakership, which she could do at any moment. Maybe this will all change tomorrow or the next day. But at the moment Johnson has totally stood her and her crew down. It was all talk basically.
One possible rejoinder is that she isn’t doing it because Johnson has a deal with Democrats to backstop his Speakership. So what’s the point of her calling the vote?
Maybe. But in her position making him retain the Speakership with Democratic votes is like making him drink from a poisoned chalice. So why not do it? The best answer is that Republicans are already facing a very challenging election in the House. A month of chaos looking for yet another Speaker only makes that worse. And none of her colleagues really want that. She probably doesn’t even want it. I think we underestimate the degree to which last October’s spectacle was driven by the personal and impetuous actions of a single man: Matt Gaetz. Others joined once he did it. But it’s not clear to me that the others were ever going to pull to do it themselves.
On last week’s Josh Marshall podcast, he also made the point that Marge isn’t a suicide machine like Gaetz: she wants to wield power, and being a spoiler at this particular moment is going to hurt her future in the House.
Let’s turn to Ronald Reagan’s party of the big tent in Colorado, specifically CO-4 where Boebert is trying to parachute in. Dave Williams, the chair of the party, has filed a subpoena of one of Boebert’s opponents in CO-4 as part of a lawsuit to stop unaffiliated voters from voting in the primary, even though a 2016 ballot proposition allows them to. Unaffiliated voters are 40% of voter registration statewide. Williams is also a candidate for the now open seat in CO-5, which is basically Colorado Springs. He is accused of using state party money to finance his congressional campaign. Need I say he’s the MAGat in that race?
Polls show Boebert in a lead in the primary contest, but I would put little or no stock in them, since it is a safe Republican district that was never worth polling. When I posted about Boebert’s endorsement from the state party, some Coloradans in the comments thought that the endorsement meant nothing, and the voters of CO-4 would reject Boebert. What’s for sure is that the Republicans in CO-4 are in deep disarray and showing their natural desire to disenfranchise voters.
(Democrats are also fighting over the CO-4 seat, with the eligibility of the Democrat chosen to run in the special election being challenged by a voter who won’t say who’s backing him. )
I’ve hear the rumors of Republicans threatening to quit now from more reliable sources. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but members of Congress believe it’s true and that’s all that matters because it threatens to kill the hostage that MTG doesn’t want killed.
Republicans are folding on the issue as a group and don’t need someone like Cro-Marge barking about it. I’m sure they’ve let her know.
In a more forthright media environment, it’d be “Republicans in Disarray!”, morning, noon, and night for at least the past 6 months. The Chaos Caucus would be presented as they are: the dysfunctional, do nothing, national threat that they are. But I guess that would be “liberal bias”, and would threaten important book deals, luncheons, and golf trips.
I’m starting to see polling breakouts between “registered voters” and “likely voters” and of course the latter is more important…AND…is looking better every week for President Biden! Good stuff!!
@Leto: Imagine a situation where Lauren’s stature is rising and Marjorie’s is falling. The MSM will not be able to ignore that fight. It’s been a long, long time since we had a duel in the House.
That’s my President. Always doing the work.
Poe Larity
@Leto: IDK what I would do without my daily Democrats in Disarray.
I think Marge doesn’t have the votes. Johnson will not automatically lose if she pulls the trigger, all it does is cause a vote. I know the margin is thin, but I don’t think it’s 1 vote yet. She needs 2or 3 others besides Democrats.
And even if it is only 1, and she was, she could only win if all the democrats agreed. How would that look, Marge winning with only democrats votes..That could end her career as much as anything.
@JPL: Hmm, I’m sure they would each try to draw their guns… but… they should do the more time honored tradition of caning. Not sure if an official smack with a glove needs to be done, or just “I caught you unawares, so now I’m gonna cane ya” type approach… I’ll have to think about that.
@HumboldtBlue: Wonder if Brian Cox would be willing to pack on
5075 pounds, don a cotton candy wig, and play Trump in his twilight in a miniseries.I’d watch.
Might the reason Trump is nodding off in court be related to whatever mood-stabilizing meds his docs are giving him to try to contain his volcanic temperament in court? That, on top of Trump being a 77 yo man in physical and mental decline.
Just read there is an encampment that has been set up next to Hillel at MIT. (And we send peaceful Passover thoughts to Tom Levenson)
Now, Hillel has to move their seder.
This is not 1970.
When the strike was to stop an unjust war and racial hatred. A war that did not begin with a violent attack, except from Nixon, JFK, and Johnson.
And these anti-Semites would have been the enemy then.
And there is, certainly, no Sam Brown
Via Reddit, related
@MazeDancer: Wonder how much republican money is flowing to keep it up. Actually, that is a conspiracy theory that I could believe. The movement is not helping Gazans.
@HumboldtBlue: For this very reason, I hope trial takes the full 6 weeks that Judge Merchan originally estimated. In excruciating detail. I’ve been waiting a long time to see him squirm and my patience during his suffering is endless.
@Baud: the deets. Brought to us by Senator Sanders, initially.
Just win baby!
@HumboldtBlue: Interesting.
Although: Trump no longer has “WH staff.”
And may he never again.
@Baud: 😆
@JPL: Could be Russian. Willing to believe anything.
Including, most of these anti-Semites are not students.
Just got an email from Angus King (first ever, & I don’t live in Maine), asking for an election donation that he’ll split with his good friend (his words) Jon Tester, for his Montana race which is rated “toss up”.
I’ve seen organizations which tell me they’ll split the money, but I’m really thinking hard and do not remember a poll telling me before hand that’s what they’ll do. Not saying never, but none spring to mind.
@Elizabelle: I noticed that too. WTF, White House staff? The stuff of nightmares.
WV Blondie
I’ve been thinking about the jury. Even if a secret TFG fan made it onto the jury, he/she is going to have to spend 4-6 weeks, maybe, sitting in the same room with him, watching every tic, every doze, listening to (and maybe smelling) every fart, observing every time the judge has to slap him down for something inappropriate.
Seeing one’s (false) idol up close might go a long way to changing that fan’s mind …
As always, she brought a knife to a gunfight recently.
Also too 😆
“Marjorie Taylor Greene you’ve just shown is a beauty,” said RT’s Margarita Simonyan. “She is demonstratively heterosexual.”
Via reddit, more fights on the right
Even she can’t spin that and I think Boebert would jump on it to get some free limelight.
@Jeffro: I saw an NBC poll that had Biden up by 9%, but didn’t bother to share it here because it’s only one poll and is still so early etc.
to which I must also add my own
sucks to be you, Orangemandias!
Dark Brandon strikes again! 😎
DougJ couldn’t have done any better.
Joe’s little giggle there makes the whole thing 😆
@UncleEbeneezer: It would make sense.
I mean, Biden won by 3-4% last time around. trumpov has a high ceiling of 46% and a floor of probably 40%.
Throw all that into my Armchair Pundit Calculator, add in the American public’s growing re-acquaintance with trumpov’s insanity and incompetence, and yeah, we should be at about 54-45% in a two person race right now.
RFK Jr apparently continues to pull 10%+, which boggles my mind. Continuing to highlight his many flaws (and many “policy” alignments with trumpov) all the way through November would be smart on the part of Biden/Harris2024, but I know they’re on it.
Betty Cracker
@TBone: Did Moscow Marge grope a dude on camera too?
Villago Delenda Est
Of course, the offal of the MSM can’t bring themselves to shout out “Republicans in disarray” so they’ll concentrate their efforts on the “Joe Biden is old” meme.
@MazeDancer: they’re on Kresge oval — right in front of the Student Center. It is about the only open space on campus other than the Great Court or the athletic field, and has been the traditional place for student demonstrations since the sixties. It is true that the chapel is also next to the oval, and Google tells me Hillel is there as well.
I also see that Harvard is closing Harvard Yard for the week.
I guess I haven’t been hanging around in the comments much lately. I hadn’t realized that opinion here had congealed around these demonstrations being “anti-semitic” instead of anti-war.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jeffro: I don’t trust any of the polls, because the MSM has this built in need for everything to be a horse race, because that generates drama that generates ratings which generates revenue for the mercenary mofos.
Anonymous At Work
I think the analysis is purely political within the caucus. MTG knows several colleagues are resigning, including a second-term 36-year old rep. They had planned to stay out their term. They also hate her with an undying passion. They also vote with her 90+% of the time.
And they let it be known that they would rather step down now and make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’m with you.
Harrison Wesley
@TBone: Heterosexual Holocaust!
What a difference a couple of years make.
I was looking for some background noise while I did some chores and noticed that Prime’s live tv has two British game show channels with shows from a couple years ago. On one show the question was what flag is red with white crosses. One of the three choices was Ukraine and the woman chose it. On a different game show the question was what are the two colors of Ukraine’s flag and the guy guesses red and white.
Cro-Marge — love it!
Now this here from Columbia U. is some weird shit, as was once said. Someone needs to sit them down — on the lawn if necessary — and get them to say what their point is and how they expect these tactics to further it. And I would get that damn bullhorn away from that person, somehow.
Harrison Wesley
@Baud: WTF? Some sort of Q tag team thing in the Wingnut Wrestling Federation?
Early voting for a school board election and county appraisal district members started today here in Texas. I was driving by a poll site and some volunteers working for some slug that is running on the platform of KEEP WOKE OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS were smiling and waving at passing traffic. I promptly gave them the one finger salute and enjoyed the dismay on their faces as I passed.
Now I feel guilty because I never let my freak flag fly like that typically.
@Betty Cracker: 😆
On that note, a reminder:
Michael Cohen didn’t have any of the sex he paid for.
Villago Delenda Est
IMAX/Bell & Howell joint patent infringement task force on line two.
@Ocotillo: didn’t it feel great? I highly recommend it at every opportunity.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Goes to show the success of the smear campaign against the students. I have read umpteen articles about the protests at Columbia. They all lead with threats against Jewish students and fear and calls to cancel classes.
But it became clear, without fail, that none of these articles were able to point to any specific incident, had pull quotes from concerned students who cited no specific incidents, and went out of their way to point out the one incidence of violence by a pro-Palestinian student they could find…at a completely different university.
If you read all the way to the end of the articles, you may then notice them conceding that what they are describing is a heated atmosphere, not threats and/or violence.
Just another round of the perpetual smearing of college students.
Harrison Wesley
@Ocotillo: Wouldn’t a photo of their Dear Leader snoozing in court be a perfect accompaniment to that sign? What would better exemplify anti-woke?
Harrison Wesley
@TBone: And went to jail, too. Life is so unfair.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ocotillo: Right on, as we used to say back in the 60s and 70s. Give them what they deserve…utter contempt.
Betty Cracker
I don’t think it has. Don’t know enough about the circumstances at MIT to form an opinion, but I think the student protests are generally in good faith.
As with any widespread protest movement, people with bad intent glom onto the activities and can discredit the whole thing. It happened with some BLM protests.
I’m old enough to remember it happening in the first Gulf War too. Maybe the unis could do more to keep the bad actors out? I don’t know.
@Betty Cracker: The media appears to be trying to make it “antisemitic” rather than anti-war, that’s for sure. Sells a lot more clicks.
Villago Delenda Est
@MisterForkbeard: The media is in the tank for the Likudniks.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Villago Delenda Est: Facts.
@Harrison Wesley: cries for attention. Ignore. I mean it’s fun, but my Spidey senses say “more performative bullshit in a plea for attention.”
@dm: I think that the majority opinion here can’t be described as that currently.
I believe a majority are against continuing IDF actions in Gaza.
It took some time to wade thru Pro-Palestine does not equal Pro-Hamas, complicated by the knowledge that there is an element of Pro-Hamas/Pro-Palestine in those protests and sponsored by the likely anti-American sources.
Further nuanced that Israel is having just as many issues with kicking their Fascist Wannabe Dictator to the curb and he’s in office, as we are in keeping ours from gaining office again.
Also with the understanding that this issue is not going to have any Green Lantern solution set (i.e. not a just do this one thing solution).
@Ocotillo: in your honor and also in tribute to Dark Brandon, I am reposting this. It always gets me right in my feels 😆😎🎶
@prostratedragon: No bullhorn.
They’re using the audience-participation “human PA system” (I forget what it was called) that the Occupy Wall Street people adopted to emphasize their opposition to “hierarchy”. People with bullhorns get turned into leaders, and the Occupy people were consciously trying to avoid that (for better or worse).
It may have been making a virtue of necessity — I wouldn’t be surprised if Occupy was threatened by the authorities that bullhorns =”disturbing the peace”.
@dm: If Jewish students don’t feel safe on campus, IMHO, this is not a righteous movement.
Perhaps, the endless videos of people shouting pro-Hamas sentiments is making it difficult to support.
Think I got suspicious back when it was “just” people hell-bent on tearing down hostage posters.
Very supportive of anti-war protests. Not of anti-semitism..
Bibi is a monster. And hope the war stops soon.
@Harrison Wesley: AND he certainly didn’t take out a home equity loan to pay himself his own legal fees 😆
@p.a.: Elizabeth Warren does it often. Her goal is to have a team of like-minded folks in Congress to get things done.
I’m convinced the protests are being ratfucked, both by planning and by natural diffusion of dishonest actor using others as cover.
I wonder if the author is surprised about a pile of shit manchild brat acting like that.
@Betty Cracker: one of the local media outlets mentioned that the MIT group is kvetching about $11 million in funding MIT has gotten (since 2015) from Israel’s Ministry of Defense, and concerns about what research that money is paying for.
$11 million over nine years pays for…. not a lot of research, really.
There are ALWAYS ratfuckers barging in on social/political movements to co-opt or disrupt them.
But the percentage of attendees/participants that are ratfuckers has grown a lot in recent years.
Too many organizers have an overly-broad concept of “inclusiveness” and “good faith” and don’t stop the ratfuckers from taking over. Or there may not be any mechanism that can do so: How do you control who shows up to a public demonstration?
This is more of a thing now than it was during the anti-war marches of the 1969s-70s, because the ratfuckers have professionalized since then. It is a racket, and one that can pay quite well, either via online donations or direct sponsorship.
This is one of the many reasons I no longer participate in demonstrations, and also no longer believe they are constructive in any way.
@CaseyL: whoah, hang on there a minute, cowboy. Civil Rights. Viet Nam. Then Arab Spring. Led to Occupy. Led to Me Too. Led to BLM. All of them led to incremental change.
I want my constitutional rights. ALL of them.
Without BLM, I never would have seen or known about all the anti-bigots and fellow antifa who live in this godforsaken hinterland. They came out, loud and proud. It was a sight to behold, in front of the tiny town police station.
I’m more with CaseyL. I’m not confident every protest has produced net positive results, especially since the 1960s.
@gwangung: Me too. The same thing happened back in the anti-Vietnam War days … there would be a student rally, and off-campus SWP thugs would rush the stage. Or subvert it from the inside, so speeches would get all wonky and promote weird single-interest causes having nothing to do with the rally.
The Left has always been plagued with factional infighting, much more than the Right, who are natural authoritarians and readily fall into line.
@Baud: well behaved women rarely make history.
VFX Lurker
Same. I feel like I accomplished more by voting, donating and writing 4000+ Postcards to Voters than I did attending the third Women’s March.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: In my 40 years of life, I have only ever seen protests acknowledged by the media and the majority of the public with disinterest, derision, or outright animosity.
They’ll never, ever get me to STFU. And believe me, they tried.
All or nothing fallacy. Some protests have been positive. I’m just against assuming every protest is a net good. But I acknowledge it’s hard to assess in real time.
@Baud: the Supremacist Court recently upped their security resources. I hear chicken squawking noises every time I think of it.
I hear what y’all are saying. I’m just a stubborn old mule.
Chet Murthy
@Baud: i certainly remember a while back there was a study that showed that if you want to live longer, you should have a female doctor. Because female doctors actually freaking listen to their patients.
The watershed for me was the anti-WTO protests in 1999. The WTO meeting was in Seattle that year, so I got to see it unfold on the local news every day.
(I’d have been there protesting, because I still believed in direct public action back then, but I was homebound with the worst case of flu ever. Luckily, as it turned out.)
The protests turned destructive, and violent, and there were two main reasons for that. One was the so-called “anarchists,” who have shown up to every public protest in the last 25+ years to break shit; and the other were “professional disruptors” – honest to god – who gave actual seminars on how to harass WTO members and disrupt their meetings (one seminar – again, honest to god – gave instructions on how to rappel down the outside of a building in order to evade street barriers).
The cynicism, stupidity, and counter-productiveness of the whole thing disgusted me.
@HumboldtBlue: So completely not surprised that he turned on Maggie Haberman, formerly court stenographer. Once again, anything touched by the orange pustule collapses, loses money, or generally falls apart like a dried-out dog turd. It’s really kind of incredible how many otherwise not totally stupid people (?) fall for this. “won’t happen to me, I’m Speshul!”
@CaseyL: this one time at band camp
I watched live feed from inside a NYC high rise apartment with the Veterans for Peace guys who were unfurling banners down the side of the building. Rump had about 8″ of bullet proof glass surrounding him that day.
Not all protests, I guess…hhmmph murmer grumble
The encampment is endorsed by a group that calls itself “MIT Jews for Ceasefire”.
Anyway, I’m across town, not part of the MIT community (beyond a bit of nostalgia). As I said, I’ve not been hanging around comments much, so if Tom Levenson has talked about the mood on campus, I’ve missed it.
But, there can be assholes in any movement. I’ve seen those torn down hostage posters, and the sight was depressing.
@dm: Depends. China got their Uyghur biometric system from US researchers for less.
@CaseyL: There may have been a time when protests accomplished something (although I can’t remember any). The country is so divided at this point that nothing–not protests, not marching, not standing on our heads–will change anyone’s mind. The actions that are needed are targeted political donations like the ones that WaterGirl organizes, volunteering to register new voters and get them to the polls, or donating to those who do those jobs. Writing post cards is also helpful, according to recent studies. These actions may not be as exciting as marching, yelling, and waving signs, but they will make a difference.
ETA: In other words, I agree with you.
Do not show me a young rebel,
whose eyes are bright
and whose tail is bushy.
Young rebels are fine and good,
but they are merely doing
what the young are meant to do.
Show me an old rebel.
One who keeps punching
when his hands are arthritic,
when her hair is white,
when his friends are all dead,
when her knees are shot,
when it hurts him to pee,
when her shoulders are so bad
that it would be much easier to punch down
than to punch up.
Show me an old rebel
who keeps standing up after being knocked down
over and over again,
year after year,
decade after decade,
who after the thousandth blow
merely spits out a tooth
and says “Son, you have no idea what you’re dealing with,
do you?”
Are you a young rebel?
Are you Sticking It to The Man?
Are you upsetting the gray brainiacs
and knocking over their word castles?
That is fine.
Youth will youth.
But show me a young rebel
who became an old rebel,
who stuck with it through the setbacks
and the beatings and betrayals,
who watched the hippies become yuppies
and the protesters become pundits
and still kept a fire lit
amid the monsoons of infiltration
and the hurricanes of heartbreak.
Who will close their tired eyes for a final time
without ever once having cast them to the ground
or peered up in imploring subordination.
That, my friends,
that is a true spirit.
If you are still a fiery rebel
even as everything is ripped away from you,
I will be humbled and awed by you,
because I will know that you will carry that with you to the grave.
And I will know that whatever you find on the other side
will be met
with that same defiant glare.
And I will sing your song when you are gone.
– Caitlin Johnstone (another case of detest the artist but not the art).
On another topic, I continue to be puzzled by all the people who are very concerned about imprisoning TFG — we can’t do that! It would provoke major violence among the MAGA! The Orange One himself today urged his supporters to protest this political witch-hunt outside courthouses all over the country. “Will be wild!” he said, trying, I guess, to get the band back together.
Then there’s this:
Granted, Manhattan is not a center of TFG boosterism, but millions of his fans are an hour or so away, and Staten Island is right there. I really think the air has gone out of this balloon.
Betty Cracker
The Women’s March on Washington the day after the orange fart cloud’s inauguration accomplished something for me: I felt the stirrings of hope. I felt less alone. An enormous protest, and hardly any arrests! I do remember women swarming a cop — he was in the mounted police, and we wanted to pet the horsie!
@Betty Cracker: 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙
@smith: 😆❤️
Shoshana Zuboff (I think — I’m, I may be confusing her with Zeynip Tufecki) has talked about how protest has changed its nature in the social-media age.
It used to be that organizing a huge protest required a lot of organization working for a long time. A lot of talking to people, a lot of working out details. When the demonstration was over, the organization would still be around.
Now, social media can create flash-crowds with a minimum of organization. Demonstrations can be huge, but there’s no organization to carry on the work once the demonstration is over.
But social change requires talking to people, changing one mind at a time.
But in addition to the Women’s March(es), there was Run For Something, and a bunch of other organizations (and I’m looking at the Balloon Juice for Four Directions NV thermometer as I type this).
VFX Lurker
I don’t regret attending the first Women’s March.
Anecdote: months later, I traveled to Ontario to visit my Canadian in-laws. At a local restaurant, a man was telling others at his table about “…they don’t like him [Trump] down there…the women don’t like him.”
More media fun
@CaseyL: The George Floyd protests helped us get a Civilian Oversight Committee for our police. But I think that the big driver was the combination of the George Floyd protests AND a local police killing that got a lot of attention. Without the latter, I don’t think we would have gotten enough support to get the Oversight Committee added to our city charter. Most cities didn’t get anything productive (policy-wise) out of that huge movement.
While the Women’s March was huge for sparking the larger resistance efforts for 2018-2020, I think I’m generally moving towards the opinion that protests don’t generate huge or sustainable change, in general, the vast majority of the time. The Summer of George Floyd was bigger than almost any protest movement we’ve seen, worldwide, and yet very little changed on issues of racist policing in America, as a result.
@VFX Lurker: SCORE!
@UncleEbeneezer: ummm I was prosecuted for punching a cop while inebriated (two, actually, who were trying to keep me penned inside an ambulance). In court, I was VERY grateful for BLM being a BFD and both of my attorneys were looking at tiny me, and then over at the big, burly tough guy on the witness stand, sniggering…
Odie Hugh Manatee
I was hoping that they would eventually notice that…lol! The Democrats and Biden were ready to give them just about every single damned thing they wanted on the border to make a deal on aid to Ukraine and Israel and pfffft! Nothing. TFG said NO WIN FOR BIDEN! and they complied, turning it all down only to later pass the aid bill with nothing in trade.
Skillful they are not and now their fellow comrades are pissed at them. Win-win in our world!
@WV Blondie:
“You should never want to meet your heroes” – can’t recall who coined that line, but it essentially means you’ll pick up too much new information about them that you’ll never be able to hold them in anywhere near so high regard.
MTG needs to win another election before her pension vests. She doesn’t come from money like Gaetz.
@Betty Cracker: I think it was tremendous in its own right.
I think it also gave people hope that the orange moron and his sick minions could be resisted, that we could get through one term, if we all pulled together.
@TBone: That’s great but I don’t think that is the kind of large scale, systemic change that BLM and other organizers were hoping to achieve. And there have been countless stories about organizational changes that corporations made in response to the Summer of George Floyd (like improving diversity, emphasizing equity etc.) that they have since rescinded. There’s a lot of disappointment within police reform circles about how few tangible changes were accomplished and how quickly things went right back to the status quo or even worse, with the inevitable backlash.
To my personal knowledge, those characters (or their descendants) have been around at otherwise peaceful protests since at least the late 1960s. They were then totally disinterested in what a particular protest was about. My sense at the time was that they wanted the government overthrown. Whether they were actual anarchists, rabid libertarians (if those two are different), or agents of a hostile foreign power was not entirely clear.
@Betty Cracker: also, it seems like large public protests (the Women’s March, BLM, others) are pretty effective in showing just how many people are willing to stand up for their rights.
It helps if they are peaceful, of course, and include concrete calls to activism (voter reg, door-knocking, etc)
The RWNJ media is especially good at picking up any incidence of violence at a left-oriented protest, no matter how small the incident, and blowing it all out of proportion. (Just as they do with any one speaker, university professor, teacher, or really anything anywhere).
That’s what their Noise Machine does 24/7 and we need to always a) call it out and b) think about emulating it, at least on a basic level. Make it a wash for them (instead of fighting with one megaphone tied behind our back, as it were)
Speaking of protests; TIFG “ordered his supporters to protest country-wide” re his forced attendance to an unfair trial…
I haven’t seen or read any reports of groups of MAGAts protesting anywhere else in the country. Have you?
Another Scott
[ womp, womp ]
(via MullerSheWrote)
@Another Scott: 👍🏻
I love that Lawrence O’Donnell lives within walking distance and reports his observations of lack of MAGA excitement near the courthouse.😁
@CaseyL: the pro Palestinian protesters that are genuine are newbies. They have to be young and inexperienced. We old people knew what has been happening for decades and were resigned to nobody caring AND that the Palestinians never seem to come up with a credible ethical leader with any ideas except get back at Israel. So the new people don’t already have a plan to deal with ratfuckers and bad faith joiners co-opting their protests.
I guess they will learn.
I have to say, I have been upset at how much antisemitism has come out since Trump approved bigotry. I rarely heard any of it before Trump.