I have been in a foul mood all day so I am going to limit this post to pet pictures. Here is Steve patiently waiting for whatever it is Joelle is eating:
Sometimes when Maxwell is acting like an asshole I hold him up in air jail:
I chatted yesterday with long time friend of the blog John Amato, the man behind Crooks and Liars, and he lost everything in the fires in California, so keep him in your thoughts.
Cats living cool lives.
My sympathies to John Amato and everyone affected by the wildfires.
Anne Laurie
Gotta be a pretty good arm work-out there, Cole, holding fifteen pounds of Maxwell Edison in air jail!
A woman I grew up with lost her home 5 years ago in the fires in Oregon, 4 years and 4 months later they had a home again. She wrote up a checklist for how to proceed after the loss…
I can edit it and send it as a public service. Let me know.
BTW, Fuck republican politicians, and their orange god.
Yea read that about John Amato over at C&L yesterday. My heart goes out to those people. It’s an abomination that Republicans are suggesting strings should be attached to any federal aid. Thankfully Biden has given CA everything it could. He’ll be president for another 7 days. God hope the fires are out by then. I have no faith in Trump.
Regarding the assholes who knew global warming was a problem they were causing 40 years ago, are any of those oily piles of shit still alive?
something fabulous
Bad moods abounding. Moar Thurston please.
Thanks for the great kitteh pics, Sir Cole.
And that’s awful re: John Amato, he has done so much…
I’m reading about Trump’s nomination of Russell Vought as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). ProPublica has reviewed recent private speeches Vought has given, posted video, and quoted him:
Imagine being a federal employee in the executive branch right now.
Dems in Congress: no aid for hurricane victims until Florida does something about uncontrolled oceanfront development!
They’ll hear the screams in Mumbai.
This is officially the craziest week ever. Tuesday night/Weds morning, our house burned down. As a result we decided we would try to move to either Hudson River Valley, NY or Taos, NM depending on several factors. We reached to our good friend in Taos who told us she might already have leads on a couple places if we decide to go there. Yesterday she calls to tell us that a guy she knows runs the tennis center needs a coach. I talked to him yesterday and we hit it off well. He grew up in La Cañada and is heartbroken for our city of Altadena. He offered me the job to start mid-February and has a single-wide trailer we can live in rent-free until the fall. The pay will be significantly more than I was making in Los Angeles. So fuck it, we are moving to Taos on Thursday. Flying out (with a friend joining us to escort the third cat) and should be at our new, temporary home by the afternoon. We are shipping our car but my new boss says he has a car we can borrow until ours arrives. The incredible generosity of our friends and family (& some jackals too) etc. who donated to our GoFundMe gave us the $$ to pull the trigger on this opportunity. CRAZY! We are so excited. The woman we are staying with in Pasadena was a lifesaver letting us stay here but it feels like she wants her place back to herself. Which is kind of weird because it is HUGE, three-floors and we hardly even see her. But the tension is palpable and definitely informed our quick decision.
Ivan X
@UncleEbeneezer: Wow! I admire your pluck and wish you all the luck. Happy moving!
@UncleEbeneezer: Best of luck! Congratulations on landing on your feet—fingers crossed.
@UncleEbeneezer: Congratulations! Hope this is the beginning of a great new life for you all!
An administration staffed by people who spent their childhoods pulling wings off flies.
@Jager: please do, I’ll pass it along
@UncleEbeneezer: wow!! I’m sure there’s still a ton to deal with, but this sounds positive. Yay!
@UncleEbeneezer: Very best of luck…hope the move goes smoothly for all concerned…
Safe travels.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I’ve noticed something rising in the last few days. With everybody talking about the fires in California, lots of wingnuts have been pointing to North Carolina to say, “Look, Biden, Democrats, they can’t do enough for their big friends in California, because they’re all liberals there, and they love liberals. But they just left western North Carolina to rot!”
I know that’s horseshit, FEMA has been working in North Carolina for months to help people the storms fucked over. But I wonder where this is spreading from. Who’s pushing this line? Sure, that’s kind of a natural thing for partisan Republicans to hammer, even if it’s a lie. But I’ve been seeing it from more or less neutral, apolitical people, too. This is seeping down into their awareness.
Seems like, well, shit, I don’t know. I mean, somebody ought to do something about this. Not this this, precisely, but this kind of this. And, yeah, I know, people are fighting this, and it’s a thankless slog, because we all know what Mark Twain said about lies running wild over the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on.
I guess what I’m asking is, what’s the mechanism here. How do these things get pumped out to the uncritical masses of people who hear them, swallow them and then help spread them? I know this makes me look naïve, and I probably am. But it’s a mystery to me just how the marching orders get to the troops.
Thank you Cole, I needed the term “air jail” compete with pictures! And Steve looks as “Steve”as every. Hope everyone there has a good evening.
ETA complete….as ever. Gahh
@UncleEbeneezer: Congratulations! The very best of luck to you!
Congrats, sounds like a great opportunity.
so sorry about your loss and I hope the relocation goes smoothly!
@UncleEbeneezer: Wow! Glad to hear things are falling into place so quickly.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@UncleEbeneezer: Wow. That sounds like a great new start.
@UncleEbeneezer: Congratulations that’s great news! Much happiness in your new home.
These SoCal fires (a couple miles from my house, with more 50-80 mph winds forecast for tonight-Wed) and the recent massive SE flooding are a stark warning for what can happen to ANY town, suburb, rural area now, red or blue or purple, if DJT fires the NOAA scientists and takes it private. Imagine having to rely on and possibly pay for weather forecasts, alerts, etc developed by bumbling T-loyalists, not experts… It would be hysterical if not so disastrous.
BTW, Ds should use some of the fire and flood footage to make an ad, saying we need scientists and other experts. I
And one more thought, who will build the new homes needed somewhere if DJT deports millions of Latino immigrants?
I’m also furious at the oil/gas industry et al who knew about climate change since the 1960s and like Big tobacco, sold their souls for $$ and covered it up. It’s hard to remain hopeful that we humans can ever overcome our apparent nastiness and short-sighted greed. Mr NightSky has long favored pets to most people. DJT and the people attracted to him have made me begin to move in that direction myself despite my usual optimism.
thankful for BJ pets and peeps!
@UncleEbeneezer: Damn. I’m so glad there’s a happy ending for you, but wow, I just can’t imagine how I would keep my shit after losing my house like that. Best of luck!
@UncleEbeneezer: good luck! May you be guided by the Helping Friendly Book.
Thanks everyone. My wife’s employer told her she’s good to work fully remote (which she pretty much does already) and we can figure shit out later. There”s a remote chance they might want us to move to NY but probably not for a year. JSX had flights for Taos to Burbank that are only 2-hours. So she can always zip back to LA a couple times a year if they insist on meetings in Hollywood.
We are both thrilled about Taos since it is a much more small town vibe with great culture, food, outdoors activity and real seasons. I’m excited at the possibility of playing music in a more college town kind of environment. I’ve really missed that.
@UncleEbeneezer: So glad to hear about the good things happening, because you need and deserve it. <3
@UncleEbeneezer: CONGRATS!!! So happy your landing is soft!
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.):
The future FFOTUS, Musk, Faux – for starters.
edited to delete auto garbage
yeah, it’s fun times for us right now
@UncleEbeneezer: Holy cow, UncleEb. Your heads must be spinning! Congratulations on all of it, except obviously the having your house burn down and losing all your stuff.
I imagine you are running on adrenaline at this point.
@UncleEbeneezer: HOORAY hooray hooray Uncle Eb and Mrs Eb!
NNM is gorgeous, and wow it does sound like all the doors are opening. Thank you so much for letting other internet randos such as myself know of your good news amidst all the grief
ETA: my info is out of date, but at least in the past, clothes and furnishings in Santa Fe thrift shops were way nicer than what I find in East Coast thrift shops.
Old School
@UncleEbeneezer: This is wonderful news to read tonight. Congratulations!
@UncleEbeneezer: I am so happy for the two of you. What good news!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@UncleEbeneezer: so glad to hear it!
my father’s cousin lived & worked in LA & raised his family in a house in Pacific Palisades. He died of cancer a few years ago & his widow was living alone in the house at the age of 83, being visited by home health care aides, while the kids – my second cousins – tried to figure out what to do about moving her out of her familiar surroundings because of her deteriorating health. Fortunately they kept paying for homeowners insurance.
My father’s cousin’s widow was safely evacuated when the fires took care of the house last Tuesday. She’s now getting moved to assisted living while they gear up to claim the insurance. If you’re going to lose your childhood home, I guess this is the best case scenario.
@UncleEbeneezer: I am so sorry you lost the house and everything in it. And your neighborhood. But this is amazing! Taos and better pay??!!??! Grab the opportunity with both hands!
@different-church-lady: We have our sad moments and anxiety too It cleared up today and was sunny so I could finally see the mountains again. We will miss this place, big time.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
@UncleEbeneezer: That’s great to hear and I’m so happy this looks like it’s working out as well for you as can be considering the loss.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
When I was 2, I used to fake shave alongside my dad. One of those times – for reasons that I can’t remember – I must’ve done something to make him mad because he grabbed me by my wrists and ankles and held me in air jail. I can remember the frustration and fear and not being able to get away and seeing this in the mirror. Needless to say, “air jail” is a little bit triggering.
And that is one of the many reasons I can’t imagine wishing to be a child again.
@UncleEbeneezer: That’s great news, I’m so happy for you. California will miss you.
Aussie Sheila
I’m very glad for you and your family. Amid the torrent of terrible things, it’s good to read of at least one thing that has worked out well for someone.
My heart goes out to everybody affected by these terrible fires.
It’s shocking that they have reached so far into such a dense urban area, but given all the circumstances, not surprising.
As to the aftermath, two things.
Biden must ensure that every cent due to Cali gets out the door toot sweet.
Secondly, I want see every oil company executive and their paid shills hanging upside down from every gas station across the US., with their throats cut.pieceofpeace
Best of luck, that’s a hellava opportunity.
Apropos of nothing… last week a couple of people recommended 19-2 as a good show to watch. It was slow starting show, and it’s not Slow Horses (a hard act to follow!) but I’m on episode 9, so I’m getting attached to the characters. Man, these cops have a lot of sex, and I’m trying to recall whether even a single character on the show is monogamous.
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis:
Thanks for the memory! I had totally forgotten that I wanted to shave alongside my dad, too, only I was 4.
No air jail for me. Yikes.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m glad you got this opportunity so quickly, but sad that it happened in such a terrible way. I cannot imagine losing everything like that. Best wishes on your new life in Taos.
@something fabulous:
yes, we need some doggies too!
Ohio Mom
@UncleEbeneezer: As the old saying goes, Life can turn on a dime.
Actually, your life turned on two different dimes in quick succession. Please keep us posted on this new chapter in your life.
Steve LaBonne
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m thankful things have turned out this way for you. Good luck!
Congrats! On my first trip from St. Louis to NM, I went to Taos for 10 days. Really knew nothing about the state. Was my first intro to the NM. Picked Taos because I wanted to find the old commune that inspired the scenes from “Easy Rider,” wanted to tour the Taos Earthship community, and wanted to trek with the llamas. I was turning 50. Was lucky and accomplished what I went for on my birthday trip. Plus, fell in love with the state. Really love Taos (Great early evening music at The Adobe Room in The Taos Inn and some wonderful restaurants). Unfortunately, the traffic sucks “in season.” It gets very touristy.
I’m now living outside of Santa Fe on 3 acres. Feel free to get my email from Betty Cracker once you are settled in and if you ever want to come to Santa Fe let me know. I get to Taos once or twice a year now…unusually for concerts at Kit Carson Park. (If you like live music, keep an eye on the summer concert schedule…saw Allison Kraus and Robert Plant in the park. Great show). Sometimes I tag along with an artist friend who has work in a gallery there. Plus, I have a St. Louis musician friend who has a vacation home with her wife out on the mesa. Also make the drive when I have houseguests who want a daytrip there. Millicent Rogers Museum and the Martinez Hacienda are must sees. Jesus Nazereno Cemetery in Rancho de Taos (about 4 miles from the Plaza) is kinda cool…where Dennis Hopper is buried. And, of course there is the Taos Pueblo…keep an eye out for their feast days and dances. Plus, it’s really beautiful at Christmas time.
Welcome to The Land of Enchantment! It steals your heart. Very happy for you!
Melancholy Jaques
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.):
Stuff like that doesn’t really need to be pushed. Just drop it into the extensive network of right-wing social media platforms and it gets shared, repeated, amplified, modified, and sent around again for reinforcement
The “immigrants ate my cat” story is the best example. Some woman posts a false accusation and within a week it is repeated by Trump & Vance. Vance even admitted that he knew it wasn’t true, but he would repeat it anyway. To this day, there are MAGAs who think it’s true.
The only strings that should be attached to Federal Aid should be ropes for those MF’s can be dragged behind some vehicles. I’ll let them have gas powered 4×4’s for the ride in a show of unity.
What strings are attached to Hurricane Relief?
Mother Nature won this won (or these ones if you prefer). She can be a bitch. It wasn’t the Mayor. It wasn’t the Fire Chief. Shame on anyone who goes after them.
Fuck, a school gets shot up and it’s too and unseemly to play politics; a city burns and they are playing games before the fires are out. Sick fucks. I mean that literally. Being a MAGA should be in DSM-5.
Melancholy Jaques
This is great news. Could not be more happy for you. Taos is an amazing place. Hope your big move goes well.
Trivia Man
My cat enjoys it when i throw my t shirt over her head. Starts purring and settles down like a furry parrot.
@UncleEbeneezer: Amazing how things can work out sometimes. Best wishes!
Trivia Man
@Jager: I saw some very helpful advice about itemizing for the insurance. Brands and models whenever you can. Look at old pictures to jog your memory and include everything. Your policy has a special specific phrase like “replacement of like kind and quality”. Find your specific wording and sprinkle it in liberally.
@Aussie Sheila:
Won’t you think of all the money they made destroying the environment? What about the money? /s
Aussie Sheila
Oh, okay. Confiscate their estates in total. Before or after being strung up ? I’m agnostic on that point.
And the oil companies need to be nationalised, with profits going to reparations until they aren’t needed anymore. The oil I mean obvs.
Seeing your comment at #30. Down the road if you want to play on a Sunday, I have a connection for you in the tiny village of Lamy, NM (near my home and where a lot of filming for season 3 of “Dark Winds” was this summer). My friend who runs the tap room located in the historic train station is always looking for a solo or duo for inside, full bands when we set up outside on the stage next to the train tracks. He’s trying to get some Sunday music going. Very cool venue. Mostly locals. I scouted a couple of groups for him when I was in Bisbee. They are already booked for summer dates….going to just stay here with me a couple of nights when they play.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): People pick it up from their neighbors and then social media expands it. I recall when FEMA was working in some of the hurricane damaged regions people pulled guns on them– they’d heard rumors that the feds were going to steal their land. I’m not surprised to see that they’re getting stirred up with the stuff you described. It keeps everyone off balance and suspicious.
Sister Golden Bear
@UncleEbeneezer: Congratulations, best of luck!
Trivia Man
@NightSky: Money is powerful. Maybe it was it Lenin who said, “a capitalist will sell me the rope to hang him, if he can turn a profit on it.”
Trivia Man
@WaterGirl: We just finished A Discovery of Witches and enjoyed it. Im not very interested in occult symbolism and lore, but engaging characters and plot development. Plus spectacular costumes and settings.
Now to finish Upper Middle Bogan.
Hello again.
My friends and I used to tube the Rio Grande just south of Taos, from the Orilla Verde bridge down to Embudo Station, which was a damn fine restaurant and brewery in the middle of pretty much nowhere. It was an absolute blast.
Also, Bandelier National Monument is awesome!
Ummm, I’m pretty sure Maxwell thinks he’s being exalted – as is his due.
@UncleEbeneezer: Glad to hear that another door is opening for you so soon.
Maxwell’s expression say “now — what am I doing Up HERE?!“
60 Minutes did a pretty great piece on Altadena and the fire.
Hi there!
Blue Heron Micro Brewery is still at Embudo. Cool place. Plus, there’s Sugar’s there. Good food.
Love hiking at Bandelier and Puye. Need to get back there this Spring before tourist season hit. It’s been over a year for me.
I think I am heading down to Silver City and Pinos Altos, NM in February. Probably will spend a night either going or coming in Truth or Consequences. Going to meet up with a new friend I met in Tucson. Beautiful area of NM. But totally different vibe than Northern New Mexico.
Looks like we have traveled some of the same backroads of NM and Utah. Feel free to get my email from Betty Cracker if you want to connect. I’m here in the comments sporadically now. Usually if something non political catches my eye.
Take care.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
The fact you can move to a hip, shi-shi place like Taos in the aftermath of this is pretty incredible. One of my oldest friends is in Santa Fe but we’ve skied Taos many times over the years.
This gets you closer to meet some of us…hmmm, lemme rethink that. ;)
Congratulations. This is very good news.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Did you ever look at the Denver Meetup photos? There’s one in there I deliberately staged for you.
Sounds good, follow traveler. Have a great night!
@prostratedragon: I saw that as ‘Whatever’.
What an amazing turn of events! I hope everything works out wonderfully for you.
@Ruviana: The Russian networks first sowed dissension and then got to work on picking sides politically.
Worth posting again, our friends just got back into their home in Oregon after 4 years and 4 months. The voices of experience.
1. Get a PO Box
2. Longer term rental search – include insurance on it so they pay directly for rental. Find a nice place that you like, don’t settle. You should be able to get a “Like Property” so insurance should cover a nice place for you to live while you work through all this. You might be living here for 2 years, so choose wisely.
3. Find a place to buy some sturdy boots and gloves. Get some shovels.
4. Start working on the personal property list (this is not fun at all, be prepared to cry we sure did). Write down the moment you remember – keep list on phone or pad of paper with you at all times.
5. Save receipts. Loss of use insurance will cover incidentals too – hairbrush, phone chargers, etc.
6. As you buy things, tell the store owner your situation. Most stores will give you some level of discount as their way of helping you.
7. Let people do things for you. Do you have a friend that you can send to the store to buy you some basic clothes or comfort foods? Let them do it – they want to help and you don’t need to spend time doing these errands. (The ‘fun’ of shopping is gone…it quickly becomes a chore because you don’t want a new shirt, you want the one that you always liked to wear but now it’s gone and you are sad/mad.)
The Big List:
1. Register at the shelters, with Red Cross and any other agency there, california FEMA, etc. a. Most of the aid coming in will use these lists as a point of contact and will help to ensure that you don’t get left out of anything. b. This will be especially important should FEMA be activated, which in my opinion is very likely with the amount of devastation experienced.
2. Call Homeowners/Rental insurance to trigger “Loss of Use” . This typically will allow you to be in a “Like” property for x number of years and sometimes has a dollar limit attached and sometimes not, this is dependent on your policy. a. This coverage should also give you some immediate access to funds for essentials, clothes, toothbrushes, food, etc. b. This will also get the ball rolling for the insurance claim on your home and rebuilding/personal property Dollars.
3. Get a PO Box and forward all mail to the Box. . Use this PO Box as the mailing address on all forms you begin to fill out.
4. Start Searching for a Long term rental. . Coordinate with your insurance company so that payments can be made directly from them using your “Loss of Use” money. a. Plan on renting 1-2 years, but do not necessarily sign a lease for a full two years as circumstances can change.
5. Itemized List of belongings – (This is very hard but very necessary for your claim) . I would organize by room and list everything that was there with a replacement cost. (you will cry a lot doing this and that is ok)
a. Replacement Cost should be what it would cost to replace not on sale from pottery barn, it should not be the price you paid for it with that 50% off coupon.
b. Make sure you list everything, even if it is above and beyond your policy limit. This is very important because everything above and beyond the policy limit is considered a Loss and can be claimed as such on your taxes – See #9
6. Call all of your utilities and either freeze or cancel service. Electric, Gas, TV, Land Line phone a. Newspaper delivery, either cancel or update to PO Box.
7. Call the rest of your insurance points as needed. Car insurance a. Any specialty insurance for unique items
8. Permits – An unfortunate necessity. Debris Removal – as things wind down it will be necessary to remove the debris, this requires a permit usually. (This should be covered by your insurance, we had to force the issue but ask repeatedly.)
a. Erosion Control – If you are on any kind of hill or have sloped property you will need to put some sort of erosion control measures in place, again this will need some sort of permit.
b. Temporary Power Pole/Trailer on site Permit – Getting this earlier on can prove helpful in both the rebuilding process.
9. Taxes . You will be able to claim the monetary loss of the value of all your items minus what you receive from your insurance company. I’m unfamiliar with the exact laws, but I believe that we were able to carry our losses back 2-5 years and received most of the money that we had paid in taxes back in a nice large check.
10. Network with others. You will learn so much from others as you go through the rebuilding process. We all have our strengths so share yours and use others. The amount of time that you will spend on the rebuild, insurance, recovery process is staggering so you need to use all your resources.
They got pitched by every scam artist grifter, too.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
I totally missed them. Took a 10 day break from BJ.
Linky????? Date posted???
The watercolor by Grumpy Old Railroader (1/13/25) that’s on the sidebar this evening is really, really beautiful (it embiggens if clicked). The sort of break I needed just now.
Thanks for adding this image gallery experiment.
Good looking bunch of BJers!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
sooooo…..who had the honor of the 24 oz Hamm’s?
And, where the hell did you find a Hamm’s tall boy?
@UncleEbeneezer: Welcome to New Mexico.
Aussie Sheila
That is a great list of points! Well done.
I’m sorry you had to have personal experience to put it together.
Poe Larity.
So Trumps attempt to slow tiktok shutdown is so Musk can buy it at a discount?
In other news, US Supreme Court rejects bid by oil companies to toss Honolulu’s climate suit.
@Poe Larity
Well, Reuters and Bloomberg both have stories up.
Aussie Sheila
I trust if it hasn’t already that California joins it.
I’ve been waiting for two decades for a lawsuit to be raised against these mass murderers. They’ve known for decades that their product was killing people and the planet. The greatest mass murderers since the Nazis. I repeat, they need to be publicly executed..
Normally I oppose capital punishment. Not this time for this crime.
Early returns on the NYC congestion fee, in terms of travel time changes.
Bloomberg names no names, just allegations of “Chinese Officials” and Reuters just reposts Bloomburg.
Both Bytedance, (parent company) and Tic-Tok say it’s bullshit.
I read both links….yours and mine. I guess we will see how it all pans out.
I will not be shocked if Musk is trying to buy it or ends up buying it.
Looks to me like some one is floating rumours to drive down the company value, basically what Musk “achieved” with the dead bird site. The world doesn’t need another Nazi vid channel.
Sorry, the US doesn’t need,………………………….
(Forgot to paste)
Why would the WaPo break their sacred tradition of not making endorsements to endorse Pam Bondi?
Could it be her flawless record of ignoring labor law violations?
Surely that couldn’t be relevant to Bezos!
Aussie Sheila
Bingo! Give the commenter a gold stamp!
Got it in one. I must say, I’m impressed that they aren’t even pretending anymore that its ’Democracy’ they are shielding.
They are so utterly transparent. They obviously believe they have nothing to fear.
An old communist union organiser told me 5 decades ago ‘ once they stop fearing you, you are finished’. I took his advice to heart for as long and as well as I could.
@Aussie Sheila:
JD is a woman I’ve known since High School, she passed it on to friends here in SoCal who lost their home.
Aussie Sheila
I apologise if I have misunderstood your reference. Nevertheless that is a great ‘to do’ list.
Practical and comprehensive.
It’s a Wolf Moon tonight:
Volume I is now out.
As a companion piece, Moonlight to da max.
@NotMax: Pretty grand! It’s all in how you hear it.
YY_Sima Qian
Another thing not on my bingo card, & we are still just 2 weeks into ’25.
This development is ironic on so many different levels. I am sure more than a few people in DC are screaming in exasperation, & more than a few in Beijing are nervously shifting in their seats.
Aziz, light!
No, but the Nazis do.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
Ha ha . I truly hope so.
Christ the US anti Chinese posture is so pathetic. The whole world sees it, and knows what it means.
I was able to catch up with family and friends over the Xmas hols. The issue of China and US elections came up a lot.
Here’s the deal.
To a person, everybody detested trump, and about 50/50 preferred adhering to China rather than the US, in the event of some China/US contretemps. I can’t tell you how much the US is held in contempt here among both the respectable, comfortable middle class and the militant working class. It was an eye opener.
I love my country.
YY_Sima Qian
The TikTok forced divestment under thread of ban is now seen as a matter of national dignity in the PRC. If ByteDance is seen to surrender to perceived USG extortion by selling TikTok US, & selling it cheap, it will face tremendous backlash & there are Chinese competitors waiting on the wings to take advantage. The Chinese market accounts for 77% of ByteDance‘s revenue.
Not to mention TikTok‘s recommendation algorithms are developed & stored in China, under ByteDance‘s ownership, & it is under export control by the PRC government. Finally, a TikTok US divested from ByteDance will not stay in the US, but compete against TikTok in the ROW. IIRC, US users account for only 10% of TikTok‘s user base, the largest is actual Indonesia, & TikTok is not yet making money in the US market (getting fleeced by Oracle to store US data locally).
ByteDance is unlikely to jeopardize its business in the PRC or in the ROW by selling TikTok US (inevitably at a discount), & TikTok US is worthless w/o the recommendation algorithm.
@YY_Sima Qian
Speaking of levels, a look at burgeoning Chongqing.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
Good. It means some US Co. will try to fill the gap. But good on the Chinese government for not giving in. Christ almighty, the history of US interference in governments all over the world, even and especially in so called ‘ allied ‘ governments makes me feel all warm inside when I see the US afraid of hostile governments having some power over their effed political arrangements.
Now the US knows what it feels like. Ha ha.
@YY_Sima Qian: That is very interesting about Tiktok from a Chinese perspective. I know a lot of American users are not happy about our government’s position.
YY_Sima Qian
@Aussie Sheila: I 1st saw references to the development from my Twitter feed. Opened up the RedNote App, sure enough, half of the top posts on my “Recommended” feed are from American “TikTok refugees”. For my wife, who does not use any VPN & does not surf outside of the Great China Firewall, a quarter of her “Recommended” feed was the same.
I don’t think we have seen average Chinese interact w/ average Americans on any social media platform at such scale since before Facebook was banned in 2010 or so. Sure, you have Chinese people on Facebook or Twitter through VPN, & Chinese emigrés overseas on these platforms, but the interactions are often toxic, as these platforms are filled w/ trash.
So far, the interactions on RedNote are mostly cordial, even cute, driven mostly by curiosity. Not only does RedNote have to follow the CPC regime’s censorship regulations (& TikTok does not) because it is based on the PRC, the platform itself curates a heavily & actively moderated environment, very little that is controversial to anyone on the platform. It is not a place for political enlightenment or even just edgy content, but it can be a welcome haven to leave the troubles of the world behind for a while. I occasionally peruse it for recipes, reviews (gadgets, appliances, books, performances), travel guides, & culture content. (I don’t touch TikTok or Douyin.)
A lot the “TikTok refugees” have stated that they joined RedNote specifically as an FU to USG & Meta, but have been pleasantly surprised by the welcome & the vibe. The response from Chinese users have been a mixture of bemusement, sympathy, humor, & not a little schadenfreude. At some point (if not already), the thought will emerge among at least some of the Chinese users that they cannot criticize their own government the same way on the same platform. Hence, my vision of apparatchiks in Beijing shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
We’ll see how long it lasts, but it’s a thing to witness in real time.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
I hope you are right. No one here is under any illusions about Xi’s regime and the network that keeps ordinary Chinese workers and people under the thumb. However, no one here is under any illusion about the outrageous US anti worker regime and its tolerance of an unbelievable attack on its Parliament and a democratic election.
The former is a short summary of militant’s view of the US.
The latter represent family going out into distant cousins. The inability of the Law to bring to justice someone who tried to overthrow an election has the Australian middle class in a tizzy. They are by turns contemptuous and scared.
They should be.
I had a lot of fun at family gatherings. Keep going Maga. You are making a lifetime’s work suddenly very easy.
YY_Sima Qian
@NotMax: Chongqing is the Cyberpunk city, has changed so much since I last visited in 2016.
Incidentally, Chongqing suffered major wild fires in its mountains in the Summer of ’22 (when there was an intense draught in SW China), that had threatened population centers. It took 8 days of intense all of society effort to put out, including FDs from across the PRC, local military and paramilitary forces, local government workers, & a huge army of mostly self-activated (& sometimes self-organized) volunteers. Chinese nationalists have been trolling on Twitter comparing the effort against the LA wildfires unfavorably w/ the effort in Chongqing.
It is in poor taste & not necessarily fair, but the US polity does have major challenges w/ collective action on many fronts.
YY_Sima Qian
@Aussie Sheila: I just hope I don’t wake up on 1/19 & find that TikTok US is sold to Elon Musk, though that would also pile ironies upon ironies.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
Oh ! Collective action you say! No shit Sherlock.
That’s exactly the US weakness. And it’s a big one the whole world knows.
No matter how powerful the US they will never, ever defeat a united people. Ask the Vietnamese.
@YY_Sima Qian: I am curious about my sister’s reaction to this.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
Who cares? Musk’s half life is about two years imo. He’s in for a world of pain in the next five years. Starting with the UK government and the EU this year.
Truly, Tim Walz had it right.
He’s a dipshit.
Only now he’s attracted the attention of sovereign governments. He’s in a world of shit.
@YY_Sima Qian: I thought you had just said that was economically unpossible?
ETA Comment #107
@Aussie Sheila: It has been interesting over my lifetime to see Aussies shift their perspective from seeing USA as protection to seeing USA as a problem. I blame the Murdochs.
ETA A lot of the stupid stuff our RWNJs want is because Murdoch Media pushed it.
YY_Sima Qian
@sab: Chinese pupils are already “cheating” on their English homework by consulting w/ the American newcomers.
Like I said, it’s something to behold.
It would be one of those ironies, if the attempt to ban TikTok ends up promoting Sino-American people to people contact on RedNote (even if under the constraints of CPC censorship & RedNote moderation), & thus help alleviate the incipient (perhaps we are already past “incipient”) Cold War dynamic, if only at the margins. Douyin (& all other Chinese social media) does not have much of a presence outside of the PRC, & TikTok (& all international social media) does not operate in the PRC.
YY_Sima Qian
@sab: In this reality, who the hell knows what is possible & what is not.
Perhaps the Chinese government decides that TikTok owned by Elon Musk can precisely be the influence tool that it could not be (too much scrutiny) when owned by ByteDance.
YY_Sima Qian
@Aussie Sheila: Twitter & TikTok owned by Musk? That will be a nightmarish scenario for liberal democracy in the US.
Aussie Sheila
It would be a mistake to blame the Murdochs. They aren’t the source of Australian anti U.S. sentiment. They are hated on their own account here.
Anti U.S. sentiment goes back to the beginnings of the Cold War here. We will never forget US interference in our unions and our elections.
And going back even further. My grandfather landed a big contract repairing US warships in WW2 in North Queensland.
He was a veteran of WW1.
When we were children, he would tell us that the US never took prisoners of war. He asked US Officers where the PoWs were. And they laughed.
He had a deep contempt for US rules of war.
YY_Sima Qian
@Aussie Sheila: I for one hope middle powers such as Australia, Japan, South Korea, Bangladesh, Brazil, Columbia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, the Gulf States, the ASEAN nations, the EU nations, come together & try to construct a truly rules based international order that constrains the great powers, rather than just falling in line with/ one camp or the other in a new Cold War.
It’s a forlorn hope, I know.
I am basically pro-immigration. But my position is opposite of what we have been pushing.
I want ban the highly educated elites. They fucked up their own countries so much that now they want out. ( Musk, Thiel, first batch of Cubans.)
Okay for people fleeing oppression. Not okay for rich dudes hoping opportunities to score are better here.
Let in the normal little people who just want to work their asses off to give their kids a better life.
Aussie Sheila
@YY_Sima Qian:
Well the exact contours you lay out may not be achievable.
But trust me, the respectable Australian middle class has had it with the US. They are coming round to the position that the place is ungovernable and that it is full of semi fascist gun nuts.
That’ll do me. The US loss of respect here is simply glorious.
@Aussie Sheila: However y’all feel about Murdochs, they have been toxic here. So you think they are just another bunch of rich foreigners run out of their own country for fucking things up so badly?
ETA They still seem to have an Aussie base. I don’t think you guys are as pure as you present yourselves abroad.
Our black cat looks malevolent but she is actually a silly trusting dingbat.
ETA This comment was aimed at blogmaster Cole.
Aussie Sheila
Neither view is optimal imo. Refugee applications should be dealt with swiftly and competently and in accordance with your policies.
Immigration should be dealt with in accordance with policies applying to people wishing to become citizens. Those policies should be set by democratically elected governments.
The problem with the US is that your employer class wants an indentured servant class which they get with unhindered border crossings, and no one wants to talk about a proper refugee policy, let alone a proper immigrant workforce policy.
Mind you, my country can’t be too sniffy about the latter. Australian governments of all stripes have behaved disgracefully towards people coming here by boat seeking refuge since the early 2000s.
Holding a cat with one hand just behind their front legs and the other hand just in front of their back legs is a well-known cat calming technique. It’s used a lot at cat shows.
And I don’t know if this is universal with dogs but over Christmas a friend discovered that if you stroke Whimsy on her snout from top of nose to between her eyes, that totally chills her out. She’ll stand motionless from a crazy puppy frenzy so long as you’re petting her snout.
@Aussie Sheila: Behaved badly earlier than that. I remember in my youth when Australia accepted zero Asian immigrants. Only wanted white people from Europe.
@JoyceH: We do that too to Ponyo being nutz. Didn’t know it was a universal dog thing.
Aussie Sheila
Well I don’t know how old you are, but our immigration policies changed at about the same time as US.immigration policies.
For which I am glad. But funny that don’t you think?
@JoyceH: I will try that cat calming thing on the more obstreporous cats. it works on our black cat, but she is naturally calm anyway.
@Aussie Sheila: I am 71.
@Aussie Sheila: Funny you don’t give dates.
@Aussie Sheila: When was that change?
Aussie Sheila
Huh? The Murdochs are able to run media here thanks to execrable decisions by governments right and left. And as for being ‘pure’, let me tell you something you should know.
People are people everywhere.
What makes the difference are structures of government and the democratic temperament they encourage or otherwise.
US liberals like to think the US holds the enlightenment torch high pour encourager les autres.
Let me be clear.
No one, but no one here, thinks the US is an avatar of liberal democratic governance. To the contrary, in the greatest little suck arse in the world, Australia, the US is now something to be feared.
Thank you Garland and Maga.
Aussie Sheila
Try 1965. And then 1975. I guarantee that Australia has had more non white immigration in the last 40 years per population base than the US. Get over yourself.
Artists in our midst don’t just have cofee mugs. I just ordered handtowels. That’s just me.
@Aussie Sheila: “Get over yourself.” Another friendly interaction across the globe. I thought we were in a discussion, not in a confrontation. You taught me, bitch.
ETA : Other jackals warned me she was just a troll. Pie filter.
Aussie Sheila
Oh boo hoo. If you think I’m a troll you are even more stupid than I thought you were.
When my youngest stepson (now 40) was 15, he always thought he could win arguments by either saying “You started it” or “you are even more stupid than I thought you were.”
Aussie Sheila
Well it just goes to show your stepson was right. Get a grip!
Two skunks pissing at each other in a trench. Embarrassing.
7° outside and I still am grateful I am not Australian.
YY_Sima Qian
@Aussie Sheila:
Come on! No need for this, no? Don’t want to see two commenters I respect slinging mud at each other.
@YY_Sima Qian: Head down, tail between legs.
“Okay, I wil, try to behave.”
@YY_Sima Qian: Also too, thank you for the input when we were being jerks. Both of us.
YY_Sima Qian
@sab: <3
@YY_Sima Qian: No comprende.
But perhaps leave me confused is best approach.
YY_Sima Qian
@sab: It’s supposed to be a ❤️
@YY_Sima Qian: Thank you.
ETA Also too a new not emoji . Live and learn new stuff.
I have noticed with our black cat: all you see is the face and the ears and the eyes.
My black cat has a mouth and a nose, but neither show up in photos. Which makes her look malevolant. And she is a dingbat incapable of evil thought. Just a sweet furry dingbat.
@Aussie Sheila:
Your grandfather was wrong; there were German prisoner of war camps here in upstate New York.
Chief Oshkosh
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): Until we the voters vote in representatives who will vigorously and very publicly pursue disinformation-producing miscreants, this will only get worse. It is a tough nut because you run up against First Amendment issues (and rightly so). But our government should be treating foreign actors like wartime enemies. As Adam Silverman says, we’re in WWWIII, we just don’t want to admit. I think it’ll take that mindset to deal with foreign enemies, but I don’t know what to do about it domestically.
Chief Oshkosh
@UncleEbeneezer: Here’s to beginnings!
Another Scott
@prostratedragon: 👍
Best wishes,
Trivia Man
@sab: We had a shower curtain from Fine Art America with art made by mrs trivia. The breadth of offerings is staggering. Shoes, tote bags, coffee mugs, pillows, pillow cases, mouse pads, phone cases… all on demand
Trivia Man
@Denali5: and in Wisconsin. I dont recall hearing about very many POW camps for Japanese prisoners. No question the european front was wildly different from the war in asia.
Another Scott
Ft. Hunt in NoVA outside DC, also too.
Best wishes,
@UncleEbeneezer: So glad to hear you are bouncing back!
@UncleEbeneezer: Glad you seem to be landing on your feet. Best wishes to you both in your new place
Miss Bianca
@UncleEbeneezer: Taos is pretty awesome. I miss northern New Mexico intensely, I may have to arrange a visit down that way soon. Congrats on the new situation, hope it all works out for you.
Trivia Man
@Trivia Man: except the POW camps in the US for Americans of Japanese descent but I do not consider that a refutation of Grandpa Aussie Sheila in any way.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jager: I think this list of steps and actions needs to be linkable in the sidebar. It’s important
A friend who survived fires in Maui has forwarded it on Facebook, and I was about to copy paste it to WG. But here it already is.
Old Fezziwig
Please mask when around your cats.