The Democrats’ social media account staffed by (some) former KamalaHQ folks is posting through the hearings, and doing a good job.
This is the BlueSky version but my understanding is that other platforms also have this account.
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The Democrats’ social media account staffed by (some) former KamalaHQ folks is posting through the hearings, and doing a good job.
This is the BlueSky version but my understanding is that other platforms also have this account.
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Thanks for front-paging this MisterMix!
and wow, the Cali – Florida (not you, Betty) split screen at the bottom speaks volumes.
Steve in the ATl
A lawyer who knows less about the law than Omnes? Damn!
Chief Oshkosh
The nominees are such slimy people. Bondi should’ve been put down at birth. The other one, identified only as “Trump nominee that apparently broke the law” — sorry, there’s no way to ID who that is with just that information.
Betty Cracker
Bondi is a shape-shifting crook. I hope someone asked her who won the 2020 election. The question causes her to short-circuit.
Bondi’s saying she has to “study” the 14th amendment birthright citizenship means nothing of the sort. It means she’s sucking up to Trump, who has no understanding of the 14th amendment (or the Constitution in general, or a lot of things), and playing to his base. She’s reprehensible.
Grifter and crook
Was there a reason the Supreme Court didn’t release the TikTok case today?
@rikyrah: Same as when they push other high-profile rulings off and off and off…they’re dicks and want to be dickish. (The Shitty Six, that is.)
Old School
@Chief Oshkosh:
Since I was curious, I looked it up. The clip is from the hearing for Russell Vought – nominee for Director of OMB.
@Chief Oshkosh: Peters is ranking on Homeland Security, but apparently it’s Russell Vought, the new OMB director, because Google told me so. I’m confused…
Old School
@Betty Cracker:
A few people did. She evaded the election question and simply replied that Joe Biden is president.
Truer words were never spoken.
@Betty Cracker: She was asked. Said Biden is president but refused to say he won.
@Indycat32: That’s what they all say. They’re trying to sound somewhat connected to reality without pissing off Trump. So instead of sounding crazy they sound like slippery weasels.
Raoul Paste
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Chief Oshkosh:
Somebody said that essentially the Orange Fart Cloud is trolling the entire governmental system as it’s existed in large part since the beginning of the 20th Century.
It’s essentially another manifestation of Gilded Age v 2.0. We’ve done it economically, working hard on it socially and now, with a return to the ‘spoils system’, the gubmint.
@Betty Cracker:
She was asked and refused to answer.
@Betty Cracker: Here’s how she answered Durbin when he asked about the 2020 election:
She also said that we had a “peaceful transfer of power”, which should sink any nominee.
Matt McIrvin
The Xitter version seems to be bridged/mirrored to Mastodon, for people who want to follow it there.
Ladies and germs, your 2025 model Kellyanne Conway!
I have an weird take on the nominations. Yes, many of the Felon’s picks are incompetent for the positions they have been nominated to perform. However, I would rather have ineffective leadership at many of these positions than effective evil leadership that hurts Americans. In my opinion, Sessions was ineffective as AG, but Barr was both effective and evil. Which is worse?
How do we rank her next to AG Jefferson Beauregard Highpants Kneeslap Yeehaw-Y’all Sessons?
ETA: Speaking of incompetence . . .
@TooTallTom: I see this sentiment a lot and I really think it’s misguided. A person does not have to be the most competent or the smartest or most knowledgable in order to do harm and wreak havoc, especially not in today’s GOP. And please remember that “ineffective” can in and of itself be incredibly dangerous. Someone who is ineffective at running the military, or Social Security, or the Treasury, or any other post can cause a massive amount of damage to people and institutions. Would you want an “ineffective” surgeon, or firefighter, or pilot, or detective? Effectiveness is necessary for a job to be done well. Ineffectiveness is often integral to a job done poorly at best.
Melancholy Jaques
The point of the Hegseth nomination: A completely unqualified & unfit president forces Republicans to confirm a completely unqualified & unfit person for an extremely important cabinet post just to demonstrate that he can do anything he wants and that it is useless to oppose him. After Republicans permit this, what should we expect them to prevent?
zhena gogolia
@TooTallTom: Yeah, I’m feeling this too.
I worry that Gabbard might be effective and evil.
zhena gogolia
@Trollhattan: He had far more integrity.
They’re gonna put Blondi on the Supremacists Court.
Meanwhile General Mike Flynn said Night of the Long Knives out loud today.
(I’m assuming I don’t have to explain that phrase, Rick Steves did a great job with it.)
This is cool, and all.
I struggle to see how much “fact-checking” matters in a “Post-Truth World”, however.
There are just too many people, and it is not limited solely to the MAGA Faithful, for whom “Objective Truth” and “Facts” just do not exist any longer.
I am not suggesting that people simply concede this and let the chips fall where they may, but rather simply struggle to see how one gets this sort of thing to cut through the noise of “I did my own research”.
@TBone: She and Cannon will have to slapfight over it.
I so admire my Senior Senator Alex Padilla, he had big Chuck Taylor sneakers to fill when Kamala Harris was elected as Vice President. He has acted with great integrity and diligence and as much of a work horse, he is well prepare and unambiguous when making public comments. We can expect him to be at the fore of the fighting minority.
Matt McIrvin
@TooTallTom: The George W. Bush administration’s handling of the Iraq invasion aftermath, and the first Trump administration’s handling of COVID, are examples of how many people incompetence can kill. There was malice mixed in there too, in both cases, and, I suppose, a sort of weaponized indifference that encompasses both.
@Trollhattan: As Florida’s AG with a history of putting her hand on the scales of justice, I think she has more potential to be both effective and evil.
@Trollhattan: I’d pay to have a ringside seat at that circus. So I could pelt them both with dildos.
@laura: he was indeed fabulous today (I watched it). Blondi didn’t like the brown man.
@Melancholy Jaques:
Yes. I said that when Gaetz and Hegseth were announced. Also Gabbard.
@Matt McIrvin: Also an ideological bias that ‘the free market solves all problems’ killed plenty, too.
Including soldiers electrocuted in showers built by Halliburton.
@TBone: In case “Night of the Long Knives” didn’t get your attention, may I remind you about Mike Flynn’s brother
randy khan
The short answer is that the opinions probably aren’t done. They obviously thought it was important enough to shorten the briefing schedule and have oral argument incredibly fast, so I don’t think they’re slowing down intentionally. And I just read an analyst report on Tik-Tok that didn’t seem concerned about not having a decision yet, although it did point out that Tik-Tok will have difficulty doing something if the decision comes out the wrong way for it and it doesn’t happen until Saturday or Sunday.
zhena gogolia
So, so depressing to think of what we might have had.
@Trollhattan: Sessions had the intelligence to recuse himself from what would become the Mueller investigation, which Bondi would never do. She’s definitely even more unethical than he is. But I think Sessions and Barr were both capable of running DoJ and I’m not sure Bondi is based on past experience. Hard to say whether she can do as much damage as they did just because of that.
@TBone: from his wiki
So when Trump tries to cancel Birthright citizenship, I wonder which way this Supreme Court goes when it reaches them. Probably a 5-4 decision but I won’t place bets on who gets 5 & who gets 4. I mean, this Supreme Court already legalized bribery (so long as payment is done after the deed) and made the President have powers of a King.
@zhena gogolia: I know. The joy and happy anticipation we’d be feeling right now instead of…this.
In my personal experience, the unqualified, ignorant and those embracing being “disruptors” can destroy an institution very quickly.
Case #1, a 30 year old bleeding edge tech company, (800 employees), gone in two years and the valuable patents sold off to China for pennies on the dollar. (Me)
Case #2, a 40 year old Remote Learning Institution, globally recognized, accredited, (TV, then online), 300 employees, destroyed in 3 years, nothing left. (T)
@zhena gogolia:
That’s the thing. All we could have had. The progress that was possible.😒😒
@zhena gogolia:
That’s for damn sure. It’s like a huge emptiness in my gut. :(
Matt McIrvin
@catclub: So many more would have died in the COVID pandemic without the yeoman work of all those “deep state” people that the Trump administration wants to eliminate this time around.
Anthony Fauci tried so hard to keep people on the same page and he got demonized with conspiracy theories and dissed by his own boss for his trouble… mostly for attracting attention when Trump needed to hog the spotlight. I wouldn’t be surprised if the second Trump admin tries to put him in jail.
Padilla has done well, for us and for himself going forward. Damn that Newsom for appointing him! Has a long career ahead if he choses to pursue it.
I’d love for Trump to pull his “My uncle taught at MIT and that makes me smart” shit with Alex, who graduated from MIT.
@TBone: Quite the family. Flinn-flam all the way down.
Chris Johnson
@TooTallTom: I would rather have ineffective TRAITORship, because these are to more or less of an extent Putin’s wrecking balls.
Just in case they get nominated does not mean they get to wreck everything they want because that can and would become expensive to Republicans. Understand that our government is capable of electing absolute known traitors to high office and then trying to work around them so that the house of cards doesn’t fall too much.
They did that for four fucking years. Clearly they’re prepared to try for another four. They think they can control the traitors or that they’ll be too dumb, useless and compromised to really break anything.
Just on this question and answer, I would vote no on Bondi’s nomination.
Q: “Have you heard the recording of President Trump when he urged the Secretary of State of Georgia ‘to find 11,780 votes’?”
A: AG nominee Bondi: “I have not heard it.”
That is a damn lie. There is no way she has not heard that phone conversation. A lie that transparently false should be a disqualifier.
Harrison Wesley
@Scout211: Filling Vance s seat? I’m pretty sure he fills his own seat and wouldn’t let anybody else get near…..oh. Oh. That’s not what you meant. Sorry.
I don’t think you’re wrong that an incompetent person can do massive damage. But your examples (surgeon, firefighter, pilot, detective) are all types of jobs that the individual must do themself. The surgeon is the one who personally does the surgery, not the one who tells someone to go into the operating theater and get to work; the pilot actually flies the plane; the firefighter has to personally determine the water pressure for a given case and go fight the damn fire. As we have observed, incompetent people at the top may still have competent people below them, quietly getting the job done properly. That’s why it is a matter of concern if federal jobs are eliminated.
@Trollhattan: we all live at Animal Farm now, except with Nazis.
strange visitor (from another planet)
@TBone: nominated for tag.
incompetent people tend to hire and promote incompetent people.
Wait. Trump is incompetent and….
Oh, I see.
@Matt McIrvin:
I searched on Mastodon and don’t find it.
“Who is President Trump?”
Matt McIrvin
@kindness: I think it’ll be 6-3 to get rid of birthright citizenship. Because the argument that “the 14th Amendment doesn’t say what it says, because something something something ‘the jurisdiction thereof’ and an invading army” is something that’s been legitimized among even non-Trumpster Republicans for years before Trump.
The question is just how far back a good respectable pedigree you’ll need. Mayflower, or is having the right grandparents enough?
LA Times has a huge story now about how the fire engine positioning was off. Evidently that’s why Pacific Palisades burned down lol.
Matt McIrvin
@dc: try @[email protected]
(sharing links to Mastodon is still too infuriating)
@Torrey: Do you believe the “competent” people under the incompetent ones would be allowed to continue competently doing their jobs? This Doge shit is about slashing everything, and as you noted, that means a lot of people are going to get canned, and the ones who get kept around are going to be the same kind of dipshit sycophants that Trump is installing at the top of every department. Competency will be seen as a detriment, not an asset.
@matt: Next, the fire engine positioning was off because of that damned DEI fire chief. Look for the story real soon.
@frosty: There were 100 mis-positioned fire engines I guess. That LA Times plutocrat is something else. Who knew that proper fire engine positioning (when the hydrants are out of water) can stop so much damage?
@Matt McIrvin: Answer might depend on how many stateless workers the market comes to require. Build an abject labor pool.
It’s a “broken windows” theory. See if you position a fire engine along a block, a fire doesn’t break out along that block, because fire is afraid of fire engines.
Peke Daddy
@matt: Thought it was the 70 mph winds with 5% humidity.
@Jay: If only everyone had simultaneously washed their cars so that it made rain inevitable!
@Peke Daddy: Yeah, the fire engine positioning argument is farcical and stupid on its face. I guess that’s what’s so much fun about it.
Rich people love deflecting blame.
@matt: It does keep getting funnier and funnier. I mean, it would indeed be handy to have all those Mexican fire crews and their equipment prepositioned much much closer to the next fire in Los Angeles, no?
If you already have citizenship, it can only be revoked if you obtained it by fraud, were convicted of treason against the US, enlist in a foreign army, (only some cases), get elected/appointed to a foreign government post, (only some cases), are naturalized and commit certain crimes.
So while the White Supremacist Court might destroy (
reinterpret)the 14th Amendment, it will only apply going forward, so basically, if you are a ‘Mercan, going forward, find a country with birthright citizenship, to birth your babies in, so that they are not stateless.Eg, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu,Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Fingers crossed that they know what they’re doing, but “FactPost” looks like a name that was generated by a ChatGPT prompt.
Sure Lurkalot
@Peke Daddy:
Why, calling it a natural disaster would leave no DEI hire to And obviously, there should’ve been 100 fire engines parked in every neighborhood, that’s just common sense.
@Sure Lurkalot:
And it saves on those expensive firehalls, commutes,…….
The fire engines were parked facing south when they should have been facing east. That offended Tonantzin so much she dried the land, Ehecatl (had to look that one up) sent the Santa Ana, and Tlaloc refused to send any rain.
See what happens when you abolish human sacrifices on a blood stained altar,…………………….
the Old Gods demand respect and reverence.
Or if the courts feel like revoking it. Whaddaya gonna do, sue ’em?
Or, does not apply to naturalized citizens who are just a bunch of damned immigrants.
for people who are obsessed with the lack of people having “White Babies”, they haven’t really though this through.
Y’all gonna have lots of “White Babies” when they are born Stateless, non-Citizens until their parents spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to “prove” their kid is ‘Merkin enough?
Its fear. On some level they all know climate change is real, and coming for them, so they have to insist it’s the mayors fault or the governors fault or poor management. Because the thought of a 100 mph fire hurricane that no one can control terrifies them.
They know no one will be able to insure against it and there isn’t going to be enough money in the world to compensate for monthly catastrophic property damage somewhere in the world on this scale. So they’re all yelling for a daddy to come fix it.
@Matt McIrvin: If they actually do manage to get rid of birthright citizenship no one will be safe from deportation.
@Matt McIrvin: Still doesn’t work. Eventually, maybe …
Thank you for trying.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: I’ll google it. I was a normie for years.
Recently came across this while poking around.
10 Bands That Suddenly Disappeared After One Hit.
#87 – wrong thread.