I don’t see any action in the back room, so I’ll just pop this up as an Open Thread. I pulled it yesterday when it was only up to for 5 minutes or so before the blogfather put his up.
Can you find Miss Willow?
I jokingly call Miss Willow a slut, because she mostly sleeps with me when it’s cold, or if I have even her a special treat that day, like whipped cream. I guess the rest of the time I am not worthy! :-) Seriously, though, I love her dearly, and she’s my girl who knows when I’m sad and she comes over to comfort me. She’s very maternal; she would take Tucker’s side when he was a baby and her kitty brother Mr. Bear would get mad at Tucker. It’s good to have another girl in the house!
There’s a vent on the wall with the dresser in the bedroom.
I have never seen her there before. This must be the special “it’s been close to zero” hiding place.
Who else is tired of the cold?
Open thread!
Noah the Love cat was projectile vomiting yellow bile too often today, at the same time as hubby. Hubby may be suffering the side effects of Repatha injections (or have norovirus), but poor Noah is a cancer survivor so off to the very expensive vet we went. He got a full workup and has no bowel obstruction (further test results take maybe until next week). He was given an injection of Cerenia (anti vomiting med) and is now EXTRA miserable, drooling, and lethargic. Adulting sucks.
Oh. Am grateful for steam cleaner upholstery attachment.
zhena gogolia
Cats know where to find the warmth.
I only see four dangling feet. Attached to Miss Willow, I presume. That must be a toasty spot!
Not me! We could use more of it in the DC area:
Good Morning Everyone 😊 😊 😊
Good morning.
My senior cat Sparky has taken to sleeping on the cold floor near his food dish so I bought a heated cat cushion we’re going to try out today. Fingers crossed His Majesty will deign to sit on it or just continue his campaign to make me miserable with guilt.
@rikyrah: Good morning!
I’ve been inside for the holidays, because it is cold (feels like -9!) and constant blowy snow.
But it’s been lovely, and somehow the snow isn’t blowing off the trees, but onto them, and when the sun comes out and the wind stills I still don’t need the parka, yet.
But I’m going from car to town to grocery store, so I can walk home if need be.
My first cat ignored me during the day but crawled into bed with me every night. I called him Typical Male. His official name was The Devil Cat.
@moonbat: Oh, the heat is magic!
Make sure it’s not too warm, because they bliss out and their fur insulates and cannot act as a warning.
I get pads or huts with space blankets inside to reflect their own heat. But heated ones are great for beginning and ends of kitty life span.
Dorothy A. Winsor
From Kos:
@Indycat32: The black kitty I had for 18 years had an official name too: Evil Sumbitch.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Otherwise the rights would be sold off to the suffering media companies.
@WereBear: Fingers crossed! The mat I ordered is only supposed to get as warm as a “normal” cat’s body temperature.
@Spanky: Same here! I don’t enjoy the cold but come Monday I’ll be sitting at home enjoying the fact that some very bad people are enduring an outdoor event in it.
My late boy, Wimsey (bloodhound) would curl up under my bed when he was a puppy and, unfortunately, as he grew somehow didn’t realize it was not a good idea. I walked into the bedroom one afternoon to get him for a walk and he had wedged his lower half under the bed, at 128 lbs, getting out wasn’t an option. I then had to lift off him so he could get out. Luckily, he figured out that perhaps he shouldn’t do that anymore.
Amen, Brother!
BC in Illinois
I have to admit that I have been watching the 10-Day forecasts for DC. I remember from my youth that even two inches of snow (the present Weather Underground projection) can snarl the Nation’s Capital fairly well.
In the meantime, I am seeing various responses to what to do on Monday.
One. One of our daughters has latched onto the idea that it is not sufficient to simply NOT watch the proceedings on Monday. It is important to have the TV tuned to some other station. For ratings (?). I’m not sure that this works, but in her case, it will mean several hours of binge-watching Daniel Tiger.
Two. Monday is Martin Luther King Day.
In St Louis, this can mean https://www.stlvolunteer.org/mlkday
Three. There may be other events. At the University of Missouri – St Louis there is a St Louis Symphony / Sheldon Choir / UMSL Event, free, that Mrs BC and I are going to. It says it is from 11am to 2pm. Then we can go out to eat. Anything newsworthy that happens on the 20th, I can catch up on on the 21st.
KM in NS
I’m also tried of the cold. -10c here this morning. The sun is shining, though. 🙂
I am having a lot of difficulty envisioning an elegant, witty, and slightly foppish bloodhound.
ETA: And count me in as a fan of snow, as well. I enjoy the (necessarily brief–I’m not looking for a heart attack) sessions outside shoveling snow, followed by a well-earned cup of tea with a book. Followed by another brief shoveling session, followed by more tea and more book. If I don’t have to go anywhere, it’s heaven!
Wimsey, or Sir as he was occasionally called, was fully a bloodhound, so, you are correct in having difficulty in envisioning foppish, elegant and witty. That being said, he was incredibly entitled. Only bloodhound I’ve ever heard of who didn’t steal food, rather expected to be served it. He was quite the character.
I’m tired of the cold and the snow. I should be used to it by now since I’ve lived here nearly all my life but some winters are worse than others and this one seems especially snowy. When I was a child, I loved the winter. My dad would sometimes build a ice rink in the backyard and what child doesn’t love just paying in the snow? Now, it’s just a hassle to drive as I never learned to ski or snowboard.
My cats love to get into the closet and find a cozy space in between my sweaters if they haven’t found a comfortable spot on the bed.
It’s a spicy 35 up by the lake.
Is there a heating register under that dresser?
Thanks Watergirl for reminding me why I don’t live in CU anymore. It’s cold here in Tacoma too, but I’m going up to the mountains to ski this weekend, which is um, not a thing in flat CU. So I’m ok with the cold here.
Dan B
@WereBear: A friend had an orange Tom in the back yard, feral. My friend made a “cathouse” for him and included a heater. The Tom’s fur started falling off his underside and legs. The Tom had pushed the high button. Funny looking critter.
Miss Willow is just practicing a coping method for the next 4 years. I completely understand her method, and plan to use it myself. I just retired after 28 years as a civil servant in state government – I didn’t realize that the timing was perfect in that it now means that I can just crawl under the furniture and hide. Love her little fuzzy feet peeping out…