If you have ptsd, anxiety, depression, you are not required to watch the events of today. You just aren’t. Do something else. Go swimming. Clean the house. Read. Immerse yourself in a tv series or fantasy game. You do not need to sit there paralyzed with fear doom scrolling the internet while watching the shitshow. You just don’t.
And if you have a drinking or substance abuse problem, these motherfuckers are not worth your sobriety or mental health. Reach out to someone for help if you need it. Talk to someone here. Email me.
Take care of yourselves.
Thank you for this.
Blogfather knows best.
Just back from the Y. We thought everyone would be home, watching, because, Iowa. It was packed. I think one TV might have had it on but no one was paying attention. So much for trying to go when it wasn’t crowded.
I’m watching a football game recorded yesterday.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
My favorite comment from a FB friend, no liberal by any stretch but something more than your usual bog-standard Never Trumper:
“I’d rather watch Yoko Ono sing the Omaha phone book than partake in anything associated with today.”
Seems to be penguin awareness day.
Thank you. You are such a quality person. Just want you to know how much you are appreciated.
Professor Bigfoot
You are a good man, John Cole, a very good man.
If I haven’t said it in a while, thank you for this joint.
Tom Levenson
Thank you, John.
I’m completely lost in my work today. Feels good for once.
Joy in FL
Thanks, John.
Both my cats have full tummies and are napping in comfy spots.
I’m about to go to Barnes & Noble to pick up my copy of Black Pill. I’m sure I’ll bring home some other treasures also. This evening I have an online class that I really love.
Very very very happy Leonard Peltier will be free. (How soon? )
hells littlest angel
This is very good advice. Thank you.
Did the broligarchs clap and applaude for ALL of the “inaugural address” applause lines?
I don’t have PTSD or anxiety or depression (at the moment) and I’m still not required to watch it, and have not been doing so (or reading about today’s events, or listening to them). There are some things I’m curious about, especially whether he’s going to impose significant tariffs right away, as that’s something he could do which would have very immediate consequences. But I figure tomorrow is soon enough to know
ETA I apologize if this is snarky or ungrateful. Something about today is making me bad-tempered, try as I might to ignore what’s going on….
Brushing up on the past as prologue by watching Architects of Darkness.
@BritinChicago: It sounds like one of his first acts is to ban the government from recognizing trans people. As for the tariffs, it’s been announced that he’s asking departments to look at our trade with China, Canada, and Mexico to decide if tariffs are needed.
@Lily: Not exactly free (house arrest) but out of jail. That’s a big step forward.
You are not alone.
We’re at our favorite breakfast spot. It’s on the TV but I’ve got my back to it. I heard one man on the phone say he thinks TCFG will figure out a way to get around Biden’s pardons. I heard a young guy who works here say that Biden is actually a lizard person! I’d heard that some people believe this, but I’d never heard someone actually say it before.
In hindsight, it was a good thing January 20th ended up on a holiday this year, so that I did not have to watch CNBC’s undoubtedly fawning coverage of the felon. Unfortunately, there’s going to be plenty of other opportunities to listen to that shitstain say complete and utter nonsense over the next 4 years, or however long that larded-up fatass makes it before he croaks.
@Lily: Me too. It’s house arrest, but the man will be allowed to live out his life with his family, at home. Finally.
Cleveland’s classical music station has decided that Martin Luther King Day is moe important. Great programming today.
I have a bathroom full of ducks and a living room full of Danes with cabin fever, so I’ve got my work cut out for me.
I did take time out to watch the Wicked Witch of Slovenia avoid having to buss the rapist/felon. And to comment on an entertainment site about Carrie Underwood’s new embrace of cheaters, despite her previous anthem stating otherwise.
Other than that…my day is packed.
Humor helps assuage the sorrow. Repeated from a few days back:
While burrowing down various YouTube rabbit holes, unearthed this half-forgotten gem. Lawdy, he was a funny guy.
Escape for three-quarters of an hour to recharge. :)
Melancholy Jaques
I was never one to watch inaugurations anyway. I watched Obama’s first because I was teaching at a high school and the principal decided that everyone would watch it. Other than that, I relied on highlights
With respect to this particular one, like the one in 2016, it just seems to me that the voters of America have made a serious error, but will never acknowledge it. Does anyone ever acknowledge such things? No. Twenty years later some people weren’t there make movies about it and people see the movies and think Oh My God, how could they do that? See, e.g., Documentaries and dramas about slavery, the Jim Crow Era, the Color Bar in baseball, the McCarthy Era, women being denied the right to vote, and so on down the long twisted road.
Ben Cisco
Posted links to MLK Day on my socials.
DGAF about the in-NAW-guration.
Countdown in progress.
Stay well.
@TaMara: I thought they’d dug upRobert Oppenheimer or Joseph Beuys.
Blasted out Billy Bragg’s version of The Internationale. (The missus says it sounds like a variation on the National Anthem. She’s not wrong.) Anyway, come out swinging.
Tim C
I’m just back playing WoW. Good distraction from the parts of reality I can’t control.
Added to the extensive list of possible band names.
Absolutely no one has any need to watch things today. If someone wants to look for important news coming out of today, they could look for the actual text of any executive orders issued (no point in assuming Trump or a minion will describe them accurately – propaganda is their default setting), but that’s about it. The rest of today is the lipstick on a pig.
John Quincy Adams was the first president to be inaugurated while wearing long pants.
Allen Henderson
Relatedly, maybe, KEXP is devoting today’s show to MLK and resistance by rocking protest songs. It’s working great for me today. Maybe others here too.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m making much effort not to see anything about the inauguration.
zhena gogolia
Nice post. Thanks.
Chief Oshkosh
Great advice, JC. I just got back from a bike ride, testing a new helmet (for fit, not for crashworthiness) and getting ready to take a short hike. Windy and temps in the mid-teens, so quite invigorating!
@Lily: Sounds like: not free, but released to home confinement.
Ohio Mom
Well I did go to the NYT for a brief recap.
The Democrats are on their best behavior, because they must feel boxed into it, although apparently Hillary laughed at Trump announcing he’s renaming the Gulf of Mexico. That made me smile.
I’m glad the trio of former presidents are skipping the luncheon; the Bidens of course helicoptered off after the swearing in. Boycotting the lunch is a small gesture but as I said, they must feel boxed in, there’s no protocol to follow for when a tyrant ceremoniously takes over.
I feel sorry for teatotaler Biden, because this afternoon would be a good time for a stiff drink. I could say the same for GW but fuck him. I don’t give up a grudge.
Melania’s outfit, like almost everything she wears, reminds me of the sort of outfits early Barbie dolls wore. Stiff and ultimately silly.
Jill Biden is wearing purple, and Joe’s tie looks lavender in the photo I saw. Is that a statement about unity, red and blue mixed together, or a hat tip to purple as the color of mourning?
Yes! re-hanging curtains, washing the ones the dog slobbered on, cleaning up the rest of the Xmas lights. And so on. Definitely tuned out from news.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Ohio Mom:
Somebody on Twitter likened it to the Hamburgler’s costume.
It reminded me more of the black spy from Mad’s ‘Spy vs Spy’ comic.
The Slovenian Manikin never fails to deliver. //
Don’t forget to shitpost as “John Barron” when possible.
Thank you for this link! I actually just got back from Antarctica and South Georgia and I was on the verge of letting the many awful things going on diminish the beauty and wonder of that trip. I need to hold on to it. Like a mama gentoo sheltering her chicks!
I watched just a few minutes of Rachel’s coverage on MSNBC. Pretty good analysis by the anchors. I thought Trump looked like death on a cracker, and Melania must be out of her mind to wear that stupid hat. She looks like a Russian villain (which she probably is) and it is silly. At least in the last Dump inauguration, she did look pretty. Oh, well, don’t care.
Ohio Mom
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Ha!
The hat Melania is wearing is like a force field. There’s no way to get close enough to her for any sort of friendly embrace, the extra-wide brim is in the way.
Good advise, John.
@Melancholy Jaques: For Obama’s first inauguration, someone brought a TV in and put it in the conference room. I remember going to watch it, along with a ton of coworkers, many of whom were Black. It felt like a privilege to be watching it at all, and especially with my coworkers: I could tell that it hit differently for them, so I STFU and stayed out of the way. Also: ARETHA. And her hat!
Old Fezziwig
I haven’t watched a moment of this bullshit today, but I listened to Trump’s “speech” on NPR (after which the NPR hosts tried to sane-wash the thing in their commentary). The whole thing was a Gish gallop — a firehose of lies, with Trump’s idiotic supporters applauding each one.
@Tim C: retail or classic?
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I’m pretty sure that Yoko Ono did sing the Omaha phone book at some point in the sixties. John Lennon’s dream woman!
@Chief Oshkosh: we bought our dog two hemp sweaters, more like light jumpers, and an overcoat that’s wind/water resistant. They arrived today and we took him out for a nice walk to test those out, as well as to alleviate some cabin fever. I need to hop on the stationary bike here soon for that workout, but look forward to the spring when I can get the actual bike out and about again.
So the lizard guy checked us out, and I couldn’t resist asking about what I overheard. He insisted it was a joke. I hope so. Off to the store to buy baking powder so I can make banana nut bread. The newest tin I found in the cabinet was from 2014!
@narya: I took the day off to watch Obama’s first inauguration.
ETA – I saw that Kum n Go raised the price of gas to$2.89 from $2.69 this morning. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Death Panel Truck
@TONYG: Just listen to side 1 of Unfinished Music No. 2: Life With The Lions, John and Yoko’s second “experimental” album. I defy anyone to get thru the first 30 seconds of “Cambridge 1969” without reaching for a loaded .45 to end their misery.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’m trying to talk my wife into doing one of the seasonal work packages there. I assume you paid your respects to Sir Ernest.
Tim C
@Leto: BOTH! I consider my Classic Cata toon my alt. Arcane mage since 2014
@Ohio Mom: He can’t rename Denali, so he’s got to try for something that has no inhabitants that he cares about.
Why sheep have become the unlikely hero of the booming US solar industry.
@Soprano2: The lead singer of the band Muse apparently believes in lizard people. Once I learned that, some of the lyrics made more sense.
I hope you got your Trump Did This stickers before the tariffs kick in.
@Soprano2: here in the DFW area, prices go up almost everywhere every three weeks, usually about 30 cents. Then they will slowly decline back to around the original level, sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, and then it will repeat.
spent the morning volunteering to clean up a park. beats doomscrolling by a country mile
Melancholy Jaques
I was teaching at a high school where about half the teachers & a third of students were African American. The teachers were hugging each other & crying; most of the students were bored & indifferent.
@Tim C: Ooooo! Warlock and Druid main here. Longer Druid, but at this point doesn’t matter. Did you play any Panda remix? Apparently in the upcoming retail patch, 11.2 I believe, all of the class mogs from remix will be available on the Timeless Isle for valor. Someone totaled it up and it’ll be like hundreds of thousands of valor. Makes me very glad my friend and I bought every single mog available.
Mind if I ask what server you’re on? Figures, finally find someone here that plays retail and school starts up tomorrow. I basically skipped this entire first raid/patch because I can’t do school and the game at the same time. I know me.
I went to the courts at the local park with my son and taught him ‘big man’ moves near the basket. He’s learning fast!
Thank you for creating a place like this and for the reminder. For some reason before the election, I watched his fascist rant at Madison Square Garden on television and that was not healthy for me. Today is heartbreaking and America has been diminished in ways so many don’t seem to understand, but there is comfort to know that so many others share the pain and will fight to take care of one another. You are providing a valuable and meaningful service and it’s appreciated.
@NotMax: Does Baud know?
I’m reading the second book in a trilogy today. Picked up the first at my library last week, random off the shelf, no idea how it would go, and it was great. Then I read that it would probably have made the shortlist for the Hugos but had the bad luck to be published the year the “sad puppies” cohort hijacked the voting. Titles are: City of Stairs, City of Blades, City of Miracles.
Oh, and I did get one inaugural laugh this morning. Apparently when the Capital workers went out to “raise the flags” per Johnson’s order they found the cords were frozen! Nature for the win. I mean they probably figured out a fix but I’m taking as an augur of the rest of the next 4 years.
wishing everyone a good MLK day.
@Belafon: This myst be why he wants Greenland. Someone, don’t recall who, was saying it should be renamed Trumpland.
Melancholy Jaques
My one & only concern today is the football game at 4:30 PST involving a certain team from a certain state university where I it was my privilege to study during the last years of the Woody Hayes Era.
Tim C
@Leto: I’m on Proudmoore, it seems to be the progressive LGBT friendly vibe server.
II Nettoyeur
@BellaPea: Natasha wears a similar hat in the Boris and Natasha Bullwinkle movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TjIdWB8JnY
As president, I’ll honor the Framers intent that presidents shouldn’t wear long pants.
@Tim C: neat! I’m on Mal’ganis. We have a guild here called The Gaymers, who as you might suspect… very LGBTQ friendly. Good people, good raiders.
I just woke up from a nap, after having dozed off while watching His Girl Friday.
I’ve got some bullshit to do as HOA treasurer, so I guess I’ll get on with that.
Just gonna ignore the whole shit show in DC. Got Steely Dan Katie lied on the turntable and watching the game later.
Just help when and where you can and together we’ll get through upcoming idiocracy
Word of the day: recrudescense (17th Century); means: the return of something terrible after a time of reprieve.
I will not be back with more fun and whimsy definitions.
Good word.
I’ve been meaning to improve my awareness of different words.
zhena gogolia
This is where I’m at.
@Baud: I took pics of prices on Saturday, just to remember.
Just back from the Y pool.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Melancholy Jaques: For collective errors, nope.
When I was in third grade I read what Gene Wolfe calls, the golden book: the book that opens all other books for you. My golden book was “secrets from ancient graves,” which made the point that every civilization at some early point builds useless architecture: the pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, the Olmec temples, etc. Big stone things that invariably line up with the solstices, equinoxes, etc.
And then ……nothing happens. The sun, moon and weather don’t change one bit. The humans have figured it out, but nature doesn’t care.
So while no-one ever calls the pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. a failure, the humans never do it again. While people keep building monumental architecture, all of it is for at least partly actual use by living people. (The one exception, as for most religious things, is China. China never built useless architecture and they never embraced a state religion.)
It was quite the revelation for me: everyone could agree on something, but everyone could be wrong. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t need to believe my parents; books might have a more accurate answer. And I’ve been reading ever since.
But, yeah, people never admit they were collectively wrong. They might admit they were collectively deceived, or collectively coerced, but never that they were all just wrong.
@Belafon: That happens here too, but I thought the timing was funny.
Pfft. Evidence is so 20th Century.
@Ben Cisco:
@Marcopolo: It made the Best Series final in 2018, but that was a strong year:
Best Series
World of the Five Gods, by Lois McMaster Bujold (Harper Voyager / Spectrum Literary Agency)
InCryptid, by Seanan McGuire (DAW)
The Memoirs of Lady Trent, by Marie Brennan (Tor US / Titan UK)
The Books of the Raksura, by Martha Wells (Night Shade)
The Stormlight Archive, by Brandon Sanderson (Tor US / Gollancz UK)
The Divine Cities, by Robert Jackson Bennett (Broadway US / Jo Fletcher Books UK)
So…. in case you wanted more evidence of Meta’s abject shadiness…. I read on X that people’s FB accounts all seem to be automatically following the official page of Couchfucker. So I checked mine. And lo and behold…. TRUE. I unfollowed.
I’m not deleting my account, but I’ve seriously cut back my posting there.
@NotMax: And Baud’s immediate predecessor will be the last!
ETA: Ruviana @65 beat me to the joke!
Whoa. That’s worse than when Apple pushed that U2 song to people’s iphones.
Matt McIrvin
@Suzanne: There’s been some kind of boycott movement telling people to log out for this whole week (starting yesterday); I figured I might as well do that. Probably won’t log in much going forward, mostly to tell people where to find me. People I know there seem to be going to Bluesky.
HOLY SHIT also my account automatically followed First Lady Melania Trump?!?!
It begins.
@Matt McIrvin:
From what I can tell, blue sky, Reddit, and mastodon seem to be the only major social media sites that are still independent. Not sure how long Reddit will last.
ETA: there’s of course always Chinese social media.
@sab: Ditto Chicago.
Margaret Bonds, Montgomery Variations:
I. “Decision,” NYPhil;
Complete set, Minnesota
@Matt McIrvin: I have Bluesky, but I don’t really like it. It’s really not visually engaging enough for my liking. Maybe it’ll get better.
we got a nice but not inconvenient amount of snow and the kids had off anyway. Fallout 3 and a movie with my kid. The rest of the day’s events can go pound sand.
I hope everyone is maintaining their center as best you can.
zhena gogolia
@Suzanne: Wow.
@Ohio Mom:
How about Gulf of Denali. Which not just a river in Egypt.
Another Scott
Midnight Oil – Sell My Soul (3:37)
[eta:] lyrics
From 1987.
Hang in there, everyone.
Best wishes,
@Baud: Were they printed in China?
@Belafon: Yes, in spite of my resolution to stay away from all news I did see that. Directing agencies to study the issue seems to me to think that he’s going to largely wimp out on tariffs. I’m sorry only because I think significant tariffs on a large number of countries would have consequences which would have made him unpopular (more unpopular: he’s not doing well as things are) and I would have welcomed that.
Ella in New Mexico
Thank you John, cannot tell you how thankful I am for this tiny refuge of sanity and for all you’ve done to create and tend to this place. You’re a good person and a good friend to all of us.
Group Hug!!!!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@zhena gogolia:
It’s actually nothing new in terms of seemingly random “likes” and “followings”. Google:
facebook automatically following without permission
And there’s tons of discussion and activity along these lines dating back years.
It can be locked down but you need to go thru several online tutorials to find the one that’ll work.
My day today has consisted of shoveling snow, reading Cole Arthur Riley’s This Here Flesh, watching Reels clips of Josh Johnson and the British show QI… both hilarious, getting in some steps and watching Nat Geo program on Zoo Tampa. I also treated myself to a Pfeffernusse.
@Ohio Mom: Or purple is the rebellion of later years – “I’ve had it with being respectful”: Warning by Jenny Joseph – Scottish Poetry Library
O. Felix Culpa
@Melancholy Jaques:
Heh. Ms. O is from that same state, so it is my worshipful duty to watch said football game. Football is not just a religion in Texas.
Matt McIrvin
@Suzanne: I’m really not fond of the “Twitter, but not Twitter” microblogging format for social media, which Bluesky and Mastodon both follow. But the Mastodon instance I post from allows long posts, so that’s nice, actually makes it much more pleasant for my rambling style.
But now that I’m *mirroring* them to Bluesky, I find myself thinking about how they will interact with Bluesky’s character limit, which cuts the post off and requires you to click through to Mastodon to read the whole thing.
I’d probably prefer “Facebook, but not Facebook” which, as xkcd observed years ago, was Google+, but that was *not* independent social media and it ultimately died a death after much fiddling from the parent company.
I still pay for an account on Dreamwidth, which is a fork of LiveJournal that I decamped to after the Russians started enshittifying LiveJournal. I don’t recommend it for anyone starting out, it’s archaic, but it’s an independent place to put long posts.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: My FB account hasn’t added the new administration. I think I went through that in the first Trump administration. I can’t remember what I did to avoid it, but so far it hasn’t happened to me. I don’t think I was following Biden or Harris on FB before, so maybe that was the key.
@catclub: If it’s not the Gulf of Capital One he’s doing it wrong.
Miss Bianca
Yes, she was. Apparently, you have a problem with that.
Melancholy Jaques
@Chacal Charles Calthrop:
Or they do the “wrong, but for the right reasons” bullshit like they did for Vietnam & the Iraq invasion.
the only bad thing about Trump’s eventual death will be that Melania will get happier
Channeling my inner Camus: life is indeed absurd, but we can still make the most of the journey. Love, generosity, experience and friendship – prioritizing these things. Also stoicism in the face of difficulties
@M31: It’s a price I’m willing to pay.
zhena gogolia
@Spanky: Me too.
Old School
@Suzanne: Mrs. School isn’t following Vance. Is it a matter of following the position’s posts and now someone new has taken over the account?
Chief Oshkosh
@Leto: I used a stationary bike a lot in my garage during rehab from a combo back/leg injury. I got hooked watching old Tour de Frances on YouTube. Now I can’t wait to get on the bike everyday, even if only to take a 10 min spin around the block — just to get out and do “kids'” stuff.
Matt McIrvin
@Suzanne: Pixelfed looks interesting–it’s basically trying to be “Instagram, but over the ActivityPub protocol”:
Mastodon readers can follow posts there and vice versa. The maintainer has been posting a lot about how Meta has been trying to buy him but he’s not selling.
Thank you Cole!!!!
Yes, they are NOT worth my sanity or any of what you listed.
@NotMax: Were the others wearing robes, then?
@arrieve: Another wonderful penguin video:
@Old School: I wonder if that is the case. I followed VP Harris and FLOTUS Obama. At the end of the admins, those accounts get archived. I didn’t ever see anything from FLOTUS Biden, though. So I don’t know if the “auto-follow” function wasn’t activated in 2021 or if she just never posted.
So just a FYI.
The trick with Facebook is to treat unwanted and unsolicited “follows” with extreme prejudice: go to the site and block it, with no exceptions or time limit. Likewise, if anyone jumps in with MAGA or moon-landing-denying talking points, they get blocked. Basically the same approach as seeing a cockroach: kill immediately.
So far, the algorithm understands these sites offend me, and I don’t get them. Now, if the algorithm gets changed to be more like Twitter, I’m outta there.
Melania’s got a gaucho hat type thing going on. (Not groucher, although she did marry that.) Ms. Complicit is wearing some kind of dipshit beanie. Time for SNL to pull out the “Complicit” perfume ad. Link Still one of my fave SNL ads.
Any number of Dr. MLK Jr. Day events in many cities; community service (even if it’s taking a check to the local food bank or picking up trash in the park); TCM.com has a fine lineup of African-American-themed films/documentaries all day long, in case you’re looking for something to watch and want to eff up FFOTUS’s TV ratings (always a worthy task, no matter how small the impact). Took my oldest friend to her cataract-surgery appointment and brought her back home, too, with a little baggie of homemade cookies for her to munch on for the ride home. Off FB for the day, and connecting with my BlueSky peeps (@chrisanthemama.bsky.social).
The First Felon can get fucked. Say that 20 times.
Fuck you, FFOTUS.
One of my favorite “follows” on TikTok, now moving to Instagram….. is referring to him as “Cucky Zucky”. LOL. I approve.
Hmmm…my sister just sent me a picture of the swearing in, and FFOTUS didn’t have his hand on any of the books Melania is holding. No swearing on a bible for him this time.
I spent this weekend painting the first coat on my living room walls. I went with a moody color so it will take at least one more coat and maybe two to finish. I am a much slower painter than I used to be. High ceilings means a lot more up and down the ladder too. Then I shoveled the driveway and both porches and stairs. I don’t need to join a gym with all of these projects although a gym would be cheaper.
The kitchen will be gutted in four weeks and I want to be finished painting the downstairs by then.
I checked mine. Suddenly I’m following Melania and Vance too.
@Baud: thank you for that!
zhena gogolia
@NeenerNeener: Afraid it would burst into flame.
zhena gogolia
@narya: Yes, there are still good people in the world. They just don’t happen to be in power.
Marcus Aurelius had Trump’s and his sycophants number a long time ago
“A person’s worth is measured by the worth of what he values.”
@raven: just finished my ride, 10 mins strength training, and cool down stuff. Whew.
@zhena gogolia:
I will be one day. Don’t give up hope.
Matt McIrvin
@ColoradoGuy: Almost all of my posts to Facebook were friends-only, but I had a few old ones, usually photograph posts, which were public. I’d get honey-trap scammers commenting on those with “please DM me, why can’t we be friends” junk 10 years later. I’d block them, but that’s probably not really a useful function since those bots use throwaway accounts.
LinkedIn wants me to follow Obama, but I don’t think it did it automatically.
@Matt McIrvin:
I was amazed how quickly I got those on Blue sky.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I would love that!
@Chief Oshkosh: I need the additional exercise and Avalune uses it as well. I especially need to keep up with the mobility to help offset everything going on with my body. That’s cool about the Tour riding and following along :)
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: I’d say they don’t exist on Mastodon, but apparently they actually do if you use the big default mastodon.social instance.
@Matt McIrvin:
That’s mine. I’m not active there and haven’t received any follow requests.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Just saw someone complaining about them there, but maybe they get booted quickly.
Starfish (she/her)
@Matt McIrvin: I have seen some spammers on Mastodon. Usually, the spammers are on the big mastodon.social instance. I see them in the comments of people who have a considerable number of followers.
@zhena gogolia:
I’ll redouble my efforts for your sake.
@kalakal: A friend heard another one:
@WaterGirl: so say we all.
I don’t have any of the above mentioned conditions, but being a Bills fan I felt obligated to watch highlights and every analysis of their win on YouTube. Went for a walk in our winter wonderland, shoveled snow, and got a filling for last week’s root canal. All preferable to watching the camping speech trying to be an inauguration speech. Tomorrow I put on my fed hat and do my job.
@Lily: My wife, Native American, pumped her fist and cheered when I told her the news.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Yes, we had a whiskey toast in the cemetery in Grytviken. From South Georgia we sailed to Elephant Island–it took two days and the first day was the roughest seas I’ve ever encountered, worse than the Drake Passage. And Shackleton sailed it in a 22-foot lifeboat (there’s a replica in Grytviken.)
Old Dan and Little Ann
@David_C: It was quite the game. My wife comes from a Bills family so she was psyched. Currently watching the Sabres and waiting to root on The Irish. I’m glad there nothing else going on today.
@Lily: I love it. Here’s one of mine:
John Cole @ Top:
I’ve got all three. I opted for the fantasy game route (Baldur’s Gate 3), independently of the above post – great minds, etc.
Then they navigated the glacier on South Georgia Island that modern teams need full expedition gear for. Amazing. Endurance indeed.
Citizen Alan
Here’s the antichrist. He doesn’t want his tiny hand to catch fire.
Blake Himsl Hunter
I was laid off last week, TFG gets nothing from me.
Gloria DryGarden
@Lily: I’m very happy about this too. The article I read said feb 18. Home confinement, though.
Gosh there’s a big controversial fuss about it. I hope he can hang out on the land around his home, to heal his spirit.
Gloria DryGarden
@WaterGirl: FyFFOTUS
@Soprano2: I recorded the price of eggs at the local grocery store today to chide local MAGAts with later. Like next week. Because FFOTUS will fix it overnight doncha know?
@Suzanne: OMG you are not kidding. Mine was following three different accounts. That has been corrected. How can they possibly do that.
Grin and Bare
Thank you, John, from a longtime lurker. Much gratitude to you for this site and for being awesome.
Gloria DryGarden
@Suzanne: i went looking on meta. My Fbk doesn’t have me following any new politicians, AFAICT.
Gloria DryGarden
@Lily: yes, but he can see his peeps. I don’t doubt they’ll build a sweat lodge on his property, and start having ceremonies and such, welcome him back. I’m heartened. It’s something.
No BellaPea
@Lehrjet: Katie Lied is Steely Dan absolute sublime greatness. Love the sax solo on Dr. Wu.
No One You Know
@Ohio Mom: They’re not mutually exclusive. My views on fashion have shifted a little since reading Queen of Fashion, about Marie Antoinette’s use of dress and color to say what she thought while her mouth, expressions, and calendar communicated how that would be tempered.
She was not merely a failure. She could have succeeded, but her messaging couldn’t field the amount of info not understood about how public finance couldn’t work if public policy didn’t.
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: In the last 10 years, I have spent significant time working in the former East Germany, and have talked to a lot of people. I do think the Germans have = faced the huge crimes committed by the Nazis and later by the Stasi (in E. Germany). It is noteworthy that my wife, the daughter of a German Holocaust survivor, has come to terms with the past and no longer hates the Germans—quite the contrary. There is now some backsliding by neo fascist extremists who hate non European immigrants, but I really doubt that it will result Nazism Redux. I am rather more worried about Russia (I’ve worked there too)….back in the 1990s, they were facing up to Stalin’s crimes…but with Putin they are now embracing both the paranoia of Stalin and the ethnic hatred of Hitler.
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: China built the Great Wall, which was something of a deterrent for a while, but often penetrated and ultimately nothing but an artifact. Which is what Trump’s wall will turn into.
Kayla Rudbek
@Leto: I hope that at least some of those sheep are going to provide yarn (knitters being suckers for yarn with a story and purpose)