This is Jack, aka the farting bandit. Last night, as I was going to bed, he came in, came over, made me scratch his ears, then turned around, passed gas, and left the room. Other than that, he is a very, very good boy, and he loves car rides and dinner and never once has given a nazi salute.
Trump has already done a number of unconscionable things. I intend to discuss none of them. It’s not going away, and there is no point spiraling on day one.
Off to watch some fantasy tv- the West Wing.
And I really can not say this enough, this is the first inning and we have not even been up to bat. Nothing is served if you spiral or self-harm or burn out. We need healthy soldiers, so take care of yourself.
Jack has more honor and executive skills. And more handsome too.
Have a good evening, jackals.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Counting down the days… 1,461…
mali muso
Hugged my kid goodnight and am going to have to ignore as much of the external world as much as possible for the near future. I can’t keep it together for her sake if I spiral out.
Jack has a soulful face. Expressive.
Another Scott
Thank you.
Best wishes,
What a cutie!
John Revolta
@Elizabelle: Probably smells better, too
Jack has never given a nazi salute that you know of.…
It’s 2025 and I don’t trust anyone.
At least with the nazi salutes they aren’t trying to hide who they are.
I hope they keep the Stump / Nazi paraphernalia right out front, so we know who we have to watch for treachery.
Simpler, that way. We should get our flags made with 49 stars; they’re too dumb to see it.
Yup. I refuse to be the cat that chases the laser-pointer of scandals and outrage.
Fuck ’em. I have been doing good work all day on an obscure piece of scholarship. It won’t matter to many people, but it’s solid work. And they can’t take that away from me (yet).
All I got to say today is the same thing I said before.
All kinds of horrible shit is going to happen for the next four years, possibly the rest of my life. There is nothing I can do about that at this point. Whether Baud is being sarcastic, fatalistic or a mix of both, I’m with him. I will not spend my days doomscrolling. Nazi salutes? That old chestnut? They’ve been doing that shit for decades and the media’s been studiously ignoring it since Reagan. Hell, they ignored and sanewashed it – led by the FTFNYT – when the American Bund held a rally in the 1930s for the Nazi Party. Why should anything change now?
Keep my eye out for when actual threats to the life and person of my family and I appear. When the American Schutzstaffel start going door to door, we put our plans into effect and go dark from the Internet outside of the secure channels we’ve arranged. Before that, I refused to get “owned.” They can troll all they want. When shit gets real, then we release the Black Lion.
And that’s all.
My four year old granddaughter has learned, in the last week, the pleasure of bestowing a kiss on the cheek to her favorite people, of whom I am blessedly one.
Nothing in my life prepared me for that kind of gift. Her shy approach. Her eyes afterward, making sure I got the message.
I also still know the difference between right and wrong, which is worth a lot in these weird times. I don’t need the details of the weirdness, or the wrongness; thank dog I’m not someone obliged to earn a living by discussing any of it. Pretty sure that exercise would corrode me in some permanent way.
Thanks to those of you doing the heroic work of taking notes on our present for the benefit of whoever — some distant day — will have the job of reading, wide-eyed, about what we did to ourselves once, for a while.
AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team
Is this environment, resilience is resistance.
Or at least a necessary precondition.
Yup. I’ve paid no attention to that asshole all day until now and even then, only in the most cursory way. Nothing I’ve heard shocked or surprised me. It is what it is. My only goal now is to get my family and friends and any strays I think I can help through this. For now, going back to binging The Traitors. Alan Cumming is everything.
Bard the Grim
I assume one of them is that he, like Jack, passed gas and left the room?
That is a great show.
Theron Ware
I send a BOOP! To jack.
As a kid, I always wondered about Germans who supported Hitler at one point, and if there ever came a point at which they had a crashing realization. Like, what is the thought process? Was there anyone who thought he was acceptable at first and then changed their minds?
I don’t wonder about that anymore.
Jack looking right at each of us. He will not be denied!
Betty Cracker
I’ve seen a number of think pieces on how the “resistance” feels different this go-round. A thing that feels different to me: I’m finding jingoistic displays of fake patriotism on display at sporting events unbearable. I always found them mildly annoying, but now they make my skin crawl.
Finally broke down and got Peacock, mainly to watch that show, which, knowing my love for Survivor, all my friends have been touting, and the upcoming SNL docs. I know one of them will be about the music, which I am very much looking forward to.
@Suzanne: I think a certain scene in the movie Fury, about a tank crew fighting the European war shortly before Hitler killed himself, says it all.
One house the Fury crew comes across in a newly freed village in Germany has an upper middle class family in it, the sort of small town businessmen you saw a lot of in 1940s. Their dining room was loaded with Nazi symbols, and every single member of the family was dead. Murder-suicide by the pater familias, when Hitler was on his way out.
That generation never gave him up.
Another Scott
I see the Dead Kennedys are going to be on tour again. Hmm…
Best wishes,
John S.
Sadly, understanding how Hitler rose to power and committed such horrible atrocities is no longer an academic exercise.
But I really do not expect the outcome to be even remotely similar here. Even with Musk flashing the fascist salute on day one.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Betty Cracker:
Same. I never want to hear the phrase “land of the free, home of the brave” ever again. If I’m ever at an event where I’m expected to stand for the national anthem, I’ll keep sitting. It’s clearly bullshit as far as I’m concerned
You adorable fartasaurus!
Fart on, dude! Fart! On!
No. They hated Jews and were perfectly content with what was being done. It’s not like everyone was all kumbaya before Hitler showed up. Recall all of the “we had no idea!!!!” BS from citizens. Oh really? Where did they think all the Jews went? They all decided to take very long vacations?
Correct. I bought fresh bird seed today before the cold wave hits Florida hard. I need to stock some milk ones for the neighbors barky dogs. I have always been able to calm down neighbor dogs who think they are supposed to guard. This family leave the dogs outside and bored too much in hot and now cold weather IMO. Privacy fence so it’s a little harder to make friends, but I always manage with bribery, but I am out. This is a plan I have control over.
I have a few simple words for all of you:
You are beautiful.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I recall, maybe I’m wrong, but didn’t the Nazi government claim that Jewish families were being “relocated”? I suppose they bought that line of BS
Melancholy Jaques
I really did not need a special appearance by that asshole in the middle of my wonderful football game. I may just get rid of DirecTV after the Super Bowl. I watch NBA & MLB on their apps. I don’t otherwise watch what was known as television back in the day.
Betty Cracker
@Melancholy Jaques: That pissed me off too — it felt like a fucking ambush. I’m muting this garbage channel until the players retake the field.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Melancholy Jaques:
@Betty Cracker:
What game are you watching?
What happened? I did feel a disturbance in The Farce today but really all I did was sleep. It’s my Saturday so sleep on Mondays is normal; today I just said, fuck it, not getting out of bed unless absolutely necessary.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a noticeably farting dog (likely have a farting President right now; he must have staff that follows him around with Air Freshener).
Today was a sad day. We will have a lot of sad days for a while. I’m skipping it as much as possible. Elon Mush can Nazi salute all he wants; I don’t care. Go impregnate another half dozen women. Don’t care. Karma’s a bitch; he’s not Iron Man and, for the love of all that is decent, can we get off this Mars shit? I saw Star Wars (the Reagan version) up close (Leslie Abramson, I hope I have the name right, once visited a lab I was in); wanted to go over and knee him in the nads but I liked my job at the time. Anyway, Mars is so NOT possible in the foreseeable future. Sorry, Guys.
Another Scott
@RevRick: Thank you. And thanks for all you do.
I don’t know if you saw Bishop Barber’s sermon at the MLK Day events in Atlanta today. Here (starting around 1:50:00). I thought they were on point and very powerful.
Hang in there.
Best wishes,
Cleveland’s classical music station has a request hour every night at seven. Tonight it was a William Grant Stills piece. Martin Luther King Day, nothing whatever all day about that other thing going on.
Husband and dog are watching The Ohio State/Notre Dame game. The Spellman College chorus did America the Beautiful and it was really beautiful. I don’t know why they would be at that particular game, but I am glad they were.
Professor Bigfoot
@Suzanne: “If we don’t make it dangerous to be a Nazi, they’ll make it dangerous to not be one.”
At some point the German people, even if they did wake up, did not want to have GeheimeStaatsPolizei banging on their door at 2 am.
People have no idea how nasty this can get.
Old School
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Probably the college football championship game.
Betty Cracker
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): College football championship, Ohio State vs Notre Dame.
ETA: I dislike both teams but am half-assed rooting for ND because I like their coach. It’s not going well for them though.
John S.
@Another Scott:
I love Dr. Barber. I can literally listen to that man speak all day long.
That was a powerful sermon.
James Abrahamson. My apologies to the JD. No apologies to the General.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Professor Bigfoot:
Would it have made a difference if they had been armed? The US does have the Second Amendment after all and conservatives aren’t the only ones who have guns or can get their hands on them
Poe Larity.
2A vloggers are upset with Pam Bondi and her pro age and red flag laws.
@Betty Cracker: Last night’s Buffalo/Ravens game included FFOTUS news during the halftime. I hit the mute button, but was pissed that normal halftime broadcasting was preempted with political Trump BS.
@Professor Bigfoot: Yeah, I know. As I said above…. I don’t wonder about this as an adult.
I went to Dachau in 2009. It was as heartrending as I expected. One thing, however, that I absolutely did not expect was that there were houses so close to the camp. In some places, houses had a small backyard with a five-foot-high block fence, and the camp was immediately on the other side of that block fence. Literally just feet away, no further away than my next-door neighbor is from me right now. In all of the images and footage I had ever seen…. I had not realized how close the houses were. I tried to imagine living like that. Utterly failed.
@Suzanne: I bet a lot of them changed their minds when the Russian army took Berlin.
Professor Bigfoot
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): They were! They took guns away from Jews, but German Christians were allowed— even encouraged to have guns.
As someone said higher up, the German people wanted their Trump, they wanted the lebensraum, they really thought themselves übermenchen, and any of them who realized what they really were… well, between the SA before Hitler took power and the Gestapo later, who wants to put himself in the way of violence?
They have the Proud Boys & such (Trump’s SturmAbteilung) and they have the police unions (FOP, Border Patrol union, etc) for their Geheime Staats Polizei.
One more thing- they had control of the media, so when some Jew decided to meet the authorities with gunfire, nobody else would hear about it, preserving the idea of the “invincibility” of the State.
I’m on board with ignoring the felon. this site makes me feel like I’m in good company.
Although the vets at animal hospital are very wonderful, I met more MAGA today in the waiting room there by accident. An older lady with a small fox terrier. “Cute dog,” I said because she looked upset and very alone. “Who’s a good boy?!” to the terrier and she immediately stepped in with “Girl!” a little too quickly, so my red flag warning went up. Yup, I shouldn’t have tried to be friendly and empathetic here in Pennsyltucky, I know. I went silent but remained smiling.
Her, after a few moments of silence: “Glad you didn’t try to approach, she’s very timid. Except with my sister and her kids. Oh, she looks small but she’s really sporty!” So I said one word which I immediately regretted: “Feisty.” Her: “No, sporty! She teams up with my Shepherd and they kill racoons and possums and squirrels together in my yard!” all proud, as if bloodsport is a normal, everyday thing little old ladies are into. Which I guess they are, here and now …
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Professor Bigfoot:
But did they have the gun culture of the modern US? And Trump is already underwater in terms of approval after an election he narrowly won. There’s no reason to believe that an armed, organized resistance composed of multiple groups wouldn’t rise to oppose Trump if it came to that. The US is not Nazi Germany and Americans are not the Germans of that era
Starfish (she/her)
@TBone: How can you know she is a Trumper if you did not apologize to her for misgendering her dog and offering to use the correct pronouns to see if she would immediately lose her shit?
Professor Bigfoot
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): When death squads come to the United States, they will be recruited from the police departments
edited to add: Of course, you’re absolutely right. I think what we’d see is “conservatives” doing to everyone they hate the same that Europeans did to Jews- oppression and violent pogroms. I believe they will be supported by individual police, if those cops aren’t the actual ethnic cleansers.
The thing is— no matter how well armed, the cops are MORE armed, and after they’ve shot up a few homes of “others,” people are naturally gonna try to keep their heads down.
Even if they’ve got lots of guns.
I’m in self-care mode ~ that and sticking to what things I can do and do well. Librarian professionally, which is likely to be seen as a subversive field over the next few years ~ and my co-workers and I plan to do our best to deserve that reputation. Otherwise, I foster kittens/do TNR, teach English to refugees, and sew blankets for kids in foster care and/or who are medically fragile. None of those things will change the state we’re in ~ but they make me feel better about my little corner of the world. In 12 to 18 months, I should have the energy to fight again on a larger scale.
At least that’s my plan. For the moment, I’m getting my news reading here <usually a day’s worth late in the evening, as I take being as impartial as I can be at work seriously and don’t check in here, so most threads are long dead by the time I see them> and a carefully curated Bluesky feed.
Now, having read through today’s posts, it’s ice cream o’clock. Usually confine desserts to the weekend, but even with not seeing any of today’s events, I deserve it ~ even if the weather outside is flirting with zero degrees <actual temperature, not wind chill>. And you deserve a treat, too.
@Starfish (she/her): hahahaha thank you for the LOL! I stay very polite while the people there have my cat in a cage. His life is precious to me and some of the staff there are, shall we say, suss. But when he’s home, I have more stories!
One way I’m trying to maintain my good nature is by spending much less time at Lawyers Guns & Money, which I’ve lately come to think of as the abusive boyfriend of liberal blogs.
The Thin Black Duke
@Suzanne: The Zone of Interest goes there. In some respects it’s one of the most horrifying holocaust-themed because it examines how easily people can compartmentalize genocide into just another day at work.
@Professor Bigfoot: Yep. It will all be under the color of law with the Proud Boys etc supporting.
Starfish (she/her)
@mayim: Thank you for all the work that you do.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Professor Bigfoot:
It can also lead to mass outrage and uprisings
Professor Bigfoot
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yeah, then you’re talking about CWII.
Only it won’t be “North VS. South,” it will be a lot more like the Argentine Dirty War.
@Betty Cracker: Go Domers! Fuck the Bucks!
@Melancholy Jaques: We watched Jeopardy during halftime.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Professor Bigfoot:
I was thinking more along the lines of Vietnam, still horrible, but the US military was ultimately defeated by the guerrillas
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I expect his approval to rise if it becomes dangerous to disapprove of him.
@Matt McIrvin:
I know you’re joking/not joking. Sadly more truth than fiction.
Matt McIrvin
@John S.:
Yeah, it could be worse. The Allies eventually banded together to invade Germany and stop the Nazis. Nobody is going to do that to us.
@Matt McIrvin: It will just become illegal to report his disapproval.
@Matt McIrvin: My money’s on South Korea.
Professor Bigfoot
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I don’t think so much “defeated” but “proved to be such a pain in the ass that the Americans decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
I don’t think we’ll have that kind of leverage here… again, we’re talking about local police forces, and I’d wager there are more cops in America now than there were American soldiers in Vietnam.
@Bettencourt: Amazing how they just keep burbling along seemingly without a single bit of self-awareness regarding how big a part they were of the damage.
Highly recommend LOD tonight. First few minutes were on how the WH press corps treats Trump with kid gloves (my words).
Whenever they realized he was getting them all killed.
They could have bought in when he said he was getting the world’s respect and lebensraum.
We’ll soon see how the Supremes respond:
This pertains to ALL mothers in the country illegally, right? European or…?
@Jackie: “Nobody is a US Citizen except Donald J. Trump” — Alito, for the majority
@different-church-lady: I edited, but your point still stands.
Another Scott
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It was more than guerrillas.
Wikipedia – Viet Cong:
Nobody knows what a modern civil war in the USA would look like (especially given the rapid pace of evolution in warfare (as we see in Ukraine)). We really don’t want to go there, and I don’t think we will even with all the bad times ahead. But, nobody knows the future.
Hang in there.
Best wishes,
That was what struck me about Dachau–how close to the town it was. There was no way that people could have avoided knowing what was happening there. Just a horrible thought.
How does an EO ‘vow’? I wonder how crazy the actual text is.
Have any police unions weighed in on these J6 pardons? I’m reading about the the guy with the baseball bat who was bashing cop’s heads being pardoned.
Plenty of video of him with his bat.
And, the WH press corps was there in the Oval when he signed it. No questions asked. Everyone pretty jovial and chummy.
Another Scott
Seems to be a lot of sleight of hand going on there, in my quick skimming, but IANAL.
I’m sure it will be litigated quickly.
HTH a little.
Best wishes.
@Jackie: This will leave some women trapped in abusive relationships with passport bros or destitute.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I would urge everybody to read “Goodbye to the Mermaids” for an account of growing up in an anti-Nazi household during Hitler’s rise to power.
I’ve been to Dachau. It’s telling that modern day Germany, despite it’s post-war recognition of it’s past, does nothing to “advertise” Dachau if you’re in Munich. It’s telling that people in the vicinity for 50-60 years after the Holocaust would go all “Sgt Schultz” when it came to what went on there.
I just recently visited the only German concentration camp in Italy with a crematorium, the Risiera di San Sabba in Trieste. It processed Jews for transport to Auschwitz-Birkenau but most of it’s state-sponsored murders were resistance.
I’ve mentioned recently, I’m watching “Shoah” which is something else anybody wanting a serious understanding of the Holocaust should watch.
One thing that’s happened over the last 20 years is the deliberate change of nomenclature. Instead of referring to *German* activities related to the Holocaust, it’s now always *Nazi*. Watch “Shoah” and read anything that’s not been done more recently and you see just how people who lived during that time frame don’t try to absolve *Germans* from culpability by using the label *Nazi*.
@Starfish: The next four years are not going to be positive for women, young ladies, or girls.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@The Thin Black Duke:
“Zone of Interest” is easily the best dramatized portrayal of the Holocaust which one would hope people here will take the time to watch.
Drill down into the commandant’s family post-WWII, the boys remained steadfast Nazis and anti-Semites to the end.
There’s another film that’s a dramatic portrayal of the rounding up and massacre of Ukrainian Jews, it’s gripping. Can I figure out the name? I’m ashamed to say I can’t but it’s another on the “much watch” list for anybody doing any reading/looking into on the Holocaust.
I wonder if it’s time to go onto the 2000 person slack channel and ask upper management what they will do to support the rights of the H1-B visa workers with children in the US? And the other family members here legally.
Ohio Mom
@mayim: Yes, you definitely deserve ice cream.
Matt McIrvin
@Another Scott: I’m not a lawyer either, but:
That “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” has something to do with your parents being the right kind of immigrant is an insane moon logic argument that I first heard from an Internet crank and wondered WTF he was smoking, and that has gradually become mainstream among conservatives. So mainstream that SCOTUS may well uphold it even though even a non-lawyer can tell it makes no sense.
“Subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means the US can enforce its laws on you. In practice, that means that people born on US soil with diplomatic immunity, such as family members of foreign diplomats, don’t get citizenship. It actually makes sense, unlike this interpretation.
There’s been some historical discussion of a second, hypothetical case, in which people traveling with an invading army have a baby on land that the invaders control and where the US therefore has no practical jurisdiction. And this, by my understanding, is where the insane moon logic typically gets traction: by defining undocumented immigrants as an “invading army” controlling swathes of America. It’s pure stupidity.
@geg6: if you have access to the Peacock network, you have access to international versions of the show. You may already be aware of them, but if not, they’re worth seeing too
Matt McIrvin
(…But treating people on H1B visas as if they were an invading army is a new one on me.)
Ohio Mom
@The Thin Black Duke: Years ago I sat through all gazillion hours of the movie Shoah — it was so long they broke it in two and I went two days in a row — and one of the scenes that stuck with me was an interview with a railroad conductor.
Before the war, the trains he worked on were full of various types of cargo, during the war, Jews and others on their way to concentration camps, after the war, back to cargo.
Another day, another dollar. All the same to him. He explained all this in n his living room. His nonchalance was chilling, as you said,”compartmentalizing genocide into just another day at work.”
Ohio Mom
@Professor Bigfoot: That sounds about right to me, our next Civil War being like the Argentinian Dirty War. Somewhat like the Jim Crow South as well.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Suzanne: Basically WWI happened to Germany, France hated Germany and there was Stalin to the East.
The stabbed the back myth was started by the German Army in 1914 to excuse why they didn’t beat the French army in weeks like they had promised the German people.
On top of it all, the conservatives wanted bring Kaiser William III back into power, the idiot who’s big mouth got Germany into the mess in the first place.
@Another Scott: A different possibility is Algeria or Northern Ireland. In NI it was never stand up gun battles. If you were a cop/Judge/politician/prominent in your local community etc you had to guard yourself and your family 24/7. And always check your car before driving. It became very dangerous to for you and your family to support/oppose* the government/opposition. And god help you if you were on a jury – in the end they had courts without juries for terrorist trials
*Terrrorists/freedom fighters/loyalists , call them what you will, on both sides PIRA, UVF, UDF – very, very scary people
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
The old historians joke is that the only plan of the German General Staff in WW1 that was completely successful was their blaming other people for losing the war
@The Thin Black Duke:
Yes! Absolutely horrifying film. Very hard to watch even if it’s not graphic like so many Holocaust films. The banality of it all. Horrible.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Here is the think that you all ignoring about Germany in WWII; Germany can’t feed itself and it was only a matter of time before German starved to death once the British started their blockade. Here is bunch of historians talk about how five obsolete British Cruisers defeated Germany in WWI. Keep in mind all of what they talking about applied in 1939, which means Hitler and company knew this was going to happen because they all starved in 1919
One can view the Death Camps as pure crab bucket politics at it’s worse.
Melancholy Jaques
For those who want to see it, Zone of Interest is streaming on Max, fka HBO.
@Another Scott: Thank you for the link. One day! One day! One day!
Gloria DryGarden
A pleasing joke on Colbert tonight.
He *was* going to put his hand on the Bible, but when they moved the ceremony indoors, the fire marshall wouldn’t allow it.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Quinerly: What is LOD? Usually I can figure out acronyms but this one has me mystified. Thank
ETA: As soon as I posted this, I though Ah ha, Lawrence O’Donnell?
@Betty Cracker: I was at a hockey game tonight and I stood and applauded the first responders and then sat for the National Anthem. I just couldn’t pretend.
Jack is so cute 🥰 🥰
Chris Johnson
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The big reality there is that armed rightwingers are into infighting. They’re big into ‘militia means we can also go to war against Bob’s crew over there who are secret commies or H1B advocates’.
And they’re better than we are at covert behavior. They clam right up. And they’ve been groomed to be MORE conspiracy brained than before, by Putin.
And they’re not gonna sit down for being ruled by the likes of Vivek Ramaswamy… or anybody who sides with him and behaves like their jobs need to be given to H1Bs because they suck too hardcore to be employable.
And they’re not smart or employable…
And the last thing Putin wants is for Elon to seize power personally and then go to war AGAINST RUSSIA just when Russia is most exhausted and weakened.
Trust me on this. Elon seizing power and Sieg Flailing all over the place is better than if it’d been Trump doing it, because Trump (and likely what’s his name, the veep) is spectacularly weak and compromised. Elon is not, and so Elon is personally a threat to Vladimir Putin, and is just as unmanageable and hopelessly fucked up as Trump is. And a lot younger.
Expect a Russian-fueled backlash. This has to present the specter of Putin’s ‘ally’ turning and backstabbing him so the USA becomes the giant imperialist monster taking over the world and not Russia. There is no way Putin’s Bannon wing won’t respond. They didn’t elect THAT guy. Elon needs a lesson in obedience. Or worse.
If it gets bad enough Russia will be funding and arming OUR tankie left wing the better to wreck the Trumpists. That’s been the real plan all along. At no point were Trump and his people meant to actually have power, they are there to kneecap the US!
Kayla Rudbek
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): the National Championship, are you completely out of it or what?
Kayla Rudbek
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): and you say that you live in Ohio?
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Babi Yar