CNN is hosting a Beto O’Rourke town hall on 10/18. Adds: " Senator Ted Cruz (R) declined CNN’s invitation to participate in the town hall."
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) October 9, 2018
Plus: "Ted Cruz's campaign initially accepted CNN's invitation to participate but later declined, a network official said."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 9, 2018
I owe one of you a hat tip for this NYTimes article, “Beto O’Rourke May Benefit From an Unlikely Support Group: White Evangelical Women”:
… In the Senate race, one of the most unexpectedly tight in the nation, any small shift among evangelical voters — long a stable base for Republicans — could be a significant loss for Mr. Cruz, who, like President Trump, has made white evangelicals the bulwark of his support.
To Democrats nationwide, who have largely written off white evangelical voters, it also sends a signal — not just for the midterms but also for the 2020 presidential campaign — that there are female, religious voters who are open to some of their party’s candidates.
The women, who are all in their 30s, described Mr. O’Rourke as providing a stark moral contrast to Mr. Trump, whose policies and behavior they see as fundamentally anti-Christian, especially separating immigrant children from their parents at the border, banning many Muslim refugees and disrespecting women.
“I care as much about babies at the border as I do about babies in the womb,” said Tess Clarke, one of Ms. Mooney’s friends, confessing that she was “mortified” at how she used to vote, because she had only considered abortion policy. “We’ve been asleep. Now, we’ve woke up.”
Ms. Clarke, who sells candles poured by refugee women in Dallas, began to weep as she recalled visiting a migrant woman detained and separated from her daughter at the border. When an older white evangelical man recently told her that she couldn’t be a Christian and vote for Mr. O’Rourke, Ms. Clarke was outraged.
“I keep going back to who Jesus was when he walked on earth,” she said. “This is about proximity to people in pain.”…
Trump has been a true catalyst for America’s Evangelicals, and not just in Texas. The chemical reaction to his terrible, un-Christian sins and the general GOP piety-mouthing about ‘forgiveness’ has precipitated notice of the disconnect between those who actually believe in the tenets of Jesus, and those who just use His words as tribal markers for their own insular, mean-spirited band of bigots. Don’t know how much it can help Beto O’Rourke… but if I were a professional Christian, I’d be very worried about the next decade and beyond.
From a columnist at the Houston Chronicle:
Speaking of what people want to hear: it occurs to me that I have potentially good news for all Americans, but it's sandwiched between pieces of bad news which, together, explain the "potentially" hedge. 1/
— EricaGrieder (@EricaGrieder) October 10, 2018
Wednesday Morning Open Thread: Lone Star of MindPost + Comments (143)